Page 1: IQ-Paths: Predictably High Performance Data Streams across

IQ-Paths: Predictably High Performance Data Streams across Dynamic NetworkOverlays

Zhongtang Cai, Vibhore Kumar, Karsten Schwan{ztcai, vibhore, schwan}

College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology


Overlay networks are a key vehicle for delivering net-

work and processing resources to high performance appli-

cations. For shared networks, however, to consistently de-

liver such resources at desired levels of performance, over-

lays must be managed at runtime, based on the continuous

assessment and prediction of available distributed resources.

Data-intensive applications, for example, must assess, pre-

dict, and judiciously use available network paths, and dy-

namically choose alternate or exploit concurrent paths. Oth-

erwise, they cannot sustain the consistent levels of perfor-

mance required by tasks like remote data visualization, on-

line program steering, and remote access to high end de-

vices. The multiplicity of data streams occurring in com-

plex scientific workflows or in large-scale distributed collab-

orations exacerbate this problem, particularly when different

streams have different performance requirements. This paper

presents IQ-Paths, a set of techniques and their middleware

realization that implement self-regulating overlay streams

for data-intensive distributed applications. Self-regulation

is based on (1) the dynamic and continuous assessment of

the quality of each overlay path, (2) the use of online net-

work monitoring and statistical analyses that provide proba-

bilistic guarantees about available path bandwidth, loss rate,

and RTT, and (3) self-management, via an efficient packet

routing and scheduling algorithm that dynamically sched-

ules data packets to different overlay paths in accordance

with their available bandwidths. IQ-Paths offers probabilis-

tic guarantees for application-level specifications of stream

utility, based on statistical predictions of available network

bandwidth. This affords applications with the ability, for in-

stance, to send control or steering data across overlay paths

that offer strong guarantees for future bandwidth vs. across

less guaranteed paths. Experimental results presented in this

paper use IQ-Paths to better handle the different kinds of

data produced by two high performance applications: (1) a

data-driven or interactive high performance code with user-

defined utility requirements and (2) an adaptive overlay ver-

sion of the popular Grid-FTP application.

1 IntroductionData-driven high performance applications are important

to many constituencies, including corporations in applica-tions like real-time data mining or data integration [3], com-mon end users in telepresence [18], and scientists or engi-neers in applications like remote data visualization [29] orinstrument access [22]. A common characteristic of suchapplications is their need to meet quality of service (QoS)guarantees and/or offer utility-based services to end users(i.e., meet certain service-level objectives (SLOs)). How-ever, excepting datacenter-based solutions [3] and the fewdedicated, high end links existing between select centers ofexcellence (e.g., via DOE’s UltraScience Net [7] or the Na-tional Lambda Rail [15]), such guarantees must be providedacross shared network infrastructures, where dynamic net-work behavior and multiple available network paths makeit imperative for middleware to assist end user applicationsin best utilizing available network resources. More specif-ically, when transporting and manipulating their data, ap-plications should receive specific guarantees from the over-lay networks used by middleware, accommodating dynamicvariations in network behavior: (1) high performance appli-cations require consistent levels of end-to-end performance,such as limited delays for online collaboration [33] or smalljitter for multimedia [8], (2) enterprise applications coupledata transport and manipulation with application-level ex-pressions of utility or cost [14], and (3) many applicationclasses can utilize guarantees that differentiate across differ-ent traffic types, such as offering stronger guarantees for con-trol vs. data traffic in remote instrument access for high per-formance codes [24].

Previous work on middleware for data-intensive dis-tributed applications has addressed limitations and runtimevariations in network bandwidth with adaptive approaches tomatching desired to available network resources. Examplesinclude dynamically adjusting data transfer rates [4], vary-ing compression levels in response to monitored changes in

181-4244-0307-3/06/$20.00 ©2006 IEEE.

Page 2: IQ-Paths: Predictably High Performance Data Streams across

network bandwidth [32], or changing the nature of the databeing sent [4, 13, 33]. Other research has sought to use alter-native network connections or new network infrastructures tocompensate for problematic connection behaviors [24].

This paper presents the IQ-Paths approach to self-regulating high performance data streaming with definedquality requirements across wide area networks. IQ-Pathsoffers novel functionality that enhances and complements ex-isting adaptive data streaming techniques. First, IQ-Pathsdynamically measures [19] and then, also predicts the avail-able bandwidth profiles on network links. Second, it extendssuch online monitoring and prediction to the multi-link pathsin the overlay networks used by modern applications andmiddleware. Third, it offers automated methods for mov-ing data traffic across overlay paths. These include splittinga single data stream across multiple paths to improve per-formance through parallelism and to improve desired end-to-end behavior by dynamically differentiating the amounts andkinds of data traffic imposed onto different paths. Such self-regulating data movement and differentiation utilizes a dy-namic packet scheduling algorithm that automatically mapspackets to paths to match application-level utility specifica-tions. Finally, an important attribute of IQ-Paths is that un-like other methods for bandwidth prediction based on mea-surements of average bandwidth, it uses statistical techniquesto capture the dynamic or noisy nature of available networkbandwidth across overlay paths. This enables it to better mapdata with different desired utility – service guarantees – to theunderlying best effort network infrastructure.

Our research uses IQ-Paths for both scientific and highend media applications. In the scientific domain, real-timeremote data visualization for a molecular dynamics (MD)code benefits from IQ-Paths’ ability to better meet its dy-namic end user requirements. A specific example is to differ-entiate the transport of certain elements of the application’sdata streams, as with the atoms vs. bond forces visually de-picted for each timestep of the MD application. Another ex-ample is to use network paths with more stable bandwidthsfor the critical ‘control’ traffic in the remote visualizationsoftware and also for the most time-sensitive data sets inlarge volume parallel data transfers. Stability is dynamicallydiagnosed and predicted via the aforementioned statisticaltechniques. In the multimedia domain, IQ-Paths is shown todeliver improved performance for different encoding levelsof MPEG-4 video streams [5].

Results in Section 6 also demonstrate the advantages de-rived from IQ-Paths’ statistical guarantees. Specifically,there are distinct improvements over earlier work on adap-tive methods that provide QoS over wide-area networks bypredicting future average network behavior from past his-tory [17]. With such methods, quantities like RTT can bepredicted well, but average available bandwidth or packetloss rate are not easily captured (e.g., using predictors

!QQQ-­-­-PPPaaattthhhsss      CCCllliiieeennntttsss

!QQQ-­-­-PPPaaattthhhsss      SSSeeerrrvvveeerrrsss

!QQQ-­-­-PPPaaattthhhsss      RRRooouuuttteeerrrsss

Figure 1: IQ-Paths overlay network: servers, routers, and clientscontinually assess the qualities of their logical links, admit and mapdata streams with different desired utility using a self-regulatingpacket routing and scheduling algorithm.

like MA, AR, or more elaborate methods like ARMA andARIMA) [34]). This is because noise is a large portion ofthe signal in the time series of available bandwidth or packetloss rate. As a result, the values for predicted average band-widths will have large prediction errors. For example, theresults reported in [34], based on measurements at over 49well-connected academic and research institutions, have pre-diction errors larger than 20% for more than 40% of the pre-dicted values (i.e., |predictedvalue/actualvalue| > 1.2),and for 10% of the values, prediction error is larger than50%. In comparison, IQ-Paths can provide an applicationwith strong guarantees, stating that it will receive its requiredbandwidth 99% of the time or experience a deadline missrate (i.e., jitter) of less than 0.1%, for example. Finally, othermethods apply low frequency filters [6] to measured values,to reduce prediction error, but unfortunately, this means thatthey essentially eliminate the noisy nature of (i.e., dynamicvariations experienced over) certain network paths. The out-come is that applications cannot adjust to or deal with suchvariations, by mapping less important or less delay-sensitivedata to noisier connections, for example.

Figure 1 illustrates an example of an IQ-Paths overlay,which utilizes automatic network resource profiling, admis-sion control, and self-regulating data routing and schedulingto guarantee different streams’ desired utility requirements.The overlay implemented by IQ-Paths has multiple layers ofabstraction. First, its middleware underlay – a middlewareextension of the network underlay proposed in [21]) – imple-ments the execution layer for overlay services. The underlayis comprised of processes running on the machines availableto IQ-paths, connected by logical links and/or via intermedi-ate processes acting as router nodes. Second, underlay nodescontinually assess the qualities of their logical links as well asthe available resources of the machines on which they reside.The service guarantees provided to applications are based onsuch dynamic resource measurements, on runtime admissioncontrol, resource mapping, and on a self-regulating packetrouting and scheduling algorithm. This algorithm, termedPGOS (Predictive Guarantee Overlay Scheduling), provides


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probabilistic guarantees for the available bandwidth, packetloss rate, and RTT attainable across the best-effort networklinks in the underlay.

Key technical advantages of IQ-Paths and its PGOS algo-rithm include the following:

• Probabilistic and ‘violation bound’ guarantees: sincethe PGOS algorithm uses bandwidth distribution analy-sis and prediction to capture network dynamics, it canmake service guarantees and provide prediction accu-racies superior to those provided by prediction meth-ods based on average network behavior: (1) it can en-sure that applications receive the bandwidths they re-quire with high levels of assurance (e.g., it can guaran-tee that an application receives its required bandwidth99% of the time or that its deadline miss rate is less than0.1%)); (2) in addition, PGOS can also provide deadlineviolation guarantees that bound the average number ofpackets that miss their guaranteed QoS (e.g., their dead-lines).

• Reduced jitter: by reducing jitter in applications like re-mote data acquisition or display, buffering needs are re-duced. This is particularly important for high volumedata transfers in time- or delay-sensitive applications.

• Differentiated streaming services: different streams canreceive different levels of guarantees. As a result, whenapplications use close to the total available bandwidthsof all overlay paths, PGOS can ensure that high utilitystreams receive stronger service guarantees that others.

• Full bandwidth utilization: providing guarantees doesnot imply sacrificing the bandwidths available to appli-cations (e.g., by purposely under-utilizing some link).Instead, PGOS has sufficiently low runtime overheadsto satisfy the needs of even high bandwidth wide areanetwork links.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Thenext section describes related work, to provide a better per-spective on the technical contributions of the IQ-Paths ap-proach. We then outline the software architecture of IQ-Paths, followed by descriptions of its bandwidth predictionmethods and of the PGOS algorithm using these methods.Experimental evaluations on an emulated network testbedappear before the paper’s conclusions.

2 Related WorkWhile the PGOS packet scheduling algorithm is inspired

by the DWCS packet scheduling algorithm [31], its use forefficient multimedia data streaming across the Internet lever-ages substantial prior work on improving the quality of net-work video streaming [13, 25]. Improvements like thosein [25] use TCP-friendly control mechanisms to react to con-gestion on shorter timescales, with mismatches between the

two timescales absorbed by buffering at the receiver. Thecontrol mechanisms used for multimedia data streaming arebased on an adaptive layered video streaming algorithm forMPEG-4 with limited buffer size described in in [13], wherepriorities are used in the VOP (video object plane) to selector discard each VOP element based on average bandwidthprediction, to control the fashion in which fine-grain scal-able coding allocates bandwidth to different encoding lay-ers. The contributions of IQ-Paths in this context are its useof statistical bandwidth measurement and prediction to cap-ture network link qualities, and its PGOS self-regulating datarouting and scheduling algorithm can utilize both multiple oralternate overlay paths to satisfy different video layers’ util-ity requirements. The outcome is improved smoothness ofvideo playback, despite the variable-bit-rate nature of lay-ered video.

OverQoS [28] describes the general idea of using overlaysand admission control to deliver video across the Internet. InOverQos, performance gains are achieved by FEC (ForwardError Correction) and conditional packet retransmission inthe form of ARQs (Automatic Repeat reQuests). Bandwidthless than the total available bandwidth can be achieved fora subset of the OverQoS flows, with high probability, butpotentially at the expense of other flows. In contrast, thePGOS algorithm controls path usage with a more general ab-straction that is able to provide statistical guarantees for bothsingle and multiple streams across both single and multiplepaths across the overlay.

Both IQ-Paths and OverQos assume that overlay rout-ing nodes can be placed such that the paths between dif-ferent pairs of routing nodes do not share common bottle-necks. In practice, such placements require knowledge ofthe network, by using methods of detecting shared conges-tion across flows [26], or by using more direct ways of de-tecting network topologies [27]. Further, the implementationof IQ-Paths could take advantage of underlays [21], whichis a general framework that extracts and aggregates topologyand other network information from the underlying Internet.

Our general approach of using overlay networks to adaptto network dynamics is shown feasible in [6], which com-pares the performance of an End System Multicast architec-ture to that of IP Multicast. The paper also notes that noisylink measurements coupled with aggressive adaptation cancause overlay instability, while conservative adaptations mayexperience low performance. The proposed solution is to useexponential smoothing to capture the long term performanceof a link, thereby distinguishing persistent from temporarychanges. Our approach differs in that it exploits knowledgeabout noise rather than suppressing it, for example, by map-ping critical data flows to less noisy links.

While our work complements research on process/jobscheduling for Grid services [30]), Data Grid or similarlydata-intensive applications in particular must harness both


Page 4: IQ-Paths: Predictably High Performance Data Streams across


TTTCCCPPP///IIIPPP      SSSoooccckkkeeetttMMMoooddduuullleee

IIIQQQ-­-­-RRRUUUDDDPPPSSSoooccckkkeeettt      MMMoooddduuullleee

OOOttthhheeerrr      MMMoooddduuullleeesss(((!TTTMMM,,,      MMMyyyrrriiinnneeettt)))


!CCChhhooo PPPBBBIIIOOO      DDDaaatttaaaMMMeeetttaaa-­-­-RRReeeppp...      LLLiiibbb



aaannnddd      !dddaaappptttaaatttiiiooonnn)))





Figure 2: Middleware Architecture.

!ooouuutttiiinnnggg      aaannndddSSSccchhheeeddduuullliiinnngggMMMoooddduuullleee










DDDaaatttaaa      SSStttrrreeeaaammmsss      FFFrrrooommmAAAppppppllliiicccaaatttiiiooonnnsss

OOOvvveeerrrlllaaayyy      NNNooodddeee



Figure 3: Structure of IQ-Paths Overlay Node.

computational and network resources for their distributed op-eration [23]. Algorithms like PGOS can provide valuableassistance in these contexts, by integrating it, for instance,into the Dataset Scheduler framework described in [23]. Todemonstrate the importance our methods, we have extendedthe popular GridFTP package [1] with the PGOS routingand scheduling algorithm, to better control how parallel datastreams with different service-level objectives are scheduledacross multiple network links.

A basic contribution of the PGOS algorithm is its ability topredict future network behavior. [34] points out the difficultyof predicting bandwidth in wide area networks, studying thelikelihood of observed bandwidth remaining in a region forwhich the ratio between the maximum and minimum ob-served values is less than a factor of ρ. We adopt a similar ap-proach, assuming that it is difficult to predict the exact valueof throughput in the next time interval (e.g., in the next sec-ond) and instead, providing statistical guarantees for predict-ing the distribution of throughput in the near future. Interest-ingly, as shown in [24], it is easier to make guarantees aboutRTT. Finally, we also leverage the substantial research onmeasuring available bandwidth described in [12,19]. Of spe-cific relevance to this paper is recent work presenting moreaccurate metrics and algorithms to measure the variation ofend-to-end available bandwidth [20].

3 Software Architecture of the IQ-Paths Mid-dleware

The software architecture of the IQ-Paths middleware isdepicted in Figure 2. It is derived from our substantialexperiences with the IQ-ECho [4] high performance pub-lish/subscribe infrastructure implementing channel-based in-formation subscriptions. IQ-Paths leverages IQ-ECho’s sup-

port for multiple transport protocols (e.g., TCP, RUDP,SCTP) and its monitoring modules for measuring de-sired network metrics from middleware and in cooperationwith certain transport modules (e.g., RUDP). PGOS rout-ing/scheduling module aggregates such runtime measure-ments in order to schedule application packets across mul-tiple overlay paths. Unlike ECho, however, IQ-Paths isrealized at a layer ‘below’ the publish/subscribe model ofcommunication. Namely, IQ-Paths manipulates arbitraryapplication-level messages flowing from data sources to datasinks. Whether such messages are described as pub/subevents or in other forms is immaterial to the research de-scribed here. Similarly, IQ-Paths is not concerned with howsource-to-sink links are established. It supports both directsource-to-sink links and more complex linkages that utilizeoverlay networks to route messages and process them ‘in-flight’ on their paths from sources to sinks. One way for endusers to establish such linkages is via IQ-ECho’s ‘derivedchannel’ abstraction. Another way is to use the deploymentfeatures implemented as part of the ‘in-transit’ informationflow infrastructure described in [14]. A third way is to di-rectly use IQ-Paths as the transport layer for applications, aswith the IQPG-GridFTP implementation used in the evalua-tion section of this paper.

The goal of IQ-Paths is to provide a general framework forrouting, scheduling, and processing streams of application-level messages. Generality is established by layering IQ-Paths ‘beneath’ the different messaging models used by endusers, including the IQ-ECho and in-transit models devel-oped in our own research. A specific example is the IQPG-GridFTP described in this paper, which (1) replaces its trans-port level with IQ-Paths and (2) interposes the IQ-Paths mes-sage routing and scheduling algorithm between GridFTP’sparallel link layer and lower level message transports. Asa result, IQ-GridFTP (1) retains its ability to exploit paral-lelism in data transport by simultaneously using multiple net-work links, while more importantly, (2) gaining the abilityto adjust the volumes of data being transferred to the cur-rent behavior of each single network link between sourceand sink, and (3) using overlay paths and path bandwidth-sensitive message routing and scheduling to better controlhow data is streamed across multiple links from source tosink.

Important components of the IQ-Paths middleware de-scribed in this paper are its Statistical Monitoring techniquesand its Routing/Scheduling algorithms. Figure 3 illustratesthe structure of each IQ-Paths overlay node and the dynamicinteractions of these software components. Specifically, theStatistical Monitoring component monitors the bandwidthcharacteristics (i.e., bandwidth distribution) of each overlaypath and shares this information with the Routing/Schedulingcomponent. The latter routes applications’ data streams andsub-streams to the appropriate overlay paths and in addition,


Page 5: IQ-Paths: Predictably High Performance Data Streams across

for each path, it schedules the data packets mapped to it.The goal, of course, is to route and schedule application-level messages to continuously match the network loads im-posed by the middleware to the available network band-widths present in overlay paths, such that application-levelmetrics of stream utility are met (e.g., probabilistic guaran-tees on the timeliness of data delivery).

The remainder of this paper ignores other components ofthe IQ-Paths middleware, referring the reader to a more com-plete description of the system in [4]. We next describe themanner in which bandwidth guarantees are attained.

4 Statistical Bandwidth Prediction and Guar-antees

The PGOS algorithm presented in Section 5 provides to anend users predictive guarantees that with some large proba-bility, application-level messages will experience certain lev-els of bandwidth across certain overlay paths. Toward thisend, for each overlay path, IQ-Paths network monitoring (1)tracks the past distribution of path bandwidth in the form ofcumulative distribution function(CDF), and (2) uses the per-centile points in that distribution as the bandwidth predictor,instead of using average bandwidth. The PGOS algorithmthen uses these predictions to judiciously route and sched-ule streams across overlay paths by finding the path(or set ofpaths), which, for some large value of P0, can ensure thatthe bandwidth allocated to the stream has the property ofP (bw ≥ bw0) ≥ P0, where bw0 is the required bandwidth.

For each specific overlay path, frequent bandwidth varia-tion makes it difficult to predict the exact values of averageavailable bandwidth in the near future, both for very shorttimescales like milliseconds and for the second timescales atwhich IQ-Paths operates. Statistical prediction is to leveragerather than suppress such variations, in order to provide toapplications higher bandwidth guarantees. In other words,while predicting the exact value of future bandwidth is hard,statistical prediction relaxes the prediction requirement byasking if we can obtain certain amount of bandwidth withhigh probability. Because of the IID nature of available band-width, statistical prediction has much smaller prediction er-ror than average bandwidth prediction. Furthermore, statis-tical prediction also retains more information including thevariation and distribution of the signal, which is directly re-lated with the service-level objectives of many applications.

Figure 4 illustrates the results of predicting averagebandwidths vs. the statistical predictions used in ourapproach. Here, we analyze more than 8GB of IPheader trace files from the National Laboratory for Ap-plied Network Research, collected at a number of loca-tions of the Abilene (Internet2) and the Auckland networks.The mean prediction error is the average relative error(|(predicted value− actual value)/actual value|) of sev-eral widely used average bandwidth predictors (i.e., MA,

EWMA and SMA). From Figure 4, the common averagebandwidth predictors have a roughly 20% of prediction error.Similar error ranges are also reported in [34]. In contrast, ourstatistical prediction method (percentile prediction) achievesless than a 4% prediction failure rate. The percentile predic-tion failure rate is the number of prediction failures dividedby the total number of predictions. For these experiments,we first calculate the distribution of N (e.g., 500 and 1000)samples, where each sample is the bandwidth measured in0.1 to 1 second. Then, since we are particularly interestedin whether a path can guarantee certain throughput for 90%of the time (or for 80%, 70%, etc), we find distribution D’s10th percentile as X(Mbps), and test whether the next n (n=5to 10) samples are larger than X. If they are, a successfulprediction occurs, and if not, a prediction failure occurs.

From these experiments and for representative distributedapplications, we determine two facts. First, in practice, anapplication is typically more interested in whether it can re-ceive its required bandwidth consistently, than in the exactvalue of the bandwidth the network provides. This is pre-cisely the question answered by our statistical bandwidthprediction methods. Second, such statistical guarantees areeasier to make than guarantees about available average band-width, because the majority of available bandwidth or maxi-mum throughput on Internet paths is IID [34]. As a result, theexact value of average bandwidth in the near future is hard topredict, but the statistical structure of bandwidth can be pre-dicted well. Simply speaking, if in the last 5 mins., the 10thpercentile of bandwidth is 10Mbps, then with a large prob-ability, the bandwidth in the next 1 second will be higherthan 10Mbps. The measured low prediction failure rate di-rectly justifies our usage of percentile prediction. For high-performance computing, typically large amounts of data aretransferred in some small time interval (e.g. 12.5 MB of datain 0.1 second on a 1Gbps link, or 125MB on a 10Gbps link).Mean prediction time series have a large number of outliersbecause of the aforementioned IID nature, if the measure-ment interval is small(e.g., 0.1 second). To avoid these out-liers, one has to average the bandwidth over larger interval(e.g., 1 second), which loses the variation (or stability) na-ture of a particular network and could easily cause inappro-priate data movement as illustrated in the next experiment.Statistical prediction arguably avoids this pitfall by profilingthe bandwidth distribution and providing accurate predica-tion without lossy averaging. The outcome is a solid foun-dation for controlling how large amounts of data are movedaround in every small time interval with high confidence lev-els.

5 The PGOS Overlay Path Guarantee andScheduling/Routing Algorithm

This section describes the Predictive Guarantee OverlayScheduling (PGOS) algorithm, first discussing the general al-


Page 6: IQ-Paths: Predictably High Performance Data Streams across







!...111 !...222 !...333 !...444 !...555 !...666 !...777 !...888 !...999 111

BBBWWW      MMMeeeaaasssuuurrreeemmmeeennnttt      WWWiiinnndddooowww

MMMeeeaaannn      PPPrrreeedddiiicccttt      EEErrrrrrooorrr      aaannnddd      PPPeeerrrccceeennntttiiillleee      

PPPrrreeedddiiicccttt      EEErrrrrrooorrr

MMMeeeaaannn      PPPrrreeedddiiiccctttiiiooonnn      EEErrrrrrooorrrPPPeeerrrccceeennntttiiillleee      PPPrrreeedddiiiccctttiiiooonnn      EEErrrrrrooorrr

Figure 4: Bandwidth Prediction.

!eeerrrvvveeerrr CCCllliiieeennnttt

RRRooouuuttteeerrr      NNNooodddeee

RRRooouuuttteeerrr      NNNooodddeee

pppaaattthhh      PPP111,,,      RRRaaattteee      rrr111(((ttt)))!!!

pppaaattthhh      PPPjjj,,,      RRRaaattteee      rrrjjj(((ttt)))

Figure 5: Overlay Routing and Scheduling Algorithm Framework.

gorithm framework, then clarifying the concept of predictiveguarantees and describing the algorithm itself. Formal anal-ysis of buffer size under PGOS is given in [5], which showsPGOS also reduces the server/client buffer size requirementand make data transfer less bursty, by using statistical predic-tion, as compared with using average bandwidth prediction.

5.1 General Framework

An overlay network like the one in Figure 1 may be rep-resented as a graph G = (V,E) with n overlay nodes and medges. An overlay node may be a server (i.e., data source)running on some host, a client (i.e., data sink), or a dae-mon for data routing. There may exist multiple distinct pathsP j , j = 1, 2, ...L, between each server and client, whereP j = (V j , Ej), V j = {v0, v1, ...vk, vp �= vq if p �= q}and Ej = {v0v1, ..., vk−1vk, where vpvp+1 ∈ E, for all 0 ≤p ≤ k − 1}. As in [28], we make no assumptions aboutthe placement of overlay nodes in the network. Rather, weassume that the middleware has determined some suitableplacement.

For each overlay link, since network bandwidth variesover time, the service time of each application-level messageis not known a priori and varies over time. The specific prob-lem addressed by the PGOS algorithm is further illustratedin Figure 5, where multiple streams Sj , j = 1, 2, ...N mustbe transmitted from Server s to Client c with ‘best’ predic-tive performance guarantees. Figure 6 illustrates a server thatdeliver multiple streams (in Queue 1, 2, ...) to a client viaoverlay paths 1, 2, etc. In this model, there is one schedulerand L path services (each service corresponds to one overlaypath used to deliver packets, with service rate rj(t)).

Applications specify stream utility in terms of theminimum bandwidths they require, or using Window-Constraints [31] requirement. A Window-Constraint is spec-

!ccchhheeeddduuullleeerrr:::RRRooouuutttiiinnnggg      aaannnddd!ccchhheeeddduuullliiinnnggg


!tttrrreeeaaammm      111

!tttrrreeeaaammm      222

!tttrrreeeaaammm      NNNppp111ppp222ppp111ppp111...



OOOvvveeerrrlllaaayyy      PPPaaattthhh      111

OOOvvveeerrrlllaaayyy      PPPaaattthhh      222

OOOvvveeerrrlllaaayyy      PPPaaattthhh      LLL


PPPaaattthhh      !eeerrrvvviiiccceee      111

PPPaaattthhh      !eeerrrvvviiiccceee      222

PPPaaattthhh      !eeerrrvvviiiccceee      LLL

Figure 6: Routing and Scheduling on the Server.

ified by the values xi, and yi, where yi is the number of con-secutive packet arrivals from stream Si for every fixed win-dow, and xi is the minimum number of packets in the samestream that must be serviced in the window. The dynamicsof the underlying network make it difficult to satisfy the min-imum bandwidth guarantees required by the utility specifica-tions described above, including for the guarantees associ-ated with each scheduling window tw. We address this issueby asking applications to specify additional requirements ofthe following nature: ensure that the minimum bandwidth ismet with some large probability P (e.g. 95%, 99%). Thisalso means that 95% of the time, the window constraint willbe satisfied. Given these specifications, assuming a packetsize of s, and denoting the available bandwidth over a givenpath by bj(t), or simply b, (1) the available bandwidth dis-tribution is described as the cumulative distribution functionF j(b) = P{avail bw ∈ (0, b)}, and (2) the service rate ofthe path service j is described as rj = rj(t), where rj variesover time.

5.2 Predictive Guarantee Overlay Schedul-

ing/Routing Algorithm

The Predictive Guarantee Overlay Scheduling/RoutingAlgorithm (PGOS) supports two types of guarantees forstream utility specifications: probabilistic and ‘violationbounded’. The former states that with some large probabil-ity P , stream Si will receive the required bandwidth on theselected path. It also means that the stream Si will receivethe required bandwidth for at least 100P% of the time. Thelatter states that the average number of packets that miss theirconstraint during each scheduling window can be bounded.Here, we first define a single path selection algorithm forpredictive guarantees and then extend it to a scheduling al-gorithm that operates across multiple overlay paths.

5.2.1 Single path guaranteeThe idea of single path selection is to choose the best pathamong all candidate paths for stream Si, with some de-sired guarantee. Single path selection is important becausethere exist streams that are not easily mapped across mul-tiple paths, an example being a stream with tight dead-line/bandwidth requirements which would have to cope


Page 7: IQ-Paths: Predictably High Performance Data Streams across

Table 1: Precedence among packets in different streams.Packet Ordering

1. pkts scheduled on current path.2. pkts scheduled on other path:2.1 Earliest deadline first.2.2 Equal deadlines, highest window constraint first.3. pkts not scheduled:3.1 Earliest deadline first.3.2 Equal deadlines, highest window constraint first.

with synchronization issues and out of order arrivals whenmapped across multiple paths.

Probabilistic guarantee The following is the probabilisticguarantee provided by the PGOS algorithm. Due to limit ofspace, proofs of Lemmas and Theorem appear in [5]:

Lemma 1 Suppose during time (t, t + tw), where tw is the

length of the scheduling window, the available bandwidth

distribution of server j is F j(bj). Then, with probability

P = 1−F j(xis/tw), it is guaranteed that xi packets will be

served during the scheduling window tw.

Note that this guarantee essentially bounds the probability ofinsufficient throughput by F j(xis/tw)

‘Violation bound’ guarantees Another usefulapplication-level utility specification is to bound someviolation, such as the deadline miss rate. The following isthe deadline ‘violation bound’ guarantee provided by PGOS,where Z is the number of packets that miss their deadlinesduring one scheduling window, given the rate distributionGj(rj) in this scheduling window:

Lemma 2 Given available bandwidth distribution F j(b),E[Z] is bounded by xi ·F j(b0)− tw

s ·M [b0], where b0 is the

required bandwidth of Stream Si, b0 = xis/tw, and M [b0] is

the mean of b for all b ≤ b0. Both F j(b0) and M [b0] can be

easily computed from the available bandwidth distribution.

5.2.2 Guarantees for multiple overlay pathsBy combining the properties of multiple paths, PGOS canprovide better guarantees to applications than those achiev-able on single paths. This is particularly relevant to largedata transfers, where the parallelism achievable across mul-tiple paths can be used to speed up data transfers as well asdesired ‘in flight’ processing. Based on the two types of guar-antees developed for each a single path, we now describe anoverlay routing and scheduling algorithm that maps multi-ple streams across multiple paths ( Figure 5). The algorithmschedules all packets of streams Si, i = 1, 2, ..., N such thatthe best guarantee is provided for the timely delivery of highutility streams, while other streams are delivered with lessstringent guarantees. The PGOS algorithm, therefore, con-sists of two parts: (1) utility-based resource mapping and (2)path routing and packet scheduling.

1 updateCDF(); /*update CDF using bandwidth/lossratemeasurement in last scheduling window*/

2 if(previous scheduling vectors doesn’t satisfy currentCDF){/*when new stream joins or CDF changes dramatically*/

3 Find best scheduling share Tpji ; /*Tpj

i is the number ofpackets of stream i scheduled to be sent on path j*//*now rebuild scheduling vectors:*/

4 for( i = 1; i ≤ N ; i + +){5 for( j = 1; j ≤ L; j + +){6 Tpj+ = Tpj

i ; /*for path lookup vector*//*Insert deadlines corresponding to Tpi(j) into V Dj*/

7 UpdatePathDeadlineVector(V Dj , Tpji ).

8 }9 }

/*build path lookup vector*/10 V P=PathSchedVector(Tpj);

/*convert deadlines to stream scheduling vector*/11 V S []=StreamSchedVector(V D []);

}/*end of scheduling vectors update(when necessary)*/

12 while(in current scheduling window){13 /*get next path according to Vˆp*/

path=GetNextFreePath(Vˆp);/* get next packet to send based on V s[p]:*/

14 if(getNextScheduledpkt(V s[p]))15 sendpkt(path, pkt);16. else if(pkt=getNextUnscheduledPkt(V s)){

/*other unscheduled pkt. Precedence rule 2 and 3.*/17 sendpkt(path, pkt);


Figure 7: Scheduling Algorithm.

Utility-based Resource Mapping The resource mappingpart of the PGOS scheduling algorithm (see Figure 7) findsthe best proportion of stream Si to be delivered via pathP j(resource mapping). The result is the generation ofa scheduling vector, which is then used for routing andscheduling stream packets across multiple paths. The re-source mapping step is executed when a new stream joins(or an existing stream terminates) or when the CDF of somepath changes dramatically. A single resource mapping typi-cally persists across many scheduling windows.

During each scheduling window, PGOS schedules pack-ets based on the current scheduling vector and the streamprecedence listed in Table 1. This table maintains the sta-tistically optimal stream division scheme, while also utiliz-ing additional available bandwidth whenever possible. Forexample, given two overlay paths’ available bandwidth dis-tribution Gj(j = 1, 2), and two streams Si(i = 1, 2), thetable is set up to divide each stream Si into two sub-streamsS1

i +S2i , where S1

i will be sent via path 1 and S2i will be sent

via path 2, such that their required performance guaranteesare met. Note that Sj

i could be a null sub-stream, if neces-sary. We will send S1

1 and S12 via path 1, and send S2

1 and S22

through path 2.


Page 8: IQ-Paths: Predictably High Performance Data Streams across

Stream precedence is determined by the probabilities withwhich different streams’ bandwidth requirements must bemet. If streams Si desire to receive their required bandwidths100Pi% of the time, then PGOS first finds the path that cansatisfy the requirement of the most important stream (withhighest Pi), then finds the path for the second most impor-tant stream, and so on. If there does not exist a single paththat can satisfy stream Si’s requirement, then the stream Si isdivided into multiple parts Sj

i if this can satisfy stream Si’srequirement. If this still fails due to limited bandwidth, anupcall is made to inform the application that it is not possibleto schedule this particular stream. The application can reduceits bandwidth requirement (e.g., from 95% to 90%) or try toadjust its behavior to the limited available bandwidth [4].

When a deadline violation bound guarantee is desired,PGOS works in a fashion similar to the probabilistic guar-antees described above. When one or multiple streams join,PGOS begins with new stream with the highest deadlineguarantee (i.e., with Minimum

i[E[Zi]]), and attempts to find

a path to meet its guarantee. If such a path does not ex-ist, PGOS divides stream Si(with xi packets) into multipleparts Sj

i (with xji packets) such that

�Pj=1 E[Zj

i ]xji

xj ≤ E[Zi],where xi =

�Pj=1 xj

i and xj =�N

i=1 xji . An alternative ap-

proach is to find a feasible division scheme without consid-ering the ordering of E[Zi] and solve a mixed integer linearprogramming problem(MILP). However, this is not desirablesince it may divide some important stream (e.g., a controlstream) into multiple sub-streams, thereby causing synchro-nization and delays due to potential packet re-ordering acrossmultiple overlay paths. It is also an N-P hard problem. Adetailed analysis of alternative approaches and their compar-ison are beyond the scope of this paper.Path Routing and Packet Scheduling While it may becomputationally complex to find the best possible resourcemapping, a more important issue is the affect of complexmappings on PGOS fast path performance. Here, during eachscheduling window, PGOS needs to schedule packets accord-ing to the resource mappings encoded in scheduling vectorsand according to the precedence table (see Table 1). The effi-cient data structures used by PGOS are depicted in Figure 7:the scheduler has a path routing vector V P , and each pathservice has one stream scheduling vector V S. The schedul-ing vector V encodes the currently best resource mappingscheme derived by the resource mapping step. The lookupvector V P is the vector the scheduler uses to switch betweenthe different overlay paths. As derived in the resource map-ping step, path j is assigned xj packets, so path j is assignedxj virtual deadlines Dp[k] = tw/xj · (k − 1). Virtual dead-lines are used to maintain the desired resource mapping pro-portion. That is, V P contains the ordering to be used forvisiting each path, based on virtual deadlines.

To illustrate, consider a concrete example with twostreams and two overlay paths. Stream S1 has 5 pack-

ets in one scheduling window that are mapped to path 1.Stream S2 has 10 packets in one schedule window, where4 of them are mapped to path 1, while another 6 pack-ets are mapped to path 2. In this example, path 1 has9 packets to deliver, and path 2 has 6 packets to deliver.Thus, VP=[1,2,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,1]. When the sched-uler switches between the overlay paths, the path lookup vec-tor ensures that three fifths of the time, it will visit path 1,and two fifths of the time, it will visit path 2. Stated moregenerally, when the scheduler visits path j, it uses the streamscheduling lookup vectors V Sj to select the streams to whichto send packets.(V S is essentially a lookup table where eachrow corresponds to one path). The lookup vectors V Sj arebased on the deadlines of all of the packets (from multiplestreams) to be sent on path j. In the example, path 1 hasnine packets, and the deadlines of these 9 packets are forS1, S2, S1, S2, S1, S2, S1, S2, and S1 respectively. Thus,V S1 = [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1].

While using V S for path mapping, PGOS schedules pack-ets based on both V P and V S. That is, once it has selectedpath j, PGOS sends packets over it according to V S. Specifi-cally, it selects a packet to send based on the stream schedul-ing lookup vector V Sj and the precedence table (Table 1).First, it sends the packet scheduled on the current path jsomeother path that has the earliest deadline. Equal deadlines arebroken by the window constraint x/y (highest window con-straint first) and further ties are broken arbitrarily. When allscheduled packets have been sent out and there are still freepaths to utilize, PGOS sends out other unscheduled packetsaccording to their deadlines and window constraints. When-ever a path is blocked, the scheduler switches to the next pathimmediately, in order to best utilize other available resources.Because of the high cost of blocking, timeouts and exponen-tial backoff are used to avoid sending multiple packets to ablocked path.

The following theorem states more precisely the guaran-tees provided by PGOS:Theorem 1 If there is a feasible schedule for PGOS to de-

liver streams Si, i = 1, 2, ..., N over paths P j , j = 1, 2, ...Lduring scheduling window (t, t + tw) with bandwidth guar-

antees, then stream Si’s window constraint will be met with

probability Pi.

6 Experimental EvaluationThis section evaluates and analyzes IQ-Paths with two

types of applications: (1) the SmartPointer system [33] fordistributed collaboration and interactive program steering,and (2) the GridFTP [1], a high-performance and reliabledata transfer protocol widely used in the Grid community,for reliable parallel data transmission in wide area networks.Interested readers can refer to a technical report [5] for ad-ditional studies which demonstrate (1) the importance ofchoosing the right path based on statistical predictions, and


Page 9: IQ-Paths: Predictably High Performance Data Streams across


!-­-­-333 !-­-­-555



!-­-­-777 !-­-­-888


!-­-­-111333 !-­-­-111444


SSSeeerrrvvveeerrr CCCllliiieeennnttt





Figure 8: Testbed. The link connecting each pair of nodes is fastethernet. Cross traffic is injected by Node N-9 to N-14. Overlayrouters are placed at Node N-4 and N-5, so that overlay paths andcross traffic paths share the same bottleneck (N-3 to N-5 and N-2 toN-4).

(2) substantially improved service level QoS IQ-Paths of-fers when applied to MPEG-4 Fine-Grained Scalable videostreaming.

Our testbed emulates a realistic wide area setting, usingthe EmuLab facility [16]. NLANR traces are used to injectrepresentative cross-traffic [9]. If not stated otherwise, theoverlay server N-1 has two overlay paths to reach the clientN-6(Figure 8), and the background traffic and data trafficshare the common link between N-3 and N-5, and the link be-tween N-2 and N-4. All link capacities are 100Mbps, whichis the current up-limit of Emulab.

6.1 PGOS evaluations with SmartPointer

This set of experiments evaluates PGOS’ multi-path mes-sage routing and scheduling performance using the Smart-Pointer distributed collaboration application. The purpose isto see how the algorithm can guarantee some critical stream’srequired throughput while also providing high throughput tonon-critical streams. Consider the SmartPointer server is-suing three streams (Atom, Bond1, and Bond2) to remoteclients. Streams Atom and Bond1 are data about all atomsand those bonds that are in the observer’s immediate graphi-cal view volume, whereas stream Bond2 contains the bondsoutside the observer’s current view. Therefore, StreamsAtom and Bond1 are important and must be delivered in real-time (25 frame/sec) for effective collaboration, but streamBond2 is less critical (e.g., it may be important when the ob-server rapidly changes his/her viewing angle.)

Three on-line message transfer algorithms are evaluatedand compared to meet this application’s needs: (1) trans-fer all messages over one single path based on normal FairQueuing (WFQ), (2) transfer messages over two paths withmulti-server Fair Queuing(MSFQ) [2], and (3) transfer mes-sages over two paths using the proposed PGOS routing andscheduling algorithm. The input (utility requirements) toPGOS are 3.249Mbps with 95% predictive guarantee forstream Atom and 22.148Mbps with 95% predictive guaran-

tee for stream Bond1. We also compare these results with anear-optimal off-line algorithm, termed OptSched [5], whichassumes that we know available bandwidth a priori. Al-though this off-line algorithm cannot be used in practice, itcan be used to gauge the absolute performance of PGOS.

The results of using these four algorithms appear in Fig-ure 9. Figure 9a depicts the throughput of 3 streams attainedby the WFQ algorithm on Path A, which has higher avail-able bandwidth than Path B with larger variance. Multi-Server Fair Queuing (MSFQ) can maintain the proportionof throughput shared by the three streams quite well (seeFigure 9b), but because of its inaccurate average bandwidthprediction, it fails to provide the required throughput to thetwo critical streams Atom and Bond1. Both streams ex-hibit substantial throughput fluctuation. In comparison, thePGOS algorithm successfully provides very stable through-put to these two critical streams. Furthermore, note that inFigure 9c, the throughput of stream Bond2 is not compro-mised. This stream is divided by PGOS into two substreams(Bond2-PathA and Bond2-PathB), and the average through-put of stream Bond2 is almost the same as that achieved byMSFQ.

The cumulative distributions of throughput of the threestreams under the three algorithms are given in Figure 10.PGOS provides the two critical streams at least 99.5% oftheir required bandwidth for 95% of the time. MSFQcan only provide about 87% of their required bandwidthfor 95% of the time. For example, stream Bond1 re-quires 22.148Mbps, and the actual 95th percentile of theachieved bandwidth is 22.068Mbps under PGOS, but it isonly 19.248Mbps under MSFQ. The standard deviations ofbandwidth experienced by the two critical streams appear inFigure 11. Although stream Bond2 has slightly larger stan-dard deviation with PGOS, the two critical streams Atom andBond1 experience much lower standard deviations.

Both Fair Queuing and Multi-Server Fair Queuing try toallocate bandwidth in a proportional based manner accord-ing to predicted bandwidth, but they require exact values ofend-to-end bandwidth, which are hard to attain. As a re-sult, although both of these two algorithms can successfullymaintain the proportion of the bandwidth allocated to multi-ple streams, they cannot provide specific bandwidth to a par-ticular stream. In comparison, PGOS relaxes the predictionassumption, only asking if we can obtain certain bandwidthwith some high probability. This is not only easier to pre-dict, but also directly provides the functionality needed byapplications.

All three algorithms experience certain overheads whenrouting single streams over multiple paths, because of packetreordering and delays of head-of-line packets. PGOS reducesthis overhead by using a single path for one stream wheneverpossible, especially for streams with higher priorities. Sim-ply speaking, unlike MSFQ which provides the two critical


Page 10: IQ-Paths: Predictably High Performance Data Streams across

0 100 200 3000














For Evaluation Only.

Copyright (c) by Foxit Software Company, 2004

Edited by Foxit PDF Editor

(a) Non-Overlay Fair Queuing

0 50 100 1500














Atom ChannelBond1 Channel

Bond2 Channel

For Evaluation Only.

Copyright (c) by Foxit Software Company, 2004

Edited by Foxit PDF Editor

(b) Multi-Server Fair Queuing

0 50 100 1500















For Evaluation Only.

Copyright (c) by Foxit Software Company, 2004

Edited by Foxit PDF Editor

(c) PGOS Algorithm

0 50 100 1500

















For Evaluation Only.

Copyright (c) by Foxit Software Company, 2004

Edited by Foxit PDF Editor

(d) OptSched Algorithm

Figure 9: Throughput Time Series Comparison of Three Algorithms.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 700

















For Evaluation Only.

Copyright (c) by Foxit Software Company, 2004

Edited by Foxit PDF Editor

(a) Non-Overlay Fair Queuing

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1000














Atom Channel

Bond1 Channel

Bond2 Channel

For Evaluation Only.

Copyright (c) by Foxit Software Company, 2004

Edited by Foxit PDF Editor

(b) Multi-Servers Fair Queuing

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 700















For Evaluation Only.

Copyright (c) by Foxit Software Company, 2004

Edited by Foxit PDF Editor

(c) PGOS Algorithm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 700















For Evaluation Only.

Copyright (c) by Foxit Software Company, 2004

Edited by Foxit PDF Editor

(d) OptSched Algorithm

Figure 10: Throughput CDF Comparison of Three Algorithms.

streams less than required bandwidths when the network iscongested and more than required bandwidths when the net-work is free of congestion, PGOS routes and schedules pack-ets such that the two important streams obtain stable requiredbandwidths no matter whether or not one path is congested.As a result, the application frame jitter is also reduced from2.0ms (with MSFQ) to 1.4ms (with PGOS).

In summary, these experiments show that with PGOSrouting/scheduling, critical streams’ required throughput canbe guaranteed most of the time. This is done without compro-mising the average throughput experienced by non-criticalstreams. A case in point in our experiments is non-criticalstream Bond2, which still receives almost the same averagethroughput under PGOS as under MSFQ.

6.2 GridFTP Experiments

GridFTP [1] is widely accepted as one of the commondata transfer services available for high performance appli-cations, with extension to the FTP protocol including paral-lel data-transfer, SPAS(Striped Passive), and SPOR(StripedData Port). In this subsection, we present our experi-ences with IQPG-GridFTP, which strengthens our previouswork [4] by including support for PGOS-enabled parallel filetransfers. IQPG-GridFTP generalizes the publicly availablewu-ftpd [11] server to support the GridFTP protocol exten-sions for parallel transfers and implements the Partitionedand Blocked data layout options to distribute file contentsacross the connections in addition to the PGOS layout. Apartitioned data layout is one where contiguous chunks of fileare distributed evenly across all the connections for transfer,while a blocked data layout is one where data blocks (eachof size block-size) are distributed in a round-robin fashion.

We use a climate database in our experiment as simula-tion of the Earth System Grid II [10]. Each record in thisdatabase has three data components: (1) the numeric data(approximately 172.8KB, denoted by ‘DT1’), and (2) and(3) are low resolution images (128KB, denoted by ‘DT2’)and high resolution images (384KB, denoted by ‘DT3’), re-spectively. GridFTP and IQPG-GridFTP are configured toconcurrently transfer file records over two overlay paths. Forsuch transfers, we want to ensure that the numeric data andlow resolution images receive their required bandwidths ofat least 25 records/second for real-time data streaming. Inaddition, we also want to fully utilize bandwidth to transferhigh-resolution data.

Experimental results are depicted in Figures 12 and 13.From these measurements, it is apparent that IQPG-GridFTPcan ensure that the streams DT1 and DT2 receive their re-quired bandwidths consistently, while stream DT3 is trans-ferred as fast as possible. In comparison, standard GridFTPsplits the dataset into blocks allocated to the multiple connec-tions for transfer, but when the available bandwidth of anypath is low, all types of data have to compete with each other.This causes the important data streams to not receive theirrequired bandwidths during these periods. Quantitatively,stream DT1 achieves 33.94Mbps average throughput usingGridFTP with a large standard deviation (1.4297), while us-ing IQPG-GridFTP, it achieves 34.55Mbps average through-put with a small standard deviation (0.4040). Similar resultsare observed for stream DT2. Note that here the network canprovide almost the total throughput required by the applica-tion. If the network cannot provide such throughput, then thetwo streams DT1 and DT2 obtain even less bandwidth usingGridFTP, as they have to compete with stream DT3 for the


Page 11: IQ-Paths: Predictably High Performance Data Streams across










NNNooonnn-­-­-OOOvvveeerrrlllaaayyy      FFFQQQ MMMSSSFFFQQQ                                                PPPGGGOOOSSS      


999999%%%      TTTiiimmmeee999555%%%      TTTiiimmmeeeMMMeeeaaannnTTTaaarrrgggeeettt

(a) Stream 1(Atom).








NNNooonnn-­-­-OOOvvveeerrrlllaaayyy      FFFQQQ MMMSSSFFFQQQ                                                PPPGGGOOOSSS


999999%%%      TTTiiimmmeee999555%%%      TTTiiimmmeeeMMMeeeaaannnTTTaaarrrgggeeettt

(b) Stream 2(Bond).

Figure 11: Throughput Achieved by Three Algorithms: Target, Mean, 95% of thetime, 99% of the time, and Standard Deviation(represented by the verti-cal bars).

0 50 100 1500












(a) GridFTP Throughput.

0 50 100 1500












(b) IQPG-GridFTP Throughput. Line DT3-All is the

throughput achieved by stream DT3(sum of throughput

on two paths: DT3-P1 and DT3-P2).

Figure 12: Throughput Achieved by GridFTP and IQPG-GridFTP

and Blocked data layout options to distribute file contentsacross the connections in addition to the PGOS layout. Apartitioned data layout is one where contiguous chunks offile are distributed evenly across all the connections for trans-fer, while a blocked data layout is one where data blocks(each of size block-size) are distributed in a round-robinfashion.

We use a climate database in our experiment as simula-tion of the Earth System Grid II [12]. Each record in thisdatabase has three data components: (1) the numeric data(approximately 172.8KB, denoted by ‘DT1’), and (2) and(3) are low resolution images (128KB, denoted by ‘DT2’)and high resolution images (384KB, denoted by ‘DT3’), re-spectively. GridFTP and IQPG-GridFTP are configured toconcurrently transfer file records over two overlay paths. Forsuch transfers, we want to ensure that the numeric data and

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1000










(a) GridFTP Throughput CDF.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1000










(b) IQPG-GridFTP Throughput CDF.

Figure 13: GridFTP and IQPG-GridFTP Throughput CDFComparison

low resolution images receive their required bandwidths ofat least 25 records/second for real-time data streaming. Inaddition, we also want to fully utilize bandwidth to transferhigh-resolution data.

Experimental results are depicted in Figures 12 and 13.From these measurements, it is apparent that IQPG-GridFTPcan ensure that the streams DT1 and DT2 receive their re-quired bandwidths consistently, while stream DT3 is trans-ferred as fast as possible. In comparison, standard GridFTPsplits the dataset into blocks allocated to the multiple con-nections for transfer, but when the available bandwidth ofany path is low, all types of data have to compete with eachother. This causes the important data streams to not receivetheir required bandwidths during these periods. Quantita-tively, stream DT1 achieves 33.94Mbps average through-put using GridFTP with a large standard deviation (1.4297),while using IQPG-GridFTP, it achieves 34.55Mbps average


For Evaluation Only.

Copyright (c) by Foxit Software Company, 2004

Edited by Foxit PDF Editor

Figure 11: Throughput Achieved by Three Algorithms: Target, Mean, 95% of the time, 99% of the time, and Standard Deviation(representedby the vertical bars).

0 50 100 1500












(a) GridFTP Throughput.

0 50 100 1500










s) DT1DT2DT3−P1DT3−P2DT3−All

(b) IQPG-GridFTP Throughput. Line DT3-All is the

throughput achieved by stream DT3(sum of throughput

on two paths: DT3-P1 and DT3-P2).

Figure 12: Throughput Achieved by GridFTP and IQPG-GridFTP

same limited bandwidth. In summary, with PGOS, IQPG-GridFTP can protect more important streams from compet-ing with other less important streams, while also schedulingless important streams to be delivered when there exists suf-ficient bandwidth. Applications have full control over decid-ing how much bandwidth will be allocated for a particularstream and what kind of guarantee is for each stream.

7 Conclusions and Future WorkIQ-Paths is a data streaming middleware that uses overlay

networks to better serve the needs of distributed applicationsrunning on wide area networks. IQ-Paths employs statisticalmethods to provide to applications predictive guarantees forthe bandwidths available to them from the underlying net-work, for all paths in the overlay connecting data sources tosinks. In addition, its PGOS scheduling algorithm both suit-ably routes packets across overlay paths and schedules themacross single and multiple (concurrent) paths, coupling paral-lelism in data transfer with statistical bandwidth guarantees.

The statistical prediction technique used in IQ-Paths notonly measures average available bandwidth, but also capturesthe dynamic or noisy nature of the bandwidth available onoverlay paths. As a result, IQ-Paths can provide to appli-

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1000










(a) GridFTP Throughput CDF.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1000










(b) IQPG-GridFTP Throughput CDF.

Figure 13: GridFTP and IQPG-GridFTP Throughput CDF Compar-ison

cations both probabilistic and ‘bounded violation’ deliveryguarantees. The former state that with some large probabil-ity P , stream Si will receive the required bandwidth on theselected path. The latter state that the average number ofmessages that violate some constraint (e.g., miss their dead-lines) during each scheduling window is bounded.

This paper uses IQ-Paths to meet the needs of three repre-sentative distributed applications: (1) the SmartPointer real-time collaboration system, (2) multimedia data streaming,and (3) GridFTP. The integration of IQ-Paths into these ap-plications is facilitated by its design as a ‘model-neutral’ datastreaming layer underlying the application-specific commu-nication models offered by higher middleware layers, includ-ing the publish/subscribe model used by SmartPointer, thesimple data transfer model used by GridFTP, and the datastreaming model used by the multimedia application.

Several extensions of the proposed IQ-Paths frameworkare of future interest. The path characteristics collected byIQ-Paths can benefit a wide range of high performance, mul-timedia, and enterprise applications. We will experimentwith additional applications in our future work. In addition,it would be interesting to extend this work to content deliv-ery systems that use overlay multicast techniques. For enter-


Page 12: IQ-Paths: Predictably High Performance Data Streams across

prise applications, our current research is further enhancingthis work by developing runtime methods for fault tolerance.Here, an interesting use of IQ-Paths is to differentiate datatraffic required for replication from other traffic, perhaps dy-namically varying reliability/performance tradeoffs with se-lective replication techniques. Another interesting topic is touse IQ-Paths to isolate the effects of fault tolerance or re-covery traffic from regular data traffic, perhaps to avoid theadditional disturbances arising during recovery. Finally, wewill consider additional service objectives, such as messageloss rate service guarantees.

8 AcknowledgementsWe gratefully acknowledge input from Constantinos

Dovrolis on the methods for network bandwidth measure-ment and packet scheduling used and developed for this pa-per.


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