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Kesejahteraan (Wellness)Kesejahteraanmerupakan cara hidup ke arah mencapai tahap kesihatan dan kesejahteraan diri yang optimum merangkumi fizikal, mental dan spiritual yang diintegrasikan oleh individu untuk kehidupan yang berkualiti di dalam masyarakat (Myers, Sweeney and Wittmer, 2005, p. 252). Tujuh dimensi kesejahteraan seperti yang digariskan oleh Anspaugh danrakan (2004) and Hales (2005) merangkumi emosi, kerjaya, sosial, fizikal, intelektual, spiritual, persekitaran dan kerjaya.Kesejahteraan EmosiMerupakan sikap dan kepercayaan individu terhadap diri dan kehidupan. Ianya merangkumi konsep kendiri yang positif dan realistik, identiti diri, tahap penghargaan kendiri dan kesedaran dalam mengawal perasaan.Kesejahteraan KerjayaMerupakan tahapdi mana individu dapat mempersembahkan nilai dalam diri dan memperolehi kepuasan kendiri menerusi kerjaya dan aktiviti yang diceburi . Ianya merangkumi sikap terhadap kerja serta kebolehan untuk menyeimbangkan pelbagai peranan dalam pekerjaan/ aktivit yang diceburiserta bagaimana individu menggunakan kemahiran dan keupayaan untuk menyumbang kepada masyarakat.Kesejahteraan SosialMerangkumi kadar dan kualiti interaksi dengan orang lain, komuniti, dan persekitaran.Kesejahteraan FizikalMerupakan proses aktif yang berterusan untuk mengekalkan tahap aktiviti fizikal secara optimumyang memfokuskan kepada nutrisi, penjagaan diri dan gaya hidup yang sihat.Kesejahteraan IntelektualMerupakan situasi dimana individu melibatkan diri dalam aktiviti kreatif serta menggunakan sumber-sumber yang ada untuk meluaskan ilmu pengetahuan, perkembangan, aplikasi dan artikulasi pemikiran yang kritis.Kesejahteraan persekitaranMerupakan keseimbangan antara kehidupan individu dan perhubungandengan persekitaran dan sumber-sumber dalam komuniti.Kesejahteraan SpiritualKesejahteraan spiritual didefinisikan sebagai dimensi yang holistik merangkumipencarian makna dalam kehidupan, nilai-nilai intrinsik, hubungan dengan tuhan, dan komuniti spiritual.

Kesejahteraan FIZIKALKesejahteraan fizikal: persepsi dan jangkaan kesihatan fizikal.bersenam secara tetapmakan dengan betulMendapatkan biasa fizikal pemeriksaanMengelakkan penggunaan tembakau atau dadah haram

Kesejahteraan rohaniKesejahteraan rohani: persepsi yang positif makna dan tujuan dalam hidup.Dibuka kepada budaya dan agamaMemberi masa anda secara sukarela atau menyertai aktiviti khidmat masyarakatMenghabiskan masa menentukan nilai-nilai dan etika peribadi dan membuat keputusan yang melengkapkan merekaMenghabiskan masa bersendirian dalam refleksi peribadiMengambil bahagian dalam aktiviti-aktiviti rohaniMengambil bahagian dalam aktiviti-aktiviti yang melindungi alam sekitarMengambil berat tentang kebajikan orang lain dan bertindak keluar dari penjagaan

Kesejahteraan SOSIALKesejahteraan sosial: satu persepsi yang mempunyai sokongan yang ada daripada keluarga, rakan-rakan, atau rakan sekerja yang memerlukan bantuan dan persepsi menjadi pembekal sokongan dihargai.Sebagai selesa dengan dan menyukai diri anda sebagai seorang yangBerinteraksi dengan mudah dengan orang-orang yang berbeza peringkat umur , latar belakang, kaum , gaya hidupMenyumbang masa dan tenaga untuk masyarakatBerkomunikasi perasaan andamembangunkan persahabatanMenyedari keperluan untuk "seronok" masa dalam hidup andaBelanjawan dan mengimbangkan masa anda untuk memasukkan kedua-dua tanggungjawab dan bersantai

Kesejahteraan emosiKesejahteraan emosi: memiliki identiti diri yang selamat dan rasa positif sebanyak kira- diri ; juga mempunyai keupayaan untuk menangani dan / atau memperbaiki negeri mood yang tidak menyenangkan.Mengekalkan sikap yang positifSensitif terhadap perasaan anda dan perasaan orang lainBelajar untuk menghadapi tekananSebagai realistik tentang harapan dan masa andaMengambil tanggungjawab untuk tingkah laku anda sendiriMenangani isu-isu peribadi dan kewangan secara realistikMelihat cabaran sebagai peluang dan bukan halanganBerfungsi secara bebas tetapi mengetahui apabila anda perlu meminta bantuan

Kesejahteraan INTELEKKesejahteraan Intelek: persepsi yang bertenaga secara dalaman dengan suatu amaun yang optimum aktiviti intelektual merangsang.Belajar kerana anda mahu - bukan kerana anda disuruh . Melakukan kerja yang diberikan .Belajar melalui pengalaman yang berbeza-beza - membaca, menulis , berkongsi dan penerokaanMemerhatikan apa yang di sekeliling andamendengarMencari permohonan untuk bahan belajar di dalam bilik darjahTinggal semasa dengan urusan dunia / beritapenyoalanMendedahkan diri kepada pengalaman baru (contohnya seni, teater)

Kesejahteraan ALAMKesejahteraan Alam Sekitar: persepsi positif alam sekitar yang satu berfungsi dan tinggal masukMenyedari alam semula jadi anda tinggal diMenyedari peluang yang membawa anda ke kemahiran barudan bertindak atas peluang-peluangBerusaha untuk memastikan kestabilan dan jangka hayat kamisumber semula jadi

PEKERJAAN KesejahteraanKesejahteraan Pekerjaan : pandangan anda kepada kerja dan kerjaya andaMencari kepuasan dan bernilai dalam kerja andaMemastikan persekitaran kerja anda dan hubungan adalahselesaMencari jalan untuk memperbaiki di tempat kerjamelalui pembangunan kemahiran dan pembelajaran aktifKeupayaan untuk membuat pilihan yang memupuk sikap positifterhadap kerja dan rakan sekerja anda akan meningkatkan peribadi anda dankepuasan dan menggalakkan pembelajaran sepanjang hayat profesionalMemerlukan mengetahui cukup mengenai diri anda untuk memilihbermakna dan memberi pekerjaan selaras dengan peribadi andaminat, nilai dan kepercayaan

PHYSICAL WELLNESSPhysical Wellness: a perception and expectation of physical health. Exercising regularly Eating properly Getting regular physical check-ups Avoiding the use of tobacco or illicit drugsSPIRITUAL WELLNESSSpiritual Wellness: a positive perception of meaning and purpose in life. Being open to different cultures and religions Giving your time to volunteer or participate in community service activities Spending time defining personal values and ethics and making decisions that complement them Spending time alone in personal reflection Participating in spiritual activities Participating in activities that protect the environment Caring about the welfare of others and acting out of that careSOCIAL WELLNESSSocial Wellness: a perception of having support available from family, friends, or co-workers in times of need and a perception of being a valued support provider. Being comfortable with and liking yourself as a person Interacting easily with people of different ages, backgrounds, races, lifestyles Contributing time and energy to the community Communicating your feelings Developing friendships Recognizing a need for fun time in your life Budgeting and balancing your time to include both responsibilities and relaxationEMOTIONAL WELLNESSEmotional Wellness: possession of a secure self-identity and a positive sense of self-regard; also the ability to cope with and/or improve unpleasant mood states. Keeping a positive attitude Being sensitive to your feelings and the feelings of others Learning to cope with stress Being realistic about your expectations and time Taking responsibility for your own behavior Dealing with your personal and financial issues realistically Viewing challenges as opportunities rather than obstacles Functioning independently but knowing when you need to ask for helpINTELLECTUAL WELLNESSIntellectual Wellness: the perception of being internally energized by an optimal amount of intellectually stimulating activity. Learning because you want to not because you are told to. Doing the work assigned. Learning through varied experiences reading, writing, sharing and exploration Observing what is around you Listening Finding applications for material learned in the classroom Staying current with world affairs/news Questioning Exposing yourself to new experiences (e.g. arts, theater)ENVIRONMENTAL WELLNESSEnvironmental Wellness: the positive perception of the environment that one works and lives in. Being aware of the natural environment you live in Recognizing opportunities that lead you to new skillsand acting on those opportunities Working to ensure the stability and longevity of ournatural resourcesOCCUPATIONAL WELLNESSOccupational Wellness: your outlook on your work and career Finding satisfaction and worth in your work Ensuring your work environment and relationships arecomfortable Finding ways to improve at workthrough skill development and active learning Ability to make choices that foster positive attitudestoward work and your co-workers will enhance your personal andprofessional satisfaction and promote lifelong learning Requires knowing enough about yourself to choose arewarding and fulfilling occupation consistent with your personalinterests, values and beliefs

The wellness wheel is a visual guide to better understand the seven dimensions or areas of an individuals life that make up their overall health. These dimensions are comprised of common characteristics, identities and behaviors. Assessing needs in the seven areas can help you prevent future health problems and consequences by making healthier choices a habit and part of your everyday life.

PhysicalPhysical wellness involves maintaining a healthy body. This means moving your bodies (exercise), eating well balanced meals (nutrition), sleeping, managing stress, receiving preventative medical and dental care, and getting sexual health screenings when you become sexually active. Maintaining a healthy body is a key component to a long healthy lifeIntellectualIntellectual wellness means staying curious and engaged in learning new things. Being a lifelong learner wont just make you a well-rounded individual, it will make you healthier. Engage in creative and mentally stimulating activities. Read for pleasure, be aware of social and political issues, or join a club or group that focuses on enhancing intellectual interests.EmotionalEmotional wellness is based on how you feel. College is stressful and it can be common to feel overwhelmed. Maintaining a healthy emotional life is important to overall health. Some ways to stay emotionally healthy are to manage your stress level, stay on top of school work, get eight hours of sleep, ask for help, or see a therapist at the Counseling Center.SpiritualSpiritual wellness is a process of understanding (or attempting to understand) beliefs, values, and ethics that help guide your life. Some folks explore their spirituality through a religious or faith community, some folks spend time in the outdoors hiking, while others meditate or practice yoga. Whatever your preferred approach, spending time asking and exploring your spiritual life can be an important part to your overall wellbeing.FinancialFinancial wellness means taking steps to live within your financial means and living in, and planning for, future financial health. Learning to think short and long-term in order to manage your resources is essential for a healthy financial experience. You can do this by planning financially, creating a budget, and learning to be a good consumer.EnvironmentalEnvironmental wellness means taking care of your global environment and your personal surroundings. Whether you are de-cluttering your room, recycling your trash or volunteering to clean up your environment, actively working to serve your environments can improve your health and the health of the people around you.SocialSocial wellness involves participation in your community and developing and nurturing healthy relationships. Having a strong social network can give you support and guidance when you are stressed or need stress relief. Additionally these relationships can aid in the development of healthy bonding and boundary development.

Wellness is all about maintaining a balance between the many different aspects of your life. Think of it as a wheel with 7 spokes - if one spoke (one aspect of your life) is underdeveloped or neglected, the wheel (your overall wellness) will be off balance.Everyone's optimal wellness will be different, depending on your own needs, experiences, personality, and circumstances. As we make our way through life, different aspects will fall in and out of balance - it's our job to try and maintain as much of a balance as possible.Use this wheel to determine what areas of your life are balanced and what areas of your life may need some improvement. Each dimension includes a list of resources available to you both on and off campus.Career and Academic Wellnessis about expanding knowledge, creating networks, and continually seeking mental stimulation.Examples of Career and Academic Wellness: Seeking out resources to help make decisions Challenging yourself to new life experiences Having a well developed sense of self Setting career & academic goals Having friends & peers who can support your goals Creating professional networks

Social and Cultural Wellnessmeans developing and maintaining healthy relationships with those around you, and supporting the diversity of our communities through knowledge, acceptance and understanding.Examples of Social and Cultural Wellness: Developing healthy relationships with family & friends Respecting & understanding other individuals Respecting the cultural identities of others Effectively managing unhealthy relationships Spending time with loved ones Feeling self confident alone or with othersSpiritual Wellnessmeans developing the mind-body connection to foster personal growth and support mental and emotional wellness.Examples of Spiritual Wellness: Having an overall sense of peace & wellbeing Developing the mind-body connection Understanding Your own values Feeling part of a larger community Recognizing spirituality is a personal experience Respecting the values & beliefs of othersEnvironmental Wellnessis about creating a safe and sustainable community that recognizes the impact of personal and social environmental decisions.Examples of Environmental Wellness: Being aware of the impact of your decisions Taking personal Responsibility for your actions Working to improve your community Reducing, reusing & recycling Using sustainable transportation Being aware of risks in your surroundingsFinancial Wellnessmeans being aware of your financial situation and managing it wisely.Examples of Financial Wellness: Developing long & short term financial goals Tracking your spending Budgeting effectively Limiting overspending Recognizing & managing Financial risks Using credit wiselyEmotional Wellnessis all about taking care of yourself: accepting and exploring who you are, and enhancing your inner resources to reduce stress, relax, and create a positive outlook on life.Examples of Emotional Wellness: Accepting yourself for who you are Valuing self-exploration & improvement Having a generally positive outlook Taking care of yourself Being willing to ask for help Recognizing & managing stressorsPhysical Wellnessis about creating opportunities for healthy eating, active living and self-care practices that will support your health and wellness.Physical Wellness means: Maintaining an active lifestyle Eating nutritiously Seeing a doctor for regular check-ups Limiting alcohol & tobacco use Sleeping enough to feel rested Practicing safer sex

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