

Judas V220607.1834 Page count: 32

Judas Iscariot

A revelation given by the Lord to Jakob Lorber and Leopold Engel

It seems that slandering Jesus Christ has become a favorite sport of novelists lately. Not that this is new. But there seems to be an acceleration these days for the money to be made in the wake of the Da Vinci Code. The novel called “The Gospel of Judas” by Jeffrey Archer was published early 2007 and claims that Judas Iscariot was “framed”, meaning Judas did not really betray Jesus but rather worked with Him so that prophecy would be fulfilled. It is interesting, and sometimes amusing, to browse the various comments and opinions about this subject online. There are certainly a lot of questions that can be asked, as the Bible is rather short on information. Judas Iscariot is mentioned on three occasions by John, and even less by the other evangelists. Why is that so? Well, we want to inform and not to speculate. The basis for this information is the “New Revelation”, written down by Jakob Lorber and Leopold Engel, which the Lord gave to us between 1840 and 1890. In the eleven-volume oeuvre “The Great Gospel of John”, the Lord Jesus offers several times an insight into the character and motives of the apostle Judas. Given Who resided within the Messiah, Judas’ behavior and intentions were of course always known to Jesus. We have picked out relevant texts relating to Judas mainly from this work, as well as a few from further works of the New Revelation. The clarity of the respective situation described is indicative of the New Revelation. Jesus is speaking here to, as He says, a mature mankind that tolerates “stronger and richer food” than people 2000 years ago. Points that summarize concisely his depictions and explanations include:

• Judas was completely spoiled by his wealthy parents

• He loved money; his entire efforts were for making profit

• Starting as a potter, he later became a merchant

• He accompanied Jesus, because he could make money from Jesus’ miracles.


• A gifted speaker, he achieved more impact with people for the cause of Jesus than the remaining eleven Apostles,

• But he couldn’t understand why Jesus refused to let Himself be made King.

• Thus his “deal” with the temple. His idea was to force Jesus to perform a miracle, and accept becoming King of the Jews and thus avoiding capital punishment..

• Horrified at the failure of his plan, he committed suicide.

• Faced with the Lord Jesus in the Spiritual world, he deeply regretted his actions and the Lord forgave him.

Some additional remarks.

Is Judas author of a gospel? According to the New Revelation nothing is further from this supposition. During the three years of teaching of Jesus, John and Matthew took notes of lectures, miracles and discussions. Judas is not mentioned in this connection.

A word concerning the Gnostic “Gospel of Judas” (see In the light of the following texts of the New Revelation the apparent claim of Gnosticism that Judas acted on instructions of Jesus is baseless.


Judas Iscariot A revelation given by the Lord to Jakob Lorber and Leopold Engel


Judas Iscariot and Money A CV of Judas

A teacher and a specialist of the law of Moses The plan of Judas

Jesus is anointed by Mary Judas makes arrangements

Entry into Jerusalem In Bethany

He must be forced to do it! Judas before the Great Council

His plan goes wrong Suicide Pardoned


Judas Iscariot and Money

On the Road from Cana to Capernaum

Judas’ dispute about money and his quarrel with Thomas

[GGJ 01/94] In the three chapters from 1/94 to 96, during the march from Cana to Capernaum, it comes to a lively dispute with the very materialistically inclined and avaricious Judas. First, he praises before the Lord the money as an extremely useful and good invention and introduction, in the dangers of which he does not believe, so that the Lord remarks

(1/94 [21]): "What one loves one also knows how to praise." Then he gets into a heated quarrel with Thomas, so that the Lord soothingly intervenes and to the still angry Thomas's suggestion (1/96 [2]) to get rid of Judas, "otherwise he will still cause all kinds of rows," the Lord advises: (3) " . . . keep away from him. . . . But do forgive him everything as I forgive him, then you will have an unburdened heart." Thomas is quite willing to do this, but still tells the Lord some things about the arrogant intellectual self-conceit of Judas towards John the Baptist, where he, Thomas, had met Judas. Thereupon the Lord remarks: (9) "I know much more about him and even know what he will be doing to Me, but he shall nevertheless stay if he so wishes, for his soul is a devil and wishes to learn wisdom from God . . ."

The Great Gospel of John 2/102,2

[GGJ 2/102,2] Jesus: "..He [Judas Iscariot] will always be a miser. He prefers ten pounds of gold to heavenly truth plus eternal life! If he gets an important proposal from Herod, he will betray and sell us all. This earth will hardly ever improve him."

The Great Gospel of John 4/123

[GGJ 04/123]In this chapter the Lord tells us Judas is not happy that Jesus is doing the miracles and would not give him this gift as well. He would love to impress the Sadducees and make some money on the side. He is strongly opposed by the other Apostles for not only his greed but also his reluctance to see Jehovah in Jesus.

Finally Jesus says after Judas had left the group:

"He who has, shall receive more; but he who has not, will lose what he might



[8] You have now convinced yourselves what evil things love of the world and greed are. Therefore, guard your hearts carefully against them. For a greedy heart cannot possibly grasp anything of a spiritual nature and, likewise, can never be sufficiently enlightened so that it would understand what is good for its salvation.

[9] Although you have been around Me only a few days, you have grasped difficult things; but that disciple has been around Me for almost half a year and witnessed all possible miracles and teachings and yet he cannot grasp the truth. The reason for this is his exceedingly great love of money, which is caused by his great laziness and indolence.

[10] A truly diligent person easily acquires enough for his daily life and even a little more for his old age; and if he could not save anything, gladly giving his surplus to the poor and needy, he will still be well provided for in his old age.

[11] But a lazy man loves being idle and wants to enjoy his life at the expense of his industrious fellowmen. He, therefore, becomes a liar, deceiver and thief and tries to amass a fortune, so as to be able to live like a king. [12] Through such greed his soul becomes darkened, so much so that it can no longer grasp anything of the pure spiritual; and even if it is lit up by the most sublime and pure spiritual light, it will soon pervert it into its own selfish, gross material being and thus see and recognize only the material.” Judas does not thank Jesus [GGJ 05/273, 4 on] In this scene Judas will not thank Jesus, because he has not received the gift of miracles like other disciples and points this out clearly. [4] “And I said to him: "You, Judas Iscariot, are quite right in not thanking Me for something you did not receive in its fullness, like the other disciples. But when, some months ago, I sent you out to prepare the people in Galilee for My coming, I gave you as much power as the others to work miracles. However, since you are a money-minded man, you began to do a regular business with it and made the people pay dearly for your miracles. You thereby acquired in the course of a few weeks a large sum of gold and silver which you cherished. Since your heart was so much attracted to the worst filth of the earth but to the gift to work miracles only for the sake of the filth, because this was actually the case with you, this gift - but not the teaching - was for good and wise reasons taken from you. Therefore, you too can instruct the people about the arrival of the Kingdom of God on earth if you want to. However, if you do not wish to, you can leave it alone. But I say: Since you do not mind eating and drinking, you also should not mind working a little both for yourself and for Me." A bit of background of Judas. A few minutes later: [9] “The innkeeper asked Me why the disciple who had just gone outside was not as yet so perfect as the others. [10] “Said I: ‘Dear friend, this has to do with his occasional egoism. He is by profession a potter and has through his trade earned much money in the markets. When he heard about Me he also came to Me, heard My words and saw what I did. He then asked My permission to become My disciple, too. I


allowed it, and so he also became My disciple. But he is still what he was, a merchant, and thinks that money is indispensable for the earthly life. Therefore, he always wants to work miracles really only for himself and be paid for them like the magi. However, this cannot – and must not – ever be the case with My miraculous deeds and so he lost through his own fault the gift he already possessed and is, therefore, always a little frustrated secretly. Otherwise he knows everything and is a good speaker and his words have a good effect whenever he instructs someone about Me and My heaven-ordained mission.’ “

A CV of Judas Judas Iscariot: Consequences of a wrong upbringing. [GGJ 04/125-126] (The Lord:) "You have an eloquent example in the disciple [Judas Iscariot]. He was the only son of a very wealthy father and a doting mother. Both parents spoiled their son tremendously and let him do and gave him whatever the boy desired. Consequently, when the lad had grown strong enough, he drove the parents from the house and enjoyed himself with harlots as far as his nature could take it. [2] It was not long before the lad had squandered his parents' property. Both had to turn to begging and soon after died of grief and sorrow. [3] When the lad was thus himself impoverished, he repented somewhat and asked himself: 'Well, why did I turn out thus and not otherwise? I did not give birth to myself, much less beget myself; neither could I do my own upbringing, and yet everybody tells me to my face that I am a wretched scoundrel and villain who on account of his lewd and evil tricks cheated his parents out of their hard-earned property and in the end was even responsible for their premature death. [4] 'How can I be blamed for this? I admit I may have acted very badly, but is it my fault that my parents did not give me a better upbringing? What am I to do now? Poor, without money, without a house, without work, without bread! The easiest and quickest way out would be to steal and to rob. However, it would be anything but pleasant to be caught as a clumsy thief and then severely chastised. The prospects where robbing is concerned are even worse. – But now I know what I shall do. I shall learn some skill, even if it be the ancient, silly pottery trade which made my father wealthy.' [5] No sooner said than done! He became apprenticed to a good-humored potter in Capernaum and within a short time learned with diligence the skill of the latter. The old potter had a daughter who soon after became the art student's wife. [6] But, contrary to the carefree life our Judas used to lead before, he now, as a master of pottery, became hard-hearted and stingy. His wife often experienced his hardness of heart.” One is a devil [GGJ 06/47] In connection with the Lord’s remark that one of the twelve is a devil (John 6, 70-71), this chapter deals with the conflicting , sophistic


personality of Judas Iscariot. “He could do more than the other eleven put together because of his earnest zeal and his eloquence but is so avaricious and money hungry as to justify even theft just like the Spartans and Cretans.

A teacher and a specialist of the law of Moses

In vol. 9 chapter 99 of the Great Gospel the Lord then discusses the person of Judas Iscariot and says among other things that Judas, as a scribe, keeps watching the Lord closely in case He says or does something that is not in accord with Scripture. And his pride prevents him from accepting truly valuable advice by anyone, wherefore he does not change his life but remains as he is. He is a teacher of the law who merely criticizes Scripture, without believing in it, and lives only in accordance with his worldly reason. But a man who is puffed up on account of his great knowledge, is blind in spirit. Jesus’ admonition to the disciples to bear with Judas. GGJ 9.135: In two ships the Lord and His followers, accompanied by Kisjonah, Philopold, Mary and Joel, sail under a good wind to Jesaira where they land a few hours later. Only Judas Iscariot, who had taken leave of the Lord in Kis, did not return in time, and the Lord puts a damper on the joy expressed by the first disciples at this, telling them that he will catch up with them that very evening in a hired boat. [6] Say the first disciples resentfully: "In this way we can never get rid of the annoying man!"

[7] Thereupon the Lord admonishes them: "What I bear, you too can bear! This is how it is in this world. The body is for the soul a great and often oppres-sive burden also; yet the soul must bear it, however frail it becomes, especially in old age. [8] Look at an ever so carefully tended acre of wheat! Will you find no weeds at all among the wheat? In the same way as I had to bear the first tempter in the desert, when only after he had completely left Me the angels came to Me and strengthened My body, we must now at the end of My earthly time put up with the second tempter.

[9] I have told you once before that one of you is a devil, and you have well understood whom I meant. But for all this I never tell him to leave; for also the devil has his free will which is not taken from him. If he wants to be with us, let him be; however, if he wants to stay away, let him stay away. But, whether he leaves or stays, do not let us look askance at him."

Judas asks a question

[GGJ 11I/43] After silently wandering for some time Judas now turns to the Lord asking how long He intends to stay in Jericho. And the Lord replies:

"Every one walks the road which the spirit leads him to go. If it draws you to Jericho, do go there, and I will not stop you. Do not ask where My road leads


to, for it is not the same as yours. Let everybody go where the spirit leads him. Therefore, go to Jericho, for your soul is already there."

Thereupon Judas thanks for the permission and, unnoticed by the others, disappears when they reach the next inn along the road. Jericho at that time was a rich city, full of dissipations and attracting many strangers, and Judas was doing good business with the miracle-crazy Romans and strangers as storyteller and eyewitness of the raising of Lazarus.

For the reader of the Great Gospel of John the Lord here emphasizes that Judas did much to spread His teaching, since he spoke with great eloquence and enthusiasm, intending to draw part of the admiration for the Lord's wisdom to himself, thereby all the same becoming a good tool. For he was by no means an evil man, but one who tried to serve at the same time himself and the world as well as the spirit, thereby getting into a conflict which later other, far more evil men knew how to exploit.

The plan of Judas

Back in Bethany (with Lazarus)

[GGJ 11/61] (The Lord:) “Soon we were approaching Bethany where Lazarus was living. Driven by his great longing for Me, he went daily up to his favorite spot to look out for Me and was standing there now. As soon as he saw our group approach on the road, he felt in his heart that it was I and hurried towards us, at the same time calling out to his servants to spread the news of the Lord's arrival in the house.

Lazarus soon found us on the road. It is unnecessary to describe his joy and the joy of his own as they saw us again after a lengthy separation and could again put us up in their house.

There followed days full of meaning which were to convince both Lazarus and My disciples of what My final goal for mankind consisted in, wherefore many things were revealed to them which it is too early yet to reveal to the world. But this will happen at a later time.

Partly also on the Mount of Olives

(with Lazarus)

“Most evenings we sat together in the well-known great hall of the inn on the Mount of Olives, which also belonged to Lazarus, because here many people came together who also were to see and hear Me.

No sooner had it become known that I showed Myself again publicly and likewise Lazarus – who since his raising from the dead had been leading a very withdrawn and meditative life and now recognized Me far better than previously, no longer feeling any doubt and confusion as to My action as well as My teaching and My person –, than there was a great throng of Jews from Jerusalem and particularly from the country who had come to Jerusalem on account of the festival. They were mostly non-locals who had heard of the miraculous deed and of Me and came to us out of curiosity, but often also for


nobler reasons. All those among the Jewish people who were of any good inclination were at that time close to Me so that their souls could be enlightened; and I and My disciples had plenty to do in order to strengthen all those pushing their way in who were thirsting in their souls.

But do not think by any means that this applied only to the Jews. Also many foreigners – Greeks, Romans and people of other nationalities –, who, having heard about Me did not quite know what to make of Me, came in these days and were enlightened, so that the days until My conviction signify a rich and final catch of fish for all that could be reached.

One has to be aware of this fact so that the following can also be understood.

On the evening of the day of our arrival at Lazarus' we had withdrawn from the people who on that day were not so numerous as yet and were alone in the hall which usually served us as a meeting place when suddenly Judas Iscariot entered by the door and greeted us. My disciples had been quite glad to be rid of him for such a long time and had hoped never to set eyes on him again; therefore, they pulled rather long faces at his greeting. He asked Me politely whether I allowed him to join us, whereupon I told him that he could do what he liked.

Judas now talked much about Jericho and what he had been doing there, how he had worked for Me and hoped to gain My approval. He described in vivid colors how much misery he had found there and also on his way here and how the poor population was oppressed and suffering in bondage. Indeed, he talked himself into such a rapture that everybody listening was amazed since no one had ever felt so mightily the real power of his speech.

He (Judas) concluded by saying: "0 Lord, if I had only a tenth of Your power within, how soon I would put an end to the violence of the mighty and liberate and make happy the people who are in bonds and entreating Jehovah to save them, so that they may praise the name of their Lord and God and shout with joy! 0 Lord, how long can You still hesitate and let their entreaties pass unheard?

Behold, He is here, the King Whom Israel is ready to receive, and He does not show Himself! He is still veiling Himself, the longed-for Messiah, the Son of David, the Man with the might of God within Him! He hesitates to use this great power for the redemption of His people, and Israel must mourn and continue to bewail its deep fall!

0 Lord, have mercy upon the people, the poor and distressed! Give them happiness; for behold, Zion is waiting for its King!"

After these words, which made it clear that Judas hoped in Me also for the worldly liberating Messiah I had so often denied to be, a great hush descended, full of expectation, and I replied: "Did I not at all times call the poor to Me?! Were not the distressed comforted by Me, the sick healed and the poor made rich provided they needed it?! Who, then, hesitates? Not I, – it is the world which hesitates, not wanting to come to salvation! But the Son of Man will soon reach the height of the power attainable, so that the world may see that He can well attain what the world strives for and what appears desirable in its eyes. However, this shall happen not for the glory of the world, but for the glory of


My heavens. So be content with whatever you have already seen and are very soon still going to see."

Judas was now quiet and rejoicing in his heart; for he imagined having prompted Me through his words to take a decisive step towards freeing the people from the Roman yoke, well knowing that I had the power to do so.

But he had arrived at these conclusions, which, as he well knew, were not in accord with My so far held speeches, owing to the following fact: During his stay in Jericho he tried as far as possible to make good use of his talents and often also spoke of Me and My mission before many people. In this way he gained a certain reputation, particularly since he actually succeeded in healing some people in My name.

Also Herod, who was staying during the winter in Jericho, heard of him. For a long time eager to get in touch with Me, the miracle-worker as he used to call Me, Herod summoned Judas before him in order to hear more about Me. Judas, a presumptuous man, exploited the situation for himself in that he made himself known as a disciple of the Nazarene. Besides, since his words were aided by a good memory so that he often repeated whole phrases used by Me, he managed to make a good impression on the king.

Soon Herod recognized that there was more truth than he had initially thought in the many tales and rumors told of Me and in his soul he was struck by the thought that a miracle-worker of this special kind might be of use to him since he could, if necessary, with his help strike fear and terror into the Romans.

Herod and Pontius Pilate, the prefect, were enemies, the former feeling suppressed by the latter. The despotism of Herod was always curbed by Pontius Pilate as soon as it raised its head, wherefore Herod, who always entertained the hope of ruling independently over Judea and Syria, became very embittered. This is why a supernatural power, not subject to the might of the Romans, would have been very welcome to him. For this very same reason he had been no enemy of John, who appeared to him to be a prophet. And it is unlikely that he would have had him killed, had he not been tricked into it.

Judas, as a keen observer of human nature, had had plenty of opportunity in Jericho to find out about the frictions between Herod and the Romans. Also, he soon found out about the intentions behind the king's great interest. He now considered serving My cause best by seeking to smooth the roads for My coming into power and could not talk enough of the extraordinary power of My will, to which everything on earth was subject. In his tales he particularly stressed the destruction of those cruel warriors whom I let be killed by wild animals, –as proof of My ability to confront the Roman weapons with invincible beings.

Judas, like the Jewish people yearning for a worldly Messiah and considering Me the most suitable for this mission, became through these meetings even more confirmed in his erroneous ideas and felt he had to play a role in this aspect of My work. He was told by Herod to induce Me to come to Him, since he did not dare to give a direct order for fear of My power.

They agreed on My visit to Jerusalem for the festival as the most convenient time, and so Judas again joined us as an emissary of Herod in order to win Me


for the worldly plans of the king and thereby make Me agreeable to those of the Temple.

It goes without saying that I was very well informed of these plans and, therefore, did not have to engage in any discussion with Judas himself. But he thought it impossible for Me to read these most secret thoughts. For he, a worldly man despite all his spiritual potential, had by no means penetrated deeply enough into the nature and cognition of My person to see in Me anything else but a very gifted man, equipped with extraordinary capabilities. He thought – having enough proof of this – that nobody could resist Me physically, but he doubted whether the innermost, secret inclinations of the human heart were revealed to Me. Although I was always friendly and kind to him, I was more reserved with him than with anyone else, so that he could not understand the language of My Spirit, which can only be disclosed through the love of the created being for Me and which he did not offer Me.

Later on he went to great lengths to explain to Me with the greatest eloquence the necessity to free the people externally, hinting at Herod's support. But I earnestly forbade him such talk, so that he kept becoming more and more reserved and taciturn.

This explanation is necessary for a better understanding of what was going on in his heart.”

Jesus is anointed by Mary

[GGJ 11/62] When after the speech by Judas we were all sitting around in silence, every one engaged in his own thoughts, the door opened and Mary, the sister of Lazarus, entered. Looking straight at Me, she came to Me without taking notice of the others. Sinking down at My feet, she covered them with kisses. Then, taking a bottle of precious nard-oil, she broke it and anointed My feet with the oil, drying them again with her long hair. While doing so she wept loudly and in a moving voice entreated Me to allow this anointing.

It is little known that only very high-ranking persons could afford such luxury; for just as the frequent washing of feet was an absolute necessity at a time when the wearing of shoes was scorned by the majority of poorer people, also the frequent anointing of the feet was necessary so as to keep the skin supple.

However, nard-oil had particularly invigorating properties as well as a lovely scent and was very refreshing, yet because of its choice properties it was very expensive, so much so that such a washing of the feet was an extraordinary luxury only to be afforded by the very rich.

Also the whole house was full of the scent of the oil, proof of the extraordinary quality of the same, so that Judas, who was always thinking in terms of money, could not refrain from saying: "Should one not have sold the ointment to feed so and so many poor with the proceeds?! Why should the Lord need such an oil, seeing that He has the power to refresh Himself at any time also without it?!"

But he said this only out of avarice since the wealth of Lazarus was always a thorn in his flesh and he often took the opportunity to point out that the rich


reveled whereas righteous Israelites had to suffer want.

But I answered, pointing to the still kneeling Mary: "What this one did, she did out of love, and I find any sacrifice agreeable which comes from a loving heart. But with this deed she did not so much strengthen My body as she did My soul; for, where so much love is offered, I shall through it return even more love to mankind. Thereby she has acquired the right to give Me for the day of My burial the strength which the soul needs to overcome the worst. Therefore, her loving deed shall not ever be forgotten, and wherever you will be preaching My Gospel, you shall not forget this one! Therefore, leave her in peace."

I then lifted the still violently sobbing maiden from the floor, blessed her and said: "Mary, your sins have been forgiven you by My Father! For what you did for Me, the Son, I shall bear witness before My Father, and you will be rewarded for it in His house thousand fold upon thousand fold. Now do sit down with us, strengthen your body and stay in our midst; for she who gave Me strength through her love, shall not leave My side!"

This deed, which is similar to the one of Mary Magdalene, has given rise to confusion. It was, however, Mary, the sister of Lazarus, who loves Me with the purest love as her Lord and Master, not with an earthly love. Therefore, her deed has quite a different significance from that of Mary of Magdalon.

I now turned to the disciples and continued, saying: "Whoever is truly rich in his heart, can give of his wealth without thereby becoming poor, – indeed, the more he gives, the richer he will become. But he who is poor in himself, from him what little he has will be taken, because he must lose it through himself. You will always have physically and spiritually poor people around you, to them give at all times of your abundance! But you will not always have Me and so you will soon no longer be able to do anything for Me physically."

But I said this in order to prepare the disciples again and again for My death, for they did not realize how soon it would happen.”

Judas makes arrangements

[GGJ 11/63] “Peter then asked Me whether I intended to go down to the city and preach in the Temple. When I answered this in the affirmative he urgently warned Me against it, since he had already seen some Temple Jews at the inn who regarded Me maliciously and were obviously plotting against Me.

I then told him: "I must go down for the sake of the people and nobody will prevent it; for I have only come for their sake, so that they may be redeemed."

When Judas heard this he got up silently and left, unnoticed; and only I was aware of it.

And he went outside to the people who had gathered in and around the inn, telling all of them that I was there and would go to the city tomorrow. They should make it known that the Savior of Nazareth would be coming to the festival.

There were among the strangers in the city many who had come to the festival mainly for My sake, firmly believing that they would find Me there. Since it was


well known that I always put up at Lazarus', these people had sent messengers to find out whether I was there and what I intended to do. They learnt now through the first betrayal by Judas what I intended to do and soon spread the news in the city.

He also went to Jerusalem visiting the various inns and trying to persuade the strangers and locals to meet Me when tomorrow I would visit the festival. As the number of My adherents was very large, the news spread in a very short time, particularly since there was nothing more important to the people in Jerusalem than My appearance in the city.

While all this was in preparation in the city we were sitting quietly in Lazarus' house talking of unimportant things when finally Peter noticed that Judas was no longer present. First drawing the other brothers' attention to it he then asked Me directly where Judas had vanished to.

I replied that he should not bother about him. Whatever he was doing, he was doing of his own free will, and it had nothing to do with the disciples' business.

He then did not ask any further questions but only gave voice to his anger that this man kept returning when they had so often hoped not to see him ever again.

Said Lazarus: "If the Lord wanted him removed, it would surely be easy for Him. However, since He always allows him to stay near Him, he too must be chosen for great things and, therefore, we must not pass any judgment, but should refrain from it."

Entry into Jerusalem

[GGJ 11/66] “The next morning before sunrise all were up and we went outdoors without delay.

There I called My disciples, the twelve Apostles, to Me and told them as follows: "My beloved, this day will be a day of great honor for the Son of Man, because the Father wills it so for the sake of mankind. However, this shall not touch you more than the spirit within you allows, so that you may not become proud. Therefore, do guard your hearts against all insinuations by vanity and lust for power, lest the enemy achieve power over you and turn you into his tools!"

Asked the disciples, among them also Judas, who had secretly returned towards morning: "Lord, what do You mean by this and how can we protect ourselves against the enemy?"

Said I: "Look and open your souls to the light of wisdom and you will now comprehend what the prophets were talking about. Love alone God and not the world, and you will be able to protect yourselves against all attacks." Hereupon I turned in the direction of Jerusalem and exclaimed in a loud voice: "But you, daughter of Zion, prepare to receive your King!"

After these words the sun was rising brightly in a splendor never before seen, and at the same moment My disciples – except Judas who was standing aside in a great inner turmoil – watched with their spiritual vision as a great, vast city was forming in the firmament, like an image of the earthly Jerusalem, but far


more magnificent. Its gates were wide open, and a vast multitude of the most magnificent human beings was standing there, full of expectation as though awaiting a prince who was to be received.

This spiritual contemplation lasted only for a short time. Then the vision disappeared, and I said to them: "This is where the Son is being expected and from now on will be sitting enthroned in eternity. It is fitting also for the Son of Man to be lifted up. Come and follow Me!"

Asked Peter whether I wanted to leave Bethany without a farewell and without telling Lazarus and his sisters.

Said I: "Do you know why this is necessary? But I do know what I have to do. Therefore, do not bother about anything. Lazarus with his sisters will know at the right time where to find us, – also many others for whom this day has importance.

Now the disciples said no more, but they were greatly puzzled and whispering to one another what My strange behavior might mean; for they had not seen Me like this for a long time. But John admonished them to say no more and do My bidding quietly, so that absolutely nothing would be done against My will. This they all promised, and in particular Peter swore by all that was holy to follow Me also into hell, even if in ignorance as to why I was following this road.

Remarked Judas smilingly, who had heard these words: "Friend, the Lord knows which road He has to walk! He is not walking into hell, but is walking the road of the Messiah for the glory and honor of His people!"

He gazed at Me in rapture; for My loud exclamation seemed to confirm all his desires, so that he saw the way open to all honors which would be due to him, as the forerunner of a grateful Messiah.

Peter gazed in amazement at Judas, who displayed such a proud, self-confident attitude. However, since he found the whole business this morning very strange, he was silent and calmly continued on his way with the other eleven.

Now we were about halfway between Bethany and the gates of Jerusalem. Ahead of us to the left there lay a hamlet named Betphage, which has now disappeared, and I requested that two of My disciples do Me a kindness. They all came forward; but I chose John and Peter and told them to go into the hamlet they saw ahead. Outside the first house they would find a grazing she-ass, tied up together with her colt.

(The Lord:) "Bring Me this colt, for I need it. If they ask who sent you, just tell them: `It is the Lord Who needs the animal!', and they will give it to you."

The two promptly obeyed and went to the hamlet while we camped by the roadside amid shrubs and flowering trees, waiting for the return of the emissaries.

There lived in Betphage a man named Migram, who had been a Roman lance-bearer and, having taken part in many campaigns, on account of his courage and intelligence had attained a respected post within the army and was held in esteem by his superiors. When following a serious injury he developed a limp


on the right leg, he was forced to quit service and, richly awarded with gifts and exempt from taxes, was dismissed. This man, a former acquaintance of old Marcus, had sought healing in the spa of his friend and on his departure had bought the already earlier mentioned she-ass that served him faithfully around his little house by carrying for its master the produce of his small garden to Jerusalem there to be sold.

This Migram had heard much about Me through Marcus, was familiar with My teaching and, as a Roman, not bothering about the Jews of Jerusalem and dealing only with the officials and citizens of Rome, was an open adherent of Mine. When the two disciples came to his house and on finding the two animals promptly loosened the fetlocks of the younger one the owner, accompanied by several others who were there buying produce from him rushed out of the house and asked them roughly how they dared take the animal.

John at once replied as instructed and Migram, greatly pleased when hearing he could do Me a favor, was quick to free also the old she-ass in order to personally lead her and the colt to Me. Although the disciples said the Lord needed only the colt, he did not listen in his zeal but urged the animals on so that the disciples could hardly follow him to where I was.

When Migram joyfully offered Me the animals, I said to him: "Migram, I recognize your good will and shall reward you for what you did for Me unhesitatingly when I sent My disciples to you. But now prepare the animal My disciples requested for riding."

This he did by spreading his folded coat, which he wore after the Roman fashion, over the back of the animal. Several disciples did likewise so as to prepare a comfortable seat for Me.

While we were still busy with these preparations, a large crowd came up the road from Jerusalem. When they saw us, they rushed to meet us, and soon we were surrounded by several hundred people who gave Me a rousing welcome and greeted Me as the Savior of Israel. They were mostly Jews visiting the feast, some of whom knew Me from My travels through the country and, therefore, had already earlier met both Me and My disciples as benefactors. These people hailed Me as their king, particularly since many of them had been among the crowd miraculously fed by Me and even then had intended to proclaim Me king, wherefore I had slipped away.

As they were hailing Me enthusiastically, Lazarus, his sisters and their most trusted servants, who had gone out to look for Me, rushed towards Me through the throng, greatly pleased to have found Me. When those present saw the familiar figure of Lazarus, whose raising from the dead was discussed everywhere, there was no end to their rejoicing and we were surrounded by shouts of `hosanna!' and `hail!`. Not resisting these ovations, I silently mounted the prepared animal which now moved along the road to Jerusalem.

The crowd continued to grow since many were attracted by the clamor and followed. The people cut green branches and strewed them on the road. They then spread their garments on the ground and let the beast of burden walk over them, – all of this ovations formerly accorded to kings. When we approached the slope of the Mount of Olives from where one had a good view


over Jerusalem, we saw thousands standing at the gates, and the Kidron valley was full of people.

Although Jerusalem was quite a big city, at the time of Passover it could not house the many strangers. Therefore, it was the custom for the poorer people or those who were too late to be put up at the inns to camp in the Kidron valley, either outdoors or in tents; for next to the Temple the Kidron valley was considered hallowed ground. All those who were now camped in the valley were flocking around since rumor had told them I would be coming to Jerusalem. They welcomed Me by loudly praising My deeds and mainly the raising of Lazarus who, visible to all, was walking beside Me, and were thus joining in the general thanksgiving.

When we arrived at the main gate leading from the Mount of Olives into Jerusalem, the Roman gatekeeper tried to close it since the guards feared an uprising. However, their efforts were thwarted by the mighty throng of people from the inner city, many of whom had either seen the approaching procession or heard the shouting from the precincts of the Temple. Moreover, when the Romans saw that the people were approaching peacefully, in their hands tree branches and palm leaves, they offered no further resistance and rather admired the procession as something unknown to them, perhaps part of the festival. So we all entered the city unhindered and promptly directed our steps towards the Temple.”

Jesus in the Temple

[GGJ 11/67] “The Pharisees, priests and Temple servants had meanwhile become greatly agitated, wondering what to do about this mighty demonstration. They soon realized that it was impossible to suppress it forcefully since this would have led to an uprising against the anyway unpopular Temple rule. The people were in a frenzy, which could not have been subdued by force. Therefore, they had no choice but let things go for the time being, hoping to gain the upper hand should some unexpected turn of events occur.

In a hurriedly convened council the high priest Caiaphas advised above all to wait and see what I would do and in what direction I would turn the whole movement. If I wanted to be proclaimed king, the might of the Romans was quickly at their disposal; however, if it was all against the Temple and its ser-vants, I could do little without embittering the people, since they would not give up their faith in Jehovah. Therefore, it would be best to wait and to cleverly exploit any possible mistakes on My part.

But the priests themselves decided to remain invisible and open the Temple wide enough to let its own holiness speak to the people. Therefore, all the gates were promptly opened, not forgetting the holy of holies, the room which no Israelite was permitted to enter unprepared and no priest entered without special ceremony, prayer and preceding ablutions.

The Temple servants were promptly instructed to inform the again numerously present sellers in the precincts of the Temple of My arrival so that a scandal, such as the one I had already once created, might be avoided. This precaution,


however, came too late. For no sooner had the money-changers and sellers, alerted by the shouting outside the walls, heard what it was about than they, remembering My previous deed, promptly packed their belongings and hurriedly left the building with their goods.

This second cleansing of the Temple, which was not caused directly by My appearance, has led to misapprehensions, namely, to the belief that the earlier described scene happened at My present entry, whereas it occurred much earlier, at the beginning of My teaching ministry.

When the people entered the Temple by force shouting loudly, they did so looking for the priests. Above all they meant to demand of the high priest Caiaphas that he anoint Me king with the sacred anointing oil, whereupon they intended to escort Me to the castle of Zion there to do homage to Me. But the priests could not be found. Unhindered, the people poured through the precincts into the holy place.

My own crowded around Me anxiously, since they saw and heard what the people intended to do with Me, and Peter asked Me fearfully: "Lord, what shall become of this, do You want to be proclaimed here king of Israel?"

I bade him be quiet and told those near Me to make room for Me to enter the Temple unhindered, having left the beast of burden behind earlier.

The people obeyed and I entered, followed by many, through the halls into the inner sanctuary, entered the holy of holies and, approaching the great sacrificial altar, ascended the steps of the same.

According to Temple rules the common people were not allowed this far, but had to stay outside in the passages from where they could watch the ceremonial actions of the priests in the holy place.

The Pharisees and Temple officials had quite rightly judged the easily excitable mood of the people; for, whereas at first they would not have hesitated to use force had the priests not been obliging, now, under the impression made by the place itself in which, owing to the absence of the priests, no personal animosity was possible, the general excitement was followed by a solemn hush and the expectation of what I would do next. I had also told My disciples to stay behind and, thus, I was now standing alone, visible to all.

I now spoke to the people in a loud voice: "The hour has come, when all the world shall learn where the roads lead which so far it has been walking, and everyone has to decide whether or not he wants to go to the Father. You have led Me into this house where in former times the Spirit of God dwelt visibly, but now He has departed from within these walls, and the place has become empty. However, He has now chosen another place, and everyone can build himself a Temple, provided he acts in accordance with My words and precepts, which I have given you.

Let everyone be carried by humility and then go straight into the erected house of God, which has become empty but which shall be filled anew by deeds of love. Every deed of love is a building block for the Temple, and this Temple will be crowned with the sign of wisdom and strength, provided love alone is the foundation stone. Therefore, I have come to you so that you learn love from


Me, which you disdain, – not self-love, which you certainly have, but love for the fellowman, which you do not have, yet which deifies you and can alone lead you to God.

However, if you believe Me to be – and aspire to be – your king, know that My Kingdom is not of this world, but is dwelling in all its glory in man and is the inheritance which the Father has given to the Son and, through Him, to all people on earth and in heaven. Therefore, do not expect Me to enter the castle of David in order to found an earthly kingdom. Whoever wants to follow Me, let him follow Me with his deeds, and he will gain eternal bliss! The Son is out of the Father, and because He is out of the Father, He is in Him and the Father is in the Son, and whoever follows the Son, thereby follows also the Father.

Bring to Me all who are of a broken body and heart, and I shall heal them so that they may be whole! Yet those who are of a broken mind will take offence at Me and I shall not he able to heal them. For he who takes offence at Me, is full of anger and pride and lacking in love, because it appears to him to be imprudent and harsh. But I want to heal your hearts and thereby your souls and bodies; because only in the heart dwells faith, and wherever there is no faith, there is darkness. For the faith, which has grown out of cognition is a light dispel-ling all darkness. Therefore, do believe in Me and in the Father, so that you may see and darkness may leave you!

Verily, I tell you: Without true faith nobody will be able to gain bliss! But I have told you what and in whom you shall believe. So do act in accordance with My words, as I have acted in accordance with these My words. Then all will be able to do what I did and nobody will be left on earth who could say that the roads to happiness are barred to him.

So that you may see what the Father's might in man achieves, bring Me the sick who are suffering in their body so that I may heal them!"

After these words I stepped down from the altar and went into the precincts where many sick were lying, who wanted to sacrifice hoping to be healed through the priests' prayers. This was a general custom at Passover, yet mainly for those who could sacrifice in gold coins, since without these the Temple priests did not welcome such a sick person. Many a person, then, had scraped together all he had in order to make this last attempt to regain his health, only to leave the Temple without having regained it.

So I approached these sick people and asked them full of earnest: "Do you believe that the God of your fathers can heal you if you ask Him for it? Or do you imagine that you can be cured through human help?"

Shouted many who were desperately ill: "Master, only God can help us, to Whom we are surely closest in this Temple!"

But others were silent, and so I asked them what they were thinking.

Thereupon a sick man from their midst answered Me: "Master, we have been told that unless the high priest interceded on our behalf with God in the holy of holies we could not be helped, for he alone is the mediator before God. We must, therefore, wait until this happens."


Thereupon said I: "Do you, then, believe that God cannot come to any man who asks Him for it? Why should there be a mediator? Believe, and you will be helped!"

Said again the first speaker: "Master, we do believe what we have been told, and yet so far we have not been helped! What else shall we still believe?"

Answered I: "You shall believe that God, the Father from eternity, is endlessly good and comes to every one who calls to Him in earnest! You shall believe that God does not need men to whom to send His power, but that this power can be attracted by every man through the love for God, can then unfold in man and become fully effective. – Can you believe that?"

Said the sick man, gazing at Me firmly: "Master, I believe it because You say so; for nobody has spoken to us like You."

Said I: "My words are truth, and because they are truth, they are also life and the power of life. As a man, I have always acted accordingly and have thereby become a master of life. Therefore, I am telling all of you: Go and do the same, yet sin no longer, neither by word nor by deed! Sin no longer and do nothing, which offends against the love for God and the fellowman, and you will remain healthy and become true masters of life! Get up and walk!"

After these words all ailments left the bodies of the sick and they stood up, healthy and strong in their bodies. But the people surrounding us began again to shout, rejoicing and praising Me beyond measure. Many prostrated themselves before Me and tried to get hold of My hands and garments to kiss them. I did not fend them off, but let all come close to Me.

Many now tried again to get hold of the high priests in order to carry out their intention, namely, to anoint Me. But they had hidden themselves so well that no trace of them could be found, wherefore soon the emissaries returned unsuccessfully.

As they were now wildly thronging around Me, I commanded silence and said to the ones clamoring for a king: "Say, can he who stands before God as a bearer of His might, be elevated still higher on earth than he is already standing before God?!"

Said the leader of this group, somewhat taken aback: "Master, surely not he himself; but those following him must want also an externally visible sign of his might, that the people, led by his powerful hand, are happy, not oppressed."

Said I: "What did the people gain when Samuel, as they demanded, anointed Saul king? Certainly not peace and quiet, but conflict and unrest. And why that? Because they had become tired of the gentle yoke the Lord imposed on them in accordance with their deeds, and were longing for the mighty hand of a visible ruler. Thus, there had been no lack of kings from then on, and also now you have a king in Herod. Do you believe that a new king, for whom you are looking in Me, will bring you peace, even if he aimed to be an externally mighty king? Herod and the Romans would seek to destroy all his adherents, as well as him. It would conjure up misery, war and distress if I became your earthly king. How would it agree with My teaching: `Love your neighbor as yourself!', if I brought


you war and murder?! Establish within you the true kingdom of peace; there I will always gladly be and remain your king."

After these words those clamoring for a king turned away angrily saying I was not a hero from whom the people of Israel could also expect worldly redemption.

Those who had shouted "king!" now mixed with the people, not hiding their displeasure at My refusal. But the remainder of the people could by no means be turned against Me because of it, since My deeds spoke too mightily for them to drop Me on account of My refusal to become king of the Jews.

After the mighty uproar a calmer mood now prevailed among the people, and both I and My disciples used this to again explain My precepts to many. Thus, individual large groups formed all over the Temple precincts.

It then happened that two Greeks arrived, who had also come to the feast but had not witnessed the scene from the beginning. However, it was not allowed to Gentiles to enter the inner sanctuary, wherefore warning signs were erected marking the spots to which these Gentiles were allowed to go.

The Greeks saw Philip stand at the mark line and entreated him to let them see Jesus and, if possible, speak to Him. However, Philip did not dare invite the two to come to Me since he thought the warning must be heeded. Therefore, he told Andrew, and both came up to Me, Who was standing amidst many who were listening attentively to My words, and conveyed the request of the two Greeks, saying that they did not dare come to Me on account of the people. Thereupon I told them to request the Greeks to come to Me. Both did as they were told. But the Greeks, too scared to trespass, stayed outside the prohibited area.

Meanwhile the Temple Jews, priests and Pharisees had noticed that a much quieter mood now prevailed; some of them had, in disguise, mixed with the people in order to spy on the situation. They soon made common cause with the royalists, who now were very angry with Me, to make Me unpopular and stir up the people against Me. One of the disguised agitators was standing close to Me and promptly addressed those around him angrily how I dared bid the heathens enter the Jewish holy place, thereby rendering it unclean. Was it worthy of the Messiah, who I pretended to be, to scorn sacred customs?! Several who also disapproved of My invitation agreed with this speaker, so that a murmuring arose.

Well noticing this, I said to John and Lazarus, who had all the time stayed close to Me, as well as to the other disciples:

"Now the time has come for the Son of Man to be glorified; for now He has conquered Himself completely. Verily, verily, I tell you: Except the grain of wheat fall into the ground and die, it remains alone. But when it dies, it yields much fruit. Thus, also My action, which you are watching now, will yield much fruit."

Hinting at the Greeks who were standing apart, full of fear, I then said in a loud voice: "Whoever loves his life, will lose it, and who hates his life in this world, will preserve it for life eternal. He who wants to serve Me, let him follow Me.


Where I am, also My servant shall be. But he who will serve Me, will be honored by My Father."

Now that Pharisee, who earlier had secretly spoken against Me, continued to agitate, saying: "A nice Messiah, who invites the heathens and everyone to serve him, so that the father may honor him! Who is his father anyway? I would not dream of hating my life so that I may gain an unknown, eternal life! I prefer the one that is certain!"

In similar manner also the other disguised Temple Jews sided against Me, trying cautiously to turn the people against Me.

And My soul felt that My hour had come, and it became sad on account of the impending suffering and because the people were so fickle. Therefore, I said to those standing closest to Me: "Now My soul is troubled. And what shall I say? ‘Father, help Me out of this hour!’ ? But this is why I have come into this hour! 0 Father, glorify Your name!"

Then there sounded a voice from heaven, which actually sounded within the hearts of all who could still be awakened to a spiritual life: "I have glorified Him and will again glorify Him!"

Those who perceived this inner stirring said now, in keeping with their spiritual alertness: "There was thunder!", others: "An angel spoke with him!"

None of these perceived the voice within themselves, but imagined it to sound outside, depending on their spiritual development.

Therefore, I told them: "This voice did not sound for My sake, but for yours; for now the judgment is coming over the world. Now the prince of darkness, who was a prince of this world, is cast out. No one stands between the Father and the child but the Son of Man. And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw them all to Me, so that they will come to the Father."

Answered again that Pharisee and some who were well disposed towards him: "We are told the law that Christ was to be forever. Why do you say that the Son of Man must be lifted up? Who is this Son of Man of whom you are talking? Can anyone rise even higher than being eternal and bringing us his kingdom?"

Answered I, well seeing that My words would always be twisted by these obdurate ones: "The light will be with you for a little while yet. Walk while you have the light, so that darkness will not overtake you. Whoever walks in darkness, does not know where he is going. Believe in the light while you have it, so that you are children of the light and do not become children of the darkness."

After I had spoken these words I turned away from this group and we went to the precincts of the heathens that outermost area non-Israelites were allowed to enter.

Meanwhile, the priests and Temple officials had learned for certain that the people had calmed down and that I had refused to lead an open revolt and have Myself proclaimed Lord and king. Furthermore, they knew that a momentary discontent prevailed among the people because of it. So they promptly sought to exploit this mood. All the priests and Levites were hurriedly


summoned to form a glittering procession. Trumpet blowers preceded it and heralds proclaimed to the people that the high priest had been commanded by the Lord God to offer a great, extraordinary expiatory sacrifice for the sins of the people, He being graciously inclined towards the same and forgiving all the sins the people had committed within the past half-year. The procession moved along with great splendor and solemnity, and Caiaphas himself made the sacrifice on the great sacrificial altar of the Temple.

Through this action the Temple achieved its goal; for the people were still very much attached to the ancient ceremonies and to everything connected with the Temple. Thus, a strong pull in the opposite direction, working through its uni-queness, was exerted on the minds, and within half a day nothing was left of the immense exultation of the people, brought about by My entry. The Temple showed itself very gracious on this and the following days. In the precincts many poor people were fed and given alms, prayers were said and everything possible was done to make the people favorably inclined towards the Temple and its representatives, thereby averting the danger threatening through My influence.

The glittering procession appeared at the very moment when we had reached the precincts. Everybody turned his attention to the unusual spectacle, full of curiosity, and we used that moment to leave the mighty building unseen and turned our steps back to the house of Lazarus.”

In Bethany with Lazarus

Nicodemus and the Temple officials with the Lord

[GGJ 11/68] “We arrived there in a fairly short time. Every one had been walking silently, and often My own cast troubled glances in My direction, since it seemed to them that today I had wanted to undertake great things, which, incomprehensible to them all, had ended in failure. Where was My miraculous power, which through a strong, outward sign could have so easily corroborated My mission? For the healing of the sick was to them already a common occurrence. This could also be done by My disciples and was, therefore, nothing extraordinary before the people. They also doubted the voice from heaven, since it had not sounded mightily enough to dispel all doubts.

All these questions were discussed in detail by My followers when we had arrived in Bethany and I had withdrawn to a remote room in order to collect and strengthen Myself, that is, My soul. Of My disciples it was Judas who was most upset about the apparent failure. He was quite outspoken, saying that My excessive meekness and goodness prevented Me from forcefully standing up to the people.

Judas said: "The Lord is surely a man of extraordinary power and wisdom, and I by no means doubt that He and none other is the expected Messiah. Yet this strong spirit, which often manifests in a flash in its extraordinary power, is encased in a very weak cover, showing too many weaknesses to men. It is not only meekness and goodness, which rule the world, but also the fist, which can handle the sword and, if necessary, strike hard and with cruelty, which ensures


success. If the Lord were forced to protect Himself and His followers against the hands of eager executioners, His indwelling God-power would have to manifest quite differently to prevent His and His followers' destruction and to let His work be successful. But so far He has always failed."

Said Peter: "Judas, have you never observed how often both the Lord and we have been endangered and without this His indwelling power would long ago have perished?! Remember how He commanded the storm and how often the designs of the Temple with its bailiffs have been brought to nothing!"

Replied Judas: "This is no proof; for, every time there occurred such favorable circumstances that we might perhaps have escaped the danger also of our own strength. No, I think if suddenly a physical danger threatened Him, of the kind everyone must see and fear, – would the Lord not have to act far more forcefully?! Would not the people adhere to Him differently instead of being turned away from Him through a silly, pompous Temple play?!"

Said Peter and the others, shaking their heads: "How should anything like that occur, and who will decide it? The Lord must know best what to do and how to act!"

After this, Judas was silent and pensive and remained gloomy and taciturn all day long.

It was quiet in the house of Lazarus and nobody disturbed Me while I was alone in My chamber, talking privately with My Father within Me. No human being will fully understand how the latter was possible. Therefore, let Me say here that My soul certainly saw how I could escape all suffering, and that it was afraid since it was also chained to the earth, like the soul of any other person who has to fulfill some mission. Only the Spirit within Me, Whose identity everybody knows, laid down the way for Me, showing and asking the soul whether or not it wanted to walk the appointed ways out of love to Him and to mankind. Thus, also in the final hour the decision had to be made, and the Son of Man once more decided upon the ways of the Father.

In the evening I again joined My disciples, in a serene mood, and requested Lazarus to care for our physical comfort. This was adequately done and we took supper amidst the Twelve, Lazarus and his sisters, as well as Mary of Magdalon, who since My earlier visit had not left the house of Lazarus.

When we had finished the meal, one of Lazarus' servants entered announcing that several men were outside who wished to speak to Me and Lazarus but did not want to reveal their identity. Lazarus asked Me who they might be.

I answered him: "They are several prominent citizens, among them Nicodemus, who are coming to us, prompted by the events of the day. They fear the world more than God, wherefore they come to us in disguise and at night, – certainly in the best of intentions, however, as secretly as possible."

Thereupon I turned to the servant and told him to request the strangers to come to us and to tell them that they could enter openly, since there was nobody among us who would betray them.


After a short while the strangers entered. They were Nicodemus and three higher Jewish officials, members of his family, who held important positions in Jerusalem, but were all more or less dependent on the Temple.

Nicodemus at once rushed to Me and, deeply moved, seized My hand asking Me not to show Myself for a while here under any circumstances, since the Temple was utterly enraged by My appearance today and Caiaphas as well as the Great Council had sworn an oath to destroy Me at all cost.

This time, so My enemies, it had been possible to avert the danger, owing to My imprudent action. But who could know whether his would be possible next time?! Therefore, quick action was called for, before I managed to win again the people's favor, who were now discouraged through My wavering, but could just as quickly be again inflamed through a rash action on My part.

Also they well knew that Herod, the cunning fox, who had always exploited the Temple for his own purposes and, money-greedy as he was, heartily rejoiced at the awful quandary into which the priesthood had worked itself in the eyes of the people, was well disposed towards Me, just as at the time towards John. Therefore, quick action was called for so as to prevent Me from maybe contacting him for My protection. For, if the Temple needed Herod's protection against the people, this would cost an enormous sum of money, since Herod did nothing for love's sake and would at least try to use Jesus as a trump-card against the Temple.

Nicodemus as well as the others were, therefore, very anxiously concerned about Me and entreated Me neither to trust Herod nor to expose Myself to the danger threatening from the Temple. Only they had dared bring Me these news. Many others from their circles were also well disposed towards Me; however, they did not dare come to Me on account of the Pharisees.

I now said to Nicodemus and his friends: "My beloved, what you are telling Me I have known for a long time and have also considered; for unless the Father willed everything to happen as it has happened – would it be so? And unless the Father were with Me, would I know what the immediate future must bring Me?

So, do believe that everything is right just as it has happened, and that the Father wills it so. For whoever believes in Me, does not believe in Me, but in Him Who has sent Me. And who sees Me, sees Him Who has sent Me.

I came into the world as a light, so that every one who believes in Me does not remain in darkness, but walks in the light of day. Therefore, I have spoken before the people the way I did, have also told them that My Kingdom is not of this world, and have always shown them the road they must walk in order to win My Kingdom.

I shall not judge anyone who hears My words yet does not believe in them. For I did not come to judge the world and rule it as a tyrannical king, but to bring the world salvation through the word, and peace. Whoever despises Me, not accepting My word, has already enough judgment within him. For the word, which I have spoken and which will remain forever, will judge him on his Judgment Day, when he leaves this material world and enters into the eternal Kingdom, where I shall be – and forever remain – a true king.


I did not speak out of Myself, but the Father, Who has sent Me, has given Me a commandment as to what I shall do and say. And I know that His commandment is life eternal. So, I speak as the Father tells Me to. Therefore, be unconcerned about what has happened and is still going to happen; the Father wills it thus!"

Said hereupon Judas, quite agitated: "Lord, the Father is surely with You with all His might! Can this might, then, leave You, seeing that both are one?"

Said I: "The Father, the Son and the power are one, will remain so and cannot ever be separated, as you well know. The Father is in the Son and the Son will soon be in the Father, united through the power. But the Son must obey the Father, and if He does this, the Father will give Him everything. This the Son knows, because the Father has told Him so. It will take only a little while yet, and the Son will be in the Father forevermore. How this can be achieved, is not yet your concern; but it will be for your benefit and that of all mankind."

Said Nicodemus: "Lord, we do not quite understand Your words. Also it seems to us above all essential for You to think of Your own personal safety, wherefore we came here to help You as far as we can. Would it not he the best thing for You to leave this place and hide? Since he has many connections abroad, my brother's son here would safely lead You to where You could live for a while in complete safety."

Said I: "Do not be so foolish! I do not need the help of men. If I wanted to destroy My enemies, it would be a small matter for Me. However, I do not wish it; for they, too, shall share in the redemption and, with them, all the people. I am staying here! Be assured that nobody will seize Me sooner than I shall allow it Myself!"

Nicodemus did not calm down immediately, because the fear of the Temple was always at his heels. Finally he acquiesced, saying he had done his duty. I then acknowledged his good intentions, and soon he and his companions returned to Jerusalem under cover of darkness, where they arrived unmolested and unrecognized.

We ourselves soon retired, for this day had also been very strenuous for us physically. We spent the night in great peace; only Judas' soul could not find it. Many thoughts and insinuations filled his soul, so that he spent a sleepless night.”

He must be forced to do it

Judas and Thomas engaged in conversation

[GGJ 11/69] “When day was breaking, Judas approached Thomas and took him aside. Both went outdoors, and there they conversed as follows.

"Brother," said Judas, "can you understand the Lord's attitude? Look, we are both men who always knew what they wanted and who always followed a once envisaged goal with all their might! But here I no longer see clearly what the Lord really wants, and I am also no longer fully convinced that He Himself sees clearly as to His final goal.


Yesterday we were both witnesses of His triumph, and it would have been only a little matter for Him to chain the people, who adhere to Him, firmly to Him, so much so that they would have followed Him wherever He wanted. But instead of convincing all the world of His mission as the Messiah, He allows the Temple to rob Him of the fruits of His work and does nothing towards fulfilling the aspirations of the people, although truly there is so much power in Him that if only He made the effort, He could rule the Temple and the whole Roman Empire!

What good is to Him all the power of God, with which He can command the storms, the sick and all calamity, if in Himself He is weak enough not to apply this power where it is needed? Shall the healthy, who are languishing immensely under the pressure of the Roman yoke and the usury of the Temple, not find a Savior in Him? What is the misery of the few sick compared to the great misery of the people in general? Judah, even the whole world, is groaning under the pressure of the most power-greedy nation. Greedy kings and an almighty emperor reveling in luxury occupy the thrones which a wise, just prince endowed with power by God should occupy. How the world would turn into a Paradise, sorrow and pain into sheer delight and pleasure and poverty into wealth if He held the throne now occupied by Rome's emperor! Oh, the heart in My bosom trembles with joy thinking how it could all be, – yet how it is not! And why not? Because He, the only one in whom God's power is alive, cannot find the courage within Him to a quick, decisive action!

Look, brother, this hurts, this troubles me deeply; for truly, I still have a heart for the deep misery of the people. Yet it seems to me, He has already lost His, except for the sick and the weaklings."

Answered Thomas: "Brother, how can you speak like that! Did not the Lord Himself say: `I did not come into the world for the healthy, but for the sick and ailing, that I may help and comfort them!'? Do you think you know better than He does why He came to us?!"

Replied Judas passionately: "And who, then, is healthy in the land? Are not all sick and ailing? Only the Temple and the few great revel, fattening on that which they extort through their power, and the externally healthy body of men is inside miserable, sick and darkened with anger and rage, engendered in them through the behavior of those in power.

He did come also to those! Do the people need only a Messiah of the physically ailing?! The people want to – and shall – be happy, that is the will of God. But this happiness comprises also a secure position in the world, such as the one enjoyed under Solomon, so that they can live in peace and, while enjoying material prosperity, also develop their soul.

No, brother, my heart is full of sorrow! To you I open it; for you have always been unlike the others who believe everything unconditionally, without knowing why, and you were reserved with your intellect and judgment. No, I am not – and will not be – a slave of superstition! I want to know whither the road leads! I do not want to see children's games, but manly deeds!"

Thomas was horrified at the grim-looking Judas, who so suddenly and unexpectedly opened his heart to him, and said in a warning voice: "Brother, I


am certainly skeptical; yet once I do believe something, I am also convinced of it. However, if you want to make me wavering in my faith in the Lord, as it seems to me, this is a futile effort; for I know what to think of Him. So, leave me alone!"

Replied Judas, upset: "That be far from me! I, too, am firmly convinced that the world can gain salvation only through Him. But I am just as firmly convinced that something must happen for this salvation to materialize. Now is the time – or never!

Herod is well disposed towards Him. The striking power of the Romans is at a low at present, because they need their military forces elsewhere. Therefore, everything is favorable for Him, the mightiest man – if only He wanted to! But the point is to awaken this volition in Him! For we have seen how much He procrastinates, and we have heard what the Temple wants. – If only I had a fraction part of His power, I would scoff just as much at the Temple tricks as He has so far done. Truly this miserable vermin has no power over Him; neither did it have it earlier, nor will it ever possess it. But it is to be feared that also God will one day divest Him of the power if He opposes the will of God to make His people happy.

Here in the Lord all the conditions are met for the God-power to be laid into Him. We shall have to wait eternities for another man to come and do such great things. Therefore, He must do it now or never, before God's patience runs out! If He does not find the courage within Himself to do what is necessary because it was promised by God, He must be forced to do it!"

Thomas, terrified, jumped up and whispered: "Force? Who wants to force Him, out of Whom the Almighty Himself speaks?"

Murmured Judas gloomily: "If He is Who He claims to be, let Him prove it! If He is not, why wait for – nothing!"

Whispered Thomas, full of fear: "How could one force Him? Brother, desist from such thoughts; it is not good, – it makes me shudder!" Giving him a black look, Judas now said:

"You weakling, do you shudder at great thoughts? — I myself don't know as yet how that could be done. I only feel: Something must happen, it must! Farewell, brother, keep what we said secret from the others! Do you hear? Promise me! They all in there don't love me very much; I don’t want to invite more hatred." Thomas held out his hand to him and said: "Who would benefit from my talk? I promise!"

Thereupon Judas turned away with a brief farewell and went up to the Mount of Olives to ponder things quietly. But Thomas went back to the others, rather depressed, seeking to regain his calm through a quiet talk with the brothers.

When we all, except Judas, were sitting at the morning meal, Lazarus asked Me what I intended to do, — whether I wanted to spend the days of the feast with him, which he would much prefer, or where else I intended to turn.

Thereupon I told him and the disciples that I intended to leave Bethany this very day, — not for fear, but for the sake of the people and the Templers. They would do much mischief if they knew I was here and yet unapproachable. In


order to prevent this and avoid causing harm to anyone, I would now hide for a few days so that no one could find Me.

My own asked Me where I would go.

Said I: "If you want to come with Me, you will see. But there sleeps a traitor among you; therefore, you shall not learn about it as yet."

The disciples were shocked to hear this and looked around in astonishment — there were not only the apostles present, but also many domestic servants of Lazarus, who helped him in the management of his properties —, wondering whom I might have meant. Yet no one dared ask another question.

We finished our meal in silence. Then I said farewell to Lazarus and his family, who saw Me leave regretfully and with a heavy heart. However, their faith in Me relieved them of all fear that I might come to any grief through the Temple.

We proceeded on the road to Jericho and soon saw Judas approach us, who from the hill had noticed our departure and joined us, without heeding the unfriendly faces of the apostles. This excursion I undertook only with the Twelve, with none of My other followers being present.

Soon we turned towards the Jordan, to the spot where John had baptized, a place, which was now desolate since the voice of the preacher in the desert had died away. There we camped, remaining completely undisturbed.

This region is very pleasant, particularly in spring, since here a far warmer temperature prevails. At the banks of the Jordan lush trees and shrubs were growing, offering cool shade and safe shelter to all. Here by the Jordan we spent two full days after leaving Lazarus. I used this time to once again explain to the apostles their calling and My teaching.”

Judas before the Great Council

[GGJ 11/70] “Judas listened as well, however without abandoning his erroneous ideas. On the contrary, he became even more convinced that there would not easily be another man after Me capable of uniting with God's power to the extent that he could act as a world-liberating Messiah. Therefore, he considered it only praiseworthy and rejoiced at the ambitious thought of being the one to initiate the last, forcible step so necessary in his opinion, which would force Me to make use of the power given Me, in accordance with his wishes. He fancied himself as some kind of redeemer and in his blindness thought that he could work through Me. Once that thought had occurred to him that he could force Me and the firm conviction remained that I would resist — and easily overcome — any danger, every means capable of realizing this plan seemed to him fair.

Therefore, on the second day of our stay by the Jordan he offered to go in disguise to Jerusalem as a spy in order to find out how people felt about Me and whether My disappearance worried them.

I told him to do as he saw fit and the others, glad to be rid of him, agreed to his proposal.


He inquired where he could meet Me, and I told him I would be staying in this very spot till noon the following day.

Thereupon Judas took his leave of us and went to Jerusalem. There he soon learnt that everybody was astonished at My sudden disappearance. Nothing was left of the great exultation caused by My entry. The people generally were of the opinion that I had fled before the might of the Temple. The latter, however, was heavily guarded by the Temple guards and the soldiers of Herod. Besides, Roman soldiers patrolled the city daily in order to disperse any larger gatherings of people. The Temple had already sought protection against a possible uprising with the Procurator Pontius Pilate and denounced Me as a demagogue.

Thus, Pilate had already conducted an investigation, which revealed that the people had shown no animosity, but merely a great enthusiasm for the miracle Savior, who was no longer unknown to Pontius Pilate. Therefore, he did not attach too much importance to the event, but for the sake of maintaining order authorized frequent military patrols through the city. Through these measures the people were greatly intimidated, knowing only too well that Rome's might and severity during riots were to be feared.

So the Temple again had the upper hand and it seemed the time had come to strike a devastating blow against Me, – if they, the Templers, had only known where and how to apprehend Me without endangering themselves. For they had often experienced that this was by no means an easy task.

In secret council the Templers deliberated about the ways and means, without being able to agree. There and then they had word that a man wanted to tell the Great Council where to find the Nazarene.

Caiaphas, greatly delighted, had the man, who was Judas Iscariot, brought to him and led him before the Great Council. There Judas disclosed that he believed to be able to deliver the wanted Jesus of Nazareth into the hands of the Temple guard, provided the necessary caution was observed.

Upon the question as to how he intended to achieve this, Judas replied: "I have been near him for quite some time, thus knowing his and his followers' peculiarities. There even was a time when I thought to see in him the promised Messiah of the Jews. But now I have convinced myself that all he intends is to abolish our venerable rules and laws, whose holy guardian the Temple is destined to be without, however, being able to substitute them with something more powerful and better. Therefore, he is dangerous and I, an honest Jew who must seek to consolidate the regard for the law of Moses, offer a hand so that this dangerous activity may come to an end. I do not know as yet whether it will succeed; but where so many wise men are gathered it should be possible to find the right means by which to seize this miracle healer."

Asked Caiaphas: "Do you know where he is at present?"

Said Judas: "No, I do not; for I cannot know whether he has already left the place. But I do know that he will, as always, also this year want to eat the paschal lamb amidst his followers, and this will definitely take place in the vicinity of the city."


Shouted one of those Pharisees who after the raising of Lazarus had been so badly dealt with: "But let no one try to seize him in Bethany! There it would be futile, for there his satanic power would again come to the fore. It would be best to seize him at night, – partly because of the people, many of whom believe in him, and also because I have always heard that at night the power of such sorcerers is weaker. Indeed, at a certain hour even the worst sorcerer is said to be as weak as any ordinary man, so that he cannot resist anyone. Tell us–you who were near him must know –: Has also this man his moment of weakness'? What does he do during the night?"

"He sleeps like any other man," said Judas. "I think I know the hour when he is weakest."

Triumphantly, the Pharisee turned to the others, saying this hour must be exploited.

Angrily, Caiaphas did not want to hear of this, feeling sure the Nazarene had no supernatural powers the Essenes did not also have, who had quite a reputation in these things. However, in order to avoid a sensation he would also favor seizing him at night.

Therefore, this was the arrangement with Judas: On the day of the paschal lamb he was to be at the Temple at night to meet the bailiffs, whom he would then lead to the Nazarene.

Caiaphas now asked him what he would charge for this service.

Judas, rejoicing in his heart that he had, as he thought, trapped the Great Council, was even more pleased that his plan would also yield him money – which had initially not been his intention –, and requested the thirty pieces of silver, which he was promised to obtain when he would be there on the night of action.

Leaving the Temple, Judas now hurried through the city, listening everywhere so that he might learn how the people of Jerusalem and the many strangers were disposed towards Me. Everywhere he found great amazement at My evident weakness; but nowhere did he find people who were not convinced of My power, which had often and even in the end proved itself, visible to all. He clearly recognized that I would also in future succeed in winning over all the people, provided some heroic deed were performed by Me; and although the people were perplexed, I had not altogether lost them.

Knowing this he was delighted and even more confirmed in his intention to maneuver Me into a situation which would force Me to destroy, or at least disarm, My attackers in order to keep them at bay, so that everybody could clearly see that no one on earth could resist Me, provided I earnestly willed it. So, as soon as he thought he had learned enough, and without at the time bothering about Herod, who no longer appeared essential for his purpose since he thought he could manage without him, Judas set out in the direction of the Jordan in order to locate Me and report what he had learned.

Finding us in the old spot he reported painstakingly on the mood in Jerusalem saying that the people were still waiting for Me as the Messiah. I listened quietly to all this and replied nothing, which merely confirmed Judas in his


belief that his speech had impressed Me deeply. Being a keen observer of human nature, he did no longer press Me thinking his words needed time for consideration. He was remarkably quiet, but one could see how self-satisfied and watchful he was.”

A Den of Thieves [Spiritual Sun (SpS.)01/070,04] “Even the Temple of Salomon basically was nothing but a silent prophet. By its presence it showed the people of Israel how it had evolved from the spiritual to the material. It showed that in the end nothing positive and true could be found in the whole Temple and the Lord Himself attested that they had turned the house of prayer into a den of thieves. Yes, unheard of atrocities were perpetrated in this Temple. And the Temple blinded the people to an extent that they did not perceive the Lord of Glory and even decided to crucify Him in this very Temple. – Judas too was paid money in the Temple and finally cast this blood money back into the Temple with his own hands, thereby evidencing that the Temple had always been a den of thieves for the Spirit of God.”

The Last Supper of the Lord

[GGJ 11/71] “When noon had come I bade My disciples get ready for departure, and we walked back at a moderate pace towards the highway between Jerusalem and Jericho. But it was the day of the paschal lamb, and the disciples asked Me whether and where I intended to eat it with them. Answering this question in the affirmative, I sent two of them ahead of us into the city, there to prepare the lamb, whereupon I would follow with the others.

In the city there lived a man who belonged among those healed by Me at the beginning of My ministry, when I was in Jerusalem for the first time. He was a faithful adherent of My teaching and without fear of the Jews and the jealous Pharisees. He owned a small inn, which was always frequented by prominent guests, particularly by many Romans traveling to Jerusalem and he enjoyed a good reputation with the people and was doing well in his business. This innkeeper had often asked Me through My disciples to visit his inn.

To this man I now sent Peter and John, there to prepare the paschal lamb. In order to find his house I told them to follow a man bearing a water jug, which he would carry into that house.

Both were not unknown to the owner, and as soon as he heard My request he had his best dining-hall in his living quarters prepared, which on family occasions he used for himself, so that we could there follow the custom of the paschal lamb, undisturbed. In the eyes of the Temple an apostate Israelite who was siding with the Romans, he no longer observed it, particularly as he had a Greek wife with whom he lived according to My teaching, without any Temple formalities.

This man is the owner of the tiled dining-hall mentioned by the Evangelists, with the exception of John, because later it appeared of great importance to


them to record where the Last Supper had taken place, whereas John's concern was only for the spoken words and not for externals.”

His plan goes wrong

After the kiss in Gethsemane

[GGJ 11/72] “Now that I took everything in silence and also allowed My hands to be bound by them without offering any resistance, they wondered why they had been told to use the utmost force because it would be dangerous to seize such a man. But Judas stood by waiting for something to happen which would strike terror into the guards. Since nothing happened, he believed with all the more certainty that My power would still be unfolding before the Great Council.

When Jesus was taken to the High priest Caiaphas in the Temple Judas, who now saw that things seemed to take a different course to what he had thought, watched as I was being led away, and followed, terrified and full of fear for the success of his plan. He wanted to make his way with Me to the high priest. However, he was refused admittance.”

[GGJ 11/74] “As I was now being led out to Golgotha, at that time the common place of execution of Jerusalem, Judas Iscariot arrived in the utmost despair, trying to break through the cordon the Temple guards had drawn round the place. He was driven back by force and remained standing nearby, with staring eyes and still hoping for something extraordinary to happen for My liberation. He had always remained nearby while I was being sentenced, and the more clearly he saw that My power had here either expired or was not used by Me, the greater his fear became.


Finally, he rushed back to the Great Council and, full of self-condemnation, sought to return the money, saying he had betrayed innocent blood. He was, of course, turned away with the sneering remark that this was his own business. Full of despair, he threw the money into the poor box of the Temple and rushed away, still with a glimmer of hope in his heart that I would free Myself before the worst happened. On seeing how My body was thrown to the ground and lain on the cross, and hearing the hammer drive the nails through My flesh into the wood, he gave a loud scream and rushed off. Without glancing back, he rushed off to a remote area where he hanged himself on a fig tree by means of his belt.

He had dearly paid for his mistake, his love for money and his selfishness. However, what happened to him afterwards will be discussed at some later date.

His body was not found until several days after his physical death. It had fallen down from the belt and been gnawed by dogs and jackals. He was buried hurriedly in the same spot.”


Pardoned by the Lord.

[Spiritual Sun (SpS) 2.007,11] (The Lord:) “Listen, My beloved son, there is not one, there are two Judas Iscariot. The first one is the man who lived with Me on earth and the other is Satan, who in his erstwhile freedom had obligated this man. This second Judas Iscariot is truly still at the bottom of the lowest hell, - but that is not the case with the man Iscariot because he was forgiven. In how far? Just turn around. The one who is talking with your brother and who commits a love treason because he shows your brother - prematurely - My great love, is the very Judas Iscariot you were worried about. Are you happy with Me now?”

End of the Judas Iscariot documentation


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