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JANUARY 2013 / TEVET -- SHEVAT, 5773

Friday, Jan. 46:45 p.m.! KIDZ Shabbat7:30 p.m.! Shabbat Eve Service*! ! Torah: Shemot, Ex. 1:1 – 6:1

Friday, Jan. 11!TGIS (Thank God It’s Shabbat!)6:00 p.m.! TGIS Family Service7:00 p.m.! TGIS Shabbat Dinner! ! Torah: Va’eira, Ex. 6:2 – 9:35

Saturday, Jan. 1210:00 a.m.! Shabbat Morning Service ! ! and Torah Study

Friday, Jan. 187:30 p.m.! Shabbat Eve Service! ! Torah: Bo, Ex. 10:1 – 13:16

Saturday, Jan. 1910:00 a.m.! Shabbat Morning Bar Mitzvah Service ! ! of Max Miller

Friday, Jan. 25!Tu B’Shevat7:30 p.m.! Special Service & Seder for Shabbat ! ! and Tu B’Shevat Led by our Kitah Dalet ! ! (4th level Hebrew) students! ! Torah: Beshallach, Ex. 13:17 – 17:16

Friday, Feb. 16:45 p.m.! KIDZ Shabbat7:30 p.m.! Shabbat Eve Service*! ! Torah: Yitro, Ex. 18:1 – 20:23

* Childcare is available for services.


INSIDE THIS ISSUEFrom the President’s Desk, Temple News! ! ! 2From the Rabbi! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 3Religious School! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 4-5Youth News, Adult Education! ! ! ! ! ! 6Sisterhood, Brotherhood, & Green Team!! ! ! 7Tu B’Shevat, Purim, TGIS! ! ! ! ! ! 8Big Nosh, Bucks Back!! ! ! ! ! ! ! 9TOL in Photos ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 10Member News ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 11Community News!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 12Yahrzeits! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 13Contributions !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 14Calendar! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 15

Happy New Year!

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2013!

Check out our special services this month!

January is Jewish Environmental Month as we

celebrate Tu B’Shevat on Friday, January 25.

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I hope everyone had a very happy Chanukah. Debbie and I enjoyed celebrating with our Tree of Life family at the Shabbat of Chanukah dinner and service and were honored to light the community menorah at the Katie & Irwin Kahn Jewish Community Center on the second night.

As we ring in 2013, I want to thank you for all


FROM THE COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTORWorth a Thousand Wordsby Cheryl Glantz Nail

“A picture is worth a thousand words.” ~Napoleon BonaparteMy husband and I recently celebrated our seventh wedding anniversary. While we enjoyed

reliving the details of that unusually cold Florida day over dinner, our favorite part of every anniversary is looking at our wedding album: remembering the faces of those who have since passed away, marveling at how little our now eight-year-old niece was, and giggling at the

drooping layers of icing that were our cake.Pictures tell stories that words can’t. They complete our memories and document our lives for future generations.

The photos we take at Temple are no different: they capture our traditions and provide a history of our congregation. Thanks to shutterbugs like Scott Kaplan, Sandy Mendel, and Risa Strauss, we have been able to include more pictures in our print and online publications, as well as preserve a digital archive of “life at TOL.” In 2013, we’d like to grow that archive. So send us your pictures! We’d love to share them with the congregation, both today and in the years to come. Email photos to [email protected].

Happy 2013!by Richard H. Cohn, Sr.

For 15 years Linda Frederico has been an integral part of the Tree of Life Congregation. We are sad that, in January, Linda w i l l b e r e l o c a t i n g t o Massachusetts. Please join us in thanking Linda and showing he r how much we have appreciated her many years of dedicated service to TOL.

Sunday, January 6, 20122:00-4:00 p.m.TOL social Hall

hosted by TOL Board of Directors, Sisterhood, and Brotherhood


your support in my first seven months as your president, and I look forward to your continued support. A great way to support Tree of Life this year is to participate in our Bucks Back program, through which we raised almost $3,800 in 2012. Thank you to everyone who participated and to Amy Scully for coordinating the program. Let’s raise even more this year! (See page 9 for details.)! Wishing you all the best for a happy and healthy 2013!

appreciated her many years of dedicated service to TOL.

SAVING A LIFEDana Rothschild, 45, of Charleston, SC and mother of two beautiful children, Gussie, 8 and Simon, 2, is in need of a healthy kidney for transplantation as soon as possible. Statistically, 100 people will have to be tested in order to find ten potential donors.

If you are interested in more information about being a living donor for Dana, contact the Medical University of SC Living Donor Transplant Program at 1-800-277-8687. Hit option 4, then option 3, and you will be connected with someone who can give you more information. Mention you are calling for Dana Rothschild and leave your name and call back number.



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The Temple was very busy last month, and we are looking forward to a busy beginning of the New Year. I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy and healthy 2013!

Before looking ahead, I want to take a moment to look back. Thank you to everyone who contributed to Harvest Hope Food Bank’s annual Thanksgiving Turkey Drive and who came to our Community Interfaith Thanksgiving Service. Thirty-seven organizations, including TOL, participated in the Turkey Drive, and we collected over $10,500 – more than enough to provide 420 turkey dinners for families and exceeding

last year’s total. Again, todah rabbah to all who contributed!We had a wonderful Chanukah at TOL this year. We began with a fun and enthusiastic Chanukah Happening at

Religious School on the first day of our Festival of Lights. Many people also participated in candle lighting at the Waterford, coordinated by Risa Strauss. On the Friday evening of Chanukah, we had over 150 people join us for our menorah lighting and latke dinner. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to the TOL Brotherhood for cooking a delicious dinner for so many people, which was no easy task. It was great to celebrate Chanukah as a big TOL family. We had even more people join us for our Shabbat Service, led by Kitah Hey (our upcoming B’nei Mitzvah students, who did an excellent job). It was a memorable evening at the Tree of Life.

I am excited to report that the Union for Reform Judaism has launched a new website: It’s all about “Jewish Life in Your Life.” It has been set up to help answer questions about Judaism and how to live meaningful Jewish lives. Click on the following categories for more information on Jewish Holidays, Jewish Life, Practice, Learning, Social Justice, and Israel. You can also find wonderful information on the weekly Torah portion (including “Ten Minutes of Torah”), e-learning and email newsletters, parenting podcasts, “Ask a Rabbi,” and much more. I think it will be a wonderful resource for us, and I hope you will take advantage of it. Feel free to recommend it to others who are looking for more information on Judaism.

Now to the sad news. Unfortunately, we will be saying good-bye to Linda Frederico, who will be moving with Mike back to Massachusetts this month. We wish Linda all the best as she prepares for her move (and a cold winter). We know that she is excited to be closer to her family, but we will miss her greatly. Linda has been a very important part of our TOL family for over 15 years, working hard in the Temple office, keeping TOL running and organized, and being a wealth of knowledge and experience for us. Please join our TOL leadership and me in thanking Linda this month for all that she does for us, and let her know how much she has meant to our congregation.

The good news is that there are a lot of wonderful things happening at Temple this month. We have some exciting worship opportunities. Join us on Friday, January 11 for a return of TGIS – Thank God It’s Shabbat! We will begin with a more informal family service at 6 p.m., followed by a catered chicken dinner (please remember to RSVP). It will be an upbeat and relaxing way to welcome Shabbat. One week later, on Saturday, January 19, we will welcome Max Miller as our first Bar Mitzvah of 2013. The following week, on Friday, January 25, we will celebrate Shabbat and Tu B’Shevat with a special service and seder in the Social Hall. It will be a different and educational experience, led by our Kitah Dalet students.

Please mark your calendars for the TOL Brotherhood’s Annual Red Cross Blood Drive on Sunday, January 13, and reserve your spot by going to the TOL website. We hope to collect even more donations this year: help give the gift of life! And Tuesday, January 15 is the Tree of Life Congregation’s 117th birthday! Yom Huledet Sameach!

Finally, I know it’s only January, but I hope you are thinking about summer plans. Registration for the URJ Camp Coleman, as well as the URJ 6 Points Sports Academy, is open and is filling up. If you are thinking of sending your kids to camp this summer, please register them as soon as possible – some sessions have already filled.


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Our Earthly Blessingsby Risa Strauss

Modern Israel today is an enterprising land of immigrants where factories and businesses thrive and hi-tech industries abound. However “urban” Israel’s economy might be in 2013, its growth since the early 1900s can be attributed almost entirely to an institution unique to the land of Israel itself: the kibbutz. The kibbutz is an environment, a settlement of sorts, where people live and work together in a shared, cooperative community. The original focus of most kibbutzim (plural) was agricultural: their main goal was to develop arid or swampy, malaria-infested land into farmland that could produce food for a fledgling population. Though farming is not one of the

top ten occupations of Jewish people in America (I am not sure of percentages, but I am pretty sure that I can safely say that as a fact), it is a common occupation in Israel. Ancient Israel actually was a nation of farmers and shepherds. Kibbutznikim, as the folks that live and work on kibbutzim are called, truly embody the time-tested value of manual labor and the notion that working the soil is intrinsically part of connecting to the Holy Land itself.

So many Jewish holidays revolve around planting and harvesting because of our connection to the land and to nature as a whole. Our rabbis and sages understood that the ebb and flow of nature’s cycles are blessings that need to be acknowledged and counted. We have prayers and blessings for rain and dew, blossoms, rainbows, first fruits, and, of course, for before and after eating all of the foods that we have brought forth from the earth.

In Israel, the Hebrew month of Shevat (usually January-February) is always associated with a meteorological reawakening of sorts. The weather begins to moderate, the land begins to thaw, and the trees begin to bloom. Tu B’Shevat, the fifteenth day of the month of Shevat is a holiday created by the rabbis as a way of determining the age of fruit trees. While the observance itself dates back to the time of the Mishnah, Tu B’Shevat has become the Jewish ecological holiday. The celebration has provided Jews around the world (even in concrete, snow-covered cities) and in Israel with the opportunity to educate about flora and fauna and the need to protect all of nature; plant trees in Israel through the Jewish National Fund to help with forestation and to fight against soil erosion; and focus on ways to take better care of our planet.

In Leviticus it is written: “When you… plant any tree for food…three years (the fruit) shall be forbidden for you, not to be eaten. In the fourth year, all its fruit shall be set aside for jubilation…and only in the fifth year, may you use its fruit – that its yield to you may be increased.” In Judaism, trees represent the essence of life – both because they are alive and because they sustain life. It is a tradition during Tu B’Shevat, also known as Rosh HaShanah Le’Ilanot (The New Year of the Trees), to eat seven types of fruit and grains that grow in Israel: barley, figs, dates, grapes, olives, pomegranates, and wheat. In modern America all of these fruits and grains are easily attainable, and we will enjoy them at Temple and rejoice in the “Jewish Arbor Day” during our annual Tu B’Shevat Seder and Shabbat Service that will be held on Friday evening, January 25, 2013.

In the 21st century, we understand that our beloved planet is made up of a variety of plants, animals, and organisms that work together to sustain our ecosystem. Perhaps we all can’t live on kibbutz or be farmers in the hills of Minnesota; however, by actively celebrating Tu B’Shevat, we can become more aware of the wonders of creation and the need to appreciate these gifts and use them wisely so that our children and our children’s children can enjoy a healthy world.

For more information on how to connect children, Judaism, and nature, Green Bible Stories for Children by Tami Lehman-Wilzig is a great resource.


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It is hard to believe that we have said Shalom to 2012 and have already begun to embrace the month of January and the year 2013; however, the fun and the friendships that we enjoyed and nourished during the month of December we will carry with us for years in the future.

Our Religious School enjoyed a Chanukah Happening because of the efforts and creativity of multitudes. Todah rabbah to our teachers, parents, children, the Brotherhood, the 4 Fathers, and so many others who gave so much of their time and enthusiasm to ensure that we had a great Chanukah program.

Sunday School for Adults in December focused on the winter holidays and their presence in our American lives, and Rabbi Leah concluded her Introductory Hebrew class. Grade 7 pondered and discussed “What is a Hero” at their family life program, and the Nudelman, Kuperman, Blackmon, Bernstein, and Ginsberg families all enjoyed lunch together. Grade 7/Kitah Hey also had the honor of leading us in Shabbat Services during the Friday night of Chanukah. Kol Hakavod, to Grade 7 and their teachers!

Yasher Koach to all helped make the Waterford Senior Residence shine with all things Chanukah! Residents enjoyed all that we did to make the holiday special for them.

It was a pleasure to meet and learn and work with teachers and parents and students from the Augusta Jewish Community School. Sharing class, assembly, and lunch with fellow southern Jews was so cool and a great way to conclude our December! Many thanks to the Institute for Southern Jewish Living fellow, Reva Frankel, for providing us with a delightful teacher in-service and to Debra Stombler for coordinating the post-Religious-School bowling outing.

Happy 2013 to EVERYBODY!

Important Dates in January, 2013

1/04: Kidz Shabbat, 6:45 p.m. with childcare1/06: RS, 9 a.m.1/13: RS, 9 a.m. and Sunday School for Adults1/19: Bar Mitzvah of Max Miller, 10 a.m.–Mazal Tov to Max and his family!1/20: NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL, MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. DAY Weekend1/25: Kitah Dalet Service and Tu B’Shevat Seder, 7:30 p.m.1/27: RS, 9 a.m. and Tu B’Shevat activities and crafts


Support TOL Religious School’s Annual Fundraiser

Bartons’ Miss ChocolatePassover Candy Sale!

Look for your packet in your child’s book bag,or pick one up in the lobby.

Starts January 13, 2013Ends March 1, 2013

Passover begins on March 25. We must have your order March 1!

Use an order form, or order online:

School Code: 704479

Mmmm…delicious Passover delicacies!

Adama (ground) is derived from the root dalet and mem, meaning blood.

One may think that this is strange—how is the word “ground” connected to “blood”? Well, in many parts of the Middle East the ground is like clay and full of iron. The color of much of the soil in Israel (except on the sandy coasts or in the deserts) is very red and is the color of blood.

Adom is the Hebrew word for red.

Adam, the first man, was given this name because he came from the earth.

This month at Tree of Life we will rejoice in life from the earth and the natural wonders around us during our Tu B’Shevat celebrations, as well as give life through our blood donations to the American Red Cross on January 13, 2013.


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Reality check for January: Eating Healthy in 2013

with Terri Sobel, MS, RD, LDNutritionist, Lexington Medical Center

Sunday, January 13, 20139:15-10:15 a.m.

TOL Library

A healthy breakfast will be available.

Please RSVP to Risa for planning purposes: 803.787.2122 or [email protected].


Max Allen Miller is the son of Bruce & LA Miller and Laura Friedman Miller, and he is the older brother of Emma. Max has lived all of his life in Columbia. The Millers are long-time members of the Tree of Life Congregation. Max is a 7th grader at Heathwood Hall. He plays on his school’s football and lacrosse teams. He also enjoys sleeping, eating, playing video games, and kayaking. For his Mitzvah Project, Max is collecting presents and needed items for the Palmet to P lace C h i l d r e n ’ s E m e r g e n c y Shel ter–please see the collection box in the TOL foyer for more information.

Pizza Lunch and/or Pre-Ordered TakeoutSunday, February 10, 2013

Pizza Lunch* during Religious SchoolGrades 4 & under: $3/child; Grades 5-adult: $4/person

*Vegetables and drink included.

Pre-Ordered TakeoutCheese Pizza: $7White Pizza: $8

Pizza with One Topping*: $8*choice of onions, mushrooms, olives, peppers

Reservation and ordering information at and in the February newsletter.

Prepared by TOL Brotherhood with love.


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Brotherhood Membership DriveThe Brotherhood membership drive is underway. If you have not already joined for 2012/2013, please consider doing so. Your dues allow the Brotherhood to provide much needed support to the Temple. You may pay online or send a check to the Temple office.

Blood DriveSunday, January 13th from 9 a .m. to 1 p .m. , the American Red Cross will be at the Temple for our annual blood drive. See the link on the homepage of the Temple website to request a donation time.

Your last donation must be prior to Friday, November 16th to be eligible to give. Please consider giving the gift of life.


TOL Book Club The TOL WRJ Book Club focuses on books with a Jewish or Israeli theme. We meet at 7 p.m. on the second Thursday of every other month. Here is the current schedule:Thursday, January 10, 2013 Kosher Chinese by Michael Levy, meeting at Miyo’s on Forest DriveThursday, March 14, 2013 Garden of the Finzi-Continis by Giorgio Bassani, meeting at Pasta Fresca on Forest DriveThere is no charge to attend and no registration–just show up! New members are encouraged. All are welcome. Questions? Contact Amanda Hamilton or Ilene King.


A joint effort between Tree of Life and Beth Shalom Synagogue is underway to provide disaster support for people in need. Our team is working in conjunction with the American Red Cross to provide this support and to receive the necessary training. Our initial venture is to provide meals for local disasters such as house or apartment fires or power outages.

The Tree of Life Board has agreed to allow our team to use the Temple kitchen to prepare these meals. We also have people on the team who are interested in sheltering and will help with that need when it arises.

Eventually we hope to expand our focus beyond food preparation to coordinating a shelter, as well as providing psychological support. At this time, we are in need of people to help with our initial goal of food preparation. If you would like to help with food preparation, you may become a member of the response team, but it is not required. However, there is a free American Red Cross online food safety course everyone is required to complete before they may participate. If you are interested in becoming a member of the team or simply want to help with the food preparation, please email the Brotherhood at [email protected]. You may also follow us on Facebook at Columbia Jewish Disaster Response Organization.


Helium Balloons Damage the Environment [email protected]


Remember to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Everyone loves helium balloons, but they pose a double threat to the environment.

Helium is found deep in the earth along with natural gas. When it is released into the air, it escapes to outer space. There is no way to manufacture artificial helium. The supply is in danger of being depleted, creating a problem for technologies that depend on it, including medical imaging, electronics manufacturing, and nuclear energy production.

Under-inflated helium balloons do not shatter at high altitudes, and when they fall to the ground they become litter. Animals sometimes mistake them for food and choke on the balloons or the ribbons attached to them. Latex balloons are biodegradable, but Mylar balloons are not, so they prevent a worse problem if they escape.

Please keep this in mind the next time you plan a party.

Tu B’Shevat ProgramSunday, January 27 at 1:00 p.m.

Visit for more information.

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TGIS–THANK GOD IT’S SHABBAT!Family Service and Shabbat Dinner

6 p.m. Friday, January 11, 2013

We are bringing back a favorite to Friday nights at TOL: TGIS–Thank God It’s Shabbat! Come to Temple for a different Shabbat experience. We will begin at 6:00 p.m. with a special early and more informal Family Service for all ages with lots of singing. After services, we will join together as one large Temple family for a traditional and healthy catered Shabbat dinner.

Cost for DinnerAdults: $10.00

Children (ages 3-13 yrs): $5.00Children under 3 yrs: Free

Maximum cost per family: $25.00

Sorry, we cannot guarantee dinners for those without reservations. Your payment must be received by the Temple office no later than Friday, Jan. 4.

Reservations will be taken on a first-come, first-pay basis.

Make your checks payable to Tree of Life Congregationand mail your check and reservation form to:

Tree of Life Congregation, 6719 North Trenholm Road, Columbia, SC 29206- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tree of Life Congregation – TGIS Dinner – Friday, January 11, 2013

Name ______________________________________________!Phone _____________________

Number Attending: Adults ______ ! Children ______! Amount Enclosed $____________ Ck# ________

Join Tree of Life Congregation

in welcoming Shabbat at the Kitah Dalet (4th level Hebrew) Class

Shabbat Service and Tu B’Sehvat Seder!

Friday, January 25 at 7:30 PM

Shabbat Services and a unique celebration of the trees

will begin at 7:30 PM, immediately followed by

a delicious Oneg Shabbat!

Call Risa at 787-2182 for more information.

TU B’SHEVATSaturday, February 23

6:30 p.m. Purim Service & Megillah Reading for all ages

7:45 p.m. Adult Purim Party at Beth Shalom Synagogue

Come join us for the most fun night of the Jewish year! We will begin with our joyous Purim Evening Service, which will include the reading of the Megillah (Scroll of Esther) and a Purim Shpiel. You won’t want to miss out! Afterwards, we will join with Beth Shalom Synagogue for an adult Purim party (alcohol will be served – childcare will be provided).

Sunday, February 24Our joint Purim Carnival Extravaganza with Beth Shalom Synagogue will be held at TOL during Religious School. Come in costume and come ready for fun!

PURIM 5773

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The Big Nosh™ is coming! The Big Nosh™ is coming!

Mark your calendar for Sunday, April 21st.

The Big Nosh™ committee is hard at work on this year’s event. You can follow us on Twitter (@BigNoshSC), friend us on Facebook (, and visit our website at to get details on the food, educational activities, and entertainment.

Don’t forget to place your pre-orders. The form will be available starting February 1st. Simply download the form from our website, fill it out, and send it with your check to the Tree of Life Temple. Your food will be ready for pick up the morning of the event.

Help spread the word by telling your friends, family and co-workers.

Come get your Nosh on at the 2013 Big Nosh™!

What Is Scrip (Bucks Back)? Scrip is a term that means “substitute money.” When you purchase scrip, you’re purchasing prepaid cards that are used just like cash. You can use scrip to purchase everyday expenses like food, clothing, and other essentials, and with every purchase, you earn revenue for Tree of Life.How Bucks Back generates revenue for TOLThe Great Lakes Scrip Center acts on behalf of religious organizations to purchase large amounts of scrip from resturants, department stores, and other retailers. Tree of Life buys the scrip from Great Lakes Scrip Center at a discount and re-sells the certificates to families like yours for full face value. The discount–from two to fifteen percent or more–is Tree of Life’s revenue.Bucks Back is "shopping cart fundraising”Bucks Back is a popular fundraiser because you don’t have to sell anything. Tree of Life members produce revenue by making regular household purchases you would make anyway. Groceries, clothing, toys, gifts, even gasoline can be purchased with Bucks Back. 1. Go to www.shopwithscrip.com2. Click “Create an Account”3. Enter user name, password, e-mail, birth year, first and last name, gender, state and zip code4. Click “ I Accept”5. Answer two challenge questions6. Enter enrollment code ELLL34F52L571 (letters are capitalized)7. You will receive the following message:

You are a member of the following organizations: Tree Of Life [Active] (Coordinator: Amy Scully [email protected]) -  Place Order

Questions – Contact Amy Scully803-497-3319 or [email protected]

The next order deadline is January 6!

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Todah Rabbah to Scott Kaplan for photographing the Chanukah Happening! Visit TOL’s website and Facebook page for even more pictures!

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Mazel Tov to:Gordon & Becky Cantor on the marriage of their

daughter Sable to Andrew Wright and for their new 8 year old step-grandson Chad

Gordon & Becky Cantor on the birth of their granddaughter Adalie Claire to their daughter Sagan & Dylan Travis

Refuah ShleimaGet well wishes to TOL members recently hospitalized or at home recovering: Ann Gaton and Elsie Wolf

Condolences to:Thalia Birch, on the loss of her husband Hal Birch

Honor RollWe salute and thank our wonderful volunteers!

Office –Joan Amado, Ann Gaton, Annette Goldstein, Sandy HertzReligious School Office – Joan TuckerHospital Patient List – Sandy HertzGreen Team / Recycling – Carolyn Hudson

New MembersHilary Lichterman

Bob BurgMatt ChislingJoan McGeeElijah MoloskyMarla MayVee WayburnJustin JacobsMaryann LapineCheri ShapiroPaul WestfallBen CrawfordAriel KattanHayley SayewitzIgor VolynetsCindy SaadHayden Cohen

Jan. 2Jan. 2Jan. 2Jan. 2Jan. 4Jan. 4Jan. 5Jan. 6Jan. 7Jan. 8Jan. 9Jan. 9Jan. 9Jan. 9Jan. 10Jan. 11

Steven LangerTodd WeissZoe KaplanCedar CoffmanEmma IskhakovMary Helen BaumLarraine MosesAdam MullisBecca BellinoDiane MellitzShahram NovinbakhtCharles MullisDebbie CohnBeth CrawfordRayton FisherPeggy Miller

Jan. 11Jan. 12Jan. 13Jan. 14Jan. 14Jan. 15Jan. 15Jan. 15Jan. 16Jan. 16Jan. 16Jan. 18Jan. 22Jan. 22Jan. 22Jan. 22

Rachael MitchellAubrey CantorScott KaplanSimone KozlovDonald BowenJackie Dickman-BabcockCharles GeffenJan SavitzDavid TedeschiSam FriedmanMeri GergelNaomi AmadoMichael CoffmanLonnie StoutKate BarrollNicholas Contino

Jan. 24Jan. 25Jan. 25Jan. 25Jan. 26Jan. 26Jan. 27Jan. 27Jan. 27Jan. 28Jan. 28Jan. 30Jan. 30Jan. 30Jan. 31Jan. 31

Marilyn & Craig BarkanIrina & Igor Volynets! !Karen & Donald Portnoy

January 6January 9January 15



JANUARY ANNIVERSARIESJanuary 4 – Debbie GreenhouseJanuary 11 – Cheri AlexanderJanuary 18 – Beverly KaplanJanuary 25 – Yuliana Iskahov


In January, I will be resigning as Temple office manager after 15+ years. My husband’s employer is transferring him back to Massachusetts. While we would prefer to stay here, our family is there. Over the years, I’ve shared your laughter and your tears. I’ve made a lot of great friends through the Temple–some no longer here. Children who became B’nei Mitzvah when I first arrived are now married, in graduate school, or living on their own. Some of you who married soon after my arrival have children who are now becoming a Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Thank you for sharing your life cycle events–it’s been fun working at TOL, and I will surely miss everyone.

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ITINERARYNote: Opportunities for special private trips to specific towns/cities not on the itinerary may be possible.

Warsaw, Lublin, Krakow

motorcoach includes airport transfers


by Abbott and Hill Travel

Kevin Lewis, PhD, Dept of Religious Studies, University of South Carolina

Travel Escort: Leah F. Chase, Chase Travel, Charleston, S.C.

Attention South Carolina Teachers

The S.C. Council on the Holocaust offers an $800.00 subsidy to the first 12 public school teachers to sign up, commit and go on the Travel/Study Tour. Teachers must presently be working in a S.C. public school or holding a contract in a S.C. public school for the 2013-14 school year.

Teachers enrolled in the Travel/Study Tour, in addition, may enroll separately in a three-hour credit Independent Study Course directed by the Scholar-Director of the Tour, Kevin Lewis, Professor of Religious Studies at the University of South Carolina.

Those enrolled in this course, RELG 797, will be eligible for tuition fee grants from the S.C. Council on the Holocaust (amount to be determined).

Contact Kevin Lewis for details: [email protected]














SCCH TRAVEL/STUDY TOUR TO POLAND Sun 30 Jun – Mon 9 July 2013 Minimum participants required: 20


Name 1st Passenger

Name 2nd Passenger

Mailing address


Tel Cell


A pre-Poland tour extension to Berlin, and a post-Poland tour extension to Prague, Budapest and Vienna are also offered, escorted by Leah Chase. Costs to be determined by number of sign-ups.

( ) I am interested in the Berlin pre-tour plans.

( ) I am interested in the Budapest-Prague-Vienna post-tour plans.

( ) I am a public school teacher and wish to receive the $800 subsidy provided by the S.C. Council on the Holocaust.

( ) I am also planning to register for graduate credit at U.S.C.

Passports must be current: issue date before 31 Jan., 2013 and expiration date after 31 Jan., 2014.

1. Include copy of passport photo page.

2. Include deposit check made out to CHASE INC. of $300.00 per person to hold space. Deadline for complete refund if you decide to cancel: 01 Mar. 2013. After this date, contact Chase Inc. for cancellation penalties.

3. Final payment due 01 April 2013. All major credit cards accepted (Discover excluded).

Please mail to: CHASE INC.

For travel details, contact Leah Chase, Chase Inc., at [email protected] or 843.556.0525.


Saturday,  February  9:      7pm  B'nai  Mitzvah  Party            8  pm  |  Hava  Nagila  Sunday,  February  10:      2:30  pm  |  Freedom  Writers      6  pm  |  Saviors  in  Night      8:00  pm  |  Nora's  WillMonday,  February  11:      6  pm  |  A  Ma@er  of  Size      8:00  pm  |  The  ConcertTuesday,  February  12:      6  pm  |  Kaddish  for  a  Friend      8:30  pm  |  Savior  in  the  NightWednesday,  February  13:      6  pm  |  Colombian  Love      8:00  pm  |  Kaddish  for  a  FriendThursday,  February  14:      6  pm  |  The  Concert      8:30  pm  |  A  Ma@er  of  Size

February  9  –  14,  2013Become  a  sponsor,  order  Kckets,  read  film  synopses  at

All  Films  Shown  at  the  Nickelodeon  Theatre  |  1607  Main  St,  Columbia,  SC


The Columbia Jewish Community’s 2013 Mitzvah




Columbia  Centerfor  Jewish  Learning

ExciKng  courses  are  beingsponsored  by  Beth  Shalom  

Synagogue  starKng  January  17th!

Open  to  Everyone!Call  to  register  or  for  more  informaSon:


6:30-­‐7:30  p.m.Archeology  &  the  BibleDr.  Jonathan  Leader,  USC

7:45-­‐8:45  p.m.Kabbalah  &  our  Daily  LivesRabbi  Jonathan  Case,  BSS

Call  787-­‐2023  or  email  [email protected]  for  more  informaKon!

Page 13: JANUARY 2013 / TEVET -- SHEVAT, 5773 JANUARY WORSHIP · and mother of two beautiful children, Gussie, 8 and Simon, 2, is in


December 7 Benjamin, Jean, & Jack Ginsberg, in memory of

Joseph Harold GinsbergLinda Helman Ackerman & Carolyn Helman Derrick,

in memory of Joseph George HelmanBeth & Harvey Helman, in memory of Joseph George HelmanRichard & Ellen Helman, in memory of Joseph George HelmanStephen Merlin, in memory of Julia MerlinVee Wayburn, in memory of Mamie K. TolochkoDecember 14 Emmanuel Farber, in memory of Sophie GoldblattRoberta & Steve Friedland, in memory of Joseph NifoussiStephen Merlin, in memory of Israel MerlinStephen Merlin, in memory of Philip TurnerFeliks & Sarra Rabinovich, Kim & Raisa Rabinovich,

Elizaveta & Talap Khasietov, and Svetlana Tsukhayfamilies, in memory of Sonya Rabinovich

December 21 Rosann Schwartz Canady, in memory of Albert SchwartzSelma Dickman, in memory of Clara BlickSelma Dickman, in memory of Jacob BlickLewis & Maryann Lapine, in memory of Jack LapineMarcia & Fred Medway, in memory of Arnold David LutzHarriet Posner and Amy & Robert Scully, in memory of

Ben LevinJeannie & Hyman Rubin, Jr., in memory of Hyman Rubin, Sr.Jane Veytskin, in memory of Yefim Khaim KrupnikVee Wayburn, in memory of Myron Bernard KahnMorton Winter, in memory of Julius WinterDecember 28 Linda & Allan Ackerman, in memory of Ina ChernoffEllen & Richard Helman, in memory of Herbert YoungThe Moses family, in memory of Solomon LourieLarraine & Jeff Moses and Toby Lourie, in memory of

Solomon LourieDarryn & Karen Russ, in memory of Rona RussJan, Phil, Zack, & Erin Savitz, in memory of Sylvia SavitzStephen & Jennifer Savitz, in memory of Sylvia SavitzDavid & Karen Schwartz, in memory of Georgianne

Oxenhandler-SchwartzJeff, Walton, Aleka, Kiber, & Sam Selig, in memory of

Marvin SeligJoan Tucker, in memory of Sarah SchwartzVee Wayburn, in memory of Marian V. WaxelbaumPhilip Wittenberg, in memory of Rhea Shapiro Wittenberg

Correction from November 30Jeff, Wlaton, Aleka, Kiber, & Sam Selig, in memory of

Trudy Selig

BIMAH FLOWERSJanuary 4 – Aaron Garbuz, David Moss, Abraham Schulman*, Goldie Slone, Hilde Brauer, Julian Hennig, Jr.*, Julia Nathanson, Abraham Nisenholz, Sarah Plavin, Leona Sobel*, Hugo Wolf Terner*, Nathan C. Bass*, Frances Berry, Isidore Circus*, Gertrude Coplan*, Louis Coplan*, Moe Finkelstein*, Joseph Groeschel*, Arthur Gross, Lillian Helman*, Benjamin King, Hanna Messer, Morris Sheftman*, Morris Chernikoff, Joseph Foglia, Zachary Moses Bazerman*, Celia Greenfield, Robert N. Rosichan*, Bertha Schwartz*, Jeffrey Wander, William Y. Rast, Mollie Blatt*, Betty Kaplan*, Philip Posner*, Stanley Sidenberg*, Sadie Wainstolk, Rita Wasserman*, Helen Poole Womersley*January 11 – Benjamin Dunay*, Rose Josephs*, Patricia-ann F. Schwab*, Rochelle Cooper, Dorothy Weingarten*, Ann Weiss, Isaac Donen*, Lucile S. Heyman*, Simpson Robert Walker, Jr.*, Beverly Lichterman, Samuel Meyer Gladstone*, Daniel Cooper Reyner*, Freeda M. Siskin*, Stanley Weiss*, Samuel Ginsberg*, Moses Kornblut, Joseph Rabinovich, Herman Mischner*, William L. Scott*, Mariam Kaplan, Rabbi Milton SchlagerJanuary 18 – Gertrude Becker, Frank Bruck*, Mortimer Burger*, Ada Berman Daniel*, Roy K. Diamond, Raymonde Jaffe*, Marion Rosenman Rothstein, Judith Weinberg Thompson, Myron H. Cohn, Roy B. Mitchell, Clara Levin*, Anna Bornstein, Molly Korash, Eddie Linzer, Sophie Madoff, Murray Buchsbaum, Nathan Mandell*, Sylvia Rosh, Edward E. Rothstein*, Seymour Bermak*, Rebecca Blenner, Norman Rotholz, Eleanor Alpert, Herman Erlichson, Ella Garlick Gabriel, Lorenz Kronrad*January 25 – Sandra Leavitt Barshop, Sylvia Berger Brown, Leo Silverfield*, Alfred Weiss*, Vaughn A. Hill, Lillian K. Burger*, Stephen Echlov, Frank Spencer, Eugene Emanuel Stiglitz, Dan Daniel*, Arthur G. Gibson*, Lillian Herman*, Bryan McMullen, Joe B. Berry*, Harry H. Blecker, Sara Carr, Lyle Kenneth Segal*, Hedva Fried, Paul Ernest Kalman, Marie Wheeler, Alfred Ackerman*, Maxie Alpert

*name memorialized by a plaque in the sanctuary



Note: If you are unable to bake or purchase Oneg Shabbat refreshments you may donate $20.00. Homemade goods are always preferable. Checks need to be sent to the temple office two weeks prior to your Oneg Shabbat date. Thank you!

January 4 - Chair: Laurie Slack, Jeffrey & Larraine Moses, Samuel & Kimberly Moses, Lennie & Charles Mullis, Lisa & Billy Mustard, Allan & Cheryl Nail, Kenneth & Myra NelsonJanuary 11 - Chair: Gaynell Gavin, Shahram & Barbara Novinbakht, David & Dori Nudelman, Alexander Ogden & Judith Kalb, Joy & Neil Parks, Michael & Janet Paul, Rachel & Jason PeavyJanuary 18 - Chair: Linda Kerner, Bruce & LA Miller, Irina Plotkin, Donald & Karen Portnoy, Marc & Ann Posner, Ellen & David Potter, Ron Prinz, Feliks & Sarra RabinovichJanuary 25 - Chair: Kim Moses, Kim & Raisa Rabinovich, Ira & Kay Radin, Marc & Mia Rapport, William & Barbara Rast, Alan & Anne Reyner, Shu-Mei Richman

Page 14: JANUARY 2013 / TEVET -- SHEVAT, 5773 JANUARY WORSHIP · and mother of two beautiful children, Gussie, 8 and Simon, 2, is in


Building FundPenni & Larry Nadel, in memory of Rhea Stern

Foyer LeafGwen & Sid Sasiene, Mazel Tov to Matt &

Kaili Sasiene on their marriageIrene & Fred Fields, in honor of Belle Serbin Fields

on her 100th birthday

General FundBob & Sherry Blenner, in memory of Rhea SternMyrna & Richard Cohen, in memory of Rhea SternIrene & Fred Fields, in memory of Rhea SternAnn Gaton, in memory of Rhea SternDale & Michael Morris, in memory of Rhea Stern

Memorial PlaqueHarriet Posner and Rob & Amy Scully, in memory of

Kate PosnerHarriet Posner and Rob & Amy Scully, in memory of

Sam Posner

Prayer BookMargo, Karl, & Robin Goldberg, in memory of

Rhea Stern

Rabbi Marcus’ Discretionary FundDonna & Ernie Magaro, in memory of Rhea Stern

Rabbi Sherman’s Discretionary FundDebbie & Allan Brett, in gratitude for the

adult education Jewish Ethics seriesNancy Cartiff, congratulations to Sarah, Brian, &

Emma Levin

Religious School FundSandra & Gerald Euster, in memory of Rhea SternSandra & Gerald Euster, in memory of Hal BirchSteve & Roberta Friedland, in memory of Rhea SternHelen Silver, in memory of Rhea Stern

Sisterhood Courtesy FundRob & Amy Scully, wishing Ruth Marcus a speedy

recoveryHarriett Posner, wishing Ruth Marcus a speedy

recoveryEleanor & Barry Bornstein, wishing Ruth Marcus

a speedy recovery Bruce & Barbara Becker, wishing Ruth Marcus

a speedy recoveryBruce & Barbara Becker, Mazel Tov to Julie & Ned

Strauss on their first grandchildBruce & Barbara Becker, in memory of Rhea SternEleanor & Barry Bornstein, in memory of Rhea SternBruce & Barbara Becker, Mazel Tov to Rabbi Sandy &

Ruth Marcus on their 50th wedding anniversaryEleanor & Barry Bornstein, in honor of Ned Strauss,

“Our Hero”Patricia & Kenneth Stiles, in memory of Rhea Stern

We gratefully acknowledge the following thoughtful donations:


A Sukkah Plaza brick is a great way to commemorate a life event. Please consider purchasing an engraved brick to be installed in our Sukkah walkway. Some events you may want to commemorate include baby namings, consecration, B’nei Mitzvah, confirmation, weddings, anniversaries, and the blessed memory of loved ones. Bricks may be ordered through the Temple office, by filling out a form found in the foyer, or by downloading a form from the TOL website,


REFRIGERATORSStarting 2013 with new appliances? Please consider donating your old, working refrigerator to Temple.

Thank you for helping to raise 419 turkeys!

Page 15: JANUARY 2013 / TEVET -- SHEVAT, 5773 JANUARY WORSHIP · and mother of two beautiful children, Gussie, 8 and Simon, 2, is in


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

30 NO



DAY (Temple Closed)

2 3 4 6:45pm

KIDZ Shabbat

7:30pm Shabbat Service

Deadline to RSVP for TGIS


6 9:00am

Religious School

2:00-4:00pm Appreciation

Drop-In honoring Linda

7 8 6:00pm

Adult Hebrew

9         6:00pm

Executive Committee

7:00pm Board of Directors

10 11 TGIS!

6:00pm Family Service

and Shabbat Dinner


13 9:00-1:00pm Brotherhood Red Cross Blood Drive


Sunday School For Adults

14 15 TOL’s 117th


6:00pm Adult Hebrew

16 17 7:00pm

Big Nosh Meeting

18 7:30pm

Shabbat Service

NFTY-SAR Winter Kallah

19 10:00am

Bar Mitzvah of

Max Miller

NFTY-SAR Winter Kallah

20 NO



Winter Kallah

21 Martin Luther

King, Jr. Day

22 6:00pm

Adult Hebrew

6:45pm Sisterhood

Board Meeting

23 24 25 7:30pm

Shabbat & Tu  B’Shvat

Service (Kitah Dalet Students)


27 Religious School

Tu  B’Shvat Celebration


Sisterhood Progam

28 29 6:00pm

Adult Hebrew

30 31 1 6:45pm

KIDZ Shabbat

7:30pm Shabbat Service

2 6:00pm

Sisterhood Social “Amazing  Grazing”

(Enson Keenan House)

January  2013

Page 16: JANUARY 2013 / TEVET -- SHEVAT, 5773 JANUARY WORSHIP · and mother of two beautiful children, Gussie, 8 and Simon, 2, is in



6719 North Trenholm Road * Columbia, SC 29206Office: (803) 787-2182 * Fax (803) 787-0309

Website: www.tolsc.orgEmail: [email protected]

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pmFriday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Closed daily 12 noon - 1:00 pm

RABBI Daniel M. [email protected]

RABBI EMERITUS Sanford T. Marcus, D.D.Risa Strauss, RELIGIOUS SCHOOL [email protected] Nail, COMMUNICATIONS [email protected]! Rick CohnFirst Vice President! Alan BrillSecond Vice President! Paul WestfallSecretary! Lisa HelferTreasurer! Marc PosnerImmediate Past President! Steve SavitzBOARD MEMBERSLaney Cohen! ! ! Kim MosesRichard Cohen! ! ! Arline PolinskyEric Feuerstein! ! ! Marc RapportAnnette Goldstein! ! Amy ScullyBruce Greenberg! ! Jeff SeligDebbie Greenhouse! ! Jeff SilverDonna Magaro !! ! Julie StraussBruce Miller! ! ! G. Todd WeissLIFETIME BOARD MEMBERSBernard Fleischman, Jr.! Howard WeissStephen Savitz

COMMITTEE CHAIRSEndowment! Ned StraussFinance! Debra TedeschiFundraising!House & Grounds! G. Todd WeissMembership ! Annette GoldsteinOutreach! Debra TedeschiReligious School Board! Linda KernerRitual! Richard CohenSocial Action! Ilene KingAFFILIATESBrotherhood President! David CarrSisterhood Presidents! Cheri Alexander and ! Donna MagaroCOFTY President! Elena CarrTOL NEWSLETTERDesigner/Editor! Cheryl NailProofreader! Marc RapportTEMPLE STAFFOffice Manager! Linda FredericoCustodian! Demitris GilmoreTEMPLE MUSICIANSMusic Director! Sharon WitherellDirector Emeritus! Jackie McNeil

Tree of Life Congregation6719 North Trenholm RoadColumbia, SC 29206




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