
Kevin SunAndy Lui

Amanda LiSharan S.

APUSHChinese Immigration

Collectively decided in 1877 to cut employees’ wages by 10%

In 1877, what did the presidents of the four largest railroad companies do?

Laborers’Enraged and struck back in strikes and rebellions

Hayes’ ResponsePresident Hayes sent in troops to quell unrestLed to support from working class of America

Laborers’ and Hayes’ response to railroad companies

More men (Bachelors)Poorer FolkTianshen & Guangdong Providence citizensFew women

What type of person typically came to America?

For a better position in lifeThe social, economic, and political instability in ChinaStories of riches in ChinaDig ditches get riches, then go back to the Motherland

Why did they come to America?

Similar to how Irish and Blacks would fight over jobs in the New England areaIn California the Irish hated the ChineseThe Kearnyites

formed by Denis Kearney in 1877Targeted and even killed Chinese sometimes

Naturally prejudicedThey had to compete in lowest social class

What ethnicity in particular had a problem with the Chinese? Why?

What ethnicity in particular had a problem with the Chinese? Why?

Passed Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882Prohibits all further immigration from ChinaWas in position until 1943

Legislation solidifying discrimination

Exclusionists tries to strip Chinese-Americas of their citizenships

Overruled by Supreme Court in U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark in 1898 – citizenship guaranteed by 14th AmendmentDoctorine of “birthright citizenship” provided important protections to Chinese Americans as well as to other immigrants (jus soil – “right of the soil” vs jus sanguinis – “right of blood-tie” )

Supreme Court decision regarding Chinese citizenship

1) Who was unsettled by the Chinese immigration?

2) What action was taken against the Chinese?

3) Why did the Chinese want to emigrate to America?

4) How did the reduction of rail worker pay lead to more discrimination towards the immigrants?

Quiz Time!

1) Who was unsettled by the Chinese immigration?

IrishLower social classes

They had to compete for jobsNaturally prejudiced

2) What action was taken against the Chinese?

Exclusionists tried to take away the citizenship rights of Chinese-AmericansChinese Exclusion Act in 1882

Answer Time!

3) Why did the Chinese want to emigrate to America?

Turmoil in ChinaStories of a prosperous America

4) How did the reduction of rail worker pay lead to more discrimination towards the immigrants?

The pay cuts caused more dissent towards minorities

Answer Time!

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