  • 8/14/2019 Jannah (Heaven) in Syara'


    Jannah (Heaven) In HaditsBismillaahi aktubu,

    - Sources : Books of Al Hadits by: syaikh ibn Qayyim Al Jauziyyah (Hadiil

    Arwah), 2 books by tsaniyatun mudarrisun: Husain bin Audah Al Awayisyah(Maadza Bada Al Maut) and Ali bin Hasan al Halabi al Atsari.

    - The principle in reading this is ibn Abbas ra (shahaba) words "In Heaven

    everything is same only in the names."

    I. They eat, drink and Jima'

    From Zaid bin Arqam Radhiyallaahu 'anhu who said that an ahli kitab came

    to Rasulullah Shalallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam while saying "Yaa Abul Qasim

    (Muhammad), do you say that the denizens of Jannah will eat and drink? He

    spoke "Yes, by Dzat who Muhammad soul in His hand. Verily that the

    denizens of Jannah are being given the power of 100 males in eating,

    drinking and jima' (sexual intercourse)."

    That man said, "Every people who eat and drink will excrete, isn't in Jannah

    (Heaven) there is nothing dirty?."

    He spoke "Their excrement is their sweat which flow from the skin like

    drops of Misik, so their stomach become empty". (HR.Ahmad, Nasa'i, andThabrani, with shahih sanad, Shahih Targhib wa Tarhib (3739).

    The similar hadits in HR.Ibn Hibban and Hakim. Look Shahih Mawarid

    Azh-Zham'an (2230).

    I look this hadits in Husain bin Audah Al 'Awayisyah's book about Al

    Qiyaamah, the Hellfire and Heaven.

    And about "the sound from the mouth who has fullstomach" in the book by

    Ali bin Hasan Al Halabi Al Atsari, I've forget where the book is now.

    II. They will have houses and palaces from Ya'qut and pearls, it' s all types of

    Emeralds, Pearls and Diamonds. Buildings in very high places (Ghuraf).

  • 8/14/2019 Jannah (Heaven) in Syara'


    III. They will have house and palaces from Gold and Silver. Buidings in very

    high places (Ghuraf).

    IV. They will have many trees from saying "Laa haula wa laa quwwata illa

    billah", and "Masya Allaah, laa haula wa laa quwwata illa billaah," while

    they live in this world.

    V. The clothes will be make from the fruits of the trees.

    VI. In there, there will be horses from Yaqut that could fly.

    VII. Mukminin and Syahid will be in inside the stomach of birds which fly

    around Jannah. They dwell in there before doomsday.

    VIII. The first that will be eaten by them are a cow and the flesh that is in the

    heart of a whale.

    IX. In the day of Resurrection, everyone who are ahli Qur'an, will be given

    eternity and glory and will be given to their parents :the crown.

    Irji'i Ila Rabbiki Raadhiyyatam Mardhiyyatan

    In Al Hadits, there is a description about the palace from emeralds and

    diamonds, inside that palace there is 70 doors. In each doors there are

    another palaces made from red emeralds and diamonds.

    For someone who like to fill Jum'at with 'ibadah, will be given to them a

    shade in the Hereafter which is the day of Jum'at himself, which is white and

    there are two person watching them. Look at Silsilah Hadits Ash Shahihah


    And offcourse, Muslmin will never forget theZiyadah meant by Qur'an

    verse, because watching Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala where He will ask us totalk to Him, said in a Hadits will be as the most undescribeable of all that are

    in Jannatul Ma'wa.

    See Mukhtashar 'Al 'Uluw of Imam Adz Dzahabi by Abu Abdurrahmaan

    Muhammad Nashiruddin Al Albaani bin Nuh Najati, where one of the hadits

    in there said that the denizens of Jannatu 'adn see a lot of Karamah, when

    seeing Allaahu Tabaraka Taala.

  • 8/14/2019 Jannah (Heaven) in Syara'


    From Hadits in Ali bin Hasan Al Halabi Al Atsari's book there

    are hadits which tell us:

    In 'Adn, the denizens will do DZIKIR like as they are

    breathing. It's done because it's in Heaven and because they

    love Allahu Ta'ala so much.

    Actually there is no divorce there at all, and the men have

    many wives as minimum of two, hadits said.

    Actually to clear it all, in there we could change our looks. It

    was narrated in Hadiil Arwah, from Rasulullah Shalallaahu

    alaihi wa aali wa sallam, that there will be Market in

    Jannatun na'im where the denizens could buy anything. The

    story goes where one of the denizen willbuy a painting and

    will want himself to look alike as the guy in the painting, and

    suddenly he will look as that guy.

    And every men in there getting a wind from the North and

    they become handsomer everytime they get it.

    While the wifes become prettier also, but it is not known


    Read Hadiil Arwah by Syamsuddin ibnul Qayyim Al Jauziyyah,

    Husain bin Audah Al Awayisyah's book and Ali bin Hasan Al

    Halabi's book about Barzakh, Qiyamah, Jannah wan Naar.

    Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.

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