
Why using royalty free talent for your next photoshoot maybe good branding and good business.

Find Authenticity


© Kamio 2016. Strictly Confidential.

The ‘Find your Greatness’ Nike Campaign looked for the greatness in ordianry people. Client: Nike Agency: Wieden + Kennedy

All great advertising builds trust.

Kamio help brands build trust.

Sometimes the imperfect truth is more engaging than an aspirational fantasy.

Featuring real people, geniune customers and even staff in your ads will make your brand more, well... real.

Kamio is designed to help brands build and manage a royalty free talent pool perfect for them.

“I really like that they’re using real people in their ads”. feedback on Village Cinemas use of Kamio for the ‘Face of Village’ Campaign November 2016

The Great Minds campaign comes to life with great execution and attention to detail. Client: The University of Melbourne Agency: McCann Melbourne

Great ideas are worth saving up for.

Budgets can be tricky to juggle.

After over 20 years in advertising we understand how the cost of talent can stop a great idea in its tracks.

Kamio leverage’s the reach of Facebook and the disruptive nature of the online marketplace to deliver cost reductions that can save ideas.

Kamio’s pool of authentic looks combined with our flat rate fees provide a royalty free alternative that’s attractive to everyone.

The ‘Find your Greatness’ Nike Campaign by Wieden + Kennedy looked for the great-ness in ordianry people. Here we see Nathan Sorrell, from London, Ohio. Nathan himself was inspired from the experience shooting the commercial, and while Kamio was not involved in any way, we’re also inspired by this effective and authentic ad.No matter how hard you look you’re not going to find this image in a stock library.Client: pedigree Agency: BBDO, Chile

Some scamps don’t deserve to die.

We value your creativity.

Sometimes searching for the perfect stock image just won’t cut it.

Kamio was born to ensure more great ideas make it into production by helping to make bespoke talent based photoshoots more affordable.

Kamio was founded by creatives who believe that by making more shoots happen supports our industry.Our 2015 agency audit found that 1 in 3 talent lead shoots were scaled back or canceled due to

talent fees and on average 22%* of a shoots total budget is invested in talent.

The ‘Find your Greatness’ Nike Campaign by Wieden + Kennedy looked for the great-ness in ordianry people. Here we see Nathan Sorrell, from London, Ohio. Nathan himself was inspired from the experience shooting the commercial, and while Kamio was not involved in any way, we’re also inspired by this effective and authentic ad.The best idea seam so simple; right after someone has had it.Client: Bic Razor Agency: J. Walter Thompson Amsterdam

It’s simple.That’s whatmade it hard.

We’ve focused on simplicity.

Kamio uses facebook images and allows talent to build their Kamio profile in just minutes.

Kamio then provides agencies and brands with a way to reach and select from interested people.

Start by posting a job and see who’s interested. You can quickly decide who’s suitable, and slowly build your shortlist before sending offers for castings or bookings.

Photography, and particually photography featuring people is a uniquely succinct story telling medium. Client: Essve Agency: Falck & Co, Stockholm, Sweden

We’re looking for brands to partner with.

Success is mutually beneficial.

Kamio wants to support Melbourne based businesses or brands looking for an innovative marketing edge.

We can help you fill a last minute role or build and manage a pool of low cost, royalty free talent. Weather you searching for real people, or real savings Kamio can help your ideas become reality.

Learn more contact David Moteeon 03 9826 8944..


All trade marks and creative works are copyright of their respective owners.

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