Page 1: IV Year – Mechanical Papers/Fourth Year/IE… · (A) f(A) = a 2 (B) f(A)= a+1 2. Find the wrong number in the series 2, 6,


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Partners & Sponsors:

1. For all positive numbers x and y which of following functions is f(x

(A) f(A) = a2 (B) f(A)= a+1

2. Find the wrong number in the series 2, 6, 29, 146, 877, 6140

(A) 6140 (B) 2

3. In the sentence given below, pick up one option, which is most nearly same in meaning as the

word printed in bold, and can replace it without altering mean

Being a member of this club, he has certain

(A) status (B) truth

4. In the following question, choose the word which is the exact OPPOSITE of the given word.


(A) Frugal (B) Thrifty

5. Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence

meaningfully complete.

If negotiations are to prove fruitful, there must not only be sincerity on each side, but there must

also be ........... in the sincerity of the other side.

(A) Faith (B) Belief

6. B and C working together can do a job in 24 days. After working together for 15 days, B left. C took

15 more days to do the remaining job. If B works alone, i

(A) 30 (B) 40

7. A dishonest dealer marks up the price of his goods by 20% and gives a discount of 10% to the

customer. Besides, he also cheats both his supplier and his buyer by 100 grams while buyi

selling 1 kilogram. Find the percentage profit earned by the shopkeeper.

(A) 30 (B) 35

8. In a group of 6 boys and 4 girls, 4 children are to be selected. In how many different ways they

can be selected such that atleast 2 boys are

(A) 100 (B) 205

V Year – Mechanical Engineering

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Section-I: General Ability

or all positive numbers x and y which of following functions is f(x-y) = f(x) - f(y)

f(A)= a+1 (C) ( )f A a= (D) f(A)=

the series 2, 6, 29, 146, 877, 6140

2 (C) 29 (D) 6

In the sentence given below, pick up one option, which is most nearly same in meaning as the

word printed in bold, and can replace it without altering meaning of sentence.

Being a member of this club, he has certain rights.

truth (C) virtues (D) privileges

In the following question, choose the word which is the exact OPPOSITE of the given word.

Thrifty (C) Stingy (D) Generous

Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence

If negotiations are to prove fruitful, there must not only be sincerity on each side, but there must

........ in the sincerity of the other side.

Belief (C) Substance (D) Certainty

B and C working together can do a job in 24 days. After working together for 15 days, B left. C took

15 more days to do the remaining job. If B works alone, in how many days can he finish the job?

40 (C) 48 (D) 60

A dishonest dealer marks up the price of his goods by 20% and gives a discount of 10% to the

customer. Besides, he also cheats both his supplier and his buyer by 100 grams while buyi

selling 1 kilogram. Find the percentage profit earned by the shopkeeper.

35 (C) 32 (D) 29

In a group of 6 boys and 4 girls, 4 children are to be selected. In how many different ways they

can be selected such that atleast 2 boys are there?

205 (C) 185 (D) 211 1 of 11



In the sentence given below, pick up one option, which is most nearly same in meaning as the


In the following question, choose the word which is the exact OPPOSITE of the given word.


Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence

If negotiations are to prove fruitful, there must not only be sincerity on each side, but there must


B and C working together can do a job in 24 days. After working together for 15 days, B left. C took

n how many days can he finish the job?

A dishonest dealer marks up the price of his goods by 20% and gives a discount of 10% to the

customer. Besides, he also cheats both his supplier and his buyer by 100 grams while buying and

In a group of 6 boys and 4 girls, 4 children are to be selected. In how many different ways they

Page 2: IV Year – Mechanical Papers/Fourth Year/IE… · (A) f(A) = a 2 (B) f(A)= a+1 2. Find the wrong number in the series 2, 6,


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Partners & Sponsors:

9. 80 percent of the employees in a company are male. 10 percent of the employees in the company are

currently in Tamilnadu. Of the employees in Tamilnadu, 40 percent are in Chennai, 40 percent are in

Coimbatore, and 20 percent are in Trichy. Of the employees at Chennai, 75 percent are male. What

percent of the company's female employees are currently in Chennai?

(A) 18 percent (B) 15 percent

10. Average traffic at Paradise X roads du

respective value during Thursday

are possible for average traffic for all days (in vehicles per minute)?

(i) 16 (ii) 20

(A) Only ii (B) ii and iii

11. You win some and loose some. You must enjoy winning. But do not let it go to the head. The

moment it does, you are already on your way to failure. If you encounter a failure, don’t beat

yourself for it or anyone else for that matter.

Accept it, look at your own share in the problem, learn from it and move on.

(A) Where there is a will there is a way

(B) Failure is the stepping stone of success

(C) Winners don’t do different

(D) When you lose, don’t lose the lesson

12. Janak is participating in a 180 km bike race. Janak rides at an average speed of 30 km per hour for

the first one-third distance, 20 km per hour for the next one

the final 60 km. What was Janak’s average speed for the race?

(A) 15 km/h (B) 16.67 km/h

13. In question below, there is a sentence of which some parts has been jumbled up. Rearrange these

parts, which are labeled P, Q, R, and S to produce the correct sentence. Choose the proper

sequence. It would

(P) appear from his statement

(R) in dealing with the strike

The proper sequence should be:


V Year – Mechanical Engineering

[email protected], Website:


80 percent of the employees in a company are male. 10 percent of the employees in the company are

currently in Tamilnadu. Of the employees in Tamilnadu, 40 percent are in Chennai, 40 percent are in

and 20 percent are in Trichy. Of the employees at Chennai, 75 percent are male. What

percent of the company's female employees are currently in Chennai?

15 percent (C) 21 percent (D) 6 percent

Average traffic at Paradise X roads during Monday-Thursday is 21 vehicles per minute. The

respective value during Thursday-Sunday is 28 vehicles per min. Which of the following values

are possible for average traffic for all days (in vehicles per minute)?

20 (iii) 28

ii and iii (C) i and iii (D) i, ii, and iii

You win some and loose some. You must enjoy winning. But do not let it go to the head. The

moment it does, you are already on your way to failure. If you encounter a failure, don’t beat

for it or anyone else for that matter.

Accept it, look at your own share in the problem, learn from it and move on. Choose the summary:

Where there is a will there is a way

Failure is the stepping stone of success

Winners don’t do different things, but do things differently.

lose the lesson

Janak is participating in a 180 km bike race. Janak rides at an average speed of 30 km per hour for

third distance, 20 km per hour for the next one-third distance, and 10 km per hour for

the final 60 km. What was Janak’s average speed for the race?

16.67 km/h (C) 22.5 km/h (D) 16.36 km/h

In question below, there is a sentence of which some parts has been jumbled up. Rearrange these

which are labeled P, Q, R, and S to produce the correct sentence. Choose the proper

appear from his statement (Q) about the policy of management

in dealing with the strike (S) that he was quite in the dark

should be:

PSQR (C) RQPS (D) PRQS 2 of 11

80 percent of the employees in a company are male. 10 percent of the employees in the company are

currently in Tamilnadu. Of the employees in Tamilnadu, 40 percent are in Chennai, 40 percent are in

and 20 percent are in Trichy. Of the employees at Chennai, 75 percent are male. What

6 percent

Thursday is 21 vehicles per minute. The

Sunday is 28 vehicles per min. Which of the following values

i, ii, and iii

You win some and loose some. You must enjoy winning. But do not let it go to the head. The

moment it does, you are already on your way to failure. If you encounter a failure, don’t beat

Choose the summary:

Janak is participating in a 180 km bike race. Janak rides at an average speed of 30 km per hour for

ce, and 10 km per hour for

16.36 km/h

In question below, there is a sentence of which some parts has been jumbled up. Rearrange these

which are labeled P, Q, R, and S to produce the correct sentence. Choose the proper

about the policy of management


Page 3: IV Year – Mechanical Papers/Fourth Year/IE… · (A) f(A) = a 2 (B) f(A)= a+1 2. Find the wrong number in the series 2, 6,


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Partners & Sponsors:

14. There are 65 questions in a 3 hr examination. Among these questions there are 15 general aptitude

problems. It is suggested that two

as for each other question. How many minutes should be spent on general aptitude problems?

(A) 30 (B) 45

15. According to the Sci-True Lab, the new micro

identified once as spherical, once as cubical, and

the same shape twice.

Which of the following is implied in the above statement?

(A) The new micro-organism can be expected eventually to assume every possible shape.

(B) The new micro-organism is diff

(C) The Sci-True Lab is not a reliable source of information about the new micro

(D) The new micro-organism can be identified on the basis of some characteristic other than shape.

16. Choose the best inference from the given statement

Statement: If it does not rain throughout this month, most farmers will be in trouble this year.

(A) Most of the farmers are generally dependent on rains.

(B) There is no water in the ponds

(C) The monsoon Winds are late this year.

(D) Wheat and paddy require water for cultivation.

17. Choose a pair that has most similar relationship to the given pair

Interested: Zealous

(A) Wild: Bizarre

(C) Hateful: Nauseous

18. In a survey of unemployed, three

the survey may underestimate the proportion of respondents who are dishonest, because________.

(A) Some dishonest respondents taking the survey might hav

(B) Some generally honest respondents taking the survey might have claimed on the survey to be


(C) Some respondents who claimed on the survey to be at least a little dishonest may be very dishonest

(D) Some respondents who claimed on the survey to be dishonest may have been answering honestly

V Year – Mechanical Engineering

[email protected], Website:


There are 65 questions in a 3 hr examination. Among these questions there are 15 general aptitude

problems. It is suggested that two-thirds as much time be spent on each general aptitude problem

each other question. How many minutes should be spent on general aptitude problems?

45 (C) 50 (D) 60

True Lab, the new micro-organism is discovered in certain lakes was

identified once as spherical, once as cubical, and once as spiral, but has never been seen to assume

Which of the following is implied in the above statement?

organism can be expected eventually to assume every possible shape.

organism is different from all organisms previously known.

True Lab is not a reliable source of information about the new micro

organism can be identified on the basis of some characteristic other than shape.

t inference from the given statement

: If it does not rain throughout this month, most farmers will be in trouble this year.

Most of the farmers are generally dependent on rains.

There is no water in the ponds

are late this year.

Wheat and paddy require water for cultivation.

Choose a pair that has most similar relationship to the given pair

(B) Decent: Contemporary

(D) Hungry: Ravenous

In a survey of unemployed, three-fifths admitted to being at least somewhat dishonest. However,

the survey may underestimate the proportion of respondents who are dishonest, because________.

Some dishonest respondents taking the survey might have claimed to be honest on the survey

Some generally honest respondents taking the survey might have claimed on the survey to be

Some respondents who claimed on the survey to be at least a little dishonest may be very dishonest

respondents who claimed on the survey to be dishonest may have been answering honestly 3 of 11

There are 65 questions in a 3 hr examination. Among these questions there are 15 general aptitude

thirds as much time be spent on each general aptitude problem

each other question. How many minutes should be spent on general aptitude problems?

organism is discovered in certain lakes was

once as spiral, but has never been seen to assume

organism can be expected eventually to assume every possible shape.

erent from all organisms previously known.

True Lab is not a reliable source of information about the new micro-organism.

organism can be identified on the basis of some characteristic other than shape.

: If it does not rain throughout this month, most farmers will be in trouble this year.

fifths admitted to being at least somewhat dishonest. However,

the survey may underestimate the proportion of respondents who are dishonest, because________.

e claimed to be honest on the survey

Some generally honest respondents taking the survey might have claimed on the survey to be

Some respondents who claimed on the survey to be at least a little dishonest may be very dishonest

respondents who claimed on the survey to be dishonest may have been answering honestly

Page 4: IV Year – Mechanical Papers/Fourth Year/IE… · (A) f(A) = a 2 (B) f(A)= a+1 2. Find the wrong number in the series 2, 6,


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Partners & Sponsors:

19. Identify the choice that replaces the underlined part to form a logically and grammatically correct


The greatest obstacle to economic and environmental

mammoth foreign debt.

(A) developing countries is its

(C) developing countries is their

20. Data of different states regarding populatio

Total population of given states = 32,

Following table shows that sex & literacy wise population ratio:

States Sex


Andhra Pradesh 5

Madhya Pradesh 3

Delhi 2

Goa 3

Bihar 3

Uttar Pradesh 3

Tamil Nadu 3

What will be the total percentage of total number of males in U.P, M.P & Goa together to the total

population of all given states ?

(A) 28.5% (B) 18.5%





V Year – Mechanical Engineering

[email protected], Website:


Identify the choice that replaces the underlined part to form a logically and grammatically correct

The greatest obstacle to economic and environmental improvements in developing countries is its

developing countries is its (B) the developing countries is its

developing countries is their (D) the developing countries is their

Data of different states regarding population of states in the year 1998:

Total population of given states = 32, 76,000

Following table shows that sex & literacy wise population ratio:

Sex Literacy

Female Literate Illiterate

3 2 7

1 1 4

3 2 1

5 3 2

4 4 1

2 7 2

4 9 4

What will be the total percentage of total number of males in U.P, M.P & Goa together to the total

population of all given states ?

18.5% (C) 23% (D) 32%














9% 4 of 11

Identify the choice that replaces the underlined part to form a logically and grammatically correct

developing countries is its

the developing countries is their

What will be the total percentage of total number of males in U.P, M.P & Goa together to the total

Page 5: IV Year – Mechanical Papers/Fourth Year/IE… · (A) f(A) = a 2 (B) f(A)= a+1 2. Find the wrong number in the series 2, 6,


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Partners & Sponsors:

21. The figure shows a block B whose center is free to move along

AC and constrained to move in vertical direction.

The acceleration of B will be

(A) 2


2 sin


ω θ


l (B)

2 sin

(C) 3

2 sin


ω θ


l (D)

2 sin

22. A cast iron pipe (k = 80W/m K) with diameter 5cm is covered with 3cm thick glass wool

insulation (k = 0.05W/m K). The inner and outer conditions are given as

Inner: Temperature = 320ºC, heat transfer coefficient = 60W/m

Outer: Temperature = 5ºC, heat transfer coefficient = 18W/m

The conductance of the cast iron pipe by taking length as unity will be ________ W/K.

(A) 0.3602 (B) 0.16076

23. Let p be the probability that a man aged y will get into an accident in a year. What is the

probability that a man among ‘n’ men of all aged ‘y’ will get into accident first?

(A) ( )n1

1 1 pn − −

(B) 1


24. Two gear 80 teeth on pinion and 30

approach between the gears is 120mm and path of recess is 80mm. The angular velocity and

diameter of pinion is 20rad/s and 100mm respectively. The ratio of sliding velocity to rolling

velocity at the beginning of contact is ______.

(A) 8.8 (B) 3.5

25. Given: ( )dy

3 1 x ydx

= + − and y = 4 when x = 1. Using Runga

approximate value of y when x = 1.2 will be

(A) 0.419 (B) 0.519

V Year – Mechanical Engineering

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Section-II: Technical

The figure shows a block B whose center is free to move along

AC and constrained to move in vertical direction.

The acceleration of B will be

2 2


2 sin


ω θ





2 sin


ω θ



A cast iron pipe (k = 80W/m K) with diameter 5cm is covered with 3cm thick glass wool

insulation (k = 0.05W/m K). The inner and outer conditions are given as

ner: Temperature = 320ºC, heat transfer coefficient = 60W/m2 K

Outer: Temperature = 5ºC, heat transfer coefficient = 18W/m2 K

The conductance of the cast iron pipe by taking length as unity will be ________ W/K.

0.16076 (C) 0.2509 (D) 2.776

Let p be the probability that a man aged y will get into an accident in a year. What is the

probability that a man among ‘n’ men of all aged ‘y’ will get into accident first?

( )n1

1 1 pn − +

(C) ( )

n1 p


− (D) n 1 1 p − −

on pinion and 30 teeth on gear are in contact with each other. The path of

approach between the gears is 120mm and path of recess is 80mm. The angular velocity and

pinion is 20rad/s and 100mm respectively. The ratio of sliding velocity to rolling

velocity at the beginning of contact is ______.

3.5 (C) 4.4 (D) 6.8

and y = 4 when x = 1. Using Runga-Kutta fourth order method, the

approximate value of y when x = 1.2 will be

0.519 (C) 0.613 (D) 0.318





θ 5 of 11

A cast iron pipe (k = 80W/m K) with diameter 5cm is covered with 3cm thick glass wool

The conductance of the cast iron pipe by taking length as unity will be ________ W/K.

Let p be the probability that a man aged y will get into an accident in a year. What is the

probability that a man among ‘n’ men of all aged ‘y’ will get into accident first?

( )n

n 1 1 p − −

on gear are in contact with each other. The path of

approach between the gears is 120mm and path of recess is 80mm. The angular velocity and

pinion is 20rad/s and 100mm respectively. The ratio of sliding velocity to rolling

Kutta fourth order method, the


Page 6: IV Year – Mechanical Papers/Fourth Year/IE… · (A) f(A) = a 2 (B) f(A)= a+1 2. Find the wrong number in the series 2, 6,


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Partners & Sponsors:

26. The load on the journal bearing is 150kN due to turbine shaft of 300mm diameter running at

1800rpm. Determine the amount of heat generated in journal bearing per second. The bearing

temperature is 60oC and viscosity of oil at 60

Given that bearing pressure is 1.6N/mm

[The correction factor for end

(A) 8.48 kW (B) 8.48 MW

27. A body of 1 kg mass attached to a vertical spring stretches at 0.2 m. The body is then pulled down

to 1.5 m & released. If the damping force is numerically equal to 14 times the instant

speed, then the position of mass at any time is

(A) ( )1.5t0.2e Cos 7t−

(B) ( )7t1.5e 1 7t−+

28. The train of spur gears consists of three gears. Gear A

shaft and rotates in clockwise direction, gear B is idler while gear C is the driven gear, the number

of teeth on A,B and C are 30, 60 and 40 respectively, while module is 5mm. Calculate the torque

on the idler Gear.

(A) 63.66N-m (B) 47.45 N

29. Following data relates to an orthogonal turning process

Chip thickness =0.56 mm,

Feed rate = 0.2 mm/rev,

Rake angle =10o,

The shear strain involved in the deformation process is ______.

(A) 3.14 (B) 1.23

30. Solution for ( 2 2 2 2 2 2


a x b y c z dS+ +∫

(A) 4


π (B)

3 abc

V Year – Mechanical Engineering

[email protected], Website:


The load on the journal bearing is 150kN due to turbine shaft of 300mm diameter running at

Determine the amount of heat generated in journal bearing per second. The bearing

C and viscosity of oil at 60oC is 0.02kg/m-s and bearing clearance is 0.25 mm.

Given that bearing pressure is 1.6N/mm2.

[The correction factor for end leakage is 0.002]

8.48 MW (C) 4.48 kW (D) 8.48 W

A body of 1 kg mass attached to a vertical spring stretches at 0.2 m. The body is then pulled down

to 1.5 m & released. If the damping force is numerically equal to 14 times the instant

speed, then the position of mass at any time is

(B) 0.2t1.5e Cos(0.2t)−

(D) ( )1.5t0.2e 1 0.2t−+

The train of spur gears consists of three gears. Gear A receives 5kW power at 1000rpm through its

shaft and rotates in clockwise direction, gear B is idler while gear C is the driven gear, the number

of teeth on A,B and C are 30, 60 and 40 respectively, while module is 5mm. Calculate the torque

47.45 N-m (C) 35.81 N-m (D) zero

Following data relates to an orthogonal turning process

The shear strain involved in the deformation process is ______.

1.23 (C) 4.65 (D) 2.83


2 2 2 2 2 2 2a x b y c z dS−

+ + where S is surface of ellipsoid 2 2 2ax by cz 1+ + =


3 abc

π (C)



π (D) None of these 6 of 11

The load on the journal bearing is 150kN due to turbine shaft of 300mm diameter running at

Determine the amount of heat generated in journal bearing per second. The bearing

s and bearing clearance is 0.25 mm.

8.48 W

A body of 1 kg mass attached to a vertical spring stretches at 0.2 m. The body is then pulled down

to 1.5 m & released. If the damping force is numerically equal to 14 times the instantaneous

receives 5kW power at 1000rpm through its

shaft and rotates in clockwise direction, gear B is idler while gear C is the driven gear, the number

of teeth on A,B and C are 30, 60 and 40 respectively, while module is 5mm. Calculate the torque

2 2 2ax by cz 1+ + = is

None of these

Page 7: IV Year – Mechanical Papers/Fourth Year/IE… · (A) f(A) = a 2 (B) f(A)= a+1 2. Find the wrong number in the series 2, 6,


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Partners & Sponsors:

31. The crank and connecting rod of a vertical petrol engine, running at 1800 rpm are 60

270 mm respectively. The diameter of the piston is 100 mm and the mass of the reciprocating

parts is 1.2 kg. During the expansion stroke when the crank has tur

centre, the gas pressure is 650kN / m .

(A) 2.2 kN (B) 1.1 kN

32. Two shafts with an included angle of 140

at a uniform speed of 1800 rpm. The driven shaft carries a flywheel of mass 10kg and 100 mm

radius of gyration. If the maximum angular acceleration of the driven shaft is 20403.05 rad/s

then the maximum torque required to drive the shaft is ______N

(A) 1020 (B) 2040

33. In condensation, relation between heat transfer coefficients, ‘h

wise condensation ‘hf’ is

(A) d fh h> (B) h h

34. An item is produced at the rate of 50 items per day. The demand occurs at the rate of 25 items per

day. If the set up cost is Rs.100 per set up and holding cost is Re.0.01

find the economic lot size for over seen. Assume that shortages are not permitted.

(A) 1,000 items (B) 2,000 items

35. In a lathe gear box, the first four consecutive speeds are 19, 30, 47 and 74rpm. The next speed

would be

(A) 101rpm (B) 89 rpm

36. A cantilever beam of rectangular cross

of the beam is doubled and load is halved, then deflection of the free end as compared to original

deflection will be

(A) Half (B) 1


V Year – Mechanical Engineering

[email protected], Website:


The crank and connecting rod of a vertical petrol engine, running at 1800 rpm are 60

270 mm respectively. The diameter of the piston is 100 mm and the mass of the reciprocating

parts is 1.2 kg. During the expansion stroke when the crank has turned o20 2650kN / m .

The effective force on piston is

1.1 kN (C) 4.4 kN (D) 3.3 kN

Two shafts with an included angle of 140o are connected by Hooke’s Joint. The driving shaft runs

at a uniform speed of 1800 rpm. The driven shaft carries a flywheel of mass 10kg and 100 mm

radius of gyration. If the maximum angular acceleration of the driven shaft is 20403.05 rad/s

imum torque required to drive the shaft is ______N-m.

2040 (C) 2400 (D) 1400

In condensation, relation between heat transfer coefficients, ‘hd’ drop-wise condensation and film

d fh h< (C) d fh h= (D) None of these

An item is produced at the rate of 50 items per day. The demand occurs at the rate of 25 items per

day. If the set up cost is Rs.100 per set up and holding cost is Re.0.01 per unit of item per day,

find the economic lot size for over seen. Assume that shortages are not permitted.

2,000 items (C) 3,000 items (D) 4,000 items

In a lathe gear box, the first four consecutive speeds are 19, 30, 47 and 74rpm. The next speed

89 rpm (C) 116 rpm (D) 104 rpm

A cantilever beam of rectangular cross-section is subjected to a load W at its free end. If the de

of the beam is doubled and load is halved, then deflection of the free end as compared to original


8 (C)


16 (D)


4 7 of 11

The crank and connecting rod of a vertical petrol engine, running at 1800 rpm are 60 mm and

270 mm respectively. The diameter of the piston is 100 mm and the mass of the reciprocating o from the top dead

3.3 kN

are connected by Hooke’s Joint. The driving shaft runs

at a uniform speed of 1800 rpm. The driven shaft carries a flywheel of mass 10kg and 100 mm

radius of gyration. If the maximum angular acceleration of the driven shaft is 20403.05 rad/s2,

wise condensation and film-

None of these

An item is produced at the rate of 50 items per day. The demand occurs at the rate of 25 items per

per unit of item per day,

find the economic lot size for over seen. Assume that shortages are not permitted.

4,000 items

In a lathe gear box, the first four consecutive speeds are 19, 30, 47 and 74rpm. The next speed

104 rpm

section is subjected to a load W at its free end. If the depth

of the beam is doubled and load is halved, then deflection of the free end as compared to original

Page 8: IV Year – Mechanical Papers/Fourth Year/IE… · (A) f(A) = a 2 (B) f(A)= a+1 2. Find the wrong number in the series 2, 6,


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Partners & Sponsors:

37. For the state of stress at a point as shown,

Which of the following theories of failure will give best results?

(A) Maximum Principal Stress Theory

(B) Maximum Shear Stress Theory

(C) Maximum Distortion Energy Theory


38. A pitot static tube is used to

40% of the stagnation pressure head. The static pressure head is 60cm. What is the velocity of

flow assuming the co-efficient of tube equal to 0.98?

(A) 2.74 m/s (B) 5.2 m/s

39. Consider the differential equation,

Find the P.I. of the above equation.

(A) 2

cosnx xsin nxlogsecnx +

n n


cos nx xsin nxlogsecnx -

n n

40. The compound lever mechanism of a mechanical comparator is shown diagrammatically.

The magnification of the system is _________ mm.

Compound lever mechanism of comparator

(A) 1000

(B) 1500

(C) 2500

(D) 3000

V Year – Mechanical Engineering

[email protected], Website:


t a point as shown,

Which of the following theories of failure will give best results?

Maximum Principal Stress Theory

Maximum Shear Stress Theory

Maximum Distortion Energy Theory

A pitot static tube is used to measure the velocity of water in a pipe. The dynamic pressure head is

40% of the stagnation pressure head. The static pressure head is 60cm. What is the velocity of

efficient of tube equal to 0.98?

5.2 m/s (C) 4.34 m/s (D) 6 m/s

Consider the differential equation, [ ]2



d yn y sec nx n 0

dx+ = ≠

Find the P.I. of the above equation.

cosnx xsin nx

n n (B)


cosnx xsin nxlogcosnx +

n n

cos nx xsin nx

n n (D)


cos nx xsin nxlogcosnx -

n n

The compound lever mechanism of a mechanical comparator is shown diagrammatically.

The magnification of the system is _________ mm.

Compound lever mechanism of comparator

300 MPa

10 MPa




Input displacement


4mm 50mm

Output displacement 8 of 11

measure the velocity of water in a pipe. The dynamic pressure head is

40% of the stagnation pressure head. The static pressure head is 60cm. What is the velocity of

cos nx xsin nx

cosnx xsin nx

The compound lever mechanism of a mechanical comparator is shown diagrammatically.


300 MPa

Input displacement

Output displacement

Page 9: IV Year – Mechanical Papers/Fourth Year/IE… · (A) f(A) = a 2 (B) f(A)= a+1 2. Find the wrong number in the series 2, 6,


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Partners & Sponsors:

41. Consider the following process for the manufacturing of gears.

1. Casting

2. Powder metallurgy

3. Machining from bar stock

4. Closed die forging

The correct sequence in increasing order of bending strength of gear teeth is

(A) 1, 2, 3, 4 (B) 1, 2, 4, 3


2 y1

0 y


∫ ∫ =___________.

(A) 0.392 (B) 0.292

43. Assume the Sun, Earth and Moon as particles and are connected by imaginary links. The

instantaneous centre of moon re

(A) On the line joining the Moon and Sun

(B) On the line joining the Sun and Earth

(C) On the line joining the Moon and Earth

(D) Both (B) and (C)

44. A flywheel shaft assembly ‘A’ rotating at 10 rad/sec is brought

stationary flywheel shaft assembly so that final speed of both the assemblies is same. The

diameter and mass of flywheel of shaft assembly ‘A’ is

1d 60 mm,= 2d 12 mm= and m 5kg, m 3kg

respectively. The diameter and mass of flywheel of shaft assembly ‘B’ is

and mass 3 4m 3kg, m 1kg= =

A is 2304 kg-mm2, then the final speed with which


(A) 7.92 (B) 9.45

V Year – Mechanical Engineering

[email protected], Website:


Consider the following process for the manufacturing of gears.

Machining from bar stock

The correct sequence in increasing order of bending strength of gear teeth is

1, 2, 4, 3 (C) 2, 1, 4, 3 (D) 2, 1, 3, 4


0.292 (C) 0.492 (D) 0.153

Assume the Sun, Earth and Moon as particles and are connected by imaginary links. The

instantaneous centre of moon relative to sun will be located

On the line joining the Moon and Sun

On the line joining the Sun and Earth

On the line joining the Moon and Earth

A flywheel shaft assembly ‘A’ rotating at 10 rad/sec is brought into contact with another

stationary flywheel shaft assembly so that final speed of both the assemblies is same. The

diameter and mass of flywheel of shaft assembly ‘A’ is

1 2and m 5kg, m 3kg= =

respectively. The diameter and mass of flywheel of shaft assembly ‘B’ is 3 4d 40mm, d 6 mm= =

m 3kg, m 1kg respectively. If the combined moment of inertia of shaft assembly

, then the final speed with which both the assemblies are rotating is __________

9.45 (C) 4.92 (D) 6.53 9 of 11

2, 1, 3, 4

Assume the Sun, Earth and Moon as particles and are connected by imaginary links. The

into contact with another

stationary flywheel shaft assembly so that final speed of both the assemblies is same. The

3 4d 40mm, d 6 mm= =

If the combined moment of inertia of shaft assembly

both the assemblies are rotating is __________

Page 10: IV Year – Mechanical Papers/Fourth Year/IE… · (A) f(A) = a 2 (B) f(A)= a+1 2. Find the wrong number in the series 2, 6,


Email: [email protected]


Partners & Sponsors:

45. A mass of ‘M’ is attached to a spring whose upper end is fixed. The mass and stiffness of the

spring are ‘m’ and ‘k’ respectively. The natural frequency of th

(A) ( )

1 k

2 M mπ + (B)

2 M m

46. A smooth 4kg collar shown below is attached to a spring having stiffness

unstretched length 0.8m. If the collar is released from rest at A, then find the acceleration of the

collar when it reaches at position y=2m.

(A) 8m/s2

(B) 3.4m/s2

(C) 7.3m/s2

(D) None of these

47. Maximum lining pressure at any point in the brake (shown below) is limited to 0.8MPa. If the co

efficient of friction is 0.15, then the force T

[Take thickness of belt = 10mm]

(A) 400N (B) 379N



V Year – Mechanical Engineering

[email protected], Website:


A mass of ‘M’ is attached to a spring whose upper end is fixed. The mass and stiffness of the

spring are ‘m’ and ‘k’ respectively. The natural frequency of the spring mass system would be

( )

1 2k

2 M mπ + (C)

( )

1 3k

2 3M mπ + (D)


1 2k

2 2M mπ +

A smooth 4kg collar shown below is attached to a spring having stiffness

unstretched length 0.8m. If the collar is released from rest at A, then find the acceleration of the

collar when it reaches at position y=2m.

Maximum lining pressure at any point in the brake (shown below) is limited to 0.8MPa. If the co

efficient of friction is 0.15, then the force T2 is equal to _____ N.

[Take thickness of belt = 10mm]

379N (C) 248N (D) 240N







k 8N /m=










Radius 250mm=

width 60mm=

1 2 3 4T ,T ,T ,T are tensions

O 10 of 11

A mass of ‘M’ is attached to a spring whose upper end is fixed. The mass and stiffness of the

e spring mass system would be

( )

1 2k

2 2M mπ +

k 8N / m= and an

unstretched length 0.8m. If the collar is released from rest at A, then find the acceleration of the

Maximum lining pressure at any point in the brake (shown below) is limited to 0.8MPa. If the co-


Radius 250mm

Page 11: IV Year – Mechanical Papers/Fourth Year/IE… · (A) f(A) = a 2 (B) f(A)= a+1 2. Find the wrong number in the series 2, 6,


Email: [email protected]


Partners & Sponsors:

48. The specific speed of centrifugal pump operating at a speed of 1000 rpm against a head

and delivering 16 liters at a position is 0.053. The pressure head of a geometrically similar pump

of twice the diameter and operating at 600 rpm is __________ m of water.

(A) 20.16 (B) 18.05

49. A haulage rope winds on a dru

truck has a mass of 500kg and is initially at rest. The drum is equivalent to a mass of 1250kg with

radius of gyration 450mm. The rim speed of the drum is 0.75m/s before the rope tightens.

By considering the equal change in linear momentum of the truck and in the angular momentum

of the drum, find the speed of the truck when the motion becomes steady.

(A) 0.250m/s (B) 0.502m/s

50. The radiation shape factor of the c

10cm length is 0.1716. The shape factor of the curved surface of the cylinder with respect to itself

is ______.

(A) 0.2071 (B) 0.5858

V Year – Mechanical Engineering

[email protected], Website:


The specific speed of centrifugal pump operating at a speed of 1000 rpm against a head

and delivering 16 liters at a position is 0.053. The pressure head of a geometrically similar pump

of twice the diameter and operating at 600 rpm is __________ m of water.

18.05 (C) 22.12 (D) 16.16

A haulage rope winds on a drum of radius 500mm, the free end being attached to a truck. The

truck has a mass of 500kg and is initially at rest. The drum is equivalent to a mass of 1250kg with

radius of gyration 450mm. The rim speed of the drum is 0.75m/s before the rope tightens.

considering the equal change in linear momentum of the truck and in the angular momentum

of the drum, find the speed of the truck when the motion becomes steady.

0.502m/s (C) 0.608m/s (D) 0.704m/s

The radiation shape factor of the circular surface of the hollow cylinder of 10cm diameter and

10cm length is 0.1716. The shape factor of the curved surface of the cylinder with respect to itself

0.5858 (C) 0.8284 (D) 0.2071 11 of 11

The specific speed of centrifugal pump operating at a speed of 1000 rpm against a head of 14m

and delivering 16 liters at a position is 0.053. The pressure head of a geometrically similar pump


m of radius 500mm, the free end being attached to a truck. The

truck has a mass of 500kg and is initially at rest. The drum is equivalent to a mass of 1250kg with

radius of gyration 450mm. The rim speed of the drum is 0.75m/s before the rope tightens.

considering the equal change in linear momentum of the truck and in the angular momentum


ircular surface of the hollow cylinder of 10cm diameter and

10cm length is 0.1716. The shape factor of the curved surface of the cylinder with respect to itself


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