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Issue No: 21 2nd July, 2012


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Issue No: 21

Article of the week

The Egypt Israel would like to see

News Tour

Hamas leaders meet Jordan's King

Occupation violates captive agreement, bar visits

Prisoner Ayman Sharawna begins an open hunger strike

Waed: the arrest of liberated prisoners is a violation of conventions

Israeli court issues 54 life sentences against Hamas official Ibrahim Hamed

Released prisoner calls for great

25 Palestinians killed by occupation in Gaza during June

Youth activists in Ramallah protest Israeli Vice Premier’s Proposed Visit

Hamas condemns the murder of its cadre in Syria

Hamdan: upcoming meetings between Hamas and Fatah over reconciliation

New Israeli bids for building 171 settlement units east of O.

Palestinians in Negev accuse Israel of using thirst as a weapon to displace them


Following up the Arab Spring ................................

Palestinian Weekly Report is a periodical insight into the latest developments of the

Palestinian Issue. It’s issued by The Palestinian Cultural

focuses on the most important news and analysis about the happenings of the

Palestinian struggle against Israeli occupation in the Holy Lands of Palestine. The

views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect PCOM's


The Egypt Israel would like to see ................................................................................................

Hamas leaders meet Jordan's King ................................................................................................

Occupation violates captive agreement, bar visits ................................................................

Prisoner Ayman Sharawna begins an open hunger strike ................................................................

Waed: the arrest of liberated prisoners is a violation of conventions ................................

Israeli court issues 54 life sentences against Hamas official Ibrahim Hamed ................................

Released prisoner calls for greater attention to prisoners’ suffering ................................

25 Palestinians killed by occupation in Gaza during June ................................................................

Youth activists in Ramallah protest Israeli Vice Premier’s Proposed Visit ................................

Hamas condemns the murder of its cadre in Syria ................................................................

n: upcoming meetings between Hamas and Fatah over reconciliation ................................

New Israeli bids for building 171 settlement units east of O. Jerusalem ................................

Palestinians in Negev accuse Israel of using thirst as a weapon to displace them


Palestinian Weekly Report is a periodical insight into the latest developments of the

It’s issued by The Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia and i

focuses on the most important news and analysis about the happenings of the

Palestinian struggle against Israeli occupation in the Holy Lands of Palestine. The

views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect PCOM's editorial policy.

2nd July, 2012

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Palestinians in Negev accuse Israel of using thirst as a weapon to displace them........................... 13

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Palestinian Weekly Report is a periodical insight into the latest developments of the

Organization Malaysia and it

focuses on the most important news and analysis about the happenings of the

Palestinian struggle against Israeli occupation in the Holy Lands of Palestine. The

editorial policy.

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Issue No: 21 2nd July, 2012

Article of the week

The Egypt Israel would like to see

By Khalid Amayreh

Apart from some terse diplomatic statements welcoming the election of the new Egyptian president Muhammed Morsi, Israel's overall reactions to the outcome of the recent presidential polls have been convulsive, phobic, gloomy and visibly depressive.

Indeed, a casual reader of the Hebrew press in the last few days would get the impression that Egypt is about to enter a new dark age and that the country of 90 million will soon succumb to the satanic stranglehold of Islamist obscurantism.

Some of the Israeli columnists and commentators lamented the looming loss of Egyptians' human rights and civil liberties as if Egypt had been a paradise of human rights and civil liberties under ex-president Mubarak and the regimes of Sadat and Nasser that preceded him.

We, who have languished under Israel's nefarious military occupation for more than five decades, know too will the Jewish-Zionist way of thinking. They would demonize and dehumanize anyone and everyone, even a Godly figure, if he criticized their criminal practices, racism and fascism.

This is why they are quite hysterical about the election of president Morsi, an ordinary Egyptian who calls the spade a spade, even if the tool happens to be in Jewish hands.

Morsi is an honest and religious man who values justice, morality, and truth. He doesn't cringe or cower in the presence of power. He is willing to tell Israel "you are criminal" straight in the eye. He doesn't allow diplomatic niceties to obliterate truth or compromise justice.

Israel has always been accustomed to dealing with hypocritical, cowardly and/or unctuous leaders who would appease the criminal state no matter how diabolically it behaves, how pornographically it murders, and how pathologically it lies. Such was Israel's experience with leaders like George W. Bush, Tony Blair and Hosni Mubarak.

But to Israel's deep chagrin, Morsi is no Hosni Mubarak, the man who was deadly silent as thousands of Palestinian children and women were being murdered, maimed and incinerated in his backyard in Gaza four years ago.

Israel would like to see Egypt as a gigantic banana republic, without sovereignty, without national dignity and without national honor.

Israel would like to see Egypt transformed from a dignified conservative society into a decadent country in order to facilitate the achievement of the Free Masons' goal of destroying the country from within.

Israel would want to see as many Egyptians as possible go atheistic or at least secular in order to corrode the Islamic faith, which constitutes the ultimate immunity against Jewish-Zionist designs to destroy Egypt, employing the soft but lethal methods of implanting all sorts of

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social ills that would destroy the country's immunity system.

Israel would want to see the Tahrir square morphed into a haven for all sorts of morbid-minded deviants who would shout against Islam, against morality and against virtue.

Needless to say, the moment a semblance of this state of affair occurs, the Free Masons and the Rotary Clubs and their Zionist handlers will have achieved their evil goals.

Israel doesn't want to see young Egyptian men and women shout "God is Great" or "Justice for the Palestinians"" or "stop Jewish Nazism."

Instead, Israel would want to see millions of Egyptian youngsters consumed by pornography, sexual promiscuity, drug addictions, and dearth of spirituality.

This is what Israel has been doing and trying to do to the Palestinians for over sixty years. Just ask any Jerusalemite how the Israeli intelligence is encouraging drug addiction among non-Jews, and he or she would tell you volumes of stories.

Ask any Palestinian how the Israeli intelligence, the Shabak or Shine Beth, is fighting religiosity and witch-hunting young people frequenting mosques, and you will be told many many eyebrow-raising stories.

Israel is simply spreading all kinds of decadence, drugs, promiscuity, pornography, Satan worship, sexual deviancies and social ills wherever and whenever it can. The rationale behind this evil is very simple. For Israel to prevail over its enemies, it has first to corrode and destroy their immunity.

In the final analysis, young people who are enslaved by their lusts and desires will fight neither for Palestine, nor for Jerusalem, not even for their own families or themselves.

The election of Muhammed Morsi must have disrupted Zionist designs vis-à-vis Egypt as Israel is visibly worried that the new leadership in Cairo will put Egypt on an entirely new track combining physical and spiritual strength as well as economic prosperity.

Israel fears and dreads any leadership in Cairo that is answerable to the people of Egypt, irrespective of the whims and views of the Jewish-controlled US government and Congress.

Israel simply wants to see a cowardly Egypt , an Egypt that internalizes Jewish mythology about the chosen people and master race!!

But Egypt won't be a banana republic, not now nor after a hundred years. Perhaps, Israel should scale down its arrogance and vanity.

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Issue No: 21 2nd July, 2012

News Tour

Hamas leaders meet Jordan's King


The head of Hamas political bureau, Khalid Meshal, met with Jordan's King Abdullah II and senior officials on Thursday for discussions on Palestine.

King Abdullah reassured Mr Meshal of Jordan's continued support for the Palestinian cause and internal reconciliation. "Jordan will continue its support to the Palestinians to ease their suffering by providing them with every possible assistance in the West Bank and Gaza Strip," the King said.

The King also reaffirmed his support for the establishment of an independent Palestinian State on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital. That solution, according to the King, should be achieved through dialogue based on the two-state solution, international resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative.

Mr Meshal and members of Hamas political bureau also met the head of the Jordanian intelligence, Faisal al-Shobaki, who also confirmed the continuance of the positive Jordanian-Palestinian relationship.

Important meeting

On his part, Meshal praised the strong relations between the Palestinian and Jordanian peoples. He described his meeting with King Abdullah II as very important within "the framework of maintaining consultation and cooperation between both sides."

The Hamas leader said his movement rejected completely the idea of the 'alternative country' in Jordan. He also affirmed the right of all Palestinians in diaspora to return to their homeland.

Source: MEMO

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Issue No: 21 2nd July, 2012

Occupation violates captive agreement, bar visits


Tadamun Foundation for Human Rights confirmed that the Prison Service administration postponed family's visits to prisoners from Gaza until further notice.

Ahmed Betawi, a researcher at the foundation, stated that the Prison Service administration informed the prisoners’ leadership about the visits' delay until further notice due to the recent escalation in Gaza strip.

He pointed out that this decision came as a punitive measure to the people of Gaza in response to rocket fire from Gaza.

The Prison Service administration is still procrastinating in the fulfillment of all the agreement's items, including allowing prisoners' visits from Gaza that have been reached in the recent deal that ended the

captive movement strike on the beginning of May.

In the same context, the prisoner Mohammad Sabha told the Foundation lawyer that soldiers of Nahshon forces stormed sections in the Gilboa prison two days ago and began inspections and destruction of the prisoners' rooms in search of Mobile Phones, being smuggled into the prison as the occupation claimed.

Sabha stressed that the occupation excuses for searching for cell phones to justify breaking into the prisoners’ sections in the prisons, and pointed out that these raids are often associated with destruction of the prisoners' properties and stuffing dozens of prisoners in a narrow room.

Meanwhile, the occupation authority is supposed to release, on Thursday evening, the detainee Firas Jarar from the city of Nablus, after a whole year in administrative detention.

Jara was arrested on 28/6/2011 and was turned immediately to administrative detention, knowing that the prisoner was previously arrested in 1993 where he spent 16 years in occupation prisons.

Source: PIC

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Issue No: 21 2nd July, 2012

Prisoner Ayman Sharawna begins an open hunger strike


The Palestinian ministry of prisoners' affairs said the prisoner Ayman Sharawna from Dora in southern Al-Khalil begun his open hunger strike on Sunday till his release.

The ministry stated in a statement that Sharawna is a liberated prisoner in Wafa al-Ahrar deal where he spent ten years in occupation prisons. He is the first liberated prisoner who was re-arrested after Wafa al-Ahrar exchange deal in October last year,

where he was administratively sentenced for six months.

The ministry stressed that the arrest of Sharawna and other liberated prisoners is a flagrant violation of what have been agreed in Wafa al-Ahrar deal through Egyptian mediation.

The ministry urged the Arab Republic of Egypt and human rights and humanitarian organizations led by the International Red Cross to intervene immediately to save the lives of Sharawna and his colleagues.

The ministry had announced in an earlier statement that the occupation has arrested 15 prisoners liberated in Wafa al-Ahrar deal, and considered it a violation of the exchange deal and international conventions and norms.

Source: PIC

Waed: the arrest of liberated prisoners is a violation of



Waed association for captives and ex-captives confirmed that the increasing re-arrest of the

liberated detainees in Wafa al-Ahrar deal is a flagrant violation of what have been agreed in Wafa al-Ahrar deal through Egyptian mediation.

The Israeli occupation is still practicing its crimes against our people and our prisoners and continues violating agreements with the prisoners where it re-arrested ex-detainees who were freed in Wafa al-Ahrar deal as well as delaying prisoners' families' visits and isolating prisoners, Saber Abu Karsh Director of the Association said in Gaza during a press conference on Sunday.

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Waed association stated that due to the Israeli violations against the Palestinian prisoners, a number of Palestinian detainees who were liberated in Wafa al-Ahrar deal decided to go on an open hunger strike, including the prisoner Ayman Sharawna, bringing the number of prisoners on hunger strike to four prisoners, Samer Barq, Hassan Safadi, Akram Alrichawi who went on hunger strike for 81 days continuously.

The association called on Egypt the mediator of Wafa al-Ahrar deal and the recent agreement "We will live in dignity" to compel the occupation to fulfill its agreements and to

follow-up the implementation of these agreements.

Waed association has considered the sentence of the prisoner Ibrahim Hamed for more than five thousand years as a proof of an Israeli court's racist criminal measure.

Waed stated in a press release, on Sunday, that this sentence would strengthen the prisoners' will and determination and would give them more faith that their release and their victory are very soon.

Source: PIC

Israeli court issues 54 life sentences against Hamas official

Ibrahim Hamed


The Israeli military court of Ofer prison issued on Sunday morning 54 life prison terms against senior Hamas official Ibrahim Hamed without proving any charge leveled by the prosecutor against him.

Hamed, from Silwad town east of Ramallah city, was captured in May 2006 after a pursuit for 10 years. He is accused by the Israeli

intelligence of being responsible for carrying out deadly attacks against Israelis.

His trial lasted for more than six years during which the Israeli courts failed to condemn him for lack of evidence.

Hamed refused to recognize the sentences issued against him, describing them as political par excellence and the Israeli courts as illegitimate.

His lawyer Ra'fat Hamed said the court verdict was based on recommendations from the Israeli intelligence agency, and not on legal evidence.

The lawyer affirmed that his client was never affected by the unjust sentence and is in high spirits.

Source: PIC

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Issue No: 21 2nd July, 2012

Released prisoner calls for greater attention to prisoners’



Liberated prisoner Samir Al-Ousta, 55, from Askar refugee camp in Nablus, has appealed for greater attention to the suffering of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli occupation jails.

Ahrar center for the prisoners’ studies and human rights, which confirmed that Ofer prison administration released Ousta on Thursday evening, quoted him as saying that the prisoners still suffer from strip searches

among other malpractices on the part of the Israeli prison authority.

He added that the prisoners wanted him to relay a message in which they called on the Palestinian leadership to achieve national unity and to end all forms of division.

Ousta proposed the establishment of an international lobby including all human rights organizations to pressure for an end to the Israeli occupation’s violations against prisoners

Fuad Al-Khafsh, the center’s director, said that the prisoner spent 15 years in Israeli occupation prisons before being released last year and then re-arrested, only two months after his release, to complete 16 years in captivity.

Source: PIC

25 Palestinians killed by occupation in Gaza during June


The Israeli occupation forces continued its arbitrary aggression against the people of Gaza

strip during the month of June, where they carried out dozens of military incursions and operations in the Palestinian territories killing a number of Palestinians and detaining others, in addition to the Israeli destruction, confiscation, and attacks against the Palestinian people and territories in occupied West Bank, as well as to the siege imposed on Gaza.

Twenty-five Palestinian civilians have been killed in the Palestinian territories during the past month, including six children under the age of eighteen.

In the West Bank, two citizens, Na'im Salama Mohammed Najjar,32, and Anwar Khalil

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Abed Rabbo, both from the town of Yatta in Al-Khalil city, died after being shot by a settler in the Alsemia, near the town of Samu.

In the Gaza Strip, the IOF have resumed its aggression last month where they killed 23 Palestinians, including six children between the ages of 2 and 18 years. The Israeli assassination policy has also targeted 17 Palestinians, including a number of resistance men.

Furthermore, three resistance fighters have been martyred on 18th June in armed clashes which took place on the Egyptian-Palestinian borders during an attack by the resistance in southern Palestine during which a soldier of the Israeli border police was killed.

Ahmed Toubasi, a lawyer and researcher at the Tadamun Foundation, condemned the occupation racist practices against the Palestinian people in light of the escalation of

aggression and crimes against them, especially those crimes perpetrated against citizens in Gaza Strip during the recent aggression, as well as the siege imposed on them which considerably affect the living conditions of people.

Toubasi insisted on the Palestinian people's right to live in security and freedom and dignity, like everyone else in the world, warning against the continued violations of human rights in the Palestinian territories.

Tadamun Foundation called on international community to assume its responsibilities and to pressure the occupation to stop these violation through obliging it to bear its legal and ethical responsibilities as an "occupying state" as stipulated in international treaties and conventions.

Source: PIC

Youth activists in Ramallah protest Israeli Vice Premier’s

Proposed Visit


Palestinian youth activists clashed with the Palestinian Authority’s security forces on Saturday, as they marched towards the P.A.’s headquarters in Ramallah. The activists sought to express their outrage against President Mahmoud Abbas’ proposed meeting with Israeli Vice Premier Shaul Mofaz.

Witnesses say uniformed and plainclothes PA security forces punched and kicked demonstrators in an attempt to prevent them from reaching the headquarters. Several people are reported to have been taken to the hospital as a result of their injuries, while several other activists have been detained by PA security forces.

The meeting, which would be the first top level face-to-face meeting between Palestinian and Israeli representatives since 2010, comes as shock to many Palestinians who feel that such a meeting would serve to condone settlement expansion in the occupied territories- considering the meeting would take place while the Israeli government continues to expand settlement construction in the West Bank.

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The activists also expressed their indignation towards Vice Premier Mofaz, explicitly citing his role as Chief of Staff in the Jenin refugee camp massacre of April of 2002, which many Palestinian reports estimate left hundreds of civilians dead at the hands of Israeli forces.

A senior Palestinian official has subsequently announced that President Abbas has postponed the meeting indefinitely. The spokesman reported that the decision was the result of public opposition against the meeting and also mentioned that the negotiations would bring nothing new to the table.

Reports from Mofaz’s camp however, suggest that Abbas’ decision was made amidst pressure from Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu who is currently at odds with Mofaz on the issue of a controversial piece of legislation- a law which would extend compulsory military service to ultra-orthodox Jews and Arab citizens of Israel. Spokesmen for Netanyahu have denied such claims and say the cancelation was solely made by Abbas.

Source: Alternative Info Centre (AIC)

Hamas condemns the murder of its cadre in Syria


Hamas mourned on Wednesday one of its cadres who was murdered in his home in the Syrian capital, saying that it was investigating the case.

Hamas said in a statement on Wednesday that it was greatly saddened and prayed for the soul of Kamal Husni Ghanaja (Nizar/Abu Mujahid) to rest in peace.

The movement described the murder as “cowardly”, adding that it was holding its own investigations to determine who was involved in this “sinful crime”.

It underlined that Abu Mujahid had always been in service of his people’s national cause in the lines of Hamas, adding that his blood would not go in vain.

Source: PIC

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Issue No: 21 2nd July, 2012

Hamdan: upcoming meetings between Hamas and Fatah over



The official of international relations in Hamas movement Osama Hamdan revealed that the upcoming days will witness several meetings between Fatah and Hamas delegations to resume the Palestinian reconciliation and to end the division.

Hamdan added, in statements published in the movement's Gaza-based newspaper Palestine on Wednesday, that communications have continued during the last period, and that a meeting between PA President Mahmoud Abbas and head of Hamas Political Bureau, Khaled Meshaal, will be held in Cairo.

Hamdan pointed out that the Palestinian reconciliation has suffered due to the US and occupation immense pressures on the Palestinian authority during the past period.

Hamdan expressed hope that the developments in Egypt will positively impact on reconciliation, and that the country will overcome obstacles and fend off external pressures to address unresolved issues between the two Palestinian factions.

Fatah and Hamas meeting is expected to reach a consensus on the final list of ministers for the transitional government led by Abbas and to discuss a halt to political arrests in the West Bank.

Hamdan denounced the Palestinian Authority's reliance on the negotiations with the occupation at the expense of the Palestinian reconciliation file. Abbas's reliance on the negotiations would lead to the destruction of the reconciliation file fully, he said.

Hamas did not ask for the postponement of the elections, Hamdan said regarding the Fatah accusations to Hamas, "the text was clear in the Cairo agreement, the elections will be held one year after the formation of the government," he added.

“What we need is to urgently form a government to set the stage for elections in Palestinian territories. Then Palestinian factions should agree on an official date for elections,” Hamdan said.

Hamdan explained that the next meeting of the interim National Council would adopt the draft law on the restructuring of the Palestinian National Council, considering that the holding of the Council elections at home and abroad is a true embodiment of democracy and will promote the Palestinian cause, he said.

Source: PIC

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Issue No: 21 2nd July, 2012

New Israeli bids for building 171 settlement units east of O.



The Israeli ministry of housing issued tenders for the building of 171 settlement units in the southeastern part of occupied Jerusalem.

Specialist in settlement affairs Ahmed Sublaban said these units would be built on 11

dunums of land seized by the Israeli occupation authority from the Palestinian natives of Beit Sahour and Sur Baher towns.

Sublaban added that 130 settlement units would be part of the second stage of Har Homa settlement in Abu Ghuneim Mount and the other 41 units would be part of Pisgat Ze'ev settlement to the northeast of Jerusalem.

He stressed that these settlement projects are aimed at accelerating the Israeli plan to isolate the Palestinian city of Jerusalem from its geographical surrounding.

Source: PIC

Palestinians in Negev accuse Israel of using thirst as a

weapon to displace them


A Palestinian official in the Negev region has accused Israel of using thirst as a weapon to displace them from their homes and land. The head of the regional council for the Arab unrecognised villages in Negev, Ibrahim Al-Wakely, said, "Depriving Negev's Arabs of water and the refusal of the Israeli occupation authorities to provide them with this necessity is part of a deliberate policy, and part of the daily suffering experienced by more than 70,000 Palestinians in the area."

Hundreds of Palestinians from the villages held a demonstration on Sunday in front of the Israeli water company Mekorot in Beersheba. Their protest was not only against the lack of supplies but also the cost of water.

In a media statement, Mr Al-Wakely added that for every hundred requests filed by Arab citizens in the Negev to get water supplies, the Israelis approve one or two at best. He claimed that there is a racist motive behind this. "The Israelis sell water to Jewish citizens at much lower prices than they do to Palestinian citizens in the Negev."

There is no practical reason for Palestinians to be denied water, he said. "Water is abundant, with water pipes passing through Arab villages taking water to Jewish townships and settlements."

Palestinians in the Negev are forced to walk more than 25 miles to buy water and bring it to their homes and villages at high prices. They do this, said Al-Wakely, so that they don't leave their land which would let the Israeli

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Jews take over. "In fact," he said, "it is not just water which we are deprived of, but also electricity, roads, health clinics and schools."

Al-Wakely threatened to take the issue to the international community and the European

Union to expose Israel's racist policies against the Arabs of the Negev, not least the demolition of their homes and seizure of their land.

Source: MEMO


Following up the Arab Spring

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