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KETUTU TRADING SDN. BHD is an aquaculture business located in the town of

Bandar Baharu district, Pulau Pinang. It is based on the believe that the Malay people can

be successful in the business field like the foreigner and the simplest example is the

Chinese people that is said to monopoly the economic growth in Malaysia. By supporting

the Malaysia’s government to realize the 2020 vision of being a highly developed nation

in all field including the aquaculture field.

In the year 2020, the fish price will increase and the demand for fish all over the world

will increase. To ensure the fish demand in Asian market especially in Malaysia can be

fulfill, we have developed a plan to open a fish farm in the district of Bandar Baharu to

overcome this problem. From the analysis that had been done by the World fish Center

and the International Food Policy Research, the shortage of fish will be catastrophic for

over 1 million people around the world.

With the support of government agency like FAMA, we had gain knowledge on how to

open a fish farm and how to ensure that the fish farm is successful and reach our goal.

The fish farm that we plan to run will bread fresh water fish like the ‘keli’, ‘toman’,

‘ketutu’, ‘haruan’ and ‘patin’ that has high market interest in and out of the country like

China, Singapore and Taiwan. We had done a few researches on the fishes to ensure

maximum profit.

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Fish farm in Pulau Pinang in year 2005

Fish quantity depending on district of Pulau Pinang in year 2005

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Our company is involved in the aquaculture field which is breeding of fresh water fish,

where as the protein base food supplier or manufacturers are still low. We establish this

company because the competition in this country is not so fierce and the product is food

based which will always have a market. Other than that, the encouragement from the

government to the Malay people to get active in the economic sector especially in the

aquaculture field. The government support includes capital loan, and advice from related

agency like FAMA.

The name of the company, KETUTU TRADING SDN. BHD is taken from a name of a

fish that we breed. The company consists of four CEO in a partnership. All of the CEO

can make decision but by vote. Our company breeds and sells a variety of fish like the

fresh water catfish, Goby, River Catfish. All of these fishes that we breed has high market

price in Malaysia and oversea. Among the country that will be our target market are

Taiwan, China and Singapore. The reasons why we choose these country is because the

majority of it people eat fish that we will breed everyday.

The capital is collected from the loan from the bank and money collected from the entire

partner. We choose Bank Pertanian Malaysia because it provides loan for entrepreneurs

that want to start business in the agriculture and aquaculture field. The interest is low and

the terms and regulation are not of a burden. The entire partners have to give at least

RM40, 000 to RM50, 000 each as the capital. The shyer is determined by the capital

given by each partner.

The technique that we use is to take the egg from the male fish and the it is injected into

the female fish. This method is chosen because the percentage for the egg to be

successfully fertilized is very high. This will ensure the fish will never be out of stock.

This method is used for all the fish species. The fish are feed with standard fish food and

will be given vitamin once a week.

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By the helped of FAMA agency, we will be guided along our work to ensure the product

that we produce will have high quality and can be marketable. The agency also helps us

in determining the kind of fish that we will breed and the market price for it. Beside from

our own researches on the market out side of this country, we will be helped by another

company that runs similar business in Kedah.

FAMA and Tali Air unlimited will also help us in the setup of our company like the kind

of food for the fish, the natural environment of each fish and how long does it take to

breed the fish. After a discussion between all the shyer member and comparing the data

we have, the breeding center will have about 30 fish pond and 6 pond for each 5 species

of fish. The pond will be setup according to the natural habitat of the fish.

The company will be managed by the shyer holder. Around 8 worker is needed to

manage all the pond and maintaining the quality of the fish. The entire worker will be

given a basic of RM 700 a month depending on the post. They will also be a hostel

complete with the gas, water and electricity.

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-To get enough capital to start our business other than from own saving, we will apply for

a loan of RM 50,000. We choose Bank Pertanian Malaysia because we plan to apply for

long term payment plan.


-We plan to open a new branch after 3 year at a new area like Pahang because the area

has not been explored yet. By doing so, the company’s profit will increase an estimated

20 percent.


-For managing the company, we will be helped by a government agency called FAMA.

They will help us by supplying us with the information needed to manage the farm such

as the fish health, environment and market price.

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Address. : 1080, Sungai Kerian, 11700 Bandar Baru,


Registered no : A 326534

Business status : Partnership

Registered date : 1 July 2007

Tel no/Fax : 04-6854744

: 04-6854743


Bank information : Bank Pertanian Malaysia


To expand business to other states of Malaysia and other country.

To have customers that came from different type of races.


To give the best services to the customers

To have income up to RM 50,000 per month.

To be able to perform in excellence to both parties, either to suppliers or


To ensure that the qualities of the appliances sold are at the same par with the

prices provides.

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Partner’s 1

Name : Mohd Azri hafie bin Mohd Azaha,Bh

Ic no : 690314-06-5173

D.O.B : 14.03.1969

Age/gender : Male

Tel no : 013 9701468

Academic qualification : B.H Management

Courses Attended : business study in UUM

Skills : can communicate with people

Working Experience : worked as assistance manager at Jaya Holding for 5 years,

work at FELDA agency as the manager for 7 years.

Partner’s 2

Name : Shahhir bin Ya’acob

Ic no : 830326-08-5841

D.O.B : 26/03/83

Age/gender : male

Tel no : 013-4902782

Academic qualification : diploma in aquaculture at UM

Courses Attended : fish breading at UKM

Skills : can communicate in English language

Working Experience : worked for 2 years at FAMA Agency

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Partner’s 3

Name : Ahmad Saifuldin bin Abdul Ghani

Ic no : 730529-08-6465

D.O.B :29.05.1973

Age/gender : Male

Tel no : 017-5600294

Academic qualification : B.B.A Bussiness Study

Courses Attended : Management

Skills : Line leader

Working Experience : Worked for JetSet Trading 4 years

Partner’s 4

Name : Shamsul Rizal Bin Aminudin

Ic no : 851031-06-5719

D.O.B : 31/10/1979

Age/gender : 28 / male

Tel no : 017-4517787

Academic qualification : Bachelor in Business Adminitration

Courses Attended : Business administration

Skills : accounting

Working Experience : works 3 years at MARDI

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Organization chart & structure

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Marketing managerShahir

Production manager

Ahmad Saifuldin


Shamsul Rizal

PresidentMohd Azri Hafie

Quality ControlYusoff



Promotion advertising



Shipping/ receivingSiti Sarah

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Function & responsibility

1. President:

head of a company

Making sure the company is stabile

Have the power to execute thing in a company

2. Production manager:

Making sure the production went well

Control the raw material

a) Quality Control:

Monitor the quality of the product

3. Marketing Manager:

Find the market

Find a way to increase market

a) Sales:

Making sure the sale increase

Increase the market

1. Promotion/advertising

Promoting the product

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4. Administration manager:

Controlling he money flow in the company

Controlling the admistration of the company

Making sure the company runs smoothly

1. Finance

Control company acount

Control asset

Control company liability

2. shipping/receiving

control all the thing about ligistics

3. Purchasing

Control all the thing about purchasing and selling goods to the customer

Management strategy

1. To achieve company’s product in short term and long term.

2. Make sure our customers are satisfied with company’s product.

3. Increasing quality product follow the customer needed.

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The marketing strategy was designed on the basis of personal interviews

conducted with customers and fish monger in Malaysia and most of the Asian

country which represents our target market. These interviews indicated that the

individual preferred buy local like the fresh water catfish, Goby, River Catfish

and other types of fishes that are easier to breed in Malaysia but not in other

country. The majority of these individuals commented that they prefer Malaysia’s

fishes because they can be found all around the year and it has more nutrition.

We planned to open our headquarter in Selayang, Selangor because it is near the

international airport and near port Klang. This way we can deliver the goods

faster and can provide option to the customer on the goods transportation. The

main reason is because most of the fish monger is located there and we can sell

the fish to the growing hotel industry around the headquarter as a potential



To meet the growing needs of a target market defined o the basis of geography,

demographics, lifestyle, and buyer attention.

To evaluate the competitive environment and continue to establish a differential


To establish an effective and profitable marketing mix of place, price and



To establish a customer base of 10 percent of the defined target market in the first


To generate RM 100 000 in sales for the first year.

To increase sales by 10 percent annually for the first three years.

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To expand at least two new locations by the end of the first three years.

Workers managing one of fish pond

Adult fish pond

feeding time

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According to our researches, our target markets are at the capital of China, Malaysia,

Taiwan and Singapore where the density of people are about 1 million and above.

From this 1 million of these people, about 80 percent of these individual match our

target market.

On the basis of the above information, it is estimated that the potential market is

between 500,000 and 800,000 people. Our objective is to reach 10 percent of the

primary market and 5 percent of the secondary market.

No of people : 10,000 people

Cost estimated : RM 20/KG

Market size : 10,000 × 20

: RM 200,000.


Competitor : 10

Market size : 200,000 ÷ 10

: 20,000

Market share : 20,000/200,000 × 100%

: 10 percent

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Pricing strategy is based on the type and weight of the fish. This strategy was

determined from an evaluation of Tali Air Unlimited, a similar business located in

Ulu Yam, Kedah, as well as marketing research study of the market. The price will be

based on the amount of fish and types as well as the transportation method. Air

transport will be priced higher than the water transport because the time gap is

smaller than using a ship.

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1. To fulfill the need of the customer, we have planned to breed a variety of

fishes following the market trend.

2. We also provide catalog of types of fish that is breed in our pond.

3. Provide fresh fish and also processed fish according to customer needs.


We provide a variety of fishes for the customer to choose and our variety of fish are

different from others company doing the same business. Other than that, we provide fresh

fishes to the customers because of our strategic delivery plan. We can supply needed fish

stock throughout the year because of the breeding method that we use ensure the fish will

breed throughout the year.

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Variety of fish as our product


Because our product is aquaculture base, we cannot control the natural disaster like flood

and diseases but we can take preventive measure like building a dam and intensive care

of the product by giving the fish vitamins and antibiotics. The market is also a weakness

to us because it is not fixed. The market price is determined by the customer it self.


Because the aquaculture is still new I this country, there is still not much competitor in

the market. Even throe there is a few fierce competitor, they are still not strong in the

market. If our company develops a strategic promotional plan like maintaining a good

relationship with the customers and some improvement along the way, we will become a

strong competitor in this new field. We also have support from the government that

realizes the profitable field of aquaculture to the country and individual.

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The main threat in this business is natural disaster because the insurance company does

not cover for natural disaster. The politic also concern us because we export our good to

other country. If the connection between the two countries is not good, there is a chance

that our product will not be marketable in that country.

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We have collaborated with the FAMA agency to find the best breeding method and have

made the decision to use bromen. By using this technique, the productivity of the fish

will increase to the maximum limit and disease like fungus infection will be reduced. We

also did researches on the breading

Marketing strategy

Advertising will include newspaper ads, radios sports, an internet Web page, and direct-

mail brochures. All four will precede start-up. A series of ‘teaser’ newspaper ads will be

run prior to start-up, announcing a revolution in fish breading. A start-up, the new paper

ads will have evolved into actually introducing the product, and radio spots will begin as

well. A heavy advertising schedule will be used during the first four weeks of business.

After start-up, a direct mailing will detail the descriptions of the quantity and types of


Newspaper ads aimed at the target markets will be placed in entertainment and business

section. Radio sport will be geared to station most appealing to the target market .since

the company is new, it may be possible to do interviews with newspaper and obtain free


Sales promotion will offer large discounts to first-time customer .these promotion will be

continuing for first six months of operation. The fishes will be priced according to the

types and weight and also how large the quantity is.

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All the decision will be made by meeting with all the CEO’s. The budget will include the

budget for the promotion expenses, packaging method and delivery and also the

inventory budget.


The marketing strategy is taken from Tali Air Unlimited, a company involved in the fish

breeding business for 3 years. The strategy was to produce high quality fish in large

quantity but the varieties of fish are limited. We take the same principle and implement it

according to our need. Instead of keeping the same variety of fish, we change the type of

fish and add the variety of fish to avoid competition. We also try to introduce new species

of fish to the market.

The fish that inspire the company name

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Our fish breeding center is located Kedah. It is located near the Kerian River. This is

because we can use the natural resource there like the river water. By using the river

water, we plan to create a natural environment for the breeding ground. From the

information given by the FAMA, the fishes will reproduce and grow faster if it is in the

natural habitat. Because all the fishes are fresh water fish, this is an advantage for us to

choose the location. By doing so, the productivity of the product will be higher.


1. The first step is to meet with the supplier of the fish food.

2. then, the new fish will be release into the breeding place according to its species

3. The fish will be monitor for the first 2 weeks.

4. half of the fish will be transfer to the adult pond for breeding

5. another half will be ready to be process and sell according to the customer needs

6. The finish product will be transfer to the customer place.

7. When the fish in the breeding pond has laid their eggs, the fish will be transfer to

be process and sell.

8. After a week, the egg will hatch.

9. The newly hatch fish will be monitor constantly for a few weeks and then they

will be transfer to the adult pond.

10. The cycle will be repeated until the fish is process and delivered to the customers.

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1. fish food

2. fish breed


1. cage fish’s

2. water pump

3. cutter fish

4. office equipment (computer, pens paper, file and other equipment)

5. scales weight

6. net fish’s






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KETUTU TRADING SDN BHD expects to raise RM200, 000 of its own capital, and to

borrow RM50, 000 guaranteed by the BANK PERTANIAN as a three-year loan. This

provides the bulk of the current financing required.


KETUTU TRADING SDN BHD Break-even Analysis is based on the average of the

first-year figures for total sales by units, and by operating expenses. These are presented

as per-unit revenue, per-unit cost, and fixed costs. These conservative assumptions make

for a more accurate estimate of real risk. KETUTU TRADING SDN BHD should break

even by the fourth month of its operation as it steadily increases its sales.


Break-even Analysis

Monthly Units Break-even RM17,255

Monthly Revenue Break-even RM38,336


Average Per-Unit Revenue RM2.22

Average Per-Unit Variable Cost RM0.35

Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost RM32,343

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As the Profit and Loss table shows, KETUTU TRADING SDN BHD expects to continue

its steady growth in profitability over the next three years of operations.

Profit and Loss

Pro Forma Profit and Loss

2008 2009 2010

Sales $455,000 $550,000 $680,500

Direct Costs of

Goods$68,950 $82,555 $98,200

Other $0 $0 $0

------------ ------------ ------------

Cost of Goods Sold $68,950 $82,555 $98,200

Gross Margin $386,050 $467,445 $582,300

Gross Margin % 84.85% 85% 85.57%


Payroll $151,200 $220,000 $257,032

Sales and

Marketing and

Other Expenses

$25,000 $35,200 $40,460

Depreciation $60,000 $69,000 $70000

Utilities $2,000 $2200 $2,323

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Payroll Taxes $40,000 $41,076 $42,000

Other $0 $0 $0

------------ ------------ ------------

Total Operating

Expenses$278,200 $367,476 $411815

Profit Before

Interest and Taxes$107,850 $99,969 $170,485

EBITDA $86,130 $127,083 $149,175

Interest Expense $10,000 $9,500 $8,250

Taxes Incurred $3,111 $12,146 $15,650

Net Profit $13,019 $36,437 $45,925

Net Profit/Sales 2.65% 6.43% 7.01%

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The cash flow projection shows that provisions for ongoing expenses are adequate to

meet KETUTU TRADING SDN BHD needs as the business generates cash flow

sufficient to support operations.


Cash Flow

Pro Forma Cash Flow

2008 2009 2010

Cash Received

Cash from


Cash Sales $455,000 $550,000 $680,500

Subtotal Cash from

Operations$455,000 $550,000 $680,500

Additional Cash


Sales Tax, VAT,



$0 $0 $0

New Current

Borrowing$0 $0 $0

New Other

Liabilities (interest-

$0 $0 $0

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New Long-term

Liabilities$0 $0 $0

Sales of Other

Current Assets$0 $0 $0

Sales of Long-term

Assets$0 $0 $0

New Investment

Received$0 $0 $0

Subtotal Cash

Received$455,000 $550,000 $680,500

Expenditures 2008 2009 2010

Expenditures from


Cash Spending $260,800 $273,840 $287,532

Bill Payments $143,607 $186,964 $237,731

Subtotal Spent on

Operations$404,407 $460,804 $525,263

Additional Cash


Sales Tax, VAT,

HST/GST Paid Out$0 $0 $0


Repayment of

Current Borrowing

$0 $0 $0

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Other Liabilities



$0 $0 $0


Liabilities Principal


$0 $10,000 $15,000

Purchase Other

Current Assets$0 $0 $0

Purchase Long-

term Assets$0 $20,000 $20,000

Dividends $0 $0 $0

Subtotal Cash

Spent$404,407 $490,804 $560,263

Net Cash Flow $86,593 $76,301 $94,744

Cash Balance $156,593 $232,894 $327,637

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The following is a projected Balance Sheet for KETUTU TRADING SDN BHD.

Balance Sheet

Pro Forma Balance Sheet

2008 2009 2010


Current Assets

Cash $156,593 $232,894 $327,637

Other Current

Assets$12,000 $12,000 $12,000

Total Current

Assets$168,593 $244,894 $339,637

Long-term Assets

Long-term Assets $65,000 $85,000 $105,000


Depreciation$60,000 $129,000 $208,350

Total Long-term

Assets$5,000 ($44,000) ($103,350)

Total Assets $173,593 $200,894 $236,287

Liabilities and

Capital2008 2009 2010

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Current Liabilities

Accounts Payable $14,574 $15,438 $19,907

Current Borrowing $0 $0 $0

Other Current

Liabilities$0 $0 $0

Subtotal Current

Liabilities$14,574 $15,438 $19,907


Liabilities$100,000 $90,000 $75,000

Total Liabilities $114,574 $105,438 $94,907

Paid-in Capital $110,000 $110,000 $110,000

Retained Earnings ($64,000) ($50,981) ($14,544)

Earnings $13,019 $36,437 $45,925

Total Capital $59,019 $95,456 $141,381

Total Liabilities and

Capital$173,593 $200,894 $236,287

Net Worth $59,019 $95,456 $141,381

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The following table represents key ratios for the fish breading company. These ratios are

determined by the Standard Industry Classification (SIC) Index code 531, aquaculture



Ratio Analysis

2008 2009 2010AQUAQULTUR


Sales Growth 0.00% 15.50% 15.50% 7.60%

Percent of

Total Assets

Other Current

Assets6.91% 5.97% 5.08% 35.60%

Total Current

Assets97.12% 121.90% 143.74% 43.70%


Assets2.88% -21.90% -43.74% 56.30%

Total Assets 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%


Liabilities8.40% 7.68% 8.42% 32.70%


Liabilities57.61% 44.80% 31.74% 28.50%

Total Liabilities 66.00% 52.48% 40.17% 61.20%

Net Worth 34.00% 47.52% 59.83% 38.80%

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Percent of


Sales 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

Gross Margin 84.37% 84.37% 84.37% 60.50%


General &



74.74% 71.43% 71.39% 39.80%


Expenses0.49% 1.76% 6.87% 3.20%

Profit Before

Interest and


5.32% 10.24% 10.66% 0.70%

Main Ratios

Current 11.57 15.86 17.06 0.98

Quick 11.57 15.86 17.06 0.65

Total Debt to

Total Assets66.00% 52.48% 40.17% 61.20%

Pre-tax Return

on Net Worth27.33% 50.90% 43.55% 1.70%

Pre-tax Return

on Assets9.29% 24.18% 26.06% 4.30%


Ratios2007 2008 2009

Net Profit

Margin2.65% 6.43% 7.01% n.a

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Return on

Equity22.06% 38.17% 32.48% n.a

Activity Ratios




10.79 12.17 12.17 n.a

Payment Days 27 29 27 n.a

Total Asset

Turnover2.83 2.82 2.77 n.a

Debt Ratios

Debt to Net

Worth1.94 1.10 0.67 n.a

Current Liab. to

Liab.0.13 0.15 0.21 n.a

Liquidity Ratios

Net Working

Capital$154,019 $229,456 $319,731 n.a


Coverage2.61 6.11 8.46 n.a



Assets to Sales 0. 0 0. n.a



10% 10% 10% n.a

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Acid Test 11.57 15.86 17.06 n.a


Worth8.32 5.94 4.63 n.a


Payout0.00 0.00 0.00 n.a

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For this planned business, we hope to improve in the marketing and financing. If the

planned to be successful, we will further our effort to grow bigger and stronger. We plan

to collaborate with another company either in the same field or in another field. In three

years time, we plan to open at least two more breeding center, one in Malaysia and

another one in a foreign country. We will also try to expand our export capability by

exporting to a new country like Switzerland. To ensure our fish breeding center is manage

successfully we plan to hire more experience worker that has the skilled and knowledge

in the field of aquaculture.

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