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If you could save a life

would you?

Help Luis Win His Fight Against Leukemia!

Luis Danvers Leukemia Fund

Phone: 516-284-8310

Fax: 516-284-8310


[email protected]

P.O. Box #340355

Rochdale Village, N.Y. 11434

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Mission Statement

The Luis Danvers Leukemia Fund (LDLF) is a 501c-3 not for profit or-

ganization dedicated to the fight against leukemia and other blood diseases.

The LDLF was organized to promote, educate, and spread awareness about

leukemia, Luis's fight against leukemia, information about the struggles of patients and their families, and

becoming a bone marrow donor, donating cord blood, and blood donations. Luis Danvers is a 6 year old boy

that was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia or ALL in September 2009. He is currently undergo-

ing 3 1/2 years of chemotherapy treatments in hopes that he will be completely cured of this disease. We hope

that the chemotherapy works because as of today, there is no bone marrow match for Luis in the registry.

The Goal

The goal of the LDLF is to save as many lives as we can from this dreadful disease. In order for us to save

lives, we have to make the public aware of the epidemic that blood cancers have caused. We are going to do

regular events, speaking engagements, documentaries, public service announcements, media etc. to promote

bone marrow donation, cord blood, and blood donation. The LDLF hopes that by doing this we will bring leu-

kemia and other blood cancers to the forefront and people will no longer look at having the illness as a death


Bone Marrow Donation

The LDLF is committed to educating the public about the importance of bone marrow donation. This year ap-

proximately 80,000 people will be diagnosed with leukemia of which 10,000 will need a bone marrow trans-

plant to save their life. The registry run by the NMDP has millions of people already registered and yet only 4

out of 10 patients find a match. This number is even lower for minorities at 1 out of 10 so we at the LDLF has

decided to do something about it. We have been on a nationwide campaign called “Give Thanks, Give Hope”

Campaign to Raise Awareness. In 2011, the LDLF has done over 25 bone marrow drives in collaboration

with DKMS Americas where we have registered over 1500 people in 5 states. In 2012, we are launching a

new initiative called “20012 swabs for 2012” in which we are determined to add 20,012 new potential bone

marrow donors to the registry. This organization will hold events in order to accomplish our new initiative.

Cord Blood

This organization is launching a new initiative called “Cord Blood: Why waste it!” to address the fact the we

throw away 1000’s of units of cord blood every year. These units can be potential lifesavers because they can

potentially match 1000’s of patients that are in need of a bone marrow transplant. We are going to travel the

country with this message in hopes that more will be done to store the cord blood units that we know will save

lives. I just hate to think that one of those units could match a patient that does not have a bone marrow donor.

Blood Donation

Every day 1000’s of people need blood in order to survive. In the case of patients with leukemia and other

blood disorders the need for blood is even greater. These patients undergo regular blood transfusions because

of low hemoglobin, low white cell, or low platelet counts. In order for these patients to survive there is a need

for regular blood transfusions. That is why donating blood is extremely important and this organization is

committed to spreading the word about this. We will have regular blood drives in order to help keep a suffi-

cient amount of blood available to the hospitals for these patients.

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Contact - Sharon Turnage


Phone: 1 (516) 284-8310

Email: [email protected]

If you could save a life would you?

“Give Thanks, Give Hope”

Campaign to Raise Awareness

January 7, 2011--Queens, New York The goal of the Luis Danvers Leukemia Fund is to promote,

educate, and spread awareness about leukemia, Luis's fight against leukemia, information about the struggles

of patients and their families, and becoming a bone marrow donor. Leukemia is a cancer of the bone marrow

and blood. It is characterized by large numbers of abnormal white blood cells that are produced in the bone

marrow. This year, approximately 3,000 children will be diagnosed with leukemia. Leukemia has an 80%

cure rate so most children will be cured in time. But there are those that will have to receive a bone marrow

transplant in order to survive.

There is an unprecedented need to find Bone Marrow donors for those suffering with Leukemia and

other blood related illnesses. Each year approximately 10,000 patients (adults and children) need a bone mar-

row transplant. The problem is that only 4 out of 10 actually find a match. To help shed light on the enormity

of the situation the Luis Danvers Leukemia Fund started a campaign called "GIVE THANKS, GIVE

HOPE". This organization is trying to raise awareness across the country by speaking to the public at large

about leukemia. We will make the public aware about how leukemia affects the patient and their families. We

will also be putting together successful Bone Marrow Donor Drives. Our goal is to make the public aware

about the enormity of the situation caused by leukemia. We will help people have a better understanding about

the disease and the treatment process that the patients face. We will also let the public know about what they

can do to help families in crisis.

Finally, we will increase the number of potential donors on the registry. Especially when it comes to

minorities that make up a combined 20% of the registry. African Americans make up about 7% of the regis-

try, Hispanics make up about 8%, mixed race makes up about 3%, which lowers their chances of finding a

match. The need for minorities to register and get swabbed is crucial. A person needing a Bone Marrow trans-

plant needs to receive marrow from someone who's tissue type is close to his/her own. Tissue types are inher-

ited, similar to hair and eye color, it is more likely that the recipient will find a suitable donor in a brother or

sister. This however happens only 25 to 30 percent of the time, if a family member doesn't match the recipient

then you must look outside the family. So that is why our campaign "GIVE THANKS, GIVE HOPE" is so

important. It will effect the lives of so many in need with the help and support of all of you. Simply swabbing

your cheek can save a LIFE. For more information about the campaign or about the services we provide,

please feel free to visit our websites.




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Sharon Turnage-Danvers Jamaica, N.Y Nothing else is more important in this world then a mothers love!

My name is Sharon Turnage and I have a unique story to tell. I am a smart,

ambitious, woman that was happy with my career as an Auditor at the Human Re-

source Administration. I was also excited to be finishing up my college degree. I

graduated from York College with a degree in Psychology and a minor in Biology/

Premed. I was well on my way to getting my PHD in Clinical Psychology. Life

couldn’t have been any better for me, and then tragedy struck. My son Luis Danvers

was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) in September of 2009.

This event changed my life and things have never been the same. This life changing

experience caused me to change careers as well. I am the Founder/President/

Executive Director of the Luis Danvers Leukemia Fund dedicated to the fight against

leukemia. I launched a Life Coaching Practice and do Motivational speaking dedi-

cated to helping families in crisis. I am a proud member of the National Association

Of Women Who Influence. And last but not least I am a full-time energetic mom of

five. Even though I lost both my parents, a brother and a brother-in-law to cancer, I

am determined to win this fight for my son. Sometimes in life we must take negative situations and turn them

into positive ones. This cancer diagnosis was the catalyst that started a revolution. I am trying to change the

world and save as many lives as I can. I will do this 1 person at a time until every single person with a blood

disorder is saved. Every single 1!

Luis Danvers I have a disease but in no way does it dictate my life!

Hi my name is Luis Danvers and I have an interesting story to tell. I

am a 6 year old boy who up until July was a healthy normal child. I loved life

and enjoyed being around my family and friends. I like to dance, sing, rap,

play baseball, basketball, and video games. I was living life to the fullest, and

excited about starting school in the fall. In summer of 2009, I was diagnosed

with Leukemia. The type of leukemia I have is Acute Lymphoblastic Leuke-

mia (also known as Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia or ALL). The type of cell it

affects is the Pre-B cell. Treatment for this type of cancer includes chemother-

apy for 3 1/2 years and if this fails, I would need a bone marrow transplant. I

am dealing with my situation the best way that I can with the help of my mother, my family, my friends, my

school, and even the help of perfect strangers. I will not let this disease take over my life, instead I will use

this as a way to help myself and others by making the world aware about leukemia, my struggles with this dis-

ease, the struggles of other patients and their families, and finally becoming a bone marrow donor, donating

cord blood, and blood donations.


The Luis Danvers Leukemia Fund is comprised of a group of people that came together for one pur-

pose and one purpose only:

To promote, educate, and spread awareness about leukemia and other blood disorders!

This is an amazing group of men and women that are all fighting for the cause. And it all started from one

child by the name of Luis Danvers.

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Dante Wright If we accomplish nothing else in life, we must help save the lives of those in need!

Hi my name is Dante Wright and it has always been a goal of mine to help

those in need. I started out very young volunteering with different organizations in

my neighborhood of Jamaica, Queens. During this time I realized that a lot of peo-

ple were out of shape, in poor health, and in need of dietary guidance. This is what

led me to become a Certified Fitness Trainer (CFT) with NASM as well as a Nutri-

tional Instructor. I teamed up with the LDLF because I wanted to help the lives of

patients suffering from leukemia and other blood disorders. I help out in all aspects

of the organization, but 1 of my main jobs is Nutritional Advisor. My goal is to

teach patients the proper nutrition in order for them to be at their optimum health.

This is so important because this will help raise their chances of being cured of this dreadful disease. Proper

nutrition is so important when a person has a life threatening illness. Like the saying goes “You are what you

eat!” My job is to ensure you eat the foods that will ultimately heal you of your disease.

Ray Diamond I was motivated by a child to save a nation!

My name is Ray Diamond and I love working in the healthcare field. I met Luis

Danvers and was instantly charmed by him. Being around Luis and his mother Sharon

left a lasting impression in my mind. What impressed me the most was their dedication

and perseverance to helping to save the lives of patients suffering from leukemia and

other blood cancers. I learned about all the work that was being done by the LDLF in the

community. I wanted to help in anyway I could so I helped set up one of their first

drives in Harlem, NY. That drive was a success! The LDLF registered more than 50

people that day. More importantly, they educated the residents of Harlem about leuke-

mia and becoming a bone marrow donor. After learning everything about this organiza-

tion, I decided that I wanted to be a part of it. What better way to save the lives of pa-

tients suffering from leukemia and other blood disorders then by getting out there and

educating a nation. What I like most about the LDLF is that we are not only working to

save Luis’s life but we are trying to save the lives of every single patient.

Keith Bey All it took for me to act was to be given the knowledge.

Knowledge Is Power!

My name is Keith Bey and I proudly work for the LDLF. I was born and

raised in Brooklyn, N.Y. Growing up in my neighborhood was truly a blessing.

My mom at an early age instilled in me the importance of community service.

So as a child, I grew up in church where we regularly outreached to the commu-

nity. As a teenager, I volunteered for people in need in my community. As an adult, I decided to work in law

enforcement to better my community. Last year, I decided to look for something else to devote my time to.

One day, I was speaking to Sharon about Luis's illness. That conversation was awe inspiring and life changing

for me. It touched my heart in a way that made me realize my newfound purpose in life. I then started work-

ing for the LDLF in fulfilling it’s mission to save lives one person at a time. We are now on a mission to

spread awareness about blood cancers. We are saving lives through education, awareness, social events, etc. to

make people understand the enormity of the crisis. We can’t sit back and let people die needlessly when all it

takes is for us to swab our cheeks. Real Talk!

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Renee Compton-Szablewski New Jersey

A child with cancer is a crime against nature. Be THANKFUL for all

healthy children and fight for the ones who are not.

My name is Renee Compton-Szablewski and I have dedicated my life to helping

children with cancer. My family was devastated by cancer when my father died from

lung cancer. His death was the catalyst that made me determined to save the lives of

people suffering from this disease. I set up my 1st bone marrow drive in Hoboken, NJ to

register potential bone marrow donors in memory of Shannon Tavares. My son Jack also

wanted to do his part by donating his hair to the Childhood Leukemia Foundation. He

wanted his hair to go to a child that lost his hair to cancer or some other disease. I then

set up my 2nd drive at the Monmouth Mall in honor of Luis Danvers a child battling

leukemia. This is how I was able to meet his mother Sharon and we both realized that we

should come together to save as many lives as possible from this disease. I reach out to patients looking for a

bone marrow donor in order to help them find a potential match. Even though it is not my child that is sick, I

feel for the child that is. I will not stop until everyone has their life saving match.

Kwinna Stoney-Carter Virginia I am determined to help my friend save her son’s life because that’s what friends do!

My name is Kwinna Stoney-Carter and I proudly work at the LDLF. I

have known Sharon for most of my life dating back to when we grew up in

Jamaica, Queens together. As teenagers, we were in a musical group. That led to

us sharing a bond that most people never ever get to experience in life. So when I

found out that Sharon’s son Luis was sick with leukemia, I knew that I must do

something about it. I reached out to them and began to put together the LDLF’s

first bone marrow drive in Newport News, Virginia. This one drive led to the

LDLF having a permanent home in Virginia. The organization had the privilege

of doing a drive at Everest College where Sharon, Luis, and myself were able to

register over 130 college students. Sharon and Luis were able to go into 20 classrooms and speak to the stu-

dents about leukemia, how it affected their family, and becoming a bone marrow donor. I handle all the events

in the Virginia area and in 2012 we are planning big things for the LDLF.

Nicole Carroll California Determination, strength, courage, will, laughter, and love will see you through!

Nicole Carroll has suffered great tragedy, but has turned her pain

into determination to save the lives of children suffering from leukemia.

Nicole’s life was typical: mom to 3 beautiful children, Eddie 16, Joseph

12, and Anthony 7. She was pursuing her education and eventually on her

way to a fabulous career. Then one day Nicole received the news that all

parents fear, Joseph was diagnosed with leukemia. Joseph fought the

fight of his life and Nicole was by his side every step of the way. Joseph

needed a bone marrow transplant which is how she hooked up with the

LDLF. For months we searched but a match was never found. For 2 1/2

years he fought a good fight but in September, 2011 Joseph succumb to

this dreadful disease. This would make any parent bitter and mad at the world. Not Nicole though, she was

determined now more then ever to work with the LDLF to help other patients so that they would find their life-

saving match. That is what makes Nicole such a special person.

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Carmen Ileana Rexach Florida I am dedicating my life to saving my grandson no matter what it takes!

My name is Carmen Ileana Rexach and my grandson Javeth Guillermo has

JMML. I joined the LDLF because I am experiencing firsthand the effects of leukemia

on my family. Javeth Guillermo is only 1 years old and is in desperate need of a bone

marrow transplant. He was born in Puerto Rico but is presently living in Florida re-

ceiving chemotherapy treatment until a match is found. Working at the LDLF gives

me the opportunity to educate the public about this disease as well as finding Javeth,

Luis, and every other patient a match. I am doing bone marrow drives in my home

state of Florida in hopes of registering 1000’s of new potential donors. I am also edu-

cating as many people as I can about what it takes to register potential bone marrow

donors. All you have to do is swab your cheek to save a life. I know we will eventually find a match for


Essie Smith Georgia I am determined to save my daughter as well as the lives of other patients.

My name is Essie Smith and my daughter is in the fight of her life. She has Multiple Myeloma and is

in desperate need of a bone marrow transplant. My search for a donor led me to the LDLF where Sharon is

also looking for a match for Luis. We have joined forces because we are deter-

mined to spread marrow donor awareness “Globally” to help save/extend my

daughter, Luis and the lives of every patient suffering from a blood cancer. All

of us at the LDLF are working diligently to build the registry because only 4 out

of 10 patients are finding their life-saving match. For minorities the need is

even greater because the odds of finding a match is only 1 out of 10. You could

be the one to save my daughters life. Join the registry today!

Tiffany Schad Chicago If we are going to be healthy, then we must realize that we have to go organic!

I am Tiffany Schad and I am proud to work at the LDLF. I am a

mom of a beautiful son as well as a full time student. I learned about the

LDLF after I put together my first bone marrow drive for Luis. The drive

was in the Chicago area and at the time I didn’t know anyone sick with

leukemia personally. I learned about the critical need for bone marrow do-

nors especially in the minority community and I felt this was a good way for

me to get involved with something so important. My first event was a suc-

cess and I am now dedicating my life to registering people to become bone

marrow donors, and to teaching people about donating cord blood. I am also

the person at the LDLF in charge of teaching people the importance of going “Organic”. I educate patients

about organic food, detergents, household products, etc. in an attempt to help better the lives of these patients.

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Social Media


Official Website:







Blog Talk Radio:






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Television News Stations

NY1 News Channel

NY1 News Channel


Fox 5 News Channel


Newspaper Articles Daily News

Jamaica Times

James River Journal



The Queens Chronicle



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If you would like to find out more about Luis and his cancer journey, you can contact us at the following:

Luis Danvers Leukemia Fund

Phone number: 1(516) 284-8310

Fax number: 1(516) 284-8310

Address line 1: P.O. Box 340355

Address line 2: Jamaica, N.Y. 11434


New York City, New York (Tri-state Area)

Sharon Turnage



[email protected]

Ray Diamond

[email protected]

Dante Wright

[email protected]

Vivian Swindler

[email protected]

Keith Bey

[email protected]

Newport News, Virginia

Kwinna Stoney-Carter

[email protected]

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Amber Schon-Epps

[email protected]

Brick Township, New Jersey

Renee Compton-Szablewski

[email protected]

Chicago, Illinois

Tiffany Schad

[email protected]

Fremont, California

Nicole Carroll

[email protected]

Dallas, Georgia

Essie Smith

[email protected]

Oldsmar, Florida

Carmen Ileana Rexach

[email protected]

E-mail Address:

Information: [email protected]

Drive Coordinator: [email protected]

Swabbing: [email protected]

Cord Blood: [email protected]

Media: [email protected]

Press Kits: [email protected]

Organic Living: [email protected]

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