  1. 1. English Class PRESENTATION Prepared By Sheikh Ali Asghar
  3. 3. Context Reference 1.Topic 1 2.Context 2 3.Abstract -- War -- Beginning -- Ww1,ww2,ww3 -- World war destruction -- Weapons use -- Aircrafts -- Countries cause war -- Conclusion -- Questions -- ESSAY -- The End --
  4. 4. First starting our topic about Is there any chance of world war III the question is what causes war? So these are some main reasons which causes war: The desire for empire and wealth Competition between empires Desire for independence Political differences Moral reasons Ethnic hatred
  5. 5. How it all began and how can it lead to world war III It all begun with world war 1 and world war 2. World war 1 centered in Europe that began on 28 July 1914 and lasted until 11 November 1918. Second World War, was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945.
  6. 6. World war 1 world war 1 drew in all the world's economic great powers which were assembled in two opposing alliances. United Kingdom Germany France Austria-Hungary Russian Empire Ottoman Empire Bulgaria
  7. 7. World war 2 The Second World War, was a global war. It involved the vast majority of the worlds nations including all of the great powers. It was the most widespread war in history. World war 2 directly involved more than 100 million people, from more than 30 different countries.
  8. 8. WORLD WAR III World War III is a term used to describe a worldwide conflict following World War II. The most common scenario, a hypothetical nuclear war between the superpowers. Third World War will involve many large nations in all different parts of the world. Albert Einstein said I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
  9. 9. Some people believe that world war III has already begun, and some experts believe that world war III will start 100 years after the first world war and will kill hundreds of millions of people. Some Scientists think that the war is already going on, nearing the completion of its first stage.
  10. 10. According to Andrew Handley we are heading towards world war III. On 24th February 2014 John Simpson(world affair editor) published an article on BBC news having stated that there might be a chance of world war III. Now on the other hand John Aziz(economics and business correspondent) said that Don't worry: World War III will almost certainly never happen
  11. 11. World War destruction
  12. 12. Weapons in World war III A higher possibility of chance that if World war III happens, nuclear weapons will be used for massive destruction among the countries throughout the warfare. Weapons might be used are: M67 hand grenade Artillery Shell TOW-2 anti-tank missile
  13. 13. Aircrafts in world war F-18 Hornet EA-18G Growler B-2 Spirit F-35 Lightning II F-22 Raptor
  14. 14. Aircrafts used by United Kingdom Eurofighter Typhoon ScanEagle Bell 212 Avro RJ Eurocopter
  15. 15. Aircrafts used by United States C-17 Globe master III Gulfstream C-20 Boeing C-32 MH-60 Black Hawk MV-22 Osprey
  16. 16. Top Countries that Would Most Likely Cause World war 3!!!
  17. 17. EGYPT Egypt is one of the most powerful nations in the Middle East. Their relations with its neighbor country Israel are very concerning. We can hear news any day of one attacking the other. There are any countries in this world which are in full support of these two countries.
  18. 18. Turkey There have been many issues on politics and economy of this nation. If everything is not restored very quickly then there might be a possibility that Turkey can strike out its enemy countries. The military of this country is growing very fast and a hell lot of money is being invested to get Turkey equipped with the modern war fares.
  19. 19. Pakistan The current political scenario of the Pakistan is very poor. The good governance is lacking in this Asian country and the terrorist have a place to live. Pakistan does not have good relations with the neighboring countries as well. Pakistan has nuclear weapons which can reach to hands of terrorists and can be used against worlds peace.
  20. 20. Russia Russia has always been a superpower and a nation that can trigger the world war at any moment. Russia dispute with the America is well known and every one can wonder what will happen when these two superpowers will fight. Russia is one of the major supporters of Israel and there are many countries out there that are against Israel.
  21. 21. North Korea North Korea has disturbing relationship with south Korea which can lead to another world war. South Korean government has full support of the United States which is not good for North Korea. China and Russia are both fed-up with North Korea as well as the US.
  22. 22. IRAN Iran is so much troubled now with its internal political affairs. Many superpowers have raised question about the governance of this Muslim country. Many countries lead by the United States are against this country getting the nuclear weapons and that day is not that far when Iran will be attacked for its rogue behavior. Iran has support of the Muslim countries and that any attack on Iran can be a trigger for the world war three to get started.
  23. 23. CONCLUSION Keeping in mind all the facts, one can deduce that: Very rare chances for war to happen. If happens, earth will be scorched. Result will be catastrophic. Waste of money and technology.
  24. 24. Questions

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