Page 1: Kentucky sentinel (Mount Sterling, Ky.). (Mount Sterling · S3T The Trustees of the town of Dan ville have revoked all coffee-hous-e

THE SENTINEL.11IURSDAY,:::::::::::::::MAY 7, 108.


Scarce. Money and local items.

India ink retouching at Wilson d:


jCSTSilk pocket handkerchiefs at Frank,Gump & Go's.

Pictures taken on cloudy days atWilson & Gregory's gallery.

Buggies, saddles and harne: S for saleby Smith & Thomas.

JT3T Boys fancy hats at Fiank, Gump& Co's.

Blue Lick. M. C. O'Counell, hasfresh Blue Lick water on hand. Try it.

Old Buggies trimmed and paintedfyy Smith & Thomas.

&3T Still a fefr "Waterfall" ties left atA'ank, Gump& Co's.

j3?"The Convention for the nomination of candidates for Circuit Judge andCommonwealth's Attorney for this Dis-

trict, meets in this town 'on Saturday next.

W Johnson & Thotopsofj isill haveonbantl a large stock of seasonable goodwhich they are selling at prices to suit the


S3T The Trustees of the town of Danville have revoked all coffee-hous- e license

in tfeat town, to' take effect on the 15th ofthe present month.

SW Our neighbor, Mr. Thos. Clark,has the agency for this county, for a pat-

ent Safety bridle bit, which needs only to

he seen to be appreciated.

Capt. Jim. Parris, of the ClarkCounty Democrat, accompanied by hishandsome and accomplished wife, paidour town a visit on Saturday, remainingover Sunday.

City EiECTio-.--B- y reference to an-

other column it will be seen that J. W,Burroughs and John Wood are announcedas candidates for the office of city Marshal.The election takes place on the first Mon-

day in June.

jtSrJohn Augustus Williams willpreach a discourse on the life and charac-- 'ter of the late Elder John Smith, at Soni-meiS- tt

Church, on the third Lord's dayoftheprefcnt month. Every body is

invited to attend.

3T Samuels & Jordan have the hand-

somest stock of cloths and cassim'ers in the

, city,- which they will sell in the piece orhave rrtado up in the best manner, ou shortnotice, and on leasonable terms.

pants for laborers, cheap,at Frank Gump & Co's.

Visitors aie invited to call at Wil-- .

son & G rcgory 's.

SfT At the Judicial Convention held atLexington, on Friday, the 1st of May, C.B. Thomas was nominated for CircuitCourt Judge, and J. Lawrence Jones, ofButrrbetv, was nominated' for Conlmon-wealtfV'- s


Refreshing. In these hot timtts and in

the hotter times ahead of us, we shouldnil take things as coolly as possible. Har-- :

rah fe DcBard have' fitted up their SodaFountain, and soda water as cold as the

climate of Alaska can now be had at theirDrug Store.

AyoTiiEn Egis KiEt.Ei.--M- r. Thos.Calk,- living about two miles south-we- st

of this town, killed on his place, on Tnes- -

day morning last, a large grey eagle, meas-nrhi- g

sis feet from tip to tip. The eagle

had a blizzard in Us claws at the time it

was killed.

Calico shirts at Frank, G'urapJt'Co's.

Albatypes and Porcelain pictures atWilson & Gregory's.

J?5T Bob Smith is preparing to erect a

two story brick business house on Broad-

way. Workmen arc now engaged in re-

moving the rubbish, preparatory to' com-

mencing the building.

FaYise Rei-out-. Wc stated in last week'sissue a "floater being found in 'Tipton'spond,'' &c, upon investigation it provedthat the man' resuscitated, and the first

words he spoke were, send' for a comfort-

able suit of Frank, Gump & Co's make.

Police Court. Before his honor, JucTge

Garrett, on Monday last, a very interest-

ing trial-too- place. A Mrs. O'Brian,and Allfe' Jane Beattie, one of the "Na-

tion's wards" had indulged in a gooddeal of cursing, fighting, &c, when mar-

shal Wood arrested the parties and had

them up tcfdid Judgo Garrett. Kobodyhurt nobody fined.

Dedication. The-ne- Christian Churchin this place was dedicated on Sundaylast by Elder P. B'. Wiles', of Covington.

Mr. Wslea delivered" a very impressiveSermon to- - a large congregation'. Therewas a large audience in attendants from

this and the adjoining counties.

3rDr. Riggon 3 now getting- - tip son

very handsome plate work. The Dr is a

number one dentist, and his prises are as

low as those of any other good, workman.

Incomes in Montgomery County.We publish below a list of persons who

pay tax on incomes, in this county:Appersori, Richard, i $ 590Anderson, 1). h. . 831Anderson, V. II 900Brock, C 402Clay; John W 14000Chenault, Anderson 1340Calk, I. F 220Can ington, Samuel 848Calk, Thomas 227Denton, J. W. j 497Fessler, Andrew;; 505Gaitskill, Henry 2022Graves, Geo. O ; 84Grubs; Joel II SO

Gucrraht, Edward O . 30Hannah, J. A 899Hoffman, Thomas 173Howard, r. A ; . . 288Howell, D 240Jameson, Milton 2502JudV, William 905Metcalf, Thomas 220Morris, W ashingt on ........... i BL'o

Mark, W.P , 800Miller, G. E 508Metcalf, Thomas Extr t 420Peters, B. J tn.:::i 8533Prewitt, Nelson 1270Prewitt, James 1050Rieketts, J. Tin 82Sfofer.RicliardScott, William; . .. 88Ttirne-- ) Thomas ... ... 150Thompson, Tan 1548Turlcy, James Wusten 400Wilson, James R 1700Whitsett, Jilson S 405

JP.5T" If our readers will look oM- - (he

advertisements in the Sentinel, wo fino'w

they will agree with nsiti what we havealways said! That it is only the libera!

dealer that advertises. We have not aclose-fiste- penurious person represented

in our columns by an advertisement, buton the other harrd they a're all liberal,

g gentlemen" that advertise with

us"; men who act upon the motto to "liveand lit live." We advise persons before

thev l'ftrchasc sroods of any kind to look

at (he columns of our paper, and theiebyfind out who are our liberal business men.

iTsT" The attention of farmers and stock

men is called to the advertisement of R. L.William's "Albion" in our paper thisweek, lie is a splendid horse, combiu- -

ln? speed, style ana size wan a good ped

igreeMr. Williams has tdso irt operation' a

Wagon Making and Blacksmith Shop onhis fill in , ami having one of the best blacksmiths in this part of the Slate, he is p re

ared to attend to all orders promptly.lie is prepared to get tip a wagon entire on

a few days notice. All work warrantedto L'tvc satisfaction.

Satisfaction always given' at Wilson&. Gregrory's. ,

Wiioi.i:saM3. We saw, a few daysago, two large boxes of Dry Goods packed

at Samuels Si Joidans, for a customer in

the mountain's. Tin's linn ai'e beginningto do quite a handsome wholesale business,ind wo see no reason why they shouldnot, as tliey sell goods at a very smallprofit.

JtiT We direct the attention of our la-l- y

readers to the advertisement of Mrs.llorton, who has recently purchased the

stock of Millinery Goods of Mis. Garrett".

She has recently returned from' Ciirciu-nat- i,

bringing witli her a' laVge stock of

goods in her line. With the assistance of

Miss Emma Tinker, a lady of aeknowl-- J

edged taste, she is prepared to trim bon

nets and hats on short notice. Her standis the one formerly occupied by Mrs. Garrett, adjoining the new Christian Church.

The Noose. The' following is a listof marriage4iccnses issued by the Clerkof the Montgomery County Court diningthe month of April.

S. W. Jamison ami Belle While.W. II. Fletcher and Ann Cari ington.Jacob 1. Johnson and Sarah J. Dooley.J. 1). lteid and Ilenriette C. Prewitt.J. M. Bent and Laura B. Mitchell.Dr. J. B. Spratt and Nannie J. Dean,

There is a startling commentary uponthe nvorally rnrnon3 tendencies of the fash-

ionable dissipation of the afge, to be found

in the statistics of application for. admiss-

ion1 into the Binghampton Asylum for the

cure of Inebriates'. Of the 2,153 enrolledupon the books of that institution for a

certain period, 1,300 were young women,

the daughters of oealllni parents ;grMrs. Harriette B. rrcntice, wife of

the venerable editor of the Louisville Jour-

nal, died at the residence of her husbandin Louisville on the 20th tilt. Mrs. Trcn-tic- e

was a ivomas of great personalof cultivated' tastes and proverbial

kindness of heart. ITei- - cTcatrj will cast a

gloom over a large circle of friends. Itwill rest like a pall upon the'closing yearsof the life cf hex afflicted husband, and canonly bo lifted by a mightier hand thanmen can wield. lie has the sincerest sym-

pathies of all his frkstls i this, his great-

est calamity.

The New Cawnet of the Usurped,The following it is said will be the Cab-

inet of the Usurper Wade, as annonced,

on the succeessful result cf tlte conspiracytc remove the President:

Charles Sumner, Secretary of Slate-- .

Francis E, Spinner, Secretary of theTreasury.

E. M. Stanton, Seercraty of War.Ecbert C. Schcnck. Secretary of the

Navy.James Harlan, Secretary of the Interior.Schuyler Colfax, Fostmssler-gcncra- l,

George W. Paacka-11- Attorney GcilcraL

For perfect pictures go to Wilson &


DEATHS.ANDERSON. In Bath county, on the 21st

ult.,Jane W.j daughter of james H. and JaneE. Anderson, in the 7th year of her age.

ANDERSON. Near the Olympian Springs,in Bath county, Ky., on Saturday, May 2nd,1868, Mrs. Jane E. Anderson: wife of James II.Anderson, in the 33th year of her age.

It is sad thus to record the death of so wor-

thy and excellent a woman. She Was univcrsally respected, and beloved by all who knewher. She Was a kind and affectionate wife, a

good and tfdc mother. She was a woman of a

weak constitution; but had great energy efcharacter. She never yielded to dispair, butlooked forward to a bright future; was devotedin her friendship; a tneek, amiable and piouslady. Her noble and generous heart was ever

ready to give to the unfortunate, with a chari-

table hand. Her door was ever operi to richand poor alike without d's1 inction, and a kindwelcome was extended to all. felie Was sin-

cerely attached to her family, and her home

will be sad and lonely without her. She leavesa family of liitle children to mourn her loss.To theril it is irreparable. Just as they needed

her counsel, Care and judicious advice to con.tiol and direct them in the ways of life, sLc

was seiled witii a disease wl.ich wasted herframe and left her a prey to that iucurable mal

ady, consumption. But she is now gone, it isto be hoped, to the fealras bf eternal glory,wfrefe sickness", pain and death are no "more:May God in his divine providence comfort the

bereaved ones, is the prayer of one who sym"pathizes with them. M. L. TriimsLE.

Mount Sterling Markets.CarefliVy Corrected ev'ty iveek ly C. J. Clover

jrholesalc aittl Retail Ui bccr:Coffee Prime to Choice H'lb' 2C,28c

" " " Java 37(,40cOld Gov't Java 3 iff,? 38Sugar New Orleans 17.'.

" Cuba and l'orto Rico 14?,?,1l'" Soft White Refined TTf'llS" Hard "

Syrups ? (' 1 2 jMolasses Jt 00Mackerel per bbl. S1C(TA20

i bbl. $10(,12" Kits $3 vsa oo

SaltRice 1 f(TMSClover seed $S(.(,8' 50Flax " St 75TinVolhy " $3 25(3 50Ginsanir 70Feathers . CO

Wheat choice white $2 25" " red S2 00

Flour choice Family per bbT. $15 50010 00" superfine 13 00

Wool in grease 23fry3cWool Washed 3 70V, 10Bacon hog- round 5c


Jgay-IIavi- been repeatedly solicited to be-

come a candidate for the 61Iice of Marshal ofthe town of Mount Sterling, I have consentedto do so. If elected, I will endeavor to dis-charge the duties of the ollice in an impartialmanner, and to the best of my abilitv.


ESyWe are authorized to anViclince JohnWood as a candidate for reelection ts the of-

fice of Town Marshal at Ihs ensuing Jane elec-tion.

JfJfThe Democratic Central Committee nothaving lixed the time or place to hold a convention 16 select a ci ndidate for Cireuit CourtJudge and Comnionweafth's Attorney to beelected by the voters of this District, it is nowagreed by nsanrf sntgcst'ed to any other candidates in the District lor either oflire, that aDemocratic Convention shall be held in MountSterling, Ky., on the 9th day of May next, forthe purpose of selecting a suitable person tomake the race for Circuit Court .Judge andCommonwealth's Attorney for this district.

Civen under our hands this 7th March, 1808.O. 3. TKXNY.J. 5f. ELr.JuTf.N.I'. RfifO.Til. METCALFE.J. E. COOPER.3. F. B(J'D.

March lD-t.- I.


Far Appellate Jutlfe.CfiiyWe are authorized to announce fT'on.

Uklvahd J. ruTKiis ar a ca'ndidafe for reelec-tion to tiic office of Appellate Judge from Appellate District of Kentucky, subject tothe decision of a Democratic Coeventiou.

For Circuit Court Jiulye.B.-W- e are authorized to- anBortnce Hon.

John M. Elliott, ot' Buth, as a candidate forCircuit Court Judge of the 11th Judicial Dis-trict, at the August election.

Bf5We are authorized to announce MajorO. 6. Tk.vny, of Montgomery, as a candidatefor Circuit Couit Judge of tho lltu JudicialDistrict at the ensuing August ekction, subjeet to the decision of a Democratic convention.

For Commonwealth's Attorney.

BrWe are authorized to announce John E.Cooper, of Morgan, as a candidate for Com-monwealth's Attorney in the 11th Judicial Dis-

trict, subject to the decision of a DemocraticDistrict Convention.

Jca.We are authorized to announce JonsW. Kkhdali, of Morgan, as a candidate forCommonwealth's Attorney of the 11th Judi-cial District, subject to the decision' of a Dem-ocratic Convention.

Sfcif We are authorized to announce JudgeThomas .Metcalfe as a candidate for Common-wealth's Attorney in this Judicial District sub-ject a Democratic Convention, if called.

J6J" SVe'are authorized to announce J. F.Hooo as a candidate ft? Common wealth's Attorney in this Judicial District, snbject to a Pem-ocrat- is

ConventionFor Sheriff'.

fifWe are authorized to announce Wit. C.Tii'Tos ,s.a candidate for reelection to the of-

fice of SheriSf of Montgomery county at the en-

suing August election.BPft-- are authorized to announce James

II. ItonERTS as" a candidate for the oSice ofSheriff of Montgomery county, at the ensuingAugust election, subject to the decision of aDemocratic convention should oue be called.

KFSy-- are authorized td- nnnounce JamesH.Tkimui.e as a candidate forthe office of Sher-i- ll

at the ensuing August election, subject to aprimary election or a Democratic convention

HORSE STOLEN'.t 71 ROM my stable, one mile from Eees-- .

burg, on the night of February 27th. Heis a black horse, live years old this Spring 1Ghands 3 inches high, left hind-fo- white, "spoton his bawk caused by the saddle, and three orfonr fresh cut places ou his tail done tostraighten it.

I will giive f-- reward for the return of thehorse, or a liberal reward for information sothat I can get him--

api-2-- B. F, SHROPSHIRE.

Kentucky Sentinel copy and charge adverti-ser, and sand bill- to this oflice. l'arii KVn.kuvtiaiv.





WITH the opening of the season, we ereprepared to offer to our fiiends

and customers a

Very Superior Stock cf Goods!

From the best markets, and which will be soldat the


Ladies' Dress GoodsIs unusually fine and attractive: Th.e assortment generally is very complete. Every lineot btaple and fancy

DEY GOODS,loves, Hosiery, Notions.

Embroiileries, Laces, Handkerchief, &c,

The cSpcclal attention of the Ladies is calledto our stock of the genuiuo

illcxandcr Hid Glorcs,

Which is equal to any in the world.


Of Superb Quality.


Of the very best Style and Qual ty.

Ofcr ?tock of

CLOTHS, CASSIJiERS&c., for gentlemen's wear, is very large and

complete, and embraces all th3

New and Fashionable- Styles.We would also say to our gentlemen fiiendsthat our stock of

HATS, BOOTS & SHOES,Is verv farc-an- we invite their especial at- -

tenllolr to tais branch of our trade.


SAMUELS &J0KDAN,Main Street, Mt. Sterling.

April 11.


BEtN'O completec?, competent millersare now in good fanning order.

The machinery is of the best, nni latest patterns, and having secured all tiie

ill mmmnAnd conveniences, we are enabled to accommo-date our friends without detention. We keenalways on hand the very best quality of

Flour and Meal for Sale.ALSO, SHORTS ANU BRAN,

Will purchase

WHEAT & CORN,Or exchange Flour and Meal for same.

By diligence and close attention to business,we hope to receive a goodly portioft of publicpatrocage.


P. S. For the present we will only grindthree days in each week,


apr. If.; W. & CO.




TlllE undersigned having formed a partner-J- L

ship under tho name and styie of

Wood cfc ISTclson,Would respectfully infoira the public that theyhave made arrangement's to increase their stockby the addition of

New & Elegant Buggies,HARNESS, and HORSES for the spring trade,which they will hire at reasonable rates. Hor-ses taken to board by the day, week or month,and carefully attended to by experienced grooms.Travelers arriving at any hour of tho day ornighS can have their stock promptly taken careof. Mr. A. T. Wood takes this opportunity ofthanking his numerous fiiends and customersfor their past favors, and trusts that they willextend their kindness to the new fir'Frt.


Mt. Sterling, Feb. 10; I&'GS-l-


Marble Woi'lew,MT. STERLING KY.

We keep constant- - -ly on hand a largesupply of Foreign &

American MAR13LE,and make to orderall kinds of MONU i tit ,. ii . r vMENTAL WORK,TOM C STONES,CEMETliilY POSTS&c.

JdAll orders promptly filled and ncatfy ex-

ecuted, on the most reasonable terms. Manu-factory adjoining R. T. Smith's saddlery andfurniture store, Main Street. Mt. Sterling, Ky.

Feb. 6.

20,000 Pounds WoolWanted' byApril tf.



DRUGGISTSsouth sto Main street,

T ESPECTFULLY offer to their friends andIt the public generally their stock of

DRUGS & MEDICINES!- Warranted pure;

Paints,. Oils, Varnishes, &c.



Looltiiij Glasses,French; Apple, Peach & Catawba Brandies

Wines; and Old Bourbon Whiskey,

Warranted strictly pure for medical lurposesTeas, Fine Virginia Tobacco,

Best Imported and Domestic Cigars, Soaps, Lotions,- Perfume-

ry and Flavoring iifafrt.

O TION"S!(A very large stock,)

Paint, White wash'& El'Mm? EmhesA Complete stock of


School aiid Blank Eoolis,A good stock o'f

GARDENWarranted Fresh and Genuine.

CgyCall and examine for yourselves. "'iaii- s

accurately and carefully compounded at allhours of the day or niaht.

Jan. 9. I1ARR If A DSBARD.





Produce & Commiss. Merchants' Comer Muriel and Third Streets,


Staple & Fancy Groceries,PURE- -

Copper and Do.nicsfic Liquors,Always ou hand, which we will sell low for

Cash, or in exchange for all kinds of

Country Produce ,

P. C. VANDEN & CO.Jan. 23-t- f-


TTIIE undersigned ta'iCs pleasure in sayingJ Co hi? old friends, customers and the pub-

lic generally, that he is stilflocafed at the oldst and,' two doors south of the National Hotelwith a full supply of

Single ami Double Buggy Ilarncss',WAGON HARNESS, BREAK "HARNESS,

Breeching ' Cart HarnessLadies and Elisscs-- ' Side Saddles,

Gents' Plain, Killgore, Morgan, Tad and JockeySaddles, Uoys Saddles, of all kinds, Wind

Bridles, Riding Bridles, Harness Bri-dles, Martingales, Girths, Buggy

and Riding Whips, Cow Hides,Bridle Bits, B-- Bands,

norse and Mule Col-

lar?, and, inshort, a

FULL SUPPLY OF GOODSUsually kept in his line. Special attentioncalled ts ftihd and quality o? work, rivaling thestrongest competition in quality. Anything inhis line

Manufactured to Special OrderUn feliort Notice. Call and examine my goods,and satisfaction guaranteed, Feeling thankful"to the aublic for past patronage, aild solicitinga continuance of the eaaie. No trouble toprico and show good's.

March H. C. THOMPSON'.

NATION AL .HOTELMount Sterling, Ky.

WM S. THOMAS,- - Proprietor.

I WOULD call the attention of the public tothis house, which I have at considerable ex-

pense, fitted up in elegant sfyi'e, and is nowopen for the reception of guests. Tho roomscomfortable, furnished with new and elegantfurniture, with polite and attentive attendantsI will guarantee satisfaction to1 ail who msy fa-vor me with their patronage. I feel fully sus-tained in the assertion, that it is one of the bestappointed hotels m Eastern Kentucky.

Very respectfully,J- - V. W. 3.' THOMAS.

o ii i: i3

Cash Grocery.


G. S. GLOVERKeeps cynstantiy bi hand a large Stock of

Staple & Fancy Groceries!

Wlch Will be sold at very Low Prices for



Choice Eio & Java CoffeeClioioolV. O; f4lxiii;.

Choice Demera Sugar, choice Soft Refined whiteCrushed and Uranulated


Best Gunpowder & Imperial Teas,

ClNFIiUlTS (all kinds)

Wooden Ware, Cordage,Spun Cotton, Cotton Batting,

Also a general assortment 6f

PURB IflQUORS,Consisting in part of

Pure Bourbon Wliisiiy,Perc Apple & Peach Brandy,


Pure Wines,Of all kinds. In tact almost every article usn

any l:ept in a

First Class Grocery,All of which will be sold as low as dny house

out of Cincinnati. e have adopted the

CASH SYSTEM!and Onfy art you ta Call and eraniae stock andcompare prices before buying else heret

Jan.O-l- y C.J. GLOVER.




Y7"I'' take great pleasure in nnnonncing tof our friends and the public cunerallv.

that wo have formed a copartnership for thepurpose oi carrying ou tue

Dry Goods BusinessIX ALL, IT3U1CA1VCIIES,



On Main St., ojj. (he Court House.

We arc now opening a




In Quality, our Goods eannot bo excelled- inPrice, they caauot be andersold.

We have afetf connected with t!k".iousa



ESTAI5LISII3fET,Alid have engaged' the services of

tiir. ,r. ii. itii;ronipAs Cutter, who will at all times be Jjappy to at-

tend to the wants of those needing his atten-tion.

Solicititing a share of your patronsjje,- wcare,

Very respectfully,Your obedient servants,

EEDM0N & WALK.Paris, Ky., A wil


jko: v7. clav. ALBERT



Liquor Dealers"

Forwarding & Commission




And Produce Generally


"We fcave now on band

1,000 Barrels of Wdiskefc

That we wifl sell In bond' or cht of bond', awwe have now on hand and. are receiving-fron- i

Vew York and other Hastern ," tfe fo!fo-in- g

supply of fresh'

Family Groceries?purcliasjii at (he fowest net 6'Sei' I'lHtOj afi not?

Oner to nierchanis and' cusionters til

Cincinnati Quo! at I onsf

RiO, Java and Laguafti Coffey

Crushed, Granulated And Coffee A Sugar,choice X. O'. ana isfand Sugar,

'Bstiitixnorc SyrupsfIn W.i. half bhys: rfnd Sigsf,"

new 1 ii f

In bbls, half bbls anrfliitij

Choice Green & Black Tea

Washboards, Brooms, Bucket, Tubl

Fancy Toilet & Bar Soap

Writing Paper, Wrapping Paper)

Envelopes NcyCi3tW" ' ' .-

Soda, Indigo, Madder, Alum,Salt'

Hard pressed and Fiue cut


Spices, Blacking, Matches,'



Hemp aiid jute TwinUioe, Stareli, &eV

I offer to the trai?o ajso1 a lar'e ?arie(y of

LIQUORncjdlng choico


OLB BOURBOIVVIn barrels and bottlfc?,

Fnm Fnmm brandyChainpdgnc Wine?

Vfir Wine,tiingcr WiuCfAND"

KectifiddWhiskyfvVe have on hand always tho choicest'

FLOUR ANE SALTf:Vs we have to pay c'ash'fcr.everytLiiri-'- ; out 'bu

siness wilt be


XVe are prepared to r'c'cji'vd' afl 'kiiidsof storage on the most terms. Our personal attention will be given to jhe ssile.and-shipmcntc-

nil goods consigned to our care.All orders sent us shall be Sled in

with reftrenco to quantity, ipiMlity at'id'price, as if the parties purcua&iiig were ptison'ally present.

re?pecti'ulli-so!iei- t' th'e orders ot. the'trade generally, .iouiisiiig satisl'sction in allcases.

joii.-- w. ci..iv feoivvT.'.nuarv 3.

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