
OVERVIEW Supersaturation Principles of sugar confectionery processing Factors affecting the production and storage of sweets Jelly Candy (Tomato & Rosella)

What happens when you heat a sugar solution?


Supersaturation is an unstable state. The sugar molecules will begin to crystallize back into a solid at the least provocation.

Principles of Sugar Confectionery Production

Balance the recipe

Prepare raw material


Boil the mixture

Cool and shape


Factors affecting the production and storage of sweetsThe degree of sucrose inversion

The addition of other ingredients

The time and temperature of boiling

The residual moisture content

Degree of Sucrose InversionThe amount of invert sugar in the candy/sweets must be controlled!!!! Tartaric, citric acid can be used in controlling amount of inversion If too much sticky candy (take up water from the air). If too little insufficient to prevent crystallization of the sucrose. Ex : Hard candy needs 10-15% invert sugar

Sweet and Boiling TemperatureJelly Syrup Fudge or Creams Caramels or Divinity Taffy or marshmallows Butterscotch or Popcorn Balls Peanut Brittle Glace or Barley Sugar 105oC 110oC 115oC 121oC 126.7oC 137.7oC 150oC 160oC

Candy Thermometer

Moisture ContentThe water left in the sweet will influence its storage behaviour. For sweets which contain more than 4% moisture, it is likely that sucrose will crystallize on storage.

Added ingredients The addition of certain ingredients can affect the temperature of boiling. Added ingredients also have an effect on the shelf-life of the sweet. Some ingredients Some others have a higher viscosity increasing deterioration (ex :

rancidity (caused by fats)

Permen Jelly RosellaPewarna alami Kandungan antioksidan yang tinggi Efek anti hipertensi, kram otot, dan anti infeksi bakteri

Ekstraksi Kelopak Bunga Rosella

Bahan 1

Bahan 2

Pembuatan Bahan 1

Pembuatan Bahan 2

Tahapan Pencampuran

Tahap PencetakanPermen yang sudah dicetak diloyang, didiamkan semalam. Lalu dicetak sesuai selera dan ditaburi dengan gula pasir

BAHAN - BAHANBAHAN 1 Jenis Gelatin Sari tomat Pengering Jumlah Satuan 100 gram 250 gram sdt BAHAN 2Jenis Agar-agar Sari tomat Gula pasir Zitrunsuur Glucose Jumlah Satuan

2 bks 160 gram 600 gram 10 gram 80 gram


CARA MEMBUAT PERMEN JELLY TOMATBahan A: campur sari tomat mendidih dan gelatin hingga gelatin larut. Masukkan serbuk pengering permen aduk kembali hingga rata,sisihkan. Bahan B: masak agar-agar dengan sari tomat hingga agar-agar larut. Masukkan gula pasir aduk kembali sampai gula larut. Masukkan zitrunsuur aduk kembali hingga tercampur rata Masukkan glukosa, aduk kembali hingga tercampur.

Cont..Campur bahan A dan bahan B aduk hingga rata,lalu beri warna sesuai selera. Tuang diloyang / dicetak sesuai selera dan diamkan selama 1malam. Potong sesuai selera lalu taburi dengan gula pasir dan angin-anginkan hingga kering.


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