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Luke 15:23-24

St. Joseph Parish Family Kingston—Plympton

PARISH STAFF Pastor: Rev. John J. Graham

Email: [email protected] Senior Vicar: Rev. John P. Culloty

Email: [email protected] Weekend Assistance: Rev. Robert Johnson S.V.D. Deacon: Deacon Kevin J. Winn

Email: [email protected] Coordinators of Faith Formation:

Confirmation Prep I & II: Paula Leaverton Email: [email protected] Grades 1-8: Kathleen McKenna Email: [email protected]

Director of Music: Jeffrey Marani Email: [email protected]

Children’s Choir: Nicole Desmarais Administrative Assistant: Deborah Gomer

Email: [email protected] Secretary: Janet Jacobson

Email: [email protected] Faith Formation Secretary/Assistant: Michelle Davies

Email: [email protected] Property Manager/Haiti 180: Stephen Medlin

Email: [email protected] Youth Minister: Rob Forde

Email: [email protected] THE PARISH OFFICE—272 Main St., Kingston, MA 02364 Monday—Friday: 9:30 am – 4:30 pm; Telephone for Parish Office and Rectory: 781-585-6679; 585-9157. Fax: 781-645-1337 Web Page: Email: [email protected] FAITH FORMATION OFFICE 781-585-6372 Hours: Mon - Thurs: 9:30 am-2:00 pm Email—[email protected] LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST: Masses: Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM

Sunday: 8:30, 10:30 AM Weekday Mass: Monday—Friday: 9:00 AM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturdays: 3:00 - 3:30 PM and after Mass if requested.

OUR MISSION STATEMENT We, the faith community of St. Joseph Parish, Kingston-Plympton, believe that we are called

daily to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ: to learn, to share, and to live the message of Jesus. Guided by

the Holy Spirit we recognize that we are unique with diverse gifts from God and that as Christ's disciples we are to develop these

gifts of Time-Talent-Treasure, to nurture and strengthen our families, our community, our nation, and our world.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL #4480: Grand Knight: Walter McSorley 774-688-1828 MARRIAGES: Contact St Joseph Parish at least one year in advance of the date on which you wish to be married. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS: The RCIA is the process through which interested adults and older children are gradually introduced to the Roman Catholic faith and way of life. Contact Ann Moberg: 508-465-1959.

BAPTISMS: For Catholics, the Sacrament of Baptism is the first step in a lifelong journey of commitment and disciple-ship. On the second Sunday of the month, the Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated. Please call the parish office for information. PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Chairperson: Rev. John Graham Vice Chair: Jason Potrykus Members: Brendan Burke, Lynn Callbeck, Anne Carney, Dave Chuckran, Janine Chuckran, Frank Clasby, Emily Finn, Tammy Firth, Tom Gillespie, Jack Marani, Carol McManus, Steve Medlin, Nicole Ohlson, Robert O’Neill, Brad Parillo, Sean Rafferty, Robert Veracka. PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL Chairperson: James Hogue Julie Cahill, Kenneth Cook, James Corcoran, Tim Fontaine, Chris Kowilcik, Chuck Mason, Rick Noll, and Sean Varano ‘MATER DEI’ WOMEN’S GUILD – Spiritual gathering – September thru May, fourth Wednesdays at 7:00 pm. Call: Rita at 781-585-2477 PARISH PRAYER GROUP: Fatima Prayer Group: Thursdays at 9:30 am. Parish Rosary: before each Daily Mass and Monday evening at 6:30 pm. Call: Rita at 781-585-2477 MARIAN MOVEMENT CENACLE PRAYER: Tuesday 9:30 to 11:00 am PRAYER LINE: Call : Michelle Davies 781-754-0003

Deb Krueger 781-588-6001 ST. JOSEPH PARISH CEMETERY, Elm Street, Kingston. For information and/or the purchase of a burial plot call the Parish Office. CEMETERY COMMITTEE: President: Jerry McCarthy Vice President: Jerry Hogan Secretary: Pat Correa FOOD PANTRY: Located at Parish Office. Open 2nd & last Thursday of month from 10 to 11:30 am and 4:30 to 6 pm. ST. JOSEPH PARISH CHURCH IS OPEN every day from 7 am until 4:00pm, for prayer and visits to Blessed Sacrament.

March 31, 2019 Fourth Sunday of Lent

St. Joseph Parish Family Kingston—Plympton

From Our Pastor

There are a lot of words that describe the Bible. The Bible is beautiful, it is profound, it is moving, it is inspirational. All of these words fit, but there is one other word that comes to mind. Scary. It isn’t a word that I would use a lot, but at times it is appropriate. Scary is the best word to describe what I think is one of the most important parts the New Testament. In twenty-fifth chapter of Matthew’s gospel, we read the powerful parable of the last judgement.

In Matthew 25 Jesus tells this parable to those who have made the choice to be his followers. He tells these disciples that, at the end of time, they will be judged on how well they have answered Jesus’ call to be his followers. We know this story well. Jesus separates the disciples into two groups: The Sheep and the Goats. The Sheep go off to everlasting life, and here is the scary part, the goats off to everlasting punishment. And why do the goats get consigned to everlasting separation from God? It isn’t because of what they did. We are not given a list of the terrible sins that they have committed. We are told that it is what these folks did not do that is the reason for their damnation. They didn’t feed the hungry, clothe the naked, welcome the stranger, or visit the sick and imprisoned. It is Jesus telling us that Disciples aren’t called to be people who just avoid doing bad things; Disciples are those people who go into the world and actively try to do good.

I mention this parable today because I want to continue my writing about the three great spiritual disciplines of Lent. I have written about prayer and fasting. Matthew 25 is a great way to speak about the third discipline, Almsgiving. We give alms, that is, we give of our time, treasure, and talent, because it helps us to live the life of discipleship. As Disciples, we are asked to live a very active life in the world. We have the responsibility to avoid evil, but as the parable of the Last Judgement reminds us, that is only half of our job. Disciples actively do good. Disciples feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, welcome the stranger, visit the sick and imprisoned, and so much more. Almsgiving allows us to fulfill the Great Commandment of loving our God and our neighbor.

May God continue to bless you during this Lenten season, by works of Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving may you be renewed in your life of Discipleship.

God Bless, Fr. Jack

FINANCES: The collection for the Offertory for the weekend of March 23/24 was $7,580.33. The budgeted amount needed per week is $8,000 to deal with the present operating deficit. Thank you for your generosity.

CATHOLIC APPEAL: Gifts and Pledges as of 3/25/19 are $13,190.00 which is 41% of our goal of $31,936.00. As of this date 67 donors have participated in this important program. Thank you.


For elderly parishioners, especially those without family living nearby, a parish nurse can make a world of

difference. More than 60 volunteer parish nurses offer spiritual, emotional and health promoting support for sick

and homebound parishioners through the Faith Community Nursing Ministry. This important ministry is one of

more than 50 critical ministries in our Archdiocese that rely on your support of the 2019 Catholic Appeal. More

info at

March 31, 2019 Fourth Sunday of Lent

Online Giving .._ ____________________________________ _

St. Joseph Parish Family Kingston—Plympton


Saturday, March 30, 4 pm Anniversary Mass—John and Kay O’Hare

Sunday, March 31, 8:30 am ‘Pro Populo’ Mass

Sunday, March 31, 10:30 am 25th Anniversary Mass—Marie Clough and Frank Benusin

Monday, April 1, 9 am Memorial Mass—Aidan and Kathleen Grannell

Tuesday, April 2, 9 am Memorial Mass—Laura Ferris Cronin

Wednesday, April 3, 9 am Memorial Mass—Holy Souls in Purgatory

Thursday, April 4, 9 am Special Intention—Beth Splaine

Friday, April 5, 9 am 11th Anniversary Mass—Donald Decourcy

Saturday, April 6, 11 am Funeral Mass—Laura Cronin


Saturday, April 6, 4 pm 5th Anniversary Mass—Thomas H. Stevens

Sunday, April 7, 8:30 am Birthday Memorial Mass—Clarence P. Potrykus

Sunday, April 7, 10:30 am ‘Pro Populo’ Mass

PRAYERS ARE REQUESTED for the repose of the soul of Edward P. Hartnett, Jr.

WE ASK GOD’S HEALING GRACES upon those who are sick, especially:

Fr. Bob Mallonee, Ryan Adler, Ann Andrews, Michael Andrews, Thomas Barnes, Kathleen Beaman, Justin Boddie, William Bonzi, Mary Buckley, Maryann Buzzeo, Joseph Cadillic, Tifany Campbell, Margaret Clancy, Barbara Ann Coyle, Jr., Rita Daly, Ryan Davis, Michael Duffy, Anthony Emmott, Rev. William English, Nicholas Enloe, Mary Ellen Fagan, Tina Ferante, Mary Ann Fernandez, Jessica Fleming, Cheralyn Froio, Irene Hardy, Peter Hender-son, Katie Herrmann, Laurie Hoberg, Virginia Hogan, Ellen Darcy Hourihan, Joanne Howard, Denise Jacoppo, Will Warren Jones, Kathy Kearney, Paul Kelleher, Maddie Klein, Eva Lipton, Liz Loring, Chris McIsaac, Walter McSorley, Mary Merry, Joyce Moran, Walter A. Moquin, Baby Emily Grace Mullin, Patricia Mullin, Cecilia Norton, Gabriel O’Hal-loran, Paul O’Keefe, Mary O’Neil, David O’Neill, Gertrude Packard, Barbara Parks, Debbie Ryan, Eugene & Bernadette Santoro, Pierce Scroggins, Kolbe Shannon, Warren Sherman, Eric Shippee, Joyce Shorley, Virginia Sweeney, Larry Tinajare, Jack Tura, John Tura, Richard Tura, Tony Turner, Alexis Walker, Paula Watkins.

LET US PRAY for all people in the military and especially:

Peter Brooks, Alex Carroll, Brian Connor, Jacob Cook, Brendan Dillon, Kevin Joseph Doherty, David D’Urso, Barbara Dustin, Paul Dustin, Christopher Feroli, Vincent Gillespie, Nicholas LaPlante Johnson, Joseph Kelleher, Michael Kelley, Christopher LeBouvier, Michael Lilleberg, James Linnehan, Peter E. Manning, Craig Marshall, Christo-pher Matthai, Anthony Russo, Dalton Sears, Nathaniel Sexton, David Sjostedt, Zeke Sjostedt, Jonathan Stack, Kyle Sullivan, Michael Vitra.

WE WELCOME into our Parish Family, Fiona Margaret Guilderson, Daniel Colbert Ledwell, Jr., David Enrique Hall, Winifred Catherine MacKinnon, and Leah Marie Silvia

who were baptized into Christ during the months of February and March. Congratulations to their proud parents and families.

Try Online Giving! Please use Online Giving to donate your weekly offering.

Go to and click on the Online Giving link, it’s quick

and easy.


Next meeting is

Wednesday, April 3

Dinner at 7 pm, Meeting at 8 pm

All Knights are welcome!





March 31, 2019 Fourth Sunday of Lent

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St. Joseph Parish Family Kingston—Plympton

Faith Formation 781-585-6372

Kathleen McKenna [email protected] Michelle Davies [email protected]

Paula Leaverton [email protected]


Gr. 2 Continues preparation for their first opportunity to receive Jesus in the Eucharist—please pray for them!

Gr. 1 & 3-6 will come to understand the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick at home this month—may they all come to see the beauty and grace of the

sacrament—in order not to fear it!

Gr. 7 & 8 with their Gospel Weeklies will see how to observe Lent a little more deeply this year.



Meet in Church Parking Lot—walk over to Miramar Retreat Center—pray the outdoor

Stations of the Cross—Confessions available following stations.

This is a wonderful way to observe Good Friday with the entire family.







P3 Pizza People &

Prayer every Monday

Night @ 6PM

Every Monday night we gather as a community for Pizza, People and Prayer. A chance to pray with and for one another, while deepening

Our last Prep II Class is on Sunday, our relationship with Jesus Christ and one another. A typical Monday March 31, 2019 at 6:00—7:30 PM in night is about teens gathering together, in prayer and talking about

their week. The setting is informal and relaxed. Following prayer, Our Lady’s Hall. there is plenty of time to socialize, make new friends and of course EAT PIZZA.

The last Prep I class is April 2,2019 STEUBENVILLE EAST—JULY 12—14, 2019 at 6:30 PM in Our Lady’s Hall.

University of Massachusetts—Lowell, MA SIGN UP ON LINE


Rafting, Hiking, Lodging and wetsuit if requested. Also includes 2 Breakfasts, Barbeque Lunch on the River and Dinner.

Sign up on St. Joseph website ASAP! Don’t miss out, space is limited.

Fourth Sunday of Lent March 31, 2019

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St. Joseph Parish FamilySt. Joseph Parish Family Kingston—Plympton

EASTER GIFT GIVING TREE—Our annual Easter gift giving tree, sponsored by our St. Vincent DePaul Society here at St. Joseph Parish, will be on display beginning Saturday, March 23 through Sunday, April 7, 2019. Please help support our needy brothers and sisters in our community by taking an ornament and returning with a gift no later than Monday, April 8, 2019. This is a major component of our Easter food basket program. Please know that your support, gift or donation will make a positive difference in the lives of many needy individuals and families. Thank you.

ST. JOSEPH PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY will have the April meeting on Wednesday the 3rd from 1 to 3 pm. All are welcome. Call Carole for further information at 781-585-3877.

BAKE SALE—Next Sunday, April 7th after Masses, Sponsored by Josh Nichols from troop 4480. The money raised will go toward his Eagle Scout project, which is a new fence at St. Joseph Cemetery. If anyone would like to help by baking goods it would be greatly appreciated. Baked goods can be dropped off at the parish office on Friday, April 5th between 9:30 am and 4:30 pm.

A LENTEN MEDITATION ON THE WOUNDS OF JESUS as depicted on the Shroud of Turin, will be presented by Dan O’Toole, a retired attorney and judge. Relying on his experience in forensic examination of crime scenes, Dan will share with us the scientific and medical aspects of The Passion and Death of Our Lord as seen in the images on the Shroud. Please join us for a very special afternoon meditation as a start to Holy Week on Palm Sunday, April 14, 2019 at 2 pm, St. Kateri Parish. Light refreshments will follow.

MASS OF HOPE AND HEALING—Saturday, April 6th at 11 am at St. Christine’s in Marshfield. This Mass will include the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. This celebration is for all people, the sick, the elderly and those in need of physical, spiritual and psychological healing. A special invitation is extended to those who are suffering from the loss of a loved one, family problems, pregnant teenagers and those who are affected by unemployment and financial difficulties. We welcome those suffering from chronic illness and all addictions including drug and alcohol dependency. A light luncheon will follow.

PROJECT RACHEL—“Come back to me with all your heart.” (Joel 2:12) - If you are suffering from the pain of a past abortion, this Lent could be the time for you to ask for and receive the healing love and mercy of God at a one-day Project Rachel post-abortion healing retreat. Retreat will be held on Saturday, April 27 at a confidential location. Limited to ten participants per retreat. For more information, contact Project Rachel at 508.651.3100 or [email protected]. Project Rachel is a ministry of the Archdiocese of Boston.

BRING HOPE TO HOMELESS CHILDREN THIS SPRING—Volunteer to play with homeless children at a Horizons for Homeless Children Playspace in Kingston. Shifts are Mondays or Wednesdays 6-7:30p in New Bedford & Monday, Tuesday or Thursday 6-7:30p in Fall River. A commitment of 2 hours a week for 6 months and training are required. Upcoming volunteer training: Saturday, April 6, 1:00-4:00 PM, Bourne, MA. To find out more, view other training dates, or to apply, call 508.510.3250 or visit

HOLY WEEK 2019 at St. Joseph and St. Mary Collaborative LENT 2019 – St. Joseph and St. Mary Collaborative

Holy Thursday, April 18 STATIONS OF THE CROSS

Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7:30 pm followed by Friday evenings at 7 pm - St. Joseph (led by some of our minis-Adoration until 9:30 pm—St. Joseph

tries—April 5, Family Faith and April 11, P3) Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7 pm—St. Mary Friday afternoons at 1 pm (following 12:10 Mass) – St. Mary Good Friday, April 19

12 Noon Good Friday Walk to Miramar for Stations of the CONFESSION TIMES DURING LENT will be on: Cross followed by a 3 PM Service—St. Joseph

Wednesday evenings at 7 pm – St. Joseph 7 pm Service—St. Mary Wednesday evenings at 6 pm – St. Mary Holy Saturday, April 20

Easter Vigil—7:30 pm—St. Joseph and St. Mary Easter Sunday, April 21

8:30 and 10:30 am Masses with Easter Egg Hunt to follow 10:30 am Mass—St. Joseph

7:30 am, 9 am, and 10:30 am Masses—St. Mary

March 31, 2019 Fourth Sunday of Lent

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Joseph, Kingston, MA 1012

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