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Pattern: Postmodi3er ^ : (followed #y the o!ula or !artile &S ): thealulation, on9eture, su!!osition; aounting (for); (9udgement

#ased on) a!!earanes, to all a!!earanes " indiations, that onemight all . .

Here: It seemed like the dreamy tem!le had it all.

_)_)에 (산행 1)Pattern: Here and there, everywhere, all over. edu!liation for distri#ution

e'et. f. also ``이, aa이 . . .

bc de나 (산행 1)Pattern: $aked in3nitive de나(8) .Here: . . . signi3antly out of the way . . .

VY 사f 산&S 가ghi ^이다. (산행 1)Pattern: Postmodi3er ^ : (followed #y the o!ula or !artile &S ): the

alulation, on9eture, su!!osition; aounting (for); (9udgement#ased on) a!!earanes, to all a!!earanes " indiations, that onemight all . .Here: he tem!le seemed to #e onealed #y mountains on all four sides.

산Zj이를 kRS (산행 <)Pattern: -(&)RS(8) . lthough the 8orean s!elling somewhat o#sures the

origin, this is a su#stantive in -(&)T instrumental (&)S(8) , andmeans with (as, et.) the doing or #eing; sine (#eause of) the doingor #eing.

Here: . . . going around the mountain #end . . .

사f에8 .7l mn fo(芳香)에 (산행 <)Pattern: -에 (ause) for, #eause, sine, from, on aount of..Here:. . . #eause of the 4ower fragrane drifting u! from all diretions . . .

머g가 pq고 rs이 tJ Cu이%다. (산행 <)Pattern: -(&)' Cu이다, -(&)'Cu&S is the (rather !atheti or

undesira#le) situation " ondition " irumstane of . . . .Here:. . . it was a situation in whih one0s head would hurt and one0s

#reathing o#struted.

hv wxy이 z{ 0사(寒寺)? (산행 <)

Pattern: $aked in3nitive -(이)?8 . Here 0사?(8) .Here: . . . #eause it was suh a old tem!le #ereft of visitors, . . .

||0 사}~ ! •이 다€다. (산행 <)Pattern: $%&$ ~ ! •이 다€다 . is not in the manner of $%&$, is a style

di'erent from $%&$, is in a di'erent league from $%&$.Here: . . . its0s manner was di'erent from that of a fany tem!le.

‚ƒ „…0 †‡ (산행 <)Pattern: /uasi-!artile $%&$ -(이)ƒ meaning and, or, and"or.Here: . . . weeds and dila!idated fresos . . .

ˆ?i ‰Š, ‹Œ이 마Ž 이 (산행 <)


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Pattern: !ostnoun (semi-literal) et., and the like, and so on; the a#oveseveral.

Here:. . . the raking mud walls, the reaking wooden 4oors, et. . . .

Gƒ 고‘’(산행

<)Pattern: /uasi-!artile $%&$ -(이)ƒ meaning and, or, and"or.Here:. . . devotees and students !re!aring for the #ar eams . . .

V 마“”C 내P (산행 <)Pattern: $aked in3nitive 내P (8) .Here:. . . ome right u! to the ourtyard of the tem!le, and . . .

–—5 Np˜다. (산행 <)Pattern: -5 Np하- like to *=. . . . en9oy *= ing . . .Here:. . . en9oyed meandering.

가Ž 가”™ 마š이 ›œg?8 (산행 <)Pattern: -(이)?8 for -(이)?5고6 8Here: . . . the losest village was Pyengok village, and . . .

내 žŸ 음&SG (산행 <)Pattern: -(&)SG as " with . . . also " even " eitherHere:. . . *ven with my fast walking !ae . . .

¡$¢~ d£¤š ¥Wƒ 산다. (산행 <)Pattern: -(&)ƒ for -(&)¦8 while, at the same time, (doing)

simultaneously.Here:. . . live, tilling and ultivating the rie !addies and ste!!es.

86에8 §Y ¨©ª, ¢¢ª (산행 <)Pattern: su#stantive -(&)T the at (or fat) of having " #eing.Here: . . . a kind of aniety and frustration from >eoul . . .

산_에8 0 번G «¬ ®˜다. (산행 <)Pattern: $egative !reem!hasis in -C를 ®- . he addition of 를 to -C is

thought to add em!hasis, insistene or a hint of frustration to thelong negation !attern in -C ¯다 .Here:. . . I did not feel it even one when I was u! in the mountains.

f{1 °¦ (산행 <)Pattern: $%&$ 1 -(&)¦ the moment you *=. . . no sooner than one*=s, that . . . ; as soon as one . . .

Here:. . . the moment you o!en the door . . .

m#š ± $ 있%²다 (산행 <)Pattern: -(&)3"²다(가) ? -(&)3"-²(에) -다가 not only ... #ut in

addition (on to! of that).Here:. . . not only was it !ossi#le to see 4owers, (#ut in addition . . . )

!"게 p³하게 (´ $가 없%던 µ이다. (산행 <)Pattern: !"게 ... -(&)' $가 없- . >imilar in e'et to () $*+I* (or

im!lied negative) meaning very; not a little, to no small etent, /uite,


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etremely, terri#ly. $ote also -7 C- : #esides meaning gets to #e or#eomes with ad9etives, this an have the e'et of a @get-!assive@ in*nglish or of middles or re4eives in languages whih have these. heim!liation is that the su#9et"agent is either (sometimes adversely)

a'eted #y the ation, and"or has no ontrol over the ation of thever#.Here: . . . seemed etremely distant.

이¶ 자· ¸x에 ¹š I‘고 M¦ (산행 <)Pattern: -고 M¦- similar to -다M¦ if one does something over a !eriod of

time 5and then ste!s #ak to re4et on it6...; if you do something forawhile, then... his !attern uses the transferentive followed #y the

ver# tosee in the onditional form ( -(&)¦ ) does and then realiAes (oronsiders or looks #ak on the matter).

Here: . . . one one immerses one0s #ody in natures senery . . .

0 ‘V이나마 (산행 B)Pattern: -(이)나마 although it is (only the likes of) . . .; at least, anyway;

even.Here: . . . even for one time . . .

pºG 이¶ K»G¼이 ½p있다¾ (산행 B)Pattern: sk-tsk !attern in !lain #ase -다¾ to think that...C, 9ust imagineC,

an you #elieve itDC, whooda thunk thatDCHere: o think that there are still suh &to!ias left on this earth . . .

pK¿G *g Z[n ÀÁÂ Ã다 (산행 B)Pattern: =>* Â is like, is as (if). -(&)3Â Ã- it feels like, as if

may#e; think to oneself that . . .Here:. . . it feels as if it is, after all, #lessedly luky for us.

Än ÅD, ÆÇn ÅD이?¦ (산행 B)Pattern: -(이)?¦7 -(이)?(고) 하¦ if it (#e said to #e) #e. . ., if it were (thease) that. . . Eore !utative"hy!othetial than -이¦.Here:. . . if it is the tiger of my dreams, the mythologial tiger . . .산이 È pKg É고 Ê&ƒ 산Ë(山靈)이 ÌÍ=ÎhG (산행 B)Pattern: (È)pKg ...-7G no matter how (muh one might). . .

Here: $ow matter how high or dee! the mountain, or how miraulous themountain s!irit, . . .

ÏÐ Ñ산에 C나C ¯고 (산행 B)Pattern: $%&$ -에 C나C ¯- #e nothing #ut, #e only, merely, #e nothing

more than. $ote also ÏÐ $egative not *= at all, not *=in the least.

Here: . . . it is not any di'erent from any old hill . . .

산다Ò게 (산행 B)Pattern: >u#standard -다Ò게 for - ¢게 is like, is worth #eing, is worthy of

the name, is #eoming to, is every #it a.

Here:. . . as is #eoming any mountain. . .


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산Ó(山性)š 가CP¦ (산행 B)Pattern: Intentive -(&)P¦ A -(&)P5고 하6¦ : 5sha!e is -P after vowels andthe ' of F-dro!!ing #ases6 with the thought in mind to do, with the

intention of doing, with the desire to do; ready (!re!ared, willing) todo. In ollo/uial 8orean, this is often rendered-(&)'?고 하다 .

Here:. . . In order to ahieve a mountain harater . . .

Ô$를 dÕ=Î이 Ö5고 있 산이?Ñ ˜다. (산행 B)Pattern: adver#ial -=Î이 like, as from -=×다 in a . . . manner. $ote also

-(이)?Ñ ˜다 e/uivalent to 이7Ñ ˜다 .Here:. . . it had to #e a mountain that is seretly hiding a savage #east.

내 Ø자n 환Ù¥ $G 있&g?. (산행 B)Pattern: !ros!etive assertive -(&)g? will !ro#a#ly #e"do.

Here: . . . it might #e that I am the only one with this em!ty dream, Ithought to myself.

내 환Ù이 Ê다¦ (산행 B)Pattern: onditional in -다¦ , -"(&)3 다¦ , more hy!othetial than !lain

-(&)¦ .Here: If my fantasy runs dee! . . .

rÚ이M다 Û0 ÅDÁ# (산행 B)Pattern: -(&)3 # 5lit.6 granted that, even though it is or does 5often

followed #y a rhetorial /uestion6.Here: +ranted there are #easts larger than the tiger, . . .

내가 산D(山僧)이 p¾Â (산행 B)Pattern: =>*  is like, is as (if). Eartin treats this as an a##reviation of

the !attern where  is used as a !ost-modi3er, i.e. -(&)3 Â,-(&)' Â, -  ; #ut in any ase you should kee! them distint.

Here: . . . 9ust like" 9ust as a s!iritual mountain monk, I . . .

Äš Ä&S1 1ÜJ $ 없š 12 (산행 B)Pattern: -(&)'(이) 12 (!ros!etive modi3er noun !artile) to the

etent that will do"#e (7 -(&)' FG(S) ); enough to do, as muhas

neessary for doing.Here:. . . to the etent that I ouldn0t #e satis3ed with only a dream . . .

ÝÞ0 ß.마àG (산행 G)Pattern: elimiter 마à(G) : going to the etreme"limit of; (inluding) even;

inluding (even the etreme ase of); also (on to! ofeverything"everyone else); with all the rest.

Here: . . . inluding even faint andle-light . . .

á에8 #Pl (산행 G)Pattern: -7 l- gradually (omes in doing); omes u! (along); starts (has

started) #eoming " doing; has"had #een doing.

Here: . . . the 5sounds6 a!!roahing from the forest . . .


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Kâãš «ä 10 å이0 æg (산행 G)Pattern: -(&)' 1하- !ost-modi3er ad9etival noun is su2ient (to do), is

well worth (doing); is at the !oint (of doing), has reahed the stage

(when it an do).Here:. . . sounds eerie enough to instill fear . . .

!#이 8S를 ç€고 è¢0다. (산행 G)Pattern: 8S를 eah other. $ie eam!le of 8S 를 .Here: . . . the all for and answer eah other.

산ÅD이 áš 나 (산행 G)Pattern: $aked in3nitive 나 (8) .Here: he mountain #easts ome out of the forest, and . . .

é ê머 ë #š ìí다. (산행 G)

Pattern: ê머(S) . Postnoun ê머 from î다 #eyond, over, the other side (ofsomething tall " high); over 7 more than, in eess of; #eyond.

Here: . . . ross over the walls and froli in the em!ty 3eld.

마ï 내 f ðš ìg Â0 (산행 G)Pattern: 마ï... (modi3er) Â like, as, giving the a!!earane of ...;a!!earing (to #e), looking (like); seeming as if; as if"though. he 이 of Â이is o!tional. 마ï signals that a Â(이 ) or ñò is oming u!.Here:. . . 9ust as if they were running around outside my window . . .

ì음ó æg를 #&ƒ 나 (산행 G)Pattern: -(&)ƒ for -(&)¦8 while, at the same time, (doing)

simultaneously.Here:. . . listening to the sounds of their !attering feet, I . . .

! ôõ고 2º0 ö자÷ æg (산행 G)Pattern: -(&)Tº 하- it is " seems likely to #e " do), it is !ossi#le "

ae!ta#le to (do) , it is all right to (do); it is ae!ta#ly (rather "somewhat " /uite . . . ; it is worth doing 7 (-(&)'1 하-) .

Here: . . .the sounds of their rough, well-siAed footste!s . . .

#ø 때¦ (산행 G)Pattern: -(&)' 때¦ whenever. . . every time . . .Here: . . . whenever I heard . . .

내 f r마이ùU ú에 ei ß.마àG (산행 G)Pattern: elimiter 마à(G) : going to the etreme"limit of; (inluding) even;

inluding (even the etreme ase of); also (on to! ofeverything"everyone else); with all the rest. dding G reinfores theeven0.

Here: *ven the andle light on to! of the formaia ta#le in my room . . .

Öû( 가ü게 ýí다. (산행 G)

Pattern: $aked in3nitive Öû((8) .


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Here:. . . die out and 4utter thinly.

z물C ¯게 (산행 G)Pattern: adver#ial -게 : (in a way) so that, so that it is or does; so that one

an; in a manner suh that;-ly.Here: . . . almost without ee!tion . . .

BFþ이 하 ÿ”C ²g고 (산행 G)Pattern: !artile ”C meaning even, so far as (etent, em!hasis); u! to and

inluding.Here:. . . went as far as taking Er. Ha the drunkard along . . .

·Ë¢잖게 건Ž0체W에다 (산행 G)Pattern: -¢잖게 for -¢C ¯게 in a manner un#eoming of " un3tting for . . .

$ote also -에 다(가) from !artile 에 o!ula transferentive-(이)다(가) on to! of, in addition to,

thrown into the #argain.Here: . . . on to! of a sturdy !hysi/ue not ty!ial for his age, . . .

손끝 하나움º이 ®0다 하 ÿ (산행 G)Pattern: $egative !reem!hasis with -C(가) ¯ for desri!tive ver#s and

-C(를) ¯-, ® for !rogressives. >hows dissatisfation with ordis!leasure at the negated state or at.

Here: Er. Ha, who ouldn0t #udge a 3nger . . .

´* 마흔š î겼²G (산행 G)Pattern: -(&)3" -²G given the irumstane that it is"does, even though,

though. his !attern an usually #e taken as an a##reviation of-²G .W하고 in s!ite of the fat that.

Here: . . . des!ite of the fat that he was #arely !ast forty . . .

Û J $ 없 $줍음 (산행 G)Pattern: su#stantive -(&)T the at (or fat) of having " #eing.Here:. . . a shyness #eyond measure . . .

¤[렁에앉p (산행 J)Pattern: $aked in3nitive 앉p(8) .Here: . . . sat on the ridge #etween the !addies . . .

산책삼p ¤에 나섰² (산행 J)Pattern: $%&$ 삼p #y way of, for, for the sake of, as $%&$. rom 삼다 tomake something of (a !erson or a thing)

Here: . . . ame out to the 3elds in order to take a walk . . .

반Xš 하ƒ 나를 .렀다. (산행 J)Pattern: -(&)ƒ for -(&)¦8 while, at the same time, (doing)

simultaneously.Here:. . . showing great 9oy, they alled out to me.

ª께 마‘자 양ÿ (산행 J)Pattern: 마‘자 for 마‘자5고 하6 .

Here: Er. Kang, who invited me along for a drink . . .


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하G l랜1에 (산행 J)Pattern: 하G very muh indeed, ever so (hard).Here: . . . it had indeed #een suh a long time sine . . .

술내음이? (산행 J)Pattern: $aked in3nitive 이?(8) .Here: . . . #eause it was 5suh a long time sine I had tasted6 alohol . . .

k멩이 하나를 Bh (산행 J)Pattern: $aked in3nitive Bh(8) ? 줍다 " B(ㅅ)- .Here: I !iked u! a stone . . .

강냉이S1 빚Y순œB (산행 J)Pattern: -(&)S1 only of. . . only from . . . only to . . . , #y means of only

. .

Here:. . . a !ure drink #rewed only of orn . . .

가³채h 나왔² (산행 J)Pattern: $aked in3nitive 채h(8) .Here: . . . 3lled u! to the to!, #ut . . .

바닥이 d7 )다ƒ (산행 J)Pattern: -7 가- gradually (goes on doing); kee!s growing (getting to #e,#eoming). $ote also -(&)3다ƒ for -(&)3다5고 하6ƒ 7 하¦8 .Here: . . . gradually em!tying out . . .

내게강냉이술이 9마나 ¹에 NY가를 Ç명˜다. (산행 J)Pattern: -(&)3가를 Ç명하- to e!lain a#out how . . .Here: He e!lained to me how good orn #rew is for one0s health.

!n °띤 음Ó ? (산행 J)Pattern: $%&$ ?(8) in aordane with, in onformity to (with), aording

to.Here: . . . in onformity with his eited voie . . .

바!게 ” "ôPC고 있%다. (산행 J)Pattern: -7 C- he !attern in in3nitive -7 C다 , #esides meaning gets

to #e or #eomes with ad9etives, an have the e'et of a

@get-!assive@ in *nglish or of middles or re4eives in languages whihhave these. he im!liation is that the su#9et"agent is either(sometimes adversely) a'eted #y the ation, and"or has no ontroloverthe ation of the ver#.

Here: . . . were 3dgeting #usily.

# $ï ¨%¨& 없'술( (산행 J)Pattern: !artile ¨&(G) even, too, to #oot, in addition, into the #argain.Here: . . . a drinking ta#le without even a !iee of sour kimhi . . .

나 !#이)하 èS (산행 J)

Pattern: - èS as, 9ust as, 9ust as it is (was); in aordane with.


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Here:. . . 9ust as they told me . . .

술 *이 !"게 ì고 çzÎ6 $가 없%다 (산행 J)Pattern: !"게 ... -(&)' $가 없- . his !attern is similar in e'et to the


$*+I* (or im!lied negative) meaning very; not alittle, to no small etent, /uite, etremely, terri#ly.Here: he drink was etremely sweet and smooth.

½F+를 °,게 하Â (산행 J)Pattern: Postnoun + the grou!, all of . . . his makes an e!liit !lural for

nouns referring to !eo!le; it is also used in om#ination with thesynonyms # and ¬g: *g, *g+, *g#, *g+#, *g#+ we"us.$ote also =>*  is like, is as (if). Eartin treats this as ana##reviation of the !attern where  is used as a !ost-modi3er, i.e.-(&)3 Â, -(&)' Â, -  ; #ut in any ase you should kee! themdistint.

Here:. . . 9ust like 5a woman6 ausing the menfolk to get eited . . .

Ç- 0. #C ¯O다 œB (산행 J)Pattern: ¯O다 for ¯O다5고 하6 .Here: he #rew, whih they said did not ontain even a single grain ofsugar . . .

./Â0ôhi ¹ (산행 J)Pattern: =>* Â is like, is as (if). Eartin treats this as an a##reviation of

the !attern where  is used as a !ost-modi3er, i.e. -(&)3 Â,-(&)' Â, -  ; #ut in any ase you should kee! them distint.

Here: he #ody, heating u! as if on 3re . . .

71 !g p름¢던C. (산행 J)Pattern: 71 . . . . 던C(2) . It was so . . . CCHere: . . . how #eautifulC

3+ ú에 45i순‡n 하ü (산행 J)Pattern: -7 C- he !attern in in3nitive -7 C다 , #esides meaning gets

to #e or #eomes with ad9etives, an have the e'et of a@get-!assive@ in *nglish or of middles or re4eives in languages whihhave these. he im!liation is that the su#9et"agent is either(sometimes adversely) a'eted #y the ation, and"or has no ontrol

overthe ation of the ver#.Here: . . . the !ure #lue sky s!read over the mountain ridge . . .

7« µ 하나 나 Ø자 M5 p6 C ¯Y 게 없%다. (산행 J)Pattern: -5 p” L - it is a shame to . . . it is a !ity to . . .Here: . . . it was a shame to see it all #y myself.

(자7가바S 8에 앉p 있51 하다¦ (산행 J)Pattern: -51 하¦ if one only does"is or were to do"#e. Lith the added

-다¦ , more hy!othetial than !lain -(&)¦ .Here: . . . if only I had a sweetheart sitting right aross from me . . .


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6음 610 !¶ 9: (산행 J)Pattern: -(&)'1 하- is su2ient (to do), is well worth (doing); is at the !oint(of doing), has reahed the stage (when one an do). $ote also theognate o#9et !attern in š음 6다. f. ;(š)자-, <(š) ]-, Ä(š) =-.

Here:. . . an intoiation that is worthy of a good ry . . .

rÚ이G 있† >?¾다. (산행 M)Pattern: -†>Ñ (N >이Ñ, >?¾다) an follow a O&%* ver# of saying

modi3er as a kind of !ost-modi3er, and means it is to say 7 I mean,you know, you see, uh, that is, et.

Here: . . . there is also a tiger, I tell you.

ÅDn öæg를 #%다 내 @5 (산행 M)Pattern: #%다 for #%다5고 하6 .

Here:. . . my story of hearing the footste!s of a tiger . . .

AG 있고 ЬgG 있다 . (산행 M)Pattern: - (2) modi3er used to end a sentene with the meaning

indeed, or des!ite ontrary antii!ations " reservations.Here:. . . (indeed,) there are dragons and ele!hants tooC

양ÿ가BC D&ƒ (산행 M)Pattern: -(&)ƒ for -(&)¦8 while, at the same time, (doing)

simultaneously.Here: . . . Er. Kang, letting out a short laugh . . .

사Ep (산행 M)Pattern: voative p " Ñ HeyC >ayC %hCHere: HeyC . . .

내가양ÿ를건ê다F다. (산행 M)Pattern: -7 다Here: I looked aross at Er. Kang.

냉$에 C나C ¯ ˜다. (산행 M)Pattern: $%&$ -에 C나C ¯- #e nothing #ut, #e only, merely, #e nothing

more than a . . .

Here:. . . . 5the #ooAe seemed to #e6 no more than a drink of old water 5to 1him6.

p이#š èñS 내M내 (산행 M)Pattern: $aked in3nitive 내M내(8) .Here: . . . sending the hildren away to the #ig ity . . .

Ø자8 Gæ를H고 다¾ƒ (산행 M)Pattern: -(&)ƒ for -(&)¦8 while, at the same time, (doing)

simultaneously.Here: . . . going from !lae to !lae alone dragging his ow with him . . .

I2 이Un rn (산행 M)


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Pattern: $%&$ 이U 1. more than, a#ove, over, u!ward of $%&$. <. #eyond,!ast, more than; further. B. sine, now that, seeing that. B. that is all,thatis the end.

Here: . . . no more than the #asi show of goodwill . . .

wJš 내M이C ¯Y 채 (산행 M)Pattern: -(&)3 채  9ust as it is or did, (in) the original state of . . .Here:. . . (in a state of) not showing any !artiular interest . . .

내 wJn 4K에L(왔다. (산행 M)Pattern: -7 l- gradually (omes in doing); omes u! (along); starts (has

started) #eoming " doing; has"had #een doing.Here: lit. he slowly #egan to !artii!ate in my world of interests. (He #egan

tofasinate me).

rÚ이가 MN하«On 나n { (산행 M)Pattern: -«On $%&$. he $%&$ as to whether . . .Here:. . . Ey /uestion as to whether or not a tiger eists . . .

I2 이Un 자 (산행 M)Pattern: $%&$ 이U 1. more than, a#ove, over, u!ward of $%&$. <. #eyond,

!ast, more than; further. B. sine, now that, seeing that. B. that is all,thatis the end.

Here: . . . a on3dene no more than what is neessary . . .

ö자÷š 내P&SQQR FôS. (산행 M)Pattern: >entene-3nal -ôS(2) : (elamatory) sure(ly), indeed, /uite. he

ending in -ôS2 is a one-sha!e ending, and an our with any #ase.F-etending #ases a!!ear in their etended form #efore this ending:사-'- live Q TôS2 . &sed to o'er a kind of follow-u!e!lanation to what has 9ust #een said (or im!lied). lso funtions as

a sort of !oliteness strategy to kee! onversations moving #y inviting ares!onse (notie that it usually has a rising, /uestion-like intonation).

Here: I did see 5the tiger0s6 foot!rints learly with my very own eyes.

U사g 사E P에V ¯W¾다. (산행 M)

Pattern: $egative !reem!hasis in -C를 ¯- . he addition of 를 to -C isthought to add em!hasis, insistene or a hint of frustration to thelong negation !attern in -C ¯다 .Here:. . . they don0t a!!ear easily to human eyes.

¹š ÖX 채 (산행 M)Pattern: -(&)3 채  9ust as it is or did, (in) the original state of . . .Here:. . . always ke!t hidden . . .

Y_에 ™하 ” Z에 (산행 M)Pattern: - ” Z에 #eause of . . . ing.Here: . . . #eause they move around only in the dee! of night . . .


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0[’ 산\에81 TO&RS (산행 R)Pattern: -(&)RS(8) although the 8orean s!elling somewhat o#sures the

origin, this is a su#stantive in -(&)T instrumental (&)S(8) , andmeans with (as, et.) the doing or #eing; sine (#eause of) the doing

or #eing.Here:. . . #eause he lived in the mountains his whole life . . .

W]J $ 있š ^1 p¾? (산행 R)Pattern: -(&)' ^(1)p¾? not only..., #ut (also)...; furthermore; as well as;#esides, in addition, on to! of that.Here: . . . not only ould he tell the di'erent #etween. . . .#ut . . .

?이 _G` (산행 R)Pattern: !ro9etive -G` to the !oint where, until (a result); so that.Here:. . . s!eaking to the !oint of wearing out one0s mouth; s!eaking!rofusely . .

ab 마C¯O다. (산행 R)Pattern: -7 마C ¯- to do something to no end; do something easelessly "

endlessly.Here: . . . !raised him easelessly.

*g양ÿ 7Ÿ이Ñ>S (산행 R)Pattern: $%&$ -(이)Ñ>S . it is indeed " !reisely $%&$ that . . . .Here:. . . %ur Er. Kang, he is indeed. . .

.p B c이d이W >W2. (산행 R)Pattern: -고 >고(2) of ourse, ertainly, sure (here on o!ula -이- ).Here:. . . is ertainly the most reogniAed hunter . . .

; 자다가G (산행 R)Pattern: -다(가)G transferentive -다가 indiating a hange or shift of ation

or state !lus !artile G .Here:. . . even while he slee!s . . .

나95를e7 (산행 R)Pattern: $%&$ š e78 invoking $%&$, relying on, a!!ealing to . . .Here:. . . a!!ealing to my ene#riation . . .

9마나 f ¥이고gNJ ¥Á가를 Ç명 B%다. (산행 R)Pattern: -(이)3가를 Ç명하- to e!lain a#out. . . to go on a#out . . .Here: . . . I e!lained what a #ig deal it is and what an une!eted fortune.

86n f {사 물h이고 (산행 R)Pattern: $%&$ Y 물h이다 not to mention $%&$; also $%&$, to #e sure.Here:. . . not to mention the #ig news!a!ers in >eoul, #ut also . . .

rÚ이를 öi하P고jk이 l있다 (산행 R)Pattern: -(&)P고 jk이m- #e franti trying to . . .Here:. . . there is a raAe of attem!ting to disover tigers . . .


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rÚ이1 nš $ 있다¦ (산행 R)Pattern: $%&$ 1 . . . -(&)¦ if only . . . Eore hy!othetial than !lain

-(&)¦ .Here: If only you ould 3nd a tiger . . .

Pš o내ƒ 나를5다F다. (산행 R)Pattern: -(&)ƒ for -(&)¦8 while, at the same time, (doing)

simultaneously.Here:. . . eyes twinkling, he stared at me.

가p  rÚ이 æq¨& (산행 R)Pattern: !artile ¨&(G) even, too, to #oot, in addition, into the #argain.Here:. . . even the u!roar onerning the fake tiger . . .

.고 있 ®˜다. (산행 R)Pattern: $egative reem!hasis in -C를 ®- . he addition of 를 to -C is

thought to add em!hasis, insistene or a hint of frustration to thelong negation !attern in -C ¯다 .Here:. . . he had no way of knowing.

사r이W>W2. (산행 R)Pattern: -고 >고(2) of ourse, ertainly, sure (here on o!ula -이- ).Here: %f ourse it0s the truth.

rÚ이가 있다 사r1sÁm¦ (산행 R)Pattern: $%&$ 1 . . . -(&)¦ if only . . . Eore hy!othetial than !lain

-(&)¦ .Here:. . . if only the fat that there is a tiger is on3rmed . . .

Ct “Ž이?G (산행 S)Pattern: !seudo-!artile -(이)?G (1) even if (it #e); (<) 9ust, (or the ) like

( 7 이나 ); or even; any, some.Here:. . . even it were right here and now . . .

나8고 >W2. (산행 S)Pattern: -고 >고(2) of ourse, ertainly, sure.Here:. . . I0ll ertainly ome forward.

!가 나8자¦ (산행 S)

Pattern: -자¦ for -자5고 하6¦ if one suggests . . .Here:. . . had he said Tlet0s go for itU, . . .

나 번역이고 u고 다 때Pï*고 (산행 S)Pattern: $%&$ -고... u고 5)에6 you an say what you like a#out $%&$ and

stu', #ut. . .; $%&$, shmoun. . .Here:. . .I0d dro! the translation and everything and . . .

?나Ç 5]이%다. (산행 S)Pattern: -(&)' 5]이- it was a . . . mood, in the mood to . . . , feel like . . .

ing.Here:. . . I was in the mood to follow him.


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산vš Ûwš $ 없š ^1 p¾? (산행 S)Pattern: -(&)' ^(1)p¾? not only..., #ut (also)...; furthermore; as well as;#esides, in addition, on to! of that.Here:. . . not only was it im!ossi#le to gro!e through the mountain !ass,


¥Á(日人) x$ Û.7 (산행 S)Pattern: $%&$ ~" Û.7 together with $%&$, along with $%&$.Here:. . . together with a Va!anese hunter . . .

이y 1에 rÚ이를 ?O다고 ˜다. (산행 S)Pattern: ime word 1에 after only (marks !assage of time); within, after a

!assage of . . .Here:. . . he said that after only two days, he followed and aught a tiger.

rÚ이 všnp내@ (산행 S)

Pattern: np내@ for np내고 . Plaing the after -고 in -고 fores theTand 5then6...U reading of -고 , as o!!osed to the Tand 5also6. . .Ureading. In other words, it means Twhen..., ...then; u!on doing,U #utem!hasiAing the onse/uene.

Here:. . . Lhen I found the tiger0s traks, then . . .

양 ÿ가 ôz 내게>˜다. (산행 W)Pattern: 내게 for 나에게 .Here: Er. Kang said, again and again.

고ª æg에{´ (산행 W)Pattern: 에 to mark the (inanimate) agent of a !assive. hat is, 에 marks the

#y0-!hrase in a !assive onstrution.Here:. . . hased #y hunting howls . . .

!순) !가|}g고 있%음이 ]명˜다. (산행 W)Pattern: -(&)T이 ]명하- it is lear that. . . it is o#vious that . . .Here: . . . at that moment, it was lear that he was on9uring u! 5the image6.

¼고C 0 Ž에 ¡ ¼G ï7CC ¯ 고~ (산행 W)Pattern: -7 C- he !attern in in3nitive -7 C다 , #esides meaning gets

to #e or #eomes with ad9etives, an have the e'et of a@get-!assive@ in *nglish or of middles or re4eives in languages whih

have these. he im!liation is that the su#9et"agent is either(sometimes adversely) a'eted #y the ation, and"or has no ontroloverthe ation of the ver#.

Here: . . . a fee whih ame to no more than one thousand won a !age . . .

내 Æš •건R I€ 왔던 µ이다. (산행 W)Pattern: -7 l- gradually (omes in doing); omes u! (along); starts (has

started) #eoming " doing; has"had #een doing. -Here:. . . my entire #ody was gradually #eing drowned.

á~š |}g@ ˜던 µ이다. (산행 W)

Pattern: -@ 하- a##reviated from -고 하다 makes a ha#it"regular !ratie


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(a regular thing) of doing it; does it from time to time.Here: . . . I ke!t on on9uring u! mountains and valleys.

¹š Ö5ƒ (산행 W)

Pattern: -(&

for -(&


while, at the same time, (doing)simultaneously.Here:. . . hiding itself . . .

7«‚W에게G È ZWš 내M이C ¯&¦8G (산행 W)Pattern: 7«‚W에게G to anyone, to any whih !erson.Here:. . . while not showing itself to anyone . . .

!n [P움¥ $ 없%다. (산행 W)Pattern: su#stantive in -(&)T 이 -(&)' $ 없- annot #e $%&$. . . isnot !ossi#le that it is $%&$.Here:. . . lit. ould not #e his fear (he feared non of those).

!µ이 !n 가Ž f [P움¥ ^이%다. (산행 1X)Pattern: -(&)'^이다 is nothing #ut, only, onstantly; all it"one does"is is . .Here:. . . that was his only main fear.

sÜï p¾하고 (산행 1X)Pattern: $%&$ ï p¾하- for $%&$ 하C p¾하- is not; does not . . .Here: . . . is not su2ient, and . . .

나n 환Ušrȃ  ‘„고자 하 …†이%다. (산행 1X)Pattern: -고자 하- want to; ready " !re!ared " willing to; intend to.Here:. . . it was my thirst to make my illusion a reality.

™•산n 산4를 .고 있 ‡W¨& (산행 1X)Pattern: !artile ¨&(G) even, too, to #oot, in addition, into the #argain.Here:. . . even those friends who knew what &nhong mountain lookedlike . . .

½ˆ에 있f 산 하나에 C나C ¯O다. (산행 1X)Pattern: - $%&$ 에 C나C ¯- #e nothing #ut $%&$, #e only $%&$, merely


Here:. . . it was nothing #ut another #ig mountain in the south.

rÚ이에 è+ wJ¨&G 가C ¯O다. (산행 1X)Pattern: $egative reem!hasis in -C를 ¯- . he addition of 를 to -C is

thought to add em!hasis, insistene or a hint of frustration to thelong negation !attern in -C ¯다. $ote also !artile ¨&(G) even, too,

to #oot, in addition, into the #argain.Here:. . . they ouldn0t even muster u! interest in the tiger.

wEA rÚ이 ’%에8 Û 이U 나p가 ¯O다. (산행 1X)Pattern: $egative reem!hasis in -C를 ¯- . he addition of 를 to -C is

thought to add em!hasis, insistene or a hint of frustration to the

long negation !attern in -C ¯다 .


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Here: . . . they did not go !ast their im!ression of the tiger as an ehi#it . . .

5사를 ÆI&S ‰˜š^ (산행 1X)Pattern: -(&)' ^( 이다) Pros!etive modi3er !lus !ost-modi3er ^ (!lus

o!ula) nothing #ut, only, onstantly; all it"one does"is is . . . (Here ona !ast #ase)Here:. . . they only thoroughly #elieved the re!orts . . .

¢¢0 Š이 Û (산행 1X)Pattern: $aked in3nitive Û(8) . $ote also Š for 마음 .Here: Ey frustration getting worse . . .

양ÿn>šeg è (산행 1X)Pattern: -"-(&)3 è instead of. . ., in !lae"lieu of. . .; while on the one

hand. . .Here:. . . instead of #orrowing Er. Kang0s words . . .

8  ÞJ‹7하¦8G (산행 1X)Pattern: hird !erson sensory ver#s in -7 하다 . &sed with desri!tive ver#s

that refer to human feelings (liking, fearing, reating to,...) when thee!eriener is a third !erson.

Here: . . . even though 8 was dou#tful . . .

r5J1Y Ö5 ¯O다. (산행 1X)Pattern: 1Y with Y denoting ontrast. $ote also negative !reem!hasis in

-C를 ¯- . he addition of 를 to -C is thought to add em!hasis,insistene or a hint of frustration to the long negation !attern in -C¯다 .

Here:. . . only his uriosity was not hidden.

+가 rÚ이를 Œ51 0다¦ (산행 1X)Pattern: -51 하¦ no sooner does it"one do or #e, than. . .; all one"it has to

do or #e is. . . (and then some result). $ote that -다¦ is morehy!othetial than !lain -(&)¦ .

Here:. . . if only you take a !iture of the tiger . . .

역사IÁ Á물이 m고 1다 (산행 1X)Pattern: -고 > - to show 3nal develo!ment of an ation: ends u! doing,3nally does, gets around to doing, ultimately does.

Here:. . . 5to the e'et that one6 will end u! #eoming an historial 3gure . .

나nŽ없k (산행 1X)Pattern: - the at of (doing), . . . ing (sometimes !e9orative).Here:. . . my inessant !estering . . .

ak에”CG (행Iš Ö5고 (산행 11)Pattern: -에”CG u! to, to !lus !artile G even. Partile G renders the

delimiter ”C even more em!hati.

Here: 5 Er. 8 and myself6 hid out travel !lans even from our very homes


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(families) . . .

CïCG ¯고 |#7‘다. (산행 11)Pattern: -CG ¯- doesn0t"isn0t even . . . $ote also -7 è- ( does) terri#ly,

awfully, a lot, like mad " anything (gives iterative and"or em!hatifore to a !reeding ver# in3nitive).Here: . . . 5imagining the shok6 we didn0t even get tired and !ressed on


½’Á²G (산행 11)Pattern: -(&)3" -²G given the irumstane that it is " does, even

though, though. his !attern an usually #e taken as an a##reviationof -²G .W하고 in s!ite of the fat that.Here: In s!ite of the fat that it was southerly . . .

가šY *g가 |나“ `M다 Û” Ê7 있%다. (산행 11)

Pattern: esultant state in -7 있- is in the state of resulting from, is done.Here: utumn was muh dee!er than the !lae we had left.

ý7i 고에 –—( 있%다. (산행 11)Pattern: esultant state in -7 있다 is in the state of resulting from, is done

Here on –—이- #e " get overed.Here: . . . it was overed #y the fallen leaves.

산n˜™이 Û” šùSi 반¦ (산행 11)Pattern: -(&)3반¦ whereas on the other hand . . .Here: . . . whereas on the one hand, the mountain0s features were evenmore shar! . . .

¸Ó하던 *Y 0Ï 가€ 있%다. (산행 11)Pattern: esultant state in -7 있다 is in the state of resulting from, is done.Here: . . . the taste of a#undane was even more rinsed away.

›à 1œ 이 하 ÿ였다. (산행 11)Pattern: /uasi-free noun and !ostmodi3er 이 a !erson, a man; one; a thing.Here: . . . the 3rst !erson I met was Er. Ha.

(ÆR 술에9 있%다. (산행 11)Pattern: esultant state in -7 있다 is in the state of resulting from, is done.

Here: . . . as usual, he was in a state of drunkenness.

0L qk이나 (산행 11)Pattern: -(이)나 as muh as . . .Here: . . . for /uite a while . . .

5š Ûw7 B%š 때Ñ (산행 11)Pattern: -(&)'때Ñ only when . . . (3nally).Here: . . . only when he had searhed his memory . . .

가ž게Ÿ고 있Y ˜다. (산행 11)Pattern: Eodi3er  (하다) ( i.e. -(&)3  , -(&)'  , -  ;) is like, is as

(if) is like, is as (if).


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Here: . . . it was as if he had om!letely forgotten.

8 를 가g„ƒ (산행 11)Pattern: -(&)ƒ for -(&)¦8 while, at the same time, (doing)

simultaneously.Here: . . . !ointing at 8 . . .사iš Œ&Î왔다 @v ˜š 때G (산행 11)Pattern: -(&)' 때G even when; also when. rom !ros!etive modi3er

-(&)' 때 time when G even, although.Here: . . . even when I said that he had ome to take !itures of the tiger . .

이 #gC ¯다 Pï를 M였다. (산행 11)Pattern: - Pï(를) M이- give (show) indiret signs or hints that . . .Here: . . . he looked as if he had no idea what I was talking a#out.

è=ç¡ ¢£˜다. (산행 11)

Pattern: Partile ç¡ : (order) #eginning with; 3rst; starting from.Here: . . . even his answer was !re!osterous.

양 ÿ나npì?고 (산행 11)Pattern: -(이)나 or the like, like, or something, or so; the likes of, any; at

least,anyway, 9ust (used in gently"vaguely urging way), even if it is notof !artiular interest.

Here: . . . asking him to go look for Er. Kang or something . . .

하 ÿ>èS (산행 1<)Pattern: $%&$ èS as, 9ust as, 9ust as it is (was); in aordane with.Here: . . . 9ust like Er. Ha had said . . .

¤¥ ¦7 있%던 µ이다. (산행 1<)Pattern: esultant state in -7 있다 is in the state of resulting from, is done.

$ote also -던 µ이다 it was that ase that . . .Here: . . . he was (in the state of #eing) emaiated.

()반가하 §이 p¾%다. (산행 1<)Pattern: -§ a!!earane, look; #ehavior; the way one looks " #ehaves. $ote

also() negative (or im!lied negative) very; not a little, to no

small etent, /uite, etremely, terri#ly.Here: . . . he was very ha!!y to see me.

!n반가™ 5Xš M 순) (산행 1<)Pattern: - 순) the moment"instant . . .Here: . . . the moment I saw his weloming ountenane . . .

하 ÿ를 è하고8 «¨던 .k©ªY (산행 1<)Pattern: -고8 does and then; doing and then. $ote also $%&$ ªY a#out (so

muh), a!!roimately; (of a) ali#er; so muh of, of that etent.Here: . . . the aniety I had felt towards Er. Ha . . .

!« ö자÷š QQR F2. (산행 1<)


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Pattern: - (2) used to end a sentene with the meaning indeed, ordes!ite ontrary antii!ations " reservations.

Here: . . . I saw that thing0s foot!rints learly, I tell ya.

나를 5다¬–?고 >˜다. (

산행1<)Pattern: -–?(고) for solemn !rolamations"delarations.

Here: . . . he said that he had #een waiting for me.

rÚ이 vGT [%&ƒ (산행 1<)Pattern: -(&)ƒ funtions like -고 and.. $ote also -7 [- In3nitive in -7 auiliary [다 does something to get it out of the way (!erha!s as a

!reaution); gets it done, 3nishes it u! (so it will #e out of the way),doesit one and for good, does thoroughly"arefully now (so it will nothave to #e done again; does for later"future use or referene. >ameas -7 ®다.

Here: . . . he had also sanned over the tiger trail . . .

!nkX이 .k=Îh 내가 물%다. (산행 1B)Pattern: $aked in3nitive .k=Îh(8) .Here: . . . I asked #eause his fae looked so anious.

8  à Ø자 véš ˜C (산행 1B)Pattern: -C , i.e. modi3er 5-(&)3, -던, -%던, -%, -6 !ost-modi3er C the unertain fat whether. Lhen left hanging in mid-sentene, you an inter!ret the !attern as having left out a

following (G) Z€C1: it may have #een the ase that or it isunertain LH... 5#ut...6. $ote also à for 자5 . 8orean has at least

three levels of re4eive !ronoun meaning one0s self: Fow àPolite자5 (자, 자체) Honori3 “.

Here: . . . !erha!s #eause he was all disa!!ointed . . .

¯P >p2. (산행 1B)Pattern: ¯P >p2 for ¯P 5하C6 >p2 .Here: . . . don0t worry.

이¿G (산행 1B)Pattern: 이¿G A 이"- -7 G even though it #e like this . . .

rÚ¥°다¦ (산행 1B)Pattern: rÚ¥ for rÚ이를 . $ote also onditional in -다¦ , -"(&)3 다¦ ,more hy!othetial than !lain -(&)¦ .Here: . . . if we go after the tiger . . .

šp다— $G 있š F±¾다. (산행 1B)Pattern: -(&)'FG이다 is to " at the !oint that.. . . is to the etent that . .Here: . . . It will get to the !oint that I will even #e a#le to 4y.

이¿²G (산행 1B)Pattern: 이¿²G A 이"- -7 M(G even though it a!!ears to #e like this .. .


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산_8 ³이 ´%C? (산행 1B)Pattern: -C? as " sine it does (e/uivalent to ollo/uial -z¾ , aording

to oth)Here: . . . >ine my #ones have hardened . . .

]Iš ©행„S ˜다. (산행 1B)Pattern: ©행„S for ©행하5S .Here: . . . we deided to venture o' in our !ursuit.

양 ÿ술š고 있다 ˜&RS (산행 1B)Pattern: -(&)R S(8) . lthough the 8orean s!elling somewhat o#sures the

origin, this is a su#stantive in -(&)T instrumental S(8) , andmeans with (as, et.) the doing or #eing; sine (#eause of) the doingor #eing. $ote also -고 있- meaning is " ontinues in a (hanged) state.

f. -7 있다. µ¼ 에?¼ 하고 있다 is in the hos!ital. 가고 없다 is gone.Here: . . . #eause Er. Kang said that (Er. Ha) was getting o' the wagon . .

à양반 ;자다가G (산행 1B)Pattern: -다(가)G transferentive -다가 indiating a hange or shift of ation

or state !lus !artile G .Here: hat gentleman, even when he slee!s, . . .

rÚ이 ’%1 나¦ (산행 1B)Pattern: $%&$ 1 -(&)¦ no sooner does it"one do or #e, than. . .; as soon

as . . . then . . .Here: . . . as soon as he thinks of tigers . . .

ñ음 +’>이 가‘고 œ –에 (산행 1B)Pattern: -고 œ –(에"S) after. . .ing.Here: . . . after the 3rst time you left . . .

¥체 rÚ이@v ¯Û¾ (산행 1B)Pattern: etros!etive se/uential -Û¾ : as now it has #een o#served that ...;

when (now"then); sine (now"then) ...; ... and now"then; ... #utnow"then. he form in -Û¾ usually im!lies a marked or a#ru!tontrast #etween the 3rst and seond lauses: whereu!on. $ote also@v 

¯ for @v 하C ¯ .Here: . . . not saying a word a#out tigers, now . . .

µ이 #¦8 (산행 1B)Pattern: -(&)¦8 in what funtions like an a##reviation of -(&)¦8ç¡  ever

sine ...; starting from the time when....Here: . . . ever sine he got sik . . .

¶·=¸ rÚ이를nè2. (산행 1B)Pattern: adver#ial -=¸ from -=Î이 like, as. ? -=×다 .Here: . . . all of a sudden he says that he is looking for tigers.

양 ÿ 7Ÿ이Ñ (산행 1B)


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Pattern: hird !erson sensory ver#s in -7 하다 . &sed with desri!tive ver#sthat refer to human feelings (liking, fearing, reating to,...) when thee!eriener is a third !erson. $ote also È , the low version of Plain자5.

Here: . . . he looked as sad as though it was his own wife he had lost.

G†) çÁ+ (산행 1G)Pattern: Postnoun + the grou!, all of . . . his makes an e!liit !lural fornouns

referring to !eo!le; it is also used in om#ination with the synonyms# and

¬g : *g, *g+, *g#, *g+#, *g#+ we"us.Here: . . . the runaway wife . . .

°F이 Â없이 =ÎC고 있음š «¨다. (산행 1G)Pattern: -(&)T(š) «¬- to feel . . . with su#stantive -(&)T the at (or fat)

of having " #eing.Here: . . . I felt my dediation olla!sing.

Z[ 나 때{Á Â이 (´Ã던 µ이다. (산행 1G)Pattern: modi3er Â(이) like, as, giving the a!!earane of ...; a!!earing (to

#e), looking (like); seeming as if; as if " though. $ote also -7 C- . he!attern in in3nitive -7 C다 , #esides meaning gets to #e or#eomes with ad9etives, an have the e'et of a @get-!assive@ in*nglish or of middles or re4eives in languages whih have these. heim!liation is that the su#9et"agent is either (sometimes adversely)a'eted #y the ation, and"or has no ontrol over the ation of thever#.

Here: . . . it felt as though it were somehow all my fault.

양ÿn £iª에 ? (산행 1G)Pattern: $%&$ (에)?(8) in aordane with $%&$, in onformity to (with)

$%&$, aording to $%&$. $ote also su#stantive -(&)T the at (orfat) of having " #eing.

Here: . . . in aordane with Er. Kang0s ehaustion . . .

산_n rÚ이¨& (산행 1G)Pattern: !artile ¨&(G) even, too, to #oot, in addition, into the #argain.

Here: . . . even the tiger in the heart of the mountain . . .

나K n자를 “´ 앉&ƒ (산행 1G)Pattern: -(&)ƒ for -(&)¦8 while, at the same time, (doing)

simultaneously.Here: . . . !ulling u! a wooden hair . . .

+’># Ä\ Å ô?W2. (산행 1G)Pattern: ô?W2 A µ이?고2.Here: . . . he #elieves that you will kee! your !romise, I tell you.

Æ이?G (산행 1G)

Pattern: !seudo-!artile -(이)?G (1) even if (it #e); (<) 9ust, (or the ) like (


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7 이나 ); or even; any, some.Here: . . . even a good sum of money . . .

C„고>W2. (산행 1G)

Pattern: -고 >고


) of ourse, ertainly, sure.Here: . . . of ourse we will kee! the !romise.

나 8  –ñÇ (산행 1G)Pattern: $aked in3nitive –ñÇ(8) .Here: . . . 8 and I, lagging #ehind . . .

á~kÈS Á (산행 1J)Pattern: $%&$ (&)S Á하((8) on aount of.Here: . . . on aount of the forest and fog . . .

‘K <-BX Þ¡GÉ이 ¯O다. (산행 1J)

Pattern: $egative !reem!hasis in -C를 ¯- . he addition of 를 to -C isthought to add em!hasis, insistene or a hint of frustration to the

long negation !attern in -C ¯다 .Here: . . . our 3eld of vision was #loked even for <X-BX meters ahead.

?š ( 이 pKG 없%다. (산행 1J)Pattern: /uasi-free noun and !ostmodi3er 이 a !erson, a man; one; a thing.Here: lit. . . . no one o!ened their mouth (no one s!oke a word).

7ʽ가에 (산행 1J)Pattern: 7ʽ가에 A 7Ê에 Á가에.Here: . . . somewhere 5or other6 . . .

všËïƒ ð8 7 나Ì다. (산행 1J)Pattern: -(&)ƒ for -(&)¦8 while, at the same time, (doing)

simultaneously.Here: . . . learing away the dead leaves, he took the lead.

°Í Æª에G (산행 1J)Pattern: ª에G a#out a!!roimately; to " at " in . . . also " even " either.Here: . . . even a#out ten days ago . . .

– š/고앉p (산행 1J)

Pattern: $aked in3nitive 앉p(8) .Here: . . . sitting on a #are tree stum! . . .

산삼šnp 나+ Â이 (산행 1J)Pattern: modi3er Â(이) like, as, giving the a!!earane of ...; a!!earing (to

#e), looking (like); seeming as if; as if"though..Here: . . . as if you were setting o' to look for mountain ginsaeng.

çÁš ¯고 (산행 1J)Pattern: ¯고 for 5하C6 ¯고 .Here: . . . I did not take my words #ak, and . . .

0나Vš ËβG (산행 1J)


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Pattern: -(&)3" -²G given the irumstane that it is " does, eventhough, though. his !attern an usually #e taken as an a##reviation

of -²G .W하고 in s!ite of the fat that.Here: . . . des!ite having wandered for the #etter !art of the day . . .

ÏlC ö자÷¨& n ®˜다. (산행 1J)Pattern: $egative !reem!hasis in -C를 ®- . he addition of 를 to -C is

thought to add em!hasis, insistene or a hint of frustration to thelong negation !attern in -C ¯다. $ote also !artile ¨&(G) even, too,

to #oot, in addition, into the #argain.Here: . . . we didn0t even 3nd a foot!rint of a wild #oar.

kÈÐY Â Ñ´Ã다. (산행 1J)Pattern: modi3er Â(이) like, as, giving the a!!earane of ...; a!!earing (to

#e), looking (like); seeming as if; as if " though.. $ote also -7 C- he!attern in in3nitive -7 C다 , #esides meaning gets to #e or

#eomes with ad9etives, an have the e'et of a @get-!assive@ in*nglish or of middles or re4eives in languages whih have these. heim!liation is that the su#9et"agent is either (sometimes adversely)a'eted #y the ation, and"or has no ontrol over the ation of thever#.

Here: . . . the fog !eeled o' as if it had #een rinsed away.

“Ò¥šËβG (산행 1M)Pattern: -(&)3" -²G given the irumstane that it is " does, even

though, though. his !attern an usually #e taken as an a##reviationof -²G .W하고 in s!ite of the fat that.Here: . . . even though we had wandered the whole day . . .

– [ 마g1 ùÓ?에 éOš ^이%다. (산행 1M)Pattern: -(&)' ^( 이다) Pros!etive modi3er !lus !ost-modi3er ^ (!lus

o!ula) nothing #ut, only, onstantly; all it"one does"is (or did " was)is . . .

Here: . . . all he aught in his amera were two roe deer.

나 ÏÐ r†하C ¯O다. (산행 1M)Pattern: ÏÐ $egative not *= at all, not *= in the least.Here: . . . I was not disa!!ointed in the least.

양 ÿn °띤 Poš - (산행 1M)Pattern: $%&$ š -(8) through"#y way of $%&$.Here: . . .through Er. Kang0s fervent glane . . .

rÚ이n MN 7$없이 «ÔÃ던 µ이다. (산행 1M)Pattern: -7 C- he !attern in in3nitive -7 C다 , #esides meaning gets

to #e or #eomes with ad9etives, an have the e'et of a@get-!assive@ in *nglish or of middles or re4eives in languages whihhave these. he im!liation is that the su#9et"agent is either(sometimes adversely) a'eted #y the ation, and"or has no ontroloverthe ation of the ver#.

Here: . . . I ame to feel the tiger0s eistene as infalli#ly real.


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–¿를 •9è다가 (산행 1M)Pattern: mimeti -è다 , more insistent and !rolonged than mimeti

-ôg다. does re!eatedly"ontinuously; does and does; kee!s

doing, doeson and on, does (kee!s doing) it away; does again and again, doesover and over again.

Here: . . . he was humming a tune, when . . .

바ú에 5Õ 채 (산행 1M)Pattern: -(&)3 채  9ust as it is or did, (in) the original state of. . .Here: . . . leaning on a #oulder . . .

PG Ö Q ¯고 (산행 1M)Pattern: Ö Q ¯고 for Ö Q 5하C6 ¯고 .Here: . . . not even #linking . . .

@;‘?G Pš×이‘C2D@ (산행 1M)Pattern: !seudo-!artile -(이)?G (1) even if (it #e); (<) 9ust, (or the) like

( 7 이나 ); or even; any, some.Here: . . . why don0t you lose your eyes 9ust for a momentD

ØY Þæ를띤 채 (산행 1M)Pattern: -(&)3 채  9ust as it is or did, (in) the original state of. . .Here: . . . smiling a thin smile, he . . .

(ÙÚ !가 p내 ’%š 하고 있%음š .O다. (산행 1M)Pattern: -(&)T(š) .- to know that . . . to realiAe that . . . on su#stantive

-(&)T the at (or fat) of having " #eing.Here: I knew that all this time he had #een thinking a#out his wife.

@이!다5M다....@ (산행 1M)Pattern: -다5M다, -3다5M다, -다5M다, -(이)?5M다 it0s not so muh that, rather . . .Here: . . . I wouldn0t say that she was !retty, #ut rather . . .

이¶ 산에 ñóÛ있5½ pK¿G ~˜던 !Ü이 (산행 1M)Pattern: -5에 for " in " #y " from doing, to do.Here: . . . that girl, for whom it was too muh to #e stuk here in this kind

ofmountain village. . .

Ï÷u M고였Ý72. (산행 1M)Pattern: 5u M고6 o!ula have seen whatD 7 for what reasonDHere: lit. on aount of her having seen whatD

5Þš ®np (산행 1M)Pattern: $aked in3nitive np(8) .Here: . . . she ouldn0t 3nd a soure of strength, and so . . .

G†0 µG “·하ß. (산행 1M)

Pattern: $oun the at of (doing), . . .ing 5sometimes !e9orative6.


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Here: . . . her taking-o' was to #e e!eted.

‚WG©“J $가 없 건가 à2. (산행 1M)Pattern: ‚WG 7 pKG no one, not one.

Here: . . . it seems like it is something that not everyone an o!e with.

áÆ §O&¦ (산행 1M)Pattern: $%&$ §O&¦ if it were " #e " had #een . . .Here: . . . lit. if things were like they used to #e . . .

반G â ®˜W¾다. (산행 1R)Pattern: $egative !reem!hasis in -C를 ®- . he addition of 를 to -C is

thought to add em!hasis, insistene or a hint of frustration to thelong negation !attern in -C ¯다 .Here: . . . we haven0t even gone half-way.

æg내7 D%다. (산행 1R)Pattern: $aked in3nitive æg내7(8 ).Here: . . . he laughed out loud.

ýg Â0 음Ó (산행 1R)Pattern: Eodi3er  (하다) ( i.e. -(&)3  , -(&)'  , -  ;) is like, is as(if) is like, is as (if).Here: . . . in a /uivering voie . . .

바ú산ˆ&S 이7Ç 있%다. (산행 1R)Pattern: esultant state in -7 있- is in the state of resulting from, is done.

$ote also -7C- on ã다, 이72 ontinue.Here: . . . it ontinued in the diretion of the mountain.

JŽ이ä üC Â0XŽ© (산행 1R)Pattern: Eodi3er  (하다) ( i.e. -(&)3  , -(&)'  , -  ;) is like, is as(if) is like, is as (if).Here: . . . a heart-hilling kind of tension . . .

pKµG M이 ¯O다. (산행 1R)Pattern: $egative !reem!hasis in -C를 ¯- . he addition of 를 to -C is

thought to add em!hasis, insistene or a hint of frustration to thelong negation !attern in -C ¯다 .

Here: . . . nothing was to #e seen.

(v Cå72. (산행 1R)Pattern: (v for (5를 .Here: . . . he0s !assed #y here.

æg<š ]çP}gƒ>˜다. (산행 1R)Pattern: -(&)ƒ for -(&)¦8 while, at the same time, (doing)

simultaneously. $ote also naked in3nitive ]çP(8) .Here: . . . he s!oke while lifting and setting his trousers.

양 ÿ가 이è èS (산행 1R)

Pattern: - èS as, 9ust as, 9ust as it is (was); in aordane with.


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Here: . . . 9ust as Er. Kang showed us, . . .

é다‘ê  (산행 1R)Pattern: -다 ‘ê (usually treated #y 8orean grammatarians as an unanalyAed


) in a way that tends to do, in a way inlined towarddoing, ina way suh that it is !ossi#le " likely; in a way that is virtually inaordane with, !ratially, virtually, as muh as to do, almost, as ifto, Tlike-toU. $ote also naked in3nitive (8).

Here: . . . !ratially running . . .

음이 !"게 ž를 $가 없%다. (산행 1R)Pattern: !"게 ... -(&)' $가 없- . his !attern is similar in e'et to the

!attern () $*+I* (or im!lied negative) meaning very; not alittle, to no small etent, /uite, etremely, terri#ly.

Here: 5Er. Kang0s6 !ae was etremely fast.

Æš 가‘ 나ë가C에 J„*ƒ (산행 1R)Pattern: 에 to mark the (inanimate) agent of a !assive. hat is, 에 marks the

#y0-!hrase in a !assive onstrution. $ote also dialet " su#standard!assive J„*- related to standard Jì-.

Here: . . . our entire #odies getting lawed at #y the thorns and #ranhes, . .

í7C고 자žC고 (Î&î였다. (산행 1R)Pattern: 5 í7C고 자žC고6 as su#9et (unmarked).Here: Le tum#led over forwards and #akwards many a time.

나 pï ðš cñ다. (산행 1R)Pattern: -(&)3 " - ð(š) Z€- not to know " to #e unaware that it is....Here: . . . I was unaware of the fat that I was hurt.

ò‚가ó ·ô였C1 (산행 1S)Pattern: -(&)3·ô(에) after, !ast, #eyond.Here: . . . we were way !ast the !oint of ehaustion, #ut . . .

;š õ ’%š ¯O다. (산행 1S)Pattern: ’%š ¯O다 for ’%š 5하C6¯O다 .Here: . . . we had no thoughts of slee!.

“Ž에?G (산행 1S)Pattern: !seudo-!artile -(이)?G (1) even if (it #e); (<) 9ust, (or the ) like( 7 이나 ); or even; any, some, here on loative 에 .

Here: . . . any minute . . .

3+ 마에앉p 사fšTö다. (산행 1S)Pattern: $aked in3nitive 앉p(8) .Here: . . . we sat at the learing on the ridge and looked around.

‘f에?G M¥ ˜다. (산행 1S)Pattern: !seudo-!artile -(이)?G (1) even if (it #e); (<) 9ust, (or the ) like

( 7 이나 ); or even; any, some, here on loative 에 .

Here: . . . as if 5the tiger6 would a!!ear any seond.


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l÷7를ø&ƒ>˜다. (산행 1S)Pattern: -(&)ƒ for -(&)¦8 while, at the same time, (doing)


Here: . . he said, hewing on dried s/uid.

w á에8PšùC ¯Y채 물%다. (산행 1S)Pattern: -(&)3 채  9ust as it is or did, (in) the original state of . . .Here: . . . he asked, without taking his eyes o' the shru##ery.

[úšûÈ 삼p (산행 1S)Pattern: $%&$ 삼p(8) from 삼다 make something of (a !erson or a thing)

an follow a noun to mean #y way of, for, for the sake of, as.Here: . . . using his two arms as a !illow . . .

rÚ이 *g# ü&S 다가lg? Å%다. (산행 1S)

Pattern: !ros!etive assertive -(&)g?5고6 will !ro#a#ly #e"do, usually/uoting an internal thought.

Here: . . . I #elieved that the tiger would ome over to us.

š¿고 ÌÍ=¶ 산ÅD (산행 1S)Pattern: -=¶- a##reviated -=Ι A =×다 like, as.Here: . . . swift, magial mountain #east . . .

*g# ð&S ìPˆ µ이? Å%다. (산행 1S)Pattern: µ이? for µ이?5고6 .Here: . . . I #elieved that it would ome running in front of us.

내 )V0 Å음이5G ˜다. (산행 1S)Pattern: -5G 하- also does"is also.Here: . . . it was also an earnest #elief.

때가 자å²G (산행 1S)Pattern: -(&)3" -²G given the irumstane that it is " does, even

though, though. his !attern an usually #e taken as an a##reviationof -²G .W하고 in s!ite of the fat that.Here: . . . even though it was way !ast the time . . .

ÏÐ rÚ이 나/나 ¯O다. (산행 1S)

Pattern: ÏÐ $egative not *= at all, not *= in the least. $ote also$egative !reem!hasis in -C를 ¯- . he addition of 를 to -C isthought to add em!hasis, insistene or a hint of frustration to the

long negation !attern in -C ¯다.Here: . . . there was not a tiger in sight.

(HS™ 양ÿn>이%다. (산행 1W)Pattern: $%&$ -S L - (-ý다, S 2) is (harateriAed) #y.Here: . . . those were Er. Kang0s relaed words.

dz‘þ 10º7 (산행 1W)Pattern: !ost-modi3er ad9etival noun -(&)' 1하- is su2ient (to do), is

well worth (doing); is at the !oint (of doing), has reahed the stage


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(when it an do).Here: . . . onvining words . . .

\고 있 ®˜다. (산행 1W)

Pattern: $egative !reem!hasis in -C를 ®

- . he addition of를

to -C

isthought to add em!hasis, insistene or a hint of frustration to thelong negation !attern in -C ¯다 .Here: . . . I did not have . . .

sr하게.고 있 ®˜던 µ이다. (산행 1W)Pattern: $egative !reem!hasis in -C를 ®- . he addition of 를 to -C is

thought to add em!hasis, insistene or a hint of frustration to thelong negation !attern in -C ¯다 .Here: . . . I did not know eatly . . .

ôn Žœï (산행 1W)

Pattern: #ase -Â(이) like, as, giving the a!!earane of . . .; a!!earing (to#e), looking (like); seeming as if; as if " though.Here: . . . almost 9okingly . . .

Ø자 명 ´h˜다. (산행 1W)Pattern: $%&$ (에) ÿ다, ´h2 (´ L -) f.

$ote also hird !erson sensory ver#s in -7 하다 . &sed withdesri!tive ver#s that refer to human feelings (liking, fearing, reatingto . . .) when the e!eriener is a third !erson.

Here: . . . entertaining himself.

나 이èS가 NO다. (산행 1W)Pattern: adver#ial 이èS as su#9et.Here: . . . I was ha!!y the way I was.

산# 사이에앉p (산행 1W)Pattern: $aked in3nitive 앉p(8) .Here: . . . sitting among the mountains . . .

투명0 가šoš받&ƒ (산행 1W)Pattern: -(&)ƒ for -(&)¦8 while, at the same time, (doing)

simultaneously.Here: . . . taking in the tranlusent autumn light . . .

3+~ áš C„ƒ (산행 1W)Pattern: -(&)ƒ for -(&)¦8 while, at the same time, (doing)

simultaneously.Here: . . . wathing over ridge and forest . . .

dÕ=¶ MN자 (산행 1W)Pattern: -=¶- a##reviated -=Ι A =×다 like, as.Here: . . . a seretive #eing . . .

완Æ하게 de나 있 JF이%다. (산행 1W)Pattern: esultant state in -7 있- is in the state of resulting from, is done.

Here: . . . It was a state of mind om!letely removed from this world.


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Pattern: $aked in3nitive ½p(8) . $ote also redu!liated l¿ .Here: . . . to stay over a long time in the mountain . . .

8 가 )èG (산행 <X)





.Here: . . . even though 8 said he was leaving . . .

rÚ이를 Ÿ고 있%던 12 (산행 <X)Pattern: -던 12 in as muh as, in so far as, sine (had done " #een).Here: . . . to the etent that we forgot a#out the tiger . . .

ô북Ç=×게”C «ÔÃ던 µ이다. (산행 <X)Pattern: -게 ”C (adver#ial -게 ”C ), !artile ”C meaning even, so far

as (etent, em!hasis). $ote also -7 è- ( does) terri#ly, awfully, alot, like mad " anything (gives iterative and"or em!hati fore to a!reeding ver# in3nitive) and -7 C- he !attern in in3nitive -7

C다 , #esides meaning gets to #e or #eomes with ad9etives, anhave the

e'et of a @get-!assive@ in *nglish or of middles or re4eives inlanguages whih have these. he im!liation is that the su#9et"agentis either (sometimes adversely) a'eted #y the ation, and"or hasno ontrol over the ation of the ver#.

Here: . . . it went so far as to feel awkward.

Þk©¨& ¥C를 ¯O다. (산행 <X)Pattern: !artile ¨&(G) even, too, to #oot, in addition, into the #argain.$ote also negative !reem!hasis in -C를 ¯- . he addition of 를 to -C is

thought to add em!hasis, insistene or a hint of frustration to thelong negation !attern in -C ¯다 .Here: . . . I didn0t even feel a!ologeti.

8S를 )Cò Ù*ƒ (산행 <X)Pattern: -(&)ƒ for -(&)¦8 while, at the same time, (doing)

simultaneously. $ote also )Cò a##reviated su#stantive from )CÎ움? )C×다.

Here: . . . making eah other laugh . . .

찔끔èƒD7‘다. (산행 <X)

Pattern: mimeti -è다 , more insistant and !rolonged than mimeti -ôg다. does re!eatedly"ontinuously; does and does; kee!sdoing, does on

and on, does (kee!s doing)it away; does again and again, does overand over again.

Here: . . . laughed with tears in our eyes.

Š에 k z녀석 하나를 - 먹이고œ – §이 (산행 <X)Pattern: -고 œ–(에) after doing.Here: . . . as if we had 9ust gotten rid of a guy we didn0t like . . .

“ 산이 .덩이 \에 S Â (산행 <X)

Pattern: modi3er Â(이) like, as, giving the a!!earane of ...; a!!earing (to


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