Download - KFNews_Sept.09

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16 18

5 Editorial

6 The last hammer stroke

10 Why some animals are considered more valuable than others

12 News in brief

16 The seeds of a new generation are sown

18 Swakara’s crown jewel on offer at Kopenhagen Fur

21 Events

22 Offering and auction schedule 2009/10

25 Copenhagen Hotels

26 Contact Kopenhagen Fur

ContentsSEPTEmbER 2009


editor in Chief TORbEN NiElSEN


[email protected]



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• Inhouse freight forwarder at Kopenhagen Fur

• Global Coverage

• More than 500 branches in 53 countries

• Multiple transportation modes

• Dedicated fur staff throughout Europe and Asia

• Professional and personalized service

• Your local partner in a global market

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SEPTEmbER 2009 5

editoriaLONE OF A KiND

Erik Neergaard stamped the trade decisively and he became Kopenhagen Fur’s history

As you will know, sales director Erik Neergaard has decided to retire. After a long life at Kopenhagen Fur he will close his brilliant career in September. From the new season, new forces will take over. Erik Neergaard is not only Kopenhagen Fur’s sales director. He has achieved a unique status in the fur trade - he has become an institution - a living legend. Many customers call Erik ‘Mr. No’ because Erik, behind his friendly façade, does not accept customers’ claims just to be nice to them. But the ability to say no, the courage to do the right thing, also means that Erik is immensely respected by customers. Erik is an extraordinarily clever auctioneer. He can read the room and he may spread the offering among the buyers so that all feel they have been accommodated in a fair and honest manner. It is not necessarily the buyer who shouts the highest who gets the bid. All are treated equally and with great respect. Erik knows his metier. He knows the market, the customers and the skins. Erik is passionately fond of fur skins, and his thorough knowledge of the product has been an invaluable ballast in his capacity of auctioneer. The British Fur Trade Association has invited Erik and his wife Jessie to the Association’s annual meeting in June. The customers wish to pay a warm tribute to Erik for his great significance for the international fur trade over half a century. During the September auction, the rest of us - customers, staff and fur farmers – will take the opportunity to thank Erik for his great efforts in Danish fur farming and Kopenhagen Fur. It is not possible to replace Erik. There is no one of his kind. We must reflect on that to find Erik’s successor. We are undergoing a troublesome

change. Erik’s retirement is actually very typical of the fur trade. The fur trade was centred on Europe and North America originally. Today, China and Russia are the centre. The trade in Europe and North America has a hard time, and for too long the accession to the trade has been extremely modest. Therefore, we face a significant generational change, which might not take place as easily as one could wish. China and Russia have injected new life into the fur trade, but the new players have also changed the rules of the game in a decisive way. Kopenhagen Fur is the world’s largest and most influential company in the fur trade. However, being the greatest is not a guarantee that we are protected and guaranteed survival in a global competition. The Danish fur breeders and Kopenhagen Fur have their great strength because we have the courage and ability to set the standard in the international fur trade. Therefore, we have always been able to attract talented, ambitious employees who help provide the renewal

that ensures that Kopenhagen Fur is still in the lead. Erik Neergaard stamped the trade decisively and he became Kopenhagen Fur’s history. He will be greatly missed by customers, farmers and staff. His successor will certainly not be comparable with Erik and should not be compared with Erik. Life is like a circus. You go on the stage, play your part, and hopefully the audience applauds. Then you leave the stage to make room for another skilled artist. The circus goes on.

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the Last hammer stroke

He has travelled most of the world, has been engaged in fur farming, and he still feels the adrenalin going fast when entering the podium in Kopenhagen Fur’s auction room. After 44 years, the 62 year old sales director, Erik Neergaard retires.By BoLette frydendaL jePPesen

The sailing-boats are getting prepared for a summer on the sea. The May sun is sharp and Erik Neergaard is looking out on the marina from the patio in the restaurant. He heard that they would have fresh asparagus with freshly caught shrimps. But the waiter must disappoint him. No fresh asparagus with shrimps today. It is almost June. Erik Neergaard looks forward to a long summer that will be the last one in his position as Kopenhagen Fur’s sales director. In the fall he will retire after 44 years in the company. - I was sitting at home recording my voice on a tape recorder. He remembers the period back in the 1970’s, when he got the most marked post in the auction room. He already had the job as a spotter, but it was some challenge for the slightly shy Erik Neergaard to become an auctioneer leading the process in the auction room. He was in control of the hammer and got the magic power that belongs to the auctioneer. Today, many years later, he still feels the adrenalin

going, just before he enters the podium in the auction room: - I get a kick out of the performance every time, he says. During the June auction at Kopenhagen Fur in Glostrup, Erik Neergaard is on the podium again. “Onehundredandfiftyy… onesixtyy….” Bam! Bam! Bam! “Next. Onehundredandfifty…” he drones. Loud shouts from the buyers and short cries from the spotters create a pall of noise in the room. Erik’s body is tense. His right arm works lightning fast in the air. In his left hand the hammer points out the importance of his words that are now law. He must have used the recorder

diligently. He became a competent auctioneer and today he is probably the person, who has sold most skins in the world. After 44 years in the fur trade he exchanges the hammer, the office and contacts with customers for his retirement. For Erik Neergaard, the perfect time for retirement has been planned for years. At his and Soren Gerslov’s 40 year jubilee in the company in 2005 he said: “I plan to retire when I am 62 years old. Despite new challenges all along I think it is the right time to quit”. Erik Neergaard sticks to the plan and now that he reached his 62nd year, time has come to quit a long working epoch;

“I did not have any clear aims about my future at that time, but I knew that it should have to do with trade.”

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SEPTEmbER 2009 7

“I have enjoyed my contact to the customers”

- Either I am there full-time, or not there at all, he says uncompromisingly.

his way into fur BusinessAs a child, Erik liked to sit in the back of his father’s grocer’s shop in the city of Copenhagen. At that time, in the 1950’s there were dairies and grocer’s shops on every street corner. Now they are replaced by 7-11’s. Erik’s father was an old-fashioned merchant of the kind who did not follow the progress of self-service supermarkets. Maybe the interest in commerce started in the back of the grocer’s shop and made him one of the most well-known and renowned persons in the international fur trade; - I did not have any clear aims about my future at that time, but I knew that it should have to do with trade. It was a coincident that it became fur trade, Erik Neergaard tells, and he did not have anything to do with farming despite the fact that his grandfather was a farmer in Jutland. Erik Neergaard was 18 years old when

he became a trainee at Danish Fur Sales. They were looking for three trainees in the sorting and grading production. The other two trainees employed were Soren Gerslov, who is now department manager in farmer service, and Iwan Santin who is a senior consultant. At the same time, a young woman was employed as a trainee in the administration. She noticed Erik Neergaard and vice versa. Five years later, in 1970, Jessie became Mrs. Neergaard. Since then two children – a boy and a girl – a house and a fur career followed. Adult life started, and today Erik can look back on a long working life in a business he has taken an active share in creating.

fur aLLergy and reCessionWhen Erik Neergaard had worked in the production for more that ten years, his body suddenly started itching. His eyes were running, his skin tickled and scratched and he was sneezing. He was sickening for an allergy to skins and sawdust. Despite his promotion as a

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sorting manager there was no point in returning to the sorting – he needed to distance himself from the skins; - I was considering changing job, but fortunately the sales director needed an assistant and that’s why I started in the office, he says. As the sales director’s right hand, and later sales manager, a new world of trade was opened for the trainee. He was organizing and travelling and he got a relationship to the many customers all over the world, before he in 1988 took over the position as a sales director. - I am brought up in the company, Erik Neergaard says. - It was learning by doing. Parallel with his job at Kopenhagen Fur, Erik Neergaard and his cousin established a mink farm. The cousin took care of the everyday running of the farm while Erik Neergaard contributed with his great knowledge of skin qualities. In the hard times of the 1980’s the project did not succeed. Erik thinks that the episode has taught him a valuable lesson. - Fortunately, we were riding out the

storm, he says.

no is the hardest word…The U.S., China, Hong Kong, Russia, Europe, Africa, South America. Erik Neergaard has seen most of the world and his working life has been characterized by communication and contacts. One of his favourite travelling destinations is Hong Kong “because it is a very exciting place”. Erik has made many customers’ acquaintances; - I have enjoyed my contact to the customers. Today, the fur business has changed and is more influenced by large fur factories rather than by brokers and furriers, Erik Neergaard explains. The major markets of Kopenhagen Fur have switched from Europe and North America to China and Russia. Erik Neergaard also reached a point during his career where he had to learn to say no. Claims and other confrontations sometimes had to bring out the small, but difficult word: - It’s easier to say yes, Erik Neergaard

admits. - As time went by I learned where to put a no. But I might have justified the denial by saying I was following the rules, Erik Neergaard reveals. There is every indication that the friendly, but steadfast man has learned how to manage the word. His nickname is “Mister No”.

a PoPuLar LonerWith a warm and played down kindness the professionalism shines through. Erik is a well-balanced person and admits that he cannot keep pace with his wife Jessie when it comes to socializing. But he likes playing a double match in the local badminton club. The cool and calm approach to life does not mean that Erik Neergaard prefers things to be stagnant. On the contrary, he is driven by challenges and that is one of the things he will miss the most: - The company expanded drastically throughout the years and naturally my job changed accordingly. The timing has been great.

“As time went by I learned where to put a no.”

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SEPTEmbER 2009 9

One of the best jobs in his career was a great joint venture in China in the 1980’s while the country was still an unknown market for the Danish fur industry; - China Animal By-Products asked us to help establish a fur auction. Twice a year I and some colleagues went to Hong Kong to lead and organize their auction, he says. Unfortunately, the auction had to close in the late 1980’s because of a financial crisis in China. But Erik Neergaard left with a feeling that China could become a great market for fur in the future. In June this year Erik was invited to England by the British Fur Trade Association who wished to celebrate his efforts as a sales director at Kopenhagen Fur. Erik Neergaard is a popular person in the fur industry.

weLL-earned retirementErik Neergaard has never consciously pursued a great career:- Things just happened, he claims. But he has always been very pleased with his job. Long, busy winters combined

with long, calm and quiet summers that characterize the business matches his temper well. There is only one thing his work has not left time for: - I would have liked to learn skiing, Erik Neergaard smiles and continues: - But now I think it is too late. In the summer he often started the car together with his family to shape the course southward for summer holidays. Today the children are grown up and settled down. Erik Neergaard enjoys his four grandchildren and he looks forward to spending more time with them when he retires. When the busy winters are getting replaced by everyday life as a retiree, Erik and his wife Jessie will spend some time in Madeira. The summers will be spent in their summerhouse in North Zealand. Despite a long and successful career in Kopenhagen Fur, Erik Neergaard does not call himself a careerist. No, he is a family man! A more precise definition may be that he is one of the few who managed to master both sides of life.


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why some animaLs are Considered more vaLuaBLe than others

Human beings find some animals cute and some plain gross. Human minds use a hierarchy shaped by feelings and cultural symbols when deciding which animals they like and which they don’t. Chairman of the Danish Council for Animal Ethics, Peter Sandøe, questions the man-made hierarchy.

By miCk madsen Photo By PeLLe rink

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SEPTEmbER 2009 11

The lions in Copenhagen Zoo have 22 sponsors, while the rats only have one, namely a local sewerage company. Ani-mals in zoological gardens are able to at-tract sponsorships because human beings are fascinated by animals. That the lions in Copenhagen Zoo have 22 sponsorships while the rats must be content with one has to do with the ranking of animals on the so-called socio-zoological scale. But to humans, animals are not just ani-mals. We have placed them in hierarchies, where we distinguish between useful and dangerous animals and between good, evil and demonic animals. These perceptions of animals have also been incorporated in our language and thus you may be poor as a church mouse or as strong as a horse. However, the animals’ placement on the socio-zoological scale is not permanent; - The most striking example is the very first animal welfare law which took effect in England in 1822 in which the only impor-tance was attached to cows and horses. Dogs had a very low rank on the scale. Today, dogs have moved up, so the scale is not a natural law. It is a variable, social factor, says bioethics Peter Sandøe, who is chairman of the Danish Council of Animal Ethics. He does not hesitate to question the socio-zoological scale.


Sandøe points out that there is a problem with both fairness and scientific objectivity when, for instance, political legislation is based on human feelings and cultural sym-bols only. For example, the Danish Council of Animal Ethics made a dictum in which the council suggested that mouse traps should be designed more humanely, since it is well-documented that mouse traps may break the leg of the mouse, but not kill it instantly. The mouse will die eventually, but it will happen under severe pain with the leg caught in the trap. - That dictum didn’t have any effect at all. When we made it, it was laughed

at. Nobody wanted to do anything about it, because we [human beings] don’t like mice, Peter Sandøe says and points out that equality between animals ought to be mandatory – at least when the con-sequence is coarse negative discrimina-tion as in the case with the mice. In other words; the man-made socio-zoological scale should be left behind when matters concern animal conditions. But the socio-zoological scale is an in-tegrated part of our cultural heritage wich is why the irrational choices we human beings make when matters involve animals are so hard - if not impossible - to let go. Peter Sandøe suggests that family animals (pets) are in the top of the scale followed by wild animals, domesticated wild animals (such as mink and foxes), traditional livestock (cows, pigs, hens), lower animals such as fish and, finally, noxious animals like rats. The suggestion has its origin in the Western culture and will differ in other parts of the world, but it is of interest to the fur trade that wild animals and domesticated wild animals hold a high rank on the scale. - Predators have moved up the scale, wild animals have moved up. In people’s minds, fur-bearing animals are closer to wild animals than a range of the classic domesticated animals. And then there is the discussion about luxury, Sandøe says.


But how should the fur trade react if some animals have a higher rank in people’s minds, and if the animals that are at stake in the fur trade happen to be in the high end of the scale? According to Peter Sandøe there is but one way to fare: The fur business must infuence the agenda. - There is only one way to react and that is to take the agenda seriously. Bring up animal welfare as a positive subject and bring your influence to bear on the process, Peter Sandøe says.

“There is only one way to react and that is to take the agenda seriously.”

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CLosing times in augustThe Customer Department will be closed on Fridays in August until 28 August inclusive.To contact the Customer Department directly please use the following numbers:

Phone no.: +45 4326 1444Fax no.: +45 4326 1449E-mail: [email protected]

RECEpTIoNPlease note that the reception at Kopenhagen Fur is closed on all Fridays in August until 28 August inclusive.

news iN bRiEF

The calendar 2009/2010 with next season’s auction dates is available at Ko-penhagen Fur’s September auction 2009. You are welcome to pick up the calendar in the service counters.The calendar contains infor-mation about • Auction schedule

2009/10• Offering 2009/10• Week planner from

October 2009 to December 2010

• Year planner from 2009 - 2011

• Contact persons

sorting Courses at koPenhagen fur

Kopenhagen Fur Academy has announced the dates of the popular courses next season;

Sorting course I: 19 to 23 October 2009Sorting course II: 18 to 22 January 2010Sorting and auction procedures course: 27 May to 17 June 2010

The courses are well attended. We therefore advise you to register as soon as possible, if you are interested in one of the courses. There was a waiting list for the June course this year and Kopenhagen Fur was not able to include all applicants in the course.

You can register to attend the courses by filling in the enrolment form of the enclosed leaflet and fax it to the Customer Department. You are also welcome to register online on – ‘GO TO AUCTION SITE’ – ABOUT KOPENHAGEN FUR – SORTING COURSES.

For further information you are welcome to contact Ms An-nette Hindborg in the Customer Department;Fax: +45 4326 1449Mail: [email protected]

CaLendar 2009/10

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SEPTEmbER 2009 13

reCePtion for erik neergaardDuring the September auction, a farewell reception will be held for Erik Neergaard.

The time and place will be announced later.

offiCes to rent at koPenhagen fur

Kopenhagen Fur rents out offices to auction customers. They are renovated and feature telephone, television and Internet connection.

The sizes of the offices are approx. 17 sq metres.On the entering of the lease agreement, a deposit of six months’ rent is payable to Kopenhagen Fur.

The rent falls due every three months and is payable in advance.

The offices are rented out on a ‘first-come-first-serve’ basis.If you are interested in renting an office, please contact Ms Anne Lunn, Customer Dept., fax +45 4326 1449 or [email protected].

PostersFor the coming season 2009/10 we have produced 4 new fashion posters. The posters are always very popular.

You are welcome to fetch the trendy posters from our service counter downstairs during your visit.

The posters will be available from the September auction on.

exhiBition stands at koPenhagen fur

During the auctions Kopenhagen Fur rents out a number of exhibition stands which are placed between the inspection area in Hall 1 and the restaurant.

The exhibition stands are rented out on a ‘first-come-first-serve’ basis.

If you are interested in renting an exhibition stand, please contact Ms Anne Lunn, Customer Dept., fax +45 4326 1449 or [email protected].

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news iN bRiEF

Brokers’ and Customers’ registrationThe attendance at Kopenhagen Fur’s auctions is growing.Preparatory to the reception of the increasing number of customers, we would appreciate it very much if you would be so kind as to register your attendance, every time you have planned to go to Kopenhagen Fur’s auctions.

Kopenhagen Fur’s restaurants, inspection and auction require a well-organized planning to service the large number of customers. This is only possible if visitors sign up in advance.

Brokers are asked to make their customers register so the auction house can be informed of the approximate number of visitors to the auction.

You are welcome to use the form on our website - GO TO AUCTION SITE - AUCTIONS - AUCTION SERvICES.

If you help us you also help yourself. So, please sign up!Thank you for your co-operation.

third time LuCkyThe score board stopped at DKK 720 for lot number 166431, the top lot of the June auction. It was purchased by 25 year old David Liu via Carlo Guida Ltd., who twice before has bid for Kopenhagen Fur’s top lot, without any luck.

During Kopenhagen Fur’s April auction, David Liu reached DKK 1,040 before deciding to withdraw from the bidding. Then, he was beat by Ukranian Oleg Dudenko, who paid no less than DKK 1,600 pr. skin, but the third time was the lucky time for David Liu, who attended his first sorting cour-se at Kopenhagen fur in 2005.

- The price was better this time, says David Liu with a smile on his face and continues that the fight for the top lot always is exciting. He has won the top lot bidding before, though, at a NAFA auction in Toronto.

The young Chinese owns five fur boutiques in the company Ou Ya Mei Furs and the top lot will be used, when he opens his flag ship store in September in his home town Tong Er Pu in the north-eastern part of China.

- The top lot will be used for a beautiful creation that will be exhibited in the boutique, says David Liu.

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SEPTEmbER 2009 15

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How do you buy the best skins at the best price at a fur auction? In May, 18 students from China, Hong Kong, Canada and Greece came to Copenhagen to follow a 3 week course at Kopenhagen Fur in sorting, grading and auction bidding to prepare for a career in the fur industry as manufacturers, brokers or in other parts of the business. Most of them have relatives in the fur business and are the new generation to take over in the future. They need to learn more about fur skins and the Kopenhagen Fur auction and grading system. But there

are also some of the students who do not have a background in the fur industry. They have developed an interest in the industry and now want to create a future with skins. Fan Jiang from Northern China is studying architecture in Copenhagen. But he is now so interested in the fur business that he wants to change his path; - I have a good friend who is a broker - and now also my boss. I have worked part time parallel with my studies, but I find it so interesting that I want to do it full-time, Fan Jiang says.

He is thrilled about the course. He feels that he consolidates his knowledge to become a good broker. Not only is he impressed by Kopenhagen Fur being the largest fur auction house in the world, he is also impressed by the machine sorting system that guarantees a very homogenous skin grading; - And that is very important to the customers, he says and continues; - I have got inspiration and learned Kopenhagen Fur’s sorting system, but, most important, we get the confidence to buy and bid, and because of that we are now potential future buyers at Kopenhagen Fur’s auctions.

koPenhagen fur invitingThree times a year Kopenhagen Fur invites students to Sorting and Grading Courses. The recent class of 18 students was large - usually the classes have around 12 students: - This class has been highly committed. They are all in their early twenties and that has been a great advantage because they have the same interests and that draws the tie of friendship closer. That is also important for their future jobs in fur

the seeds of a new generation are sownIn conjunction with Kopenhagen Fur’s June auction, 18 students participated in a 3 week course in grading, catalogue marking and bidding at Kopenhagen Fur. The students have prepared for a career in the fur business and were trained by Kopenhagen Fur staff.

By BoLette frydendaL jePPesen

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SEPTEmbER 2009 17

business, says Sheila Wagner, teacher and manager of the course. The students of the course came from four nationalities, i.e. the majority was Chinese. In that way they reflected the major markets of Kopenhagen Fur. One of the first days of the course the students visited a Danish mink farm to get a complete introduction to skin production. Hereafter the teaching programme focused on the catalogue, how to receive orders and how to complete a purchase and deal with the pressure in the auction room; - We are trying to make the course as realistic as possible. Therefore, we always arrange a mini auction at the end of the course with the presence of auctioneers and spotters to create an atmosphere close to a real auction, Sheila Wagner says. Before the test, each student received a case with fictive orders for skins and an amount to spend in the auction room. Three weeks of hard work reached the final point. Fortunately, it went well: - They stood firm by the orders and did not buy too many or too few skins. I am very satisfied with their performances. I am very proud of them, says Sheila Wagner.

a new generationOne of the students at the course, Peng Sai Zhao from China, studies economics in Moscow, Russia. His family has a fur factory in China and he already works part-time in the business. The auction house in Glostrup is not unknown to him: - I have already attended a Kopenhagen Fur auction with my uncle, he says. Despite the knowledge he already gained from the family business, he attended the course to learn more about quality control of skins and auctions. He will bring the new experience back to China. From the French area of Canada, Jerome Guimont also attended the course. He has had a great time, and despite his personal experience with fur from his

family business run by third generation, he has learned a lot: - But of course there is time for fun too, he says and points out that the social aspect of the course is important too, while he smiles at Chinese Julie, who has lived in Denmark for three years. They are both enthusiastic about the instructors on the course: - They are very competent and helpful, they agree. - When I was a child I loved clothes decorated with soft things like rabbit fur. Today my big dream is to work in the fur industry as a professional broker helping customers buy the best skins of the highest quality, Chinese Julie says and continues: - Denmark has a long history of producing skins. In the future, I would like the Chinese market to learn more about mink farming in Denmark, because it is so organised and with a high quality in the skins, she says. On the first day of the June auction at Kopenhagen Fur – and the last day of the three week course - the students received a diploma handed out by the managing director of Kopenhagen Fur, Torben Nielsen.

“We are now potential future buyers at Kopenhagen Fur’s auctions”

18 students from China, Hong Kong, Canada and

Greece came to Copenhagen to follow a 3 week

course at Kopenhagen Fur in sorting, grading and

auction bidding

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SEPTEmbER 2009 19


45,000 BLACk5,000 wHITE6,000 GREy

A limited amount of White Swakara skins will be on offer at Kopenhagen Fur in September. It is the first time in 20 years that the skins will be made available to the public. Swakara skins have enjoyed a renaissance during the last decade. More and more designers are showing Swakara on the catwalk and sales have risen globally making the list of Swakara lovers long: Louis vuitton, Marc Jacobs, John Galliano, Dolce & Gabbana, Christian Dior and many more. Not to mention vIP’s such as the Crown Princess Mary of Denmark and several other royals, actresses and models. As a result the production of Swakara has risen steadily; e.g. it went up 15% from 2007 to 2008. - We are very proud that AGRA Co-operative Ltd. has trusted us with white Swakara. We have had a strong coopera-tion with AGRA for decades, and to have the entire offer presented at Kopenhagen Fur is a great honour, says Erik Neergaard sales director at Kopenhagen Fur. White Swakara is the most coveted of the Swakara skins. White Swakara is one

of the most rare fur skin types as there are only approximately 9,000 skins produced per year. Until now, the skins have been unavailable to the public as they have been sold through a private company. - At AGRA we are very proud of our product. We work hard to offer the best to our customers and every year we refine our breeding methods to make even more beautiful skins, says Wessel visser, managing director at the Karakul Board of Namibia. To breed white Swakara is not an easy job. Only very few sheep are actually fit for breeding and a rather large portion of the skins - approximately 25 per cent - turn out black rather than white after breeding. Therefore it is not likely that the production will increase tremendously in the years to come. - White Swakara is and will remain one of the most exclusive fur types you can get your hands on. It is the Crown Jewel of our collection and it makes me very happy to see the skins available to the public again, says Wessel visser.

- White Swakara is and will remain one of the most exclusive fur types you can get your hands on


By ditte sorknæs

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SEPTEmbER 2009 21


PauL Potts

It took a flick of a coin to change Paul Potts’ entire

life. Heads he entered Britain’s Got Talent, Tails he

didn’t. The rest, as they say, is history.

〉 10 SEPTEmbER



eugin onegin

Love and pride are two irreconcilable emotions.

Both Tatiana and Onegin become only too painfully

aware of this fact in Tchaikovsky’s poignant and

glorious opera based on one of the great classics of

world literature.

〉 6, 8, 13 AND 16 SEPTEmbER





Figurative painting and photorealism mix with

expressive brush strokes and sweet comics-

aesthetic, when ARKEN presents an eminent

selection of Chinese contemporary painting.

The exhibition shows a nuanced picture of China’s

painting scene today. From artists whose careers

soared in the 1990s and to the young artist

generation of today.

〉 UNTil 27 SEPTEmbER




the david CoLLeCtion

The David Collection was founded by C. L.

David, a prominent lawyer who left his art

collections to posterity in the building that had

been his own home.

C. L. David made his first art purchases

in the 1910s, when he acquired paintings

and sculptures by Danish artists. This part

of his collection was soon overshadowed

by acquisitions of European furniture and

decorative art from the 17th-18th century.

David developed a special interest in Danish and

European faience and porcelain. In order to put

this part of his collection in relief he soon also

acquired pieces from the world of Islam. This

laid the foundation for a third important part

of the collection – and the largest of its kind in





Beneath a drawing By raPhaeL

Throughout the summer of 2009, Thorvaldsens

Museum will be providing visitors with a rare

glimpse of Thorvaldsen’s considerable collection

of drawings. The famous sculptor was himself

an eager art collector, and alongside his large

collection of paintings and antiques, he also

acquired a substantial number of drawings done

by other artists like Eckersberg, Lundbye, Guercino

and Kauffmann.

〉 UNTil SEPTEmbER 13



events in CoPenhagen6-17 SEPTEmbER 2009


the worLd is yours

In the autumn of 2009, contemporary art will have

a predominant position at the museum with a

large-scale exhibition, with the participation of 20-25

artists from all over the world. Most of them are

young artists unknown to the public, a handful are

already classics in their field.

〉 UNTil JANUARY 2010

〉 lOUiSiANA, HUmlEbæK



aLvin aiLey ameriCan danCe theaterThe Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater returns

to Tivoli for the 12th time. They will present

two magnificent programmes with Alvin Ailey’s

signature work “Revelations” as a spell-binding

closing of the performances. The company

recently celebrated their 50th anniversary at

a magnificent gala in their hometown, New

York, where Oprah Winfrey, Donna Wood and

Jessye Norman participated. Works from the

anniversary performance are on the programme

in Tivoli.

〉 15, 16 AND 17 SEPTEmbER


〉 WWW.TivOli.DK

Alvin Ailey

The David Collection

Page 21: KFNews_Sept.09




blACK 30-00-0 40-30-00-0 30-00-0-1 50-40-30-00-0 30-00-0-1-2mAHOGANY 30-00-0 40-30-00-0 40-30-00-0-1 50-40-30-00 30-00-0-1-2bROWN 30-00-0 40-30-00-0 40-30-00-0-1 50-40-30-00-0 40-30-00-0-1-2GlOW 30-00-0 40-30-00-0 40-30-00-0-1 50-40-30-00-0 40-30-00-0-1-2SilvERblUE 30-00-0 40-30-00-0 30-00-0-1 50-40-30-00-0 TO bE ANNOUNCEDWHiTE 30-00-0 40-30-00-0 30-00-0-1 50-40-30-00-0 TO bE ANNOUNCEDPEARl 30-00-0 30-00-0 30-00-0 50-40-30-00-0-1 TO bE ANNOUNCED



blACK 1-2 0-1-2 1-2-3 00-0-1-2 1-2-3-4mAHOGANY 1-2 0-1-2 0-1-2-3 00-0-1-2 1-2-3-4bROWN 0-1-2 0-1-2 0-1-2-3 00-0-1-2 0-1-2-3-4GlOW 0-1-2 0-1-2 0-1-2-3 00-0-1-2 0-1-2-3-4SilvERblUE 1-2 0-1-2 1-2-3 00-0-1-2 TO bE ANNOUNCED WHiTE 1-2 0-1-2 1-2-3 00-0-1-2 TO bE ANNOUNCEDPEARl 1-2 1-2 1-2-3 00-0-1-2 TO bE ANNOUNCED

In other types, the different sizes will be offered at the relevant auctions when a reasonable number of skins is available.

KOPENHAGEN FUR auCtion sCheduLe and offering 2009/10

In the season 2009/2010 Kopenhagen Fur

expects to offer a total of 17.9 million mink

skins which is reduced by approx. 600,000

skins on last season’s figures. The Danish

mink production will decline by approx. 4%.

Pearl, White, Sapphire, Pastel and Cross

mink will be reduced most, but also Black is

declining in number. The number of skins

in Mahogany, Brown and Glow will increase

marginally, while Silverblue will rise by ap-

prox. 12%.

The great demand for the velvet quality has

had the effect that a large part of the mink

production has been diverted to this type

while the production of longhaired mink

skins is being reduced.

For each of the five scheduled auctions

there will be a varied offering of the qualities

Platinum, Burgundy, Ivory and Quality A.

The qualities I and II will also be offered.

Purple, Kopenhagen Fur’s top quality, will

be offered at the auctions in February, April

and June, and top lots will be sold at all

three auctions.

Types and Sizes to be offered at the indi-

vidual auctions 2009/2010 appear from the


kopENHAGEN fuR offERING 2009/2010

Page 22: KFNews_Sept.09

SEPTEmbER 2009 23

DECEmbER FEbRUARY APRil JUNE SEPT.SElliNG DAYS 20-21 6-9 12-16 17-22 11-16 iN TOTAl

miNK (1,000 SKiNS)

blACK 75 250 350 410 375 1,460

mAHOGANY 100 465 575 600 590 2,330

bROWN 450 960 1,355 800 1,175 4,740

GlOW 485 1,015 1,430 905 1,375 5,210

PEARl 90 125 160 335 80 790

GOlDEN PEARl 25 55 80

WHiTE 100 200 230 330 140 1,000

SAPPHiRE 25 135 120 45 325

SilvERblUE 75 270 200 430 150 1,125

blACK CROSS 90 130 25 245

vAR. CROSS 50 100 15 165

PASTEl 65 55 10 130

viOlET 20 20

blUE iRiS 20 20

JAGUAR 20 20

PAlOmiNO 50 130 20 200


vAR. mUTATiONS 20 20

TOTAl miNK 1,400 3,500 4,500 4,500 4,000 17,900


CHiNCHillA 15 15 15 15 15 75

REx RAbbiTS 4 4 8

SWAKARA 60 80 140

FOxES 10 30 10 20 70

We reserve the right to make changes.

AuCTIoN SCHEDuLE 2009/2010Kopenhagen Fur is pleased to announce the auction schedule 2009/2010:

DECEMBER 2009 Inspection: From 18 DecemberSales: 20 to 21 December

fEBRuARy 2010Inspection: From 2 FebruarySales: 6 to 9 February

ApRIL 2010Inspection: From 7 AprilSales: 12 to 16 April

JuNE 2010Inspection: From 11 JuneSales: 17 to 22 June

SEpTEMBER 2010Inspection: From 5 SeptemberSales: 11 to 16 September

Page 23: KFNews_Sept.09


Opened in January 1978 in a fully restored, listed warehouse from the 1780s, Co-penhagen Admiral Hotel now ranks as a four-star hotel of uncompromising Danish quality and international top class. Copenhagen Admiral Hotel is situated in the very heart of Copenhagen overlooking the harbour front and The

Opera House. It lies within walking distance of many of Copenhagen’s exciting attractions. It is close to Amalienborg Palace where the guards change in style when the Queen is in residence, The Little Mermaid at the Langelinie waterfront, the impressive Gefion fountain and the Amaliehaven park grounds.

The hotel has 366 rooms. All rooms have modem access and state-of-the-art radio and Tv systems with video-on-de-mand, Internet and e-mail connections.

admiraL hoteL

Whether it is small or big business, conducted locally or globally, you always find us close at hand. We are located in 21 countries, our main market being the Nordic region, the Baltic States and Poland. As a customer, you get one, single contact person with the total resources of the bank at your disposal. We utilise our entire network to together create solutions that provide your company with real competitive advantage. You are welcome to discuss with us the most interesting topic of all – the future. Get in touch with your nearest branch office.

To all companies with faith in the future

Making it possible

Page 24: KFNews_Sept.09

SEPTEmbER 2009 25

hoteL Cat. address teLePhone

Norlandia Star (A) Colbjørnsensgade 13, 1652 v + 45 3322 1100

Comfort Hotel Europe (B) Colbjørnsensgade 11, 1652 v + 45 3321 3333

Du Nord (B) Colbjørnsensgade 14, 1652 v + 45 3331 7750

Kong Frederik (B) vester voldgade 25, 1552 K + 45 3312 5902

First (C) vesterbrogade 23-29, 1620 v + 45 3378 8000

Clarion Hotel Copenhagen (C) Molestien 11, 2450 Sv + 45 7012 7373

Glostrup Park (C) Hovedvejen 41, 2600 Glostrup + 45 4396 0038

Admiral (D) Toldbodgade 24, 1253 K + 45 3374 1414

Hotel Mayfair (D) Helgolandsgade 3 , 1653 K + 45 7012 1700

Scandic Glostrup (D) Roskildevej 550, 2600 Glostrup + 45 4343 4200

Radisson SAS Falkoner (E) Falkoner Allé 9, 2000 Frb. + 45 3815 8001

Scandic CPH (E) vester Søgade 6, 1601 v + 45 3314 3535

Scandic Hvidovre (E) Kettevej 4. 2650 Hvidovre + 45 3686 0400

Scandic Sydhavn (F) Sydhavns Plads 15, 2450 Sv + 45 8833 3666

Radisson SAS Scandinavia* (F) Amager Blv. 70, 2300 S + 45 3396 5000

Hilton Airport - 5 stars (G) Ellehammersvej 20, 2770 Kastrup + 45 3250 1501

Marriott - 5 stars** (G) Kalvebod Brygge 5, 1560 v + 45 8833 9900

Radisson SAS Royal (G) Hammerichsgacht 1611 v +45 3342 6000

Scandic Webers (G) vesterbrogade 11B 1620 v + 45 3331 1432

Skt. Petri - 5 stars (G) Krystalgade 22, 1172 K + 45 3345 9800

CoPenhagen hoteLs

we urge you to make your hotel reservations for the coming season as early as possible.

please also note that due to the uN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December 2009, hotel rooms are scarce.

please make your reservation as soon as possible.

hoteL rates

Cat. a DKK 600-800

Cat. B DKK 800-900

Cat. C DKK 900-1000

Cat. d DKK 1000-1100

Cat. e DKK 1100-1200

Cat. f DKK 1200-1400

Cat. g DKK 1400-1800

PLease noteAll reservations will be cancelled at 4pm if not guaranteed for late arrival.

We kindly ask you to inform us 24 hours prior to arrival if you need to change your reservation.

*We have signed contracts with SAS Royal

Hotel also.

**Copenhagen Marriott Hotel

Please note that the rates in June and September

2009 will be DKK 1995, - / 2195, -

Page 25: KFNews_Sept.09


area managers

andrej rumjanCevAREA mANAGER, RUSSiA

+45 4326 1103

ContaCt KOPENHAGEN FURE-mail: [email protected]

phonE: +45 4326 1000

[email protected]

torBen nieLsen mANAGiNG DiRECTOR

+45 4326 1042 (SECR.)

erik neergaard SAlES DiRECTOR

+45 4326 1201

inge Østermand SECRETARY (mANAGEmENT)

+45 4326 1042

Customer [email protected]

Brian tufvesson CUSTOmER RElATiONS mANAGER+45 4326 1401


+45 4326 1431

annette hindBorgACCOUNTS AND iNvOiCiNG

+45 4326 1440


+45 4326 1443

Christiane rautenBergACCOUNTS AND iNvOiCiNG+45 4326 1442

reCePtion/[email protected]

kathrine engBergFRONT OFFiCE mANAGER

+45 4326 1112


+45 4326 1280



+45 4326 1203


+45 4326 1209


+45 4326 1208

kLaus harLevAUCTiONEER

+45 4326 1415

kasPer s. reinBaCherPROJECT CO-ORDiNATOR, AUCTiONEER+45 4326 1422

LaiLa weBLer CASHiER

+45 4326 1413

Beijing offiCe

weixian ChenAREA mANAGER, CHiNA

mOb. +86 135 0118 1720


mOb. +86 139 1156 8019


mOb. +86 139 1093 7964

marketing [email protected]

Patrizia v. ChristensenmARKETiNG DiRECTOR+45 4326 1102

thomas C. andersenPRODUCT DEvElOPmENT mANAGER+45 4326 1110


+45 4326 1158

natia LinnemanRETAil mARKETiNG mANAGER

+45 7213 5013

CommuniCations [email protected]

sander jaCoBsenCOmmUNiCATiONS mANAGER

+45 4326 1063



mOb. +30 693 242 5858

QuaLity [email protected]

Bjarne rasmussenQUAliTY mANAGER

+45 4326 1342

Page 26: KFNews_Sept.09

SEPTEmbER 2009 27

oyster perpetual

klarlund is scandinavia’s largest retailer of rolexand other fine watchesfrom switzerland. at klarlund you can save 20 % on tax free sale.

guests at kopenhagen furcan get additional benefits by bringing this ad to the store.

Page 27: KFNews_Sept.09


Infelber (Exports) Ltd4 Elthorne Road, London N19 4AG

Tel +44(20) - 7281 1966 E-mail [email protected] Fax +44(20) - 7281 2398

Eurasia Furs LtdUnit O, 10/Kaiser Estate Phase III

9-11A Hok Yuen Street, Hunghom, Kowloon, HK

Tel +852 2311 9803 E-mail [email protected] Fax +852 2721 3081

Infelber (Exports) Ltd4 Elthorne Road, London N19 4AG

Tel +44(20) - 7281 1966 E-mail [email protected] Fax +44(20) - 7281 2398

Eurasia Furs LtdUnit O, 10/Kaiser Estate Phase III

9-11A Hok Yuen Street, Hunghom, Kowloon, HK

Tel +852 2311 9803 E-mail [email protected] Fax +852 2721 3081




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