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Are Earth’s Water’s Diminishing?

Mrs. Frame’s GroupJUA December 2007

Driving Questions

• How does global warming affect the ocean? Casey Simkunas

• Am I going to have fresh water in 30 years? Shelby Kaneb

• How does pollution affect wildlife? Jack Selbo

• Is the ocean going to die? Jade Zhang

More Driving Questions

• What are the benefits of solar technology? James Horner

• How much does Global Warming affect the ocean? Jochen Bernard

The Group

MITProfessor Philip Gschwend - Geochemist Civil

and Enviromental Engineering

Was Your Driving Question Answered

• My driving question was answered to some degree. Pollution harms the wildlife in many ways depending on the type of pollution. I learned a lot about the dangers of chemicals as well as many of the benefits. Jack Selbo

• My driving question was answered for the most part, it had to do with fresh water and id we would it in 30 years and we learnt today that my driving question is to large of a question. Some places in the world rite now do not have fresh water, it just has to do with where you are. Shelby Kaneb

Was Your Driving Question Answered?

• My driving question was not answered, but I learned a lot about pollution in general. He made us understand that all things people put into the environment will affect it and an reaction will appear soon. It made me think about how to make smart decisions to protect nature. Jochen Bernard

• My driving question was not answered. I thought he was very excited about the topic though, which made the experience enjoyable. I learned a lot about pollution and where it comes from. Kiersten Williams


• My driving question was not answered, but I thought the meeting was very interesting. I learned a lot from Professor Gschwend. I learned about how much we affect the world and its ecosystems. Casey Simkunas

• My driving question was answered.The ocean is not going to die.I learnt so much from Prof.Gschwend.For example,the pollution of air affects the water a lot.I was so excited after the meeting. Jade Zhang

• My driving question was not answered. Although, I came away with a lot of valuable information about nanotubes. They will be in almost everything in years to come. James S. Horner

Free Time

The Commute

UMass BostonJack Wiggin - Director of the Urban Harbor


Was Your Driving Question Answered

• My driving question was will I have fresh water in 30 years, he did not answer the question directly but he said things thaat could have lead to the answer. He told us how there cleaning the water and what there doing to help the water stay clean. The nine-mile pipe under ground and the machine they used to build it was very fasinating and it cost about 8 billion to make it. Shelby Kaneb

• My driving question was answered yesterday. We learned more specifically about the pollution currently in Boston and how it was fixed. We also learned that the water displacement is the largest problem concerning global warming. And the ice melting off of Greenland is much worse than the ice melting at the north pole. Jack

Cont.• My driving question was answered.The pollution will continue

forever.From what he said ,I learnt that the rain could be a part of pollution.It is amazing that some of the chemical products can protect the ocean. Jade Zhang

• My driving question was basically answered because I learned more than one way how to protect water against pollution. It was interesting to hear how they clean Boston Harbor and how much effort they spend to save the environment. Jochen Bernard

• Today I learned a lot about Boston Harbor and how they are cleaning it out. My driving question was not answered, but one of my other questions was. The most interesting piece of information I came away with was everything about the 10-mile pipe in the ground, under the water. James S. Horner

• Today I learned how Boston controls and how they have fixed their pollution problems within Boston Harbor. My driving question was answered today, which was how does global warming affect the ocean. The most interesting thing to me was how much global warming will affect the ocean. Casey S.

New England Aquarium

Jack and Kirsten in the tidal pool

Jade looking at the ecosystem

Kiersten and jellyfish

Extra Curricular Activites

• Jochen seemed to spend a lot of time talking on his cellphone and “chilling” in Brookstones.

Conclusion• We ended our trip with a

lot of new experiences and knowledge about the environment. At MIT we learned how the whole environment is connected and we can’t just look at water pollution, At the Urban Harbors Institute we learned how with enough money and technology, anything can be cleaned up, even the Boston Harbor. -------- The Group

James helps a homeless guy.

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