Page 1: l 0 KANAG AM eglonal Board TO: Regional Board eport Chief … · 2014-10-26 · 3. Protective Services (911, Crime Stoppers, Fire Protection) 4. Inspections & Bylaw Enforcement Services


TO: Regional Board

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eglonal Boardeport

FROM: Brian ReardonChief Administrative Officer

DATE: October 21$1,2014



To provide the Board with third quarter year-to-date information pertaining to the 2014 work planand bUdget variance report.

Executive Summary:

Staff are pleased to present the ;yrJ Quarter Work Plan and Budget Variance Report for 2014.The format of this report is a departure from previous Quarterly Reports and is intended tographically illustrate that the work plan for each of our services is on schedule and on bUdget.Any exceptions to the foregoing are red flagged and explained with a special notation.

This 3rd Quarter Report indicates that projects and work plans are well underway and aregenerally progressing as planned. At this point in time, both revenues and expenses are withinanticipated bUdget parameters, with the following exception:

1. Function 306 - Trepanier Bench Water:

User Rate revenues are not expected to meet or exceed expected expenses; year-endprojections anticipate a shortfall between $5,500 & $6,000 that will need to be paid innext year's bUdget.


THAT the Board receive this report for information.

Prepared by: Marilyn Rilkoff, Director of Finance & AdministrationChris Radford, Director of Community ServicesMurray KopPJ Director ofParks & Police Services

Page 2: l 0 KANAG AM eglonal Board TO: Regional Board eport Chief … · 2014-10-26 · 3. Protective Services (911, Crime Stoppers, Fire Protection) 4. Inspections & Bylaw Enforcement Services

ftlGIOWH QIIT!lCT.'1 C(.'IIAl al.uUQ~1l

2014 - 3rd Quarter Work Plan&Budget Variance Report


Regional Board October 27, 2014


To provide a third quarter Financial Exception Report onthe 2014 work plan, to red-flag any areas of concern, tohighlight items of interest and to answer any questionsthe Board may have.

A year-to-date budget variance chart is provided foreach service, accompanied by operational details forselected services.


Page 3: l 0 KANAG AM eglonal Board TO: Regional Board eport Chief … · 2014-10-26 · 3. Protective Services (911, Crime Stoppers, Fire Protection) 4. Inspections & Bylaw Enforcement Services


Service Category

1. Corporate Administration

2. General Government

3. Protective Services (911, Crime Stoppers, Fire Protection)

4. Inspections & Bylaw Enforcement Services

5. Transportation Services

6. Solid Waste Management

7. Environmental Services

8. Planning Services

9. Regional Economic Development

10. Recreation and Cultural Services

11. Water Systems

12. Treatment Plant and Sewer Systems

.. Services are grouped by Financial Reporting Function

Corporate Administration%V~rrance to Budget

VTO - September 3D, 2014



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'" Fln.nco8

8 En,ln••,ln;

8 Hum n Rft$QUrCU

"' Information Systoms:8

.. ServIces are trackIng well; on schedule and within budget parameters,

• '.11 tlH 111'1' CI,. Utili". a.' ......


Page 4: l 0 KANAG AM eglonal Board TO: Regional Board eport Chief … · 2014-10-26 · 3. Protective Services (911, Crime Stoppers, Fire Protection) 4. Inspections & Bylaw Enforcement Services

Corporate Administration

Extensive support provided for Fringe Area Planning, 911 and DispatchReview projects;

Completion of preliminary budgets for Sterile Insect Release Board andOkanagan Basin Water Board;

Clean Audit Reports for RDCO, CORHD, SIR and OBWB;

Concluded Regional, Electoral Area & Fringe Area Planning Service Review;

Completed Leadership Training Program & Violence in the WorkplaceTraining with all staff (WorkSafe Bill 14 - Bullying and Harassment Legislation);

Pret:'aring for the upcomIng CUPE Collective Agreement Negotiations.Current contract expires December 31, 2014;

ffi.(III ... L DII,a,c,'I ."'JlH .'A ...... 11

General Government"V < Budc~t

\'Til -Soptllmb.r 31l. 21114


RlIlllunill Dl,utrt Board

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§ Cl!!:ntr.ll Okllrllg,n East tllo,-1ftlDI An..

S Ill!&loIIIII (irfllu; InAill

6 Gruis" WI!Jlsida llrdonlJ IVIII

• Rev nUl • Expanse



o 007 - School O1strlct Election revenue nOI received; RDCO election upcoming013 - Central Okanagan East Grant-In-Alde not utlliz d In 2014

'111 O. A t DIt' "Ie,,. u.",u 0 ..... ".


Page 5: l 0 KANAG AM eglonal Board TO: Regional Board eport Chief … · 2014-10-26 · 3. Protective Services (911, Crime Stoppers, Fire Protection) 4. Inspections & Bylaw Enforcement Services

S \Jpptr £lIhon nr. Prol"lttlon blemlo" (MFAI



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ProtectIve Services%Vo,lon<4l to Dudeot

VIO • Sopt.m~., 30, 2014

• RtY4lnUI • Expe.nlll

WG~hldO Flro Prol.C1lon (()WK)

l.kllhor. Ad Plre Protection IC:O~)

flllion Flrt DC!plttme:nt

JOI,lIch Ftft Dtpillmimi

North Woslddl ltd ~. Dlp.lImenl

WIIJon'llIndlnfl Fire Departmant



All- Payroll for Q3 Is processed In October and transfer to reservesdone at year end.

Protective Services (cont'd)" Varian,. to BudC.t

VTp·Soptomb r 30, Z014

• HlIVenUIl II Cxpen~e

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e Tucf.rl eovttPIr14 Pnlm/JOllny ,reok.IMFA) lD'-'

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0 S llrant Ro.d Ilr. Ilrot~ctJon (Dol') S"0 ~ R"lnn I Rllcue$(llvlU) 4811

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" i§ Shallar Co.... jWihoml H,eIMFA) 1!'"! CrlmeSloppou Oil

a V1dhflfi /WlIn· UA"I$"I."'f

I.l ".,. (rima Provlmllon & A~rm Control

026 - Somlonnuol debt povment (1" ~ IntoreSl- 2M I,",lnclple nd Inler..t);027 & 034 - S."", os 026;029 -Invoice from the Plstrlct of PoechlBnd will be Ilrocoss.d 'n Octobor;o 0 & 031-ln,01,. will b. pro'....d In Oetobo'

ilL 0 If. " .• 11 I I. C I,. CI'''''l .11: ......,


Page 6: l 0 KANAG AM eglonal Board TO: Regional Board eport Chief … · 2014-10-26 · 3. Protective Services (911, Crime Stoppers, Fire Protection) 4. Inspections & Bylaw Enforcement Services

Protective Services Emergency Operations


The North Westside Road Fire Department was successful In their FireUnderwriter's challenge to qualify the fireboat as a portable hydrant withinthe North Westside Road Fire Service Area.

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Protective Services - Regional Rescue

Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) Activated on 4 occasions

Hosted Premier Clark touring EOC and ESS Reception Centre

Levello Smith Creek Fire (1#1) - Activated July 14th

o Boucherie Fire - Activated July 15th

Level 2

o Drought Hill Fire - Activated August 7th

Level 3

o Smith Creek Fire (112) - Activated July 18th

• Coordinated media Information

o 26 news releases

o 143,110 tweets

• Supported evacuation and care of 2,927 evacuees


Page 7: l 0 KANAG AM eglonal Board TO: Regional Board eport Chief … · 2014-10-26 · 3. Protective Services (911, Crime Stoppers, Fire Protection) 4. Inspections & Bylaw Enforcement Services

Protective Services - Regional Rescue


Imr.rUO~C'IIOPCmllOnl • t




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Inspection & Bylaw Enforcement Services" Vorlan•• to BudGet

'(TO •September 30, 2014




Prohlblltd AnimilCon1rol

Noise! Abattlmllnl

047 - Waiting for Q3lnvolco;105 - Operating res rv funding In 2014 with transfer done ot year end;115 - Rev, dependent on solo of services along with some operating reserves116 - Invoice processed In Q4

IIICIO. U I" rillE I6' U '11111 •• "'Ii ......


Page 8: l 0 KANAG AM eglonal Board TO: Regional Board eport Chief … · 2014-10-26 · 3. Protective Services (911, Crime Stoppers, Fire Protection) 4. Inspections & Bylaw Enforcement Services

Inspections &Bylaw Enforcement Services

Dog Control

• To date, 19,024 dog licenses have been issued in 2014

o 4,549 New licenses

o 14,475 Renewed licenses

430 Bylaw Offence Notices Issued for 'No Dog License'

o 120 tickets have been paid in full or have entered payment plans

Revenues Exceeding Budget Amounts ($90K YTD):

o Licensing - $34,647

o Dog Impounding - $29,401

o Bylaw Notice Adjudication Program Fines - $25,647

Dog Ambassadors Program

Successful media promotion results in expansion of My Dog Mattersbusiness participation


JI I I I a • "I • I • 1 II I ~ I'I C._llll •••••• ,.

Transportation Services"Vorllnct! tD Bullaet

YTO· ept.",be, 30, 2014

• RfWftUIil [


• '''p'_ tMfAl =========~I

o050 - One lime RSP Granl Project, tracking well;08S - Q3 Invoice will be processed In October

ffi1111'1" 1I1'ltC'If 1'_'''''' •••• "•••


Page 9: l 0 KANAG AM eglonal Board TO: Regional Board eport Chief … · 2014-10-26 · 3. Protective Services (911, Crime Stoppers, Fire Protection) 4. Inspections & Bylaw Enforcement Services

Solid Waste Management"Vat1 n<ll to Bud II

YTO. IP mbor 30, 201.4

• nw.lap",


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Wut.~nl ~c.ntr.

0 ~ W~~a S.nlllry landftl CIof,UI. rt/f ,..;u~


§ 4'"Solid Wtila M .._t

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092 - Revenu s through Q3 & Q4 billings sent out In Q4;093 - Funded through "landllil closure reserv • done at year end;094 - Revenues through Q3 & Q4 billings sent out In Q4;096 - Recycling R v nues one month behind

Environmental Services"V 'I..... to Bud•••

YTO • Soptembo, 30, ZOlA




091- Dependent on sale of servlces, Q3 billing done t end of October;102 - RSP Grant Project & billing to Lake Country


Page 10: l 0 KANAG AM eglonal Board TO: Regional Board eport Chief … · 2014-10-26 · 3. Protective Services (911, Crime Stoppers, Fire Protection) 4. Inspections & Bylaw Enforcement Services

Planning Serv1ces" V.rl• ."eIQ BU~U I

ITD -S.~temb.r 30, 2014

• Rl!v~ut! • [xpl!nsl!


- .

Notable 3rd Quarter Achievements:

Application Tracking System project completed

Board has endorsed Guide to Site Specific Amendments ApplicationProcess for Medical Marihuana Production Facilities (MMPF's)

Completed backgrou nd research and seoping for the RegionalFloodplain Risk Assessment and Mapping Project


Regional Economic Development"V.rl.n, to Budsot

YTD - Sc~t.mb.r 30, 201.4

• ~nue III bpctnu

"'llaIAl '"1111"., Ct.IIl'l ,\1.'".


Growth of Central Okanagan Tech Sector -Innovation Centre• Provincial contribution secured• Building approved

Retain and Attract Young Professionals• Okanagan Young Professionals (OYP) Hosted TEDxKelowna -1,353

attendees including 1,000 grade 11 students from across Canada


Page 11: l 0 KANAG AM eglonal Board TO: Regional Board eport Chief … · 2014-10-26 · 3. Protective Services (911, Crime Stoppers, Fire Protection) 4. Inspections & Bylaw Enforcement Services

Regional Economic Development

Innovation Strategy, Workforce Development, and Tech HR

3 contracts awarded and work In progr ss

96 workers/28 employers/26 students were provided assistance to stay withinCentral Okanagan

Provided Input to Westbank First Nation through coordination and advisement ontheir first formal site visitation program

Local Business

Met with over 3D buyer delegations who have purchased local businesses

Improved efficiency of Business Walk process for the October 1st event - Recordnumber ofparticipants

Programming and Assistance to Facilitate Growth in A ricultural Business

All participants reported improvements to management skills and bottom lines

Added five new tourism products to the marketplace


Recreation and Cultural Services"Vorl nee to Budeet

¥TO •Soptomber 30. ~0t4

~ WestJld. Munldp.lltluullnn ~rnln5(tr. OWKI


:; (lIIw" CO!1lnlunlty IIcrilGIG I till

JOt Rfth Com"'Ull tv Hall

kltflnoy Community 11.11


J.21- Transfer to reserves done @ year end. tracking well;123 -Contract service Invoices are In process, tracking well.

Ilr. t. III L • 1., II C'., ... ,,,al ••••••••


Page 12: l 0 KANAG AM eglonal Board TO: Regional Board eport Chief … · 2014-10-26 · 3. Protective Services (911, Crime Stoppers, Fire Protection) 4. Inspections & Bylaw Enforcement Services

Recreation and Cultural Services (cont'd)"V rl c:e tD Bud t

'fTl). Sep bw 3D, 2014

5 Ian ."" (1lt.CI

o 142 - Tnlnsfer to res rves 1$4.1 mil.) @ ye rend, ccntrllc[ service vlngs;143 - Transfer to res rves 1$70K) @ year end.


Recreation and Cultural Services Parks

Regional Parks Legacy Program - 2014 Park Land Acquisition Project

Goat's Peak Regional Park acquisitron announced September lOthBlack Mountain / Sntsk'i1'ntan Regional Park acquisition announced September19th

Okanagan Centre Harbour Regional Park Breakwater Reconstruction Project

Phase 4 Walkway Project Tender was Issued Sept. lOth

Johns Family Nature Conservancy Regional Park Management Plan

Final draft of project was appro ed by the Central Okanagan Land Trust Boardof Directors

Glen Canyon Regional Park Regulation and Management Agreement

RDCO and District of West Kelowna agreed to ajoint partnership In operationof the land adjacent to Glen Canyon


Page 13: l 0 KANAG AM eglonal Board TO: Regional Board eport Chief … · 2014-10-26 · 3. Protective Services (911, Crime Stoppers, Fire Protection) 4. Inspections & Bylaw Enforcement Services

Recreation and Cultural Services .. Parks

Trails to Health Project (Provincial Recreation Program Grant)

• Rose Valley parking & trail improvements completed• Glen Canyon trailhead improvements completed at H bert Rd access and a

Tender process has been issued for trail upgrades.

Mission Creek Greenway Phase 3a - Friends of Mission Creek Funded Project

• Completed Detailed Design of Phase 3a of Mission Creek Greenway RegionalPark

• Prepared Tender Documents and Specifications for issue to aTender process atthe beginning of Q4

Community Events

• Kokanee Salmon Festival held at Mission Creek Regional Park• Harvest Fair at Gellatly Nut Farm Regional Park completed

ffi"rill." ""IIiCi•. CtUIl"t Iii •• " •••

Recreation and Cultural Services - Parks

Desiglt Lmlllc:h ofPhase 3(( - Mission Cree!( Gree1llVilY


•• IIO.AlO.I'''I[l.1 tll'"I" D•••• C••


Page 14: l 0 KANAG AM eglonal Board TO: Regional Board eport Chief … · 2014-10-26 · 3. Protective Services (911, Crime Stoppers, Fire Protection) 4. Inspections & Bylaw Enforcement Services

~ t':U1lnev Bt~u:h Waler

~ FIIcon Ald~e WeIer

~ SUIl'tt R.anch Willer

~ Trep.nler Banch Waler

0 ~ WelLsharts W.ter

0 ~ filtlv/Shlll,1 Wlter

Water Systems" Bude t

YTD • September 30, 201.4


306 - R V nues not expected to meet target; anticipate $6.000 dencit;307 - Transfer to reserves @ y ar nd;310 - Debt payment and transfer to reserves @ year end.

Treatment Plant & Sewer Systems" V.rloneeto BudB t

Y'TD • September 30, 2014

WI1f/Yfl1l1,l1l abpel\se

Ol' SOll


0 Weluld. WiJit6W.ttr fr••llnenl PIIIIlI101I


0 "I)CO llh Slllilonl/ClllleCIOf sYSteMS .'"49,.

~ wrN Ufl SllIllon. /Collilctor SystGmJ


0 Pa.thl.nd Uft SI'llon. /CDIIIII:tOI' Synllffl.51"

~lJISDI1 SeWClr SYi'lllm45"

o401- Blo-sollds budget amendment, tracking w II;470,471,472 - Q3 & 0.4 billings have yet to be processed.

1111101101 1"""'[1.f enll.A' O__ '.'ll.


Page 15: l 0 KANAG AM eglonal Board TO: Regional Board eport Chief … · 2014-10-26 · 3. Protective Services (911, Crime Stoppers, Fire Protection) 4. Inspections & Bylaw Enforcement Services

Treatment Plant & Sewer Sy . terns

Biosolids Management

• 5 Year contract secured for biosollds management

o Combined reduction in management fees and transportation costsare expected to result in $1.5 million in cost savings over the life ofthe contract, based on current tonnage.

Plant Upgrades

• Completion of Treatment Plant upgrades and replacement of biofilter;

• Completion of Landscaping Project:

o Planting of 120 trees and 250 shrubs to enhance visual appearanceand eventually provide screening to surrounding properties whenthey mature;

o New irrigation system will utilize reclaimed water from the plant.

ffi"IIIG'IU ""'"I.1 11.,1111 .,,,. tl""

Treatment Plant & Sewer SystemsLalldscapill T Up Trade



Page 16: l 0 KANAG AM eglonal Board TO: Regional Board eport Chief … · 2014-10-26 · 3. Protective Services (911, Crime Stoppers, Fire Protection) 4. Inspections & Bylaw Enforcement Services


2014 Capital Projects







12,055.297 14,529,233--'1'-........."'"'--





Fire Cisterns (0221

MarIne Re.scue Vessels (030)

Parks l;lnd (142)

Goat's Peak

Black Mountain /5ntsk'lI'ntan

2880 Scharf Rd

Ok Centre Safe Harbour North 8re kwator(142)

Glen Canyon Trail Upgrades (142)


CentrIfuge (091)

Treatment Plant Upgrade (091)

022 - Design work In 2014 with ImplementlllOn In 2015

ffi.,IIOWH'lt'lle,t I 1'111l1li I •• ,. -.. 'I

2014 Capital Projects

Goat's Peak Acquisition Black Mountain / Sntsk'Wntan AcquisItIon


Page 17: l 0 KANAG AM eglonal Board TO: Regional Board eport Chief … · 2014-10-26 · 3. Protective Services (911, Crime Stoppers, Fire Protection) 4. Inspections & Bylaw Enforcement Services

2014 Capital Projects

Marine Rescue Vessels Stationed in Peachland and Lake Country

ffi... IIIlH "".leIII cr'."u~ , .... , ...

Looking forward to the 4th Quarter

• Elections

• Fringe Planning Review

• Parks Review

• Fire Dispatch Project

• Completion of 2014 Initiatives and Projects

ffi'."e.u '111"leiII 'I '"'''' •••••• , •



Page 18: l 0 KANAG AM eglonal Board TO: Regional Board eport Chief … · 2014-10-26 · 3. Protective Services (911, Crime Stoppers, Fire Protection) 4. Inspections & Bylaw Enforcement Services

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