  • 1. Born in Queens,New York NicknamedNoMo Writing storiesismy passion [Teens] hunger forstories

2. The Bystander Effect Diffusion ofDefinedResponsibility 3. Three Voices: Leticia, the bystanderSometimes Trina, the victimwhat you dont Dominique, the bullysay 4. Celina Bystander Self-Absorbed 5. KnowledgeBea the Best FriendRefusal to Say Anything 6. Beautiful Conceited Victim 7. Lack of KnowledgeCut in front of DominiqueBrutally Victimized 8. Basketball Rough Bully 9. Wantsto Hurt TrinaEasily Irritated No Remorse 10. Leticiaand Dominique: Learn NOTHING! Trina: Loses Beauty Potential to Learn 11. According to Ron Slaby Senior Scientist Health and Human Development Programs 12. On Rita Williams-Garcia: On The Bystander Effect:

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