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 An algorithm for determining backbones in a wireless sensor 

network using the Smallest Last graph coloring algorithm in random geometric graphs.




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I implemented an algorithm which efficiently creates, colors, and computes statistics on a

Random Geometric Graph (RGG) of various shapes and distributions. This implementation

produces redundant independent sets which could serve as backbones within the network using a

greedy graph coloring [Kosowski] method and the Smallest Last (SL) [Matula] vertex ordering

algorithm. Many of these backbones achieve very high percentage of coverage on the graph

while only using a small subset of the vertices. This implementation can produce reasonably

sized networks for visualization in under a second, and can produce networks containing over a

hundred thousand vertices and millions of edges in a few minutes. This study has focused on

applications within the field of wireless sensor networks and could serve as a useful tool in the

simulation and study of such networks.

Note that a website has been developed to accompany this material. This site includes

more interactive features which will better relay some of the algorithms in this project including

Smallest Last ordering, Grundy coloring, etc. This site also includes extensive details showing

the performance of this algorithm on certain benchmark sets. Also, all of the more data-intensive

features (such as tabulated orderings and statistics for benchmark graphs) have been included in

the website. This paper is just intended to outline the algorithmic developments behind the


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Wireless sensor networks are collections of sensing devices which communicate without

traditional cabling. These networks have widespread applications from agriculture to military

security [Lawson 3]. Wireless sensor networks are gradually becoming prevalent in

environments where running wires and cabling is impractical [Cook 26].

Pushing aside the mechanical and manufacturing challenges involved in creating these

networks, much energy has been expended in attempting to efficiently enable communication

between these sensors [Sohrabi, Mahjoub]. This is a particularly interesting problem in wireless

networks for two reasons: first, the sensors must be able to handle the congestion that is often

much trickier in wireless applications; second, the deployment of sensors is often poorly-

structured, if not completely random. This introduces new challenges in trying to enable

communication between these nodes, as well as in trying to extract the sensed information from

the networks.

With so many potential applications in hand, researchers are very interested in algorithms

to develop "backbones" within these networks reliably and quickly. A backbone, more

technically, is a (nearly) dominating, independent set in the graph of nodes, meaning that the

nodes, themselves, are out of one another's range, but would be able to relay information

between an intermediary node. These nodes could, theoretically, operate on the same frequency

without fear of interference, due to their placement.

A naive solution to calculate the ideal backbone would be a "brute-force" analysis,

analyzing all possible connections between nodes in the graph. Unfortunately, this solution is

super-exponential on the number of nodes and very quickly becomes unfeasible computationally,

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even for a handful of nodes. Obviously, there is great interest in more efficient solutions for this


Algorithmic efficiency in this problem, as applied to wireless sensor networks, is

important for three primary reasons:

1. These networks are often dynamic and/or mobile. Thus, we may need to re-compute

network backbones frequently. The algorithm must be able to produce a backbone quickly

enough to still be a useful means of transporting information before the nodes have relocated.

2. These sensor nodes are often impoverished devices with very limited capabilities. In a

self-organizing network, sensors would need to be able to quickly and easily handle these


3. The scale of the problem is much larger than the naive observer would expect. Many

researchers hope to deploy these sensors ubiquitously. Some going so far as to say that, in the

future, every plant on a farm could have its own sensor to ensure optimal growing conditions and

nutrients [Lawson 2]. In such hypothetical problems, we're quickly dealing with hundreds of 

thousands, if not millions, of nodes. Algorithms must be developed that can reliably handle

networks of this size.

The scope of this project is to analyze these network in random geometric graphs (RGGs)

which are graphs in which n vertices are randomly placed, then a connection is established if two

nodes are within some distance r of one another. When applied to wireless sensor networks, we

can imagine that the vertices on these graphs are sensors and an edge in the graph between two

nodes indicates that these two nodes are within communication range of one another.

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There are two primary contributions of this project: the Java-based graph creation and

coloring algorithm, and the Flash tool used in visualizing and examining such graphs.

The graph generation and coloring algorithm could be a useful implementation in this

field. I am currently unaware of any implementations in Java, so the fact that it provides this

functionality in a (presumably) new language could be of use. Aside from that, I have been able

to make certain optimizations on the construction of the graph which pertain to the underlying

algorithm, as opposed to its implementation. These optimizations may be of interest to users in

the field at large.

The Flash program may have less tangible benefits, but I feel that it could be a valuable

tool nonetheless. The most obvious applications I see are in visually analyzing the performance

of graphs and also in teaching. Visual analysis of problems is an important - albeit often

overlooked - aspect of algorithm engineering and analysis. Many important breakthroughs have

been made only after a physical or visual manifestation of the problem could be studied.

Also, because the interface is more interactive and animated, it could serve as an effective

learning tool in studying these and related topics. It may be possible to convey the nuances of the

Smallest Last algorithm, for instance, by viewing an animated sequence.




 My algorithm was developed on a custom-built machine with specifications as listed in

Table 1. I used two languages, primarily, in the development of the algorithm and displays. The

algorithm, itself, was developed completely in Java [Sun]. The only imported libraries used in

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the code were:  java.util.Point ,  java.util.Stack ,  java.util.Vector , and  java.util.Random. No pre-

existing code or external java libraries (other than the above) were used.

I wanted to find a solution which would allow for a more interactive experience in trying

to convey these complicated topics. With this in mind, I developed a custom application in

Adobe Flash to display the graphs[Adobe]. Specifically, I used Flash 9 with ActionScript 3. I

chose Flash, in part, because of its ease of use in a web-browser. This means that I would be able

to publish my application online and have interested readers be able to interact with the graphical

tools in the same way I did. Flash is a client-side technology that runs within a user's web-

browser. This means that any information that

needs to be passed to Flash needs to be

downloaded from a server, generally as an

HTML or XML file.

In order for my graphical application in

Flash to be able to retrieve the graphs produced

in Java, I needed to bridge the two technologies. To do this, I used Java Server Pages. This

technology runs Java code in a web server, making the Java output available as an HTML file,

which makes it accessible to the Flash client. I considered using XML markup to describe the

structure of the generated graphs, but found that the files were far too large, so I developed my

own format to efficiently transmit the information.

The ultimate goal of much of this work involved visualization. Due to the current pixel

density on modern displays, it became infeasible to visually examine graphs any larger than

n=10,000. With this in mind, the hardware on which I ran the programs turned out to be a bit of 

Item Description

CPU Intel Q6600

2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Quad

Quad Core



Operating System Windows 7

Hard Drive Western Digital Raptor

10K RPM, 130GB

Table 1 - Specifications of computer

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an overkill - the RAM specifically. As will be discussed later, a graph with 10,000 nodes only

occupied about 50MB of memory for me and took around 1 second to generate. A typical

modern computer with 2GB of RAM, would be sufficient for most graphs that could be

visualized on a computer monitor. However, having more memory allowed me to study the

performance on some more theoretical networks containing hundreds of thousands of vertices.


Adobe Inc. Adobe Flash Platform. Accessed December

11, 2009.

Cook, Diane J. Das, Sajal K. Smart environments: technologies, protocols and applications.Wiley & Sons Inc. 2005.

Kosowski, Adrian; Manuszewski, Ktzysztof. Classical Coloring of Graphs.

Lawson, Shaun. University of Lincoln. Wireless Sensor Networks. 2005. 

Mahjoub, Dhia. Matula, David. Experimental Study of Independent and Dominating Sets in

Wireless Sensor Networks Using Graph Coloring Algorithms. WASA 2009, LNCS 5283, pp. 32-

42, 2009.

Matula, David. Beck, Leland. Smallest-last ordering and clustering and graph coloringalgorithms. Journal of the ACM, Volume 30, Issue 3. July 1983.

Sohrabi, Katayoun. Protocols for Self-Organization of a Wireless Network. Allerton Conference

on Communication, Computing and Control, September 1999.

Sun Microsystems. Developer Resources for Java Technology. AccessedDecember 11, 2009.

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This project consisted of a multitude of algorithms which needed to be implemented. This

section will detail just a few of the higher-level, more important algorithms which were used. To

give an idea of the overall scope of the project, the program currently in use to develop these

graphs consists of over 1,100 lines of code just to create and color the graph. The goal is to

create and color a graph in O(|V|+|E|) time, meaning that the complexity should scale linearly on

the number of vertices and edges in the graph.

After some early testing, it became obvious that the memory requirements of this

program would be minimal. With that in mind, I made the initial decision to prioritize

computational complexity over memory use, where possible. There are certain situations in

which one data structure could be converted to another, for example, but I typically will just

duplicate the data structures to avoid the overhead of converting the data back and forth. This

may, at time, double the amount of memory required to perform some operation, but it typically

saves enough time to justify this.


The heart of the graph creation algorithm is an iterative loop which creates n vertices

with random x and y coordinates between 0 and 1 which are stored as single-precision floating

point values. The work involved in creating these points is on the order of the number of nodes

we're creating - or "O(n)." More specifically, we're generating two random numbers per vertex,

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so the time will increase on the order of 2n. These nodes can

be stored in an array of predefined size, as the size doesn't

change. When working with a square, all coordinates from

[0,1] are acceptable, so no further filtering is necessary (Figure

1). However, when working with a disc, only a subset of these

points actually fall within the area of the disc. To calculate

whether or not a coordinate is within the acceptable bounds of 

a disc, we just compute the Euclidian distance from the origin of the disc (0.5, 0.5). If this

distance is greater than 0.5, then we know that the point must be outside of the perimeter of the

disc and thus cannot be used (Figure 2).

The creation of non-uniform distributions upon these

surfaces is not considered in their pseudo-random generation.

Instead, after generating a point with coordinates (x,y), the

algorithm will add the node to the graph with a various probability

based on its location. This method will achieve the effect of 

distributing vertices on the graph with the desired distribution.

The two non-uniform distributions considered in this project were both only applied to

the disc. The first is a "Skewed distribution" which, given a vertex with coordinates (x,y), will

accept and place a vertex with probability = 2 ∗  ( − 0.5)2 + ( − 0.5)2, where the

origin of the circle is at (0.5, 0.5). This function is equivalent to the Euclidean distance from the

origin; essentially, it will place a vertex on the perimeter of the disc with 100% probability, and

will never place a vertex at the origin. This creates a graph which is very sparse in the center and

very dense as you approach the border (Figure 3).

Figure 1 - A uniform, Square graph with n

= 400 and r = 0.1 

Figure 2 - A uniform disc with n=

100 and r = 0.2 

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Figure 3 - A skewed disc with n = 400

and r = 0.1 

Figure 5 - A two-tiered disc with n = 400 and

r = 0.1 

Figure 4 - Number of nodes vs. number of comparisons between nodes. 

The second distribution is a "Two-Tiered" distribution

does not have a continuously varying probability of placement, as

the skewed disc does. Instead, it distinguishes only between 1.

those nodes which are within distance r of the border and 2. those

discs which are not. The function will give a 100% chance of 

placing those nodes within distance r  of the border and only a 50% chance of placing those

nodes in the interior region. This will create a graph which resembles the uniform disc on the

interior but will have a much more crowded border region

(Figure 5).

Once the nodes have been placed, they must be

connected. A random geometric graph, as stated earlier,

connects those nodes which are within distance r  of one

another. In order to establish all of these connections, we must

calculate the distances between many of the nodes in the graph. A naive algorithm to handle this

problem would merely calculate the distance between any node (n total nodes) and every other

node (n - 1 other nodes) and connect if 

that distance is less than r . The problem

with this solution, of course, is that it

would require a multitude of - O(n2) -

calculations for large graphs, which

quickly becomes computationally

unfeasible (Figure 4).







100 400 800 1600 3200 6400

Naïve Comparisons Cell Method

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Figure 6 - A view of a graph split into

cells. The red nodes are in the current

cell, the blue nodes are in adjacent cellsso they must be compared. 

A more efficient method to connect the nodes is to divide the graph into smaller pieces

and connect the nodes only within these pieces or "cells." If this division is done intelligently, we

can minimize the number of connections which would overlap between "cells" which will save

even further computation. More specifically, we will need to compare all nodes within one cell

first. This operation is still technically on the order of the number of nodes squared - O(n2) -

however, it will be much faster than a naive implementation. As shown in Figure 4, the number

of comparisons required to create a graph is significantly lower. For instance, for a graph of size

n = 6400, the naive method would require 40 million comparisons, while the cell-based

implementation averages just over 110 thousand comparisons.

Clearly, the cell method would be an improvement in the number of comparisons, but is

it feasible in terms of the computations complexity of dividing these nodes as well as the

memory requirements to do so? If implemented efficiently, it can be.

To minimize the overlap of cells, it is best to use cells of size r . This way, there is no way

that a vertex can be connected to a non-adjacent cell, as that

would require spanning a distance of more than r . However, cells

any larger than r  would begin to be costly as the number of 

comparisons increases on the order of nodes in the cell squared.

Thus, we partition the graph into cells of size r x r , as displayed

in Figure 6. 

Dividing the nodes into cells requires going through all

nodes in the graph (of which there are n) and doing a constant

amount of work on each, thus the division into cells is O(n). In order to do this, we can do a

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"bucket sort" on all n nodes into (1/r)2

cells. As we go through the nodes, at each node, we

classify its destination cell based on its x and y coordinates. Once we know which cell it will end

up in, we can copy that node into the "bucket" corresponding to that cell. These buckets are

variable length, but we must be able to retrieve elements by their index (for reasons to be

explained later), so we store these nodes in a Vector, which is a Java Class which is built on the

List interface. This interface is similar to a stack, but provides index-able access (O(1) lookup

time) to certain elements in the Vector. Essentially, it's a growable array; by setting parameters to

the estimated cell size, we can minimize the necessity to grow the size of a Vector, so the

performance, on average, will be almost, if not as good as keeping these elements in an array.

These cells will double the required amount of memory, as they are duplicating the initial array

of nodes, which we're keeping for use later.

Once these elements are sorted into their constituent cells, we can begin connecting the

nodes. Connections are stored redundantly by both vertices at either end of an edge. Each node

stores a Vector of connections which can grow to any desired size. These connections store the

node ID of the node at the other end of this connection. This avoids to overhead and wasted

space of storing a sparse adjacency matrix.

To utilize the cells to connect the nodes, we must first check all O(n2) comparisons within

a cell (note, however, that the number of nodes within a cell is, assuming a uniform distribution,

O(n*r 2), which is significantly lower than O(n). Assuming that r  will halve every time n is

increased by a factor of four - which keeps the average degree of the nodes constant and was

used on all test graphs in this project - then the comparisons within a cell could be said to be

O(n)). After the connections are made within a cell, we must check for connections with adjacent


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Again, some optimization can take place here. If we were to connect to all eight adjacent

cells (eight assumes that the source cell is not on an edge), we would be redundantly checking

nine cells for each one source cell. The first optimization we can make is to check only those

relationships coming from the source cell and going to some adjacent cell; this means that we

won't check connections within an adjacent cell until later. Also, if we consistently check for

connections between cells in a certain direction (to the upper-left, for instance), we can minimize

the number of adjacent cells we need to check. By starting at the lower right and working up and

to the left by column then by row, we actually only need to check the adjacent nodes to the left,

upper-left, and above the source cell. This greatly reduces the complexity of the connection


One decision which was glazed over previously may deserve more consideration here.

The decision of whether or not to sort vertices within these cells carries with it certain pros and

cons. It may be possible to further divide a cell dynamically if the nodes were sorted by x-

coordinate, for instance. A node on the far edge of an adjacent cell may not need to be compared

to a node on the opposite edge of this cell. There are other analytical purposes that sorting these

vertices could serve. However, for the sake of this implementation, it seemed beneficial to leave

the cells unsorted, as the lookup within these cells was always done by index, so we never

needed to search for any particular item within a cell; all information was retrieved by index.

Thus, we are able to create random geometric graphs of size n with a given radius in

O(n2) time, which, in practice, is typically much closer to O(n) time when the radius scales

inversely with n in order to maintain a constant average vertex degree.

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One consideration which hadn't been anticipated coming into the project but had to be

addressed was the issue of separate graphs being created. At time, some nodes would have a

degree of 0 or would be an isolated subgraph. The literature and others in this field suggested

that the project limit itself to only those graphs with one component, or connected graph. For the

smaller graphs in the sample set (n  ≤ 1,600) this was not a large problem. However, on the

largest graphs there were multiple occasions on which the graph consisted of multiple separate

components. This was a particular problem on

the square graph (edges/corners) as well as on

the skewed disc (the sparse center) as can be

seen in Figure 7. 

In order to limit my study only to those

graphs with one component, I needed to

perform some additional analysis on the graph

once it was created to ensure that it was, indeed,

one contiguous component. To do this, I use a

breadth-first search and keep an array of nodes which have been visited on this search. This

requires O(|V|) memory, as I need a bit for each vertex in the graph. Regarding the computational

complexity, a breadth-first search will require O(|V| + |E|) time.


I implemented the Smallest Last algorithm to order the vertices in the graph based on

their degree. The logic here is to sort the nodes based, roughly, on their degree so that we can

Figure 7 - Histogram of the number of components on the

Skewed Disc for n=6400 and r = 0.025 

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color those nodes with the highest degree first, as it's likely that their neighbors will have lower

degree, thus less competition for color availability, than the large degree nodes.

The Smallest-Last (SL) algorithm is designed to work in time O(|V| + |E|). To truly

understand the algorithm, I recommend that you view the animations available in the

accompanying website. However, I will give a brief description of the algorithm here, as it

pertains to the algorithm implementation and data structures.

The algorithm is initially interested in grouping vertices by their degree. In order to do

this, we first perform a "bucket sort" on all of the vertices in the graph, an O(|V|) operation,

assuming that each node stores its number of connections as an O(1) accessible variable. In this

case, as all of my vertices stored their connections as a Vector, I was able to retrieve the length 

field in O(1) time.

Once the nodes have been grouped into these buckets, we then begin by taking a vertex

of the lowest degree and performing a "cut" on the graph regarding this node. This will simulate

the deletion of this node, including all edges connecting to this node. We must then update two

features of all nodes to which this node was previously connected (O(|E|) in time): first, we will

remove the edge from the other node; second, we will move this node from a bucket of degree  D 

to a bucket of degree D-1, to show that this node's degree is now one less than it was previously.

In implementation, one must be careful at this point not to have an algorithm which

searches through the entire bucket to find a neighbor node and remove it. If this were the case,

the algorithm would approach O(n2) (or O(n lg n), if the bucket were sorted) in its time

complexity, as there could be up to n elements in any bucket.

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The easiest way to handle this is to implement a doubly-linked list for the buckets so that

a vertex, upon deletion, can update the previous and next node's pointers in 2 * O(1) time. Note

that, because of the lack of traditional pointers in Java, this had to be simulated.

As we delete the nodes, we place them into an array or stack which represents the order

in which the nodes were deleted. This ordering, when read backwards, will serve as the order in

which we color the vertices. By recursively performing this action, we'll eventually consume the

entire graph, beginning with low-degree nodes and moving up to higher-degree nodes, for the

most part. Thus, the smallest-last ordering can be completed in O(|V| + |E|) time.

Figure 8 - Degree When Removed during smallest-last algorithm

A few interesting observations can be made regarding the degree of nodes when removed

from the graph. For one thing, the degree can only decrease by one for consecutively removed

nodes. This is because a node will only be selected if it is the lowest degree node in the











        1        4       7

        9        3

        1        3        9

        1        8       5

        2        3        1

        2       7       7

        3        2        3

        3        6        9

        4        1       5

        4        6        1

       5        0       7

       5       5        3

       5        9        9

        6        4       5

        6        9        1

       7        3       7

       7        8        3

        8        2        9

        8       7       5

        9        2        1

        9        6       7

        1        0        1        3

        1        0       5        9

        1        1        0       5

        1        1       5        1

        1        1        9       7

        1        2        4        3

        1        2        8        9

        1        3        3       5

        1        3        8        1

        1        4        2       7

        1        4       7        3

        1       5        1        9

        1       5        6       5

   D   e   g   r   e   e

   W    h   e   n   R   e   m   o   v   e    d

Vertex (Smallest Last Ordered, Smallest -> Largest)

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remaining graph. Thus, the only way a node could be of lower degree is if that node was

connected to the node that just got deleted, and is now of degree D - 1. However, the graph can

increase in degree for consecutive nodes by any number.

Also, the final "plunge" down to zero marks the terminal clique. Other cliques can be

seen by the sharp vertical descents elsewhere in the graph.

The maximum number of colors to be used in the graph can be computed by the largest

degree when removed in the graph plus one. This is because, if a node has degree D, it could use

 D colors to color its neighbors, and  D + 1 colors to color itself. No higher color could possibly

be needed.


Note that the final nodes removed by the Smallest Last algorithm will necessarily be a

clique - a subgraph in which every vertex is connected to every other vertex - commonly called

the "terminal clique." This is because the algorithm will remove all nodes of lower degree before

arriving at m nodes which all have the same degree, m-1, as they are all connected to one

another. This is typically one of the larger cliques in the graph.

This is a near ideal place to start coloring, as we know that we will need at least m colors

to color the graph if there is an m-sized clique. By assigning these colors initially, we can assume

that the lower-degree nodes will be easier to color.

We apply the greedy algorithm commonly referred to as the "Grundy" function which,

given a node off of the Smallest-Last ordering, will analyze all edges connected to this node

(O(|E|)) and will find the smallest color which is available, i.e. not used by any adjacent node.

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To do this, my implementation creates a bitmap of the size of the current colors. It then

visits every neighbor - O(|E|) - of the current node and marks the spot it the bitmap pertaining to

the color of the visited cell as "taken." After visiting all neighbors, the algorithm then finds the

lowest index which has not been marked as "taken," and applies that color to the current vertex.

Because this must be done for every node in the graph, the total time of coloring is O(|V| |E|).

Applying this function recursively will produce a coloring of the graph which, typically,

is a near-optimal solution.

BENCHMARK RESULT SUMMARY &  DISPLAY  All data related to the performance of my implementation on the benchmark algorithms is

detailed extensively on the accompanying website.

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