Page 1: January 26, 2020 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

WELCOME! You come to this Church

not as a stranger, but as a friend:

a friend of God and a friend of our parish community.

We hope your visit is spiritually enriching.

Please let us know how we can serve you!

January 26, 2020

Thi rd Sunday in Ord inary T ime

Page 2: January 26, 2020 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

VOLUME 67 NO. 5 JANUARY 26, 2020



Saturday, January 25

4:30 p.m. Mary Cowan by Family

Frederick Meli by Carol & Ed Zimmerman

Sunday, January 26: Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

7:00 a.m. Janet Caputi by Bobbie & Joe Fricano

9:00 a.m. Suzanne Zehler & Timothy Maher by Zehler

& Maher Families

11:00 a.m. Ann Marie Warner by Deacon Ken & Karen


Maryann Alleca by M/M Francesco Borgese

Monday, January 27: St. Angela Merici, Virgin

8:00 a.m. Special Intention: Barbara Liebner by

daughter, Katherine

10:30 a.m. Donald Kiefhaber & Steven Johnson by

Patricia Kiefhaber

Tuesday, January 28: St. Thomas Aquinas, Priest

6:30 a.m. Jim & Ida Santini by M/M. Albert Santini

10:30 a.m. All Parishioners Living & Deceased by

Father Sibby

Wednesday, January 29

8:00 a.m. George & Kathryn Kingston by George &

Sharon Kingston

10:30 a.m. Richard Mutka by Family

Thursday, January 30

6:30 a.m. Joseph J. Hagerty by John Hagerty

10:30 a.m. Rev. Sebastian C. Pierro - Anniversary of

Ordination by Parish

Friday, January 31: St. John Bosco, Priest

8:00 a.m. Kathleen Johnson Family by John & Gail Camilleri

10:30 a.m. Kathy Malinowski by Joanne Senall

Saturday, February 1

8:00 a.m. Joe & Licinia Del Re by M/M. Albert Santini

Vigil Mass

4:30 p.m. Frederick Meli by Rick & Sharon Darisse

Stephen Miller by Sally McNally

Sunday, February 2: Presentation of the Lord

7:00 a.m. Sally Delphard by Sandy Delphard &

Bertrand Family

9:00 a.m. Carlton Gebauer by 9:00 a.m. Ushers

Rev. Msgr. William Gallagher by Ellen Giunta

11:00 a.m. Pauline Christen by Margaret Swanick

Donald Potter by Hickey Family


Pray for the sick: James Ashley, Jennifer Burse, Ed

Call, Elise Coté, Dolly Dewey, Zach Ehrenreich, Joan Flee-

gal, Michael Gatas, Debbie Grasso, Tony Grasso, Sharon

Gutowski, Marie Hartway, James Havas, Jean Hoagland,

Richard Hollister, Gerry Huard, Paul Hulub, Dr. Megan John-

son, Dan Kowal, Bryan Lazarski, Joseph Leising, Denise

Lewandowski, Donald Lewecki, Joanne Long, Father Don-

ald Measer, Bill Moore, Tom Morsheimer, Jennifer Nagel,

Bill O’Hara, Robert Palmeri, Elizabeth Paluzo, Florian

Rzetka, Linda Sansalone, Torrie Saucedo, Adam Slifka,

Diane Terech, Eileen Walsh, Barbara Weig, Norma Welch

and Dolores Wiegand.

Pray for deceased: Thomas Conwell.

Please pray for our servicemen and women, peace in

the world and an increase in vocations.

Please call the rectory to place a sick person’s name

on the prayer list. The sick person should know about this

and give permission as some people prefer to keep this

information private. A name remains on the list for six

weeks and then is removed unless we are notified to

keep it on permanently.

RECONC I L IAT ION : Saturday from 3:30-4:30 p.m., Monday

from 6:30-7:00 p.m. and at other times by request.

PERSONAL PRAYER : Our Visitation Chapel (the entrance

is off the narthex) is open weekdays from 6:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.,

Eucharistic Adoration and Vespers every Monday from 6:00-

7:00 p.m. and Miraculous Medal Novena at 7:00 p.m.

ANOINTING OF THE SICK: If you or a loved one is in need of

the Anointing of the Sick, please make arrangements with the

parish office and/or feel free to ask one of the priests before or

after Mass. We are happy to visit you with Communion or Con-

fession or to offer the Sacrament of Anointing in your home,

hospital or healthcare facility.

JO IN ING OUR PAR ISH : New members are warmly wel-

comed. Please make an appointment to register by phoning the

rectory. Whether you are a lifelong Catholic or if you would like

to learn more about becoming Catholic, call us at 836-0011.

Page 3: January 26, 2020 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time



Dear St. Amelia Parish Family,

When Jesus called Peter and Andrew in today’s gospel, He was calling them first to that sense of

inner balance, even before He was asking them to take on a religious commitment. He wanted them

to know who they were; what they stood for, and how they should behave. For too long, we have

thought of the call of Jesus as a call to a select few or we have talked about different types of voca-

tions, but Jesus’ call is addressed to all of us. He asks us all to be fully what we are.

Jesus came as a role model. The Father sent Him to remind us of what we seem to have forgotten,

that we are created in the image and likeness of God. Just like Jesus’ call to Peter and Andrew, we too

must discover an inner balance within ourselves so as to be able to take a stand about our faith;

about what we believe and practice; to know who we are; what we are called to; what we are about as

life givers as a faith community. “He called them, and immediately they left their boat and their fa-

ther and followed Him.”

James and his brother John dropped everything to follow Christ. They embarked on this unknown

journey with Jesus, traveling “around all of Galilee, with neither stability nor security. All they had

was trust. How remarkable this is! Clearly, their encounter with Christ was life changing, even before

they knew the full truth.

Jesus says: “Come after me.” All of us have this vocation in common. The vocation; the method;

the amount may vary for each of us, but the invitation is there for all of us. All we need to do to fulfill

our vocation is to realize fully what it means to be created in the image and likeness of God.

The invitation is there; we have the opportunity to respond. Will we be like Peter and Andrew;

James and John; or just stay in our own little world and focus on ourselves? The choice is each of


In Christ’s Love and Peace,

Father Sibby


I will be away the weekend of January 24th-26th for my nephew, Michael’s wedding, taking

place in Winston Salem, North Carolina. During this time, Father Edward Sheedy will assist Father

Peter in celebrating Masses. I ask your prayers for a safe journey for members of my family and

myself as we travel for this family celebration.

Page 4: January 26, 2020 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time



Top Reasons to Oppose Assisted Suicide

Some polls indicate that the public is receptive to as-

sisted suicide, but the same polls show that people’s

views shift when they learn about its dangers - especially

the dangers for those who are poor, elderly, disabled or

without access to good medical care. Consider that, in Or-

egon and California, some patients’ health insurance of-

fers to pay for assisted suicide - not treatment. In states

where assisted suicide is legal, often no psychiatric eval-

uation or treatment is required. Additionally, assisted sui-

cide fosters discrimination by creating two classes of

people: those whose suicides we spend millions of dol-

lars to prevent and those whose suicides we assist and

treat as a positive good.




Wednesday, January 30th marks the Thirty-Eighth

Anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood for Father

Sibby. On Saturday, January 30, 1982, Bishop Edward D.

Head ordained Father Sibby, a priest for the Diocese of

Buffalo, at Holy Cross Church.

Wish our pastor, Father Sibby

a Happy 38th Anniversary of Ordination!!!


A friend remembered his days in a Catholic boy’s high

school years ago. Vocation directors for various religious

orders would attend an assembly to explain how God

called each of us to what then was considered a lifetime

choice in the religious life, marriage or the single state.

He said he worried then about this momentous one-

time decision. Only later did he recognize that God calls

us in another way to be His disciple every day and that

His calls and our choices are usually small incremental

ones, not one blinding moment of sudden understanding.

In today’s gospel, Peter is called to be a disciple. He

immediately says “yes,” as do Andrew, James and John.

Their choice, to serve Jesus, indeed lasts a lifetime.

But for many of us, we’re confronted with moral choic-

es daily – some more difficult than others. We can choose

to take what is usually the easier path, the path that is not

Christian or we can make a more difficult decision to fol-

low Christ. For example, if we’re the subject of someone’s

unkind remark at home or at work, do we let it pass or do

we respond in kind? In school, maybe the group wants to

freeze out one student. Do we go along or do we take a

stand for what’s right? Small choices, but small choices in

the same direction build habits and habits can form many

of our responses in more important situations in the fu-


The Lord gives us unlimited chances to follow Him. He

even continues to love us when we stumble. He forgives

our mistakes and offers His love again.

Do we respond to His call? In little things, as well as

big? More importantly, do we listen for His call? Just

something to think about.


When Jesus read before the crowd today, He made

known to us His vocation. What is yours? Are you called

to be a priest, deacon, brother or sister?

If God is calling you to a Church vocation, please call

Father Andrew Lauricella at 847-5535.


Our parish Marriage Preparation Ministry will be held

on three consecutive Thursday evenings: March 5th, 12th

and 19th. The preparation sessions for the Sacrament of

Marriage run from 7:00-9:30 p.m. and will be held in the

church. These sessions will fulfill your Pre-Cana needs for

your upcoming wedding. Please contact Eileen Warner in

the rectory office at 836-0011 with any questions and to


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VOLUME 67 NO. 5 JANUARY 26, 2020


Page 6: January 26, 2020 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time



We would like to congratulate the Home School Asso-

ciation for a wonderful, fun-filled and successful Meat

Raffle fundraiser. It was attended by over 450 and many

people went home winners with steaks, ribs, chicken

wings, burgers and so much more.

A special thank you to Joe Gugino, Meecie Tucciarone,

Bill Knab, Joey Kroczynski, Jr. and Mike Gatas and to all

the adults and students who volunteered to make this

event a success. The proceeds of this fundraiser will be

used to renovate the four sets of bathrooms in the school.

The renovation project will cost approximately $260,000.

Thank you to all who attended and for your support!

Father Sibby and Father Peter


The Diocese is urging the clergy and faithful of the Di-

ocese to observe necessary standard precautions to pro-

tect the health of others during this flu season. The best

way to prevent the spread of contagious diseases is to

practice good hygiene, such as washing your hands fre-

quently with soap and water. In addition to these custom-

ary measures of flu prevention, we are urged to do the


�� The distribution of the Precious Blood for the faithful

is suspended with the exception of those who must

receive from the cup due to medical reasons. The faith

of the Church teaches that Christ, whole and entire, is

received even under only one species.

�� The exchange of the Sign of Peace can be offered

without any physical contact. If the priest celebrant

chooses to extend the invitation for the sign of peace,

the faithful, instead of a handshake, may bow to the

persons nearby.

�� While the faithful retain the option of receiving Holy

Communion on the tongue or in the hand, all minis-

ters of Holy Communion are advised to distribute the

consecrated hosts with care, being cautious not to

touch the tongue or the hand of the communicant.

Ministers should also wash their hands before Mass in

preparation for the distribution of consecrated hosts.

�� Parishioners should be reminded that if they are ill or

suspect they are ill with a contagious illness; they are

not bound by the Sunday Mass obligation. They

should remain at home and return to church when

they are well.

The February Book Club selection is Finding Dorothy

by Elizabeth Letts. Goodreads states, “A richly imagined

novel that tells the story behind the Wonderful Wizard Of

Oz through the eyes of author L. Frank Baum’s intrepid

wife, Maud.”

Join us Wednesday, February 12th at 11:15 a.m. in the

small meeting room at the rectory. For further infor-

mation, please call Carol Tato at 551-0485.

Hearts Afire Mercy Group will be hosting a movie night

in the rectory at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 20th

entitled I Can Only Imagine. The movie is rated PG. Please

come and enjoy this night of fellowship with us. We will

provide the popcorn.


Join us Saturday August 29th to see the New York

Yankees play the Cleveland Indians. The cost is $115.00

before Saturday, February 1st. After this date, the cost will

be $120.00. This includes private indoor suite with unlim-

ited food for three hours along with non-alcoholic bever-

ages throughout the game. A non-refundable $25.00 de-

posit is required. Full payment must be made by Monday,

June 1st. Buses will leave from St. Amelia parking lot at

approximately 2:00 p.m. and will return following the


Please contact Joe at 876-2616 or jkroczyn-

[email protected] to make reservations.

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VOLUME 67 NO. 5 JANUARY 26, 2020


The Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts of St. Amelia will be

celebrating scouting in America, Sunday, February 2nd at

the 9:00 a.m. Mass. All scouts, former scouts, and leaders

are invited to attend this Mass. Please join us in the school

cafeteria for coffee, juice, conversation and scout stories.

There will be patches, pins, books and other scouting arti-

facts from the past on display in the cafeteria. For more

information, please contact Tom Johnson at 875-0675.


The St Amelia Home School Associ-

ation is very involved in their Pot

O’Gold fundraiser for the school. The

goal is to sell 2,000 tickets as we are

giving away 341 money prizes worth

$45,500.00. Tickets are $50.00 each.

If you have not yet purchased a

ticket and would like to do so, please contact Father Sibby

at 836-0011.

To date this year, I have sold over 172 tickets to family

and friends. Please support this important Home School

Association fundraiser. To all who have already pur-

chased a ticket or two – thank you for your support. The

Grand Drawing will take place Sunday, March 8th at 1:00

p.m. in the Don Miller Hall.


The Diocesan Union of Holy Name Societies is offering

a scholarship essay contest (500-600 words) known as

the Monsignor Maguire Scholarship. This is open to all

Catholic students in their senior year of high school in the

Diocese of Buffalo. The topic selected this year is Do You

Think That More Changes Have To Be Made To Strength-

en Our Faith And Beliefs, With Our Clergy and Our

Church Today?

The awards presented will be first place: $700.00, first

runner-up: $550.00 and second runner-up: $350.00.

All entries must be postmarked by Monday, April 20,

2020 and mailed to:

The Monsignor Maguire Scholarship Committee

Diocesan Union of Holy Name Societies

795 Main Street

Buffalo, New York 14203-1215



Are you looking for a school where your child will

grow academically, socially and in their faith? Do you

want your child to develop strong morals and values

guided by character development, leadership skills and

service to others?

Are you looking for a school where technology is cut-

ting edge and interactive SMART Boards are present in

every class? A school where Chromebooks are available

for every student in grades 6-8 and class sets are avail-

able for grades PK-5? A school where 21st Century

learning is infused with STREAM, (Science, Technology,

Religion, Engineering, Arts and Math) with Second In-

struction available for all students encompassing enrich-

ment opportunities, as well as remediation?

What about a strong Fine Arts/Physical Education

program including dance, fitness, drama, vocal and in-

strumental music? Do you want your child to learn life

skills such as respecting the rules, conflict resolution,

team work and fair play? St. Amelia School offers over

twelve Varsity and Junior Varsity sports teams, a variety

of clubs and many community service opportunities.

St. Amelia School is an award-winning school with a

dedicated, certified faculty. Your child will be welcomed

into a caring, family-friendly environment where they

will be inspired to achieve excellence every day!

Do you want to be actively involved and engaged in

your child’s school setting? Then look no further than St.

Amelia Catholic School!

Choosing a school for your child is one of the most

important decisions you will make as a parent. Enrolling

your child at St. Amelia Catholic School will prepare

them for the future

St. Amelia School is one school for all your educa-

tional needs. It is located on an 11 acre campus with a

soccer field, two playgrounds, basketball court and an

outdoor green space for children’s learning.

Page 8: January 26, 2020 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time



Lighthouse Blend: A coffeehouse atmosphere for high

school teens. We will meet on Sunday, January 26th after

the 11:00 a.m. Mass in meeting room B of the Lighthouse

at 200 St. Amelia Drive for coffee/tea/cocoa and snacks

while enjoying some videos, movies, discussions and

more! Join us and bring a friend who loves coffee.

S.A.L.T. (Stand And Live Truth) is a great new youth

event for all students in Grades 6-8. We include fun

games, faith-filled activities and of course FOOD! We will

meet Sunday, January 26th in the gym at 6:30 p.m. and

end the evening in the cafeteria at 8:00 p.m. Join us and

bring a friend!

LEAD: High school teens are invited to our new youth

group called LEAD on Sunday, February 9th to come to-

gether as Catholic disciples, leaders and followers of Je-

sus. We will start each session at 7:30 p.m. with Praise

and Worship music in the church and continue with

speakers, discussions, leadership opportunities, games

and food in the Lighthouse. Friends are welcome!

Service Night at St. Luke’s Mission of Mercy: Grades 8-

12, meet us in the church parking lot Sunday, March 1st at

3:00 p.m. to carpool to St. Luke’s where we will help with

meal preparations for the week. We will return by 7:00

p.m., and you will earn four service hours. Permission

slips are found at, Youth tab or you can fill

one out that day. Limit of 8 teens!

Child Care Aides are needed on Sundays during the

9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Masses. If interested and in grade 8

through adult, please meet with Mrs. Colleen Milette in

Room 26 at the school on Sunday morning and learn

more. Your services will be needed once a month - more

often if you prefer. Contact Youth Ministry for more ser-

vice opportunities.

Contact information: E-mail: [email protected],

[email protected], office phone: 834-5741, cell:

491-8269 or Instagram st.ameliayouth.

Office hours: Monday through Thursday from 8:00-

9:00 a.m., 2:00-4:00 p.m., Friday from 8:00 a.m.-12:00

noon or call or text 491-8269 for an appointment.

Youth events can also be found on the bulletin board

located in the narthex.


Please remember our Outreach Ministry with your

continued donations and consider sharing your talents

with us to help those in need. You are welcome to join our

volunteers with crafts and projects, sorting donations,

driving parishioners to appointments and many other op-


Presently, we are in need of young children’s clothing,

sizes 2T-5T. Your donations are greatly appreciated. We

accept donations of clothing, dishes, pots and pans, tow-

els, sheets and blankets. (Savers on Sheridan Drive is

happy to take your donations of books, knickknacks and


The trees will remain in the church during the months

of January and February, as we will be collecting new

hats, gloves, mittens and scarves to help those in need

throughout the coldest months. Please place your dona-

tions directly on the trees. Thank you and God bless you!

If you are in need of household items, clothing or med-

ical supplies, please call us at 832-2542.

Office hours: Mondays-Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. to

3:00 p.m.


Young Adult Bible Study: Monday evenings at 7:30

p.m. in the crying room on February 3rd and 10th. Join us

and bring a Bible. (We do have extras.)

Chili, snacks and movie night: Join us Friday, January

31st. Bring your favorite chili or Super Bowl snack to

share. We will meet in the cafeteria at 5:00 p.m. We may

have judging for the food, but will definitely have a great

movie to follow!

Our young adult ministry is open to ages 18-39. For a

list of all planned events, please check the new bulletin

board in the narthex.

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VOLUME 67 NO. 5 JANUARY 26, 2020



From the Desk of Mr. Kapperman, Principal,

This year our theme for Catholic Schools Week is Hollywood Comes to Saint Amelia School. This is a wonderful op-

portunity for us to celebrate all of the talents of our Saint Amelia School community and take time to thank God for all

of the beautiful gifts and talents that have been given to us to share with others. Thank you for all of your continued

support and for choosing to be a member of this wonderful community. We look forward to celebrating our school with


Please join us for our annual celebration of National Catholic Schools Week. We have planned a variety of events:

Sunday, January 26th - Coming Together as a Parish Family

Activity: 9:00 a.m. Mass and Reception to follow

Wear your school uniform to church

Monday, January 27th - Celebrating Your Community

Dress as Your Favorite Movie Character

Tuesday, January 28th - Ready, Set, Action

Activity: Checkers (Grades PK-3) at 9:00 a.m.

Bread Making (Grades 4-7)

Dress for the Oscars

Wednesday, January 29th - Celebrating our Faith

Activity: School Mass at 8:00 a.m.

Mr. Musial and Nickel City Animals

Session 1: 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.

Session 2: 10:15 - 11:15 a.m.

Dress in School Uniform

Thursday, January 30th - Celebrating our School Pride

Activity: SAS Spirit Day

“St. Amelia’s Got Talent” – Talent Show (in the afternoon)

Dress in School Colors – Blue and Gold

Friday, January 31st - Celebrating with our Teachers and Students

Author visit by Jason Paul (morning)

Movie Day (afternoon) – Students can “purchase” tickets to movie of their choice.

Must stay within their grade range (K-2, 3-5, 6-8)

Popcorn provided by Mr. Joe.

Report cards will be distributed Friday, January 31st.

There is no school on Monday, February 3rd due to Pastor’s Holiday.

Fowler’s Chocolates Easter Candy Sale begins Monday, February 10th.

Attention Bargain Hunters: We have cafeteria tables and chairs for sale! You can purchase a cafeteria table (35” x

35”) for only $10.00. Chairs may be purchased for $5.00 each or you can buy a table with four chairs for $25.00.

These tables would be great for card games, board games, outdoor patios, etc. Edges on the tables will be replaced be-

fore they are sold. You must transport the tables and chairs on your own. These are now available. If interested or for

more information, please e-mail [email protected].

Page 10: January 26, 2020 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time




Saturday, January 25

1:00 p.m. Bingo - School

8:00 p.m. AA Meeting - Cafeteria

Sunday, January 26

9:00 a.m. Adult R.C.I.A. - Rectory

9:00 a.m. Catholic School Week Family Mass with

Breakfast to Follow - Church/School

12:00 noon Youth Ministry Lighthouse Blend -


8:00 p.m. Beer & Bible Study - Lighthouse

Monday, January 27

6:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration

6:30 p.m. Confessions

6:45 p.m. Parish Council Meeting - Rectory

7:00 p.m. Miraculous Medal Novena - Church

7:15 p.m. Bingo - School

Tuesday, January 28

2:00 p.m. Prayer Group - Church

2:15 p.m. Golden Nuggets Board & Regular Meeting -


6:30 p.m. Religious Education Classes - School

6:30 p.m. Psalm 151 Music Group - Church

6:45 p.m. St. Vincent de Paul Meeting - Rectory

Wednesday, January 29

3:45 p.m. Religious Education Classes - School

6:30 p.m. Cub Scout Pack 529 - School and Gym

7:15 p.m. Bingo - School

Thursday, January 30

11:00 a.m. Scripture Study - Rectory

6:00 p.m. Open House - School

8:00 p.m. Exodus 90 - Lighthouse

Friday, January 31

4:00 p.m. Young Adult Event - Off Campus

Saturday, February 1

9:00 a.m. First Penance - Church/School

1:00 p.m. Bingo

8:00 p.m. AA Meeting - Cafeteria


Saturday: January 25 - Team A, February 1 - Team B,

February 8 - Team C.

Sunday: January 26 - Team A, February 2 - Team B,

February 9 - Team C.

Counters Schedule: January 27 - Team 2, February 3

- Team 3, February 10 - Team 4.


210 St. Amelia Drive, Tonawanda, NY 14150

Phone (716) 836-0011, Fax (716) 832-5439

Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m.

Friday 8:30-4:30 p.m.

Saturday 8:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m.


2999 Eggert Road, Tonawanda, NY 14150

Phone (716) 836-2230, Fax (716) 832-9700

Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.


2999 Eggert Road, Tonawanda, NY 14150

Phone (716) 833-8647

Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.


200 St. Amelia Drive, Tonawanda, NY 14150

Phone (716) 832-2542, [email protected]

Monday-Thursday 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. - closed Fridays


Rev. Sebastian C. Pierro, Pastor, [email protected]

Rev. Peter J. Santandreu, Parochial Vicar,

[email protected]

Kenneth R. Monaco, Permanent Deacon,

[email protected]

Robert Warner, Permanent Deacon/Business Manager,

[email protected]

Eileen Warner, Director of Pastoral Ministry

[email protected]

Catie Wagner, Executive Secretary, [email protected]

Amy Lepertine, Bookkeeper, [email protected]

Arlene Meyerhofer, Administrative Assistant,

[email protected]

Scott Kapperman, School Principal,

[email protected]

Elaine Volker, Religious Education, [email protected]

Kathy Waite, Youth & Outreach Ministry,

[email protected] or [email protected]

Daniel Fronckowiak, Music Ministry,

[email protected]

Denning Achidi, Transitional Deacon [email protected]


Margaret Frandina, [email protected]

Robert Wunsch, [email protected]


Kevin Burke, Parish Council President, 261-8588

Angel Beiter, Finance Council Chair, 564-2912

Craig MacVittie, Stewardship Co-Chair, 836-6787

Timothy Salisbury, Stewardship Co-Chair, 694-6727

Page 11: January 26, 2020 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time


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