  • 8/9/2019 LAPSE-Lean Application in Software Engineering



    Lean Application in Software Engineering

    A summer project report

    submitted by



    in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree



    %J&l'( )01*+


  • 8/9/2019 LAPSE-Lean Application in Software Engineering



  • 8/9/2019 LAPSE-Lean Application in Software Engineering


    ABLE !" ,!NENS

    1 E-ec&ti.e S&//ar'

    ) Proect !ecti.e2

    3 Proect Scope

    * Uner2taning Lean

    5 LAPSE 4 Lean Application for Software Engineering

    6 Lean ool2



    E-ec&ti.e S&//ar'


  • 8/9/2019 LAPSE-Lean Application in Software Engineering


    7i2 proect report pro.ie2 an anal'2i2 an 2t&' of t7e Lean Met7oolog' &2e /o2tl'

    in t7e /an&fact&ring 2ector an fining rele.ance an applicailit' in t7e area of

    Software engineering( 7ence we 7a.e na/e t7e proect a2 LAPSE( Lean Application2 in

    Software Engineering8 A2 part of t7i2 2t&' we 7a.e anal'9e ifferent lean tool2 an

    &ner2too t7e/ in etail regaring t7e 2pecific oecti.e2( i/ple/entation 2tep2 an t7e

    application2 t7at co&l e /appe to 2oftware engineering proce22e28

    !nce t7e initial 2t&' wa2 one( we f&rt7er /o.e on to create a 2tr&ct&re fra/ewor:

    for appl'ing t7e 2a/e in t7e co/panie28 A2 part of LAPSE we 7a.e 2&gge2te a two

    p7a2e i/ple/entation approac7 w7ic7 wo&l 7elp t7e organi9ation to ac7ie.e 2tailit'

    an capailit' accoringl'8 Specific lean tool2 wo&l e &2e to create a tailore progra/

    for eac7 organi9ation 2o a2 to cater to it2 2pecific nee28

    ;e 7a.e trie to ring in t7e 2cenario2 in Software Engineering w7ile i2c&22ing t7e

    applicailit' &t t7i2 proect report can e ettere ' ringing in all t7e application2 an

    ' /a:ing it e-7a&2ti.e8

  • 8/9/2019 LAPSE-Lean Application in Software Engineering


    =PM# i2 one of t7e leaing pro.ier of a&it( ta- an a.i2or' 2er.ice28 $t operate2 in 156

    co&ntrie2 an 7a2 /ore t7an 155000 people in all t7e /e/er fir/2 aro&n t7e worl8 $t i2 a

    tr&2te a.i2or to )> of t7e "ort&ne 500 co/panie28

    =PM# wa2 e2tali27e in $nia in Septe/er 1??3( an 7a2 rapil' &ilt a 2ignificant

    co/petiti.e pre2ence in t7e co&ntr'8 $t operate2 fro/ it2 office2 in M&/ai( P&ne( Del7i( =ol:ata(

    ,7ennai( Bangalore(

  • 8/9/2019 LAPSE-Lean Application in Software Engineering


    7e oecti.e of t7e proect i2 to create a fra/ewor: &2ing t7e Lean Met7oologie2 %a concept

    well 2&ite in t7e /an&fact&ring 2ector+ w7ic7 can e i/ple/ente in .ario&2 co/panie2 in t7e

    $ES 2ector for i/pro.e/ent in t7eir &2ine22 proce22e287i2 i2 eing one ' fir2t of all &ner2taning t7e principle2 e7in lean /et7oolog' ( t7e

    ifferent tool2 eing &2e a2 part of t7e lean /et7oolog' ' t7e .ario&2 organi9ation2 an t7en

    tr'ing to create a progra/ w7ic7 can e i/ple/ente in a p7a2e /anner 2o t7at t7e co/panie2

    can e gi.en a 2tr&ct&re fra/ewor: for i/ &pon t7eir &2ine22 proce22e28 Al2o we proe

    into t7e po22iilit' of fining t7e application2 of lean an /apping t7e/ to t7e 2oftware proce22e2

    incl&ing ot7 t7e Engineering proce22e2 an t7e &2ine22 proce22e28

    Proect Scope

    7e proect wa2 2tarte a2 Lean co/petenc' A22e22/ent Mentoring Progra/ %L,AMP+ w7ere

    t7e ai/ wa2 to /ap t7e lean application an t7e co/petenc' of people in t7e organi9ation 8B&t

    later t7e 2cope of t7e proect wa2 f&rt7er /o.e to t7e area of applicailit' of Lean in

    organi9ation2 2pecificall' targeting t7e Software Engineering to i/pro.e t7e proce22e2 8

  • 8/9/2019 LAPSE-Lean Application in Software Engineering


    LEAN Software De.elop/ent Principle2

    Lean 2oftware e.elop/ent i2 a2e on a2ic fi.e principle2 w7ic7 /a:e2 it a 2pecial wa' of

    2oftware e.elop/ent8

    Specif' value fro/ t7e 2tanpoint of t7e en c&2to/er ' pro&ct fa/il'8

    $entif' all t7e 2tep2 in t7e value stream for eac7 pro&ct fa/il'( eli/inating' 2tep an' action an' practice t7at oe2 not create .al&e8

    Ma:e t7e re/aining .al&e@creating 2tep2 occ&r in a tig7t an integrate 2e&ence 2o t7e

    pro&ct will flow 2/oot7l' towar t7e c&2to/er8

    A2 flow i2 intro&ce( let c&2to/er2 pull .al&e fro/ t7e ne-t &p2trea/'8

    A2 t7e2e 2tep2 lea to greater tran2parenc'( enaling /anager2 an tea/2 to eli/inate f&rt7er

    wa2te( p&r2&e perfection t7ro&g7 contin&o&2 i/pro.e/ent

    $/ple/entation of t7e "ra/ewor:C

  • 8/9/2019 LAPSE-Lean Application in Software Engineering


  • 8/9/2019 LAPSE-Lean Application in Software Engineering


    LAPSE 4 P7a2e $C

  • 8/9/2019 LAPSE-Lean Application in Software Engineering


    LAPSE 4 P7a2e $$C

  • 8/9/2019 LAPSE-Lean Application in Software Engineering


    t7e progra//e8

    Lean ool2

    A2 part of t7e LAPSE fra/ewor: t7e ifferent Lean tool2 were anal'9e for practical

    applicailit' into t7e Software Engineering proce22e2 an following i2 t7e application

    an t7e i/ple/entation of t7e/8

    5 S @ !ecti.e2

    o re&ce wa2te an opti/i9e pro&' t7ro&g7 /aintaining an orerl' wor:place to

    ac7ie.e /ore con2i2tent operational re2&lt2

    7e 5 S fra/ewor: 7a2 t7e following p7a2e2(

    Sort %eli/inate t7at w7ic7 i2 not neee+

    Set $n !rer %organi9e re/aining ite/2+

    S7ine %clean an in2pect wor: area+


  • 8/9/2019 LAPSE-Lean Application in Software Engineering


    Stanari9e %write 2tanar2 for ao.e+

    S&2tain %reg&larl' appl' t7e 2tanar2+

    5S 4 Application

    ,onfig&ration Manage/ent

    Eli/inate t7e &n&2e wor: pro&ct2 or config&ration ite/2 2&c7 a2 t7e

    $n2tallation log2( te2t tool2 ( 7arware an e&ip/ent(etc fro/ t7e wor:ing


    Set t7e config&ration ite/2 in orer ' t7e/ all acce22ile in t7e proect


    Upate t7e controlling c7ange2 ( acc&rate 2tat&2 an c&rrent config&ration

    ata to e.eloper2( en &2er2( an c&2to/er2

  • 8/9/2019 LAPSE-Lean Application in Software Engineering


    &alit' Manage/ent S'2te/

    "ilter an 2elect t7e oecti.e2 of &alit' rele.ant to t7e organi9ation

    Prioriti9e an 2tr&ct&re t7e2e oecti.e2 an co/e &p wit7 t7e &alit' policie2


    Set &p t7e &alit' proce22e2 in an organi9ation an al2o en2&re t7at t7e

    co/pliance towar2 t7e &alit' policie2

    Set &p enc7/ar:2 2&c7 a2 certification2 2&c7 a2 ,MM$( $S!($$L(etc

    at organi9ation le.el

    S&2tain t7e2e practice2 an contin&o&2l' i/pro.e

    $n 2oftware e.elop/ent one or /ore p7a2e2 of t7e 5S fra/ewor: can e effecti.el'

    i/ple/ente to a partic&lar proce22


    Re&ire/ent Anal'2i2 @ B&il not7ing /ore t7an t7e c&2to/er re&ire28

    Decon2tr&ct &2er re&ire/ent2 into Mini/&/ Mar:etale "eat&re2 %MM"2+8

    Dont engage in acti.itie2 t7at re2&lt in 9ero .al&e to t7e pro&ct or t7e c&2to/er

    Set in orer

    Sc7e&ling ( Proect Planning @ !rgani9e tea/ an proect2 to opti/i9e flow of

    wor: an /ini/i9e t7e &ration of wor: in proce22


    ,onfig&ration Manage/ent @ Arc7i.e an re/o.e &n&2e or partiall' co/plete

    2'2te/2( feat&re2( an co/ponent28

    Software De2ign ,oing @ Drop o2olete ataa2e tale2( foreign :e'2( etc8

    Re/o.e 2&per2ee coe8 Lea.e not7ing in t7e en.iron/ent t7at oe2nt a



    Software De2ign ,oing @ ;it7in t7e 2oftware't7ing 27o&l e 7anle in

    a 2tanari9e wa'8 So t7e arc7itect&re 27o&l efine 2tanar2 an al2o t7e

    2pecific e2ign8


  • 8/9/2019 LAPSE-Lean Application in Software Engineering


    "or E8g8 it co&l e a 2tanar t7at all co/ponent2 of a larger 2'2te/

    co//&nicate to eac7 ot7er wit7 a RES interface onl'8


    7i2 p7a2e i2 w7ere 5S 7a2 now to :eep t7e 2tate a2 2een in t7e p7a2e2

    an to e.en i/pro.e it8 Al2o perfor/ reg&lar /onitoring of perfor/ance &2ing

    t7e /etric2

    "MEA @ "ail&re Moe an Effect2 Anal'2i2


    A 2'2te/atic tec7ni&e for fail&re anal'2i2

    $2 a powerf&l /et7o for &ner2taning potential i22&e2 an prole/2 to proce22e2 efore

    t7e' 7appen8

    $t i2 a foreca2ting tool an allow2 to e2ign &alit' an 2afet' into a pro&ct an a proce22

    ' eli/inating t7e po22ile prole/2 t7at co&l 7appen8

    A2 t7e gro&p ientifie2 ri2:2( a .al&e i2 attac7e to eac7 of 3 re&ire para/eter2 for eac7

    ri2:8 7o2e para/eter2 areC

    7e 2e.erit' of t7e fail&re %Se.erit'+

    7e li:eli7oo of a fail&re occ&rring %!cc&rrence+

    7e li:eli7oo of a fail&re eing etecte %Detection+

    A.antage2 of "MEA

    S/oot7 pro&ction proce22e2 ( re&ce co2t2 (long la2ting pro&ct can e

    pro&ce (/ini/i9e pro&ct fail&re2( earl' ri2: ientification( trac: proce22


    "MEA $/ple/entation Application

    "MEA can e i/ple/ente in t7e following 2tep2

    Re.iew t7e proce22

    $entif' fail&re /oe2

    Li2t t7e effect2 an ca&2e2


  • 8/9/2019 LAPSE-Lean Application in Software Engineering


    #i.e eac7 ite/ a 2e.erit' 2core %1 to 10+

    #i.e eac7 ite/ an occ&rrence 2core%1 to 10+

    #i.e eac7 ite/ a etection 2core %1 to 10+

    ,alc&late Ri2: priorit' n&/er

    De.elop an action plan %Mitigation Plan+

    Fal&e Strea/ Mapping


    Fal&e Strea/ Map2 e-i2t for two p&rpo2e2C

    o 7elp organi9ation2 ientif' an en wa2tef&l acti.itie2

    o fin prole/2 fin a /ore efficient proce22

    7e en goal of t7e tec7ni&e i2 to /a:e t7e co/pan' Glean(G /eaning free of wa2te


    A2 part of FSM an' proce22 will e 2egregate into two


    Non .al&e@ae

    FSM re2&lt2 in an opti/i9e proce22 ' re/ t7e [email protected]&e ae acti.itie2


    FSM i2 a

  • 8/9/2019 LAPSE-Lean Application in Software Engineering



    ec7nical Sol&tion

    "ir2t t7e proce22 area (i8e8 ec7nical Sol&tion i2 anal'9e to &ner2tan t7e


    7e acti.itie2 are t7en into

    Fal&e ae C Specific coe feat&re2 t7e c&2to/er want2( c7ange re&e2t2

    Non@Fal&e ae C Error2 (Defect2( ,o//&nication i22&e2( ela'2

    Specific target2 for re&cing t7e2e [email protected]&e ae acti.itie2 2&c7 a2 targete

    Re.iew effecti.ene22( no of efect2 (,o2t of &alit' are 2et &p


  • 8/9/2019 LAPSE-Lean Application in Software Engineering


    7e2e [email protected]&e ae acti.itie2 are t7en i/pro.e ' appl'ing 2pecific

    2trategie2 2&c7 a2 e/plo'ing re&2ale co/ponent2( or tool2 or training t7e

    re2o&rce2( etc8

    !rgani9ational Proce22 Perfor/ance &antitati.e Proect Manage/ent

    $entif' t7e 2pecific proce22 or t7e /etric2 2&c7 a2 &alit' ( Pro&'( etc8

    w7ic7 nee2 to e i/pro.e

    ,ollect t7e pre2ent ata of t7e2e /etric2 an capt&re t7e pre2ent perfor/ance

    Set t7e enc7/ar: for t7e &alit' /etric2 t7at t7e organi9ation want2 to ac7ie.e

    ,o/e o&t wit7 2trategie2 to i/pro.e t7e2e 2pecific /etric2

    $/ple/ent t7e 2trategie2 2o a2 to ac7ie.e t7e e2ire goal ' creating .al&e

    Po:a Ho:e


    Po:a@'o:e2 are /ec7ani2/2 &2e to /i2ta:e@proof an entire proce22

    $t en2&re2 t7at proper conition2 e-i2t efore act&all' e-ec&ting a proce22 2tep( pre.enting

    efect2 fro/ occ&rring in t7e fir2t place

    $t pre.ent2 prole/2 ' /a:ing pro&ct2 le22 prone to /i2&2e

    Po:a@'o:e can e cla22ifie into

    Pre.ention@Ba2e Po:a@Ho:e2 4 7e2e 2en2e an anor/alit' t7at i2 ao&t to

    7appen( an t7en 2ignal t7e occ&rrence or 7alt proce22ing

    o ,ontrol Met7o @ 7i2 /et7o 2en2e2 a prole/ an 2top2 a line or

    proce22( 2o t7at correcti.e action can ta:e place i//eiatel'( t7&2

    a.oiing 2erial efect generation

    o ;arning Met7o @ 7i2 /et7o 2ignal2 t7e occ&rrence of a e.iation or

    tren of e.iation2 t7ro&g7 warning 2ignal &t oe2 not 27&t own t7e


    Detection@Ba2e Po:a@Ho:e2 4 7e' pre.ent efect2 t7e/ fro/ flowing to

    own2trea/ proce22e2 an /&ltipl'ing t7e co2t of non@confor/ance


  • 8/9/2019 LAPSE-Lean Application in Software Engineering


    Po:a Ho:e $/ple/entation

    Proce&re to i/ple/ent Po:a@Ho:e i2 a2 follow2

    Define t7e potential Error2 or /i2ta:e2

    $entif' Root ca&2e2

    De.elop wa'2 to pre.ent error2

    De.elop wa'2 to etect error2

    ,reate te2t 2ol&tion

    $/ple/ent Sol&tion

    Po:a Ho:e 4 Application2

    $n Re&ire/ent2 Manage/ent ec7nical Sol&tion

    "ollowing 2tep2 can e ta:en in Software proect for efect2 etection

    Li2t all &2er 2cenario2 or en@to@en te2t ca2e2 for t7e application8

    Anal'9e all t7e2e &2er 2cenario2 ' a2:ing 5@w7'2 &e2tion2 to &ner2tan t7e

    wa'2 t7e2e 2cenario2 can fail8

    De2ign an appl' a Po:a Ho:e tec7ni&e to a.oi t7e po22ile prole/2 %e8g8 t7i2

    e2ign co&l e a 2i/ple &nit te2t to c7ec: if an' f&nction written i2 wor:ingproperl' or not+8

    Ma:e 2&re t7e tec7ni&e e2igne to a.oi t7e efect i2 wor:ing properl' ' error2 or warning /e22age for incorrect inp&t or 7aning of t7e &2er


    Mea2&re t7e 2&cce22 of t7i2 Po:a Ho:e proce228 ,7ec: if t7i2 tec7ni&e 7a2 reall'

    pre.ente or ca&g7t efect2 w7en 7appening %' &2ing /etric2+



    A 2'2te/ to notif' /anage/ent( /aintenance( an ot7er wor:er2 of a &alit' or proce22



  • 8/9/2019 LAPSE-Lean Application in Software Engineering


    7e 2'2te/ /a' incl&e a /ean2 to 2top t7e proce22 2o t7e i22&e can e correcte8

    So/e /oern alert 2'2te/2 incorporate a&io alar/2( te-t( or ot7er i2pla'2

    Anon @ Application

    $ntegrate Proect Manage/ent

    Define t7e rele.ant proect /etric2 t7at i2 to e trac:e

    rac: t7e /etric2 at reg&lar /ile2tone2

    ,o/pare again2t t7e 2et enc7/ar:

    Signal t7e anor/alit' in 7ealt7 if an' for f&rt7er action

    Ri2: Manage/ent

    Set@&p a proce22 in place for /onitoring t7e ri2:2

    ,o//&nicate i2c&22 all t7e proect infor/ation a/ong all 2ta:e7oler2

    $entification of Ri2:2 &2ing "MEA

    U2e an Anon 2'2te/ to co//&nicate t7e ri2: an t7e 2e.erit' for f&rt7er action

    J&2t@$n@i/e %J$+


    J&2t in ti/e i2 a 2trateg' t7at foc&2e2 on re&cing in proce22 in.entor'

  • 8/9/2019 LAPSE-Lean Application in Software Engineering


    J$ i/ple/entation

    7e J$ i/ple/entation 2tep2 are

    De.elop people

    Eli/inate wa2te in all area2

    !pti/i9e t7e proce22 flow

    $ncrea2e &alit'

    $/pro.e contin&o&2l'

    J$ Application

    $n t7e waterfall /oel t7e &il&p of intellect&al in.entor' i2 2een in t7e .ario&2 life

    c'cle 2tage2

    $n.entor' of re&ire/ent2 i2 create efore t7e pro&ct can e e2igne

    $n.entor' of e2ign i2 &ilt efore engineer2 can coe

    Engineering pro&ce2 an in.entor' of &nte2te&gg' coe efore A can te2t

    A &il2 &p an in.entor' of efect2 for engineering to go ac: an fi-

    U2ing a J$ 2'2te/ t7i2 intellect&al in.entor'Kwa2te can e re&ce to a /ini/&/

    "or e8g8 J$ Re&ire/ent2 Anal'2i2( Pro&ct $ntegration


  • 8/9/2019 LAPSE-Lean Application in Software Engineering


    J&2t@in@i/e Re&ire/ent2 Anal'2i2 i2 t7e antit7e2i2 of traitional anal'2i28

    De.elop people 4

    E/plo'ee2 are traine on t7e new proce22 of re&ire/ent2 anal'2i2


    Eli/inate wa2te in all area2

    Re&ire/ent2 are contin&o&2l' anal'9e an efine t7ro&g7o&t t7e life

    c'cle of a proect

    !pti/i9e t7e proce22 flow

    Re&ire/ent2 are onl' anal'9e an efine w7en t7e' are neee for

    planning or e.elop/ent 4 an onl' at t7e le.el of etail re&ire

    $ncrea2e &alit'

    ;ill re2&lt in 27orter proect life c'cle( etter re&ire/ent2( le22 ri2:( an

    an a2eline t7at /eet2 t7e c7anging &2ine22 nee2 of c&2to/er

    $/pro.e contin&o&2l'

    ,ontin&e t7i2 proce22 again i/pro.e contin&o&2l'



    =anan i2 a 2c7e&ling 2'2te/ for lean an &2t@in@ti/e %J$+ pro&ction

    =anan2 /aintain in.entor' le.el2 a 2ignal i2 2ent to pro&ce an a new

    27ip/ent a2 /aterial i2 con2&/e8

    7e =anan /et7o re&ce2 ri2: an increa2e2 fle-iilit' (re2&lting in a /ore re2ilient

    e.elop/ent c'cle

    Benefit2 of =anan C

    !pti/i9e e-i2ting proce22

    $/pro.e lea ti/e preictailit' wit7 7ig7er &alit'

    $/pro.e e/plo'ee 2ati2faction

    =anan @$/ple/entation

    "ollowing fi.e core principle2 enale t7e =anan i/ple/entation

    Fi2&ali9e t7e wor:flow

    Li/it ;or:@in@progre22


  • 8/9/2019 LAPSE-Lean Application in Software Engineering


    Mea2&re an /anage flow

    Ma:e proce22 policie2 e-plicit

    $/pro.e contin&o&2l'

    =anan i2 co/ine wit7 J$ in Re&ire/ent2 Manage/ent Pro&ct $ntegration

    =anan /et7o ta:e2 an e-i2ting 2oftware e.elop/ent proce22 an re.eal2 etail2 ao&t

    t7e c&rrent proce22 pro.iing .i2iilit'

    7e 2oftware proce22 can e .i2&ali9e ' &2ing t7e =anan oar8 7i2 7elp2 to

    &ner2tan t7e flow of t7e proce22

    7e li/it on t7e wor:@in@progre22 con2train2 7ow /an' wor: ite/2 are t7ere in

    eac7 of t7e 2oftware e.elop/ent life 2tage2

  • 8/9/2019 LAPSE-Lean Application in Software Engineering


    Stanari9e an operation an acti.itie2

    Mea2&re t7e operation %&2e /etric2+

    #a&ge /ea2&re/ent2 again2t re&ire/ent28

    $nno.ate to /eet re&ire/ent2 an increa2e pro&'8

    Stanari9e t7e new( i/pro.e operation28

    ,ontin&e c'cle

    =ai9en 4 Application

    =ai9en can e i/ple/ente in an' proce22 to i/pro.e it8

    !nce t7e ot7er Lean tool2 are i/ple/ente =ai9en can e parallel' ta:en &p 2o a2 to

    ac7ie.e greater re2&lt2

    "or E8g8 =ai9en can e i/ple/ente in i/ t7e Re.iew proce22 in 2oftware

    e.elop/ent a2 follow2

    Stanari9e an operation an acti.itie2

    #enerate a repeatale proce22 for t7e re.iew proce22 for a 2oftware


    Mea2&re t7e operation

    U2e /etric2 2&c7 a2 re.iew effecti.ene22 of coe ( e2ign ( re&ire/ent

    anal'2i2 etc8

    #a&ge /ea2&re/ent2 again2t re&ire/ent28

    ,ollect ata on t7e /etric2 efine in t7e ao.e 2tep

    $nno.ate to /eet re&ire/ent2 an increa2e pro&'8

    Bring in 2ol&tion2 2&c7 a2 etter e2ti/ation tec7ni&e2( i/ coe

    &alit'( etc8

    Stanari9e t7e new( i/pro.e operation28

    $/ple/ent t7e 2electe 2ol&tion an reefine t7e re.iew proce22

    ,ontin&e c'cle

    Repeat t7e w7ole proce22 contin&o&2l' for etter re2&lt2



  • 8/9/2019 LAPSE-Lean Application in Software Engineering


    At t7e en of t7e proect perio $ wa2 2&cce22f&l in &ner2taning t7e Lean principle2 an t7e

    ifferent Lean tool2 in etail( co.ering all t7e i/ple/entation an t7e application

    a2pect28 "ro/ t7e 2t&' an anal'2i2 of .ario&2 lean tool2 we 27ortli2te few tool2 w7ic7 wo&l

    e rele.ant for &2age in t7e Software Engineering En.iron/ent8

  • 8/9/2019 LAPSE-Lean Application in Software Engineering


    Be2t of't7ing ( $$L ( ,MMi (Lean Si- Sig/a ( SEP# )00 a/pa "L


    En of Report


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