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Results of the KGHM Polska Miedź Group

for the first nine months of 2014

14 November 2014

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Target daily oreprocessing - phase 1

Current daily oreprocessing

Third quarter 2014 summary

Production statistics:

Payable copper: 492.7 kt

Metallic silver: 931.5 tonnes

cash cost C1 (USD/lb)

KGHM PM S.A: 1.82

KGHM International: 2.31

Sierra Gorda mine commissioned

Concession received for exploration in the Puck region

Basic information

On-going ramp-up of the Sierra Gorda mine KGHM Group financial results

First shipment of concentrate from Sierra Gorda





Sales: PLN 14.72 billion

EBITDA: PLN 3.91 billion

Profit for the period: PLN 1.78 billion

~6 kt

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First shipment of concentrate from the Sierra Gorda mine

Sierra Gorda

Average annual


220 kt Cu

25 Mlbs Mo

64 koz Au

Ownership 55% KGHM

45% Sumitomo

Mine type Open pit


On 30 July 2014 the Sierra Gorda mine in Chile

commenced production.

The first shipment of copper concentrate was sent from

Sierra Gorda to the Toyo smelter in Japan. The ship, with

around 6 thousand tonnes of copper concentrate, sailed

from the port of Antofagasta on Saturday, 25 October.

Thanks to an increase in resources, the planned mine life

was extended to 23 years.

Work continues related to phase 2 of the investment. The

technical analyses underway will show the optimal

scenario for developing the plant’s processing

infrastructure, which will enable a substantial increase in

copper production in coming years.

Cu Mo Au

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The mine was given the honorary name of

Ignacy Domeyko

Over 600 guests participated in the mine’s inauguration. Chile

was represented by President Michelle Bachelet, Ignacio

Moreno, Under Secretary of State in the Ministry of Mining,

and Valentin Volta, Governor of the Antofagasta region.

The Polish government was represented by Zdzisław Gawlik,

the Secretary of State in the Ministry of the State Treasury, as

well as Katarzyna Kacperczyk, Under Secretary of State in

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Attending on behalf of the Japanese government was Norihiko

Ishiguro, Vice Minister for International Affairs, Ministry of

Economy, Trade & Industry.

During the opening ceremony the mine was named in honor

of Ignacy Domeyko, a Polish geologist who spent most of his

life in Chile and contributed to the industrial, social and

cultural development of the country.

1 October 2014 - official opening ceremony for the Sierra Gorda mine

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Sierra Gorda - progress


Shovel at work Second stage crushing

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Victoria – steady progress in mine development


Average annual


~16 kt Ni

~15 kt Cu

~150 koz TPM*

Ownership 100% KGHM

Mine type Underground


In the first three quarters of 2014 work was carried out on

levelling land for the construction of mine infrastructure.

Work was completed on sinking of the ventilation adit shaft.

Work began to prepare the terrain for the hoisting

machinery foundations.

Work continues on the Integrated Development Study,

whose elements include a detailed project schedule,

budget and operational plan.

The shaft shield design was confirmed. Engineering work

continues on the shaft tower and infrastructure.

Ni Cu Pt Pd Au

*TPM – total precious metals (gold, platinum and palladium)

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Deep Głogów – guarantor of stable production by KGHM

Deep Głogów Cu Ag Progress

By the end of Q3 2014 the first mining section to

access the Deep Głogów deposit, opened on

1 April 2014 through the Rudna mine, had excavated

over 209 thousand tonnes of ore.

Work continued on deepening the GG-1 ventilation

(inlet) shaft using tubing technology. At the end of the

third quarter the shaft had reached a depth of 310


In 2014 25 thousand meters of tunnels have been

excavated together with requisite technical


Design work completed on a modern Surface

Ventilation Station with target capacity of 25 MW at the

R-11 shaft. Work completed included assembly of the

cooling tower and construction of the steel framework

as well as of water plumbing and gas infrastructure.

Average annual


~290 Mt @ 2.4% Cu in ore,

79 g/t Ag

Ownership 100% KGHM

Mine type Underground

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The investment in the gas-steam blocks is aimed at

securing approx. 1/3 of KGHM’s power needs

KGHM is consistently executing its strategy of

gradually gaining independence from energy prices

and supplies

These blocks will enable a reduction in greenhouse

gas emissions by 40% as compared to coal-fired


The investment ensures access to cheaper,

internally-generated energy as compared to

forecasted market prices

These blocks also ensure greater security for the

power systems of the Polkowice-Sieroszowice and

Rudna mines as well as the Głogów smelter/refinery

complex thanks to the possibility of island mode


In the case of interuptions in power supply from the

national grid in Poland, KGHM will be able to rely on

its own power plants for its operations

Total project budget PLN 523 million

Start date 2011

Operator Energetyka Sp. z o.o.

(KGHM Group)

Projected electricity price

in 2015

Lower than offered on the Polish

Power Exchange

Annual production

Block in Polkowice

Block in Głogów

300 k MWh electricity and 1 million

GJ heat

250 k MWh electricity and 0.8

million GJ heat

Gas-Steam Blocks (Polkowice and Głogów)

Key initiative of KGHM in the power generation segment


Gas-Steam Blocks

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Potassium-magnesium salts – developing the option to diversify revenue sources

Puck region

Resources ~600 Mt @ 7.7 – 13.7 %


Ownership 100% KGHM

Goal Exploration


In January 2014 an agreement was signed by KGHM with

Gdańskie Zakłady Nawozów Fosforowych FOSFORY Sp. z

o.o. and Grupa Azoty Zakłady Azotowe „Puławy” S.A. on

assumptions for cooperation regarding exploration for,

evaluation and extraction of deposits of potassium salts,

phosphorus, rock salt and nonferrous metals.

In October 2014, KGHM received a concession to explore for

and investigate potassium-magnesium salts in the Puck


Apart from the main goal of investigating and documenting

potassium-magnesium salt resources, there exists the

possibility of documenting resources of copper and silver lying

below the salt deposits.

K2O NaCl Cu

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Macroeconomic outlook

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Price pressure on the metals market

Source: *KGHM, Bloomberg; ** LME – London Metal Exchange, COMEX – Commodities market in Chicago, SHFE – Forward commodities market in Shanghai.


In the third quarter of 2014 the copper price in USD was mainly impacted by fears about the sustainability of growth in the

Euro zone and in China, as well as by the EURUSD exchange rate. The appreciation in the American dollar was due to

better than expected economic data as well as to restriction of the quantitative easing program.

Despite the downturn in the copper price, the price of the metal expressed in the Polish zloty and Chilean peso remains at

a high level as a result of the depreciation of these currencies as compared to the USD.

Copper inventories at the end of September on the three markets (LME, COMEX and SHFE**) amounted to over 265

thousand tonnes, or just over half the amount stored at the start of the year. According to estimates by CRU the amount of

material stored in unofficial bonded warehouses in China fell by approx. 30% as compared to their peak at the turn of

March and April last year.

Indexed copper price in USD, PLN, CLP and CNY* [2 January 2014=100] Copper inventories* [in tonnes]

Copper inventories in official LME, COMEX and SHFE warehouses are at their lowest

levels in over 5 years.

Despite the downturn in the copper price in USD, the red metal’s price expressed in

the Polish zloty and Chilean peso rose substantially in the third quarter.


100 000

200 000

300 000

400 000

500 000

600 000

700 000

800 000

900 000

1 000 000

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Shanghai COMEX LME








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Macroeconomic conditions worse compared to 2013

7 379 6 943

9M'13 9M'14

7 073 7 153 7 041 6 787 6 994

3Q '13 4Q '13 1Q '14 2Q '14 3Q '14




9M'13 9M'14


20.82 20.48

19.62 19.76

3Q '13 4Q '13 1Q '14 2Q '14 3Q '14


3.19 3.08

9M'13 9M'14

3.21 3.07 3.06 3.04 3.15

3Q '13 4Q '13 1Q '14 2Q '14 3Q '14


Copper price: decrease due to fears about the

sustainability of economic growth in the Euro zone

and China.

Silver price: rangebound between 17–22

USD/troz after last year’s downturn, mainly

caused by the start of restriction of quantitative

easing (QE) and the expected tightening of

monetary policy in the USA in 2015. Political

events which have recently resulted in a high level

of uncertainty, and consequently in positive

sentiment towards basic materials, became of

secondary importance. The major impact came

from the normalisation of interest rates in the USA

and to the dynamic appreciation of the USD

versus a basket of other currencies, which led to a

downturn in precious metals prices.

Following the announcement of good

macroeconomic data in the Polish economy in the

first half of the year, signs of a slowdown

appeared mainly due to the problems in the

Eurozone and to restrictions in trade with Russia.

The anticipated decrease in interest rates by the

Polish Monetary Council and to the relatively

better outlook for the US economy resulted in the

weakening of the Polish złoty versus the USD

in the third quarter of 2014.

Copper price


Silver price


Exchange rate


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Upturn in the global economy is expected in 2015


OECD Composite Leading Indicators

The OECD’s Composite Leading Indicators foresee continued growth in the USA

and a slower rate of growth in China and Europe

While monetary policy in developed nations supports

economic growth, its effectiveness is much more apparent

in the USA than in the Eurozone or Japan. Interest rates in

developed nations remain near zero, though the market

expects them to increase in 2015 in the USA and the United


The announced variation in directions being taken by central

banks in developed economies and their experimental

character are among the main factors which have caused

volatility in financial markets in recent months.

Most developed economies are currently experiencing

moderate growth, which is expected to accelerate in 2015.

The acceleration in global economic growth forecast by the

IMF assumes that in most countries the level of debt to GDP

will decrease.

Although the rate of growth in the Chinese economy has

visibly slowed in recent years, the government has tools

available to check the slowdown and stabilise the economy

at a solid level.

Although the Eurozone is still facing economic problems,

the European Central Bank is taking a variety of actions

aimed at economic stimulation and a lower-than-expected

level of inflation

Fed = American Federal Reserve, BoE = Bank of England, ECB = European Central Bank, BoJ = Bank of Japan, BoC = Bank of Canada. Source: Thomson Reuters, KGHM Polska Miedź

Lack of uniformity in global monetary policy and its experimental

character were the main causes of volatility on financial markets










01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

USA Polska Chiny NiemcyPoland China Germany

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KGHM Group

economic results

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Lower production of copper equivalent and a higher C1 cash

cost mainly due to lower silver and gold prices

Production was also impacted by a deterioration of geological

conditions at the Robinson mine

The fall in metals prices caused a decrease in Group results

615 603

9M'13 9M'14

192 209 195 201 208

3Q '13 4Q '13 1Q '14 2Q '14 3Q '14


KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.

KGHM International

1.83 1.90

9M'13 9M'14

1.88 1.92 1.90 1.89 1.95

3Q '13 4Q '13 1Q '14 2Q '14 3Q '14


4 608

3 909

9M'13 9M'14

1 243 1 344 1 075

1 361 1 473

3Q '13 4Q '13 1Q '14 2Q '14 3Q '14


The drop in Group EBITDA

by 15% compared to the first

9 months of 2013 was mainly

due to worse macroeconomic


Copper equivalent production

In thousand tonnes Cu equivalent

C1 cost of producing copper in




In million PLN

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Economic results

KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.

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Stable mined production

23.3 23.5

1.58 1.54

9M'13 9M'14

Copper content

in ore (%)


In the first nine months of

2014 copper content in ore

dropped by 3% 7.8 7.4

8.0 7.8 7.8

1.57 1.56 1.57 1.53 1.51

3Q '13 4Q '13 1Q '14 2Q '14 3Q '14

Production of copper in

concentrate for the first nine

months of 2014 was 2% lower

versus the corresponding

period in 2013

325 320

9M'13 9M'14


108 104 110 106 104

3Q '13 4Q '13 1Q '14 2Q '14 3Q '14

Ore extraction

In million tonnes dry weight

Production of Cu in concentrate

In thousand tonnes

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864 930

9M'13 9M'14

304 312

113 117

417 429

9M'13 9M'14

Higher production of electrolytic copper and metallic silver

1) Together with processing of customer-supplied materials

From own concentrate

From purchased Cu-bearing materials (1


Higher electrolytic copper

production from both own

concentrates as well as

purchased materials

The 39 day maintenance

shutdown at the Legnica

smelter/refinery ended on 6

October (last year during this

period the Głogów

smelter/refinery underwent



91 126

106 104 102


22 37 36 44

131 148 143 140 146

3Q '13 4Q '13 1Q '14 2Q '14 3Q '14

320 297 278

328 325

3Q '13 4Q '13 1Q '14 2Q '14 3Q '14

Higher metallic silver production

due to higher processing of both

own and purchased


Electrolytic copper production

In thousand tonnes

Metallic silver production

In tonnes

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Lower revenues as compared to the first nine months of 2013 due to lower prices

426 413

9M'13 9M'14


916 868

9M'13 9M'14


10 481 9 418

2 448

1 754



13 674

11 843

9M'13 9M'14

Copper and copper




The simultaneous drop in achieved copper and silver prices

(respectively by 7% and 24%) and in sales volumes (3% and 5%)

resulted in lower revenues from sales by 13% as compared to the

first 9 months of 2013

The company expects high volumes of copper and silver sales in the

4th quarter of 2014, which will enable sales volumes to reach planned

levels given the level of re-stocking performed in the first quarter of





138 136 138

3Q '13 4Q '13 1Q '14 2Q '14 3Q '14

319 335




3Q '13 4Q '13 1Q '14 2Q '14 3Q '14

3 086 3 879

3 153 3 021 3 244



455 690 610

4 171

4 905

3 800 3 927 4 116

3Q '13 4Q '13 1Q '14 2Q '14 3Q '14

Revenues from sales

In million PLN Copper and copper


In thousand tonnes

Sales volumes


In tonnes

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Cost discipline maintained

3 008 2 824

1 463

1 131

5 946 5 859

10 418

9 814

9M'13 9M'14

Minerals extraction


Purchased Cu-

bearing materials

Total expenses by


Expenses by nature


purchased Cu-

bearing materials

and the minerals

extraction tax



Labour costs



Other materials

and energy


Taxation and charges

After excluding the minerals extraction tax and purchased Cu-bearing

materials, expenses by nature were lower by PLN 87 million (1%)

than in the first 9 months of 2013.

Expenses by nature as compared to the first 9 months of 2013 were

impacted by:

a lower cost of heat energy and a drop in the price of electricity

the planned reduction in the scope of preparatory mine

development work

alongside an increase in:

labour costs – a higher allowance for future employee benefits and

higher remuneration by 2.4% alongside a lower annual bonus by 2

percentage points.

taxation, including mining usufruct fees and mining charges

Expenses by nature

In million PLN

1 975 1 980 1 952 1 961 1 946

3 437

2 836

3 300 3 187 3 328

3Q '13 4Q '13 1Q '14 2Q '14 3Q '14

Minerals extraction tax

Purchased Cu-bearing


Expenses by nature

excluding purchased

Cu-bearing materials

and the minerals

extraction tax

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A higher C1 cash cost due to lower valuation of by-products

* Under comparable conditions – assuming the macroeconomic conditions in the first 9 months of 2013

1.07 1.28





1.74 1.82


9M'13 9M'14 9M'14*

1.77 1.91

1.77 1.82 1.88

3Q '13 4Q '13 1Q '14 2Q '14 3Q '14


Minerals extraction


The drop in silver and gold prices as

compared to the same period in 2013

caused a lower valuation of by-

products, and in turn to a higher C1


Under the macroeconomic conditions in

2013, the C1 cash cost would have

been 1.68, or 4% lower than in the prior


C1 cash cost of producing copper in concentrate


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Decrease in the pre-precious metals credit1 unit cost of electrolytic copper

production from own concentrate

1) Pre-precious metals credit cost - Total unti cost prior to deduction by the value of associated metals

2) Under comparable conditions – assuming the macroeconomic conditions in the first 9 months of 2013

14 523 14 377 13 772

21 550

20 137 21 148

9M'13 9M'14 9M'14 (2

22 598

19 740 20 018 19 596 20 813

15 290 14 984 13 971 14 502 14 670

3Q '13 4Q '13 1Q '14 2Q '14 3Q '14

Value of associated metals


Total cost of production from own concentrate


The pre-precious metals credit unit

cost of electrolytic copper

production from own concentrate

was lower by 7% versus the prior

year due to higher production

(+2.5%) and a lower minerals

extraction tax charge

Due to the lower value of anode

slimes (lower silver and gold prices),

the total unit cost of copper

production from own concentrate

was similar to that of the prior year

Under the macroeconomic

conditions of 2013 the total cost of

copper production from own

concentrate would have been lower

by 5%

Minerals extraction tax

Pre-precious metals credit unit cost of electrolytic copper production

from own concentrate

PLN per tonne

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Position in derivatives on the commodities and currencies markets

The result on derivatives in KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. was PLN 275 million (accrued as at 30 September 2014)


In million USD

180 180


120 120


180 180



10-12.2014 1H’15 1H’16 2H’16 2H’15

Collar 2.70-4.50

Collar 3.20-4.00

Collar 3.30-4.00

Put 2.85

Put 3.20

Transactions entered into in

the 3rd quarter of 2014

3 000 6 000 6 000

7 500

15 000 15 000

9 750

3 000

6 000

2H’15 1H’15 10-12.2014


In tonnes

Seagull 4.500-7.700-10.200

Seagull 4.500-7.800-10.300

Seagull 5.000-7.700-9.300

Put 7.200

Transactions entered into in

the 3rd quarter of 2014

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Positive impact of costs and hedging on the company’s results

* Impact on revenues from sales of copper, silver and gold

** Excluding the minerals extraction tax and consumption of purchased copper-bearing materials

2 245

1 748







-1 001





Change in salesvolume


Change in prices(Cu,Ag,Au)*

Change in exchange rate


Hedging Total cost ofproducts sold**

Mineralsextraction tax

Purchased Cu-bearing materials

Other Income tax ProfitJan-Sept


Change in net profit (in million PLN)

3 742 3 128

9M'13 9M'14

EBITDA (in million PLN) -16%

The lower profit versus the first 9 months of 2013 was due to the deterioration in

macroeconomic conditions and to a lower sales volume

The decrease in profit was partially offset by the lower level of costs, the impact of

hedging and lower income tax

Mainly due to lower expenses by nature and

higher production for re-stocking


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Planned economic targets for 2014 remain unchanged
















Average annual copper price

Average annual silver price

Exchange rate

Pre-precious metals unit cost of electrolytic

copper production from own concentrate

Total unit cost of electrolytic copper

production from own concentrate

C1 cash cost of producing copper in


Production of copper in concentrate

Production of silver in concentrate

Production of electrolytic copper

- of which from own concentrate

Production of metallic silver

Copper products sales volume

Silver products sales volume

Capital expenditures

Equity investments

The lower than expected

metals prices were offset by

lower costs – hence the

current macroeconomic

situation does not justify an

adjustment to planned


Production and sales

volumes at planned levels –

potential for slight exceeding

of volume targets by year’s


Investment expenditures

below planned amounts due

to deferment of spending to




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economic results

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$2.21 $2.31

9M'13 9M'14

Production results overview

The decrease in production of copper (by

12 thousand tonnes) and in TPMs (by 24

thousand troz) was mainly due to the lower

ore quality encountered at the Robinson

mine at the start of the year (in Q1 the

Robinson mine processed ore from the

Kimbley pit, versus unusually high ore

levels extracted from the Ruth pit in 1H


Robinson production improved in the

second and third quarters.



9M'13 9M'14

21 24

19 22 22

3Q '13 4Q '13 1Q '14 2Q '14 3Q '14




9M'13 9M'14

21 24

16 18 17

3Q '13 4Q '13 1Q '14 2Q '14 3Q '14







3Q '13 4Q '13 1Q '14 2Q '14 3Q '14

4% Slight increase in C1 cost in comparison to

9M 2013 mainly due to lower production

parameters at the Robinson mine at the

beginning of the year. In 2Q and 3Q 2014

Robinson improved results and decreased

cash cost.

C1 cash cost


TPM (gold, platinum palladium)

Tk troz

Copper In thousand tonnes

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Financial Results overview

In the second and third quarters of this year there was a steady and

systematic improvement in production results (mainly at the Robinson

mine), which in turn led to better financial results.

KGHM International continues its program of savings

in the following areas: general management and administrative costs,

sustaining Capex and Opex, expenditure on projects, exploration and new


The company is taking actions to optimise the production process which

will enable volumes to be maintained in 4Q.



9M'13 9M'14

224 253

148 179 207

3Q '13 4Q '13 1Q '14 2Q '14 3Q '14

-34% 190


9M'13 9M'14






3Q '13 4Q '13 1Q '14 2Q '14 3Q '14


Main reasons for lower EBITDA:

Lower effective copper sales price, which decreased

revenues by approximately USD 20 million

Lower copper and gold production volume and DMC contract

revenues by approximately USD 254 million

implemented cost initiatives and inventory management,

which resulted in lower cost of sales by approximately USD

186 million 1 Revenues from sales net of treatment and refining charges

2 Profit on mining operations plus depreciation and the Sierra Gorda JV management fee, less general

administrative costs and impairment losses



9M'13 9M'14

21.5 25.4

16.1 19.1


3Q '13 4Q '13 1Q '14 2Q '14 3Q '14


Cu sales

In thousand tonnes


In million USD

EBITDA (adjusted)2

In million USD

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Morrison Mine: Current Status and Outlook

1 cash cost C1 (US$/lb)

Cu Ni

Improved results in 3Q 2014 :

Improvement in copper metal grade mined by 8% over 2Q 2014

Consistent copper and TPM production in 3Q 2014 compared to 2Q 2014

Stable C1 cost compared to 2Q 2014

Improvement in operating income for the site due to favourable nickel prices and a decrease in deprecation and


Cu grade (%)

cash cost C11

Operating plans:

Craig pillar stoping area remains on track for 4Q 2014, which is expected to increase copper output compared to 3Q 2014.

Operation continues to focus their efforts towards planning around the geotechnical challenges and becoming proactive in

anticipating problem areas

Diamond drilling in the 5040 drift to quantify the extent of the lower part of the Morrision deposit will continue through to the

end of 1H 2015.

Pt Pd Au


3.5 3.9 3.9


9.3 10.5 10.6

4Q'13 1Q'14 2Q'14 3Q'14

Payable Cu (kt)

Payable TPM(koz) 1.08

1.78 1.13 1.15



7.7 8.3

4Q'13 1Q'14 2Q'14 3Q'14

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2.5 2.37

0.39 0.36 0.4 0.44

4Q'13 1Q'14 2Q'14 3Q'14


69.8 74.9 75.7

Robinson Mine: Current Status and Outlook

Cu Mo Au

Improved results in Q3 2014 :

Increase in copper ore grade and recovery compared to 2Q 2014 due to blending

synergies realized from higher grade material mined from the bottom of the Ruth East

pit in September

Improved C1 cost for the quarter compared to Q2 2014 due to increased production

from improved head grade and cost management initiatives

Current plan

Mine Sequence: Ruth pre-stripping to

access higher grade ore was concluded

in Q3 (mining in Kimbley concluded in

October). For the remainder of the year

all ore will come from Ruth 2 East or

the ore stockpile

Cost Management: Continuing

aggressive cost cutting measures. All

non-critical capital expenditures have

been reduced or deferred for the

remainder of 2014.

Mill Operating time: All scheduled

major repairs completed during mill

downtime in early Q3 2014.

Expected results

Ore from the Ruth pit can be blended

or sent directly as mill feed, which

significantly improves processing

results. The mine continues to analyze

blending opportunities and process

modification to improve performance.

As a result production in 4Q will be

slightly higher than in 3Q.

Management of cash flow and C1 cost

for the remainder of the year.

Mill is expected to operate at a rate of

95% or above for the remainder of the


Cu grade (%)

C1 (USD/lb)

Cu recovery (%)



11.1 9.9

7.2 5.9 6.2


4Q'13 1Q'14 2Q'14 3Q'14

Payable Cu (kt)

Payable Au(koz)

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Reasons to invest in KGHM

Leading copper and silver

producer globally

Experienced management

team committed to

growing shareholder value

Stable production and

greater de-risking in

project development

Production started at

Sierra Gorda mine,

Victoria – another KGHM

project at the

development stage

Located and listed in one

of the European Union’s

most dynamic economies

Diversified assets pipeline

at various stages of

development guarantees

continued growth

Broad product assortment

with distinct and

irreplaceable qualities

Strong sector position

stimulated by growing

demand from emerging


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Investor Relations

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