


MARY - Spiritual / Relational MARTHA - Physical / Tangible



New windows will be soon be installed at the Sacred Heart rectory. This project was largely funded by a couple of incredibly generous parishioners. If anyone would like to help cover the shortfall, any donation would be greatly appreciated. The current windows are original to the building (dating from 1927). Storm windows were also installed at some point, we think, during the tenure of Father Ferrigan. The condition of the original windows and the storms are such that we cannot open them, which generally makes for an uncomfortable spring and fall when it would be advantageous to have a breeze blowing through the rooms. The new windows will address that need, as well as match the color of the newly refurbished and repainted window frames of the adjacent connected church building. I mention all this in order to let you know that as work takes place on the rectory windows, we who live therein (myself, Fathers Dean and Dan) will be camping out elsewhere at the request of the replacement team. This is scheduled for the week of July 22. I will be commuting back and forth

from Faith, Hope and Charity rectory, courtesy of Father Marty. Father Dean will temporarily be ensconced in the rectory at St. Philip. Father Dan will be commuting from Rogers Park.

Once the new windows are installed and our rooms are put back together again, all three of us will return to reside at Sacred Heart. I can’t wait till the fall (or cooler summer days) when we will be able to open the windows and partake of those great Winnetka breezes! Our thanks and gratitude to the wonderful parishioners who have made this possible.

For those who want to drop him a line or pay him a visit, Fr. Foley is living at the St. Camillus Jesuit Community, 10201 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Wauwatosa, WI 53226 (a suburb of Milwaukee). The phone number is 800-537-3736.



The parish will schedule two “Town Hall Meetings” this fall to give parishioners an update on our Renew My Church efforts. This same presentation was given to Bishop Mark Bartosic this summer. Watch for those dates to be announced.

A Parish Calendar of Events for the Coming Year! First up is something you’ll want to mark in your calendars to save the date: Mass in the Meadow Movie Night Saturday, September 7th at 5:30pm

A dedicated group of parishioners and staff are working on a radical approach to Hospitality and Welcoming, which will come to Divine Mercy this fall. (See boxes to the right.) Stay tuned!

Season One of Alpha, which will be open to all parishioners - practicing and non-practicing alike! We’ll offer sessions on Monday evening, beginning September 23rd and Wednesday mornings, beginning September 25th. Come and see!

A new Divine Mercy Website is coming your way!

DID YOU KNOW? As we address the issue of welcoming at Divine Mercy parish, we have learned that there are 5 key areas of welcoming in a parish. They include: 1) First Impressions 2) Physical Space 3) Ministries 4) Sacramental Moments; and 5) Sunday Liturgy. We’ll be focusing on first impressions, physical space and Sunday liturgies in the coming months. (We’ll address Sacramental Moments and Ministries later in the fiscal year.) The Archdiocese provided us with some interesting things to note as we move forward to address these important areas.

RESPECT LIFE That the gift of hospitality may fill our families and communities, and shape the way we respond to the terminally ill, the unborn, and all people, we pray to the Lord .

WEEKLY SCRIPTURE REFLECTION GROUP Note: The Scripture Reflection Group is on summer hiatus. We will gather again beginning July 29th.

A PRAYER FOR OUR WORLD Sweet Virgin of Fatima, who has deigned to appear in the land of Portugal and has brought peace both interior and exterior, we beg you to watch over our dear homeland and to assure it's moral and spiritual revival. Bring back peace to all nations of the world so that all, and our own nation in particular, may be happy to call you their Queen of Peace.


EVERYDAY STEWARDSHIP A LOOK AT THE SCRIPTURES “…I am a minister in accordance with God’s stewardship given to me to bring to completion for you the word of God.” Colossians 1:25 We are all called to evangelize – to continuously grow in our relationship with Jesus and to share it with others. We may not be called to evangelize like St. Paul, but we should look for opportunities to share our faith with those closest to us, like our family, friends and neighbors. Pray for the courage to share your faith the next time the opportunity arises.


“How many times, in

prayer, do we limit ourselves to asking for gifts and listing requests, forgetting that the first thing we should do is praise God’s name, adore Him, and then go on to acknowledge His living image in our brothers and sisters. .”

ST. JAMES AND THE CAMINO We celebrate the feast day of St. James the Apostle this week on July 25th. Some of you may have heard of St. James associated with the “Camino de Santiago” or in English, “The Way of St. James.” It’s also referred to as the “Compostela” or “Field of Stars.” The Camino is a 1,000-year-old pilgrimage to the cathedral where the remains of St. James the Apostle are said to be enshrined. James was the elder brother of St. John. They were the sons of Zebedee. James was martyred by King Herod Agrippa in Jerusalem (Acts 12:2) in the year 44AD.

“Tradition holds that after the resurrection of Jesus, James had evangelized the people of Galicia, modern day north-western Spain. After James was martyred (by decapitation) in Jerusalem, it is said that his headless body was brought back to Galicia and buried in a field, under the stars. Nine hundred years later, a shepherd found the grave under the stars (hence campo --- field, stela --- star). The local bishop proclaimed them to be the remains of St. James the Apostle” and a Cathedral was built on the burial site. Pilgrims began to make their way to the Cathedral of Santiago. (Continued on next page.)



MEET SAINT MARY MAGDALENE FEAST DAY JULY 22nd Except for the mother of Jesus, few women are more honored in the Bible than Mary Magdalene. Yet she could well be the patron of the slandered, since there has been a persistent legend in the Church that she is the unnamed sinful woman who anointed the feet of Jesus in Luke 7:36-50. Most Scripture scholars today point out that there is no scriptural basis for confusing the two women. Mary Magdalene, that is, “of Magdala,” was the one from whom Christ cast out “seven demons” (Luke 8:2)—an indication at the worst, of extreme demonic possession or possibly, severe illness. Writing in the New Catholic Commentary, Father Wilfrid J. Harrington, O.P., says that “seven demons” “does not mean that Mary had lived an immoral life—a conclusion reached only by means of a mistaken identification with the anonymous woman of Luke 7:36.” In the Jerome Biblical Commentary, Father Edward Mally, SJ, agrees that she “is not…the same as the sinner of Luke 7:37, despite the later Western romantic tradition about her.” Mary Magdalene was one of the

many “who were assisting them [Jesus and the Twelve] out of their means.” She was one of those who stood by the cross of Jesus with his mother. And, of all the “official” witnesses who might have been chosen for the first awareness of the Resurrection, she was the one to whom that privilege was given. She is known as the “Apostle to the Apostles.”

Reflection Mary Magdalene has been a victim of mistaken identity for almost 20 centuries. Yet she would no doubt insist that it makes no difference. We are all sinners in need of the saving power of God, whether our sins have been lurid or not. More importantly, we are all “unofficial” witnesses of the Resurrection. From: Franciscan Media:

ANOTHER PERSPECTIVE ON ST. MARY MAGDALENE FROM CATHOLIC NEWS AGENCY “On July 22, the Church celebrates the Feast of St. Mary Magdelene, one of the most prominent women mentioned in the New Testament. Her name comes from the town of Magdala in Galilee, where she was born. Scripture introduces her as a woman “who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out” (Luke 8:2). Some scholars identify Mary Magdalene with the sinful woman who anointed the feet of Christ with oil in the house of Simon the Pharisee (Lk. 7:36-50). (Continued on next page.)

In the 12th and 13th centuries there were four great Christian pilgrimages: Jerusalem, Rome, Canterbury, and Santiago. The only one that still exists in its original form is Santiago. “Today, there are more people than ever ‘caminando’ (walking) to Santiago. In the year 2015, over 270,000 people made their way to the cathedral and received a certificate that said they had walked at least 100 kilometers (about 65 miles).“ Another interesting facet about the Camino of St. James is that once pilgrims reach the end, Mass is celebrated in the cathedral. During the liturgy, there is a giant thurible, called the “botafumeiro” or “smoke thower”, that is swung by six men through the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral. It fills the church with the smoke and smell of incense, lifting the prayers of the pilgrims up to the Lord. There are wonderful videos online showing this practice. (Just search “botafumeiro” on YouTube or Vimeo to see this ritual.) Excerpts from National Catholic Reporter article entitled “Walking the Camino de Santiago will change you.” To view a video documentary on the Camino de Santiago, visit:

Others associate her with Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus (Lk. 10:38-42, Jn. 11). Some believe the three figures to be one person, while others believe them to be three distinct individuals. What the Scriptures make certain about Mary Magdalene is that she was a follower of Christ, who accompanied and ministered to him (Lk. 8:2-3). The

Gospels record her as being one of the women present at Christ’s crucifixion. In addition, she was the first recorded witness of the Resurrection. The Gospels all describe Mary Magdalene going to the tomb on Easter morning. When she saw that the tomb was empty, she stood outside, weeping. Jesus appeared to her and asked her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you looking for?” (Jn. 20:15) She did not recognize him, however, and thought he was the gardener, until he said her name, “Mary!” (Jn. 20:16) Upon hearing this, Mary recognized him. She returned to the grieving disciples to announce to them the message of the Resurrection. Pope Benedict XVI spoke about Mary Magdalene in his address before the Angelus on July 23, 2006. He referred to her as “a disciple of the Lord who plays a lead role in the Gospels.” The Pope recalled Mary Magdalene’s presence “beneath the Cross” on Good Friday, as well as how “she was to be the one to discover the empty tomb” on Easter morning. “The story of Mary of Magdala reminds us all of a fundamental truth,” Pope Benedict said. “A disciple of


Christ is one who, in the experience of human weakness, has had the humility to ask for his help, has been healed by him and has set out following closely after him, becoming a witness of the power of his merciful love that is stronger than sin and death.” On June 10, 2016, the liturgical celebration honoring St. Mary Magdalene was raised from a memorial to a feast, putting her on par with the apostles.” From Catholic News Agency:


We are happy to welcome Father Maximus Ssekiwala from Uganda, who will speak at all of our weekend Masses next weekend, asking for our financial support of his efforts in his homeland. Here is a short message from Father Max: With 18,000 Catholics spread out in 36 rural mission stations, St. John the Baptist in the Diocese of Kiyinda-Mityana (est. 1998) is among the larger Catholic parishes in Uganda. In October 2016, we started the work of constructing a 2,400 sq.ft. parish church to assist in our current & ever-growing pastoral needs. With God's grace, we have managed to put a roof on this building. Your assistance today will help us purchase windows & doors, do the painting & complete the construction of the ramps needed around this building. May God's blessings always be with you in your own ministry as you witness to his love in all you do.

Father Max Ssekiwala

Divine Mercy parishioners, we thank you for your generosity.

Welcome to Children’s Ministry Religious Education/PREP has a new name!

We focus on growing faith and engaging hearts of our children and families. Our approach features Gospel based lessons, increased parental involvement and a focus on service and prayer. Our Sunday Morning Children’s Ministry is offered at both the Sacred Heart and St. Philip the Apostle campuses.

For more information or to register online go to

Children’s Ministry needs you: your gifts, your faith, and your love!

We have open positions for adults and teens as Catechists, Assistant Catechists, classroom aides, room parents and service coordinators. Grow in your own faith while helping our children to open their eyes and hearts to Gods’ love for them. Share in Jesus’ ministry with your own talents and gifts. Challenge yourself, have fun and make friends! Don’t think you have what it takes? If you have an open heart and are willing to say yes, you already do!


Contact Sue Lehocky 847-446-0856 or [email protected]

If not you, who?

If not now, when?

St. Philip the Apostle Campus We have a leadership opportunity for one or two adults to act as Site Coordinators at the St. Philip site during Sunday morning Children’s Ministry which will take place 11 Sunday throughout the year . Contact Sue Lehocky for more information.

Current Openings

St. Philip Campus 3rd Grade Catechist 4th Grade Catechist 6th Grade Catechist Classroom Aides

Sacred Heart Campus 1st Grade Co Catechist 3rd Grade Co Catechist 4th Grade Catechist 7th Grade Catechist Classroom Aides




The school office will be open for the remainder of June from 9:00am to 12:00 noon. In the month of July, we will be here, but our hours are much more fluid. We encourage our staff to take time off to recharge so please email Kristen if you need to come by the school. [email protected] .

Are you or someone you know considering Sacred Heart School for the 2019- 2020 school year? Some of the classes are close to capacity so if you are interested, contact our principal Ms. Fink to set up a tour. Here are our current program offerings:

Preschool (8:15-11:30) Junior Kindergarten (8:15-1:30) Full Day Junior Kindergarten (8:15-3:15) Kindergarten (8:15-3:15) 1st through 8th grades (8:15-3:15)

In preparation for next year - all incoming PS, JK, K and 6th graders, as well as any students participating in sports through SHAC, will need a current Illinois state medical form by the first day of school. All Kindergartners, 2nd graders and 6th graders need a new dental form as well. Also, all new students to Sacred Heart as well as the kindergartners need a vision form by October 15th. If you need any of these forms, please let us know. Most dentists and pediatricians have these forms available and they are on our web-site as well. We can accept them anytime, so please don’t delay and get them to us as soon as you have them.

LITURGICAL MINISTERS SCHEDULE - Weekend of July 27 - 28, 2019



For Those Who Have Died May the souls of the faithfully departed,

Through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Mary Ann Shaw Seeberg

Donna Mae Glauner

ST. PHILIP THE APOSTLE CHURCH 5:30 p.m. Presider: Fr. Lanza Servers: Shane Kropp Lector: Ginny Kendall Ems: Susan Corley Turk, Rob Hilliard, Volunteer needed Ushers: Gino D’Egidio, Charlie Orth, Tom Stegich

7:30 a.m. Presider: Fr. Semmer Servers: Volunteer Lector: Jim Dietz EMs: Caroline Duppler, Elsie DiCesare, Stephen Cross Ushers: Greg Clingan, Joe Pacini

9:30 a.m. Presider: Fr. Semmer Servers: Evan Rick, Jameson Rick Lector: Susan Seeberg EMs: Tom O’Donoghue, Gerry Schroeder, Jean Kane Ushers: Jody Smith, Stan Smith, Dan Murphy, Fred Steinemann

Lake Cook: Cathy Lehman Glen Oaks: Frieda Baker, Jose Vargas

Maryhaven / Lutheran General: Mary Breen, Mary Claps, Maureen Claps, Marilyn Hielscher, Marty Kearney, Anna Koberda, Michael Koberda, Diana Scheeler, Tom Carroll

For Those Who Are Sick

The following people suffer from illness or chronic conditions. They have asked for the prayers of our parish family.

Please remember them to the Lord.

Mark Agnew, Jeannie Ambrose, Michael Anderson, Jim Baisley, Dorothy Banas, Donald Blair, Elaine Boback, Sande Bolan, Paula Brady, Dennis Braun, Wendy Braun,

Luciana Butera, Milly Calabrese, Kierre Caldwell, Patt Carlson, Patricia Catarello, Teresa Chapman, Kelly Bolan Chevalier,

Tim Doll, Rick Doucette, Maureen Dwyer, Timothy Feeney, Reese Felderman, John Flynn, Lisa Franke, Lydia Gatton,

Benjamin Grillo, Philip Hall, Laura Hendricks, John Hoerster, Nancy Holihan, Mario Iturino, Cindy Jatis, Emily Jatis, Sean Jatis, Tom Jatis, Becky Jones, Philip Jones, Marge Kalsch,

Edward Kennedy, Ginny Kunkel, Gina Quirk Lazicki, Anne Lesniak, John Madden, Drew Mans, Jackson Mans,

Matthew Morgan, Beth O'Brien, Sally O’Malley, Shirley Rood, Ennio Rossi, Mary Sabo, Donna Sabido, Dick Schager,

Catherine Scheid, Mary Shepherd, Judy Sokal, Bob Southwell, Mary Tatro, Ed Vamenta, Linda Walsh, Julie Wright, Lisa Zitella

and Dr. Jerome Zwierzycki

SACRED HEART CHURCH 5:00 p.m. Presider: Fr. Cassidy (Deacon McNulty preaching) Greeters: Claudia Mann, Dan O’Rourke Servers: Lindsay Minogue, Michael Smylie Lector: Ludy Mariano EMs: Patty Sanfilippo, Deb Kubasiak, Dan Kubasiak Cantor: Mathieu Mieling

7:30 a.m. Presider: Fr. Cassidy ( Deacon Keenan) Greeter: Volunteer needed Servers: Harper Byrnes, Ashley O’Brien Lector: Chris Lane EMs: Bernadette Broccolo, Nancy Kehoe, Volunteer need-ed Cantor: Bernadette Garza

9:00 a.m. Presider: Fr. Lanza (Deacon Puhala) Greeter: Mary Newton, Frieda Baker Servers: Matthew Bradley, Christopher Nelson Lector: Chris Hartman EMs: Frieda Baker, Ann Marie Kiener, Volunteer needed Cantor: Shannon Barker Keys

10:30 a.m. Presider: Fr. Lanza ( Deacon Keenan) Greeters: Kay Madden, Jim Harrington Servers: Nora Murdock, Sullivan Pierre Lector: Jim Harrington EMs: Kay Madden, A.J. Leonard, Marion Powers, Christine Kengott, Mark Kengott, Volunteer needed Cantor: Phil Kiraly 4:30 p.m. Presider: Fr. Cassidy Greeter: Dan Hagedorn Servers: Ava Half, Luke Malles Lector: Catherine Lehman EMS: James Collins, Catherine Lehman, Lynn Finneke Cantor: Kristin Lolli


Monday, July 22 Scripture Reflection Group 9:00am / SH Fireplace Room

Tuesday, July 23 Crafty Ladies 9:00am / Convent Prayer Group 9:00am / SH Fireplace Room

Wednesday, July 24

Thursday, July 25

Friday, July 26

Saturday, July 27

Sunday, July 28



Sacraments can be scheduled at either church. Arrangements should be made through the main office at Sacred Heart.

RECONCILIATION Wednesday—3:00-5:00pm (SP) Saturday—9:00-9:30am (SH) Saturday—5:00-5:15pm (SP) or by appointment

BAPTISM By appointment. Please call the main parish office or visit our website for the requisite forms.

MARRIAGE Contact the main parish office 6 months prior to the anticipated date of the marriage.

ANOINTING OF THE SICK Contact the main parish office to arrange for the sacrament for the seriously ill and homebound.

Main Office Sacred Heart 1077 Tower Road Winnetka, IL 60093 (847) 446-0856 Fax: (847) 501-5311 Monday - Thursday: 8:30am to 4:30pm

Office St. Philip the Apostle 1962 Old Willow Road Northfield, IL 60093 (847) 446-8383 Fax: (847) 446-8338 Friday: 9:00am-5:00pm

Religious Education Offices Sacred Heart (847)446-6535 St. Philip (847)446-8390 or (847)446-8383

Sacred Heart School Office: 1095 Gage Street Winnetka, IL 60093 (847) 446-0005


THIS WEEK AT DIVINE MERCY DO YOU HAVE A BULLETIN SUBMISSION? Please adhere to the following specifications when submitting an item for the bulletin. The deadline is Tuesday, 9:00am for the following Sunday. BULLETIN SPECS: FONT STYLE: Corbel FONT SIZE: Headlines: 12 (ALL CAPS & BOLD) Body text: 10 LINE SPACING: Before and After Paragraphs: 0pt Between Lines: 1sp Avoid outlining text boxes, if you can. Continue to create ads for special events like A Moveable Feast, Oktoberfest or NiteLites. We simply ask you incorporate the Corbel font style when you are able. Please submit all items to [email protected].

SACRED HEART Monday, July 22 7:00 am-Margot Rassas 8:30 am- Tuesday, July 23 7:00 am- 8:30 am-Andrew Valente

Wednesday, July 24 7:00am – Mary Viglione 8:30am -

Thursday, July 25 7:00 am – Members of the Cerulo & Viglione families 8:30 am –

Friday, July 26 7:00 am - 8:30 am –

Saturday, July 27 8:30am - Dorothy Reilly 5:00 pm – Joan Annino Cathy Rabel

Sunday, July 28 7:30 am - Parishioners of Divine Mercy 9:00 am – Katherine Radler 10:30am- Most abandoned souls in Purgatory 4:30 pm – Bob DeMario

Sunday, July 21 7:30 am - Andrew Block 9:00 am – Rowland & Rosemary Hoffman 10:30 am -Intentions of Jim Bushell 4:30 pm – Parishioners of Divine Mercy

Monday, July 22 8:00am – Robert Hutchings

Tuesday, July 23 8:00am –Holy Souls in Purgatory

Wednesday, July 24 8:00am – Rev. Ronald Lewinski

Thursday, July 25 8:00am –

Friday, July 26 8:00am-

Saturday, July 27 8:00 am- 5:30 pm-Mary Joyce DiCola

Sunday, July 28 7:30 am-Rev. John Kilgallen, SJ 9:30 am-Parishioners of Divine Mercy

Pastor - Rev. Steven M. Lanza, [email protected]

Associate Pastor - Rev. Dean Semmer, [email protected]

Associate Pastor - Rev. Michael J. Solazzo, [email protected]

Resident - Rev. Daniel Cassidy, [email protected]

Deacon Mike McNulty, [email protected]

Deacon Gerry Keenan, [email protected], 773-251-6626

Deacon Bob Puhala, [email protected]

Director of Communications - Judy Pyke, [email protected]

Principal Sacred Heart School - Kristen Fink, [email protected]

Director of Evangelization and Lifelong Formation - Sue Lehocky, [email protected]

Director of Pastoral Care, Outreach and Special Events - Maureen Valvassori, [email protected]

Music Director - Todd Gresick, [email protected]

Associate Music Director - Sarah Cozzi, [email protected]

Director of Operations - Michelle Wasielewski, [email protected]

Administrative Assistant - Andrea Steinert, [email protected]

Finance Office - Cindy Atsaves, [email protected]

Administrative Assistant (SP) - Carol L. Brown, [email protected]

Religious Education Admin (SH) - Jeanne Morette, [email protected]

Religious Education Admin (SH) - Debbie Perkins, [email protected]



Divine Mercy Parish #862


1077 Tower Road

Winnetka, Illinois 60093




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July 21, 2019


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