
How can we possibly be at the

beginning of 2018. It seems like

it was just last week that we were

looking at the turn of the century.

The years seem to pass so fast

that it is hard not to get left

behind. But, here we are about to

start another year. What do we do

at the end of one year and the

beginning of the new? Usually

we pause to reflect or ponder the

past twelve months. We may ask

what we did wrong or right and

resolve to change things so that

we can do more right. So since

that is what most people do to

begin a new year, let’s do a little


If you are like me, you can

remember at least a few mistakes

(hopefully not too big) that were

made during 2017. I know some

of my mistakes cost me some

money and some resulted in some

physical difficulties, like the loss

of the nail on one of my big toes.

Again, like me, I sure you can

remember some personal choices

I wish I hadn’t made that meant I

had apologies to make and a little

crow to eat. Overall, though,

2017 didn’t involve any

catastrophic or moral failures. On

a brighter note, I have made some

progress in cleaning out some of

the many things that have

accumulated in my garage and

around my house over years of

living and not wanting to give up

the things that bring back all the

wonderful family memories. I

was also able to spend a couple of

weeks with my son helping some

overseas medical missionaries

and other individuals in Southeast

Asia. I was also able to spend

time with all my children and

grandchildren and even helping

my brother-in-law who was

facing wildfires around Napa,

California. So, all-in-all a fairly

respectable and successful year.

Now how about resolutions for

the coming year? I don't think so.

I’ve found that most resolutions

are just a setup for a failure to

begin the New Year. So, what

has this little review

accomplished if not to encourage

the making of New Year’s

resolutions? All resolutions do

are encourage us think we can

make all the changes we need in

our lives. And when we fail to

keep a resolution for the whole

year, we consider ourselves a

failure and that nothing will ever

change in our lives. Maybe rather

than trying to make a resolution

about how we are going to change

our lives in the New Year, what

we need to do is follow the advice

of Psalm 139:23-24: “Search me,

O God, and know my heart; Try

me and know my anxious

thoughts; and see if there is any

hurtful way in me, and lead me in

the everlasting way.” God is the

only one who knows if our hearts

and minds are in tune with His.

While He is considering our

ways, we should be considering

His way. His Word shows us He

is faithful; He transcends time and

space; He knows the end of

history even as He created time;

He has worked in and through the

lives of people in the past and will

continue to do it in the future; all

of the history of time points to

how he has prepared for people

who believe and follow him to

live with him in a perfect

existence, like Eden, for eternity.

Only God can make the New

Year truly new.

In This Issue

Leap into God’s Hands 2

‘Twas The Night Jesus Came 3

Spotlight on Missions 4

Library News 5

Children’s page 6

Pray for Our Missionaries 7

January 2018

Worship, Sun: 10:00 am

Bible Study, Sun: 11:00 am

Bible Study, Wed: 6:30 pm

3950 Wyoming, Kansas City, MO 64111

(816) 561-4392

e-mail: [email protected]

Make the New Year Truly New

Do you sometimes long for a

stronger faith - one that would

help you live a more adventurous,

fulfilling life? Just as your body

becomes stronger through

physical exercise, your soul

becomes stronger when you

exercise your faith. It can be scary

to take leaps of faith as you face

an unknown future. But there's

really no safer place to jump than

into the arms of the God who

loves you. Here's how you can

learn to take leaps of faith:

Don't settle for a marginal

existence. Decide that you want

what God wants for you - a

radical life that transforms you

and significantly impacts God's


Believe God's promises. Read

the Bible to discover what you are

entitled to have as a member of

God's family. Then claim your

promised inheritance by believing

God and living accordingly.

Survey your circumstances and

open your eyes to the potential for

God's work there if you faithfully

follow where He leads you. Put

your God-given talents to use and

do the best work you possibly can

in whatever you do. Regularly

thank God for all He has done -

and will do - for you.

Trade the "good life" for real

life. Don't strive for the world's

version of the "good life" -

acquiring all the things and

relationships you think you need

to be happy. Realize that the best

the world has to offer can only

bring you temporary satisfaction.

Instead, live for Jesus,

passionately pursuing His

purposes above all else. When

you do this, you'll experience real

fulfillment that will continue into

eternity. Don't pin your hopes on

people, things, or circumstances.

God is the only One you can

count on and the only One you

really need.

Look toward your eternal

home. Understand that Earth is

not your ultimate home; heaven

is. Decide to spend your time on

Earth growing in all the ways God

wants you to prepare for eternity

with Him. Be willing to leave

things, places, and even people

behind so you can follow

wherever God leads you. Pursue

joy instead of happiness.

Happiness is based on your

current circumstances, so it comes

and goes. But the joy that comes

from God is possible to have in

the midst of any type of


Go public with your faith. If

Jesus has saved you, pass the

lifeline to others by sharing the

Gospel with them. Be alert to

opportunities God gives you to do

that. Don't spend all your time

with like-minded people, but

develop friendships with non-

Christians and model a life of

holiness and love for them. Once

you get to know them, share the

Gospel with them in natural ways.

Expect God to show up. Know

that God is always at work, even

when you can't yet see any

apparent answers to some of your

prayers. Approach every situation

expecting God to show up -

sometimes in unexpected ways.

Trust the One who made the

universe to have perfect timing.

Have confidence in His goodness

and mercy. Remember that He

hears every one of your prayers -

even those offered in the midst of

stress, doubt, or despair.

Understand that God will respond

to even a small amount of faith

and meet you where you are.

Remember God's work. Share

family stories with your children

so they can learn how God

worked in their ancestors’ lives.

Commit to a church family and

fully participate in it so you can

recall and celebrate God's

faithfulness together.

Leave the right kind of legacy.

Take the time to invest in others,

sharing God's love with them.

Pass on encouragement whenever

you get the chance. Affirm other

people's gifts and capabilities.

Make reading, studying, and

meditating on God's word a top

priority. Then teach others how to

discover the riches in the Bible

themselves. Pass on the wisdom

you've learned from your life


Take as many leaps of faith as

you can before God calls you take

the final leap of faith from Earth

to heaven.

Adapted from Whitney Hopler’s adaptation of

Leap of Faith: Embracing the Life God Promised

You, by Ellie Lofaro.

2 Leap Into God’s Hands


‘Twas The Night Jesus Came

‘Twas the night Jesus came

and all through the house,

not a person was praying,

not one in the house.

The Bible was left on

the shelf without care,

it's hopes and promises

all buried there.

The children were dressing

to crawl into bed,

not once ever kneeling

or bowing their head.

And Mom in her rocker

with baby on her lap

was watching the Late Show

while I took a nap.

When out of the east

there arose such a clatter

I sprang to my feet to

see what was the matter.

Away to the window

I flew like a flash,

tore open the shutters

and threw up the sash.

What to my wondering

eyes should appear,

but angels proclaiming

that Jesus was here.

With a light like the sun

sending forth a bright ray

I knew in a moment

this must be the day.

The light of his face

made me cover my head.

It was Jesus returning

just like he'd said.

And though I possessed

great wisdom and wealth,

I cried when I saw him

in spite of myself.

The Book of Life

he held in his hand

contained the name

of every saved man.

He spoke not a word

but searched for my name.

When he said “it’s not here”

my head hung in shame.

The people whose names

were written with love,

he gathered to take

to his Father above.

And then in a twinkling

they rose without sound,

all of his chosen

were now Heaven bound.

I fell to my knees

but it was too late.

I waited too long

thus sealing my fate.

I stood and I cried

as they rose out of sight.

If only I’d known

that this was the night.

And then I awoke, this

dream such a fright.

‘Twas the night BEFORE!

There’s still time to get right.

(Adapted from a poem by Dianne

Frances Donenfeld.)

If you aren’t sure you’re ready

for Jesus to return, please

consider this. He doesn’t want to

leave anyone behind, but he can’t

take with him anyone who hasn’t

trusted his death to give them a

right relationship with God, his

Father. Trusting Jesus begins

with recognizing that you have

been disobeying God and trying

to be the god of your life. Then

ask him to come into your life so

you can learn how to live in your

new relationship with God.


Dear friends,

It’s over – another year! Days rush toward new events –

challenges for us all. Peace and happiness have come to us through

the study of God’s Word. Please make that true of you also.

With renewed spirit and resolve, we ask “O Lord, what can we

do to please you and glorify your name in 2018?”

We seek to make Jesus known, teaching of His death on the

cross and returning to life as our Redeemer. As He sits on the right

hand of God, the Father, His blood covers our unrighteousness and

God’s wrath will not touch us. Seek Jesus. He loves you.

Our Adults On Mission group spends time learning about

missions and missionaries in our city, state, the U.S. and around the

world, encouraging and helping in their work with our giving, and

lifting them up in prayer. We also reach out to people in our

neighborhoods and try to help them meet Jesus and have the

opportunity to accept what Jesus did by his death on the cross to

give them a right relationship with their Creator. We ask God to

lead us to those whom he is calling and need our witness to help

them make their decision. Pray with us for God’s leading.

As we start a New Year, renew your relationship with God by

reading and obeying what Jesus taught.

“Let them praise the Lord for His name alone is excellent, for

His glory is above the earth and heaven.” (Psalm 148:13)

“Praise the Lord. Sing unto the Lord a new song, and his praise

in the congregation of saints.” (Psalm 149:1)

Sing with us – we love you.

Alice Claire Butler


Meeting: Jan 14

Carry-in lunch: Noon

Mission Study: 1 p.m.

Pantry “Pleas”


Thank You

Thank you for your response

to our pleas for December.

We hope you will help us

with some of the following

items for January.

2. Individual Juice Boxes

3. Jelly

4. Individual Heat & Serve


5. Canned Fruit




Winter Cupcakes



We prepared and delivered Christmas gift bags to the employees of

the 39th

Street businesses, telling them about the real reason for

celebrating Christmas and inviting them to join us to learn about Jesus.

We also took Christmas gifts to the Missouri Baptist Children’s Home

and sent support for audio Bibles to be given to military individuals.

Pray with us that God will use these outreaches for His glory.

Our Winter Reading club began December 31 and there are plenty

of good books you might like to read. Here are some books you might

like to consider reading.

One More Sunrise by Michael Landon Jr. and Tracie Peterson

Stick a Geranium in Your Hat and Be Happy;

Splashes of Joy in the Cesspools of Life; and

Pack Up Your Gloomees in a Great Big Box,

Then Sit on the Lid and Lough 3 books in 1 by Barbara Johnson

The Essential Guide to Spiritual Warfare by Neil T. Anderson and Timothy M. Warner

The Domino Effect

by Davis Bunn

Brush of Wings and

Love Story by Karen Kingsbury

Dangerous Illusions by Irene Hannon

Joshua and the City by Joseph Girzone

Cherished Mercy by Tracie Peterson

January Birthdays

Jan 23 Gail Aggen

Chili Lunch

Jan 14, Noon

Bring a pot of chili that you

would like to share with

everyone and have a great time

tasting all the varieties.



Pray For Our Missionaries Please join us in praying for

these individuals who have

accepted Jesus’ Lordship and are

serving him in mission work.

Jan 1 – 9

Jeffrey Cruse

Birthday: Jan 6

Jeff and his wife, Kim, serve

in Southeast Asia. In March they

received news that Jeff’s mom

was diagnosed with a rapid

terminal disease. Suddenly they

had to swiftly make arrangements

to return to the US to spend what

time they could with her. She

died less than a month after they

received the news. Planning a

funeral, experiencing grief, and

seeing many out-of-town guests

can feel like a whirlwind, but then

add packing up and returning to

the mission field and the stress

becomes even greater. For Jeff

and the Cruse family, prayer was

a major lifeline as they walked

through this difficult journey.

You can also minister to other

grieving missionary families with

your prayers.

Pray for Jeff as he continues to

minister in Southeast Asia in what

will be s “new normal” after the

loss of a loved one. Ask God to

give him opportunities to use the

trial of losing his mom to share

the hope of Christ with the lost.

Jan 10 – 16

Don Hoy

Birthday: Jan 13

Don not only serves as pastor

of Southside Baptist Church in

Baton Rouge, LA, but also as a

chaplain in the Civil Air Patrol

(CAP) for a unit of 30 members.

To be qualified to be endorsed by

the North American Mission

Board as a chaplain for the CAP,

Don had to learn to fly. After

becoming a chaplain for a CAP

squadron, Don became the Wing

Chaplain, supervising a team of

chaplains ministering to more

than 530 CAP members

throughout the state of LA.

“Chaplaincy in the CAP is one of

my opportunities to practice what

I preach!” he says. Don

encourages all the CAP members

to minister to anyone they find

who needs help.

“We are in need of three or

four more chaplains in the LA

Wing, CAP,” Don says. “Please

pray God will work in the hearts

of the people He has for this


Jan 17 - 23

Katie Nalls

Birthday: Jan 20

Missionary moms balance

many tasks along with tending to

their family. They also know the

struggle of trying to get the family

out the door on a Sunday

morning. For Katie Nalls, it looks

a little different in Mozanbique

than in the US. While getting

ready for church, her preschool-

aged son came in with a tear-

stained face, saying, “the dogs are

going to eat that chicken!” It was

actually a duck that had flown

over the wall from a neighbor’s

yard. Their guard yelled in

Portuguese to their oldest

daughter: “I’ll get the dogs. You

grab the duck.” After starting to

run after the duck, she stopped

and said: “Wait, I don’t know

how to grab a duck!” When the

incident was over, Katie and her

husband, Chris, couldn’t help

laughing at what happened on a

Sunday morning.

Ask God to raise up laborers in

the Tete province of Mozanbique

and pray for believers to be

unified and focused on Jesus.

Jan 24 – 31

Jordan Alturas

Birthday: Jan 27

Jordan is pastor of Fellowship

Church near Penn State which is

home to 46,000 college students,

including a growing population of

international students. The

church is positioned to reach out

to the nation and the world as

students graduate and start their

careers either here or in their

home country and influence their

cultures. Penn State is a liberal

university where Christians are

seen as unaccepting and hateful.

Students may be curious about

Christianity but get caught up in

liberal thinking and school life

and drift away. Jordan says, “It

breaks my heart to see souls not

respond to the gospel. But as

long as they are alive, I remain


A Community Outreach of

3950 Wyoming

Kansas City, MO 64111

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