
The bases are loaded and you’re at bat. What do you do? Give it everything you’ve got and hit that ball out of the park!

That’s the scenario right now for Relìv Distributors. You’ve been working hard to introduce people to Relìv, plug them into the System and duplicate. Now, with only weeks left, it’s time to intensify your efforts and get people committed to attending International Conference in St. Louis.

The Time Is NowA nationwide hunger for financial stability, your efforts to share Relìv with everyone you meet, and an unprecedented number of “you’ll hear it here first” announcements are likely to make the 2009 “Relìv — Now More Than Ever” Conference among the most memorable in history.

“This Conference will be powerful,” says Senior Vice President of North American Sales Steve Hastings. “Especially this year, with so many people eager to hear stories of hope and opportu-nity. Take advantage by bringing as many people as you can.”

Highlights will include:

w The launch of personal websites and another highly- anticipated web tool;

w Two new programs designed to increase volume and create consistency each month;

w New conference workshops designed specifically for today’s Distributor; and…

w A level of excitement, networking and camaraderie that cannot be duplicated at any other event.

JULY 2009 Newsletter

Build To ConferencePresidential Bronze Ambassador Karen Rypkema of Rapid City, SD, believes that this conference will be an incredible business-building opportunity.

She suggests you maximize the time you have left before conference to:

w Make sure all of your new Distributors attend the Relìv Financial Freedom Tour and other Special Events.

w Ensure your Distributors are registered and have hotels reserved for conference.

w Encourage new Master Affiliates to bring people with them.

w Lead by example, continually inviting new customers and prospects to conference.

w Invite people right up until conference starts.

w Re-approach Distributors who have been active in the past, but aren’t currently.

“Your day-to-day efforts to share Relìv with new people will lead to sponsoring, help you build a successful business and, ultimately, a huge turnout at conference,” Karen says. “Keep up the effort to get people to conference and you’ll not only hit a home run, you’ll win!”

Make ConferenCeWork For YoU!

M e s s a g e F r o M

Senior Vice President, North American Sales

Steve Hastings

Feel the need for speed!

Enhanced Monday night training calls began in June and feature a back-to-basics foundation and practical application.

“Relìv is a simple business,” Presidential Four-Time Platinum Ambassadors Joe and Carol Felger of Alta, WY, explain. “Introduce people to Relìv, plug them into the System and duplicate. Monday night calls are a conve-nient, yet powerful way to help people understand the opportunity.”

Joe says that when he and Carol began working Relìv 17 years ago, they would line people up for the Monday night call each week. “It’s easy to get people on the call because they can participate from home.”

As members of the President’s Team, Joe and Carol gave input on how to make the calls more effective. Among the improvements: a 90-day call schedule listed on the Relìv website that allows you time to plan and promote the calls, and ensures greater consistency in content.

Presidential Silver Ambassador Harlan Humphrey of Rapid City, SD, says, “I appreciate knowing what will be covered in advance and feel like the calls are now more aligned with the rest of the Relìv System.”

Carol adds, “Your success in Relìv depends on your inviting people to hear about Relìv, and Monday night calls are a simple, yet critical way to add layers to your organization.”

How many people did you talk to about Relìv yesterday? The day before? How many do you plan to talk to today?

An old saying in Relìv goes like this: “The speed of the leader determines the speed of the pack.” And it’s never been truer than it is today. Your actions set an example for everyone with whom you share Relìv. And action doesn’t just happen on its own — it has to be created!

I’ve watched some exciting things happen to those creating action. You may have heard about Bronze Ambassador Rosemary Bell’s yard sign which has led to double-digit sponsoring and many new Master Affiliates (see enclosed Spotlight Relìv CD). You may have heard about the Maine group’s goal-setting around contacts, which resulted in a record MATS for the area in June. You may have heard about the new systems in Portland, the big crowds in Atlanta and the continued Relìv Hispanic market growth all over.

So what are you, personally, doing to create action? Relìv’s “Summer of Freedom” is packed with tools, promotions and events to help your action lead to success. The Financial Freedom Tour, a new Basic Training curriculum, the Master Plan Bonus, an action-oriented Monday night call and, of course, the “Relìv — Now More Than Ever” International Conference are all available for every Relìv Distributor. The only difference is YOU!

So get busy and get busy now. Help your entire organization feel the need for speed and massive action as we move forward. Now is the time to lead!

Monday night Calls add Power, siMPliCity to Business

now is the tiMe to lead!

The Relìv Saturday Basic Training recently underwent a major makeover, and the response from business leaders who have already tested it has been tremendous. From the fresh new look of the slides to its more compact and streamlined curriculum, the newly updated Basic Training offers an oppor-tunity to generate excitement and build new momentum in your business. Get ready for an engaging new way to enjoy your Saturday!

“The core curriculum — which gets to the heart of the business without getting bogged down with details — takes less time to conduct, allowing individual trainers to focus on topics that are most significant to their area at any given time, such as current promotions, an upcoming Special Event or an impending MAT School,” Presidential Silver Ambassador Pat Rodgers notes. “You’ll also be able to discuss and expand on particular Relìv basics — the compensation plan, for example — as needed in your area.”

Presidential Double Platinum Ambassador Raul Paredes says the response in his area to the enhanced training has been “very positive” thus far. “The streamlined version of the slides address the basic issues that Distributors face every week, while allowing more time and freedom for interaction between the presenter and the audience,” Raul states. “This makes the Basic Training as a whole more exciting, interesting and fruitful for everyone present.”

Pat adds that what he likes most about the new training is its simplicity. “Success with Relìv is all about keeping the business simple — which is why this training is so conducive to building a distribution network,” Pat says.

Make Every Saturday CountExpand and grow your organization by making the most of each Saturday training opportunity. Here’s how:

Get others involved in bringing the training to life. “Line up people to share how they are improving their health and building their businesses RIGHT NOW,” Pat states. “Make it YOUR Basic Training, while keeping it exciting and fun — just like the business itself!”

Include a call to action. “Make sure that every participant leaves the training with specific action steps to imple-ment throughout the following week,” Raul advises. “Then open the following week by asking a few volunteers to share their results.”

Promote it as an opportunity to introduce new people to relìv. Let Distributors know that Saturday Basic Training provides an ideal venue for a first-time exposure to the products and opportunity.

“Be excited, be prepared, bring new people to every Saturday Training and your business will continue to grow as a result,” Pat states. “It really is that simple.”

The new Basic Training is coming soon to a Foundation City near you!

newly uPdated saturday training is siMPly Powerful!

Relìv’s “Summer of Freedom” is heating up with a series of potentially life-changing Special Events that will take place in cities across the U.S. in July.

Hosted by Relìv leaders and top business builders, these business-focused one-day meetings provide a power-ful opportunity for people to experience firsthand the boundless possibilities offered by Relìv.

That message is particularly compelling in today’s economic climate, notes Presidential Silver Ambassador George Blevins of Marietta, GA. George and his wife, Jeanne, gained their financial freedom in 2001 when they achieved a six-figure income after just three-and-a-half years (part-time) with Relìv.

Work Before to Benefit After“To get the greatest business-building boost out of the Financial Freedom Tour, you need to work hard shar-ing the Relìv story in the weeks leading up to the event,” George says.

The key, George notes, is to set as many appointments as possible between now and the event with people who are seeking financial freedom.

“We need to help new prospects understand that this is an incredible opportunity to learn how to gain their freedom while also helping others,” he adds. “And then we have to follow up after the event to show them how to use what they learned to take control of their financial future.”

July Tour Stops AnnouncedCongratulations to the following Foundation Cities who, through highest attendance at June MATS, earned a Financial Freedom Tour event in their areas:

How many of these events will you be packing with new people?

For event dates, times and special guests, visit

July ‘freedoM’ tour CoMing to a City near you

relìv’s Master Plan for suCCessRelìv’s new Master Plan Promotion, launched just last month, already is igniting extraordinary business growth among new Master Affiliates.

The promotion focuses new Master Affiliates on the two activities that will help them build a substantial residual income — sponsoring Distributors and developing Master Affiliates.

It works like this:

w Newly qualified Master Affiliates may earn a $100 cash bonus by sponsoring at least three new Distribu-tors during their first two months (the month they qualify plus the next calendar month).

w New Master Affiliates who achieve the level of Direc-tor by breaking a frontline Master Affiliate during these first two months can pocket a $250 bonus.

“We have never seen a bonus that will drive business from the bottom up as powerfully as this one,” says Presidential Platinum Ambassador Jim Schaben of Columbus, NE, who along with his wife, Sandy, has earned an annual income from Relìv in excess of $400,000 over each of the past three years.

“This whole business is about building layers of healthy Master Affiliates and helping people get what they want from Relìv,” he adds. “I can’t imagine what kind of income Sandy and I would have created when we started eight years ago if the Master Plan had been in place.”

Dallas, TX Dayton, OH Detroit, MI Minneapolis, MN Omaha, NE

Phoenix, AZRapid City, SDSalt Lake City, UTSt. Louis, MO

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