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The world of Iomandra is named after Io, the creator of dragons. The word Iomandra is Draconic; it means Ios trove or world of Io.

According to legend, Io consorted with primordial beings to create Iomandra as a playground for dragons. Other gods flattered Io with praise for his design even as they were crafting worlds of their own, improving on his work. Io crafted a humanoid race modeled after dragonkind and called them the dray. The dray were given every advantage, and with the help of the dragons they conquered and enslaved Iomandras other sentient humanoid races. The humans of Iomandra proved the most difficult to enslave; one kingdom in particular forged infernal pacts with devils in return for great power, thus birthing the tiefling race. However, even such desperate measures could not protect them from the awesome might of the dray and their dragon masters. Their empires stretched across the vast continents of the world.

The covetous dray empires eventually turned on one another. Petty rivalries and territorial disputes led to wars and horrible bloodshed. At the same time, slave revolts threatened to break the dynasties hold over the lesser races of Iomandra. To maintain order and restore paradise, Io sent his godling children to rule the great continents on his behalf, but they too became corrupt and tried to usurp each others power. Three of Ios children perished in this world-shaking feud. Furious, Io recalled to the heavens his two surviving childrenBahamut and Tiamatand unleashed a maelstrom that would sink the continents of Iomandra beneath the sea. Not everything was destroyed, however. In defiance of their father, Bahamut and Tiamat intervened and prevented the lands from sinking completely. Their intervention created islands around the globe where the worlds remaining inhabitants could survive and prosper. Moved by his childrens demonstration of unity, Io left the world in their custody. However, Bahamut and Tiamat would never again see eye to eye, and to this day, each seeks to break the others influence.

Iomandra of the modern day is a watery world peppered with islands of every size and ecosystem. Some of these islands are hundreds of miles across; others are barely large enough to support a single structure. Trade links many of the civilized islands, but countless more have yet to be explored. Beneath the waves lie the remnants of ancient, sunken empires and the treasures of the ages.

In this, the modern day, scores of vessels ply the Dragon Sea. They include heavily laden merchant ships, well-armed warships, swift privateer vessels, and fleets of marauding pirates. An intricate net of trade routes link the civilized islands, and ships that stray from these routes do so at their own risk. The only surviving nation of consequence is Arkhosia, ruled by a decadent and corrupt dray dynasty that reveres Bahamut and Tiamat, fears Ios wrath, and regards true dragons as divine exarchs.

The humans, dray, tieflings, and other civilized races that inhabit Iomandra are no longer bound by draconic law. Having long since freed themselves from the bonds of slavery, they have charted their own destinies and spread across the world. These descendants of the ancient slave races bear no animosity to dray in the modern world, most of whom regard slavery as abhorrent under the teachings of Bahamut. Ever since Emperor Azunkhan III of the Dragovar openly professed his belief in other gods, these civilized races have expanded the pantheon of true gods to include such reverent figures as Erathis (goddess of civilization) and Melora (goddess of the sea).

THE DRACONIC ISLESThe Draconic Isles is the singular name given to the thousands of islands that dot the surface of Iomandra. And they are called the Draconic Isles for good reason.

By ancient law, all land belongs to the scions of Iothe true dragons. This was true when Iomandra had vast continents; it is still true now. When a dragon reaches adult age, it is expected to leave its nest and claim an island of its own. A weak dragon might find a small, uncontested island to rule. An elder dragon or ancient wyrm will seek to rule the largest island it can find, preferably one with abundant food supplies. Not every island of Iomandra has a dragon overlord. Some islands are simply too small or wretched. Others are hotly contested. Others still havent been claimed because no dragon has found them yet.

When a dragon takes ownership of an island, it expects all of the islands other inhabitants to pay it tribute. Those who do not comply are devoured or driven off. Most sensible creatures acknowledge the dragons status and may even stand to benefit from the dragons protection (depending on its disposition). An island always adopts the name of the dragon that lives there; when a dragon overlord changes, so too does the islands name . . . much to the chagrin of the worlds foremost cartographers.

Nothing is more precious to a dragon than its island dominion. A dragon that cannot find an island to rule will do anything to wrest control of one. Dragons who rule islands must therefore be wary of rivals. Their lairs are often trapped or guarded, and they are smart enough to use minions or adventurers to eliminate likely challengers.

Its worth noting that over the course of history, many influential dray warlords and emperors have claimed to be scions of Io, but the true dragons of the world have never acknowledged such claims. In one notable case, an ancient gold dragon named Mazuzura openly refuted such a bold claim made by Emperor Azunkhan V of the Dragovar by attacking his palace in broad daylight and devouring him. Today, the Dragovar Dynasty spans dozens of major islands, all with powerful dragon overlords. These mighty dragons horribly tax the coffers of the Dragovar, but they also provide the greatest protection that gold can buy.

ARKHOSIAArkhosia was once the name of Iomandras largest continent. All that remains of Arkhosia today is a vast chain of mostly populated islands under the control of the Dragovar dynasty. There arent enough Dragovar soldiers or warships to protect all of the nations islands, and many of the outlying islands are left to fend for themselves.

The surviving nation of Arkhosia is home to many races, not just the dray. These races strive to coexist peacefully under difficult circumstances. Arkhosian settlements are often crowded and cramped because of the limited land. As a point of fact, all Arkhosian land belongs to the Dragovar royal family, and the standard punishment for anyone who breaks the law or defies a royal decree is torture, branding, and exile. Exiled citizens are forbidden to set foot on Arkhosian soil, on penalty of death.

The royal family appoints magistrates to govern their islandsone magistrate per island. Magistrates serve for life, and magistrates who perform their duties poorly often meet a terrible end. A magistrate is responsible for enforcing imperial law, keeping an accurate census, paying off the islands dragon overlord, taxing the locals, and ensuring that tax money is delivered safely to the royal coffers in the Dragovar capital of Iocalioth. Because Dragovar soldiers are spread so thin, magistrates often resort to using mercenaries and cutthroats to fulfill their obligations to the imperial throne.

THE EYE OF IODespite its vastness, the Dragon Sea is surprisingly calm. Storms happen rarely, ensuring safe travel from island to island even across great distances. However, that is not true for all parts of the world. Swirling about the southern pole is a roiling storm held in check by the Thunder Lords (see Power Groups). The storm is called the Eye of Io, and it measures nearly one thousand miles in diameter. Some say the Eye of Io is a vestige of the ancient storm that sank the continents of Iomandra tens of thousands of years ago. Whatever the truth, only magically warded ships can enter the Eye safely, and even then, the Thunder Lords are just as likely to smash a ship to smithereens as brook intrusion into their tempestuous domain. It is also believed that the Eye of Io is a gateway to a distant plane called the Elemental Chaos, but any captain wishing to cross over must pay a kings ransom in tribute to the Thunder Lords.

THE FROSTFELLThe north pole of Iomandra is covered by a glacial mass that one might mistake for a true continent. This great icy wasteland is called the Frostfell. Rocky islands protrude from the thick sheets of ice here and there, but the land is frigid and inhospitable. White dragons and other cold-dwelling creatures lair in caves carved out of the rock and ice, and many ships have been lost exploring the Frostfell for secrets of the ancient dragon dynasties. Seafaring explorers are also drawn to the Frostfell by ageless rumors of a great caldera hiding an obsidian palace-fortress with the spoils of a thousand dragons locked in its vaults.

THE BLACK CURTAINA ship that travels west or east eventually comes to the Black Curtain, a miles-high barrier of dark mist that stretches across the horizon and envelops the world like a death shroud. Ships cant sail around the Black Curtain without coming into contact with the Frostfell to the north or the Eye of Io to the south.

Within the Black Curtain, vision (including darkvision) is limited to a few feet. This alone is enough to discourage timid seafarers, but some believe that the Black Curtain isnt boundlessthat it hides idyllic lands untouched by the wrath of Io. Many hopeful explorers have passed through the Black Curtain, hoping to come out the other side and see a vast, unclaimed paradise. None of them have ever returned.

The Black Curtain hasnt always existed; it came into being some years after Io sank the continents, but its origin is unknown. It had already grown quite immense by the time the Arkhosian dynasties recovered from the worldwide devastation. Perhaps the most troubling thing about the Black Curtain is that it seems to be closing in. Islands on the edge of the black mist are gradually being swallowed up. It may take years, but the Black Curtain will eventually engulf the entire world. Consequently, many learned scholars have dedicated their lives to solving the mystery of this sinister phenomenon.

THE BARONIES OF BAEL ESRATHThe human empire of Bael Esrath crumbled when the continents of Iomandra sank into the Dragon Sea. The survivors lingered on the few remaining bits of land until the dray dynasties swept in, rescued them, and took them as slaves. The descendants of Bael Nerath, freed from slavery, made a half-hearted attempt to rebuild their empire. They raised colonies on nine islands, which necessitated a pooling of resources. To ensure a fair exchange of goods, the islands formed the Trade Council, with one representative from each island. Unfortunately, human greed reared its ugly head, and the Trade Council became mired in corruption as its members took to calling themselves barons and formed secret alliances. Accusations of foul play and favoritism shattered all attempts to unite Bael Nerath, and today the islands are ruled by nine selfish barons who simultaneously oppose and rely on one another.

Two of the baroniesRavan and Vhessekhave dragon overlords and are thus named after them. Baron Mystrum welcomed the iron dragon Ravan with open arms, and the two have struck an accord. Vhessek the black dragon is a savage tyrant, and many of the human inhabitants of Vhesseks island have been devoured or driven off, while Baron von Ezengart remains as a puppet leader to discourage others from leaving. Dragons periodically accost the other seven islands of Bael Nerath, but to date the baronies have managed to drive them off or slay them (often with the help of adventurers).

Baelcrest Baron: Elidyr Xandros VI Symbol: Crown Capital: Nerathor (pop. 12,200) Clovencrag Baron: Steven Blacksword Symbol: Black blade Capital: Rockshoal (pop. 4,900) Grekkenhar Baron: Mariekus Corynnar Symbol: Rook Capital: Shallowreef (pop. 7,500) Hullroost Baron: Elythea von Aress Symbol: Crab Capital: Neraths Hope (pop. 4,000) Marckwild Baron: Yorgen Krell Symbol: Feather Capital: Dragonfall (pop. 6,100) Ravan Baron: Kharl Mystrum III Symbol: Iron spike Capital: Scalabar (pop. 4,500) Stormhaven Baron: Tagon Archwind Symbol: Seahorse Capital: Highpoint (pop. 6,400) Vhessek Baron: Jerek von Ezengart Symbol: Carp Capital: Brightshore (pop. 500) Whitestag Baron: Sathima Shadowgray Symbol: White stag Capital: Eerwatch (pop. 9,500)

BAEL TURATHTo save itself from the tyranny of the dray dynasties, the human empire of Bael Turath forged dark pacts with infernal powers, giving rise to tieflings. Flush with newfound might, Bael Turath openly defied the dray and their dragon overlords, calling down hellfire, curses, and eldritch power to scour their enemies. Although it wiped out entire dray dynasties and slew countless dragons, Bael Turath eventually fell to the sheer might of Arkhosia. Bael Turaths cities fell into ruin, its few surviving noble houses bound, weeping and cursing, into slavery.

When the continents sank into the Dragon Sea, nearly all of Bael Turath was submerged. A few ruins remain above sea level, tempting explorers. Even though centuries have passed and most of Bael Turath has been lost, the Deeplantern Guild and many others are drawn to the sunken empire by rumors of precious relics lost in the depths. Some seek a greaterand far more dangerousprize within the sunken capital: a temple wherein lie the original pacts that transformed the devil-conspiring humans into tieflings and gave rise to the dark empire of Bael Turath. Mad prophets claim that a new emperor will arise among the tieflings, claim this ancient magic, and build a new empire to rival Bael Turaths glory and splendor.

SANGHORKnown as the Kingdom of Blood, the goblin nation of Sanghor has been destroyed and reborn countless times. Today Sanghor is little more than a scattering of rocky islands hewn into hideous fortresses. The goblins that infest these evil bastions worship Tiamat, and each tribe is ruled by a wyrmlord (usually either a hobgoblin or bugbear warlord). From time to time, a particularly powerful wyrmlord rises to unite the goblin tribes under a single banner with one purpose in mind: to slay the Dark Queens enemies and harvest their blood.

The goblins of Sanghor frequently ride dragons into battle. Tribal warpriests tend to the dragon hatcheries and raise the newly hatched wyrmlings so that theyre willing and eager to serve as mounts. These goblin warpriests feed the dragons a steady diet of meat and blood so that they remain devoted to the tribe and their Dark Queen.

Sanghor is also home to evil dray who follow the teachings of Tiamat. Most of these dray are Dragovar agents who seek to rekindle the glory of the ancient dynasties by enslaving all non-dray races and seizing their lands.

THE DEMONMAW SARGASSODue west of ancient Bael Nerath and the islands of Arkhosia lies a vast stretch of the Dragon Sea called the Demonmaw Sargasso. The perimeter of the sargasso is so shallow that sailors can see the black coral that covers the sea floor. After a few miles, these shallows give way as the sea floor plunges into an inky abyss, where the waters are eerily calm. A lucky ship can use oars to cross the sargasso without incident. An unlucky ship finds itself inexorably drawn to a location where the watery horizon dips menacingly into a briny vortex. By the time one sees the vortex, its already too late: The hungry Demonmaw pulls the vessel down into its black depths, never to be seen again.

THE HOLLOWDARKThe Hollowdark is the name given to the subterranean realms of Iomandra, many of which flooded or collapsed when the continents sank thousands of years ago. Whats left of the Hollowdark can be reached via remote caves scattered on islands all across the Dragon Sea. Few surface dwellers have any clue what Hollowdark denizens may have survived the ancient calamity, and most dont wish to find out. Consequently, known entrances to the Hollowdark are generally avoided.

THE DRAGOVAR DYNASTYIomandra has seen many empires rise and fall. The only one surviving to the present day is the Dragovar dynasty, a relatively young dray empire with a rich history punctuated by periods of brutal tyranny and treachery. The Dragovar dynasty arose out of the marriage of two ancient rivalsthe Arkhosian and the Myrthon dynasties. Neither dynasty proposed this alliance through marriage. It was imposed upon them by dragon prophets who believed that the union of these two enemies would put an end to their history of warmongering, ushering in a new era of peace. Instead, it led to a seething age of political backstabbing.

The Dragovar are the sworn servitors of Io and dragonkind. They are primarily dray who worship Ios surviving children, the godlings Bahamut and Tiamat. This decadent, tarnished empire conquered and annexed its rivals long ago, but many citizens fear for its future. Corruption plagues the government, disputes are still resolved by gladiatorial combat, and ancient ArkhosianMyrthon blood feuds persist to this day. The current emperor is Azunkhan IX (a.k.a. Azunkhan the Seeker). His Exalted Highness would rather explore the Dragon Sea than sit on his throne in Iocalioth, which leaves his unscrupulous sister, Kalavai, to rule in his absence. The royal siblings are served by a coterie of bickering Grand Viziers and Viziers and defended by an honor guard of Arkhosian and Myrthon death knights who have served the imperial family since the dynastys founding.

Dragovar citizens pay tribute to the dragon overlords that rule their islands. These dragons do not answer to the emperor, and they are not bound by imperial law. They do as they please, although many of them are quite old and content to sleep for months on end.

For the first 257 years of its existence, the Dragovar dynasty supported slavery. Imperial law made it legal for dray citizens to capture, keep, and sell slaves of other races. In 345 DY, Azunkhan III (a.k.a. Azunkhan the Mad) declared an end to slavery. He also gave credence to his former slaves claims that there were more gods in the heavens than Bahamut and Tiamat, and he legitimized the churches of Corellon, Erathis, Melora, Moradin, Sehanine, Zehir, and numerous other deities. Following a deluge of revolutionary proclamations and civic upheaval, the emperors corrupt viziers brutally assassinated Azunkhan III in 348 DY and installed his estranged son, Azunkhan IV (a.k.a. Azunkhan the Usurper), as the new emperor. Since then, leadership of the Dragovar dynasty has passed from father to son in the traditional fashion. The current emperor has no legitimate heirs, fueling concerns that the last dray dynasty is nearing its end.

Emperors of the Dragovar Dynasty 1155 DY Azunkhan I (the Great) 155257 DY Azunkhan II (the Ravager) 257348 DY Azunkhan III (the Mad) 348499 DY Azunkhan IV (the Usurper) 499753 DY Azunkhan V (the Conqueror) 753901 DY Azunkhan VI (the Dragonking) 9011138 DY Azunkhan VII (the Prophet) 11381345 DY Azunkhan VIII (the Wise) 13451474 DY Azunkhan IX (the Seeker)

The Emperor leaves matters of doctrine and law in the hands of the Council of Viziers, comprised of 19 grand viziers and 100 viziersall members of the divine caste, and each one a representative of the Temple of Bahamut or Tiamat. Viziers are appointed by the grand viziers, and grand viziers are appointed by the Emperor. Emperors usually try to maintain an equilibrium in the council between Bahamut representatives and Tiamat representatives, but since Kalavai took control as regent, council representation has slanted in Tiamat's favor.

Cities of the Dragovar EmpireThe Dragovar dynasty is spread over hundreds of islands, but there are relatively few cities of significant size.

Iocalioth (City of Jewels)Referred to as the City of Jewels or the City of Corruption (depending on ones point of view), Iocalioth is the last of the great draconic fortress-cities, as well as the home of Emperor Azunkhan IX. The crescent-shaped island upon which the city is built is actually a flooded caldera with buildings built into the inside walls. The citys great harbor lies within the sunken caldera itself and is accessible through a narrow fissure in the calderas southern wall.

Ancient warships defend the city of Iocalioth from sea-dwelling threats. The imperial fleet also ensures that conflicts among the Sea Kings (see below) dont hinder trade vessels entering and leaving the harbor.

Iodrothtor (City of Ghosts)Nestled in Turtle Bay along the southern coast of Krethmidion, the City of Ghosts gets its name from the forlorn spirits that haunt the city's streets and catacombs. These apparitions are harmless, and most of the city's living population pays little heed to them, but their presence can be unnerving to visitors. For reasons that escape even the most learned sages, anyone who perishes in Io'drothtor leaves behind a phantom "echo" of themselves before passing through the dark veil into the Raven Queen's clutches. These apparitions seem to manifest wills of their own, and they move freely about according to their own whims. However, some residents speculate that these phantoms secretly serve as the "eyes" and "ears" of a sinister agency operating within the city walls.

Io'drothtor is the Dragovar Empire's eastern stronghold, and numerous warships are moored in Turtle Bay to protect the harbor. Overlooking and enclosing the city are sheer black cliffs pockmarked with caves that serve as lookout points for Dragovar guards. The island's mithral dragon overlord lurks in the heart of the island, behind a ring of jagged mountains called the Vaultcrags. Krethmidion comes to Io'drothtor twice per year (once in Lendys, and one in Erynian) to collect tribute.

Io'fazor (City of Stars)The island of Kallahandros breaks the surface of the Dragon Sea and soars upward like a mountain, and surmounting its flat peak is the fortress city of Io'fazor. Soldiers of the martial caste come here to train, and tunnels lead from the city to the broken ring of docks that encircle the island's circumference. The city's central feature is a great observatory that contains arcane telescopes. The island's silver dragon overlord runs the observatory and spends endless hours studying the heavens.

Iogalaroth (City of Caves)The island of Castanamir is home to a city built inside an underground labyrinth of basalt grottos. The city is almost entirely subterranean except for some gigantic fumaroles that break the islands surface and allow light to filter into the city streets. Iogalaroth is a grim place, but nearly anything can be bought or sold here. The gold dragon Castanamir is known to wander the city disguised in humanoid form; visitors would be wise to speak well of him. The dragon has no interest in politics and rarely concerns himself with affairs in Io'galaroth. The city boasts more than its fair share of pirates and cutthroats, and two of the empire's most notorious thieves' guilds (the Horned Alliance and the Golden Shield) have well-defended strongholds here.

Iogalaroth boasts an impressive harbor, as well as shipbuilding facilities. Dragovar warships protect the harbor and keep a watchful eye on the neighboring island of Mheletros, carved into which is the haunting fortress-prison of Zardkarath. The adamantine dragon Mheletros lives somewhere deep inside the fortress and has been known to eat prisoners who misbehave.

Io'halador (The Sunken City)This ancient Arkhosian city sank beneath the waves hundreds of years ago, although rumors abound that parts of the city hold magical supplies of air and are still inhabited. It lies a day's journey west of Hezemendor, a particularly large island in eastern Arkhosia. Io'rasvim (City of Scrolls)

Io'rasvim is where Tsar Dakor, the Regent of Myrthon, resides. By order of the Dragovar Council of Viziers, the regent is forbidden to leave the city except by order of the Emperor, and then only in the company of Dragovar advisors assigned to counsel him. The City of Scrolls takes its name from its vast libraries of Draconic lore contained within its walls.

Io'vanthor (City of Tiers)This city rests in the heart of Sytheron, an island ruled by a steel dragon. Io'vanthor watches over the Myrthon Regency to the west and the Kingdom of Sanghor to the south, looking for signs of trouble. The divine caste has a strong presence here, where the alliance between the Arkhosian and Myrthon dynasties was forged with the marriage of Emperor Azunkhan I to Kalavysti of Myrthon. Io'vanthor is called the City of Tiers because it's a multi-level walled city carved into the side of a mountain.

Iozargoth (City of Fear)This shattered stronghold of the Dragovar is now a haunted ruin ruled by the dracolich overlord Tao Feng. The dracolich can sense the presence of living creatures within several leagues of the island and delights in slaying all living souls who traverse its domain.

THE SEA KINGSThe Sea Kings are a group of independent warlords who govern trade on the Dragon Sea. Each Sea King commands his or her private armada of ships. Some Sea Kings are legitimate traders and merchants; others are privateers, freebooters, and bounty hunters in the service of the Dragovar. The rest are self-employed explorers, slavers, or pirates.

Thirty-three Sea Kings currently ply the waves, and their goals seldom align. Bitter rivalries among the Sea Kings have been known to escalate into major conflicts on the high seas, impacting trade across the entire world. That said, the Sea Kings of the modern day are somewhat more civilized than their barbaric predecessors. When faced with a common threat, they can present a unified frontat least for a short time. The Sea Kings convene regularly at the city-fortress of Krakenholt to discuss business and various sundry opportunities. Even then, such gatherings are usually attended by no more than a dozen Sea Kings. The rest simply cant be bothered, either because they are at odds or have more pressing business half way around the world.

Very few Sea Kings are willing to swear fealty to the Dragovar of Arkhosia, either because the empire is too corrupt to be trusted or because they believe the empires demise is inevitable. Like vultures, they wait to feast on the Dragovars succulent, proverbial carcass.

Any sea captain who pledges allegiance to a Sea King gains the instant benefit of a powerful ally as well as some measure of protection against pirates and other threats (provided her ship flies the Sea Kings flag). Unaligned sea captains must often bribe the Sea Kings to safely traverse the seas, lest they be attacked, boarded, pillaged, and sunk.

Most commoners can name upwards of nine Sea Kings based solely on tales recounted in local taverns. Very few people know the names of all thirty-three Sea Kings (save the Sea Kings themselves). The following Sea Kings are among the most prolific:

Sea King Valkroi (Mykel Valkroi): A fair but brutal Sea King endorsed by the Thunder Lords, Valkroi claims to have sailed his flagship to the Elemental Chaos and back.

Sea King Senestrago (Evan Senestrago): Valkrois ambitious rival and former shipmate, now a Sea King with one of the largest fleets on the Dragon Sea.

Sea King Kalas (Lorelei Kalas): Also known as the Black Wren of the Kalas, Lady Lorelei is good to the captains that serve her loyally and positively vicious to those who cross her.

Sea King Trystoval (Xelior Trystoval): Rivals claim to have killed this half-elf Sea King in battle, yet he lives. With every death, he seems to gain more power and influence.

Sea King Deepstaff (Rhone Orlak): The self-proclaimed wizard of the waves, Sea King Deepstaff has arguably the fastest fleet on the high seas. His flagship isnt a ship at all, but a floating tower that skims across the surface of the Dragon Sea.

Sea King Firerazor (true name unknown): A charismatic dragonborn exile who fights honorably and proudly, Firerazor has no love for the Dragovar dynasty. His flagship, the Inferno, is considered the most heavily armed and armored ship on the Dragon Sea, capable of sinking entire armadas by itself.

Sea King Mithralstar (Verdigris Mithralstar): An intrepid, swashbuckling dwarf with expensive tastes and vast troves of hidden wealth, Sea King Mithralstar carries a magic horn that summons a terrible sea dragon when blown.

Sea King Eelbeard (Dargus Gragnar): Eelbeard is a disgustingly fat, foul-mouthed dwarf with few redeeming qualities other than his appreciation for expensive ale. Hes one of the few Sea Kings who seems at all eager to do business with the Dragovar.

Sea King Zekhr (Ediv Zekhr): Zekhr is a vicious pirate with the uncanny gift of second sight. Many other Sea Kings consider him the bane of their existence, but he always seems to get the better of them. Sea King Mithralstar has an standing bounty on Zekhrs head that increases with each passing month. Krakenholt

The island fortress-town of Krakenholt is where the Sea Kings conduct business and unite against common threats. Some of the more unscrupulous Sea Kings also hide slaves in Krakenholts dungeon, counting on the towns defenses to safeguard their property. Anchordown

Anchordown is one of the largest raft towns on the Dragon Sea, with a population of over 800 people. In lieu of islands to colonize, the people of Iomandra hit upon the idea of building mobile settlements atop large, interwoven rafts. These floating towns can be taken apart and relocated as needs arise.

Anchordown hasnt moved in over fifty years, and its rafts are so decrepit and its buildings so ramshackle that the town would likely fall apart if any attempt were made to dismantle it. Like many raft towns, it is overrun with exiles, pirates, and other shady characters wanted by Arkhosian authorities.

The FathomreaverThis legendary cutlass, lost in the Battle of the Roiling Cauldron (1455 DY), is thought to be a gift to the Sea Kings from the goddess Melora herself, granting its wielder command of the ocean. The blade was last held by Sea King Draeken Malios and is sought by every reigning Sea King worth his salt. As a symbol, the Fathomreaver could unite the Sea Kings under one flag if its wielder were powerful enough.

THE KNIGHTS OF ARDYNArdyn is a silver dragon that seeks to destroy the Dragovar dynasty. She has nothing against dray, but she believes wholeheartedly that the Dragovar bloodline and the Grand Viziers have forsaken Bahamut and become corrupt beyond salvation. Ardyn seeks to depose the tyrannical monarchy, and this desire makes her very popular with enemies of the royal bloodline. She is served by scores of loyal knights from all walks of life. These Knights of Ardyn are always on the lookout for others who share their aims, but for the moment there are too few of them to challenge the Dragovar openly.

The Dragovar want to crush Ardyns knighthood but cannot act against Ardyn directly because shes a true dragon. Her knights, however, are fair game.

ArdynriseArdynrise is the name of Ardyns secret refuge. Here she meets with her knights to plot the downfall of the Dragovar dynasty. The location of Ardynrise is the most closely guarded secret of the knighthood, and getting there is difficult to say the least. High-ranking knights carry a magical talisman that enables Ardyn to summon them when she seeks their counsel; this is the only way by which a knight may enter her secret refuge.

THE DEEPLANTERN GUILDThe Deeplantern Guild was founded ten years ago by a band of human and halfling entrepreneurs who realized the vast spoils that wait to be discovered at the bottom of the Dragon Sea. The Deeplanterns plan extensive forays into the lost ruins of sunken empires. They also keep a sizable percentage of what they find, which enables them to fund future expeditions without the need to rely on benefactors. The Deeplantern Guild can also be hired to find anything thats been lost at sea, including sunken ships and precious cargo.

The guild has representatives in every city and raft-town, and theyre always looking for new members. Members are required to deal honestly and maintain an adventurous spirit. Members of the guild also enjoy several perks, including sea-travel discounts and free access to water breathing magic.

THE THUNDER LORDSThe Thunder Lords are a group of storm titans that inhabit the titanic maelstrom known as the Eye of Io (see above). These tempestuous giants have the power to unleash the Eye of Io upon the world, and so the Sea Kings pay them tribute to keep the great storm trapped above the southern pole.

It is rumored that the Thunder Lords serve a powerful being or force of nature called the Harridan. Whether they serve the Harridan out of fear or respect is unknown. Scholars speculate that the Harridan might be an exarch of the goddess Melora, a monstrous kraken or leviathan that stirs the sea beneath the storm, or a forsaken sibling of Bahamut and Tiamat.

THE TEMPLESAll of the core deities described in the Players Handbook are worshiped on Iomandra. Within the Dragovar Empire, the temples of Bahamut and Tiamat hold sway and maintain a tenuous equilibrium. It is forbidden to erect temples to other gods, although shrines to "lesser gods" are permitted. In major cities, it's not uncommon to find shrines dedicated to the many gods of the core D&D pantheon, particularly Melora (goddess of the sea), Erathis (goddess of civilization), and Sehanine (goddess of the moon).

DRAYTo a great extent, events on Iomandra seem to revolve around the affairs of dray. They rule the greatest empirealbeit a fading oneand have a difficult road ahead. If you play a dray, here are some things to remember:

You are probably a citizen of the Dragovar. If you are not a citizen of the Dragovar, you are an exile.

Dray citizens who belong to the arcane, divine, or martial castes (i.e., belong to a class tied to any one of these power sources) have no last names and no family ties.

From what you know of Emperor Azunkhan IX, hes not an evil tyrant. That said, hes never won the hearts of the dray peopleno great victories in battle, no groundbreaking legislation, nothing.

As a dray adventurer, you can try to save the Dragovar dynasty from a slow death, supplant the corrupt monarchy, lead the dragonborn nation of Arkhosia to some heretofore unknown destiny, join the Knights of Ardyn, spread faith in Bahamut, or crush the evil forces of Tiamat.

Dray CastesA dray citizen of Arkhosia is born into one of six castes: noble, divine, martial, arcane, expert, or commoner. A seventh castethe slave castewas officially abolished in 345 DY. A dray can petition to join another caste, but its expensive (5,000 gp) and requires the written approval of an imperial vizier or magistrate. Each caste is described below:

Noble Caste: Dray of the noble caste enjoy great privilege and prestige, and they are allowed to stay with their families and retain their family names. dray nobles live in luxury, leaving the day-to-day chores and business to others. A few ambitious nobles become politicians, magistrates, or viziers.

Divine Caste: Dray of the divine caste are taken from their homes at age 3, raised by priests in a temple chosen by their parents, and forbidden to keep their family names. The temples of Bahamut and Tiamat are strongly favored, although the churches of Bane, Erathis, Pelor, and Melora are growing in favor and popularity. Before becoming a cleric, a dray must pass a test of devotion, as determined by the high priest of the temple. Ambitious embers of the divine caste gifted with a flair for politics and diplomacy often seek to become imperial viziers and grand viziersthe keepers of doctrine in the Dragovar empire.

Martial Caste: Initiates of the martial caste are taken from their homes at age 3, stripped of their family names, and subjected to twelve years of basic martial training followed by three years of gladiator training. Many dray do not survive the training, let alone the gladiatorial trials-by-combat. Those who survive become soldiers of the empire. With the martial caste are elite sects that serve specific military functions, including the Vost Miraj (a sect of rogues that specializes in espionage) and Khygar's Brood (a much-feared military police force within the capital, named after its leader, Colonel Khygar).

Arcane Caste: Dray of the arcane caste are separated from their families at age 3, stripped of their family names, and assigned to Arkhosian mages as pupils. After several years of study and magical testing, they become apprentices. The exact number of years depends on the ability of the individual, but the average period of study is twelve years. Apprentices are pitted against one another in arcane duels; those who prevail become wizards, warlocks, and sorcerers in the service of the empire. Within the arcane caste are elite sects that specialize in particular fields of magical study (for example, the Shan Qabal and the Jhal Shard), but very few members of the caste actually belong to them.

Expert Caste: Members of the expert caste are taken from their homes at age 3 and assigned to master artisans as resident apprentices. During their apprenticeship, they are not denied access to their families or stripped of their family names. After twelve years of study and service, if they receive their masters blessing, they are entitled to pursue their skill independently and take on apprentices of their own. A dray of the expert caste who fails her master may pursue another profession, but the investment of time is the same.

Commoner Caste: Commoners are not entitled to special training and cannot become soldiers, spellcasters, or artisans. Their options are usually limited to family-run businesses and menial labor.

TIEFLINGSThe humans of Bael Turath took desperate measures to escape the tyranny of the ancient dray dynasties. Unlike some however, they chose confrontation over escape. They forged infernal pacts, transformed themselves into tieflings, and gained vast eldritch power. Still, their newfound gifts werent enough to save the empire from the furious onslaught of the Arkhosian armies. The tieflings who survived were made into slaves. In time, they gained their freedom, but the empire of Bael Turath has fallen into legend. If you play a tiefling, here are some things to bear in mind:

You accept who and what you are: the heir of an ancient, noble dynasty that did what was necessary to survive.

Your people are scattered across Iomandra and dont really have a home to call their own.

You like having friends, even if some of them doubt your intentions from time to time.

As a tiefling adventurer, you can seek to learn more about your noble family by exploring the sunken ruins of Bael Turath, restore the empire of Bael Turath to its former glory, bring stability or ruin to the Dragovar dynasty, usurp command of a Sea Kings armada, rule your own island as magistrate, help other tieflings who have lost their way, or repay a debt to a loyal friend.

HUMANSArguably the most territorial and pernicious race, humans are masters of their own destinies. Still, many of them feel they deserve better. Once slaves of the ancient dray dynasties, humans won their freedom after considerable bloodshed, only to have their nations and kingdoms wiped away by the cataclysm that sank the continents. Since then, theyve been colonizing as much of the remaining land as they can, hoping to one day become as powerful as the empires of old. Many humans hail from the shattered baronies of Bael Nerath, but they are found the world over in surprising numbers. If you play a human, here are some things to remember:

Humans get along well with all the other races, including tieflings and dray.

Humans do not hold the greatest power in Iomandra right now.

Theres a good chance that youre the descendant of a great explorer or champion.

As a human adventurer, you can seek to become an island magistrate or baron, the ruler of the unified kingdom of Bael Nerath, a legendary dragon-slayer, a ship captain, a Sea King with command of an armada, a high-ranking member of the Deeplantern Guild, a noble Knight of Ardyn, a wizard with the power to raise continents, or the leader of an influential guild or religious order.

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