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Jurassic Park IV; the Biosyn Affaire


The News

"- And now at CNN, we're going to see some news that you may find unbelievable, if you were someplace else this afternoon then San Diego. Let's start at the beginning: InGen Bioengineering discovered four years ago how to bring dinosaurs back to life..." "He Ellie, come look at this," Alan Grant yelled, while watching the CNN-news from the couch. "...- and although there were rumors of a dinosaur park just outside Costa Rica where there had been some accidents, so the park had closed before it had opened..," "What is it hon?" Ellen Sattler asked from the kitchen. "It's about InGen!" "...- none of these stories were believed. But just a few hours ago..," "InGen?" "Yes, you know, Hammond's company. Something happened." "...- at the San Diego dock of InGen, there had been an announcement of a Jurassic Park San Diego. But it got out of hand. The ship, which would bring the first attraction of the park to land, crashed into the dock and a dinosaur broke out. The animal caused a lot of damage in city of San Diego and car-crashes that were the result of panic killed four people. The animal attacked one man and killed him. Presumably the animal was looking for his young, cause when these two people, Dr. Ian Malcolm and Dr. Sarah Harding, now on the screen..," "Look, it's Ian and his girlfriend. That's a long time ago." Ellen said. Grant watched the shocking news, eyes and mouth wide open as they were watching some shots, by an amateur, of the T-Rex, running through the streets of San Diego. "...- showed up with the infant, the animal followed them back to the dock, where they captured the animal again in the cargohole. And now the ship is on its way back to the island were the animal came from. Now, if I'm right were going to see some live scenes of the ship... Yes, there it is. There is a really first great shot of the deck of the ship and the cargohole that, for the moment anyway, contains the animal itself..." At the same time, somewhere else in California, Lewis Dodgson turned on his TV for the daily news. "...- Presumable with the infant alongside. Now by our calcu-lation they should be nearing the half-way-point of the trip. Jim can you still hear me there?"... "Now, what the hell is this about?" Dodgson said. ..."Yes I can Bernard. We're in fact half way to the island. It is 206 nautical miles from our present location. The ship is

Jurassic Park

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moving at about 20 knots, which will put it in at about eleven a.m. eastern time. One of the navy's primary concerns through all of this has been safety. And if we take another look at the ever growing escort around the ship, they're taking no chances of a repeat of the San Diego incident."... "What is all this fuss about?" Dodgson wondered. ..."Ok, were going to take a moment here and run the tape of our interview earlier today with John Hammond..." "John Hammond? That old son-of-a-bitch?" "...- He's the former head of InGen Bioengineering. The Man who has come forward to spearhead this movement, not only to return the animals to their island..," "Dinosaurs? Could it be possible? Are there still some InGen-dinosaurs?" "...- but to keep the island itself intact." "It is.. absolutely imperative," the tape of John Hammond showed on TV, "that we work with the Costa Rican department of biological preserves to establish a search of rules for the preservation, and ísolation of that island. These creatures require our absence to survive, not our help. And if we could only step aside.. and trust in nature.. Live will find a way..." Dodgson turned the set off. He had seen enough. "You're funny, Hammond. Do you really think that your ani- mals will be left alone when they're good for so many purposes? I can really use them for what I'm planing to do. If you don't need them anymore, I will be glad to take them over from you." Lewis Dodgson was a competitor of John Hammond. He worked at Genetic Biosyn Corporation, a competitor of InGen Bioengineering. Four years ago, Dodgson tried to steel Ham-mond's work of Isla Nublar, but it did not go the way he had planned, and the man he had paid for the job never contacted him again. Later he was reported dead. Killed by one of the dinosaurs probably, although they'd said he had crashed with a car through a fence and banged against a tree trunk, died instantly. Dodgson never believed it, but he knew that they couldn't speak of the dinosaurs. That had to be, and had to stay a secret. "Since Dennis didn't make it, steeling embryo's of Isla Nublar, I will steel the eggs myself from that other island. Where ever that one may be. I will find it." Grant and Ellie had also turned their television off and Grant got to the phone to asked Hammond what the hell was going on. He was upset and wanted to know how it was possible that the dinosaurs still were alive. And how he was planning to keep the island save from human interference. "The butler of Mr. Hammond speaking, who can I say Mr. Hammond is calling?" "Alan Grant." For a while there wasn't a sound to hear. And then an exited voice spoke:-"Ah, Alan, it's been a long time. How are you?" "I'm fine, thanks..." -"And how's Ellie, is she alright. Why don't you two come over some time? I haven't seen you for far to long. How nice of you

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to call." "Well, John, I don't think I really like to call you at this point," Grant said on a cold tone. -"What is it then," Hammond asked, more restrained. "I saw the CNN- news.., about San Diego." -"O, it's about that. Well, as you probably already know, that situation is already under control. The ship will have docked first thing tomorrow morning. Nothing can go wrong, so tell me, what's your problem?" "How come that the animals are still alive? As I had under-stand, the dinosaurs of Isla Nublar were destroyed after the accident in the park." -"They were." "Then explain to me how a dinosaur, a T-Rex for God's sake, got for a walk in San Diego." -"Let's not do this on the phone. Why don't you and Ellie come over to me for the weekend? My place. No dinosaurs around. Completely save," Hammond said chuckling. "Hold on, I'll ask Ellie," Grant held the phone to his chest: "Hammond asks us to come over for the weekend to talk about it. Apparently it's a long story and he doesn't want to discuss it over the phone." "Tell him we'll come." "Sure?" "Yeah, why not?" Then Grant put the phone to his ear again and said to Hammond: "Ok, we'll be there." "Excellent. It's settled then." "What time do we meet?" Grant asked "Shall we say Saturday around ten-thirty a.m.?" "We'll see you then. Bye for now." "Alright, see you next weekend." And they hung up. "We better get some sleep now," Ellie told Alan, "You look tired." "No, I'm just upset about the news. Hammond makes it sound as if there is nothing to it. He fooled us all, and now he's practically begging society to let his animals live. It will do no good to anyone. The seduction of human kind to get to the island, to see the dinosaurs for themselves, to get them off the island, even, is impossibly high. No law can hold people, who are obsessed, back from taking animals off the island. They will always find a way. Hammond can't send people to guard the island forever. He can't let coastguard-boats circle around that island to make sure no ship docks there, or let helicopters fly round that island to make sure no helicop-ter lands on the island. At first, the animals would be dis-turbed and at second it would cost far to much money." "Take it easy Alan," Ellie said reassuring, "I'm sure it will be alright." "I hope your right Ellie... By God, I hope your right... I'm gonna call Ian Malcolm to see what he has to say about this, what actually happened today in San Diego." "You can always do that, can't you?" Ellie responded. "Let's see... What was his number..? Ah, yes, here it is." And

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Grant dialed the number. 'Ring ring...' 'Ring ring...' "Yes, hello? This is Kelly Malcolm." -"Yes, hi, Kelly. Can I speak to your father?" "Sure, I'll just have to wake him. He fell asleep on the couch. Hold on."... ... -"Yes?" a sleepy voice said. "Ian?" -"Yes.., speaking." "Hi, it's Alan Grant. You know, we met four years ago; Jurassic Park?" -"Yes I know," sounded, now more awake, more cheerful, "Hi Alan. How 're you doing?" "I'm fine, thanks. I just saw the news on CNN." -"O that, I missed it, but I'm glad it's over." "What happened, how could that animal get loose in San Diego?" -"O Alan, that's a very long and unpleasant story, and I really don't like to talk about it." "Please Ian, I want to know how it happened. How could that animal get on to the main land." "O well, why not. Here it goes: Hammond's nephew took over control of InGen and wanted to build up a Park in San Diego. He hunted the animals down and we tried to stop him, but somehow he managed to capture the T-Rex male. He brought it to shore and let the animal escape by giving him an overdose of some drug and then gave him to many antidotes so that the animal will be very much alive. That's the story in short. A lot of people died on this expedition, mostly hunters. Our field equipment-specialist Eddie Carr gave his live for ours. Terrible what happened to him. We all wondered why he didn't shoot the animals. He had a gun with him." -"It's alright Ian. At least you made it through. How come you went to the island?" "John asked me, but I said no. I did not yet know then that Sarah was already on the island, so I had to go. John's a real son-of-a-bitch you know that? I hope I'll never get in touch with him and his dinosaurs again." "I hope for that too. Ellie and I are going over there this weekend, to get our explanation why his animals are still alive and to get answers to some of our questions. Maybe you ought to come too?" -"No, thanks, Alan. I've already had my answers. I'm sick and tired of him and I'm going on a vacation with Sarah and Kelly. We deserved it don't you think? That's one thing we learned on this trip; we need to be there for each other more often." "Sure, Ian. Well I married Ellie not long after what we had been through on Isla Nublar, so good luck to you and Sarah. Maybe Sarah will be your 'future ex wife'." -"Thanks," Ian said with a laugh in his voice, "You remembered that. Although I hope she'll stay my wife." "Of course," Alan said laughing. -"Well, say hello to Ellie from me and I hope we will see each other again sometime, under better circumstances." "I hope so, too."

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And they hung up. "Shall we go to bed now?" Ellie asked a bit tired. "...Yes..." Grant said thinking. "Yes.., Let's go to bed. I can use a good sleep now, after this news.

The Weekend

A few days later, Saturday morning, ten-thirty a.m. Grant and Ellie were on their way with the tramway to Hammond's place. "Goddamne, we're late," Grant grumbled. "Well yes, the computer had been disordered. So the trams had to wait. Else they could have crashed into each other." "Well yeah, I hate computers. Always has, always will." "I know Alan.., I know," Ellie said, she liked it when Alan got exited about those little things. He would be like that from time to time. She always had found it a funny side of Alan, secretly. She was very serious about it to him at the times he was like that, cause she knew that if she would laugh, he wouldn't be that much fun any more. He would get angry with her and that was something she didn't like at all. "We'll be there within a few minutes from now, don't worry," Ellie reassured him, "Maybe Hammond won't even notice." "I hope so," Grant said shortly. Not long after that, Hammond's butler had let them in and they were waiting for Hammond at the stairway. "Hammond will be down any minute," the butler said, passing them on his way to the kitchen. "Alan, Ellie, how good of you to come," Hammond said, coming down the stairs, very slowly, holding to the banisters, "Go on.., to the living-room," He said demanding, with a smile on his face. "That's OK with us," Ellie said, "But what room should we go in to, this house is so big." "Ha," Hammond still had that smile on his face while he plodded on, "You're right, it's far too gigantic for me, you're right. I'm getting old, I should be moving to something smaller, but Lex will soon be old enough to live on her own, and then she can inherit this house." "Lex?" Grant said, surprised. He still had special feelings for Alexis and Timothy Murphy after the accident in the park, "How are they?" Grant asked. "They're fine," Hammond said, almost down the stairs, "I see them now and then. They come and visit me almost every weekend. I do belief that they will come too, today." Grant's joy could be seen on his face, he beamed. Leaning on Ellie's shoulders, Hammond guided them to the living room. "My butler will be right in. I ordered tea for all of us." They sat down on a big black, leather couch in front of which a long, small, white table stood. The walls of the room were vanilla-yellow and were overcrowded with dark paintings. Grant hated it, Ellie just ignored it and Hammond didn't see it any more.

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The butler came in with a tray full of goodies and three cups of hot water and a box of tea bags with all kinds of tea. Grant chose strawberry-tea and cake off the tray and started talking: "We got here for some answers, so let's get to the point; how come the animals are still alive?" "Well, yes... Let me explain," Hammond started. "That's just what I expect you to do," Grant said. "Isla Nublar was a showcase. We produced the animals on site B, the island were the animals are living now. We moved the animals from Isla Sorna to Isla Nublar in the early stages. Some successful eggs and youngsters were brought to Isla Nublar to show to the public. After the accident in the park, the animals on Isla Nublar were destroyed, as you know. We didn't want to let all our work be destroyed so we kept silent about Isla Sorna, site B. I tried to keep people from the island and I succeeded until last month. A family on a yacht-cruise stumbled on the island and their little girl got injured; bitten by some compy's." "What?" Grant said shocked. "You're reacting the same way Ian did," Hammond said laughing. "Well, I don't think it's funny, John. How's the girl?" "She's fine, but my nephew took the incident as a chance to take InGen away, out of my hands, out of my control. He wanted to build a park in San Diego. So I sent a team to the island to prevent it, but it got out of hand and we lost one man." "Yes, so I've heard. Ian told me," Grant said annoyed. "At the end, my nephew saw a chance to get a T-Rex off the island. And the rest you already know from the news." "That's right," Alan said, "and now you want to keep these animals alive?" "Yes," Hammond said simply. "Why? And how were you planning to accomplish that." "We should not destroy animals. That's a bad thing to do and with laws that forbid people to go to the island with high penalty's for people who do go to the island, I should be able to protect the animals." "I don't agree with you, John... I'm sorry, but I don't agree with you." "Ellie? What is your point of view to this," Hammond asked to get some support. "I'm sorry to John, but I'm completely on Alan's side. We already told you on the tour of Isla Nublar. You can't predict what could happen." "Yes, but this time it's different..." "No John, it isn't," Grant interrupted him. "What do you want me to do then, destroy my animals?" "Yes John," Grant said directly, "These animals don't belong here in the first place. You brought them back and you can't take care of them. Send them back to where they came from, back under the earth, dead and extinct." "But they're living creatures." "No, they're living illusions. It's not real, cause they do not belong here any more then you belong in a zoo for rare ani-mals." John looked at him, angry. "But OK, let's make a deal here. As long as there are no words of dinosaurs breaking loose, you can keep your animals. But...

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If there are any, I say any, the smallest problem, I personally will take care of the job. I, personally, will destroy the animals. Am I making myself clear?" Grant was being very clear about it. "You can't do that," Hammond said horrified, "You can't do that." "Just you wait and see. One slight problem and there gone, John. I'm serious. Just make sure nothing happens and you can keep them." The rest of that afternoon, until Lex and Tim came they sat in silence. Feeling tense and uneasy. Grant and Ellie were crushed in the embracing arms of Lex and Tim: "Alan, Ellie," they yelled, full of excitement. And they talked about the past four years; what had happened and what was going to happen soon. But when Alan and Ellie got home later that day, they felt terrible about the conversation with Hammond. "I sure hope we won't have to destroy the animals, cause that would mean that nothing will have happened." "No news will be good news, I guess," Ellie replied. Four years got by; the dinosaurs of Isla Sorna were forgotten. Nobody talked about it, nobody heard about it. Live had turned back to normal. Grant and Ellie forgot about their agreement with Hammond and lived their normal lives again, without dinosaurs on their minds. At least not living dinosaurs. They still did study dinosaur bones, enthusiastically. Everything turned out to be just fine. Even Lex and Tim showed up someti-mes. Tim was always exited about what Alan had to tell about what they dug up.


Bahía Anasco

The tropical rain fell in drenching sheets, hammering the corrugated roof of the clinic building, roaring down the metal gutters, splashing on the ground in a torrent. Roberta Carter sighed, and stared out the window. From the clinic, she could hardly see the beach or the ocean beyond, cloaked in low fog. This wasn't what she had expected when she had come to the fishing village of Bahía Anasco, on the West Coast of Costa Rica, to spend two months as a visiting physician. Bobbie Carter had expected sun and relaxation, after two grueling years of residency in emergency medicine at Michael Reese in Chicago. She had been in Bahía Anasco now for three weeks. And it had rained every day. Everything thing else was fine. She liked the isolation of Bahía Anasco, and the friendliness of its people. Costa Rica had one of the twenty best medical systems in the world, and even in this remote coastal village, the clinic was well maintained, amply supplied. Her paramedic, Manuel Aragón, was

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intelligent and well trained. Bobbie was able to practice a level of medicine equal to what she had practiced in Chicago. But the rain! The constant, unending rain! Across the examining room, Manuel cocked his head. "Listen," he said. "Belief me, I hear it," Bobbie said. "No. Listen." And she caught it, another sound blended with the rain, a deeper rumble that build and emerged until it was clear: the sound of a running engine of a nearing car, at full speed. She thought, What could be so important that they're driving in weather like this. But the sound build steadily, and then the car burst through the rain sheet, nearing fast. It stopped in the wet sand of the beach, next to the clinic. Two men jumped out of both sides of the car, getting a limp body of the backseat. She heard frantic shouts, and Manuel nudged her. They were calling for her. The two men wearing yellow slickers carried the limp body towards her, while they were calling for her. "Dr. Carter, Dr. Carter..." She recognized the two carriers now, Bart Simmons and Ed Margiano. They were from the nearby village. She could not yet see whom they were carrying. "Take him in," she said. The rain fell in heavy drops, pounding her head and shoulders. Bart, a tall man, frowned at her. She was wearing cut-off jeans and a tank top. She had a stethoscope over her shoulder, the bell already rusted from the salt air. "Looking good, Bobbie," Bart said. "Better than him, anyway," she said, "What happened?" "We don't know. We found him in the field where we let the cattle graze. We assume he has been attacked by some animal." Bobbie trotted alongside the injured man as they carried him into the clinic. He was a kid, no older than eighteen. Lifting away the blood-soaked shirt, she saw a big slashing rip along his shoulder, and another on the leg. "Yep, he was attacked alright." The kid was pale, shivering, unconscious. Manuel stood by the bright green door of the clinic, "Put down on table," he said, pointing to a table in the center of the room. Bart and Ed set the body on the table and moved aside. Manuel started an intravenous line, and Bobbie swung the light over the kid and bent to examine the wounds. Immediately she could see that it did not look good. The kid would almost certainly die. A big tearing laceration ran from his shoulder down to his torso. At the edge of the wound, the flesh was shredded. At the center, the shoulder was dislocated, pale bones exposed. A second slash cut through the heavy muscles of the thigh, deep enough to reveal the pulse of the femoral artery below. Her first impression was that his leg had been ripped open. "Can you tell me more about his attack?" she asked. "We didn't see it," Ed said, "We just heard him scream and we went to see what was wrong. We found him lying wounded on the

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ground in the high grass, blood all over the place. We have no idea what got to him." "Cause I've never seen wounds like this, although it's almost sure it was an animal. It looks as if he was mauled," Bobbie Carter said, probing the wound. Like most emergency room physicians, she could remember in detail patients she had seen even years before. She had seen two maulings. One was a two-year-old child who had been attacked by a rottweiler dog. The other was a drunken circus attendant who had an encounter with a Bengal tiger. Both injuries were similar. There was a characteristic look to an animal attack. "You're probably right," Bart said. Manuel said, "Do you want lavage?" "Yes," she said. "After you block him." She bent lower, probed the wound with her fingertips. There were some traces of a slippery, slimy foam. But the wound had a strange odor, a kind of rotten stench, a smell of death and decay. She had never smelled anything like it before. "How long ago did this happen?" "An hour." Ed replied. She noticed how tense they were. She saw their faces, full of horror. They were obviously out of their depths. "If you would like to wait outside?" Bobbie asked kindly. "Very much," they answered, and they stepped outside. Bobbie Carter turned back to the injuries. The man's skin was shredded-ripped-across his shoulder, and again across his thigh. She was absolutely sure it had been an animal, but what kind of animal? Maybe a big cat-like animal? Only this one was different from the one with the wounds she had seen of the Bengal tiger. Most of the body was unmarked, which was unusual for an animal attack. She looked again at the head, the arm, the hands- The hands. She felt a chill when she looked at the kid's hands. There were short slashing cuts on both palms, and bruises on the wrists and forearms. She had worked long enough in Chicago to know what that meant. "I continue to wash?" Manuel asked hesitating. "Yes," she said. She reached for her little Olympus point-and-shoot. She took several snapshots of the injury, shifting her light for a better view. Then the kid groaned, and she put her camera aside and bent toward him. His lips moved, his tongue thick. "Raptor," he said. "Lo sa Raptor..." At those words, Manuel froze, stepped back in horror. "What does it mean?" Bobbie said. Manuel shook his head. "I do not know, doctor. 'Lo sa rap-tor'- no es español." "No?" It sounded to her like Spanish. "Then please continue to wash him." "No, doctor." He wrinkled his nose. "Bad smell." And he crossed himself. Bobbie looked again at the slippery foam streaked across the wound. She touched it, rubbing it between her fingers. "Saliva... For sure."

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The injured boy's lips moved. "Raptor," he whispered. In a tone of horror, Manuel said, "It bit him." "What bit him?" "Raptor." "What's a raptor?" "It means hupia." Bobbie frowned. The Costa Ricans were not especially super-stitious, but she had heard the hupia mentioned in the village before. They were said to be night ghosts, faceless vampires who kidnapped small children. According to the belief, the hupia had once lived in the mountains of Costa Rica, but now inhabited the islands offshore. Manuel was backing away, murmuring and crossing himself. "It is not normal, this smell," he said. "It is the hupia." Bobbie was about to order him back to work when the injured youth opened his eyes and sat straight up on the table. Manuel shrieked in terror. The injured boy moaned and twisted his head, looking left and right with wide staring eyes, and then he explosively vomited blood. He went immediately into convul-sions, his body vibrating, and Bobbie grabbed for him but he shuddered off the table onto the concrete floor. He vomited again. There was blood everywhere. Bart opened the door, saying, "What is happening?" and when he saw the blood he turned away, his hand to his mouth. Bobbie was grabbing for a stick to put in the boy's clenched jaws, but even as she did it she knew it was hopeless, and with a final spastic jerk he relaxed and lay still. She bent to perform mouth-to-mouth, but Manuel grabbed her shoulders fiercely, pulling her back. "No," he said. "The hupia will cross over." "Manuel, for God's sake-" "No." He stared at her fiercely. "No. You do not understand these things." Bobbie looked at the body on the ground and realized that it didn't matter; there was no possibility of resuscitating him. Manuel called for Ed, who came back into the room and took the body away. Bart showed up, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, muttering, "I'm sure you did all you could, Bobbie," and then she watched as they took the body away, back to the car. From out of the trunk they got a blanket and rolled the body into it. Then they put the package on the backseat and drove back to where they came from. "It is better," Manuel said. Bobbie was thinking about the boy's hands. They had been covered with cuts and bruises, in the characteristic pattern of defense wounds. He surely had been attacked, and he had held up his hands against his attacker. At least she still had the pictures to examine. 'What kind of animal would make such wounds?' she wondered. The rain finally stopped later that night. Alone in the bedroom behind the clinic, Bobbie thumbed through her tattered paperback Spanish dictionary. The boy had said "Raptor," and, despite Manuel's protests, she suspected it was a Spanish word. Sure enough, she found it in her dictionary. It meant "ravisher" or "abductor." That gave her pause. The sense of the

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word was suspiciously close to the meaning of hupia. Of course she did not believe in the superstition. And no ghost had cut those hands. What had the boy been trying to tell her? From the next room, she heard groans. One of the village women was in the first stage of labor, and Elena Morales, the local midwife, was attending her. Bobbie went into the clinic room and gestured to Elena to step outside for a moment. "Elena..." "Sí, doctor?" "Do you know what is a raptor?" Elena was grey-haired and sixty, a strong woman with a practical, no-nonsense air. In the night, beneath the stars, she frowned and said, "Raptor?" "Yes. You know this word?" "Sí." Elena nodded. "It means... a person who comes in the night and takes away a child." "A kidnapper?" "Yes." "A hupia?" Her whole manner changed. "Do not say this word, doctor." "Why not?" "Do not speak of hupia now," Elena said firmly, nodding her head towards the groans of the laboring woman. "It is not wise to say this word now." "But does a raptor bite and cut his victims?" "Bite and cut?" Elena said, puzzled. "No, doctor. Nothing like this. A Raptor is a man who takes a new baby." She seemed irritated by the conversation, impatient to end it. Elena started back toward the clinic. "I will call to you when she is ready, doctor. I think one hour more, perhaps two." Bobbie looked at the stars, and listened to the peaceful lapping of the surf at the shore. In the darkness she saw the shadows of the fishing boats anchored offshore. The whole scene was quiet, so normal, she felt foolish to be talking of vampires and kidnapped babies. Bobbie went back to her room, remembering again that Manuel had insisted it was not a Spanish word. Out of curiosity, she looked in the little English dictionary, and to her surprise she found the word there, too: raptor\n [deriv. of L. raptor plunderer, fr. raptus]: bird of prey.

First iteration:


The tropical rain fell in great drenching sheets, hammering the corrugated roof of the clinic in Bahía Anasco. It was nearly midnight; power had been lost in the storm, and the midwife Elena Morales was working by flashlight when she heard a squeaking, chirping sound. Thinking that it was a rat, she quickly put a compress on the forehead of the mother and went into the next room to check on the newborn baby. As her hand touched the doorknob, she heard the chirping again, and she relaxed. Evidently it was just a bird, flying in the window to

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get out of the rain. Costa Ricans said that when a bird came to visit a newborn child, it brought good luck. Elena opened the door. The infant lay in a wicker bassinet, swaddled in a light blanket, only its face exposed. Around the rim of the bassinet, three dark green lizards crouched like gargoyles. When they saw Elena, they cocked their heads and stared curiously at her, but did not flee. In the light of her flashlight Elena saw the blood dripping from their snouts. Softly chirping, one lizard bent down and, with a quick shake of its head, tore a ragged chunk of flesh from the baby. Elena rushed forward, screaming, and the lizards fled into the darkness. But long before she reached the bassinet, she could see what had happened to the infant's face, and she knew the child must be dead. Quickly Elena grabbed the camera of the table and could get a picture of the lizards just before they scattered into the rainy night, chirping and squealing, leaving behind only bloody three-toed tracks, like birds. Later, when she was calmer, Elena Morales decided not to report the lizard attack. Despite the horror she had seen she began to worry that she might be criticized for leaving the baby unguarded. So she told the mother that the baby had asphyxiated, and she reported the death on the forms she sent to San José as SIDS: sudden infant death syndrome. This was a syndrome of unexplained death among very young children; it was unremarkable, and her report went unchallenged. Though she did sent a fax of the picture of the lizards to the Clínica Santa María in Puntarenas, they would know someone specialized in lizard-analysation, cause she had never seen these lizards before. It might be a new kind of lizard. And there might be more children in danger.


Elena got an invitation from the Clínica Santa María, the modern hospital in Puntarenas, to where she had sent the photo of the lizards. She was asked to come for some more information about the photo. They wanted to ask her about some details. "This is the animal that you saw?" Dr. Cruz said, looking at the photo. "Yes," Elena Morales said. "It was a green lizard, the size of a chicken or a crow." "I don't know of such a lizard," the doctor said. "They're standing on their hind legs..." "That's right," Elena Morales said. "They walked on their hind legs." Dr. Cruz frowned. He stared at the picture a while longer. "I am not an expert. I've asked for Dr. Guitierrez to visit us here. He is a senior researcher at the Reserva Biológica Carara, which is across the bay. Perhaps he can identify the animal for us." "Isn't there someone from Bahía Anasco?" Elena asked. "That's where I made the photograph." "Unfortunately not," Dr. Cruz said. "Bahía Anasco has no

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permanent staff, and no researcher has worked there for some time. But I am sure you will find Dr. Guitierrez to be knowled-geable." Dr. Guitierrez turned out to be a bearded man wearing khaki shorts and shirt. The surprise was that he was American. He was introduced to Elena, saying in a soft Southern accent, "Ms Morales, how you doing, nice to meet you," and then explaining that he was a field biologist from Yale who had worked in Costa Rica for the last five years. "I just want to be clear about a few details," Marty Guitier-rez said to Elena, making notes in a precise hand. "You say that the animal you saw was a green lizard, approximately one foot high, which walked upright out of the window of your clinic?" "That's right, yes." "And the lizard made some kind of a vocalization?" "It chirped, or squeaked," Elena said. "Like a mouse, would you say?" "Yes, or like a bird." "Well, then," Dr. Guitierrez said, "I know this lizard." He explained that, of the six thousand species of lizards in the world, no more than a dozen species walked upright. Of those species, only four were found in Latin America. And judging by the coloration, the lizard could be only one of the four. "I am sure this lizard was a Basiliscus amoratus, a striped basilisk lizard, found here in Costa Rica and also in Honduras. Standing on their hind legs, they are sometimes as tall as a foot." Elena showed him the photo. "I would accept this as a picture of a basilisk lizard," Guitierrez said. After Elena had departed, Dr. Cruz decided to go talk to Guitierrez. "I must admit that Elena's story is puzzling," Guitierrez said, "I have been doing some checking myself. I am no longer certain she had seen a basilisk. Not certain at all: A few details are wrong. The neck is too long, and the hind legs have only three toes instead of five. The tail is too thick, and raised too high." "Then what could it be?" "Well," Guitierrez said, "let's not speculate prematurely."

The Beach

Marty Guitierrez sat on the beach and watched the afternoon sun fall lower in the sky, until it sparkled harshly on the water of the bay, and its rays reached beneath the palm trees, to where he sat among the mangroves, on the beach of Bahía Anasco. As best he could determine, he was sitting near the spot where Ms. Morales had seen the lizards disappear, two days before.

It had come to Guitierrez's mind that they could be dealing with a new kind of lizard. This was particularly likely to happen in Costa Rica. Only seventy-five miles wide at its

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narrowest point, the country was smaller than the state of Maine. Yet, within its limited space, Costa Rica had a remar-kable diversity of biological habitats: seacoasts on both the Atlantic and the Pacific; four separated mountain ranges, including twelve thousand-foot peaks and active volcanoes; rain forests, cloud forests, temperated zones, swampy marshes, and arid deserts. Such ecological diversity sustained an astonishing diversity of plant and animal life. Costa Rica had three times as many species of birds as all of North America. More than a thousand species of orchids. More than five thou-sand species of insects. New species were being discovered all the time at a pace that had increased in recent years, for a sad reason. Costa Rica was becoming deforested, and as jungle species lost their habitats, they moved to other areas, and sometimes changed behavior as well. So a new species was the worrisome possibility of new diseases. Lizards carried viral diseases, including several that could be transmitted to man. The most serious was central saurian encephalitis, or CSE, which caused a form of sleeping sickness in human beings and horses. Guitierrez felt it was important to find this new lizard, if only to test it for disease. Sitting on the beach, he watched the sun drop lower, and sighed. Perhaps Ms. Morales had seen a new animal, and perhaps not. Certainly Guitierrez had not. Earlier that morning, he had taken the air pistol, loaded the clip with ligamine darts, and set out for the beach with high hopes. But the day was wasted. Soon he would have to begin the drive back up the hill from the beach; he did not want to drive that road in darkness. Guitierrez got to his feet and started back up the beach. Farther along, he saw the dark shape of a howler monkey, ambling along the edge of the mangrove swamp. Guitierrez moved away, stepping out toward the water. If there was one howler, there would probably be others in the trees overhead, and howlers tended to urinate on intruders. But this particularly howler monkey seemed to be alone, and walking slowly, and pausing frequently to sit on its haunches. The monkey had something in its mouth. As Guitierrez came closer, he saw it was eating a lizard. The tail and the hind legs drooped from the monkey's jaws. Even from a distance, Guitierrez could see the brown stripes against the green. Guitierrez dropped to the ground and aimed the pistol. The howler monkey, accustomed to living in a protected area, stared curiously. He did not run away, even when the first dart whined harmlessly past him. When the second dart struck deep in the thigh, the howler shrieked in anger and surprise, dropping the remains of its meal as it fled into the jungle. Guitierrez got to his feet and walked forward. He wasn't worried about the monkey; the tranquilizer dose was too small to give it anything more but a few minutes of dizziness. Already he was thinking of preliminary report, but the remains would have to be send back to the United States for final positive identification, of course. To whom should he send it? The acknowledged expert was Edward H. Simpson, emeritus pro-fessor of zoology at Colombia University, in New York. An elegant older man with swept-back white hair, Simpson was the world's leading authority on lizard taxonomy. Probably, Marty

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thought, he would send his lizard to Dr. Simpson.

The Fields

Near the fishing village Bahía Anasco Ed Margiano walked over the fields of grass, where he and Bart Simmons had found the shivering body of the eighteen-year old boy.

After all the rains of the last few weeks, the sun had shined this day, and it got real hot. Ed wore jeans, cut off by the knees and a yellow T-shirt with the text: 'O happy day's'. Although he wasn't feeling really happy.

Some cows were grazing on the field. The last few weeks they had been suffering from a loss of cows. That wasn't normal. The animal that got to that kid probably hunted on their cows too. Ed just hoped he would not run into one of those animals. It was late and it was almost time to head back to the village. The sun was going down and the sky was glowing red. The grass, he walked on, reached just above his feet. He had a cold feeling and he was a bit frightened of what could be around there somewhere. An animal that made terrible wounds. He shivered, while the cows were grazing calmly. Near him were the woods. Dark, thick woods. Who knows what may be hiding in those woods.

Ed felt very nervous and he could feel something was about to happen. From time to time he thought he heard something in the woods or he thought he saw something move, but every time again he was shown he was wrong, that it was just his imagina-tion. Or it had just been the wind blowing through the trees. Eventually he began to be somewhat calmer. Until one of the cows popped his head up looked around and lowed. As if the cow felt it too. Something was about to happen. Suddenly Ed thought he was seeing a dark figure moving along side him in the woods, in the same direction, watching him. The figure he saw was about three meters long and one and a half meters high. It seemed to him as an overgrown lizard, walking upright, with his back horizontal and a long, thick tail high up in the air. It really was there, it wasn't just his imagination. He was really looking at some kind of animal. Then Ed saw the eyes of the animal; big green-glowing eyes like the eyes of a cat. Ed felt a thrill as he moved along, pretending he didn't see the animal. Cold sweat ran down his back. A couple of meters from him stood his car, a little blue Ford, and he thought: 'If I can get to my car, I can get the hell out of here.' And he began to run. Another animal of the same kind jumped, high up, out of the woods right behind Ed and ran after him with an astonishing speed. The cows made a terrible noise when they saw the animal and began to run in every direction, away from the animal. More animals jumped out of the woods and chased the cows. Ed looked back to see what was coming after him and he saw the brown shade of the skin and the darker stripes. Like a jackal or a tiger. The animal screeched on a high, yelling tone, which

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gripped Ed in fear. Ed reached his car, but as he was trying to open the door the animal smacked him against the car and Ed felt a burning pain in his leg. He turned his head and, just before the animal would cut through his stomach and his sight got black, he could see the big sickle claws. One on each of the hind legs of the animal.

New York

Dr. Richard Stone, head of the Tropical Diseases Laboratory of Colombia University Medical Center, often remarked that the name conjured up a grander place than it actually was. In the early twentieth century, when the laboratory occupied the entire fourth floor of the Biomedical Research Building, crews of technicians worked to eliminate the scourges of yellow fever, malaria, and cholera. But medical successes - and re-search laboratories in Nairobi and Sao Paulo - had left the TLD a much less important place than it once was. Now a fraction of its former size, it employed only two fulltime technicians, and they were primarily concerned with diagnosing illnesses of New Yorkers who traveled abroad. The lab's comfortable routine was unprepared for what it received that morning. "Oh, very nice," the technician in the Tropical Diseases Laboratory said, as she read the customs label. "Partially masticated fragment of unidentified Costa Rican lizard." She wrinkled her nose. "This one's all yours, Dr. Stone." Richard Stone crossed the lab to inspect the new arrival. "Is this the material from Ed Simpson's lab?" "Yes," she said. "But I don't know why they'd send a lizard to us." "His secretary called," Stone said. "Simpson's on a field trip in Borneo for the summer, and because there's a question of communicable disease with this lizard, she asked our lab to take a look at it. Let's see what we've got." The white plastic cylinder was the size of a half-gallon milk container. It had locking metal latches and a screw top. It was labeled "International Biological Specimen Container" and plastered with stickers and warnings in four languages. The warnings were intended to keep the cylinder from being opened by suspicious customs officials. Apparently the warnings had worked; as Richard Stone swung the big light over, he could see the seals were still intact. Stone turned on the air handlers and pulled on plastic gloves and a facemask. After all, the lab had recently identified specimens contaminated with Venezuelan equine fever, Japanese B encephalitis, Kyasanur Forest virus, Langat virus, and Mayaro. Then he unscrewed the top. There was a hiss of escaping gas, and white smoke boiled out. The cylinder turned frosty cold. Inside he found a plastic zip-lock sandwich bag, containing something green. Stone spread a surgical drape on the table and shook out the contents of the bag. A Piece of frozen flesh struck the table with a dull thud. "Huh," the technician said. "Looks eaten." "Yes, it does," Stone said. "What do they want with us?"

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The technician consulted the enclosed documents. "Lizard is biting local children. They have a question about identifica-tion of the species, and a concern about diseases transmitted from the bite." She produced a photo of the animals in parti-cular, fleeing in the night. "A midwife made a photo of the animals." Stone glanced at the photo. "Obviously we can't verify the species," Stone said. "But we can check diseases easily enough, if we can get any blood out of this fragment. What are they calling this animal?" "'Basiliscus amoratus with three-toed genetic anomaly,'" she said, reading. "Okay," Stone said. "Let's get started. While you're waiting for it to thaw, do an X-ray and take Polaroid's for the record. Once we have blood, start running antibody sets until we get some matches. Let me know if there's a problem." Before lunchtime, the lab had it's answers: the lizard blood showed no significant reactivity to any viral or bacterial antigen. They had run toxicity profiles as well, and they had found only one positive match: the blood was mildly reactive to the venom of the Indian king cobra. But such cross-reactivity was common among reptile species, and Dr Stone did not think it noteworthy to include in the fax his technician sent to Dr. Martin Guitierrez that same evening. There was never any question about identifying the lizard; that would await the return of Dr. Simpson. He was not due back for several weeks, and his secretary asked if the TLD would please store the lizard fragment in the meantime. Dr. Stone put it back in the zip-lock bag and stuck it in the freezer. Martin Guitierrez read the fax from the Colombia Medical Centre/Tropical Diseases Laboratory. It was brief: SUBJECT: Basiliscus amoratus with genetic anomaly (forwarded from Dr. Simpson's office) MATERIALS: posterior segment, ? partially eaten animal

PROCEDURES PERFORMED: Xray, microscopic, immunological RTX for viral, parasitic, bacterial disease. FINDINGS: No histologic or immunologic evidence for any communicable disease in man in this Basiliscus amoratus sample. (signed) Richard A. Stone, M.D., director

Guitierrez made two assumptions based on the memo. First, that his identification of the lizard as a basilisk had been con-firmed by scientists at Colombia University. And second, that the absence of communicable disease meant the recent episodes of sporadic lizard bites implied no serious health hazards for Costa Rica. On the contrary, he felt his original views were correct: that a lizard species had been driven from the forest into a new habitat, and was coming into contact with village people. Guitierrez was certain that in a few more weeks the lizards would settle down and the biting episodes would end.

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The Shape of the Data

The lizard fragment rested in the freezer at Colombia Univer-sity, awaiting the return of Dr. Simpson, who was not expected for at least a month. And so things might have remained, had not a technician named Alice Levin walked into the Tropical Diseases Laboratory, seen the photo Elena Morales had made, and said, "O, where has that dinosaur been photographed, Isla Sorna?" "What?" Richard Stone said, turning slowly toward her. "The dinosaur. Isn't that what it is? My kid draws them all the time." "This is a lizard," Stone said. "From Costa Rica. Some woman made a photo of it." "No," Alice Levin said, shaking her head. "Look at it. It's very clear. Big head, long neck, standing on its hind legs, thick tail. It's a dinosaur." "It can't be. It was only a foot tall." "So? There were little dinosaurs back then," Alice said, "Believe me, I know. I have two boys; I'm an expert. The smallest dinosaurs were under a foot. Teenysaurus or something, I don't know. Those names are impossible. You'll never learn those names if you're over the age of ten." "You don't understand," Richard Stone said. "This is a photo. That means it's of a contemporary animal. They send us a fragment of the animal. It's in the freezer now." Stone went and got it, and shook it out of the baggie. Alice Levin looked at the frozen piece of leg and tail, and shrugged. She didn't touch it. "I don't know," she said. "But that looks like a dinosaur to me." Stone shook his head. "Impossible." "Why?" Alice Levin said. "Maybe that company, InGen, made those animals to. And maybe one got of that island." "Sure, it swam all those miles," Stone said, continuing to shake his head. Alice was uninformed; she was just a technician who worked in the bacteriology lab down the hall. And she had an active imagination. Stone remembered the time she thought she was being followed by one of the surgical orderlies... "You know," Alice said, "if this is a dinosaur, Richard, it could be a big deal." "It's not a dinosaur." "Has anybody checked it?" "No," Stone said. "Well, take it to the Museum of Natural History or something," Alice Levin said. "You really should." "I'd be embarrassed." "You want me to do it for you?" she said. "No," Richard Stone said. "I don't." "You're not going to do anything?" "Nothing at all." He put the baggie back in the freezer and slammed the door. "It's not a dinosaur, it's a lizard. And whatever it is, it can wait until Dr. Simpson gets back from Borneo to identify it. That's final, Alice. This lizard's not going anywhere."

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The sun came up and over the fields surrounding Bahía Anasco there was a dense fog. When Bart Simmons woke up, shivering of cold, he looked at Marta, his wife he'd been married to for twelve years now and got out of bed. He put something on and went down the stairs to get something to eat. "Hon, do you want something to eat?" he yelled through the house. "Yes," was her reply. Soon after that, Marta came down too. "Slept well, hon?" he asked her, and gave her a kiss. "Yeah," she said sleepy. "I'll go over to the neighbors in a moment. Ed and I are going to San Jose. To buy some stuff. Is that ok?" "That's fine Bart, just be home in time." Some minutes after, the door closed loudly. The doorbell rang, and eight year old Joseph Margiano ran to the door: "Daddy, daddy!" He opened the door and a disappointed look appeared on his face. "O, hi-a Joe," Bart said, "Isn't your father home?" "No, he didn't come home last night." "That's strange, he knew I was coming, he'd never forget a trip to the city with me. And you don't know where he is?" "No. He went to take the cows back, and he didn't came back." "Don't worry, Joe, I'll take a look." Bart said and went to gather some villagers together and check out the fields. There was hardly anything to see through the fog. They heard some weak cow-sounds and some strange chirping, like birds. They walked in the direction of the sounds. Their shoes were all wet from the dew on the grass, and their socks were soaked. When they finally got to one of the cows, they saw he was half-dead from the cold. The chirping had stopped. It lay on it's side on the ground, it was wounded on many different places, little ones all over his body. Once they tried to get it on its feet they noticed the slice through the flesh on it's other side. The grass under the animal had turned red. One of the villagers released the animal out of its pain by grabbing the animal by its horns and twisting its neck. All sounds died with it. Suddenly they heard someone yelling: "His car is over here!" They ran towards the villager who had found Ed's car. The blue paint was scratched with a sharp instrument, and the same side was covered with blood. "I think we can be sure of it that Ed is gone. He's murdered," the villager said shivering, "Someone killed the cows and Ed, a psychopath." "No," someone else said. Every one looked at who had been speaking. "It had been an animal. A big one. Take a look at this." In the ground under the trampled grass there were some tracks. "A three toed animal, with the middle toes a stump, look."

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Second iteration:

The Message

Alan Grant was digging up some dinosaur eggs some miles away from Egg Mountain, Bynum, Montana. Years after the finding of the first Maiasaura eggs by John Horner, someone stumbled across a strange piece of stone which had the structure of an egg. Grant had been informed and had been shown the place where the egg was found. Grant was very exited. Although this could be another nest of the Maiasaura, which was also a nice find, it could also be a nest of another species. And if Grant was very lucky, the nest of a carnivorous dino-saur. If only he could discover a young animal between the eggs, he would know what animal had laid the eggs. The structure of the egg made him think of the eggs he had seen eight years ago, on an island off the coast of Costa Rica, Isla Nublar. He shivered at the thought of his weekend there. The worst of his live, and he tried to forget the idea of the living dino-saurs by digging up the fossil dinosaurs. At this moment Ellie came up to him with some kind of paper in her hand: "You'd better take a look at this," she said. "What is it?" "You tell me. Some women, called Alice Levin, of the Colombia University, send this fax to us." "Looks like an X-ray." he said. "Of a dinosaur." she continued. "Damn," he said alarmed, "You're right. Procompsognathus Triassicus, right?" "Right, but you don't know the worst. They found this animal on a beach on the coast of Costa Rica, the mainland, Bahía Anasco." "Jesus," Grant said, "Hammond fucked up again?" "That's what I'm thinking too." "Let someone secure this finding. I'm gonna contact Hammond. I warned the son-of-a-bitch. He lost control of his dinosaurs." Hammond appeared to have died a year ago and Alan felt there was no one who could stop him from putting up an expedition to kill all the dinosaurs before they would rule the earth again. He contacted Malcolm again: "Jesus," he reacted, "Whenever you think everything is normal again, something happens. Kill those dinosaurs Alan, before some other, more dangerous dinosaurs break out, but please, do it without me. I really had enough of Hammond's creation." He and Ellie set way to Bahía Anasco, to see the animals for themselves.

Bahía Anasco

The rainy, grey clouds hung above the little village when they arrived in Bahía Anasco.

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"Dr. Grant, Dr. Sattler," said a bearded man in khaki shorts and shirt in a soft southern accent, "How nice to finally meet you. Welcome to Bahía Anasco. I'm Marty Guitierrez." "You're the man who found the example of that dinosaur?" Grant asked sober. "So it appears," Guitierrez said. They walked into the village and went into the home of one of the villagers who had invited them in for some time. "How nice of you to come," said the villager, a man in his early thirties, named Simmons, "We've been having troubles with those new animals." "We heard you've found the animal on the beach, here," Grant said, turning to Guitierrez again. "Yes, a howler monkey was eating it when I found it. I could not find a living example." Outside the rain began to softly tick against the roof of the house and the sound was getting louder. Simmons came in again with a tea, sugar and milk on a plate. He put the plate on the table and sat down next to Dr. Guitierrez, opposite Grant and Ellie. "Tell us about those problems you've had," Ellie asked. "Some days ago a boy was attacked on the fields by some ani-mal. No one had seen the attack, but Frederick, the boy, died not soon within fifteen minutes of the wounds. And just yes-terday Ed Margiano disappeared along with some cows. His car on the fields was covered in blood, so we assume he was attacked too." "That can't have been the dinosaurs we're talking about." Grant said shocked, "Comps are small dinosaurs, they don't attack adult people." "Sounds more like Velociraptor," Ellie said to Grant. "Yes," Grant replied. He felt like his worst nightmares were becoming reality. "O my God." Through the sounds of the rain came another sound. The sound of another car, that was approaching the village. The car was driving fast and came slipping to a stand in the muddy sand. A man with an 'Indiana Jones' look stepped out and walked up to the door of the house. The man had thrown a gun over his left shoulder. "Ah," Bart Simmons said," Mr. Tembo is here," "Roland Tembo?" Ellie asked, "The Hunter?" "Yes. You know him?" "No. Only heard of him. He leaded an expedition on Isla Sorna four years ago." Bart opened the door and Roland stepped in. "Hello everybody," he said smiling, "What are we going to hunt down?" "Raptors," Grant said, overwhelmed by thoughts. "What do you mean. Are you planning on going to Isla Sorna? Then count me out. I said it before to someone; I've been enough in the company of death." "You don't understand," Grant said, out of his thoughts again, "They're here. On the mainland." "Who are you anyway?" Roland asked. "Alan Grant"

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"Ellen Sattler" They introduced themselves. "O, so you're the ones who visited the first island, how nice to meet you." "Yeah," Grant said, "Only it would have been nicer under other circumstances." "Sure thing," Roland replied, "So, what's the story here?" Alan and Ellie told everything to Roland. Bart and Marty verified every word that was said and Roland took everything very serious. "So," Roland repeated, "now it's up to us to kill all the animals here and then go back to Isla Sorna to kill all the animals there as well." "That's the idea," Bart said. "Let's do it then. When will we leave?" "We will organize an expedition into our jungle here. Many villagers have already volunteered. We can leave tomorrow morning." "Make it so. We will leave tomorrow morning." Bart got up from his seat and walked out to get the volunteers up and ready to go. They talked for another few hours and when it got late Dr. Guittierrez got up, said goodbye and left Bart's place. Finally they all went to bed.


"Wake up Alan," Ellie said softly, pushing Grant carefully, "Wake up. Were leaving." Slowly Alan turned around looking sleepy towards Ellen: "What time is it?" "It's five in the morning, were leaving." "Okay, I'm coming." Grant, Ellie and Roland had stayed the night at Bart's place and everyone was getting ready for the big day. Today they were going to get the fucker's who murdered Eddie and the cows. Grand got out of the bed and dressed quickly. Downstairs Roland was already waiting for them. His hat on his head and his rifle thrown over his shoulder. "Finished?" he asked. "Yeah. We're ready, I think." Grant said. The thought of going after raptors made him feel very uneasy. He wished he didn't have to go, but on the other side he really wanted to get them and get rid of them himself. Outside another fifty people had been gathering for the hunt. Many were shouting of enthusiasm, not knowing what they were actually going after. Grant watched them, seeing people who might not make it back. All because of the Ingen corporation. All because of Hammond. "Well people,” Roland said out loud, so everyone could hear him, “Within the next twenty minutes you will all be handed a gun. We assume that you know how to use it…" "YES SIR!!!" Came the reply. "Okay then, after that we will split in four groups of twelve men, and we’re going to strip down the woods ‘till we got ‘m

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all." Grant, Ellie and Bart handed out the guns while Roland spoke. "Be careful out there. These are nasty son-of-a-bitches. They can run very fast, so don’t hesitate. When you see one, shoot it. Bart, I, Grant and Ellie will each lead a group of you. Stay close and don’t wander off. Any questions?" "NO." "Let’s go," someone shouted, "Let’s not waste any more of our time!" "Okay, twelve men in each group people. Come on." Grant held a walkie-talkie up: "Each group will take along a walkie-talkie," he said, "That way we can keep contact." On foot they went to the woods, near the village and the groups spread apart. Each going into the woods about thirty feet away from the other groups. Slowly they walked on. The leaves and twigs cracked beneath their feet and sometimes it was very hard to get through the dense bushes. Every other time they stopped, listening to the sounds surrounding them. Looking for the pleasure hunters, the raptors. But they saw and heard nothing else then the cracking of twigs from places where the other groups would be.

Grant felt very nervous. He really had the feeling he was among them. That the raptors were hunting them down too. After twenty minutes they had come a long way. But still they hadn’t found a single thing that would acknowledge their presence. Suddenly Grants walkie-talkie made a crackling sound, static and then he heard a soft voice say: “I see one…” “Where?” Grant had recognized Bart’s voice. “Twenty feet ahead of me. I think he has seen me, but he sits still.” “Then shoot him, god damn it.” Grant said. He couldn’t believe that he was just staring at an animal like that. “It’s hunting you, shoot it, or it’ll get you.” Grant heard nothing. Then suddenly a shot was fired. The shot was followed by birds flying into the air and some small mammals running through the foliages. “Did you get him?” Grant asked through his walkie-talkie, “Please confirm you got him.” “Just wait.” He heard. A silent pause. “Yes,” he heard Bart say. They heard soft cheering from four parts of the woods. Everyone got the news. “We got one down. It’s still alive, but it won’t hurt us no more. I’ll kill it now.” Another shot sounded. “Jeezzz, these animals are huge,” they heard Bart say. “Move on,” Tembo said through his walkie-talkie. “Okay.”

The Afternoon

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Another half an hour went by. They didn’t find any other raptors. They were deep in the woods now. Sometimes it was just impossible to move through the bushes, because they were so dense. They had to move around the bushes or going one by one through small openings between the trees and the sometimes thorny bushes. When Ellie moved aside some twigs, just as something not so small past her by. The size of a chicken, she thought. “I thought I just saw a compy,” she said through her walkie-talkie, “Grant?” “Yeah?” “I just saw a procompsognathus triasicus. What shall we do about them?” “I don’t know.” “Shoot them too,” Tembo replied. “I think Roland is right,” Grant agreed, “they don’t belong here anymore that the raptors do.” In a flash one of Tembo’s teammates saw a big brown lizard-like head moving: “Roland.” He whispered. “Yeah?” “I just saw one.” At the time he said it someone else saw one on the opposite side. And again someone else glimpsed a third in front of them. “Damn,” Roland whispered, “They surrounded us.” “Grant, Ellie?” “Yes?” Grant replied. “Yes?” Ellie replied. “We’re surrounded here,” he told them, “At least three. One in front, left and right side.” “Another one,” behind us. “At least four, guys. Wish us luck, okay?” ‘Damn’ Grant thought, ‘This ain’t good’ Ellie held her breath, waiting for the shots that would sound soon for not far away. That they were surrounded probable meant that there were more not far from her own group. And that’s when she saw one herself. But this one seemed to be in on the plot to take Rolands group. The raptor was turned away from them and didn’t seem to notice her group. She signaled her group to be very silent and still. Her best shooter aimed at the raptor. Roland’s group did the same with the raptors they saw. And then it happened. Eight raptors leaped up into the air and ran towards Roland’s group. Ellie’s shooter got his shot and shot the raptor right out of the air, lethally. Four more shots sounded from Tembo’s group, but they now had three more to cope with. “I missed, shit, I missed.” Ronald turned and saw that one of his men had missed the raptor he had aimed on.

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Bart’s group, the farthest away from Roland’s group heard a man screaming loudly. “My God,” Bart said. Something went very wrong over there. Like a reflex Roland had aimed his rifle on the raptor his shooter had missed, which would have grabbed the shooter, and shot him out of the air, the raptor falling back. But his other team members weren’t fast enough to aim on the three remaining raptors and one of the raptors leapt up once again and grabbed a man at the back of the group. His back was slashed open while he was screaming in horror. The raptor closed his jaws around the mans head, turned and twisted his head, and broke the man’s neck. Abruptly the screaming stopped. This last raptor got shot by Roland too. He had aimed his rifle on the chest of the man the raptor had attacked and had fired through the man’s chest into that of the raptor’s. Hoping that he could relieve the man from his pain, but the raptor had been quicker. He loaded again and fired another in the head of the raptor. Surrounded by dead raptor-body’s now a silence came back. It was an uneasy silence. They had lost one man. But they had killed eight raptors.

Grant had listened to the shots and the screaming and was trying to get Roland on his walkie-talkie: “Roland? Roland, what’s happening? Roland?” Static. “Yes, Grant?” “What’s happened?” “We got eight down. I have no idea how much more.” “Great, good job Roland.” “We lost one of our man.” “Oh,” Grant fell silent. He didn’t know what to say, “Who?” he asked. “Who was he?” he heard Roland ask someone. “That was Michael Heading Mr. Tembo” Grant heard softly. “Please, call me Roland,” and then to Grant: “Alan?” “Yes?” “His name was Michael Heading. Let’s go back now. I could use a good meal now.” “Okay, we’ll go back tomorrow.”


Bart served the meal, for the five of them: chopsticks, beef and fries. They all had very little room, since it was a table for two. But now, Marta sat on Bart’s lap and Roland, Alan and Ellie all got a chair of their own. “You’re wive is a very good cook,” Roland complimented Marta. “She sure is,” Bart said, “That’s why I married her in the first place. She’s much better than my mother used to cook for us.” They all laughed loudly. After the hunt, people had been very quiet and back in the

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village, no one had spoken a word when they saw Michael’s terribly wounded body brought in. The carriers’ sweaters had been soaked in blood.

The body of Michael had been buried immediately, silently. So that his relatives would not see him in the state he was in after the attack of the velociraptor, inclusive the bullet hole in his chest, which made the sight even worse. Now, later in the evening, they could laugh again. As they ate they thought about the next day. “What time tomorrow shall we leave?” Ellie asked. “Let’s say about the same time?” Grant suggested, “It’s a shame we can’t continue where we stopped, ‘cause these fucking animals move around the woods.” “Right,” Roland said, “We need to start at the beginning of the woods again. But I think we could be moving faster through the woods?” “I suppose so.” Grant said. “I’ll notify the others when we’re finished, okay?” Bart asked. Tembo nodded: “That’s fine, Bart,” he said.

The Next Day

They were moving again through the woods, faster than the day before, split into the same teams. They had backpacks on them this time. In it were lunch and some tools that might come in handy, like a pocketknife, rope, bandages and so on. “Is everything okay with you guys?” “Perfectly fine here.” “Everything okay here.” “same here.” “Okay, let’s move on and be careful.” Sometimes they thought they heard sounds not coming from them or another team. But whenever they listened carefully they heard nothing and they moved on. “Are we further than yesterday now?” Bart asked through the walkie-talkie. “I think we are,” The reply came from Roland, “You should know Bart, you live in the village.” “We never go into the woods. Certainly not this far, so how would I know it way out here?” “Shhh,” someone out of Bart’s group said. “What?,” they whispered. “I thought I heard something.” They kept silent again for half a minute. “It was probably the wind again,” Bart said, “Move on.” And they moved on, walking some yards behind the other groups. “It couldn’t have been the wind,” the man said convinced, “It hardly could have been the wind,” still speaking softly, “I’m telling you, man, they’re near.” “Cut it out,” Bart said, “Everybody’s nervous.” “Come on, you people,” they heard Grant’s voice say. “We’re right there after ya.” The same event occurred several other times, but only men out of Bart’s group heard it.

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Grant walked on. His group somewhat in front of the others. Grant guided his group swiftly through the woods, stopping only once in a minute. His team was feeling somewhat awkward about that, but they thought that to stay with Grant was their best way to stay alive. Grant himself felt more like a hunter than a paleontologist. And he was asking himself how the hell it got to this, that he had to go on this hunt. Why? Why had Hammond ever done what he had done, Why? He blamed Hammond logically. His walkie-talkie made a sound and he heard someone whispering. He recognized Bart’s voice. “What did you say?” “I said we heard something.” “Are you seeing anything?” “No, we can’t see shit through these bushes.” “Are you sure you heard something?” Roland Tembo asked. “Yes, we’re sure.” “You think it’s them?” Ellie asked. “I don’t know. According to Jean it sounded like a spinning cat. We only heard twigs snapping and leaves. But we didn’t see anything.” “Okay Bart,” Roland said, “give Jean the radio, let him tell

us.” “Okay,” then they heard the voice of Jean, softly. “Jean here.”

Then the heard a distance voice through the walkie-talkie saying: “O my God.” Followed by loud screaming. Roland tried to call for Jean: “Jean, Jean answer god-damn-it.” Jean’s voice sounded shaking and Jean seemed to be gasping for breath. Apparently he was running. “I’m here,” he said. “What happened?” “Pete got attacked… I think… I couldn’t see, he, he, there were some bushes… between us.” From behind Jean heard people scream. He didn’t dare to stop running. “Where are you now?” Grant asked. “I, I don’t know… I’m running.” Suddenly the screaming had stopped and Jean heard only himself running through the bushes. Tearing his clothes apart by the thorns on some of the bushes. Then he slipped in some mud and fell down. Silently he kept lying there, not moving any part of his body, gasping for breath and listening to whatever sound there was. But he heard nothing. Then his walkie-talkie crackled again: “Jean? Jean? Where are you? Jean? What happened?” It was dr. Sattler. Coming to his breath, he rolled over and try to sit up. His voice shaky with the terror he spoke into the walkie-talkie. “They attacked us by surprise,” he whispered. “The raptors?” Grant asked. “I think so.” “Is there someone there with you?” “No, I’m alone. I think the others are dead.” Then Jean heard a twig snap. And he kept silent just listening. “Where are you?” his walkie-talkie crackled.

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He turned it off, without answering. He thought he saw something moving. If only he hadn’t lost his gun, while he had been running. Somehow his gun had got stuck somewhere and he had to let it go. Only softly he heard a low ‘purrr’ like a cat spinning. Shivers ran down his back. Leaves moved aside and Jean saw the head only a few inches away, the raptor stepping forward. Jean stared right into the animals eyes. Green, catlike eyes. He saw that the raptor was staring at him too. Jean noticed he had started to shake again. His hands trembled. He could not stop them from trembling. The raptor held his head oblique like his old dog had sometimes done, trying to cheer him up, which had always worked. But the raptor was definitely not trying to cheer him up. It was examining him. Looking up and down. Still making that purring sound. The raptor extended his ‘hands’ toward Jean’s face. The three other groups were trying to listen to whatever sounds there were. Trying to reach Jean over their walkie-talkie’s. But Jean never replied. Then there was a sound that sounded like a kind of cough. Jean was startled when the raptor made the sound like a seal, not knowing what was going on. Why didn’t he kill him. A second raptor appeared next to him, first looking at the first raptor, then at him. He snarled loudly. He noticed immediately that this second raptor was bigger than the first. Now it came to him that the first raptor had been a youngster. The second raptor hissed furiously at Jean and Jean broke out in sweat. He turned over to stand up and run away, although he knew the raptor would be way faster. The second raptor grabbed his head between his jaws and twisted his neck. Jean lost his balance and fell again. Now he lay on his back looking up at the two raptors above him. The second raptor looked at the first, which jumped onto Jean, slashing with his claws. Jean screamed in pain and horror as he saw his guts spilled out and he felt the claws still slashing. The three other groups listened silently to the screaming knowing that it was Jean, whose live had just been ended. Ellie heard someone in her team say: “It seems to me that these raptors are better hunters than we are.” “Don’t worry,” Ellie said, trying to comfort them, “We’ll take care of them.” “At what cost?” the man said again, “We lost twelve men just now. In about a few seconds. Twelve men.” He began to speak loudly. His teammates tried to hush him: “Shhh, you want to get us killed too?” The man shook his head and was silent. Some tears ran down his cheeks. All cried silently knowing the men who had just died. “Coming out here was a mistake,” someone else said, “We should have never gone hunting them.” The walkie-talkie crackled. It was Roland: “Let’s move on. There’s nothing we can do anymore. When you see one shoot it. We know they’re here. So stay close together and be careful.”

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They had moved on looking in all directions, moving slowly. The five raptors they could find, now lay dead somewhere in the woods. “How many more do you think there are?” “I have no idea.” The air was silent. Grant’s group still ahead of the others sat down on a somewhat open place beneath the trees to grab a bite out of their lunch. “Roland?” “Yeah?” “We’re going to take a bite, we’re all quite hungry here.” “Okay, be with you in a sec.” “He,” someone said, “Do you see those lights up ahead?” “What lights?” Grant said. “Those little red lights.” Grant looked where the man was pointing to. He definitely saw them too, little red lights, like the ones on wired fences indicating that the power was on. “What is this?” Grant wondered out loud.

Third iteration:


“Roland, Ellie?” “Yes Grant?” “Yes Alan?” “Get over here. I think we found something.” Within a minute they found Grant’s picnicking group on an open spot underneath the canopy. “What is it?” Ellie asked. “Look.” Grant said, pointing at the red light high above them, about two hundred yards ahead. “Wired fences?” Roland asked. “Yes, I think that’s what it indicates, yes.” “You mean, Hammond has started an InGen facility here?” Ellie asked. The team-members listened silently to them, trying to figure out what was said here. One of them suddenly realized something out of what was said: “You mean, some fucking lunatic bred these ve-what so ever-raptors over here?” “I’m not sure. Let’s go over there and have look,” Grant suggested. “I’m totally with that idea,” Roland said, “Okay everyone. We’re headed for those fences up ahead,” Tembo said loudly, “Please be careful. We’re still not clear from the raptors. If you see one, shoot it.” The thirty-five men moved on towards the fences until they reached it. The fences were thirty feet high and on top there were red lights to indicate the power. “It certainly looks like Hammond’s work,” Grant said, “but I can’t imagine the son-of-a-bitch being this stupid.” On some places there were signs warning about the high voltage on the fences: ‘Danger: 10.000 volts’ one said, with an icon

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of a hand with lightning through the middle and smoke on the side. “Watch it, the power is still on.” Roland warned everybody. They moved along the fences, searching for a way in. Behind the fences they could see the remains of a building, which had broken branches on the roofs, and some plants had even started to grow over, and on, the building itself. Windows were broken and the front door lay out of his hinges. As they moved on, cages appeared on the side of the building. Rather small cages in which a raptor would just fit. And even tinier cages, which would probably had been used for the compy’s, Grant thought. People were talking about what they saw inside. “They must have held at least one bigger dinosaur here.” “Why do you think that?” “Look, there is also one cage as big as that shed over there.” “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” “Odd though, that there is just one.” “Yeah.” Coming to the front of the fence Ellie noticed something: “He look. Here the lights are off.” “That has to mean that the power is off here too.” Grant picked up a twig and threw it against the fence. No sparks came off. In the back of the group, they had started to chat louder. It really started to look like a big family picnic. “Jeezz, they really must have had some trouble here.” Grant said, looking at the building. “Shhh, everyone,” Roland said, just loud enough for everyone to hear. Then they heard it all, rustling in the bushes to there right, the opposite of the fence. If it was a raptor, they were trapped, and unless they could shoot him, at least one of them would get caught. “My God, we’re going to die,” someone said. “Shhh, we’re not going to die. Just be silent.” Then they heard the rustling again. Roland loaded his rifle with a loud click and he aimed at the place where the rustling sound had come from. A long silence… Suddenly they heard a soft voice: “Guys? Guys, are you there?” “It’s Bart.” Someone had recognized the voice, “He’s still alive. He survived. Bart!” he cried. “Move.” Roland said, “Move on to the entry.” “What? Why?” They protested. “It’s our best chance.” “What you mean?” Someone asked. “It’s just Bart,” Someone else said, “The coast is clear.” “No, it isn’t,” Roland whispered, looking very tense at the bushes.” “But…” “No but, just go.” “But…” Again: “Guys?” But this time they heard another sound too. They all heard a growl, which they all could identify as the growl of a raptor.

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“GO!” Roland said again. “Come on,” Grant said, trying to get the group moving. Three men didn’t come with Grant, but they loaded their guns instead. “BART!!!” someone cried running behind Grant, hoping that he could have made directions out of it, so that he could find them. Two shots sounded. A raptor had jumped out and had tried to attack, but two men had shot the animal out of the sky. The animal lay now on the ground, breathing heavily. From a distance they could hear Bart’s voice panicking by the sound of the gunshots: “What’s happening? Where are you guy’s” Roland and the three men tried to move along with the group, covering them while some raptors tried to attack. “There,” Ellie said, pointing ahead, “The entrance.” Above the entry-gate they saw a sign which read in green:

Genetic Biosyn Corporation Laboratories

‘Biosyn?’ Grant thought, ‘Where have I heard that company name before?’ The men went through the gate, looking at the last four men that had covered their backs. They were moving past the raptor they had just shot down. The raptor tried to get up again, and snapped furiously at the leg of one of the men. The man put his barrel against the head of the raptor and pulled the trigger. The head spliced open and the raptor fell dead. Three more raptors jumped into visual and the men shot them down too, just before they entered the entrance and closed the gate. Roland just wanted to leave the gate when, at the same moment, Bart came out of the woods, running: “What’s happening?” He shouted in panic. “Come on,” Tembo shouted, opening the gate just a bit. Leaping high into the air a raptor jumped up and landed right between the gate and Bart. Bart stopped immediately. The raptor ran with astonishing speed toward the gate and smashed himself into it, knocking Roland Tembo off his feet. The gate swung open. Again two new raptors appeared. “Hell,” Ellie said, “This place is crawling with these animals.” The men who had been with Ronald fired at the raptor who had just ran into the gate. And the raptor fell down. Right before the other two raptors ran towards the gate, they had closed it. For now they were save. Bart was quite the opposite of save. The two raptors looked at him and snarled. Gunshots sounded and one of the raptors caught a bullet in the neck, but not lethal. “I’m out of ammo,” one of the gunman said. “Me too.” “Someone give me a gun, or shoot them.” Astonished by the impact of something in his neck the raptor shook his head. Even though that would have been hurting him

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very much, the raptor didn’t show pain. And he focused again on Bart. Terrified, Bart turned and ran away from the raptors. The two raptors went in pursued in the sound of firing guns, the bullets missing them by inches. “Damn, they’re fast.” Some got the raptors in the tail, but the raptors never seemed to notice the hits. A third raptor ran through the foliage and grabbed Bart by the arm, pulling hard. Bart screamed at the sound of his joints twisting and breaking. He fell down. He saw his arm hanging out of the raptor’s jaws. Suddenly one of the first raptors fell down. “I got one,” sounded from the other side of the fence. The second raptor jumped up and attacked the third raptor. Snapping at the arm hanging from the jaws. Bart tried to crawl away in pain and terror. His left side bleeding freely. The raptors ran out of sight. Slowly Bart tried to stand up, but his was getting dizzy from the loss of blood. But eventually he reached the gate and they carried him in.

The Biosyn Lab

In front of them there were a series of small buildings next to the building they had already seen earlier. Not all of the small buildings were in a condition as bad as the bigger building. Some even looked like they had just been painted. They walked towards the biggest building and pushed open the doors. With a shrieking sound they opened. A small hall came into view. They saw several hallways leading to the back of the building. Five doors, made of glass, with each it’s own name of department on it: hatchery, nursery, testing, control and communications. “Let’s see if we can find anything to treat Bart’s arm,”

Ellie said. “Okay, you do that, with your group,” Roland said, “My group

will search for other material.” And he pushed open the door, which read communications. Grant pushed open the door that read control. “Let’s see what we can find here,” he said, looking back at

his team, “Come on.” They walked through the room. Every man was looking for himself to what ever lay in his line of sight. Big bundles of paper lay tied together in every part of the room. Loose pieces of paper were flung around like a hurricane had taken place in this room. Grant grabbed a single sheet of paper from the ground. It looked like some kind of receipt or bill. As he read on it seemed to be a bill ready to send to a person who had bought a very rare kind of egg. Cause it had cost the man a million US dollars. "It seems that they have been busy with illegal egg-selling.

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To collectors," Grant said, "And if we're right than it had been dinosaur-eggs." "Hey, check this out," someone said. He held up a piece of

paper and he read it out loud: "Dear Dr. Dodgson, I'm sorry to report that several eggs had been infected with an unknown virus, that, so far does not seem to threaten our other collections. The eggs have been destroyed as soon we found out. No further report at this moment. Signed Mr. Gorud of the Mexican department. Dated two years ago. What would it mean?" "I guess that that son-of-a-bitch Dodgson has pulled up a

facility out of the ground that has had something to do with dinosaurs," Grant said, "And if I'm not mistaken, that report is also about dinosaur-eggs." "That would mean that our troubles came from this facility

for certain." "You're right about that, and I know that for sure now,"

said a voice from the door. It was Roland. He held a piece of paper in his hand and quoted: " 'We lost control of our animals here and request immediate help', and here it comes," He said, " 'Our Velociraptors have overcome our security and have escaped out of their cages. We don't know how they managed to get out and bla bla... We've locked down our main building and outer fences, but if they are not captured soon we do not know if we can contain them any longer, or that we will survive this ourselves' Seems to me like they had some serious shit on their hands over here. The date on this one is only a month old." "You know, Roland," said Grant, "You know what scares me the

most. They seem to have more facilities than just this one. We just found a message from a Mexican facility." "My God," Roland said, "If they fuck up that facility too

than we could have dinosaurs running around the whole part of this continent." "Come look at this," a man said in the corner of the room.

He held up some kind of listed painting. Grant and Roland walked towards him and looking closer at the painting, and noticed it was a map of America. With little red dots placed all over it. "What do you think it means?" the man asked. "I hope it doesn't mean what I think it means," Roland said. "I'm afraid it does," said Grant, looking at the bottom of

the map, which faintly said: 'Our Biosyn Facilities'. "Looks like there are over twenty facilities then, my God."

Five of the dots were around Middle America, but others were in Peru, Brazil, on some islands, and even in North America of which one next to New York. Someone else had found a few papers between one of the bundles. The naming of the bundle had said it contained information about all of the facilities. The few papers he had found contained the information of which animals they held and where, in which facility, they were held. "They also have Velociraptors in two of the facilities in

Peru, one in Brazil and on two of the islands, according to these papers," he said. "What else have they got?" Grant asked.

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"Procom-something," "Procompsognathus?" Grant improved him. "Yeah. They seem to have them in every facility. Uhmmm...

Here I read 'Stegosaurus', in two other facilities in Peru and in the one next to New York. Further some Hadrosaurs, Dilophosaurs and Triceratopsians. I guess they have them all spread about." Some silence fell over them, while the man read through the pages. Suddenly he said: "Wait... Oh my God, they even have a Tyrannosaur in the one next to New York." "Figures," Roland reacted, while Grant went somewhat

nervous. "Hey guys," Ellie said, who had just appeared in the room,

"We've taken care of Bart. He will be okay." Then she noticed the silence in the room: "What happened?" she asked. "We've just found out that there are more of these

facilities all over America," Roland answered, "And that they're keeping a T-Rex in one of them. And the best part is that they decided to keep him near to New York." Long before Roland had finished Ellie had dropped her jaw. She couldn't say another thing. Everybody fell silent. "Now what?" suddenly broke the silence.


As they were reading along the other papers, they found out serveral more things about the business of the facility. They had already been selling dinosaur-eggs to really fanatic egg collectors through some illegal community, they had tested products on the animals and they were planning serveral more things like opening another 'Jurassic Park' under a different name: 'Prehistoric Zoo', and they had tried serveral recipes of dinoburgers. All were loathed by the idea. All the three groups were now in the same room, accept for a very few people, who were with Bart, taking care of him. Suddenly there came a noise from the ground level, like glass that shattered. Everyone listened, but they heard nothing more and went back on looking for some more details of where the other facilities were placed exactly; like addresses. "This looks interesting," someone said, "It seems they were plannig a rescue attempt of this facility. Look, the date is a two weeks old, but it is a reply to some other message. I guess a call for help." Then another loud sound like breaking glass came from much closer. It had sounded like it was at the end of the hall and all heard a low growl now. Something had entered the building. Roland didn't need to listen any longer and loaded his gun. "Everybody silent," he said. Concentrating on the direction where the noise had come from

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he walked in that direction, the barrel of his gun in front of him. The growling stopped and suddenly a loud sound that sounded like coughing replaced the growling. Grant shuddered at the sound. "Raptors," he whispered. Carefully Roland looked around the corner and looked right in the raptor's surprised face. Like a reflex Roland aimed his gun and fired. The head of the raptor exploded like a baloon and the body fell limb down on the floor. Further up they could hear more raptors coming. "How far is it to the room where Bart lies?" asked Grant worried. "Too far to go and get him. The Raptors will be here too soon," said Roland, "Do they have a radio?" He asked Ellie. "Yes," she said. "Then warn them, so maybe they can hide." Grant grabbed his radio and called their radio: "Bart, are you there?" He said softly. "Yeah, what is it?" "There are raptors in the building coming over your way. You must hide." Then Grant heard growling through the radio. "I understood, Grant. Over and out." "Marv, get me off the table," Bart said to one of his helpers, "That growling you hear, are raptors in the building coming our way." "O my God." "Come on, hurry." The growling came closer and it sounded already very close. The two men lifted Bart off the table and Bart moaned, trying not to scream of the pain. Then the growling stopped and a raptor peered through the window, looking straight in the eyes of Marvin, the man left of Bart. "O my God," He whispered, "They're here." Two more raptors appeared and the first jumped through the window. "Can you see anything around the corner?" Ellie asked Grant. "No, nothing yet." The soft growling had just stopped. They heard a window break, followed by the screams of the three men. "We lost them too, we must try to get out of this building." "If I'm correct we are with 32 men here?" Roland asked. "That's right," Ellie said, who had counted the men when she had come in, "And that's all there is left of us." "How many ammo do we have?" Roland asked, "Who has a gun?" "Almost everyone raised his gun." "Who still has bullets?" Ten men seemed to have a lot of bullets left. Five men were assigned to keep the back, looking if they could see raptors coming, and if they did, to shoot them. Five others, including Ellie, Grant and Tembo were leading, also armed. And like one

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big group the left the room silently, finding their way through to the exit of the building. Behing them they could often hear serveral raptors growl, but they kept far enough in front of them not to be bothered by them.

Total Destruction

Coming to the exit of the building everyone wanted to get out as quick as possible. What they could see outside they didn't believe. Smoke was coming up from out of the woods. In a great circle around the compound the woods were on fire. "What does this look like to you?" Grant asked Roland. "It looks like we have got some perfect timing to be here exactly when Biosyn desides to clean up his own mess." "But should they not have checked first if there were any members of their company still alive here?" Ellie asked. "It's probably a very big clean up, no whitnesses, no evidence." People were getting nervous, and losing hope of getting out of there, some who still had some hope left asked Roland: "How do you suppose we get out of here?" "Well we didn't expect this to happen, so we don't have anything to put the fires out, do we?" "No, we don't." And no one knows the woods here, so no one knows if there might be a river here somewhere?" "No. But we do know that there is a river running through these woods "So the best thing we can do..." "Is to look for that river and get out that way," Grant continued. "Yes. They probably didn't build this facility too far away from that river, because there are no pipelines underneath this forest." "Okay, move out. Out the gate and in the opposite way we came." Far away they heard another roaring, but it didn't sound like any kind of animal, more like a mechanical sound. As they went on they could heard the wood crackle by the fire and ash was falling al around them. Sometimes a group of compy's ran past them away from the fire. Also some other forest animals like the two deers and a wild boar. When they found the river, the fire had already reached it and slowly, under the heat of the fire they went into the river. "Yuck, there are rats in these waters." "Come on, this may be our only way out." Big rats swam through the waters, also trying to avoid the fire. They could see the pointy snouts, their backs and the tails drifting along. Swimming between two firest, on the left bank and on the right bank of the river, they found their way through. Over their heads they could see nothing but enormous flames. The swam in a kind of tunnel, under the flames. As low as possible in the water. The heat was unbearable. Only their heads could come to

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the surface to breath now and then but they had to go under for most of the time to keep their heads wet, cooled and out of the heat. "Keep your head wet," shouted Grant over the roaring of the flames. They had to swim for five minutes before they reached the end of the 'tunnel' and they could just see how the last few men with flame-throwers, a few hundred yards away, were getting realed in on a chopper, an old army-chopper, hanging in the air. As soon as the chopper had left, they swam further, out of the flame-tunnel and got as far as was necessary to get out on the right bank. All of them had burned their faces. "Come on, we have got to get home now." Roland said. All were soaked and tired, and they were a long way from home. Certainly now they had to avoid the fires. It could take them two days to get home. "Watch out for raptors, cause there can still be some outside the firecircle." Then suddenly they heard a big explotion coming from the center of the fire circle. "The choppers must have thrown boms on the facility, or something," Someone said, on which they all agreed. And not much later they heard the mechanical roaring of the choppers come over their heads, their mission completed. Not a very long time went by before all the sides of the fire met each other and the fire was one big fire, no longer a circle. All the evidence destoyed all materials destructed. It took firefighters three days to kill the fire, sixty hectare of the woods burned down.


The company ran across the firefighters and were brought home by air, on six choppers. No one said anything about the Biosyn facility. Home they nursed their burnings and other wounds and told the sad story of the loss of another fourteen people. They had to come up with a plan of how to deal with Biosyn. How to deal with all the other facilities. Most people of the village did not want to be bothered by the other facilities. It was not there problem, they said. Grant and Ellie did feel responsible to do something, and Roland Tembo felt also he had to do something. Only two of the thirty villagers wished to be part of a plot against Biosyn. Both were very young, ages 22 and 25, Andy Barring and Jeff Frost. "Okay, I suppose you can come along," Roland said. "Where are you going to start?" Andy asked. "I guess we're going home first," answered Grant, "to get ourselves organised, and then I think it will be best to start with the facility next to New York. But since we don't have the list of facilities no more we need to locate it first." "Once we have enough evidence that their doing illegal

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opperations we can send the government on them." said Roland. All nodded. "We leave tomorrow," said Grant to Andy and Jeff, "So get your stuff together." Roland Tembo decided to go immediatly: "I'll meet you in five days on the airport we discussed." "Okay, see you there and then. Have a nice flight." The next day they also left Bahía Anasco. Marta, the wife of the late Bart, drove them to the airport and thanked them in tears for everything and wished them good luck.

Fourth iteration:

New York Airport

Here the new text

JURASSIC PARK IV; THE BIOSYN AFFAIRE .......................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION: .................................................................................................................................................. 1

The News ..................................................................................................................................................... 1

The Weekend .............................................................................................................................................. 5

PROLOGUE: .......................................................................................................................................................... 7

Bahía Anasco ........................................................................................................................................... 7

FIRST ITERATION: ........................................................................................................................................... 11

Confrontation ....................................................................................................................................... 11

Puntarenas .............................................................................................................................................. 12

The Beach ................................................................................................................................................. 13

The Fields .............................................................................................................................................. 15

New York ................................................................................................................................................... 16

The Shape of the Data .................................................................................................................... 18

Suspicion ................................................................................................................................................. 19

SECOND ITERATION: ......................................................................................................................................... 20

The Message ............................................................................................................................................ 20

Bahía Anasco ......................................................................................................................................... 20

Leaving ..................................................................................................................................................... 22

The Afternoon ....................................................................................................................................... 23

Diner .......................................................................................................................................................... 25

The Next Day ......................................................................................................................................... 26

THIRD ITERATION: ........................................................................................................................................... 29

Discovery ................................................................................................................................................. 29

The Biosyn Lab ..................................................................................................................................... 32

Company ..................................................................................................................................................... 34

Total Destruction.............................................................................................................................. 36

Departure ................................................................................................................................................. 37

FOURTH ITERATION: ......................................................................................................................................... 38

New York Airport ................................................................................................................................ 38

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