Page 1: JUNE 2018 2018.pdf · JUNE 2018 Royal Australian Signals Association (Queensland) Association President Robert (Huey) James Ph: (07) 46359833 Mobile 0438 743 092 Email

JUNE 2018

Royal Australian Signals Association (Queensland)

Association President Robert (Huey) James Ph: (07) 46359833 Mobile 0438 743 092

Email [email protected] Association Secretary/Treasurer Chris Mitchelson Ph: 0418799949 Email [email protected] Editor Max (Digger) Revell Ph: (07)32612090 Mobile 0412243773 Email [email protected]

Presidents report

Secretary/Treasurer Report. Editor.

Happy snaps from Anzac Day

RSL Runner



Reunions / Events Scam Watch. DFRDB Association events.

Presidents Report: Can’t find Huey now, probably still on holidays, and maybe will see you all at


Disclaimer The communicator reproduces some articles in this newsletter, “in good faith and for information only”. Readers should contact their own professionals based on their own circumstances and needs.

Page 2: JUNE 2018 2018.pdf · JUNE 2018 Royal Australian Signals Association (Queensland) Association President Robert (Huey) James Ph: (07) 46359833 Mobile 0438 743 092 Email

Secretary Treasurer report

Message from the Minister of State and Chancellor of the Exchequer

Seeing as I was absent overseas for the last newsletter (and an audit will reflect that the association

didn't pay for it) here is an update on things that are happening.

At the last function of the association (just before Christmas last year) it was decided to hold only

one function per year and that the date would be in the late October/ early November period.

Well a date has been set at Sunday 11th of November (close to Corp Week). The venue is to be at

the Sherwood RSL again as it is central for all points of the compass, close to trains etc and we

usually get a good feed there. The same timings as usual with the function room doors opening

around 1130 and a meal to be served around midday. There are 2 options for the meal, an

alternative drop and sweets with bread roll, tea and coffee for around the $28 mark or we can

individually order off the menu for all items. The mains would be around $12 each, sweets around

the $6 or so, and tea/coffee at the $4-5 mark. The first option is all inclusive, the second is only

paying for what you want and gives you a little more choice. I'm happy either way but let me know

your thoughts.

Also, I realise that it is Remembrance Day - maybe we can have a belated minutes silence to

remember fallen comrades.

Anyway, we had a great time overseas even if Lesley did come back with another case of bronchitis.

Otherwise life goes on.

Hope all is well, with all of you.


Disclaimer The communicator reproduces some articles in this newsletter, “in good faith and for information only”. Readers should contact their own professionals based on their own circumstances and needs.

Page 3: JUNE 2018 2018.pdf · JUNE 2018 Royal Australian Signals Association (Queensland) Association President Robert (Huey) James Ph: (07) 46359833 Mobile 0438 743 092 Email


Gooday again.

Anzac Day has been and gone, it was great to see a good turn out at the Sigs Banner then

again at the Orient where a couple of waters and a feed went down well. It was great to

catch up with Geoff Staunton and have a beer after 45 odd years and a few with others.

I noticed a lot of young(er) faces at the march that are not members of the association come

on fellas let’s get together, for those that know these blokes have a word to them, to be able

to keep the association going into the future we need you.

I have had a couple of queries as to advertising in the newsletter, if it benefits the members

or family of members please feel free to do so. Also, please feel free to contribute in any

way you think will be of assistance to members or readers. This newsletter travels a fair


Have not found any new reunions events, so don’t forget anyone wishing to add photos of

reunions etc forward them to me with the relevant info and I can shoot a mail around to

members, and will put them in the following issue.


Membership dues, for those that have, thank you, for those yet to pay, a reminder.


I asked my wife where she wanted to go for our anniversary. "Somewhere I haven't been in a long time!" she said.

So I suggested the kitchen. (I’m due to be released next month)

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Page 4: JUNE 2018 2018.pdf · JUNE 2018 Royal Australian Signals Association (Queensland) Association President Robert (Huey) James Ph: (07) 46359833 Mobile 0438 743 092 Email
Page 5: JUNE 2018 2018.pdf · JUNE 2018 Royal Australian Signals Association (Queensland) Association President Robert (Huey) James Ph: (07) 46359833 Mobile 0438 743 092 Email
Page 6: JUNE 2018 2018.pdf · JUNE 2018 Royal Australian Signals Association (Queensland) Association President Robert (Huey) James Ph: (07) 46359833 Mobile 0438 743 092 Email

RSL Runner (Qld)

Army veteran Lorraine Hatton spoke at the Indigenous Veterans’ Ceremony in Brisbane on Thursday,

31 May to honour Australia's Indigenous service men and women. During her 20 years of service,

Lorraine paved the way for female service personnel in the Royal Australian Corps of Signals (RA

Sigs). She was the first female RA Sigs Sergeant to deploy overseas as a communications manager

(Indonesia and the Middle East) and the first woman deployed to set up communications

infrastructure in an active war zone (Afghanistan). Lorraine said the Indigenous Veterans’ Ceremony

made it clear that Indigenous people were and remain an important part of our military history.

You can see photos of the service on our Facebook page or in the next edition of Queensland RSL


Tickets are now on sale for the Invictus Games Sydney 2018. The Games will showcase the healing

power of sport as 500 competitors from 18 nations contest 11 sports across eight days of fierce

competition from 20 to 27 October.

Tickets start from $20 and can be purchased at

Page 7: JUNE 2018 2018.pdf · JUNE 2018 Royal Australian Signals Association (Queensland) Association President Robert (Huey) James Ph: (07) 46359833 Mobile 0438 743 092 Email

Assistance dog trial to help tackle veteran mental health

DVA has engaged La Trobe University, in partnership with the Centre for Service and Therapy Dogs Australia,

to conduct a $2 million trial of assistance dogs for veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Unlike

companion dogs or pets, assistance dogs are trained to perform specific tasks that contribute to the clinical

recovery of the veteran such as distracting their handler from emotionally disabling symptoms.

La Trobe is home to Australia’s first dedicated human–dog interaction laboratory and is a leader in this area of

research. In the trial, the veteran will be selected before the matching process with the puppy or dog begins,

which will allow the veterans’ individual needs to be identified. The training of the dog is tailored to the specific

needs and sensitivities of the veteran as well as the nature of their PTSD. This will ensure that the safety and

welfare of both the dogs and veterans is paramount.

The selected dogs will be socialised with the veteran and trained from a young age. Veterans will also undergo

separate preparation while their dog is being trained.

Work will soon start on the detailed design phase of the trial. It is expected that up to 20 participants will take

part in the trial, with recruitment commencing in early 2019.

Disclaimer The communicator reproduces some articles in this newsletter, “in good faith and for information only”. Readers should contact their own professionals based on their own circumstances and needs.

Page 8: JUNE 2018 2018.pdf · JUNE 2018 Royal Australian Signals Association (Queensland) Association President Robert (Huey) James Ph: (07) 46359833 Mobile 0438 743 092 Email


I have received notification of the passing of Ronald (Ron) Francis BAGSHAW

Sadly, we have lost another valuable servant of the Corps and Country

1 Sig Regt, 2 Sig Regt, 6 Sig Regt

1201987 Robin Leslie (Rob) WEIRMAN

32 Small Ship Squadron (AS 3051 John Monash) 06/12/1968 - 10/01/1969

32 Small Ship Squadron (AS 3051 John Monash) 10/02/1969 - 15/03/1969

104 Signal Squadron South Vietnam 14/04/1971 - 08/12/1971

I have received notification of the passing of 217784 William Alfred (Kit) MAYTHERS

Sadly, we have lost another valuable servant of the Corps and Country

110 Signal Squadron South Vietnam 03/12/1968 - 07/01/1971

Page 9: JUNE 2018 2018.pdf · JUNE 2018 Royal Australian Signals Association (Queensland) Association President Robert (Huey) James Ph: (07) 46359833 Mobile 0438 743 092 Email

Thought you knew everything?

Stewardesses is the longest word Typed with only the left hand. And 'lollipop' is the longest word typed with your right hand. (Bet you just tried these out mentally, didn't you?)

No word in the English language rhymes with Month, orange, silver, or purple.

' Dreamt' is the only English word that ends in the letters 'mt'. (Are you doubting this?)

Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears Never stop growing.

The sentence: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' Uses every letter of the alphabet. (Now, you KNOW you're going to try this out for accuracy, right?)

The words 'race car, ''kayak' And 'level' are the same whether they are read left to right or right to left (palindromes). (Yep, I knew you were going to 'do' this one.)

There are only four words in the English language which end in 'dous': tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous. (You're not possibly still doubting any of this, are you?)

There are two words in the English language that have all five vowels in order: 'abstemious' and 'facetious.'

A 'jiffy' is an actual unit of time, 1/100th of a second.

An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.

Babies are born without kneecaps They don't appear until the child reaches 2 to 6 years of age.

February 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a full moon.

In the last 4,000 years, no new animals have been domesticated.

If the population of China walked past you, 8 abreast, The line would never end because of the rate of reproduction. Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors

The winter of 1932 was so cold that Niagara Falls Froze completely solid .

There are more chickens than people in the world.

Winston Churchill Was born in a ladies' room during a dance.

Women blink nearly twice as much as men.

Now you know a lot more than you did before!!

Page 10: JUNE 2018 2018.pdf · JUNE 2018 Royal Australian Signals Association (Queensland) Association President Robert (Huey) James Ph: (07) 46359833 Mobile 0438 743 092 Email

RASIGS National Reunion – 2020

The next National Signals Reunion is to be held in Townsville Nth Queensland. At this stage Bruce Long (past S.A. President) & Geoff “Lofty” Evans (Nth Qld President) are organising all of the events and it will start on a Wednesday and be finished by the following Tuesday. You will have to organise your own accommodation so please start looking and putting the pennies away. More to follow. If you are on FACEBOOK please go to: RASigs National Reunion Townsville 17-23 June 2020, Or Geoff “Lofty” Evans [email protected] or 0408 062 316

From Lofty

Just a bit of travel info ref the reunion in 2020 - for those who intend flying up, look at flying Cairns and

getting a hire car - it may work out a lot cheaper than flying in to Townsville.

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Page 11: JUNE 2018 2018.pdf · JUNE 2018 Royal Australian Signals Association (Queensland) Association President Robert (Huey) James Ph: (07) 46359833 Mobile 0438 743 092 Email

2020 Reunion - For the White Leghorn Brigade

Cutheringa Bowls Club, 8 Harold St West End 47713472.

Jubilee Bowls Club, 13 Burdekin St, Mundingburra, 47791207

Magnetic Island 18-20 Marine Pde Arcadia 47785290

South Townsville 2C Bell St South T/V 47714204

Suburban Bowls Club, 5 Carr St Hermit Park 47794983

Thuringowa City Bowls 159 Bamford Lane Kirwan 47737256

Townsville Bowling Club 8 The Strand T/V 47712668


For those of you who may have been reservists don't forget that Sunday 1st July is Reserve Forces Day.

An RFD Cocktail Reception will be held on the 29 Jun at the Victoria Barracks Brisbane Officers and Sergeant’s Mess.

A Reserve Forces Day activity in Anzac Square, Brisbane with the Villers Bretonneux, Le Hamel and Amiens Centenary theme will be held on 1 July 2018.

Gold Coast (Currumbin RSL) – 30 Jun 18

Ipswich (Ipswich Railway Museum) – 24 Jun 18

For more information CAPT Bob Hume RANR, RFD (H) 07 3879 7879 alt

Major Ian Leabeater RFD, (Retd) 07 3376 7945.


If you are interested in this opportunity, let Bob Coventry know.

[email protected] or call 0467 609 993

Most of you have heard of Sandakan, either the POW camp or the subsequent Death Marches across North Borneo.

I attended the 2015 ANZAC day service at the site of the POW camp, and was so moved by the experience I am going

back in Sep to travel along the route of the Marches.

If anyone out there would like to join me, I have arranged for a small group tour (max 20) for 7 days, Perth to Perth, for just

over $5K/couple, covering flights, accom and most meals. This is not just a military history tour, it will also take in the local

nature and shopping opportunities.

I am not a tour operator, nor doing this for commercial gain. This is a personal bucket-list. Over the past 20 years, I have

attended ANZAC day services in 5 significant over-seas locations and marched in 6 different Australian cities - to catch-up

with mates and to honour the fallen .

If you’d like more info, Reply to: [email protected] or call 0467 609 993.


Bob Coventry

I pointed to two old drunks across the bar from us and told my mate,” That’ll be us in ten years.” He said, “That’s a mirror, you dickhead.”

Page 12: JUNE 2018 2018.pdf · JUNE 2018 Royal Australian Signals Association (Queensland) Association President Robert (Huey) James Ph: (07) 46359833 Mobile 0438 743 092 Email

Online shopping scams Online shopping scams involve scammers pretending to be legitimate online sellers, either with a fake website or a fake ad on a genuine retailer site.

• How this scam works • Warning signs • Protect yourself • Have you been scammed? • More information • Related news • From the web

How this scam works:

While many online sellers are legitimate, unfortunately scammers can use the

anonymous nature of the internet to rip off unsuspecting shoppers.

Scammers use the latest technology to set up fake retailer websites that look like genuine online retail stores. They may use sophisticated designs and layouts, possibly stolen logos, and even a ‘.’ domain name and stolen Australian Business Number (ABN).

Many of these websites offer luxury items such as popular brands of clothing, jewelry and electronics at very low prices. Sometimes you will receive the

Page 13: JUNE 2018 2018.pdf · JUNE 2018 Royal Australian Signals Association (Queensland) Association President Robert (Huey) James Ph: (07) 46359833 Mobile 0438 743 092 Email

item you paid for but they will be fake, other times you will receive nothing at all.

The biggest tip-off that a retail website is a scam is the method of payment. Scammers will often ask you to pay using a money order, pre-loaded money card, or wire transfer, but if you send your money this way, it’s unlikely you will see it again or receive your purchased item.

A newer version of online shopping scams involves the use of social media platforms to set up fake online stores. They open the store for a short time, often selling fake branded clothing or jewelry. After making several sales, the stores disappear. They also use social media to advertise their fake website, so do not trust a site just because you have seen it advertised or shared on social media. The best way to detect an fake trader or social media online shopping scam is to search for reviews before purchasing.

Warning signs:

A product is advertised at an unbelievably low price or advertised to have

amazing benefits or features that sound too good to be true.

• The other party insists on immediate payment, or payment by electronic funds transfer or a wire service. They may insist that you pay up-front for vouchers before you can access a cheap deal or a give-away.

• The social media-based store is very new and selling products at very low prices. The store may have limited information about delivery and other policies.

• An online retailer does not provide adequate information about privacy, terms and conditions of use, dispute resolution or contact details. The seller may be based overseas, or the seller does not allow payment through a secure payment service such as PayPal or a credit card transaction.

Page 14: JUNE 2018 2018.pdf · JUNE 2018 Royal Australian Signals Association (Queensland) Association President Robert (Huey) James Ph: (07) 46359833 Mobile 0438 743 092 Email

Protect yourself

• Check if the website or social media page has a refund or returns policy, and that their policies sound fair. The better online shopping and auction sites have detailed complaint or dispute handling processes in case something goes wrong.

• When using retail websites, find out exactly who you are dealing with. If it is an Australian company, you are in a much better position to sort out the problem if something goes wrong.

• When making online payments, only pay for items using a secure payment service—look for a URL starting with ‘https’ and a closed padlock symbol, or a payment provider such as PayPal. Think twice before using virtual currencies such as bitcoin—they do not have the same protections as other transaction methods so you can’t get your money back once you send it.

• Avoid any arrangement with a stranger that asks for up-front payment via money order, wire transfer, international funds transfer, pre-loaded card or electronic currency, like Bitcoin. It is rare to recover money sent this way. Never send money or give credit card or online account details to anyone you don’t know or trust.

Have you been scammed?

If you have bought something online and there is a problem, you should first try to contact the retailer or auction service (link is external). There may be a legitimate reason for the problem. If you are not satisfied with the response and suspect that it may be a scam, you may be able to arrange a charge-back through your bank or credit union if you have paid by credit card. You may wish to contact your local consumer protection agency to seek assist

I haven't spoken to my wife in 18 months. I don't like to interrupt her.

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Page 15: JUNE 2018 2018.pdf · JUNE 2018 Royal Australian Signals Association (Queensland) Association President Robert (Huey) James Ph: (07) 46359833 Mobile 0438 743 092 Email


Hoping this is of interest to those that elected to Commute their DFRDB.

With the Budget just released, its timely to congratulate you all on the generous donations YOU are making

to the wealth of the country through YOUR reimbursements to DFRDB of your Commutation repayments.

In my case I have contributed $10,000 in the past three years HOW ABOUT YOU?

You may be under the disillusion that on passing the Notional Life Expectancy point that your reimbursements are no longer

payable – WRONG!


Case Study by Sqn Ldr Warwick Reading

I paid back my commutation of 1979 in full by 1996. But In 2018 the repayments continue reducing my pension benefit.

Even when I fall off the perch my widow will continue these payments even on her partial pension.

And from an ARMY Ex-Apprentice

Cut and Paste into your Browser and listen up!

Previously from ME to COLLEAGUES

Parallel to the DFRDB scheme was the Public Service Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme. The main differences were

the exploitation of Defence Force personnel and the inequality in dealing with them, as opposed CSS Contributors.

CSS Recipients were eligible for a 100% REIMBURSEMENT OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS PAID! This didn’t apply to DFRDB


CSS on retirement at 55 years could opt for benefits to be paid as a lump sum or a whole of life pension.

A DFRDF Contributor could only opt for a commutation which was to be repaid, WE BELIEVED, until NOTIONAL life

expectancy was reached.




Every military recipient of the DFRDB system was under the SAME misconception as every other RECIPIENT of the DFRBB


That is, that COMMUTATION was essentially a limited loan against future superannuation benefits that would be fully cleared



Appeals to Government to right these issues have been ignored.

A Class Action would bring the matter into LEGAL ARBITRATION, not further bureaucratic manipulation. There are some

55,000 DFRDB superannuants that could join a Class Action.

Legal Firms Specialising in Class Action Cases advise they need MOTIVATION to take up these cases.

Interested parties need to advise their details to me [email protected]


Ken Stone

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Page 16: JUNE 2018 2018.pdf · JUNE 2018 Royal Australian Signals Association (Queensland) Association President Robert (Huey) James Ph: (07) 46359833 Mobile 0438 743 092 Email

I am providing below a list of Dot-Points regarding salient issues within this matter for Veterans:

A Class Action case is being considered against the Commonwealth of Australia and the Defence Force

Retirement and Death Benefits authority of the Commonwealth Superannuation Commission.

• This proposal could potentially involve a Class of some 55,000 Retired Defence Veterans belonging to the DFRDB Superannuation Scheme.

• Most of these personnel accepted a cash advance by means of a commutation of 4 years of pension benefit on retirement.

• This was calculated based on the Notional Life Expectancy of each individual.

• For many years this was communicated to superannuants ambiguously and without clarity or honesty.

• Veterans interpreted this reference to NLE as being the milestone whereby this advance of benefits would be fully repaid and discharged.

• The Authority and the Commonwealth applied these repayments to veterans for whole-of-life, and beyond where a veteran is survived by a spouse, until the time of their demise.

• The quantum of these repayments has been influenced by indexation with original advanced commutation benefits being fully repaid years before the NLE milestone has been met.

• These repayments were also biased using outdated Life Expectancy data (~c1961) thereby shortening Life Expectancy and inflating the calculation of the repayment quantum for each individual, had current LE data been used at time of Commutation - in my case 25 years out of date.

• The quantum of reimbursements also varies individual-to-individual Veteran, but repayments in the range of $2,000 to $5000 are understood to be common. Accordingly, returns to Consolidated Revenue after the commutation debt is expended are massive, with the DFRDB Scheme having been in operation over the period 1972 - 1992 under the provisions of the DFRDB Act.

• Any formal notification of the repayment period being applied for life (and then transferable to spouse) was not declared (it is understood) until the late 1980s.

• Although the DFRDB Authority provides no information of the progressive amount repaid annually, in my personal case I believe that my advance was fully reimbursed in my 65th year.

• My NLE point was 72.25 years. I am currently in my 75th year and estimate my repayments beyond the point of fully expending my original commutation benefit is in the order of $30,000 with the indexation-inflated annual reimbursement now being $3050 and inflating.

• The proposed action would seek to impose a cut-off date for reimbursement payments to be at the point where full reimbursement of the commuted advance is fulfilled.

• It should be noted that nowhere within the Act does any mention of interest charges applying on the reimbursement of commutation advances, as being applied.

• Litigants would seek a full reimbursement of all monies collected by the Commonwealth following the full repayment point of the commutation advance being exceeded and that such monies be refunded in full to the litigants affected by these overpayments.

• There are other matters of similar ilk applying to DFRDB Superannuants that would potentially require to be dealt with within the primary case. These matters involve imposts made on individuals who did not take up the commutation benefit available but still suffered monetary disadvantage, as well as imposts levied on a surviving spouse.

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Page 17: JUNE 2018 2018.pdf · JUNE 2018 Royal Australian Signals Association (Queensland) Association President Robert (Huey) James Ph: (07) 46359833 Mobile 0438 743 092 Email


VETERANS - DFRDB BLUES: If my wife and I live for another 10 years we will have repaid our Commutation Pension Advance of 1986 for some 41 years.

By then, our total commutation repayments to the Commonwealth will have well and truly exceeded what we received as an advance of our own benefit.


• Total DFRDB Contributions January 1958 – August 1986

(28.5 years) = $5050 = 5.5% of Total Gross Salary

• Commutation received = ~$75,000

• Commutation Repayment Rate as at Aug 1986 = $2641.56 per annum

• Total amount of Commutation was fully repaid at ~ age 65-years, because of indexation and inflation of

the repayments extracted by DFRDB.

• Total Commutation repayments at 1986 rates, on reaching my Notional Life Expectancy at 72.25 years

of age = $87,171.48

• If repaid to Age 85, by self/widow calculated at 1986 Commutation Repayment Rate the total repayment

would = $108303.

• At current repayment rate, total repayments extracted by DFRDB over our lifetime would be ~ $138,000

• HOWEVER, Current Commutation Repayment Rate 2018 is $3050/annum (15.5% higher than 1986)

and still escalating throughout the duration of the advance, until Death of self and wife.

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Page 18: JUNE 2018 2018.pdf · JUNE 2018 Royal Australian Signals Association (Queensland) Association President Robert (Huey) James Ph: (07) 46359833 Mobile 0438 743 092 Email

Association contacts

RASigs Assn Nth Qld – President – Geoff “Lofty” Evans. [email protected]

RASigs Assn Qld – Sec/Tres – Chris Mitchelson. [email protected]

RASigs Assn NSW – Secretary – Chris Johnson. [email protected]

RASigs Assn ACT – Secretary – Kath Freestone. [email protected]

RASigs Assn Vic – Secretary – Bill Little. [email protected]

RASigs Assn TAS – Secretary – Richard “Dick” Goodwin. [email protected]

RASigs Assn SA – President – Sally Napper. [email protected]

RASigs Assn SA – Secretary – Michael Napper. [email protected]

RASigs Assn WA – Sec/Tres – Bob Coventry. [email protected]

RASigs Assn – SVVA Qld – Secretary – Ted Osmond. [email protected]

RASigs Assn – SVVA Vic – Secretary – Keith Oliver. [email protected]

RASigs Assn – SVVA Vic – Website –

RASigs Museum – [email protected]

RASigs Email Network & Contact database – (Adam West) [email protected]

1st CSR (104 Sigs) –

104 Sig Sqn Vietnam & beyond –

APPVA – this is Australian Peacekeepers & Peacemakers

Veterans Association

Australian Centre for PTSD –


Honours & Awards –

Legacy –

RASigs –


Signalman Magazine –

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Page 19: JUNE 2018 2018.pdf · JUNE 2018 Royal Australian Signals Association (Queensland) Association President Robert (Huey) James Ph: (07) 46359833 Mobile 0438 743 092 Email


Well a date has been set at Sunday 11th of November (close to Corp Week). The venue is to be at

the Sherwood RSL again as it is central for all points of the compass, close to trains etc and we

usually get a good feed there. The same timings as usual with the function room doors opening

around 1130 and a meal to be served around midday. There are 2 options for the meal, an

alternative drop and sweets with bread roll, tea and coffee for around the $28 mark or we can

individually order off the menu for all items. The mains would be around $12 each, sweets around

the $6 or so, and tea/coffee at the $4-5 mark. The first option is all inclusive, the second is only

paying for what you want and gives you a little more choice. I'm happy either way but let me know

your thoughts.

Please RSVP

Ken North: [email protected]


Bill Van Rossmalen on 3813 5040 [email protected]

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Page 20: JUNE 2018 2018.pdf · JUNE 2018 Royal Australian Signals Association (Queensland) Association President Robert (Huey) James Ph: (07) 46359833 Mobile 0438 743 092 Email



LET’S GO BRONCO’S Veterans are men or women who not only served in warlike conditions, but served; they all at one point in their life wrote a blank check payable to their country

for an amount up to and including their life.

Disclaimer The communicator reproduces some articles in this newsletter, “in good faith and for information only”. Readers should contact their own professionals based on their own circumstances and needs.


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