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    Tin; Daily Bulletin is piinted and.publishutl every evening mid circulatedthroughout tho town by carrier, andforwarded to the oilier Islands bv overvopjiortunilv.Subscription, 50 conts per Month.

    All business communications to be ad.dressed, Mnuairer Dailv Bulletin, PostOnico Box N0.T4. Telephone 250.

    Office Queen Street,Oppoilti! WosI'k Carringo Factory.

    .1.0. Ci.nvion, Manager

    " w.'h. pageT


    (opposite Pantheon Stables)


    Carriage Manufa eturer,Wheelwright and

    General Blacksmith.The Manufactory contains a completo

    Giriiagc Shop, blacksmith Shop, PaintShop, and Tii mining Shop.







    HAND CARTS, &0.x SiO.

    Made to Older on most favorable termsand all work guaranteed.The Closest Attention given to re-

    pair work of ail Uimlo.Having been in business on tho

    for a numbiii of yeais employing nonebut the most Skilitul of M cJiiinicd, andusing only At Material, I can strictlyguarantee nil worK leaving my Manu-factory.

    .Give mo a oal! before purchasing,elsewhere.

    Don't forgot the place.128 and 130 FORT STREET.

    orrosrra dodd's stables.

    Page,504 Om PROPRIETOR.

    City Shoeing; Slioi.

    110 Fonr SmEET,Opposite Dodd's Stable.

    F YOU WANT your horse shod, andhave no time to bring him to tho

    City SliDBii Slop,

    Ring Up- - Ho. 34.And your horse will be sent for shod,and returned on shott notice. Messrs.Mc. Donald and Ryan who superintendthe wdrlc are practical mechanics ofyears of experience, and can booecom.mended as reliable men, as well as Firstclass Workmen at the trade.

    We'mcau business. J 11 work guaran-teed and done with promptness.

    S. I.- - Shaw,510 ly FnopiUJiTou

    1400 T--OF

    Wallsend CoalEs Br. bark Sir Wm. Wallace,t

    For Sale in quantities to suit.


    WILDER & CO.703 1W

    Tourists Retreat.Honuapo, Kau, Hawaii.

    NOW OlJEN for Travelers, whereIS First class accomodation can be hadat all Times. Tho cluuato of Honuapois recommended for invalids,

    ' nOBSES AND GUIDESProvided for the Volcano.

    Terms, etc., 8co OARDS (itHotels and Streets. )WaMmiiESi078 ly Proprietor.

    Ball "Program mew !DESIGNS, just leccivcd fromNEW FruuoiBco. at Tjib Daily Uul-ueti- r




    All tho Latest Novoltios in Fancy Goods Eocoivcd by ovory steamer. IPOR T S TRJUJEJ T.


    Spring and Simmer Millinery- - Goofs


    Including all the Latest Styles m Hats and Bonnets,Trimmings, Flowers, Feathers, &c,

    At A. M. BMELLIS', i'i i s s s Fot Street.AO. Smith,to take Acknowledgmentswim Smith uvl Thurston, Attorneys atLaw, No. ;?8 Merchant street. (M2 ly

    WILLIAM AULD,to take Acknowledgmentsto Contracts for Labor for the Districtof Kona, Island of Onliu, at the ofllco ofthe Honolulu "Water Works, foot of Nuuami stieet. 180 .1

    JOHN A. HASSINGER,Agout to take Acknowledgmentsto Contracts for Labor. Interior Office,Honolulu.

    O. AKANA.Chinese and Hawaiian Translator

    and Interpreter,No. 48 King btrect, Honolulu.

    Translations of cither of tho abovtlanguages made with accuracy and diapatch, and on reasonable terms. 209


    201 FORT ST.

    THR. GERTZ.J No. 80 Fort street, Honolul, Lk- -

    Import or and Dealer in Gent'c, Ladies'and Children's boots, shoes and slippers.


    Watcnmaker and Jeweler,G35 No. (10 Fort Stieet.

    F:RITZ "WILHELM,CAKPJS i'ER & BUILDER,S.iop on King street, In rear of NewOdu Fellow's Hall King street.

    Telephone US. 520 Gin


    No. 12 King st., near the Bridge.All kinds of Ice Chests, Refrigerators,Bath Tubs, &c, &c, made and repairedat moderate charges. 305 ly

    Telephone No. 323.


    Papku IIanoeh, etc.,No. 107 King Shieet, - Honololu.

    025 Telephone. 114. ly

    BROWN '& PHILLIPS,Plumbeis, Gas Fittersmid Copper-smith- s, No.' 71 King St.,Honolulu. E2? House and Ship.JobWork promptly executed. 17


    Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

    59 Nuuanu Stieet, Honolulu, and ,Cor.,507 . Fort and Mcichant streets, tf b

    Prussian NationalInsurance Compy

    ESTARMSIIED 184.5,

    Capital, 9,000,000 Rcichsmarks.

    rHE undersigned, having been apX pointed ageut of the above Company

    for tho Hawaiian Islauds, is prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, on Buildings,Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, SugarMills etc., on tno most Terms.

    Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payablo inHonolulu.

    II. RIEMENSCHNEIDER,070 ly b at Wilder & Co's.



    And UpltolHterer,No. 03 Uotol stieet,

    Opposite International Hotel,

    CaneB and Walking Stioka,Made of every kind of

    NATIVE WOODSBrackets C jrnices, Cuitaln Polo, &c.,

    inudo ot tho latest designs.

    nEORGE LUCAS.v3f Contractor --a'S

    and Builder,' AifcKausyttTCL

    Houolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-nade, Honolulu.

    Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

    Sashes. Doors, and all kiuds of Wood-work.lluls- h.Turning, Scroll and Band

    Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Pinn-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

    Orders promptly attended to and woikguaranteed. Orders from the other Is-an-


    -- OF-

    JL -X


    - o JLe



    mg, Furnishing Goods,, Trunks,Embroideries, Dry Goods, &c

    As an inducement, all purchasers of Clothing-- , FurnishingGoods, or otherwise, to the amount of Twenty

    Dollars, will receive, as a Gift,

    andsomeNickle Silver WatchAND PRETTY GILT CHAIN.


    The watch is known as the " Waterhmy," and is anexcellent time-keep- er.

    SCir3 Prices remain the same, the reduction will bein the "Watch Chain.

    g3gr Remember, is a Clearance Sale for 14 days only !

    Corner Nuuanu Queen Sts.585 6m A. GARTENBERG, Proprietor.


    BENSON, SMITH & CO..Practical Druggists,

    113 & 115 FORT STREET

    Depot for Boericke Schreck's

    .AND TUE


    UNION FEED COMPANYCorner of 'Queen and Edinburgh Streets.

    Telephone, inform their friends and the public generally that they aro continu.BEG business at the above stand, utid have mado complete arrangements for

    a continuous supply of

    Fresh Goods of the very Best Qualitywhich wc will otl'cr lor sale

    AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES.Wo hopes, by giving our best attention to please the public, to merit a part oftheir patronage. A large stock ofWheat and Oat Hay, Whole and ground Barley,

    California and Oregon Bran, Middlings, &c.,now on hand. Orders solicited and satibfaolion guaranteed, or no pay asked.




    Bill Heads

    Ball Piograms

    Bills of Lading

    Business Cards

    Book Work



    Concert Piogr'ms

    Drnft Books

    Delivery Books


    Hand Bills










    'QLlJUUiiUi I)


    Letter Headings


    Law ReportB

    Noto Headings

    Plantation Books




    Show Cards

    Shipping Rccc'ts


    t Tngs........i v iHiiing uarua

    Way-Blll- s


    CgSaw'iJ&irjio, ai iifeK$jyyf f



    rJTO rJ?I-I3- B: FRONT..General Goinmission & Poetising Aeont.

    NO. 104H FORT STREET, '

    We present ourselves before the public with the motto of

    "liive and let live"WcJciUl the attention of IIonoluluvBupincss Men and Inlcr-lslan- d Residents to

    the fact that wo aie doing a General Collection and Purchasing Business, and pro-pOs- oto moke our services useful to tho citizens of this and neighboring islands.Wn aro ready to fill nil Ordors at Lowest Cash Prlco on roasonablo Commissions.

    Wo include all Classes of Goods,

    Hay, Grain, and General Merchandise,Or any article of Household Furniture.

    Residents of tho Other Islands who may be in need of any Article howeversmall, or desire information as to pi ices of any cliH3 of Goods hy addressing us,will bo piomptly furnished with the nccessaiy information. We solicit all Gen.eral Business, and by strict attention hope to sicure the patronage of the public.

    Ggr GIVE US A TRIAL; you will find us Prompt and Reasonable. 1 Addressall Ordeis to

    , Gr. RiOdell.P. 0. Bdx 303' GlG3m Honolulu.


    Commission Merchants.


    Commission Agents.

    list or oiticeiis:P. C. Jones, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. O. CAiiTEn. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary

    mnEciOKS:Hon. C. R.Bisnoi1. Hon. H. A. P. Carteu

    338 ly

    Geo. W. Macfarlane. H. R.


    CHANTS andSugar Factors, at

    Fire-Pro- of Building, - - 02 Queen stieet,Honolulu. H. I.

    agents forThe Waikapu Sugar Plantation, Maui,The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,The Heeia Sugar Plantation, Oaliu,Uuelo Sugar Mill, Maui, fc.Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puuloa Sheep Rancli Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Porl-ahl-e

    Tinmway Works, Leeds,Mirrleeb, Watson & Co's Sugar Machin

    eiy, Glasgow, .,Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets.




    Auctioneers and GeneralCommibsion Merchants,

    Beaver Block, Queen St., - - - Honolulu.Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estate

    and General Meichaudi&e promptly at-tended to.

    Solo AgGiits for Americau and Emo-pca- umerchandise. 318

    MS. GRINBAUM & CO.,Importers of General Mer- and Commission Merchants,Honolulu. 1

    MS. GRINBAUM & CO.,Commission Merchants,124 California street,

    1 Sun Francisco, Cut.

    Clnuu SprccUtls. Wm. G. Irwin.

    WG. IRWIN & COMPANY,Sugar Factors and CommissionAgents, Honolulu. 1

    CJLEGHORN iZ UO.A.s lmporteis and CommissionMerchants, dealera in General Merchan-dise, Queen and Kaahumanu sts., Hono-lulu. . 78

    MA. GONSALVES & CO.,No. 57 Hotel Stieet, Honolulu,Importers and Dealers in Dry and Fancy

    Goods, Inlaid Woik, Embroidery,289 &c, &c., &c.

    JOHN T. WATERHOUSE,Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

    BROWN Si CO.,Wholosalo Wine and SpiritMerchants, No. 1 1 Merchant St.,

    Honolulu. 330

    FT. LENEHAN & CO.,Importers and CommissionMerchants, Nuuanu St., Honolulu. 1

    S. K. Cnatlc. J. B. Atbcrtou.

    Castle &i Cooke,Shipping and CommissionMerchants. lmporteis ami Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King st.,Honolulu. 1

    WO TAI & CO.,Importers and General Dealers

    in English, American and Chinese Pro-visions. Plantation Teas and GenoialSupplies. Also, White & Coloicd Con-tra-

    Matting, all qualities and pilccs.No. 21 Nuuaifu htieet. opposite Mr. O,

    Afong'rt. 523 0m

    "7iNa wo Chan & Co.,It Inipoiteiriiind General Dealersin English, American and Chinese Pro-visions, Plantation Tea and GeneralSupplies. Also, white and colored contract matting, all qualities and prices,

    JSffir No. 22 Nuuanu Street, oppositoMr. Afong's, 81

    WM. McCANttMBSS,No. 0 Queen street,, Fish Mnrket,

    Dealer in choicestIleof, Veal, 31ut(on, I'IhIi, Ac, Ac.

    Family and Shipping Orders carefullyattendeil to. Llvn stool furnished tovessels at short notice, niut vegetables

    .1 of all kiuds supplied to order. 340 ly


    DR. THAOHBR,DENTIST,bull stands at the head ot his professon.

    Restoration and Contourwork a speciality. Using coloredgold or any other matciia known tothe profession as the case rcquhes.From this date prices reduced 25 to 60per tent, guaranteeing satisfaction anddoing first-clai- s work 25 per cent lowerban auyother dentist "in, Honolulu.



    lias opened his otliec in Hotel st., nextthe Y. M. U. A. building, where he is

    piep.ired to perform all operations indentistry. 3m 501.

    R. EMERSON,Residence aud consultation rooms

    No. 2 Kukul St., comer of Foi t.Telephone Ho. 149. 59 2in


    ana Sjltcitor in Chancery,Office over Lederei's O. P. M. Bazuar,

    W. corner Merchant and tort stieets,enuunco on Merchant street. Honolulu,U. I. OSO 3m b

    ALFRED S. HARTWELL,CUUlhLLLOU AT LAW,Odlcc-.ov- er the Bank of Bishop & Co.

    582 3m b Honolnlu.

    JM. DAVIDSON,ATTORNEY AT LAW.5U-- No. la Kaahumanu street.


    A ROSA,ATTORNEY AT LAW,Aud Notary Public,

    Office witli the Attorney General, Aliiolani Hale, Honolulu. 342 ly


    Office, on Merchant street, (uext doorto Dr. Stangenwald.) 495 ly

    SB. DOLE,Lawyer and Notary Public,11 No. 15 Kaahumanu

    M. hatchFrancis Attoiney at Law,23 15 Kaahumanu st

    KICHARD F. BICKERTON,and Counsellor at Law.Money to lend on Mortgages of Free,holds. Office, No. 44 Mcichant st. 1


    and Counsellor at Law.Notary Public, and Agent for taking Acknowiedgments of Instruments for theIfcland 01 Oaliu . No. 8 Kaahumanu btHonolulu. l ,

    JM. MONSARRAT,ATTORNEY AT LAWand Notaiy Public. Real Estato in anypart of the Kingdom bought, sold analeased, on commission. Loaus ncgotinted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 190


    General Agent forTho N. Y. Lifo Insurance Company,

    The City of London Firo In. Co(limitdMacnealo & Urban Safes,

    The Celebrated Springfield Gas MachineGas Fixtiiics of Mitchell, Vnnco & Co.


    Robert LeworB, O. JL Cooke,

    LEWERS Ss COOKE,(successors to Lowers & Dickson,)Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allkinds ot BinlUlng Materials, Fort street,Honolulu I

    WILDER & CO.,Dealers In Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Houolulu. 1

    Water Notice.Ofllco Sup't Water Works,

    Honolulu, July 3, 1882,' A LL persons having Water PrivilegesXX, aro notified that their Water Ratesaro payablo semi-annuall- in tho office of tho Superintendent ofWater Works, foot of Nuuauu street,upon tho 1st day of Jnnuarv and July ofeach year. OHAS. B. AVlLSON,

    Hup't WaterworksS, K. Kaai, Minister of Interior. 204

    ai ,

    1, H

    f jH

  • Pk


    if ,




    AW)lltUltoMir)MlilMllttlllh8- ; r--; " r. -- , w " , , n : . . i.BANKING NOTICE.THE UNDERSIGNED lmvo formedX ii copartnership under the firmname of " SPRECKEL3 & Uo." for thopurpose of carrying on n, general bank-ing nnd exchaugo business atlllotiolulu,unR aiich other nlncca in tho HawaiianKingdom as mtvv be deemed advisable-- -

    (Sinned) GLAUS SPliECKELS.Wm.G. IRWIN.P. P. LOW.

    . Honolulu, Jan..Mth, 188-1- .

    Hefcrrlng to the nhovc we bug totho business public that wo are

    prepared te make loans, discouut notes, and purchase exchange at thebest current rates. Our arrangementsfor selling exchange on the principalpoints In tho United States, Europe,China, Japan and Australia are beingmade, and when perfected, duo noticewill be given. We shall also be preparedto receive deposits on open account,make collections, nnd conduct a general

    " banking and exchange businessG10 3mb (signed) SPliECKELS & Co.

    BISHOP & Co., BANKERS,Honolulu, Hawaiian ltdnudt..

    Dr.uv Exchango on theButilc ot' CiUilbrniu. -. .IT.

    And their agents inNEW YORK. BOSTON, HONG KONG.

    .Messrs. N. 51. Rothschild &Son, London.The Commercial Bank Co.. of Sydney,

    London,Tho Commercial Bank Co., of Sulney,

    Sydney.The Rank of Netv Zealand: Auckland,

    ChrhUchurch, and Wellington.The Rank Jof British Columbia, Vie.

    tofia, R. C. and Portland, Or.AND

    Transact a General Ranking RnMncs.609 ly b

    t?ledgod to neither Sect nor Party.Bat established for the benefit of all .

    SATURDAY,. MAY 10, 1881.


    Drawing Class. Y. M. C. A. 7 30Gospel Temperance Meeting at

    Bethel, at 7:30.


    Casino at the Park, open all clay.Bethel Sunday School, at 9 :lf.Fort St. Church S. S. at !):45.St. Andrew's Cathedral S. S. 10.Bethel, Service, at 11. .St. Andrews' Cathedral. Mirvice,

    morning and evening.Fort St. Church. service, morning

    and evening.Prayer Meeting Y. M. C. A..

    :5 :i)0 p.m.' Bible Class at Fort St. ChurchVcgtry. at G:lf


    It is a shame that the Ministerial"Reports are so behind time.

    The work of the session is delayedand valuable time wasted by thisdereliction. 'Mr. Gibson, with hisusual manly spirit, has sought to

    , throw the blame upon the printers.The true causes of the delay arc thathe has arrogated to himself so maivyoffices that preparing the reportstook more time than he had antici-pated, and he did not commenceearly enough ; and the other, that hehas written such amass of stuff, .thatundue time is required to translateand print all.

    Of the six reports that should havebeen placed in the hands of the Rep-resentatives ere this, they have re-ceived but one, that ol' the FinanceDepartment. And even this reporthas not yet been presented in theHawaiian language.

    Mr. Gibson is the hcll'-institut-

    guardian of Hawaiian liberties ; thevirtuous censor of previous adminis-trations; the severe critic and tra-duc- cr

    of Ministers whose record waspurity itself as compared to thestained pages of the past two years.

    Transgressors always like to forgetthe past, and to cover their tracks,but the interminable harangues whichhave been prepared for reports willnot blind and mislead as intended.

    Calling names and vituperating isa too common fault, but the mannerin which we have criticised Mr. Gib-son's conduct we believe to be fullyjustified by the facts. Like BenButler, it is impossible to talk abouthim without saying something to hisdiscredit,


    It was a dull day at the Legisla-ture, and the Bulletin reporter wasbalancing himself on tho edge of hischair, nursing his knee and chewinga pencil for want of something do, aud speculating upon the pro-bability of being able to get freelunches at the eating house whichthe Prime Minister and Minister tfForeign Affairs is going to open inhis back yard, when Juh dreamymeditations were suddenly broughtto a close by a voice which lie recog-nized as that of Bumps. He was

    evidently in tho middle of a conver-sation, and the first words that thereporter heard were "So that'sMacfnrlanc is it? Why he's a littledaisy, isn't he j just sweet enoughto kiss, Such soft brown eyes nndthat bang. I tell you what -- if hewould only shave off that killingmustache and side lights and put ontights and a bustle and a polonaise,and take to the stage as a varietyactress, all he'd have to do would beto just stand there and smile, andhe'd bring down the house,, liko athousand of brick on a hill of beans.,and Iioav he'd scoop the coin."

    "Yes," said Jinks, "that's Geawgc,and he's a lady killer from the wordgo a perfect masher. Why theysay that when he rides in from Wai-ki- ki

    in the morning he has to wear avail, because the girls nil come outand hang on the gales and look athim so hard that it makes him bash-ful that's his chief fault he's sobashful. But when you get down tobusiness, he's right up to snuff andon hand every time. Why didn'tyou ever hear about that water pipejob? Why he sold the Governmenta lot of cost iron pipe big enough torun the wholo Pacific Ocean throughit. They didn't need it any more

    fthan a cat needs a spelling bookthere's four or five miles of it lyingaround Ntiuanu street now. Butthat wasn't the best of it. Gcawgehe got to windward of old Gibsonsomehow or other and got hi3 payfor the pipe before ever the stuff

    ftlcft England. Now that's what Icall financccring. Talk about yourJay Gould. I don't believe ho everbeat that.

    Which one is Gibson, anyhow?Why don't you know him? He's

    that sly foxy old coon by the doorthere sits on the small of his hackand the back of his head with hisknees against the desk most ofthe time. If you keep your eyeson him you'll sec that henever looks continuously at anyone eyes keep going aroundlike a lightening bug in a marsh.Poor old sinner, ho must have coldsweats at night when he thinks ofthat finance committee poking aroundamong the coronation vouchersthere'll be some fun around herewhen they report. Why there'sfour of the most rabid oppositionistson'thc committee. Godfrey Brown,and Smith, andNawahi, and Rowell,and nobody to represent the Minis-try but Keau, the taro man; andthey say he's looking both sides ofthe fence.

    There's a large fine looking manover there with a gold chain onwho'fe he? That, O thaUs Col. C.Hastings Judd, Lord High Chamber-maid to His Royal Nibbs. Gibbyhales him as the Devil does holywater you see Judd is solid withRex, and when Gibby tried to gethim fired out so that he could putin his son-in-la- w or some otherflunkey, Rex he kicked. Says he toGibby, Mr. Gibson, I used to thinkthat 1 was King, but I have aboutgiven that up as an exploded idea.I've made three Ministers out of youat the same time, and you havo madeyourself Prime Minister. I've madeyou the Bord of Health, the Bord ofEducation, and clone everythingyou wanted, but I'm going to drawthe line somewhere, and I shall drawit here. I've' given you everythingelse, but I'm going to choose myown chamber maid. With that Rexhe sits down hard, and Gibby helike a sneaks off licked puppy ; andJudd ho was in the next room andheard the whole of it, aud ever sincehe's laid awake nights blessingGibson.


    Baker ia mighty in quotingScripture.

    The bill to perpetuate the presentliquor law was referred to a specialcommittee.

    S. B. Dole has given notice of uprohibition liquor bill.

    Government Representative Ba-ker will get his eara boxed by theold man if he brings in too many

    resolutions.Hon, J. Kauhanc spoke most

    earnestly and wisely, yesterday,upon the liquor question. IHb re-marks were listened to most respect-fully by Hie House.

    Poor J, E., Bush. He don'tlike it that the committees are madeup mainly, of representatives. Hopltiously complained of it during the


    discussion of the diseased animallaw.

    Forcible- arguments wero broughtyesterday against the present appealsystem, by which the same Judgeof the Supreme Court sits on appealin cases which he has already tried.

    Hon. J. T. Baker, in the debateon the liquor question, said thatthere was virtue in liquor it taughtthe English language ; some nativescould not speak a word when sober,but after drinking could talk flucntlv.

    So far as the Ministers arc con-cerned, the suggestions in His Ma-jesty's speech relating to measuresto promote temperate habits, seemstphave been put in simply as "taffy."They say they have no measures to-pu- t

    forward on the subject.The turkey law was reported back

    to the House by the Judiciary Com-mittee, who recommended that thelaw should be slightly modified andpassed. The original draft of thisimportant law in enumerating theclasses of birds to be affected by itmentioned "peacocks" amongothers.As this law would exclude peahensfrom the benefit of the law it becamenecessary to introduce an amend-ment.

    THE LEG LAT1EFkiday, May 9. Continued.

    The bill to perpetuate the liquorlaw was referred to a Select Com-mittee consisting of Messrs Aholo,Nawahi, Lilikalani, Dole and Na-hin- u.

    Second reading of an Act to amendSection 780 Civil Code relating torepresentatives. Passed to engross-ment and will be read a third timeTuesday.

    A bill relating to the suppressionof disease among animals introducedby Mr. Smith, was referred to aSpecial Committee as follows :

    Messrs Smith, (chairman), J.Richardson, C. H. Judd, P. Iscn-ber- g,

    and the Attorney General.Second reading of an Act to re

    establish Circuit Judges in the Islandof Oahti introduced by Mr. Kaulti-ko- u.

    Referred to .Judiciary Com-mittee.

    The House adjourned at 4 :35.Saturday, May 10.

    The House assembled at 1 v. m.After prayer by the Chaplain, the

    minutes of the proceeding day wereread and adopted.

    Petitions being in order Mr. Doleproceeded to read a petition but wascalled to point of order by Mr.AholO; Petitions are only supposedto bo read by their title, and not infull. The rules were suspended andMr. Dole read a petition asking that$4,000 be appropriated for improv-ing and extending the road in PauoaValley. Referred to Committee onPublic Lands.

    Mr. Kancalii presented two peti-tions praying that tuition fees chargedchildren attending English schoolsbe abolished. Referred to Commit-tee on Education. '

    Mr. Kamakcle, two petitions, thatno restriction be placed on the useof intoxicating liquors by Ifawaiians,and that the present liquor law becontinued. Referred to Select Com-mittee.

    Mr. Amara, a petition from thedistrict of Waimca, Koolauloa, thatWaimea be made a part of the dis-trict of Waialua. Referred to Com-mittee on Public Lands.

    Mr. Dole reported from the Judi-ciary Committee, that the bill rela-ting to corporations introduced byMr. Smith.- -

    Mr. Richardson moved the reportbe laid on table, until the othermember of the Judiciary Committeehad signed it, only four of the Com-mittee having affixed their signatures.

    The Attorney General said the billshould not be passed until amended.

    He would not support it until itwas properly drawn out. Ho sup-posed that, the honorable memberopposed the amendment because itwas drawn tip by 9 Minister. Didhe believe with tho unbelievcra thatnothing good can come out of Naza-reth.

    President thought tho amendmentwas out of order. It waB the reportof the committee that should boreconsidered, after some further dis-cussion the bill was finally laid onthe table until tho minority reported,

    Mr. Dole, from the Judiciary Com-mittee, reported on the opiumbill introduced by Mr, Lilikalani,

    thatlho billform, andpostponed.

    is in nn impracticableMiould be indefinitely


    IT. B. M. Commissioner, MajorWodchouse, Governor F. F. Lowand Mr J D Sprcckcls occupied seatsin the Legislature Assembly yester-day.


    Having occasion in San Franciscoto examine a brick that was takenfrom an old ruined and forsakenbuilding which was being torn downto make room for a hadsomc busi-ness block, a reporter was somewhatstartled upon adjusting a microscope Jto sec each pore of the brick in-habited with a peculiar rod-lik- e nni-mnlcu-

    of the genus bacilli. Asthese insects cannot be seen otherthan by the microscope, even whenthey live in the human system andprcyT upon our vitality, neither arethey visible in tho soil or substancein which they may live and hive,except by a powerful glass. Theirmotions when they were exposed toblows wore as the link of a chain,reminding one of a system of jointsto be extended and contracted. Theywere semi-transpare- with a slight,scintillating column nearly two-thir- ds

    their length, extending fromnearly their head to their pointedtails, probably their spinal column.As this brick was from the founda-tion and being underground andnext to the street sidewalk, it il-lustrates forcibly the fact that how-ever hard burnt and well made, por-ous substances should not be putunderground for foundations ofsewers. Solid rock, or concrete, orterra cotta are the only proper build-ing materials below the level of thesidewalks. S. IP. Chronicle.


    After two years and a half of liti-gation,, the Supreme Court of Penn-sylvania has decided the suit of J.Carroll McCaffrey against James II.Elvcrson. The latter is the pub-lisher of two periodicals SaturdayNight and Golden Days.. In 1881he erected a building at Ninth andSpruce streets, Philadelphia, special-ly designed for thfc preparing, print-ing and publishing of his publica-tions. Soon after commencing activeoperations, the residents of theneighborhood complained of thenoises made by the printing pressesused in doing the printing of Mr.Elvcrson's periodicals. Matters werebrought to an issue by J. Carroll Mc-Caffrey, who resided next door tothe Elvcrson building, filing a billin equity praying for an injunctionrestraining James H. Elvcrson fromcanying on, his business so as to bea nuisance to his neighbors. Anexaminer and master was appointed,who took a large mass of testimony,much of it of a conficting nature.The master decided against the run-ning of the presses ; but the Court,in view of the contradictory evidence,appointed a commission of disinter-ested experts to examine into thepractical merits of the case. Thecommissioners reported against thenuisance theory, and tho Courtrefused to grant an injunction tostop the presses.

    Mr. McCliffrey appealed from thisdecision to the Supreme Court of theState, which affirmed the decision ofthe lower tribunal throug ChiefJustice Mercur, who, in his opinion,said., that a person residing in thecenter of a large city cannot expectto be surrounded with the stillnesswhich prevails in the rural districts ;ho must necessarily hear some noiseand occasionally feel some vibrationsproduced by the movement andlabor of its people and the hum ofits mechanical industries. Everynoise is not a nuisance ; when it isproduced by the exercise of a law-ful industry, the strong arm of thelaw should not be extended for itssuppression. Printers' Circular.

    Ceremonies are different in everycountry ; but true politeness is every-where the same. Goldsmith.

    To whom can riches g reputeor trust,

    Content or pleasure, but tho goodand just? Pope.

    Driving; Mare for Sale.TN CONSUQUENOE of Jl. W. P.X Tolor leaving This Kingi'om, 1 haveboon nuthorizPiF to sell liis beuutifulGHAY MAltE "LUCY." Those wliodesire a good loadbter or a fine FamilyHorse should apply without delay to

    J. E V ISOIAN,703 2w Gcnornl Business Agent.


    CONSIGNEES TEH A11ME(JARvLU fioin Now Yoikwill nlcaso enll and pay

    fioigin, and receive ORI31R3 atTartu: & Cooun, Agents.

    Ilpnolultt, May lOlli, lt-8- 710 lw

    Wolfe & EdwardsITavo juHt'iTcelvrd

    Icr Mnviponn. T&ny Silt.A full line of

    Fresh GroceriesAN- D-

    ProvisionsWhittaker Hams,Pickled Pork,Royal Rienkfoot Uncoil,Pickled Herrings,Salmon Bellies in Kit's,Smoked Salmon,Smoked Herring.'', &c.

    Also 1111 Assortment of die linest

    French Candies,FIGS AND NUTS.

    , Coffee Ground SCvcry Ifovning,Goods deliveied free of charge;. In any

    pan 01 uic rny.

    Ethic l Telephone :c4(.B . Itox ).' 710 2w

    Just ReceivedKx Alnmctla and IWariiutHa

    A line Invoice of American

    BKANDS OIT CIGAKSGold Bar Cigaretts,

    Full Hamt Cigautles,Long (Jul Tobacco,Granulated Tobacco,Plug Cut Tobacco,

    For sale in lots to .suit at lowest prices.

    U. JSiedclI,7t01w 1044 Fort Street.

    G. Eicdell would invitethe attennion of Hie trade to the factthat heha just received ex Alamedaand Matiposa a line Invoice of TWONEW BHANDS UP CIGARETTES,


    PULL HAND,which lie introduce to the public ofHonolulu, tliey having a high reputationin California, and arc made of pureLONG CUT VIRGINIA TOBACCOAND RICEPA1 EK.and do not bite thetongue. Try tbem once and convinceyourself. For tale by all cigar dealers.

    &. Riodcll,710 lw 101J4 Fort Street.


    Via Panama,A full assortment of superior

    mm Pro?For Sale at

    70S lw P. A. Scltnerey & Co.

    The British' Benevolent


    33 .XjJL"Will take place at tire MUSIC HALLon Tuesday evening, May 5J7th.

    Tickets $2.fi0, to be had from themembers ol the Ball Committee. 7i7 4t

    WANTED.A MAN AND WOMAN wanted asgeneral servants, at ,03 EmmaStreet. 705 tf

    Noticeto Creditors

    HAVING BjSEN APPOINTED thWAdministrator, with Willannexed, of the Estate of Simon K.ICtiai, deceased, by the Supreme Court,wo hcroby notify all cicditors. of thesaid Kstato to file their claims, dulyveiilled, with us within six monthsfrom this date; if not ho lllcd, they willbo loiever buried.

    S. B. DOLE, .B. M. DAMON, '

    Administrators with the Will annexedof the Estate of Simon K. Kaai, late

    Honolulu, April 25, 1SS1. 097 lm


    X or any way out of order, call 011 AT. BAKKR, at Capt. J. O. Cluney's stalil i'- -, corner of Queen & Punnhbow) sts

    horses to saddle or car.lingo a .specialty. 420 ly

    DIVIDEND NOTICE.ntVIDhND of Fain Plantation of

    JLf 0 per bhtiro 011 May 1st, at thooniceof702 lw Oabtm: & Cooke Agents.

    BUIS! TinTTTT tV a flTj5 fl

    A gr at nvmlcrof my cujtimns hav-ing made cnqultlcs after 111010 i.f thoPDelicious

    VtlUJNA. f

    Easter Citron Bisl finiiipha small supply

    Every SaturdayAt fi p. in.,

    AND SUNDAY MORNING.ESIMcnso leave orders not later

    than 12 noon every Saturday

    ATF.H 5Steam Cir.tlv Factory and Bakery,

    70i Hotel street. im

    D. M. CllOWLEY. a. 1IASTIE

    CRCWL EY &

    78 King St. 78 King St.

    (Opposito Whitman & Wright.)



    Jut t Received Superb Ccvetinr andTiimmingfor

    w rages.Parlor Sets, etc., etc.

    Cheaper Than Ever ! ! !BSTUall and sec our Goods and your willbuy direct from the Makers, as we are

    tho only

    Practica! Upho&stererin Business in Honolulu and defy Con-

    tradiction on this point.

    .Repairing-.- , IScoveriBi andKcRtniling

    A Speciality,Tiin

    "BOBTOS'' ami " CIEAEiEiESTGK "

    SPRING BED,ISTot to lc Surpassed.

    Crowley & Co.591 6m . 78 King Street.

    Jo Planters & Others

    For Sale

    30 Fine HLa-i- eYoung Miles

    Apply to J. I. Dowsett,or JR. A. Bnikaw,

    C88tf Queen Street.



    FOR SALE, in older to retire fromthe Photograph Business, my GallrrThe largest and best on the island Inperfect running order, with first classinstrument, doing a good businetB,situated in the best business innntlrm in

    . the City of Honolulu. Rooms laigc andconvenient, villi one good N. L. Sky.light and side light. Al out 4000 pajinglegistered Negatives, ery rare, and not,eiihy 10 lie got. Celebrated Views of allpans of tho Hawaiians in alltheir ancient cot,tumc; also the oalyComplete Vicwa of the Volcano anilLava flows. With a leaso of three andhalf years, lent very low and a goodsupply of water. Will fell for fivethousand dollars part to bo raid in cdt--and a part with a good sccuilty Uestchance ever offered as there is but oneGalloiy besi- - e this on the whole Groupof Islands For full pnilicnlars

    Apply, to J. E. WIPEMAN,General Butinets Agent,

    or A. MONl'ANO.Corner Fort and King Streets, ilonolu u.

    0112 lm

    FOR SALE.FOUR FINE BUILDINGLOTS at Vuuahou, Honolulu,lvinc between iho 1 mmiRnanf

    Mr. jj. i. Jjuiingham and .Messrs. Gra.ham and Foster. Two of thcFO lots lm veeach a froutago of 1C0 feet on BeretaniaStreet and 11 ueptli of f00 feet, and twhave each a frontage of 102. 7 feet ouBingham Street and a deptli of 275 feet.These four lots adjoin each other andwill bo sold either separately or as awhole.

    Apply to J. M. MONSAHHAT,07 tf No. 27 Merchant trtreat.

    TO LET.THAT DESIRABLE and neatly lo.

    Hi0Jc aud I'raml-- Lincoln,?01kJu?ff Street. This Fire P,o

    Brick Building recently finished is (heof In the cliy of Honolulu.Gas P pes and Patent Water CI .bets andeverything pertaining to modern im.provenients through ait the building,lhe upp.r puit ol pruni-e- wll be fittedup to Milt Tenant either as a W e houseor for Ilouseholl pmpote . A Private'eutranco also in the rtar lo premhes.

    APPtyt J. E. WIBEJIAM,OUBlw General Business Agent.

  • i


    i;iuiuli guihlin,SATURDAY, MAY 10, 18Sf.


    All time Horn noon of to-d- ay . May 10. h nt.

    aim Sets C 29.Sun Rises ' 17 23.Moon Rises 7 25.High Tide (laige) 5 00.High Tide (small) 17 20.

    WIND AXI) WElTHEnItccoul lrom noon of yesterday: J.

    nnromclrr Thonnomelcr Kahi.I in

    ' T'tiii I ii II su I on I ten II to i8hI so.os I no u I ;;o.n h too vo to o onWind, N.U, biluk; hky, luuyj Sen, heavy


    OEftNifJ 8. S. CO.

    ror. bx niAratsco.Miiripooii. . . .Jics ILnolulu, May lothAlameda. . . .Leavci Honolulu. June 1st.



    (Mty of Sydney On May 17tORhAJs FKANC18CO.

    Stmr Australia ny 11

    TELEPHONIC.Diamond Head, May l6, 3 pan

    Strong N.B. wind.

    ARRIVALS.May 10

    Schr Jennie from KilaucaStmr Kilauca Hon from KaluiluiStmr Kinau from windwaid ports

    DEPARTURES.May 10-- BkHope for Port Townsend

    Schr Kukn. for Koliala


    Stmr Kilauca IIou for KahulniSchr Cateriua for IlanaleiStmr Lchua for Maui and MolokaiSchr Jennie Walker for lliloSchr Waioli.for liana


    From Molokai & Maui per Lcbua,May oj T McCrosson, Miss ABanister and 17 deck.

    From Kahulni per Kilauca Hoti,May 10 Capt T II Hobrou & wife,T W Hobron, T R Foster, Capt SassT W King and child, Miss T Winter,W G Piukwith, H W Garvis, MrCarr and wife and 44 deck.

    For Port Townsend per Hope,May 10 A Cameron, J Desmond.



    Thcbgtno J. D. Spicokcls, Capt. C.G. Frlis, :u rived at Kahului from SanFrancisco, on May Gth with a generalcargo.

    The schr Apna, Capt. McCulloch,

    sailed from Kahulni for San Francisco,on May 9th with 5S21 bags of sugar,

    weighing 734,137 lb, valued at $35,120.-88- .

    Passenger: Capt. II. T. Roznolds.The bark Atfliie Carver, Capt. Pendle-

    ton, arrived yesterday with a cargo of

    general meichaiulisc. She is 137 days

    from New York, having sailed 2 days

    after dealing. She had a very heavygale off Cape Horn, took the N. E.trades, 8 N. of the Equator. She is

    consigned to Castle & Cooke and isdocked at Brewer's wharf.

    Stmr Kilauea U911 brought 315 bagsof sugar, 328 bags of taro and 13 boxesof taro flour.

    The Emma put to sea yesterday for

    Heeia, but had to return as the windhad spilt her sails. She will probablysail this p.m.

    Th'j Leluui was unaoie 10 imie any

    sugar from Klpahulu. the weather beingto rough.

    The bark nope sailed this p.m. forPort Townsend. She took 151 bags ofsue ir and 25 bbls of molasses, valued$1038.30.

    bTrth.- in the cily, on Miy 10. 18S. To the

    nvlfo of Win. O. Atwatcr a daughter.


    Every thins in our line cheap.

    708 3t. King Bros.

    A band concert will be given on

    Monday evening, at Emma Square.

    Consignees per Abbie Carver am

    requested to call for orders at Castle& Cooke's.

    Don't forget. Easter Citron Bunsto be had at Horn's this afternoonat 5 o'clock and morning.

    . . .

    FouRoIBces to let, well lighted

    and ventilated over the I. X. L.and Queenstore, corner Nuuanu

    VVl 11streets.

    Woufb & Edwards have just re-

    ceived a largo supply of fresh gro-

    ceries, candies, provisions, etc.-- Sco

    new advertisement.

    Loveks of a good smoke, should

    call on G. Ricdell, and secure some

    of tho new brands of cigarettes and


    Tiium! is a boom just now amongst

    the Chinese, in wooden buildings,

    probably providing against tho

    threatened lire-pro- of building act.

    Gueat satisfaction is professed by

    all concerned at the extreme fairness

    of the transactions at tho fair. Theand fullprices wore very moderate

    value was given.

    Tun comparatively vnrc sight of amonkey on horseback was to be sconthis morning on Nminmi fitrcct.

    TiiEiu; in c about 40 lepers to goby tho steamer Wokolii, which isnow uwniting a. change in theweather.

    w morning, at Fort St.Church, the pastor will preach. Inthe evening it is expected that Dr.

    K. McLean, of Oakland, Califor-nia, will preach.

    ItThu new telephone building is

    being pijshcd rapidly forward, a largonumber of workmen being employed,t stands on tho corner of Merchant

    and Alnkcn streets.

    Steamer Australia will be duo to-morrow from the Colonics.

    Tin: Chinese cobbler on the side-walk of Maunakca street has enlarged orhis establishment, he has taken threefeet more frontage and there is abranch of the firm. around the comeron Hotel street.

    The stone for St. Antliews Cathe-dral is coming out in the Britishship Ophelia. It has been foundcheaper to import it from England,than to pay tho rates demanded bystone cutters here.

    Mr. Geo. Bowser, the former pub-lisher of tbe Hawaiian Directory, ar-rived by tho Mariposa. Mr. Bowser"is the representative of the Se7ni-Wcck- ly

    Herald Trade, a new com-mercial paper printed in San Fran-cisco.

    oThe foundation of the new bank

    is now being laid, and consists of alayer of concrete, on which vestsa wall constructed of Punch Bowlstone. This will be carried up to thelevel of' the ground, above whichbricks will be used.

    A bov named John Hake, a halfwhite, shot another boy, at Maka-wa- o,

    on last Friday week. One ac-count states that the ball entered thebody and has not yet been extracted ;while another states that it glancedon a rib and did not enter. Hake isheld to await the result of the injury.

    The postal authorities received bythe last mail, specimens of the newstamped envelopes which, had beenordered. There are fine denomina-tions. 1 cent colored green, 2 centspink, 4 cents vermillion, 5 centsblue and 10 cents black. This im-portation will supply a long feltwant, and will no doubt soon obtainuniversal popularity.

    . oThe May number of the Anglican

    Church Chronicle is now before us.Itsleadinsr article "After thoughtsof a Pastor," on the relation of theshepherd to his flock, shows signs ofthought and 'felling. The educa-tional portion, deals with corporalpunishment in schools. We couldwish this article were decisive. Thewhole number is full of valuable andinteresting information and quite upto its former promise.


    The Band will play in EmmaSquare, this afternoon, at 4:30. Thefollowing is the programme :March Royal Review ....GladmnnOverture Italian Style SchubertFantasia Tho Princess Air....Clarcnco

    election Don Carlos VerdiWaltz Lauia MillockcrQuadrille Beggar Student. . .Millockcr


    Tho concert last night was quitein keeping with tbe entertainment of

    the night before. The place wascrowded,1 quite a number having to

    stand during most of the evening.

    Some ladies in this plight were gal-

    lantly rescued by Mr. Tanuatt who

    lured several gentlemen out of their

    seats and substituted ladies in a

    way and manner peculiarly his own.

    The business of tho evening com

    menced with an Overture by the

    Symphory Club, which was mcII andeffectively rendered. "Rub-a-dub-du- b"

    by youthful Miss Hare, was

    received with the most violent ap

    plause and it was found necessary

    to recite another piece in order

    to soothe the audience. The

    dramatic part entitled "At theRegister" was a little tamo atGrst, but soon grew into absorbing

    interest. The parts were we'll sus

    tained anil mo wuuiu picuu imiuDiujj,though ending somewhat; abruptly.

    A solo by Miss Lachman, who has a

    beautiful voice, though with tremu-

    lant tendencies Ivas fiercely encored.

    Whereupon she sang another piece.

    Tho concluding "Gavotte" by thoand it is toclub was a bright piece,

    bo regi cited that it wag lost tonportion of the audience, who loftbefoic it was ended. The wholechtcitaitiment ivivi very satisfactoryand mot with marked and generalapproval.


    The May number of this magazinehas come promptly to hand, and is ofmore' than usual interest.

    The articles are all instructive, ofand nearly all of a practical nature.

    begins with a thoughtful paper onConstitutional Government, which istimely nnd forcible. The following bystatements should be pondered :'.'It is just as necessary that theKing keep within constitutionallimits as for tho Courts or Legisla-ture. The constitution declares thatthe King governs for the good of thowhole people and not for the benefit

    honor of any class, individual orfamily. The people have the right,and it may be said .that it is their 4duty, to soo that government is forthe common good."

    Next comes an article taken fromthe Sityar Cane on the amount ofjuice left in trash after the cane isground ; then a statement of thearticles exempt from duty under theReciprocity Treaty with Mexico.

    This is followed by an account ofthe quarterly meeting of the Trusteesof the Planters Company ; and tablesshowing the commerce between Cali-fornia and the Hawaiian Islands.

    We notice one item which appearsincorrect, namely: $15,000 woithof butter exported from Californiato these Islands in 18S3, while thevalue of the groceries for the sameperiod is placed at $36,300.

    "Our Plantation Fuel and Howto Use It," is evidently written b'one who knows whcieof he speaks.

    The statement of the sugar yieldat Waianae, Oahu, is rematkableindeed. Seven and two-fift- tons ofsugar per acre is enormous and ex-ceptional.

    A piece on roses shows how easilyrose cuttings ma7 be imported, andanother entitled " The Future,"suggests the product of other cropsbesides sugar. 4

    The communications arcof a practical nature.

    A page of "items" completes thetwenty-fou- r pages.

    Altogether it is one of the bestnumbers yet published.

    Wanted.or two intclligi nt I30YS (white

    preferred), for the printing bupi-nes- s.Apply Daily Bulletin Ollice. &

    Furnished Rooms.urn n nn it"h. n, urrniMlTV..'ISiY-- Sp " " "i- lu ujjuunii i tifi -- a

    V 1 UKNibilJii IjUIIUi.Mjmm S 110 USt3 known as theWHITE

    118 Nuuanu Avenue, abo e BeretaniaSticet, a so, some COTTAUU ItOUilS.Apply on the premises to7051m Mrb. J. T. WHITE, Propiictoic. ,

    Cottage to Let and FurnitureTor Sale.

    1'AGi: ON PALACE WALK nearCOT slieet, contains) 5 lloonis.and Bath. Fin niture complete throughout. Rent ot pitmisc-- . 15 Furniture10 hell (cosl) 330.

    Apply lo J. E. WISEMAN,707 Iw Geneial Business A,rcnt.

    To Let.SIDE or that beautiful OfficeONE now occupied entire by J. E.

    Wiboman in tho l ampbell Blouk, .Merclnnt mip't. with hi lee ofnc Finnituie,

    Apply to J . E. WISEMAN.Oil ti Geneial Business Agent.

    Furn "shed Eoams.GENTLEMEN ONLY. Apply

    ; toMliS.'JW.NEIt 82 Kln-- j Sit eel,neui'y Oiipoiio tho Windsor Restaurant,

    IIC0 ly b

    For Sale.BUILDING LOT '200ft x 100ft

    VERY DESIRABLE BUILDINGA LOT 200 x 100. on the corner otPellicula and Lunnlilo blieets, beingcentnil in its location, having a com-mandin- g

    vlow. And both fenced andwatered. Making It a very fine lot fora family residence.

    Applv to. James A. Kkn-vkd-iit the Honolulu Iron Woiks.

    Notice.CONSIDERATION pf the urgentON request ot our cniployes, wo beg

    to givo notice that on anilaftcr May 10thlSSt, IIIC HOIIOIIIIU iron Hurhsviu. mcloc their Works on Satiudays at 13o'clock noon.

    HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO.Honolulu, May Hid, lb:4. 70 1 lw

    Arutir HONOL.DLU IRON "WORKS,v t!4fiA Steam endues, sucar mills,, coolorii; iron, braes and lead cast-ings ; machinery of ovory descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work oxcouted at short notice '

    J. 31. OAT & CO., ttAIMrAKKKKLoft in A. F. OookeH New FiicProof

    Building, foot of Nuuanu Street.Honolulu, H.I.

    Flags of all descriptions mule laidrepaired, ly h

    Ocoaiiic Steamship Oomprnut, winvitMMnT

    jafoncu ami KlegaiilSleuiTHilp's

    MARIPOSA ALAMEDA,Will lruu' Honolulu and San

    Fianciseo on the1st and 1 5th of Each Month.

    Passexoki'.s may have their namesbooked in advance by applying at thyonlcc of the agents.

    Passengers by this line are heicby no-tified that they will be allowed 200 lbs

    baggage free by tho Ovcilantl Rail-way, when traveling East.

    Excursion Tickots for Round Trip, $125,good to mturii by any of tho Company's."steamers within ninety days.

    Meiichaxoisi: intended for shipmentthis lino will bo received free of

    chaigo in thu Company's New Waichouse and lecelpts issued for same.

    lxsuuAKcr. on moickaudlso, whilst inthe warehouse, will be at owner's risk.

    Wm. O. Iuwin&Co.,Agents, O. S. S. Co.

    WIXDTEXfc'S S. S. CO.lUmttcil.

    GfeStearnor Kinau.King, Commander,

    Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday atp.m., tDiiuhir.g at Lubaina, Mnu.-lae- u

    Bay, Makuua, Mahukona, Ha-waiian;, Laupnhoehoo and Hilo.

    Returning, will touch at all thoalovc ports, arriving at Honolulueach Satin day afternoon.

    IKT--3 ..ISLANDSteam Navigation Company's

    IiEMG OF tATEXXUBXtS.fesSfe.

    Tho Planter,uates, . Commander,

    Will run regularly for Kona and KauLeaves Honolulu at 4 p.m. on

    Friday, April 4 Tuesday, May 27Tuesday, " 15 Fiiday, June (iFriday, " 25 Tucdaj-- , " 17Tuesday, May (5 Fiiday, 27Fiiday, " 10Akkivks at Honolulu at 5 p.m.

    Friday, gApiil It Tuesday, June aTuesday, " 22 Fiiday, " 13Fiiday, Muy 2 Tuesday, " 24Tuesday, " 13 Friday, Jdlv 4Fiiilav, " 2.3

    The Iwalanicameiion, - - Commander,

    Leaves Honolulu cvory Tuesdayat 0 p.m., for ITawiUwili, Koloa, Eleele,and Waimea, Kauai. Returning, leavesNawiliwili every Satuulay evening.

    The James Makee,vitnuMAS, - - Commander

    Leaves Honolulu every Thursdayat a p.m. for Knpaa and Kilauea.

    leaves Kauai every Tuesday atand touching at Wainae, both


    The C. R. Bishop,davip, .... Commander.

    Leaves Honolulu ovcry Tuesdayat 4 p.m. for Kukuihnclc, Honokaa andPaauh'iu. Returning airivcs at Honoluluevery Sunday morning.


    The favoiitc bglne

    W. G. IrwinTurner, - Master,

    Will have quick dispatch for the aboveport. For fi eight or passage apply to

    Wm. G. Ikwin &, Co., Agents.


    The Clipper Schooner

    JENNIE WALKEE,Ncaion, - - - JIabter,

    Will run regularly between Honolulu,and Hilo., For freight or passage applylo tho Captain on uoaru, or to uic

    Pacific Navigation Co.,Oil '.lm Cor. Nuuanu & Queen sis.

    tiii: kAbt sailingSchooner Ehukai

    will run regularlyfu 1AIALTJA EVERY MONDAY,

    Returning on Thuiflday, weatherpoimitting.

    For freight or passage apply to theCaptain on board, or to

    Pacific Navigation Co.,181 Agents.

    .. .i-.

    LAIftBE & GO.Have a 'Largo Slock of the

    VEET BEST HAY.G3-r-a,i- ai Etc.,

    Which h olfered at Low est Market Prices'AND

    Delivered Free to any part of the City

    agentJfos tub-Pacifi- cMutual Life Insurance Co.OF CALIFORNIA.

    Agents for tho Hoover Telephone.

    Commissioner of Doedsfor CaliforniaTelephone No. 147. 7(10


    H. Cavonagh, ,a a Proprietor.

    MMAI-.- 3IEA.-- SCook'dtoord'rv;:'At all hours.

    Oystora, Celery, Salmon, and FruitReceived by every steamer, mil

    Notice.GOVCIlKOll'H Ol'KICW, llosc- - I

    i.oi.u, Pept. 21,188a.TVTOT1CE Is hoioby given that no Hunts1 contracted on hulialf of the tu

    bund will bo recognized or paidunless oi dered by tho undersigned ,

    Jno. O. Dominib,Governor of Oahu.


    0Mjlion?N ISwv JjHocU, Morolmnt. PWroot,Irlrplionc, 172 l' o. U x, Sir,

    JG$ XO --A JL. JICJ H T V rr K yV 3U IS" rJLEmployment Agent, Custom House Broker,

    Firo and Life Iuourance Agent,and General Business Agent

    The only General Business Agent in the Iliwalinn Islands'.0S0 ty Ordc of Evciy Kind and N'nture Solicited from the Various Islands.

    cr-Mj- ff

    I O. Uox 297.

    No. 67 and 09 Hotel Street.


    Just Received per Mariposa, May 8,0

    Fresli Oysters, Fresli Cal, Salmon, k,And a full lhi9 of Eresh Cal- - & Eastern Groceries.

    Pea Meal, Bean Meal, Maize, &c, &c,

    GooilM Mold r.ow, aiidInUvcvccl Vveo of Chnrgi to all ptutM of city. '


    Hardware, AgriciUtural Implements,Dillingham Steel Plows, Fence Wire, Staples, B a

    Kerosene Oil, House Furnishing Goods, LampGoods,

    SILVER PLATED WARE, &c, S.C., &c. 652BtMxiaajumaaMMKMsxinitK,intiiarrwarT--rr- - - -


    L -

    Parlor Sets,Bedroom Sets, LOdd Chairs, loutaaunsi

    Dining Tables,Contra Tables,



    Lambrequins, CornicesOF EVERY rJESCail'TIO.V

    105 & 107 Fort Street,CS Island Orders will receive Prompt

    75, 7? and 81King- - Hi.



    --"FrSrlTlSKnd improvements lu


    Pioneer Carriage Manufactory,.


    WHITMAN WRIGHT,(T-a-to j.

    for WhcoUvchiclus ofdispatch. employed all the round.FINE A SPECIALTY. -- a

    hot or for in. OMNIBUSSES.& CARTS, to or lepaired.

    Our Shoeingmpervision of man mechanic second to

    m.o for waking or lotSOhargc-- &

    K5S ly 7i. 77 King Street.

    ill FinUNDERSIGNED LeaveTHE intoim the Pullir and

    Friends tltat they have opened a Black-smith Wagon Shop

    No. King Streetbelow where ar' prepaid!toMakoandRi'iialrallkluiisofCiiiiiiigcand on the Shun.M Noiieo

    BeasonablcN. B. Our Shoeing depattnieut

    is not under tho Supervision ofmen, but wo do the work out selves.Ourinottoguarantooto Satisfaction,

    us a(181 3m RE WC ASTLE & A R,

    FRANK. HUSYACE,JOx'tiynmii,

    (Successor to C,

    All ouiers for caiiugu promptly at.tended to, at the lowest Alt-- for


    White anil BlackIn quantltirH to at lowest

    . CDS ly



    V. HORN, PracticalCook Baker.

    71 Hotol at. Telephone 74.

    Telephone No. 210.







    and Picture FramesMADE TOjOIlDKIl.

    Honolulu, H. I.and Carpful Attention. 000 b

    75, 77 and 81

    King St.42S---?-SJ

    AVilson Brothers,

    ENEHALX Horso Shoeing a specialty3

    A first-clas- s man being specially engagedfor that work.

    Ship and Wagon work faithfullyattended to.

    Shop on the Esplanado, op. Hoppcr's.204r Kotice.

    TO BUTCHERS, GRAZIERSand all whom It may concern.

    Tho undersigned havingmN'T!!f2?$1$mado alterations, additions,

    hisWasitox (Ai FACTORY,is now prepared to givo

    The Cash Valuefor any quantity' of

    TALLOW,And will furnish containeis for tho sainofree of cost to any one who may desire,

    T1IOS. W. ItAwiilXfe.,Honolulu Soap Works.

    Olllco In Brick Building,King btrect, Leleo. . '483 lj

    &ivr. xtosas.)

    All oidcrs every description tilled with proniptncbb andFiist-clas-s Mechaniis year

    nor CARRIAGE WORKNothing too too heavy TRAM CARS, PLANTA.

    TION WAGONS, MULE OX made order? altered

    Horse DepartmentIs under the a practical ,i nor.". Wohnvo no scalds tubs. All work guaianlced.

    mo'derate. WHITMAN WRIGHT,nnd 81



    32Maunakca they

    Wagon-- ,

    and termt-- .lloii-- e


    givegive call.


    P. Ward.)




    Confeotionei,Pastry and








  • .&





    Wn U ttlHU))

    SATURDAY. MAY 10, 1881.


    In some ways the Chinese tuulJapanese gardeners are the mostsuccssful of any in the world. Theycan control and direct the growth ofplants to a degree that seems reallymarvellous until the principle uponwhich it is done is known, when, asin many other matters, it becomesquite simple.

    ThoChincsc have such a strongliking for the grotesque, and' unna-tural, that the handiwork of theirgardeners is not so pleasing a thatof the Japanese gardeners. TheChinese understand dwarfing oftrees ; but their best work is in sodirecting the growth of a tree orplant, that it will resemble somehideous animal which is only (It toexist in a nightmare.

    Japanese, on the contrary, arefor their love of what is

    beautiful and graceful, and, conse-quently, ugly forms find no favorwith them. Every Japanese has agarden if it be possible; but, asspace is valuable in Japan, only thevery rich can have large grounds,and the family in moderate circum-stances must be content, witn a gar-den often smaller in area than thetloor of one 6f our hall bed-roo- ina narrow, city house.

    Nevertheless, that small gardenmust contain as many objects as thelarge garden, and, of course, theonly way of accomplishing the de-sired result is to have everything inminiature. It is no uncommon thingto sec a whole landscape containedin a space no greater than the topof your dining-tabl-c. There will bea mountain, a stream, a lake, rockygrottoes, winding paths, bridges,fawns, fruit trees, shrubs andllowcrs ; all so artistically laid outas to resemble nature itself. In thelake will swim wonderful, filmy --finned gold and silver fish, and notinfrequently the tall form of a cranewill be seen moving majesticallyabout the tiny landscape.

    This seems wonderful enough ;but what will you think when I saythat almost the samo landscape isreproduced on so small a scale thatthe two pages of St. Nicholas, as itlies open before you, can covet it!hi this case, a tiny house is added ;delicate green mob& takes the placeof grass, and glass covers the lakewhere the water should be. Coun-terfeit fish swim in the glass lake,and a fal&e wane overlooks thewhole scene, just as the real cranedoes the larger landscape. Themountain, winding walks, bridges,and rocky grottoes are in the littlelandscape ; and real trees, bearingfruit, or covered with dainty blos-soms, are in their proper places.

    These trees arc of the right pro-portions to fit the landscape, andthey arev consequently, so 'tiny thatone is tempted to doubt their reality ;and more than one stranger has slylytaken the leaves or fruit betweenthe fingers, in order to make surethat the dwaffsdo truly live, and arenot, like the fish and crane, merecounterfeits. These, miniature land-scapes have been successfullybrought to this country ; and on one.occasion a lady of ban Iranciscoused one of them as a center-piec- eon the table at a dinner-part- y,greatly to the wonder and admira-tion of her guests, who wouldscarcely be convinced that the al-most microscopic apples on the treeswere genuine fruit..

    And now comes the questionhow is the dwarfing done? Theprinciple is nimple. The gardenermerely thwarts nature. lie knowsthat, to grow properly, a tree re-quires sunlight, heat, moisture, andnourishment from the soil. He takesmeasures to let the tree have onlyjust enough of these to enable it tokeep alive.

    To begin, he takes a little seed-ling, or cuttifig, about two incheshigh, and cuts off its main root. Hethen puts the plant in a shallowdish, with the out end of the rootresting against a stone, to retard itsgrowth by preventing nourishmententering thatway. Bits of clay thesize of a bean arc put in the dish,and are so regulated in kind andquantity as to afford the least possi-ble food for the litttle rootlets whichhave been left on the poor little tree.Water, heat and light are furnishedthe struggling plant in justsulllcientquantities to hold life in it withoutgiven it enough to thrive on. Inaddition, any ambitious attempt tothrive, in spite of these drawbacks,is checked by clipping with a sharpknife, or searing wiln a rendhotiron.

    After from live to fifteen 3'ears ofrfuch treatment, the only wonder is

    , that the abused tree will consenteven to live, to Bay nothing of bear-ing fruit. John Ji. Gotell, in the.February 'St, Nicholas.

    A Good Pasture for Horses,it. NEAR TOWN,

    Inquire toM A. A. 310NTANO.j577 0m

    Mice of Removal.


    HAVE-- .T.


    IB OFTO- -

    Queen StreetNext door to W. G. Irwin & Co.

    Thanking the Public, for their liberal

    patronage clting the past seventeen

    years, llicy will do their best to retain

    the same at their new store.

    (557 :im


    Hawaiian Hotel

    Carriage Company!


    to occupy the

    Hawaiian Hotel Hack Stand,Will, in future, place a sufficient

    number of Carriages on said stand tomeet the requirements of the


    Honolulu, May 1, 1SSJ. 701 lm



    No Licensed Hackswill be permitted to occupy the

    in the front or rear of the

    Hawaiian Hotel,Without written permission from the

    .Manager of said Hotel.

    EST All hacks violating tills rule, espu-ciall- yafter 10 o'clock, will be prosecuted

    GEO. II. FASSETT,Manager.

    Honolulu, May 1, 1884. 701 lm


    Business Directory' Auctioneer.

    E. P. Adams, Queen stLyons & Levey, Queen st

    jsuinovy.Alvin II. RaBcmuun.... Gazette Huilding

    ltnuUerx.Bishop fc Co , Merchant stHprcekels & Co., Fort & Queen stft

    II ii tcher,W. .McCiindlesa, .FlMi Market

    Itoot ami NIiuon.Chr. Com Fort st1XL Store, .'...., Nuunnu f.t

    Clothing.Guitonbcrg IXL, Store,.... Nuuanu stl A. Dias KinpcbtGnnwilvr.n & Bo . . . Hotel st

    Cabinet XnlicrH.W. M iller. , Hotel stCrowley & Co King stLycan &; Co,, Fort st

    Cnrrluteo 3fukei"H,liewcablle & Sugar King stWhitman & Wright,. King stW.H.Page, Fort stHawaiian Carriage Co., Queen st

    ClgnrM mid Tobacco,Hart, Bros. Old Corner, Queen stNoltes Beaver rjaloon,. Fort st

    JUnnlwnrr.Dillingham & Co., Fort st,T. T. Watcrhousc, Queen fit

    Importer A. Coin.McrcliniitN.G. V. Mnofarlano & Co Fort stHiedelt & Co Fort stC, llrowcr & Co., ( juocn tLyons & Levey, Queen stM. S. Grinbaum & Co., Queen st"W. Q Irwin vfe Co Fori stA. S. (.'leghorn & Co., Queen itJ . T. Watcrhousc, Queen stF. T. Lcnchan & Co., Nuiintiu stCastle & Cooke, Klnjr KtWhig Wo Tal & Co , Nuuanu stWinn Wo Chan & Co Nuunnu ftu. u. licrgcr, ..Merchant stHyinan Bros., Merchant st

    Jl)or AfjentH.A. C. Smith Merchant stW. Aukl, Water Works Office

    A. llnsslnger, Interior OfficeW. C. Aknnn King fitS. .M. Carter, Klngnt

    Iiliiiilior Dentci'H.Lowers & Cooke, Fort siWilder & Co Foitst

    Millinery tuul IH'ohh ZHnklnt;.Mi. A. M. Mollis Fortst

    MncltiiilMt.W. .1. Hryson, Ktiigst

    Medical.Dr. Emerson, Kukui st

    Xcwh Ocalei-N- .J. At. Oal .1 . & Co., Merchant st

    numbers and Vnliitorn.E. C. Howe,. . ..' Kini" stBrown & Phillips King stJ. Nott, Ivnnkuinnuu stMax Kolim, Fortst

    IMiotoBttiplicrM.Williams te Co., FortstA. A. Montnno, Fort st

    Timing &. Musical IiistrumcntH.Lycan & Co., Fort st

    JtOHtauriiiils. 4Hart, Uron. Old Corner, Queen stNolte Beaver Saloon Fort stWindsor Restaurant, King stCasino, lvaplomni 1arKTourist's Retreat,. Honuapo, Kan, Hawaii

    Jtenl T.Htnte Ascuts.J. E. Wiseman, Merchant stRicdell & Co., Fort st

    Solicitors.M. Thompson Fort stA. S. ilnrtwell, over BankJ. M. Davidson Kaahumanu stA. Rosa Gov't BuildingW. A. Whiting, Kaahumanu stJ. Husscll, Merchant stB. J. Dole, iviiamimunu stF. M. Hatch, Kaahumaun stR. F. Sicker ton Merchair stCecil Brown, ... .Merchant stJ. M. Atonsarrat, Merchant st

    8onp Factors.T. W. Rawlins, King st, Leleo

    KtatioucrM.J M.Oat .Tr.& Co., Merchant st

    Snll ZlfttlterH.J. M. Oat & Co., Queen st

    Ship Chandlery.Ficidi & Co., Queen l

    TlllMUlittlH.J. Nott, Knalmmnnu t

    Tailors.Ti ejiloan & At water, Fort st

    Travel.Inter-Is-land- N. Co EsplanadeWilder' S. S. Co Fort & Queen nsO. S. ri. C11., Fort & Queen stPacini" Navigation Co., Queen st

    Wood unit Coal Jeiilei"n,Fiank Iluitaou, Queen stS. .M. Carter it Co King st

    IViiiCN and Spirit,G. W. Macfarlano & Co.,. Kaahumanu stF. T. Lcnchan & Go.,. ., Nuuanu stBrown & Co Merchant st' Watch SInlcevs.Max Eckart F01 1 stWenner & Co., Fort st

    Book' BinderyALVIN II. RASEMANNWishes to notify the public that he

    Has Opened a Book Bindery

    In the GAZETTE BUILDING, and isnow prepared to do all kinds of

    Book-Bindin- g


    Paper-Rulin- g.

    Magazines, Pamphlets, Catalogues,Reports Etc., Etc, Etc.,

    Bound to order in Sheep, Calfskin, Mo-rocco, Leather or Boards.

    !Sf"By strict attention to businessand moderate charge, I trust to merit afair share of the public patronagu.C073m

    Quarterly AccountsMerchants & Storekeepers

    TAKE NOTICE that the un.dcrslgned is prepared to arrange

    Books and Collect Quarterly Accountswith carefulness and promptnes-s- .

    J.E.WISEMAN,General Business Agent.

    Campbell's New Block, Merchant Street.6801m

    Ennteni Pine Sii(?nr Kegs,In Shooks or Set up, also

    Eastern Pine Barrels forMolasses.

    Hoops Iron , , lin., 2 x 1.10, a x ,2 x 8.10.

    Vnv Sale by080 8m b J. II. BRUNS, Senior.

    The California Producenml Pro v ion Co.

    icspect fully notify tho Public thot theyhave established themselves at

    73 Hotel Street Honolulu,in part of tho premises occupied by

    Sresovich. G-ra-y & Co.Where can be found a complete

    stock of

    Vroduco mid GrocorlcH,which will bo sojd at lowest market

    ratesFor CnHli,

    Telephone, No. 274. P. 0. Box, 120.Address all orders and communications070 8m Z, K. MYERS Manager.

    IW'.Wff ' 1H1H 'I U'-l- mi '!'''' ''"i'

    C. BREWER $1 CO.Offer for Sale the Cargo of the


    Tin: foi.Lowi.Na

    LIST OF HnCMMSE,Ox Carts,

    Light Express Wagons,Ex Top Carriages.

    S T E A GOAL.Cumberland Coal,

    Com. Wood Chairs,

    KEROSENE OILMutches,

    Flue Molass-o- s Shooks,Rosin, Soap,

    Ico ChcstSj N03, 2, :?nnd 0'.Hoe Handles,Lobsters, lib tns; Beans, Mb ins

    Spruce Plank.

    Hay Cutters. Nos. 1, 2, & 3.Axle Grease,

    Fairbank's Scales, No r,s,io&HKLeather Belting,

    VCentrifugal Lining, 14 inch:Comp. Nails, 11&, Inclu

    MAMMOTH ROCKERS,Hales Excelsior,

    Manila Cordage, Assorted:Excelsior Mattresses,

    Galvanized Fence Staples,


    Sisal Rope, Assoitctl,Ash Plank,

    Dump Barrows,Ames' Shovels,


    10, 18, '20 liii, 'M and 20 oz.:

    Hair Mattresses tGrindstones, Rubber Hose,

    Hide Poison, BarbedWire, Refined Iron,

    ANNEALED FENCE WIRE,Galvanized Screws and Washers.

    n33 b

    umi ii in h 1 1 1 1 1 1 itJJUXLUJU.XX XJLUUiJJJlComer of Nuuanu and Marine Streets

    Is TTov Open,Tobacco and Cigars of the finest brands on


    mt Scorns,containing all the litest Eastern papers

    by every mail.

    XC23I ."OTMLiVrcSof all kinds and all flavor?.

    G'M lm W. H. PLACE, Proprietor.

    J, HPa ti a p aDealers in all kinds of

    STATIONERY,The Latcest Foreign Papcr3 always onhand at the Gazette Block, MerchantStreet. ly

    G. H. ROBERTSON,Drayman best teams

    in town, uillce, Queen st. 16


    S. M. GARTER & 00.RKTAin Dealers in

    Fire Wood,Goal kind Feed.

    Hay and. Oaits,ITJR13E: XEJL,IT"3SrcY

    to all parts of the city.

    Remember, 82 Kiii street,078 I3fAmi Telephone No. 187.

    l"o. 96, King Street,

    Telephone, No. 130

    BOUGHT out Iho businessHAVING 11. "Wilkinson, the undersigned is prepared to carrj' on a generalExpress Business; and hopes by prompt.,ncss and dispatch to merit a fair sbnroof,tho public patronage.

    II. Emmorsoii.018 3m

    GEO. E. SHERMAN.Xo. 42 Kino Stiieet.

    Trees and Saddles of all UIihIb mad etcouler aud repairing Harness, etc., donain Bhort notice. All orders promptly attended to. . fiO? ly

    Horses Clipped,Jfft IN the 15est Style, and

    ,' V 11IU llUllliU.

    vlSJi 05SWolfe & Edwards

    Grocery and Feed Storo,Corner King and Nuuanu streets.

    Fresh Groceries and Provisions receivedby every Steamer.

    P.O. Bok 130, Tolophono 349.GGIGm

    'ia4 - ji6.

    SPECIAL N0TICryHE Undersigned Proprietor of the


    desires to inform his patrons and tho publie generally that notwithstanding thorecent DISASTROUS FIRE, has erected


    On a much more Extensive Scalo whichIs now in Full OrmiATiON, and whichwill be in complete working order by anEarly Arrival of now Machinery andTools; and Is now again prepared to

    ' manufacture ,

    CHOICEST PURE CANDIESItand ,will always have on hand his de





    CREAM CANDIES of great vailety OPTMARSH-MALLOW- S.

    Gum DropB, and Gum FruitBon Bons

    Of all dcseilptions. All those HomeMade Fresh and Pure Confections, I fellat 00 cents PER POUND.

    RICH WEDDING CAKEOf the Finest Flavor, in all sizes always

    on hand and ornamented in themost artistic style.

    MINCE IPiaU !always fresh, as also

    Home Made Mince Meatfor salo at CO cents per pound.

    Will receive per Consuclo the balanceof my new machineiy of the newest de-signs for manufacturing all descriptionsof plain Candies; thanking the publicfor previous liberal patronage and so.liciling a continuance of same.

    Very respectfully,P. HORN,

    Practical Confectioner and Pastry Cook.THE OLD STAND. 71 UotCl'strCCt '

    P. O. Box No. 75; Telephone No. 74572 Iv

    Beaver L, SaloonThe Best Lunch in Town,

    Tea and Coffee at All HoursThe finest Brands of Cisrars and

    Tobacco, always on hand.


    IS OPEN EVERY DAY.(JSyTho only sea-cid- e resort in the

    Kingdom. H..T.NOLTE,Proprietor.

    THE OLD CORNEREstablished, 1858.

    Uabt Bros., : : Proprietors.

    m E ALSServed up in flrst-clas- s style at all houro

    Open from 2 a, m: to 10 p. m.

    Always on hand

    Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes&c., . &c. Also,

    Iced XJiwuk: !75.

    MR. JOSEPH TEISKA,Is in our employ, has hadWHO years experience in Piano

    Factories in Germany and America ; hois a sober, reliable man, and we

    Guarantee all of his work.All kinds of Musical Instruments re-

    paired and put in perfect order

    537 JLvcnn Si, Co.

    WENNEE & Co.,55--4

    &u2ft'OUV STKEKT.

    . Have on hand New Foreign andHomo M ulo Jowolry,

    Watohos, Braoelots, Nooklets,Pins, Lookots, Clooks.

    And Ornaments of all kinds

    Siivor and Gold PlatoElegant Tea Sots-- in Solid Silver

    Suitable for Presentation.

    NATIVE JEWELBY A SPECIALTYRepairing and mending in all

    its branches.The Sole Agent for King's


    . JOHN N0TT,Tin, Copnor and Sheet Iron Worker

    Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c,

    Stoves and Eangesof nil kinds,

    Plumbers' stook and motals,

    House Furnishing Goods,17 Chandeliers, Lamps, &o.

    The Tcu Cent Counter !

    -- AT-

    Has Just been lcplcnislie.l withjVJSW goods

    Received by the Aim ti.03a. In additionto tho

    TEN CENT STOCK,There Is a very large and varied assort.

    mo nl ofMow? Valuable. ooilN,

    Such asTowels, Baskots, iTablo Nnpklns. Hat Racks,Handkerchiefs. Jowolry,Stockings, Toys,Carrlago Whlpl, Vases,Riding Whips, Albums, .Tin Waro, Picture Frames,Glass Wnro, Crockory Waro.

    &c, &c.4000 CopieB of Sheet Music,

    Manufactured in Honolulu hj'vhltc men.Stove Polish and Axle Grease wholesale

    and retail atThe Ton Cent Store,

    085 8m b J or Street.

    Just ReceivedFrom China

    a WliHUlllAji Elegant Assortment of

    Silks & Satins !OF

    All KJihIh of Colore & Shade;Specinlly Suitable

    For the Present SeasonGarments of any design, either for Ladyor Gentleman, made in the highest stle

    of Art, and at the Lowest pricei.

    King Lun Chong & Co.,088 2m No. 78 Nuuanu Street.

    eo ras sua on oemIN THE

    ROPE.iARKET!Yes, and wu sell

    A.& Xitv sis ilio Lowest Iand don't anybody forget it.

    We sell New Bedford Rope, and anyretailer knows how it will, hold out innet weight.

    We also have the rao-- t varied assort,raent of

    SHIP CHA3SDLERYkept by any house this side of the RockyMountains, such as

    Hemp and Manila Cordage, all sizes,Artesian Well Boring Ropes,Manila Hawsers, Wire Rope,Cotton and Hemp Duck and Twine,Galvanized Marine Hardware,

    PAINTS AND OILS,Pure Copper Sheathing, 14, 10 & 18 ozYellow Metal and Nails, 14 to 28 oz.Copper Paint (Tarr & Wonsin's)"Whale Boats, Boat Stocks,Gal. Boat Nails, all kinds and sizes,Ami 1001 other thing3 too numerous

    to mention Also, agents for

    Perry Dni'is' Pain Killer,Brand & Pierce's Bomb Guns and

    Bomb Lances, &c, &c,All of which we will sell at tho

    lowest Rates.3fl0 ly . A. W. Peirce & Co.




    According to the highest an J best medi-cal testimony.

    Manufactory, : : : No. 18LUlha BtflP. O. Box, 879. Telcphono, 284.

    Bgy-A- U oi tiers receive prompt attention.


    Havo Secured tho Services .


    One of the Best ArtisteFrom San Francisco, II U Coloring is

    Unequalled.Views of tho Volcano,

    Also on nand, Come and See Them.mi tf


    MAX KOHMBeg to intimate to his friends and the-publi-

    generally, that ho is now pre.pared to execute orders for

    Plain and DecorativePainting: & Paperliangriug'

    in the host and newest styles.1 8C5 DFORr STREET,

    Opposite Gymnasium.P. O Box, No. 411. 461 lj

    'A m


    v :'










    V'fi r

    IV l:


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