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Rainforest bookA book about the rainforest

Jacob S. Block 5


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What is a rainforest? It is a forest that has a lot of different animals and

plant it rains a lot there to. Where is the rainforest? It is in the south west and

northwest hemispheres and is 75 degrease west latitude to 45 degrease west


The climate zone in the rainforest is very rainy and it’s not hot and not cold

but it is warm most of the year. The land has a lot of trees and some mountains or

large hills. The different types of layers are the emergent layer; the canopy, the

understory, and the forest floor are all of the different types of layers of the


The first plant that I researched was the cocoa tree. This plant gets food by

making the sun light into energy this is called photosynthesis it is tall and has a lot

of little cocoa seeds. We use these cocoa seeds to make into chocolate and other

produces. Many people work to conserve the rainforest to save many trees like

this cocoa tree.

The second plant I researched was the Venus fly trap. It is a producer and It

is very skinny and has a wide top. It uses camouflage to blend in with its

surrounds. This plant has no leaves so it does not have foliage. Many people think

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the Venus fly trap is a producer but it is a consumer because it eats flies and other

insects. We really don’t have any uses for the Venus fly trap besides letting them

eat all the flies so the flies don’t bug us.

The first animal that I have facts for is the spider monkey. It is an omnivore

and its habitat is in the very top part of the trees in the rainforest it eats bugs and

all different kinds of fruits. It is also a consumer. Did u know that spider monkeys

can stay in the trees for their entire life without touching the ever ground? They

stay in the trees so that their predators cannot get to them. This monkey just like

a lot of the other monkeys it is nomadic it moves from tree to tree to get to

where it wants to go. Once these organisms die they are broken down by the

decomposers in their area.

The second animal I am going to tell you about is the jaguar. This animal is

not an herbivore because it eats only meat there for it is a carnivore. Its predators

are humans. It is a consumer It has black spots it is in the cat family. The jaguar

prey is anything meat It has no predators and adapts by climbing trees and when

it sees a very tasty prey it leaps down on top of the animal and has some dinner.

One of the tribes in the rainforest is the Yanomani tribe. The Yanomami

tribe is one of the largest tribes in the Amazon rainforest. This tribe is an

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indigenous. They live as a group and they live like the stone aged people. They

hunt they also garden. They live in multifamily houses and they marry inside of

their own families. Their houses are made like cones they are called Yano’s. They

are hunters and fishers they grown plantains in their gardens and that is there

main crop. The food that they eat is fish and fruit. Their culture is centered on a

small family unit. They wear very little clothes and sometimes the clothes

are made out of flowers, string or even leaves. A lot of people that

go to the rainforest are not very ecotourism because when they

go they usually cut down trees and kill other plants and animals.

The culture of the Yanomami is the way they dress and what they

believe in like most people in the USA their culture is Baptist.

Did you know there is a area of the size of Pennsylvania of

trees cut out of the rainforest every day. The trees they cut down

are used for paper and other produces we use. See this is why we

need to preserve the rainforest so we can enjoy having it and so

you can say that your grandkids have heard and seen what a

rainforest is. So please help to save the rainforest. It’s not that

hard all you have to do is take an hour of your time to go and

plant a tree that’s not so bad is it?

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