Page 1: Johnson - Letter from Alfrida to Helmer

In April of 1916 Helmer took Johnnie age three to St. Lukes Hospital in Fargo,

ND. Alfrida stayed at their farm near Binford with Nina, two years old and Arnold,

two months old.

Walt says he is not sure what happened to Johnnie and why he was taken to

the hospital. He thought it had to do with fluid on the lung related to influenza or

pneumonia. Helmer and Johnnie stayed in Fargo at or near the hospital for some

time. Walt said that Johnnie grew up with a scar on his back.

The following is a letter that Alfrida wrote to Helmer while Johnnie was in the


Helmer and Alfrida are Walt Johnson’s parents


Page 2: Johnson - Letter from Alfrida to Helmer

Binford N. Dak

April 12—1916

Dear hubby

We are all well here at home and hope Johnnie and you are getting along fine

down there though I wish you were both home again. I hope Johnnie is getting bet-

ter every day so he can soon come home. I am so glad that he stood it over all


I was to write and ask you wether we should get potatoes from Shaw in Bin-

ford or to get them from the store so you must write.

Kiss Johnnie for me.

And tell me if you ever get this letter which I don’t know I will address it to

the hospital to you.

If I knew which of the pigs you intend to butcher I could probably get G. Rust

to help butcher one day if you don’t come home soon as we are out of pork.

Mr. Thompson has not been here yet nor have I heard from him. Well I will

close for this time with many kisses to you Dear hubby. Hope Johnnie is allright.

Yours for Always Alfrida by by

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