Page 1: Le relais Avril suite:Le relais Vol.15 N°2 juin are due In the next addition of Le Relais (June 2013) you will

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Page 2: Le relais Avril suite:Le relais Vol.15 N°2 juin are due In the next addition of Le Relais (June 2013) you will

Subscriptions are due   In the next addition of Le Relais (June 2013) you will be asked for your voluntary subscription to AVEC, your local residents’ association. Last year more than 150 residents subscribed. Our goal this year is to do even better. There are a number of ways to send in your voluntary subscription; send it in the mail, leave it in a clearly marked envelope with one of the two village grocery stores or bring it to our general assembly in July. There is also the option of receiving an electronic version of our quarterly instead of a printed version. Just check the appropriate square on the sign-up available in the next edition. In addition, this year’s voluntary fee is lower. In a motion proposed and adopted at last year’s general assembly, the fee will be $20, a drop of $5 over last year’s fee. More details will be in your June 2013 edition of Le Relais.

Your Board members.

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Monitoring of Water Quality, the results  The results of the water quality tests done in 2012 and sent to MDDEFP last summer are now available. (see table 3). Here’s a reminder on the protocol of the analysis of the physical-chemical data. The protocol of RSVL water sampling requires taking water samples from the same sites as the water transparency measurements. This means the MDDEFP laboratory technicians can measure the concentrations of chlorophyll “a”, the level of total phosphorus and dissolved organic carbon present in the lake. Chlorophyll “a” is an indicator of the quantity of algae, total phosphorus is a nutritive for algae growth and the concentration of dissolved carbon helps evaluate the presence of those materials responsible for water colorization. The results are as follows. (table 1, site 46A. Note the results from site 46B are similar) résultats

• The average concentration of chlorophyll “a” is 1.2 µg/l which shows the biomass of suspended microscopic algae is weak. This places the lake in the oligotropic category.

• The average concentration of total phosphorus is de 3.2µg/l which indicates the water contains very few nutrients. This places the lake in the ultra-oligotropic category.

• The average concentration of dissolved organic carbon (table 3) is 3.9 mg/l which indicates the water is lightly coloured. The colour has a low impact on water transparency.

The MDDEFP report finishes with this conclusion:

The integration of data allows us to place the trophic state of Lac Cameron in the oligotrophic class. This lake presents little or no signs of eutrophication. This body of water is to be protected. To maintain its present state and continued use, the MDDEFP recommends the adoption of preventative measures to limit the intake of nutritive matter arising from human activities.

These tests will be redone this summer of 2013 as well as next year, as part of a three year follow-up according to the RSVL protocol.

Robert Laperrière

RSVL (réseau de surveillance volontaire des lacs), MDDEFP (ministère du développement durable, de l’environnement, de la faune et des parcs)

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Table 1 : Classification of trophic levels for Lac Cameron summer

Table 2 : Depth of Secchi disk in meters for water transparency summer 2012

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Date  Phosphorus  Chloro. A  D.O.C. 

  µg/l  µg/l  mg/l 

19/06/2012  5.4  1.5  3.8 08/08/2012  2.1  1.1  3.8 

26/08/2012  2  1.1  4 Average  3.2  1.2  3.9 

Table 3 : Physical-chemical data from summer 2012

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Prevention pays off  For several years your association has been working hard to preserve the eutrophic state of the lake. According to table 1 the results of different tests demonstrate that the state of the lake is in the oligotrophic zone. Knowing that several Laurentian lakes have suffered some degree of degradation of their eutrophic state these last ten years, it is worth noting the efforts of all residents of Lake Cameron have born fruit. In effect, despite what has taken place in many other Laurentian lakes, here at Lac Cameron we have kept a cap on eutrophic stabilization. No small achievement knowing that in other places the degradation of the lakes has become uncontrollable, even desperate. According to table 1, the phosphorus bar total shows there is little phosphorus in the lake such that the lake is classed ultra-oligotrophic. A number of factors have influenced these results. It’s not just because the water in the lake renews itself twice a year. The restoration of the shore line is an important part of the process but too recent to be a direct cause. However this restoration is and remain a key preventative concern for future generations.. Controlling the installation of septic systems, the regular emptying of septic tanks, installing an ecological boat launch, the installation of phosphate sensors in municipal culverts and a reduction of eroded sites are all examples of the work accomplished by different stakeholders. But, above all it’s the residents who have given us the lake we enjoy today; a precious jewel worthy of conservation. At this point I must thank the different parties for this result; the Board of AVEC for the valued work of its members over a number of years, the different levels of government both municipal and provincial, but above all the residents of Lac Cameron.

Robert Cardinal

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Transparency Measurements 

This year, AVEC will continue with a program of water transparency measurements. The measurements will be taken at two predetermined sites at two week intervals from May till October.

Last summer’s data on lake water transparency was analysed by MDDEP and forwarded to AVEC this past winter. The results are comparable to past years and are sitting in the multiyear average. The lowest value is 6.7 m (mid-June) and the highest is 7.2 m (mid-September). The summer average is 6.9 m (Table 2). These results place Lac Cameron in the oligotrophic class (Table 1,transparency bar).

Robert Cardinal

MDDEP Ministère du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et des Parcs

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Periphyton  2012  The periphyton monitoring program is a recent approach to evaluating the lake’s eutrophication. There is a link between the abundance of periphyton and the importance of contributions (especially phosphorus) related to human habitation in the water basin. The monitoring of the evolution of periphyton over time could be a sign of water enrichment by nutritive materials. It is, therefore, an important sign of water quality. Following the RSVL framework, readings on the thickness of moss, found on the surface of submerged rocks, was collected during the first half of August 2012 by volunteers from AVEC. This year, according to the RSVL protocol, other measurements will be taken at the same 12 sites as last year. The results will be sent to RSVL for study (compilation, analysis, etc.). To see the monitoring of periphyton 2012, complete with photographs ,tables, procedures, and measurement sites go to the following address : and click on the following tab :

Suivi du périphyton 2012 - lac Cameron-V2.pdf . Please note that the web site is compatible with Windows Internet Explorer.

Robert Laperrière

RSVL : Réseau de surveillance volontaire des lacs

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Shoreline Restoration  Why is it necessary to restore the shoreline? This ‘line’ represents the transition from the water to land and plays an important role in controlling the effects of eutrophication. Here’s how.

• Filtration: The vegetation captures a large part of the sediments, phosphorus and nitrogen running into the.

• Erosion: The shore stabilizes the banks, limits erosion and landslides. • Retention: The shore slows the flow of runoff and allows the soil to more easily

absorb rainwater and thus limit flooding and shore erosion. • Shade: Shore vegetation moderates the excessive heating of the lake. The shore

provides a living space, food and shelter for flora and fauna. Shoreline use is regulated by the municipality. According to municipal regulation, lawns cannot be cut anywhere on the shore. This same regulation also prohibits the clearing or management of existing shoreline vegetation. Residents are also under the obligation to restore this shore line. It should be noted that except for certain specific places such as the public boat launch, it is strictly forbidden to drive on the shore in any motorized vehicle; either ATV, tractor, automobile or motorcycle.

Robert Laperrière

Source : Municipalité d’Amherst, règlement 446-08, renforcement des dispositions applicables à la protection des rives, procès-verbal de décembre 2008. Publication Prendre soin des lacs, c’est payant ! Bleu Laurentides The Shore Primer Fisheries and Oceans Canada Quebec Edition under Regional Publications tab

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Mediafire Web Site  If you want to “preview” the water test results, the multiprobe test results, the monitoring of periphyton measurements, the report on the state of the culverts etc., just go to the AVEC “cloud” site at the following address : There you have access to all kinds of information related to the environment of Lac Cameron. From the report on the characterization of the shoreline in Le Relais to a bathymetric map of the lake, you’ll find the important environmental events of the last several years. It’s an interesting site especially for our newly arrived residents who want more information on the lake’s environmental situation.

P.S.: Use Windows Internet Explorer to get the most out of your visit to the MediaFire web site.

Your Board members.

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Volunteers Needed  Every year your association needs volunteers. This summer, water samples will be taken (the second year in a three year program), as well as samples measuring periphyton thickness, and those measuring water transparency (done annually since 2004). This year nine Board members of AVEC (l’Association des Villégiateurs des Environs du lac Cameron) will be managing the environmental files but they can’t do it all. Why not give a few hours of your time to help your association reach our goals? Your board invites you to attend our next general assembly which will be held in July. There’s always room for those who want to get involved.

Robert Cardinal Président

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Control of Stinging Insects

For this summer, the contract for the biological control of mosquitoes is awarded to GDG Envirionement.( . This contract (option A) covers the entire summer plus one additional treatment in the fall.


Robert Laperrière

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