
Is She Attracted to Me?

By: Frankie Cola

Do THIS Innocent Move On Her to Decode Her Mixed Signals

Ever had a girl send you mixed signals?

Let's face it: Women won't make it easy on you.

They will send you mixed signals driving you crazy and confused, not knowing whether or not they actually like you

Read her signals wrong, and you risk rejection and embarrassment.

Or WORSE... you miss your chance with a girl who wanted you to make a move on her and kiss her.

Here is a simple and innocent move you can do on a girl to INSTANTLY determine if she feels chemistry for you.

Based on the reaction you get to this move...
you'll discover if you're in the friend zone, or
if the girl likes you and is waiting for you to
kiss her.

Click here to learn the move called the "Friend Zone Test

Q+A Session: Is She Attracted to Me?

In the first Q+A, you will learn probably the biggest mistake men make with women who already like them.

Because of this mistake, you fail to make a move, and you miss your opportunity to get her.

Does this ring a bell? Read on...

>>>My Comments

Ryan, you're missing your chance here!!

This woman is obviously into you but
you're BLOWING IT by not making a

Do you know the biggest mistake guys make with a woman who's into them?

It's THIS:

Never making a move on her because theyre waiting for more PROOF she likes them.

Now I can't count how many days I've wasted waiting for more signs that a woman liked me before making my move.

I lost many girls cause of that.

The truth is, I was too CHICKEN to make the move, so I "rationalized" in my head that I had
to wait for more signs.

(Sound familiar?)

If this sounds all too familiar, then this is what you need to do immediately:

Instead of waiting around and wondering "is she attracted to me?


In other words find the means to arrange a fun-filled opportunity for kissing or getting physical to happen (***this is called a DATE)

(this article reveals 4 expert ways to ask a girl out over text)

Do this soon. If you wait too long, her interest for you will fade and she will go find another guy (one who knows what he's doing).

Of course, if you only want to be her friend, keep acting like her nice platonic friend and don't even bother manning-up and taking the risk to take things to the next level.

That will make it extremely easy for her to friend-zone you... but try it at your own risk!

Onward to the next question

>>>My Comments

Listen Oliver,

The attraction level she has for you depends on what you've done in the past to build it (or destroy it).

However, here's one thing I can tell you:

Doing "nice" things for a girl and being an overall great friend isn't what creates the type of ATTRACTION that you want.

What it does, is attract her as a friend. Which is O.K. Nothing wrong with it.

But I do want you to be aware that if you're doing special favors for a girl with the "agenda" of becoming MORE than friends with her... you're going to be disappointed.


Because it doesn't CREATE ATTRACTION!

You see, lots of men mistakenly think that doing favors for a woman or helping her in some way will get her attracted to them sexually or she will want to be their girlfriend...

But this is manipulative behavior, you see, and most importantly, IT DOESN'T WORK.

What actually ends up happening is that you fall deeper in the friend zone.

The woman labels you as "friend who I can get to do stuff for me if I give him the puppy dog eyes"... instead of "guy who I get naughty with and who I let do all kinds of things to my body" (this is what you want)

To make a woman want to get physical with you, it comes down to the fundamental question:

Are You Doing Behaviors That Trigger ATTRACTION In Her?

You can't use logic to convince a girl to have attraction for you.

You have to trigger it in her EMOTIONALLY by doing the RIGHT behaviors.

And if you do behaviors such as...

Clinging on to her


Seeking her approval

Revealing how you feel about her

Acting submissive will KILL the attraction she feels for you.

Why? Because these are behaviors that are FEMININE in nature.

Instead, do MASCULINE behaviors that create a man-to-woman polarity that makes her feel a spark of intense CHEMISTRY for you.

How to Get Her Attracted to You

Now its time to trigger attraction in your girl.

First, do this simple chemistry test on her to quickly determine if she likes you or if youre in the friend zone.

Then pay close attention because you will learn a technique to Scramble her mind and magnify her attraction for you.

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