


In colour online at

FREE to each Household

March 2016St. James the Great

Reverend Richard Ward-Smith will be retiring after

five years with our village andhis last service will be on

Easter Sunday (27th March).The Parochial Church

Council will be making apresentation in the Grenville

Rooms after the Service.There will be a finger buffetand all are invited to attend.

ST. JAMES CHURCHA BIG THANK YOU to all who helped with our very successful

CANDLEMAS LUNCH which raised the magnificent sum of£808.00

We are again most grateful forthe support from the village and surrounding area.

(Photo: members of the hard working team who prepare, cook,carve the meat and serve the delicious lunch)


KILK THIS YEAR! ! See page 10





Kilkhampton Methodist Chapel

Curate-in-Charge: Revd. Richard Ward-SmithThe Rectory, Priestacott Park,Kilkhampton EX23 9TH

01288 321314

Churchwardens: Mr. Kevin G. McGrathFrank’s FollyThe Square, Kilkhampton EX23 9QQMrs. Celia BellWoodsideWoodford EX23 9HS

01288 321277

01288 321423

Chairman of the PCC: Mr. Tony DavisHighfield House, 1 Baileys FieldWest Street, Kilkhampton EX23 9QE

01288 321292

Treasurer to the PCC: Mr. Peter HobbsWrasfordKilkhampton EX23 9RL

01288 321551

Secretary to the PCC: Mrs. Ann StevensDowns WoodKilkhampton EX23 9HS

01288 321451

Organist Ms. Brenda LuxtonWest VognacottChilsworthy

01409 254409

Acting Bell Tower Captain: Mr. Tony DavisHighfield House, 1 Baileys FieldWest Street, Kilkhampton EX23 9QE

01288 321292

Flower Coordinator: Mrs. Jeanette NormanAshgrove LodgeKilkhampton EX23 9RZ

01288 321512

Electoral Roll Officer: Mrs. Ann StevensDowns WoodKilkhampton EX23 9HS

01288 321451

Minister: Reverend John Peak 01237 441030

Church Stewards: Mr. R. HambleyThe Hill Park CentreKilkhampton EX23 9QQ

01288 321340

Mr John BrooksKillarney ParkYoulstone EX23 9PXMrs Debbie DawberTrepolpen Penstowe RoadKilkhampton EX23 9QT

01288 321420

Mr. Mark GilbertBreezelands, West Street,Killkhampton EX23 9QWMr. Roland NancekivellHeatham FarmKilkhampton EX23 9RH

01288 321325

Treasurer: Mr. M. Metherell

Kilkhampton EX23 9RH

01288 321248

Caretaker: Mrs B Strike2 New BuildingsKilkhampton

01288 321295



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ADVERTISING CUT OFF DATE 1ST OF THE MONTHPlease note that all Trade advertising in the Kilkhampton Parish News is handled by

PETER COLLINS, 3 Park Court, Kilkhampton, Tel: 01288 321873NOTE: Email: [email protected]

NOTICE TO OUR TRADE ADVERTISERSFrom the Editor with Many Thanks

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8 NORTH CLOSE KILKHAMPTON EX23 9RQ(01288) 321078 or email: [email protected]

Please note that any entries/contributions/and delivered/sent to Ursula Edwards at 8 North Close☻ Cheques should be made payable to Kilkhampton Parish Magazine ☻

Greetings Kilkhampton

What a wonderful turnout atPenstowe Manor last weekendfor the Post Gala evening.Everybody had a fantastic time,filled with laughter and what atonic that was. The entertain-ment was great and the raffleprizes (donated by localbusinesses and individuals)were amazing. We are notsurprised that over £4,000 wasraised for the Children’s HospiceSW Charity.

The deputy sub editor made asmall error in last month’seditorial, so just to clarify thematter, anyone aged 18 or overliving in Kilk who would like toattend one of the RLSS Save aLife Workshops, please sendyour details to me [email protected], or popthem into Church Lodge, so youmay be added to the list.

What a disappointment it is thatKilk will not be having a fete thisyear. We have become keepersof the Royal wardrobe and canonly hope that the Fete isrevitalised next year.

We missed the Johnny Cowlingevening last year, as were wereaway having a wonderful time inFrance with the Bude Twinners.Well rumour has it he is returningagain this May, an event ‘not tobe missed’.

Many thanks for your articlesand photos, please keep themcoming

Best Wishes



As you know Reverend Richard‘retires’ in March and there is acollection organised. Detailsfrom the PCC as follows:

Contributions to theretirement fund are invitedand, if you wish to make a

cash gift, will you please handit to either Celia Bell or KevinMcGrath (Churchwardens) or


PCC member .

PCC Members are:-

Carolyn Rycroft, Jenny Read,Christopher Robinson,

Peter Hobbs, Ann Stevens,Gwen Knox, Trevor Tamblinand Joyce and Tony Davis.


Church Floodlighting Sponsors March 2016

RUTH BABBMothers Day Remembrance- Missing you as always mum and thinking of you, we

talk of you often and keep you close. Love always,Ann, Brian, John and Beryl xxx

BABBHappy Birthday to you all.

John – March 12th

Annamarie – March 23rd

Robyn – March 7th

Gordon Fanson – March 29th

SYLVIA CORNISHRemembering our dear Mum and Nan on Mothering Sunday and Mum’s Birthday 25th March.

She is always in our thoughts and hearts. Sadly missed.Stewart, Jean, Sheila, Paul, Annette and all the family. Xxx


EDITH CORNISHOur dear Aunt Edie

Whom we lost 5th March 2007Fondest memories xxx

TED DAVIESRemembering with fondest love my much missed husband Ted,

Who passed away on March 31st 2006Always in my thoughts.


SHEILA GALLEYIn loving memory of Sheila Galley, sadly missed, 29th March 1994

Love Sarah, Rob and John xxx

IVOR GRILLSRemembering my dear husband Ivor on his birthday 23rd March. Miss you so much,

All my love from Ellen and family.xx

ARTHUR HARRIGANIn memory of my dear husband Arthur

On his birthday 29th MarchLove you always, Edith, Marie, David, Andrew and Mark

SAM and GLADYS JEWELLThinking of our dear Mum and Nan taken from us on 2nd March 2015, also dear Dad

and Gramp on 16th March 1991. Loving and missing you so much every day.Betty and Emma


Church Floodlighting Sponsors March 2016

EMILY LAVISIn treasured memories of Mum, Emily, on her birthday 16th March,

and also Dad, Fred, on his birthday 31st March.Loving memories, Joy and family

GEOFFREY NORMANIn loving memory of father and grandfather Geoffrey Norman

who passed away on 12th March 1980.Marion and Edgar Metherell, Jeanette Norman and families.

RAY PARNELLIn loving memory of Ray on his birthday 18th March.

Love you always fromJen, Andrew, Dee, Tyler, Calvin & Niamh &Kathy,

Paul, Sarah, Becca & Joe

MARION and MERVYN SLEEMANRemembering a dear Mum and Dad

Marion passed away March 20th 2002Mervyn passed away March 19th 2009

LoveJohn, Anne, Trevor and grandchildren


The WATTS family would like to thank all those who attended the funeral of the lateMARY WATTS (Mum).

To Rev Rob Dickinson, the choir, John Hobbs and Bell Ringersand to all those who helped Mum over the years in any way.

For the support, kindness and visits to Mum over the last 16 months of her life.Thank you to the New Inn for refreshments.

Thank you to Denise Wellington – Funeral Services


Reg & Sylv Hambley would like to thank everyone who sent cards, flowers, gifts and Get Well Wishesduring Sylv’s stay in hospital and whilst recovering at home. Your help and kindness has been much


PRELIMINARY NOTICE3 Course Luncheon On Sunday 15th May at The Grenville Rooms

(Look out for more details in future Parish News)


Sunday 6th March (Mothering Sunday)11.00am Family Service celebrating our MothersWelcomers: Jenny Read & Joyce DavisReading: Exodus 2. 1-10 by Tony DavisWith Reverend Richard Ward-Smith

Sunday 13th March (Passiontide begins)11.00am Holy CommunionWelcomers: Lynne Ward-Smith & Carolyn RycroftReading: Isaiah 43. 16-21 by Kevin McGrathWith Reverend Richard Ward-Smith

Sunday 20th March (Palm Sunday)11.00am Morning WorshipWelcomers: Iris Bond & Mike CookReading: Luke 19. 28-49 by Kevin McGrathWith Carolyn Rycroft

Friday 25th March (Good Friday)2pm Stations of the Cross and silent reflectionWith Reverend Richard Ward-Smith

Sunday 27th March (Easter Day) -Rev Richard’s Last Day11.00am Holy CommunionWelcomers: Margaret Collins & Rita CannReading: Acts 10. 34-43 by Peter HobbsWith Reverend Richard Ward-Smith

Quiet communion every Wednesdayat 10.00 in the Grenville Chapel

Everyone welcome as always at St James

Do not forget we have our candlestand, where you can pop in to light acandle in remembrance of someone.

We also have a memorial book whereyou can have your loved ones name

written on a beautifully decoratedpage. Please contact Tony Davies on

321292 for more details

Church Servicesat

St. James the Great,KilkhamptonMARCH 2016

Easter LiliesEaster Lilies are available to

remember a loved one at a cost of£3.00 per stem to go in the church

at Easter.

If interested please contact

Jeanette Norman on 321404


JOHNNY COWLINGWill present his unique concert

at St. James Church

Sunday 8th MAYThis will be a ticketed event

Further details to follow


When you go travelling out ofyour comfort zone it oftenhappens that one is brought upwith a jolt, as I was, whenconfronted with someone whochallenged me. “If religiouspeople say that God created allthings - this means that hecreated bubonic plague,Spanish flu, Aids, Hitler, Stalin,Mao, and of course, Isis. Healso must have created famine,cancer and infant mortality, tapeworms, lice, malaria carryingmosquitoes. Innumerablebillions of pathogenic bacteriaand viruses. Not to mention ofcourse, the indomitable urge formen to main and kill; pain,depression and mental illnessand ultimately, for all of usdeath.”

I was asked “Why would I wantto worship a God that has

From the Rectory ..created so much disaster in theworld?” The simple answer tothat is that “I don’t believe thatHe did!”

So then what happened?

It really does make you think?It is a fair question.

Yes the horrors of the world,said like that, do get a bit much.Some believers do stopbelieving. Most of us give Goda bit of sorrow, perplexity oranger and we hang in there,because we trust that this worldis part of a larger story that canend well.

I know the world isn’t perfect -perhaps it is no better than wehumans deserve. Look aroundat the horrors, so much of itmade by us. On a really ‘down’

day one might think that wedon't deserve any world at all.

Yet here we are! We’ve got achance to make good! Andthere’s another thing; yes this isa horror ridden world, but it isalso beautiful and magically so.There are a lot of ‘good’ peopleand a lot of good things goingon. I believe that the world isbecoming a better place. It maynot happen in my lifetimebut….it’s happening! You couldsay that this world is a mixedbag, rather like every humanheart. I believe that God relatesto that mixed human heart andit is there that my faith in Himlies.

I’m sticking with God.

rev richard 9th February 2016

Everyone sitting down to a hot and delicious Candlemas Lunch

CONSIDERUnhappiness is best defined as the difference between our talents

and our expectationsEdward de Bon 1977

Harp Recital by Juliana MyslovBude Music Society welcomes thebrilliant young harpist, JulianaMyslov, winner of the stringsection, Young Musician of theYear 2014, to give a recital onSunday 13th March, 3pm, at StMartin’s Church, Killerton Road,Bude, EX23 8EL. Julianacontinues to win prestigiousawards and to captivateaudiences, both as soloist and inensemble groups. Born in 1996,Juliana began learning the harpand piano at the age of five. Pastpupil at the Purcell School, shewas principal harp with theNational Children’s Orchestra ofGreat Britain. Her programme willinclude pieces by Debussy, Glinkaand Renié. Admission at the door£13, full-time students free.Further details orphone 01237 451300.



Winston Churchill said “Courage isthe finest of all human qualitiesbecause it guarantees all theothers.” When we think of theword courage we often think of thekind of courage needed by asoldier to face the enemyregardless of the odds, and I thankGod for the people who have foundthat courage over the past as it hasensured my freedom to be able towrite this article to you now.Courage is needed every day andthere are some very courageouspeople out there; people who havethe courage to face cancer andother diseases head on, peoplewho have the courage to retrainafter being made redundant, thepeople who have the courage toface a disability every day. To allyou courageous people out there Isalute you.

What high-lights a courageousperson is often that they face theirfears, problems, setbacks anddiscouragements and that courageis in each one of us, you just haveto find it. Over the years I have

met some very courageous peoplewho I have seen overcome drugaddiction and other life-controllingproblems and if you want someencouragement to put yourcourage to good use give me a call.

I found this the other day and itmade me chuckle!

A man and his wife couldn’t haveany children, so they went to thepastor and asked for prayer. Sothe pastor prayed for them andanointed them with oil. Sureenough, about nine months laterthey had triplets.

The couple once again showed upat the pastor’s study and as soonas the woman saw the pastor sheran up to him, threw her armsaround him and gave him thebiggest hug.

“What was that all about?” heasked.

She replied, “I’m just glad youused three-in-one oil and notWD40.”

(from A Bucket of Surprises byJ.John and Mark Stibbe)

Every Blessing and have a greatmonth.

Albert Sloman, PastorTel 01288 3210737 Rosecott Park. EX23 9QG

Meeting timesSunday at 6 pm Worship and

teachingWednesday at 12.30 pm PrayerEvery Tuesday morning at 10.30there is a Ladies Coffee and Chat

at our home.We would love to see you at any

of theseTable Tennis every 2nd Tuesday

from 7pm – 9pm


Dates Preacher Flowers Coffee6th March13th March20th March27th March

Local ArrangementJohn & Janet TurnerPastor Albert SlomanMrs. Gloria Street

Hannah MetherellElizabeth SmaleGill GilbertBarbara Strike

Sandra Jones & Joy MooreSandra Holmes & Sylvia HambleyJohn & Sue BrooksDebbie Dawber & Mark Gilbert

Précis of Kilkhampton ParishCouncil Meeting February 2016

(Full set of these Minutesavailable online at )Attendance: Clive Vanstone, TimCottle, Daniel Vanstone, NickCrossley, Gerald Strong, PhilSluggett, Kerri Sealy, HeatherJordan. Paula Dolphin Apologies:Mark Trewin. Chair: Reg HambleyClerk: Hannah Collett .Public Speaking SessionChairman welcomed Mr JohnDuncan who gave acomprehensive presentationabout Kilkhampton Common andin particular future funding and thewidening of the Trust, plus thepossibility of establishing Friendsof Kilkhampton Common. Thematter is to be included fordiscussion at the Council’s MarchMeetingPlanning1) PA15/11964   Erection ofbuildings to house additional plantand equipment as part of processimprovements.   Tamar LakesWater Treatment Works –Lakeside Cottages – Sutcombe,  South West Water Ltd.   Plansuploaded and shown to all.  Chairman stated they need thisbuilding.  Cllr Dolphin went to lookat site – felt it could be betterdesigned.   Concerns of powerstation too close to two cottages.  Thinks although they need thebuilding it should be in a betterposition at far end.  Will talk to theplanner and suggest putsomewhere else although notobjecting to actual building.  Alsono shrubs.   State no objections tobuilding just location – too close toresidents.

2. PA16/00191 Reduce Height totrees on boundary bank. Stanbridge.  Mr K Ovenden Notification only of application Noaction necessary.  Just for info.3. PA15/10095   Removal ofcondition 2 (use of holiday letrestricted to 8 months of the year)in respect of decision80/2082/OOP to allow year rounduse of holiday let.  7 SpanishVillas  Penstowe Park  Ms D Joyce. Already moved on these in past –same thing.  Agreed.4. PA16/00581  Works to trees in aConservation Area.  Stanbridge  MrK Ovendon Notification only ofapplication.  No action necessary.Just for info.5. PA16/00290   Prior notificationfor proposed telecommunicationsinstallation upgrade andassociated works.   Killock Farm. Vodafone.  No objections.Matters

1) Carpark Toilets: £94.50 taken –electrician looked at door

2) Hillpark Lane: Sign orderedfrom Holsworthy.

3) Aldercombe Lane Stile:Chairman & Cllr Slugget to getthere before next meeting.

4) Online planning applications:Consider broadband at AprilMeeting

5) Annual Playground Inspection:Costs same as last year. OK toproceed.

ReportsFootpaths Cllr Slugget reportedAldercombe Lane signage broken.Barn Lane being sorted by MVPlant.   Cllr Sealy said atAldercombe Lane the second stepon stile is tilted. She has fallen

badly and others have also. Matters to be attended to..Lambpark Trust and PlayingFields:  Cllr Cottle reported M VPlant has started work on newbollards.   Chairman said willchase regarding water issue.School: Cllr Clive Vanstonereported that Mr Reverend Hardyhad left and Post being filled atpresent and will be advertised.Pupil premium benefits the schoolimmensely but are difficulties.Grenville Rooms: Big Breakfast13th February.  All invited, pleasecome.   Chairman said meetinghad decided to go ahead to havea refurb, paint, lights, hot water intoilets etc.MembersCllr Dolphin reported -1) Big debate at County abouttrying to amalgamate Police andFire service.   We want to keepseparate.2) Constitution and GovernmentCommittee – discussed aboutCRB checks.  If have contact withchildren should have once a yearfrom Parish Council3) Bude library – talks about lackof funding and trying to get help.  They were discussing nearbyparishes and should they make acontribution.  Still fighting to keepmobile libraryCllr Clive Vanstone raisedpossibility of Queen’s BirthdayLunch. Agreed in principle andfigures to be discussed at MarchmeetingFinanceInvoices to be paid   £ 36.00  N MTechnical ServicesDate of next meeting 7th March2016. To begin at 7.30pm.


The book for review at the Januarymeeting was: The Reason I Jump:One Boy’s voice from the silenceof autism by Naoki HigashidaWritten by Naoki Higashida whenhe was only thirteen, this bookprovides a rare insight into theoften baffling behaviour of autisticchildren. Using a question andanswer format, Naoki explainsthings like why he talks loudly orrepeats the same questions, whatcauses him to have panic attacksand why he likes to jump.The spectre of autism is one thataffects both the individual andthose around them. Whilst currentresearch is making great strides inunderstanding the brain in bothautistic and normal people, not somuch has been understood aboutthe how and why their behaviour isas it is.This is a hard book to review. It isone young boy’s experience ofwhat living with autism is like.People who choose to read thebook will more than likely do soeither because they have a childthemselves who is autistic orbecause they work with autisticchildren.It is a touching book and hascertainly opened our eyes to whatit’s like to be autistic and made uswant to find out more.Next meeting Wednesday March16th, 2016 at 11am at the TreeInn, Stratton.The Book for review at the nextmeeting is: Anna Karenina by LeoTolstoyCONTACT TELEPHONE NO01288 321962 (Dorothy Flaxman)


Pictured presenting the cheques is K.A.T.S. Chairlady andProducer Anna Balsdon to Alison Sinden from Bude MacmillanCancer Support and Kilkhampton Parish Trust's Chairman MarkVickery along with cast, crew and members of K.A.T.S.

Our A.G.M. will be held on Thursday 7th April at 7:30pm atthe Grenville Rooms.

Following a hugely successful production of'Panto at the OK Corral' in early December,

K.A.T.S.(Kilkhampton Amateur Theatre Society) were delighted to

present £1000 to each of their chosen charities: KilkhamptonParish Trust and Bude Macmillan Cancer Support at their

presentation evening on Friday 15th January.


It is with regret that we have to inform you that after the resumptionof the AGM last night, there will be no Kilkhampton Fete this year. Asyou will know, this is due to the insufficient numbers at both the firstand second AGM. There was no one willing to step forward andcommit to a position of either the Treasurer, Secretary or Vice-Chairman. As a result we have no choice but to cancel the Fete for2016. The constitution clearly states the necessary requirement offilling the posts of officers, is imperative to the event being arranged.

Can I take this opportunity to thank those who did venture out lastnight to try and keep the Fete alive and thank those who have givenso much time to the Fete over many years.

The next AGM will take place next year on the Tuesday 10th January2017.

Lets hope we can reignite the Fete then.

With kind regards

Ed Nancekivell

WARReady, Fire, aim.

Spike Milligan



The GardenersClub met at theGrenville Rooms

for their February meeting ona wet and blustery eveningfor the AGM. Our Chairmanwelcomed 29 members to themeeting and invited everyoneto read the minutes of thelast AGM, the Chairman’sreport and the Treasurersreport , these were allapproved and passedunanimously.Sue Joyner was adopted asTreasurer which left avacancy for a programmessecretary, Susan Pearseagreed to fill this post andwas unanimously elected.existing committee memberswere also re-elected. 2015committee are Chairman,Joan Sillifant. Vice Chairman,Graham Tape. Secretary,Terry Sillifant. Treasurer, SueJoyner. Programme Secretary,Susan Pearse. OutingsSecretary, Wendy Day. alsoon committee are MargaretBeesley, Jim and RomaWhittaker and MonicaHeywood. Outings Secretary WendyDay gave a detailed reporton the trips in 2015, whichincluded a guided tour ofTrebah gardens in April andan enjoyable visit to MarwoodGardens and St JohnsNursery in June. 25members and four visitorwent on the free trip to RHSRosemoor in October whowere also hosting anAntiques Fair .Other matters discussed wereSpring Show, winners of cupslast year please return themat next meeting. FlowerFestival tubs, colours andlayout were discussed, also

Coach trips and ChristmasMeal.Following the AGM SueJoyner had a quiz preparedwhich everyone had to gettheir thinking caps on. Alsowine, soft drinks and nibbleswere provided to help theevening along.The Chairman thanked all fortheir attendance and supportover the last year and hopedto see everyone onWednesday 2nd March at7.30pm when the everpopular Nick Bacon will be

giving ‘Tips on GrowingVegetables’, you are invitedto join in, and if you likewhat you see and wouldenjoy being a member annualsubscription is £10.00, Jan toDec where a full programmeof events are organised. Acharge of £1.00 for membersand £2.00 non members atmonthly meetings includinglight refreshments.For more information contactTerry and Joan on 01288321697.

OVERHEARDDon’t stand still too long in this

weather, otherwise you’ll start toturn green too!



Maureen Wilson

The meeting ofthe Hunt inKilkhampton issomething manygo out to watchand enjoy.Recently theobjectives andpractices of local hunts havechanged - a result of the growingnumber within politics who nowview the sport as outdated andpotentially cruel. The traditions ofthis previously very necessaryactivity however, (finding venisonfor the pot and killing foxes whohounded farm animals and pets)are still very much admired - theformal attire, the well groomedhorses, well-trained hounds,sounding of the horn, stirrup cup,hot toddies etc.

When alive, my mother on herChristmas break in Kent, lookedforward to Boxing Day when shewould go to watch the gathering ofthe Hunt at a nearby hostelry. Wedidn’t know then that the sport ispart of our history. Our ancestors,brothers Thomas Rounding (1762to 1841) and Richard Rounding(1763 to 1813), began the EppingForest Hunt in the year1786.Thomas and Richard’s father,Robert, had previously movedsouth from Gainford, CountyDurham, and his sons had settledin Essex and married local women.

In the late 18th century local huntsdid not operate with subscriptionpacks as they do today. Individualshunted with friends, neighboursand their own hounds and theMFHA did not exist. There were noofficial boundaries. These were notreally necessary because thehuntsmen of the day could nottravel more than a few miles fromwhere their hounds were kenneled.

The Rounding family and theEpping Hunt appear to have beenvery popular, as portrayed in acontemporary poem by the

Wanstead poet,Thomas Hood.He wrote a long,(123 verse,)satirical poemthat can now befound on theinternet.(“ThomasHood’s PoeticalWorks – TheEpping Hunt. –HUNT’S

ROASTED.”) Although written ingreatly stilted and dated English,the observation and humour of thispoem are still very sharp andevident, and tells the story of JohnHuggins, a dairyman who traded in

the city of London. He decided toenhance his image by joining theEpping Forest Hunt. Together witha neighbour he bought an old nagand then took it to the hunt withouthis neighbour’s knowledge.Needless to say one disasterfollowed another and the lyricalsaga builds up to a side-splittingconclusion.

Etching copied from a painting byAbraham Cooper R.A.Thomas Rounding Esquire on hisfavourite Hunter “Sparkaway”, withhis staghounds “Gladsome”,“Governess” and “Syren”, from theEpping Forest Hunt.

CHARITY EVENT16 JUNE 2016In aid of 'Well Child'

CIDER AND PASTY EVENINGGrenville Rooms Kilkhampton

8pm till midnight

£10 Includes

pasty and first drink

Music by 'Strange Brood'

Admission by ticket only

Please purchase your tickets in advance fromArchie Heard on 07792446602 or

Sue Pittson 07738865641

I am running The London Marathon and amorganising an event in Kilk to help raise some

money towards my charity Well Child.


Gnocchi:1kg floury potatoes, peeled andcut into 5cm chunks100g ‘00’ grade pasta flour orplain flour2 medium egg yolksSauce:4 tablespoons olive oil1 banana shallot, peeled andfinely chopped400 g mixed wild mushrooms100ml white wine300ml double cream4 tablespoons freshly gratedparmesan cheese200g frozen peas, defrosted2 tablespoons chopped chivessalt and freshly ground blackpepper

Cook potatoes in simmering salted water for 15-20mins or untiltender. Drain well and leave for 2-3 mins then mash until reallysmooth and set aside to cool. Add the flour to the mash an seasonwell then add the beaten egg yolks. Mix thoroughly to form softsmooth dough using the handle of a wooden spoon. Divide thedough in half and using your hands roll each piece into a longsausage shape about 1.5cm thick. Use a sharp knife to cut into 2cmlengths. Roll the back of a fork over one side of each piece to get thegrooved imprint from the prongs. Lay the gnocchi on a floured trayuntil ready to cook.To make the sauce, heat the oil in a medium frying pan and fry theshallot for 1 minute on high heat, add the mushrooms and fry for 3minutes. Pour in the wine and simmer until reduced by half. Pour inthe cream and simmer for 2 minutes, season and remove pan fromthe heat.Bring a large pan of salted water to the boil and drop in the gnocchiand cook for 2 minutes or until they float to the surface. Reserve aladleful of the cooking water and drain well.Warm the sauce, add the parmesan, peas and chives and stir, tip inthe gnocchi and about 2 tablespoons of reserved cooking water andstir gently for 30 seconds to combine. Serve immediately.

Baked Gnocchi with Cannellini Beans, Spinach and Tomatoes Serves 4

4 tablespoons olive oil plus extrafor greasing2 garlic cloves peeled and sliced500g cherry tomatoes (yellow andred) halved50ml dry white wine1 x 400g tin cannellini beansdrained and rinsed450g baby spinach leaves500g shop bought gnocchi (min70% potato)1 x 125g ball mozzarella cheese,drained and cut into small pieces50g freshly grated parmesancheesesalt and pepper

Preheat the oven to 200C (fan 180C). Grease a baking dishmeasuring about 20 x 20cm.Bring large pan salted water to the boil.Heat the oil in a large frying pan over a medium heat. Add the garlicand as soon as it starts to sizzle add the tomatoes and fry for 1minute. Pour in the wine and simmer gently until the tomatoes ‘pop’and release their juices. Tip in the beans and reduce the heat. Alloweverything to warm through then add the spinach and cook brieflyuntil wilted. Season with salt and pepper.Drop the gnocchi into the boiling water and cook for 2 minutes,Reserve a ladleful of cooking water and drain well. Tip the gnocchiinto the sauce along with 2 tablespoons reserved water to loosen thesauce and stir to combine.Spoon the mixture into the dish and scatter the mozzarella andparmesan over the top and bake for 10 minutes until golden.

Recipe Corner With Maureen HewlettWinter Warmers

Gnocchi with a Creamy Mushroom and Pea Sauce Serves 4



is15 MARCH

A man was on the roof of his two-story house repairing his TVantenna. Suddenly he slipped and began to slide down over theedge. At the last second, he grabbed the rain gutter and held on fordear life.“Help! Help!” he shouted. “Is there anyone down there who can helpme?” he asked, desperately looking about. No answer. He thenlooked into the heavens and asked, “Is there anyone up there whocan help me?”The clouds parted and a deep, resonant voice came from the skies:“Believe, and let go.”“Is there anyone else up there who can help me?”


UNCLE ERIC’S PAGEThe waterfall

The river gently flows along, high up on its plateauIts course is many, many feet above the ground below.At first it wanders slowly on, along its river bed,There is no indication just what peril lies ahead.

The river’s flow increases now, the water gathers paceAll creatures need to quickly heed the danger that they face !A roaring noise then sounds ahead, the water starts to race ,And suddenly it disappears, it plunges into space!

It falls from steep and lofty cliffs with awful crashing mightA sign of Mother Nature’s force, it is an awesome sight!A giant cloud of misty haze goes high both far and near,And when the sun shines through this mist a rainbow will appear.

The ear’s assailed with thund’rous noise, the air is soaking wetOf all of nature’s many sights, this is the grandest yet.The pool in which the water falls, how violently it churns,The banks and rocks surrounding it are clad with moss and ferns.

But soon downstream the noise abates, the air is clear of spray,The turbulence the fall has caused now quickly fades away.Its energy expended now, it flows across the leaAnd now it runs quite tranquilly, until it meets the sea.

Eric Latter

What am I ?What am I?An Easter gift, in 2 wordsMy first is in foreign and also in fameThe next is in article, also in name.The third is in breakfast, not dinner orsnackThis one’s in returning, but never inback.The fifth is in Jewelry, curving orstraight,The sixth is in gorgeous and goldenand great.This one’s in exclusive, it beats all therest,The eighth is in effort, it’s craft at itsbest.The next is in gift, (it was carefullysought)My last is in gracious, a manner welltaughtMy whole’s a great treasure,expensively bought !

Can you solve these anagrams?They are all things found in a Chemistsshop ( ) = number of words in answer.1 COURT HUGE MIX (2)2 PINK RALLIES (2)3 SLABS THAT (2)4 MAO HOPS (1)5 RAKING SPLITS SECT (2)6 NOT SINK OIL (2)7 I MUST LIMIT VAN (1)8 CHARM DANE (2)9 NO MITTEN (1)10 HOOT AT STEP (1)11 HOT SHOT RUB (2)12 TIE LOITERS (1)13 ACE LAMP ROTA (1)

What am IFaberge egg

Anagram Answers1 Cough mixture2 Pain killers3 Bath salts4 ShampoOne5 Sticking plasters6 Skin lotion7 Multivitamins8 Hand cream9 Ointment10 Toothpaste11 Tooth brush12 Toiletries13 Paracetamol






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