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Industrial RevolutionMade by Sung Jun (8-6)

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Journal Entry #1:

It has been a long time for me since my father passed away, and 12 years after my older brother, Alfred’s unexpected death. Father had told me so much about what it was like being a mine owner, right from the start. When the steam engine was first invented, the invention of the Davy lamp, and the mines act. It was my turn to take control of the Pendyrus coal mine after Alfred. I remember whenever dad talks to Alfred and me, the point of his talk was always how this great innovation, steam engine, changed everything, and the future.

Before the invention of steam engine, the miner’s lives were tough in England. Then the steam engine was invented and to fuel the steam engine, coal was needed, so some of the people in the society needed to become coal miners, and some, like my father, became mine owners luckily. Being a mine owner brought a huge wealth to our family and life seemed too easy. Geographically, coalmines were normally far from waterways, and coal had to be carried from the mine to the waterway to be shipped to market. However, coals and iron were hard to move around. This was the most serious issue at dad’s coalmine and dad tried to think of the way to solve this problem but it wasn’t easy at all before the invention of the steam engine. As James Watt invents steam engine, coals from the mine could have been carried on rails by vehicles with wheels. Which later on was called as a train, for hundreds of years or more. Draft animals had been used to pull cars or wagons filled with coal.

The cost of draft animals was pretty expensive; they had to be cared for whether they worked or not. Newcomen engines had been around since the late 17th century, but they were heavy to put wheels on to pull cars of coal. Although there were experiments with stationary engines, Newcomen engines were actually atmospheric engines.

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Journal Entry #1 Part 2

The other aspect of the steam engine was as a source of power in textile mills. However, that took longer to take hold. There was a guy named Bill who was a one of the closest friend of dad and just like dad was the mine owner, Bill was a mill owner. He often visited our house in London and it was common to have a dinner with Bill’s family on every Sunday. Bill often told us that mill owners were rather slow to accept the idea that they should pay to buy a stationary steam engine from Bolton and Watt and then pay to buy the coal to provide its power when they were located on a river and waterpower was free. What made then come around to making the investment was the fact that they had to close down their spinning and weaving mills in winter when water froze and in summer during periods of low water while a steam engine could operate 12 months a year without any problem. 

I still remember every time I visit dad’s mine, a big horses carrying the coal. And to me, it seemed too harsh for horses. I truly didn’t want any animal getting hurt and the great steam engine prevented that. This innovation changed England from being an agrarian society to an urban. After the steam engine was improved, the steam engine also became a steam locomotive. This was the first time that goods were transported across the land without any animal power or manpower. Over time, I found myself repeating dad’s word and realized the value of it.

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Nevada Northern steam locomotive James watt – inventor of the steam engine

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Journal Entry #2 Part 1

Business is going well, and the demand for coal continues to grow. This is great news for me as a mine owner because I am making a lot of money. Ironwork brought a huge wealth to me. And it is in the evenings when I have time to reflect on the day that I remember stories my father had told me. It is amazing how mining has changed since my dad started the Pendyrus mines. I was 14 when dad told me the story, and the memories from the past suddenly flooded my mind.  

One interesting story Dad told me about mining life involved canary birds. These small birds were used by the miners before the invention of the Davy lamp. It was not a pleasant day for me at that time, school was hard and I wanted to do the best I can. After dinner, my father came to my room when I was with Alfred, my older brother. “You know guys, you’ve got it really easy.” I looked up at him, eyes full of wonder and curiosity. “Back then in my days, we didn’t have the Davy lamp.” Of course, I knew all about the Davy lamp, my father told me about it almost every week and reminded me and my brother how this great invention changed everything. I remember leaning closer, not wanting to miss out a single word he said, “With no Davy lamp, the situation was hazardous, all they had was an old candle. Mine accidents occurred very often and we miner owners lost big money. Then, in 1815, Sir Humphrey Davy invented a lamp called the Davy lamp. It saved a lot of miner’s lives because it gave light while they’re down underground. The flame turned blue whenever the methane level was too high and taking that as a warning, the miners would leave.” After that, my father would end his explanation and talk to me about other things.  

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Journal Entry #2 Part 2

It was when I was staying London and at the party of Charles, my best friend from childhood. I recently heard that Charles started Iron business and I was really curious about this business because coal and iron are related a lot and of course, the money. Charles said that everywhere in England needs iron for building bridges, making machines, and especially rails. He said as British Empire expands through out the whole world, a uncountable number of railroads were needed and even the British kingdom supports the iron business. After I came back from the party, I started to consider about iron business seriously and determined to begin it. And the result was incredible. Ironwork could make so much money than I earned for coal. However, there was a one serious problem within it. A person who works in the ironwork needs to work in an extremely dangerous working condition. Yet, I, of course knew that it’s a really dangerous job but as none of the safety device was invent, I couldn’t do anything about it. A number of people getting burnt were too common and later, many people started to be afraid about this job and I had to pay more money to hire workers.

As dad told me, the Davy lamp was such a great invention and gave lots of help to coal workers. Even though, it was quite fragile and when broken, but, it was completely dependable and made the underground mine much brighter than previous. The income is increasing every year and I expect it increase even more.

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Process to make iron Invention of Davy lamp

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Journal Entry #3 Part 1

I’ve finally had the time, to continue writing down this diary about what my dad told me. I had some time to spend with my family in the summer palace. At dinner, we gathered around the table and started to taste the grilled chicken with a bit of wine. And again, my mom started her story of the life before what our family accomplished in the past century, but she also talked about the action that government took which left a big impact on dad’s mine.

The act made it clear that the children and women can’t work in the mines, because of the poor conditions in the coalmine. It was a big misfortune for our family, because at that time my father owned multiple mines inherited for the family business, and he lost a lot of hardworking female workers, and also many children. Without the workers, the mines would not function properly and our family lost lot money that year. Although this act was passed, the women who worked in the mines were unhappy, because it didn’t allow them to work and earn money for their own family. Even with the money in our family, we couldn’t do anything about the act, and eventually my father talked to Lord Anthony Ashley-Cooper, who was in charge of the mission, but to no avail. Then five years later, another act was passed, known as the Ten Hours Act, which basically made the rules more enforced, and stricter. The Act gave all of the factory and colliery workers refined hours of when they can work.

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Journal Entry #3 Part 2

This time, Lord Ashley-Cooper personally visited one of our mines, and accused our family to treating the workers too harshly. I don’t know where Lord Ashley-Cooper comes from, but here in England and Whales, treating workers harshly is a common act of the mine owner. If the owners let the workers slack off, than it is considered bad leadership.

In those years, our family lost heaps of money, but eventually, as there were more and more people looking for jobs, the women and children we lost were replaced by stronger, more hardworking men who could produce lots of coal for us to sell, make a profit, and eventually start a town with.

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Announcement from Queen on Mine’s Act in 1842

Children under age 10 couldn’t work in the coalmine anymore

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Journal Entry #4 Part 1

In the morning, I found Alfred’s diary and when I reading through it I found one him talking about the day that my father would have finish building the coalmine. In 1815 granddad decided he would not be working around the mines. The family business was not run by anyone until 1866 shortly after granddad passed away and father had to take control.  He suffered a terrible death; he had been sick for a long time

When father took over the control of coal mine, I think there were many things that he didn’t understand and had to find out him self.  Since this was a new coalmine, he needed a lot of new workers as a mine owner, but within the Mine Act, it wasn’t going to work to well. Luckily, many people applied to work on dad’s mine because they needed a job to work and earn money from it

With father building this mine, our family was getting piles of money.  Everything is looking good for our family, but I still think something bad is going to happen in the mines or with the ironworks.

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Journal Entry #4 Part 2

Since there is all of this innovation, the factories were getting bigger every day. And our coals and irons were more needed. Sometimes I thought father is setting this all up for Alfred and me and thinking to leave these to the next generation. Maybe he knew that he didn’t have enough time. But that pressure was affecting father’s health. Every few days you could see that his health is getting worse. Alfred started to prepare for the mines because father is dying from old age.

A disaster happened in the Tyler house today. I have to go to my granddad’s funeral and father’s funeral. I feel that everyone around me is leaving me, and I am scared that I will fail and disappoint granddad and father, their expectation, when I take over the mine.

I was frightened because the time to become min owner was getting closer and closer. If anything bad happens I won’t know what to do because I have looked to my father for everything. I can only hope for the best now. Hopefully, the money will come as easily to me as it came to granddad.

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Journal Entry #4 Part 3

The ceremony for the passing of the mine to someone in the family is today.  I’m not sure if I am ready for this. Two deaths in the family, it feels like I’ve lost half of my family.

What I need to focus on is money; my brother needs me to be there for him because he is taking on a big responsibility. Father would not want us sitting around crying about his death. He would want us working and telling our employees to look after the mines. He will be greatly missed, but there is a lot of money out there that is not being used, and my family could do some much more with it.

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How poor lived (poor housing condition andLarge population)

How rich lived (fancy houses and mostly settled in London)

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Journal Entry #5 Part 1

The Mines exploded. I knew that someday, the mines would be destroyed, someday; the fragile silence will be broken. And, yes, I was right. I rose up early, that day morning, as I went down stairs to eat breakfast. The daily morning news was in my ears - Pendyrus mine has exploded. I don’t know what to do within it now I think if any of my family was alive and watch me over now, it would be so much better but I know, it can’t happen

On the news I hear from announcer; On January 28th, 2014, Pendyrus mine, located in South Walsh, has been exploded. I couldn’t’ understand how could this happen. The Davy lamps were there to detect when there is methane in the air. The methane was in the air, and a miner must have hit a piece of silicon that started a spark; then the mine caved in.

According to the news predicted, I now lost about 57 workers from mine; this is appalling! This was a corrupt ending to Rhondda. I think that if there was no Mine Act, and small children and women were also in the mine and that could have lead to a worst situation but thanks God, it did not happen.

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Journal Entry #5 Part 2

When there was an explosion, the wood would have burnt, and collapse causing a cave-in inside of the mine. I don’t know if I’m set to own a mine. I never really got asked what I wanted to be, or if I ever wanted to own a coalmine it was already really planned for me. But the truth is I don’t think I can do it anymore. When everyone in the Tyler family would talk about mining, it was always about money. The miners work in a place with a sanitation level of 0.  Then they go home and have to clean the houses because it is so dirty from the factory. Also, with all this pollution it’s also hazardous to many people’s health.

I have decided to sell the ownership of Tylertown. I thought to myself this mine is too dangerous for people to be around including the people living in the Tylertown, and I do not want to be responsible when others are injured or killed. My granddad, who started this mine, wouldn’t be satisfied with my decision. Even though the coal mine or ironworks would no longer be in my hand, I don’t regret about this choice I made and I’ll be leaving here tomorrow

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The Rhondda Mine explosion (disaster)

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"Cecil Williams :: Misc :: 1299_steam_engine_bw_001." Cecil Williams :: Misc :: 1299_steam_engine_bw_001. Cecil Williams, n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2014.

"1910 Explosion at the Starkville Mine Killed 56 Men." The Archive Web. The Denver Post, 24 Aug. 2012. Web. 27 Feb. 2014.

"New Economy Speech-Charles Lipson." New Economy Speech-Charles Lipson. Charles Lipson, n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2014.

"James Watt (1736-1819) and the Steam Engine." James Watt and the Steam Engine. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2014.

"Geevor Tin Mine Museum's Weblog." Geevor Tin Mine Museums Weblog. Geevor, 12 July 2012. Web. 27 Feb. 2014.

"Collections Online." Miner's Right. N.p., 01 Feb. 2008. Web. 27 Feb. 2014.

"Industrial Revolution." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 27 Feb. 2014. Web. 27 Feb. 2014.

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