Download - Johnston mc culley


Sergeant Gonzales

Don Diego Vega

Fray Felipe Captain Ramon


Johnston McCulley was born in USA , on February 2nd , 1883. He died in California on November 23rd , 1958. he wrote hundred of stories . 64 stories about the masked hero, Zorro. He made a movie – the Mark of Zorro from the story. It was extremely successful. The story was published again in 1924. The Mark of Zorro take place in California in about 1822.

One dark night in February, a group of soldiers were sitting in small inn. The inn was on one side of Los Angeles town square. But inside , it was bright and comfortable. Leader , Sergeant Gonzales “bring more wine , landlord “shouted a big man with a moustache, to the owner of the inn. He was a strong man and became angry very easily.

He threw his cup of wine onto the floor. Senior Zorro cried out .Sergeant …Must I always hear that name? I hate it! This man Zorro, is very clever . Nobody see his face. He wear black mask with two holes for his eyes . He marks with shape the latter ZLandlord don’t want Zorro to come here. Sergeant wait Zorro to kill him . Suddenly the door opened , and the man walked into the inn.

Sergeant ready to fight with Zorro ,but he doesn’t Zorro –it was Don Diego Vega. He only one son of noble family –was twenty-four years old . He owned a beautiful hacienda –a large country house. Don Diego was a apologized from sergeant. We were talking about that thief, Zorro.Landlord hurried to bring wine for the two men. At that moment , the door opened again and stranger entered the room !

Zorro stand in the dark shadows by the door. Landlord hurried towards Zorro. He replied: I’m senor Zorro.I’m here to speak to you Gonzales.Sergeant said: I know what kind of man you are.Are you going to shoot me with your pistol?Zorro was going to fight with my sword in my right hand.Suddenly he moved quickly and knocked Gonzales's sword out of his hand.

Zorro hasn’t finished fight and said to Gonzales until next time.A minute later , Don Diego hurried back into inn. And asked what is happening here? What is all this noise? Gonzales said “ Senor Zorro was here .Don Diego asked “ was he? But where is his dead body?The landlord and soldiers smiled. Gonzales’s face became red. Don Diego say ,,tell me all about the fight. Tell me how you caught him. I don’t understand. You did kill Zorro , didn’t you?Gonzales said at last “Zorro escaped”.

When Zorro left Lolita, he decided to ride to the presidio. He left the horse outside the building and he looked through the window Captain roman’s office. Zorro asked himself "what news is in that letter?When Zorro read the letter, he feels angry. He throw the letter onto fire. Gonzales shouted to captain to come quickly, to see Zorro. The soldiers jumped onto their horse and rode after Zorro.Zorro decided in that time to visit Fray Felipe. But sergeant know about the farm too. So Zorro asked Fray Felipe to hide him. When Fray Felipe opened the door ,sergeant asked him by rudely way. Fray Felipe replied “ I don’t know about this man”

Sergeant decided to search the house. Gonzales asked fray “ we’re chasing Zorro “ Have you seen him? Oh Zorro has escaped again .Fray said no.Don Diego said “ Can’t you forget about this man ,Zorro ? I hate fighting and violence a quite peaceful lie is best!”

Thanks for the instructor that motivate me to present my story.

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