Page 1: IO1 - V-UPGRATeS · IO1 ERASMUS+ KA2 Project Validating and Upgrading VET Trainers' and Teachers' Digital Skills ... The teachers' continuous training is the subject of the Romanian

IO1 ERASMUS+ KA2 Project

Validating and Upgrading VET

Trainers' and Teachers' Digital Skills


Intellectual Output 1:






Page 2: IO1 - V-UPGRATeS · IO1 ERASMUS+ KA2 Project Validating and Upgrading VET Trainers' and Teachers' Digital Skills ... The teachers' continuous training is the subject of the Romanian


Creative Commons – Attribution NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Leibniz University Hanover

Institute for Didactics of Democracy


Cyprus Computer Society


Fundatia CDIMM Maramures


Educational Institute «Emphasys»


Ingenious Knowledge


st1 EPAL Peiraia

VET School


Fundacion Pascual Tomas


Imprint Partners

2 3The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

Project Leadership:

Prof. Dr. Dirk Lange

Institut für Didaktik der Demokratie

Leibniz Universität Hannover

Institut für Politische Wissenschaft


Radu Big

Project Coordination:

Meike Jens

Graphic Design:

Mareike Heldt

Page 3: IO1 - V-UPGRATeS · IO1 ERASMUS+ KA2 Project Validating and Upgrading VET Trainers' and Teachers' Digital Skills ... The teachers' continuous training is the subject of the Romanian


Creative Commons – Attribution NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Leibniz University Hanover

Institute for Didactics of Democracy


Cyprus Computer Society


Fundatia CDIMM Maramures


Educational Institute «Emphasys»


Ingenious Knowledge


st1 EPAL Peiraia

VET School


Fundacion Pascual Tomas


Imprint Partners

2 3The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

Project Leadership:

Prof. Dr. Dirk Lange

Institut für Didaktik der Demokratie

Leibniz Universität Hannover

Institut für Politische Wissenschaft


Radu Big

Project Coordination:

Meike Jens

Graphic Design:

Mareike Heldt

Page 4: IO1 - V-UPGRATeS · IO1 ERASMUS+ KA2 Project Validating and Upgrading VET Trainers' and Teachers' Digital Skills ... The teachers' continuous training is the subject of the Romanian

Contens Introduction

1 Introduction .....................................................................................................................

2 Current ICT scene in Romania (document analysis)...........................................................

2.1 Provision of training (professional development opportunities) .......................................

2.2 Use of Open Educational Resources ....................................................................................

2.2.1 Provision and use of OER in education ..................................................................

2.2.2 Which e-tools are available .....................................................................................

2.3 Needs of the labour market in the digital field for a better skills match .............................

3 Survey based analysis: Teachers' needs – labour market needs (empircal research) .....

4 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................










The V-UPGRATES project is aimed to strengthen the digital competences of VET trainers and teachers,

increase their capacity and professional development thus achieving a systemic impact on the quality

of teaching and students' learning outcomes. Moreover it intends to remove the greatest barriers of

engaging in continuous professional development that refer to conflicts with trainers' and teachers'

work schedule, lack of incentives and the costs involved (OECD, 2013) and comply with the current

budgetary conditions in utilising all opportunities provided by the opening up of education.

The present document represents the national report on the research carried-out in Romania, by

Partner no 3, CDIMM Maramures Foundation. The research is part of the IO no 1 – Benchmark survey on

the needs of labour market in the digital field, the provision & validation of CPD for vet trainers in ICT,

efforts to promote the opening of education and collection of e-tools - set up of advisory group


The report is based on a desk research on national strategies in Romania regarding the VET teachers'

education and continuous training in ICT and Informatics. CDIMM Maramures made an empirical

research, as well, based on questionnaires filled-on by teachers. We investigated 43 persons that

answer direct or via e-mail. A total of 70 questionnaires were sent to the identified subjects.

The teachers' continuous training is the subject of the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research

responsibility. It organise every year through centralised structures or through local structures

trainings at all requested level. A part of the trainings are compulsory for teachers (based on their

working contracts and responsibilities) a part of trainings are optional.

CDIMM Maramures has 22 years of experience in business advisory for SMEs and in other business

support services. The Foundation has experience in entrepreneurial education for youth, been involved

in several projects aimed to support the young entrepreneurs (e.g. Youth to Innovation, Management

and innovation, Technology diffusion from University to SMEs sector, BisNET – SMEs development at

regional level etc.).

CDIMM Maramures set-up an integrated system aimed to support the SMEs and the entrepreneurs. The

elements of the system are: business advisory unit, technological support unit, IP rights support unit,

project implementation unit.

CDIMM Maramures published over 20 books for entrepreneurs and for project managers, through its

own publishing house. We have our own newspaper (Jurnal CDIMM) aimed to promote news to the

SMEs sector.

The V-UPGRATES project is important for our organisation considering the involvement in IT services

delivering to organisations, IT instruments using for training, classroom (mentoring) on

entrepreneurship, Europe, entrepreneurial space, Financing, Marketing, Communication,

entrepreneurial education for youth.

CDIMM Maramures will have the opportunity to evaluate the trainers that are working on our

organisation (trainers and teachers).


4 5The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

Page 5: IO1 - V-UPGRATeS · IO1 ERASMUS+ KA2 Project Validating and Upgrading VET Trainers' and Teachers' Digital Skills ... The teachers' continuous training is the subject of the Romanian

Contens Introduction

1 Introduction .....................................................................................................................

2 Current ICT scene in Romania (document analysis)...........................................................

2.1 Provision of training (professional development opportunities) .......................................

2.2 Use of Open Educational Resources ....................................................................................

2.2.1 Provision and use of OER in education ..................................................................

2.2.2 Which e-tools are available .....................................................................................

2.3 Needs of the labour market in the digital field for a better skills match .............................

3 Survey based analysis: Teachers' needs – labour market needs (empircal research) .....

4 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................










The V-UPGRATES project is aimed to strengthen the digital competences of VET trainers and teachers,

increase their capacity and professional development thus achieving a systemic impact on the quality

of teaching and students' learning outcomes. Moreover it intends to remove the greatest barriers of

engaging in continuous professional development that refer to conflicts with trainers' and teachers'

work schedule, lack of incentives and the costs involved (OECD, 2013) and comply with the current

budgetary conditions in utilising all opportunities provided by the opening up of education.

The present document represents the national report on the research carried-out in Romania, by

Partner no 3, CDIMM Maramures Foundation. The research is part of the IO no 1 – Benchmark survey on

the needs of labour market in the digital field, the provision & validation of CPD for vet trainers in ICT,

efforts to promote the opening of education and collection of e-tools - set up of advisory group


The report is based on a desk research on national strategies in Romania regarding the VET teachers'

education and continuous training in ICT and Informatics. CDIMM Maramures made an empirical

research, as well, based on questionnaires filled-on by teachers. We investigated 43 persons that

answer direct or via e-mail. A total of 70 questionnaires were sent to the identified subjects.

The teachers' continuous training is the subject of the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research

responsibility. It organise every year through centralised structures or through local structures

trainings at all requested level. A part of the trainings are compulsory for teachers (based on their

working contracts and responsibilities) a part of trainings are optional.

CDIMM Maramures has 22 years of experience in business advisory for SMEs and in other business

support services. The Foundation has experience in entrepreneurial education for youth, been involved

in several projects aimed to support the young entrepreneurs (e.g. Youth to Innovation, Management

and innovation, Technology diffusion from University to SMEs sector, BisNET – SMEs development at

regional level etc.).

CDIMM Maramures set-up an integrated system aimed to support the SMEs and the entrepreneurs. The

elements of the system are: business advisory unit, technological support unit, IP rights support unit,

project implementation unit.

CDIMM Maramures published over 20 books for entrepreneurs and for project managers, through its

own publishing house. We have our own newspaper (Jurnal CDIMM) aimed to promote news to the

SMEs sector.

The V-UPGRATES project is important for our organisation considering the involvement in IT services

delivering to organisations, IT instruments using for training, classroom (mentoring) on

entrepreneurship, Europe, entrepreneurial space, Financing, Marketing, Communication,

entrepreneurial education for youth.

CDIMM Maramures will have the opportunity to evaluate the trainers that are working on our

organisation (trainers and teachers).


4 5The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

Page 6: IO1 - V-UPGRATeS · IO1 ERASMUS+ KA2 Project Validating and Upgrading VET Trainers' and Teachers' Digital Skills ... The teachers' continuous training is the subject of the Romanian

6 7The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

«…half of Romanians are regular internet users (52% vs 76 % in the EU). Moreover, there are still one third

(32%) of Romanians who had never used the internet (vs 16 % in the EU) and thus they cannot partake

on the possibilities offered by the Internet, nor can they contribute to the digital economy. The digital

skills in the population are the lowest in the EU with only 26% of Romanians possessing basic levels of

digital skills. In Romania less than half (46%) of the workforce possesses basic or above digital skills (vs

72% in the EU). This might become an important barrier to the country's economic development.

Enhancing digital literacy and digital skills can generate digital jobs and support the development of a 1digital economy.»


In general: How is it provided? 2The Romanian Education Law states that all teachers/trainers that are working in theoretical or

vocational schools/high schools have the right to participate to continuous education. This activity

consists in:

Ÿ Refresher courses = Continuous Professional Development

Ÿ Professional conversion – adding new qualification to the initial one

The Romanian Ministry of Education is in charge to establish and to coordinate the continuous

education. These programs are delivered by means of:

Structures under the Ministry of Education coordination, as

Ÿ Universities (long term courses)

Ÿ Universities (short term courses)

Ÿ High schools

Ÿ Teachers Houses

Ÿ Training centres organised in schools

Ÿ Other authorised structures

Private organisations, as3

Ÿ Authorised companies or NGOs in continuous adult education

The number of the hour designed for continuous adult education is depending from the level of the

training/course. There exist:

Ÿ spot courses: 6 – 12 hours

Ÿ initial training: 45 – 90 hours

Ÿ improving skills training: 18 – 60 hours

Ÿ post-graduation courses: 1, 2 or more semesters

Ÿ doctoral graduation: 2 - 4 years

Ÿ post-doctoral education: 2 – 4 semesters

”The refresher courses are stated by The Status of Teachers and Trainers in Romania, adopted by the 4

Ministry of Education” . This document declares that all teachers/trainers have to be involved in 5minimum one training activity every 5 years – this is an obligation. The same person has also the

possibility to join optional training/courses.

The short term courses are organised, usual during the weekends. For longer periods the

teachers/trainers have to join courses after the day-to-day programme.

A part of the courses are organised as ”long distance courses” or as «e-learning courses» to avoid to

extract the teacher from the normal activity.

- What courses are offered related to digital skills? (acquisition of which concrete e-skills)

The Romanian Education Law stated that the digital skills are subject of the course/training named

Information Science and Information Technology (Information and ICT). This is a bit different from the 6

other EU countries. The syllabus at this discipline includes the following topics:

Ÿ Algorithms and logical frames

Ÿ Programming language Pascal or C/C++

Ÿ Programming methods

Ÿ Dynamic memory allocation

Ÿ Theory of combinations and graphs

Ÿ Data bases

Ÿ General architecture of computing systems

Ÿ Operating systems

Ÿ Elements of office automation: Text Processing, Spreadsheets, Data bases, Presentations

Ÿ Internet and Networks

Current ICT scene in romania

(document analysis)

Current ICT scene in romania

(document analysis)2

1 Romania country profile. Digital Economy and Society Index 2016, pag. 3 last access 25.04.20162 Ministry of Education and Research RO. Legea invatamantului. Bucharest. 2011, Art. 159 (1). last access: 07.03.20163 Ministry of Education and Research RO. Legea invatamantului. Bucharest. 2011, Art. 160. last access: 07.03.2016

4 Ministry of Education and Research RO. Legea invatamantului. Bucharest. 2011, Art. 159 (2). last access: 07.03.20165 Maramures School Inspectorate RO. Statut personal didactic. Baia Mare. Oct. 2015, art. 33 (1). last access: 08.03.20166 Maramures School Inspectorate RO. Informatica si tehnologia informatiei programa titularizare P. Baia Mare: last access: 08.03.2016

Page 7: IO1 - V-UPGRATeS · IO1 ERASMUS+ KA2 Project Validating and Upgrading VET Trainers' and Teachers' Digital Skills ... The teachers' continuous training is the subject of the Romanian

6 7The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

«…half of Romanians are regular internet users (52% vs 76 % in the EU). Moreover, there are still one third

(32%) of Romanians who had never used the internet (vs 16 % in the EU) and thus they cannot partake

on the possibilities offered by the Internet, nor can they contribute to the digital economy. The digital

skills in the population are the lowest in the EU with only 26% of Romanians possessing basic levels of

digital skills. In Romania less than half (46%) of the workforce possesses basic or above digital skills (vs

72% in the EU). This might become an important barrier to the country's economic development.

Enhancing digital literacy and digital skills can generate digital jobs and support the development of a 1digital economy.»


In general: How is it provided? 2The Romanian Education Law states that all teachers/trainers that are working in theoretical or

vocational schools/high schools have the right to participate to continuous education. This activity

consists in:

Ÿ Refresher courses = Continuous Professional Development

Ÿ Professional conversion – adding new qualification to the initial one

The Romanian Ministry of Education is in charge to establish and to coordinate the continuous

education. These programs are delivered by means of:

Structures under the Ministry of Education coordination, as

Ÿ Universities (long term courses)

Ÿ Universities (short term courses)

Ÿ High schools

Ÿ Teachers Houses

Ÿ Training centres organised in schools

Ÿ Other authorised structures

Private organisations, as3

Ÿ Authorised companies or NGOs in continuous adult education

The number of the hour designed for continuous adult education is depending from the level of the

training/course. There exist:

Ÿ spot courses: 6 – 12 hours

Ÿ initial training: 45 – 90 hours

Ÿ improving skills training: 18 – 60 hours

Ÿ post-graduation courses: 1, 2 or more semesters

Ÿ doctoral graduation: 2 - 4 years

Ÿ post-doctoral education: 2 – 4 semesters

”The refresher courses are stated by The Status of Teachers and Trainers in Romania, adopted by the 4

Ministry of Education” . This document declares that all teachers/trainers have to be involved in 5minimum one training activity every 5 years – this is an obligation. The same person has also the

possibility to join optional training/courses.

The short term courses are organised, usual during the weekends. For longer periods the

teachers/trainers have to join courses after the day-to-day programme.

A part of the courses are organised as ”long distance courses” or as «e-learning courses» to avoid to

extract the teacher from the normal activity.

- What courses are offered related to digital skills? (acquisition of which concrete e-skills)

The Romanian Education Law stated that the digital skills are subject of the course/training named

Information Science and Information Technology (Information and ICT). This is a bit different from the 6

other EU countries. The syllabus at this discipline includes the following topics:

Ÿ Algorithms and logical frames

Ÿ Programming language Pascal or C/C++

Ÿ Programming methods

Ÿ Dynamic memory allocation

Ÿ Theory of combinations and graphs

Ÿ Data bases

Ÿ General architecture of computing systems

Ÿ Operating systems

Ÿ Elements of office automation: Text Processing, Spreadsheets, Data bases, Presentations

Ÿ Internet and Networks

Current ICT scene in romania

(document analysis)

Current ICT scene in romania

(document analysis)2

1 Romania country profile. Digital Economy and Society Index 2016, pag. 3 last access 25.04.20162 Ministry of Education and Research RO. Legea invatamantului. Bucharest. 2011, Art. 159 (1). last access: 07.03.20163 Ministry of Education and Research RO. Legea invatamantului. Bucharest. 2011, Art. 160. last access: 07.03.2016

4 Ministry of Education and Research RO. Legea invatamantului. Bucharest. 2011, Art. 159 (2). last access: 07.03.20165 Maramures School Inspectorate RO. Statut personal didactic. Baia Mare. Oct. 2015, art. 33 (1). last access: 08.03.20166 Maramures School Inspectorate RO. Informatica si tehnologia informatiei programa titularizare P. Baia Mare: last access: 08.03.2016

Page 8: IO1 - V-UPGRATeS · IO1 ERASMUS+ KA2 Project Validating and Upgrading VET Trainers' and Teachers' Digital Skills ... The teachers' continuous training is the subject of the Romanian

8 9The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

- In what way are the training outcomes being validated? (certificate; credits? useful for …?)

The training validation is based on examines organised by the structures empowered by The Ministry of

Education. The trainings can be validated by certification or by credits. All these trainings (compulsory

or optional) are useful for professional career. It is based on ranks, 3 levels of ranks that can be achieved


Ÿ University graduation (license, master, doctoral)

Ÿ Experience on school

Ÿ Continuous training graduation

Ÿ Other educational activities (school competitions, extra-curricular activities, specializations etc.)


The Government's goal was to fulfil the open government principles – promoting the governmental

transparency, using new technologies to increase efficiency and to fight corruption, and increasing the

civil participation in the public life. Thus, the main measures of the National Action Plan 2012-2014 has

been included the following areas:

Ÿ Increasing the public access to open data;

Ÿ Improving the delivery of public services in electronic format (eGovernment);

Ÿ Increasing the citizen participation in the decision-making process.

The OGP National Action Plan reflects the priorities of the Romanian Government with regard to

promoting good governance. The short and medium-term measures planned to be effected express

Romania's determination to implement the OGP commitments, with a special note being given to the

following challenges:

Ÿ improving public services

Ÿ increasing public integrity7

Ÿ more effectively managing public resources

Openness and transparency are the key words on how the Government can be transformed. A

significant and most marking benefit politically speaking is that of significant improvement of

transparency and Strategic Lines of Development supervision of administrative act. The Open Data

impact on the perception of citizen related to the corruption of the system of public administration is

major due to the free, direct and complete access concerning public activity and the offer of

instruments of direct supervision of the performance of the activity of public administration. Freeing up

public data and putting it in people's hands can help them have more of a say in the reform of public 8


2.2.1 Provision and use of OER in education

The opportunities which were identified at the ICT level in education will be partly used to propose a

series of measures which will deal with the weaknesses recorded in this area, such as:

Ÿ Continuous support of the ICT infrastructure development within pre-academic environment

Ÿ Improvement of the level of digital competencies recorded in Romania by means of organising

training sessions in the scholastic environment and not only

Ÿ Additional and direct support of the development of digital competencies in areas in which there is

an increased degree of social excludability (ex. Rural environment, areas which are below the

poverty threshold)

Ÿ Preparation and promotion of the OER and Web 2.0 instruments' usage for continuous training

among adult persons – LLL – Life Long Learning

The current technological opportunities provide access to resources such as OER - Open Educational

Resources. This type of resources can be used without license and include content such as: lessons,

educational content, educational evaluation and research. OER is both an open source of digital

content, as well as an opportunity to develop digital interaction with the pupil / university students by

creating, storing and sharing original content generated by them within OER.

For a more flexible learning process, a key objective of the European Union is the implementation of ICT

technologies type Web 2.0 across all member countries. This activity requires a flexible education

system within which ICT skills act as core competences.

Web 2.0 platforms are currently used for professional development as well as for enhancing training

within the classroom. By using Web 2.0 tools pupils and students can prepare both complex inter/trans-

disciplinary curriculum projects and extracurricular projects to develop social and entrepreneurial


Social media sites can be used for documentation on innovative concepts such as "classrooms in the 9mirror" or distribution of the latest Web 2.0 applications for schools.

7 Ministry of Communnication and Information Society RO. Digital Agenda Strategy for Romania. Bucharest. Sept. 2014, pag.63 last access: 07.03.2016

8 Ministry of Communnication and Information Society RO. Digital Agenda Strategy for Romania. Bucharest. Sept. 2014, pag.63 last access: 07.03.20169 Ministry of Communnication and Information Society RO. Digital Agenda Strategy for Romania. Bucharest. Sept. 2014, pag.70-72 last access: 07.03.2016

Current ICT scene in romania

(document analysis)

Current ICT scene in romania

(document analysis)

Page 9: IO1 - V-UPGRATeS · IO1 ERASMUS+ KA2 Project Validating and Upgrading VET Trainers' and Teachers' Digital Skills ... The teachers' continuous training is the subject of the Romanian

8 9The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

- In what way are the training outcomes being validated? (certificate; credits? useful for …?)

The training validation is based on examines organised by the structures empowered by The Ministry of

Education. The trainings can be validated by certification or by credits. All these trainings (compulsory

or optional) are useful for professional career. It is based on ranks, 3 levels of ranks that can be achieved


Ÿ University graduation (license, master, doctoral)

Ÿ Experience on school

Ÿ Continuous training graduation

Ÿ Other educational activities (school competitions, extra-curricular activities, specializations etc.)


The Government's goal was to fulfil the open government principles – promoting the governmental

transparency, using new technologies to increase efficiency and to fight corruption, and increasing the

civil participation in the public life. Thus, the main measures of the National Action Plan 2012-2014 has

been included the following areas:

Ÿ Increasing the public access to open data;

Ÿ Improving the delivery of public services in electronic format (eGovernment);

Ÿ Increasing the citizen participation in the decision-making process.

The OGP National Action Plan reflects the priorities of the Romanian Government with regard to

promoting good governance. The short and medium-term measures planned to be effected express

Romania's determination to implement the OGP commitments, with a special note being given to the

following challenges:

Ÿ improving public services

Ÿ increasing public integrity7

Ÿ more effectively managing public resources

Openness and transparency are the key words on how the Government can be transformed. A

significant and most marking benefit politically speaking is that of significant improvement of

transparency and Strategic Lines of Development supervision of administrative act. The Open Data

impact on the perception of citizen related to the corruption of the system of public administration is

major due to the free, direct and complete access concerning public activity and the offer of

instruments of direct supervision of the performance of the activity of public administration. Freeing up

public data and putting it in people's hands can help them have more of a say in the reform of public 8


2.2.1 Provision and use of OER in education

The opportunities which were identified at the ICT level in education will be partly used to propose a

series of measures which will deal with the weaknesses recorded in this area, such as:

Ÿ Continuous support of the ICT infrastructure development within pre-academic environment

Ÿ Improvement of the level of digital competencies recorded in Romania by means of organising

training sessions in the scholastic environment and not only

Ÿ Additional and direct support of the development of digital competencies in areas in which there is

an increased degree of social excludability (ex. Rural environment, areas which are below the

poverty threshold)

Ÿ Preparation and promotion of the OER and Web 2.0 instruments' usage for continuous training

among adult persons – LLL – Life Long Learning

The current technological opportunities provide access to resources such as OER - Open Educational

Resources. This type of resources can be used without license and include content such as: lessons,

educational content, educational evaluation and research. OER is both an open source of digital

content, as well as an opportunity to develop digital interaction with the pupil / university students by

creating, storing and sharing original content generated by them within OER.

For a more flexible learning process, a key objective of the European Union is the implementation of ICT

technologies type Web 2.0 across all member countries. This activity requires a flexible education

system within which ICT skills act as core competences.

Web 2.0 platforms are currently used for professional development as well as for enhancing training

within the classroom. By using Web 2.0 tools pupils and students can prepare both complex inter/trans-

disciplinary curriculum projects and extracurricular projects to develop social and entrepreneurial


Social media sites can be used for documentation on innovative concepts such as "classrooms in the 9mirror" or distribution of the latest Web 2.0 applications for schools.

7 Ministry of Communnication and Information Society RO. Digital Agenda Strategy for Romania. Bucharest. Sept. 2014, pag.63 last access: 07.03.2016

8 Ministry of Communnication and Information Society RO. Digital Agenda Strategy for Romania. Bucharest. Sept. 2014, pag.63 last access: 07.03.20169 Ministry of Communnication and Information Society RO. Digital Agenda Strategy for Romania. Bucharest. Sept. 2014, pag.70-72 last access: 07.03.2016

Current ICT scene in romania

(document analysis)

Current ICT scene in romania

(document analysis)

Page 10: IO1 - V-UPGRATeS · IO1 ERASMUS+ KA2 Project Validating and Upgrading VET Trainers' and Teachers' Digital Skills ... The teachers' continuous training is the subject of the Romanian

10 11The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

2.2.2 Which e-tools are available

The general field of e-tools using, based on the Romanian Digital Strategy are:

Ÿ Electronic student record

Ÿ E-learning

Ÿ Cloud storage for teachers

Ÿ Tools for interaction between parents, teachers and students

We found no data about specific software using in school included into the analysed documents (e.g.

EDMONTO, Schoology, Dojo, Google LMS – Classroom, Dropbox, Evernote).


Findings in national surveys with regard to:

The type of digital skills required by teachers?

Due to the fast pace of updating the IT systems, in order to ensure appropriate education to students,

teachers themselves should be trained on a regular basis on updates of the ICT-assisted educational


Through the thorough preparation of teachers, pupils and students will gain a competitive advantage

that will be useful when engaging, facilitating their entry into the work environment.

Regarding lifelong learning, online learning platforms and the existing materials in digital format will 10encourage the distance learning, allowing adults of any age to gain knowledge in a particular field.

The needs for pupils/graduates in the digital field?

Due to the novelty represented by the technological factor, students will be stimulated to become more

involved in the learning process, which, over time, will have a positive impact on their school

performance, with potential to reduce the dropout rate.

Interactive visual materials and additional sources of information provided by the Internet will increase

student engagement. Using ICT will also allow the adaptation of learning subjects according to 11students' skills, supporting personalized and individualized learning.

«Romanian Digital Strategy» (extract from ICT chapter)

In recent years, ICT skills have become essential in the learning process, once with the development of

technology and thus of e-learning products. Romania is part of the group of countries where ICT

subjects are transversal, specific skills being developed and included into the teaching process of other 12subjects, thus the assessment not being conducted directly.

Based on the priorities set forth by the European Commission and undertaken by Romania, the

instructions to be followed related to ICT in education may be organized in 3 categories, in conformity to

the specificity of learning process:

13Ÿ Education by curricular activity based on ICT : This kind of education relies mainly on OER

resources and Web 2.0 on learning and evaluation based on projects and e-Portfolio of results of the

pupil or student, on creation of original digital content and interaction. On national level, a similar

exercise was performed for the development on the level of ICT in education of disfavoured

communities from Romania, identified and supervised within the project Knowledge Economy


14Ÿ Education by extracurricular activity based on ICT : The resources used within this project are the

TIC technologies for the support of extracurricular networking activities (creation camps,

experience exchange, visits of international study and e-Holiday project).

15Ÿ Continuous professional training - Life Long Learning with the help of ICT : The objective of

continuous professional training consists in providing knowledge and skills necessary to adult

individuals so they may have the perspective of a work place and to develop an individual

professional career. A special attention must be paid to forming a politics in the field, based on

national consensus obtained pursuant to social dialogue.

The analysis of the PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) results in the national context

highlights the need of improvement of the teaching methods, as well as the curriculum, particularly in

terms of development of specific skills such as interpretation, application and reflection on information

in different contexts. According to PISA 2009 in Romania, students coming from schools located in

urban areas (with population between 100,000 and 1 million inhabitants) manage to achieve

performance, on average, by almost one level of competency higher than students in rural.

10 Ministry of Communnication and Information Society RO. Digital Agenda Strategy for Romania. Bucharest. Sept. 2014, pag.70 last access: 07.03.2016 11 Ministry of Communnication and Information Society RO. Digital Agenda Strategy for Romania. Bucharest. Sept. 2014, pag. 72 last access: 07.03.2016

12 Ministry of Communnication and Information Society RO. Digital Agenda Strategy for Romania. Bucharest. Sept. 2014, pag. 68 last access: 07.03.2016 13 Ministry of Communnication and Information Society RO. Digital Agenda Strategy for Romania. Bucharest. Sept. 2014, pag. 69 last access: 07.03.2016114 Ministry of Communnication and Information Society RO. Digital Agenda Strategy for Romania. Bucharest. Sept. 2014, pag. 69 last access: 07.03.2016 15 Ministry of Communnication and Information Society RO. Digital Agenda Strategy for Romania. Bucharest. Sept. 2014, pag. 69 last access: 07.03.2016

Current ICT scene in romania

(document analysis)

Current ICT scene in romania

(document analysis)

Page 11: IO1 - V-UPGRATeS · IO1 ERASMUS+ KA2 Project Validating and Upgrading VET Trainers' and Teachers' Digital Skills ... The teachers' continuous training is the subject of the Romanian

10 11The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

2.2.2 Which e-tools are available

The general field of e-tools using, based on the Romanian Digital Strategy are:

Ÿ Electronic student record

Ÿ E-learning

Ÿ Cloud storage for teachers

Ÿ Tools for interaction between parents, teachers and students

We found no data about specific software using in school included into the analysed documents (e.g.

EDMONTO, Schoology, Dojo, Google LMS – Classroom, Dropbox, Evernote).


Findings in national surveys with regard to:

The type of digital skills required by teachers?

Due to the fast pace of updating the IT systems, in order to ensure appropriate education to students,

teachers themselves should be trained on a regular basis on updates of the ICT-assisted educational


Through the thorough preparation of teachers, pupils and students will gain a competitive advantage

that will be useful when engaging, facilitating their entry into the work environment.

Regarding lifelong learning, online learning platforms and the existing materials in digital format will 10encourage the distance learning, allowing adults of any age to gain knowledge in a particular field.

The needs for pupils/graduates in the digital field?

Due to the novelty represented by the technological factor, students will be stimulated to become more

involved in the learning process, which, over time, will have a positive impact on their school

performance, with potential to reduce the dropout rate.

Interactive visual materials and additional sources of information provided by the Internet will increase

student engagement. Using ICT will also allow the adaptation of learning subjects according to 11students' skills, supporting personalized and individualized learning.

«Romanian Digital Strategy» (extract from ICT chapter)

In recent years, ICT skills have become essential in the learning process, once with the development of

technology and thus of e-learning products. Romania is part of the group of countries where ICT

subjects are transversal, specific skills being developed and included into the teaching process of other 12subjects, thus the assessment not being conducted directly.

Based on the priorities set forth by the European Commission and undertaken by Romania, the

instructions to be followed related to ICT in education may be organized in 3 categories, in conformity to

the specificity of learning process:

13Ÿ Education by curricular activity based on ICT : This kind of education relies mainly on OER

resources and Web 2.0 on learning and evaluation based on projects and e-Portfolio of results of the

pupil or student, on creation of original digital content and interaction. On national level, a similar

exercise was performed for the development on the level of ICT in education of disfavoured

communities from Romania, identified and supervised within the project Knowledge Economy


14Ÿ Education by extracurricular activity based on ICT : The resources used within this project are the

TIC technologies for the support of extracurricular networking activities (creation camps,

experience exchange, visits of international study and e-Holiday project).

15Ÿ Continuous professional training - Life Long Learning with the help of ICT : The objective of

continuous professional training consists in providing knowledge and skills necessary to adult

individuals so they may have the perspective of a work place and to develop an individual

professional career. A special attention must be paid to forming a politics in the field, based on

national consensus obtained pursuant to social dialogue.

The analysis of the PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) results in the national context

highlights the need of improvement of the teaching methods, as well as the curriculum, particularly in

terms of development of specific skills such as interpretation, application and reflection on information

in different contexts. According to PISA 2009 in Romania, students coming from schools located in

urban areas (with population between 100,000 and 1 million inhabitants) manage to achieve

performance, on average, by almost one level of competency higher than students in rural.

10 Ministry of Communnication and Information Society RO. Digital Agenda Strategy for Romania. Bucharest. Sept. 2014, pag.70 last access: 07.03.2016 11 Ministry of Communnication and Information Society RO. Digital Agenda Strategy for Romania. Bucharest. Sept. 2014, pag. 72 last access: 07.03.2016

12 Ministry of Communnication and Information Society RO. Digital Agenda Strategy for Romania. Bucharest. Sept. 2014, pag. 68 last access: 07.03.2016 13 Ministry of Communnication and Information Society RO. Digital Agenda Strategy for Romania. Bucharest. Sept. 2014, pag. 69 last access: 07.03.2016114 Ministry of Communnication and Information Society RO. Digital Agenda Strategy for Romania. Bucharest. Sept. 2014, pag. 69 last access: 07.03.2016 15 Ministry of Communnication and Information Society RO. Digital Agenda Strategy for Romania. Bucharest. Sept. 2014, pag. 69 last access: 07.03.2016

Current ICT scene in romania

(document analysis)

Current ICT scene in romania

(document analysis)

Page 12: IO1 - V-UPGRATeS · IO1 ERASMUS+ KA2 Project Validating and Upgrading VET Trainers' and Teachers' Digital Skills ... The teachers' continuous training is the subject of the Romanian

12 13The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

Survey based analysis: Teachers' needs – labour market needs (Empirical research)

Survey based analysis: Teachers' needs – labour market needs (Empirical research)3

CDIMM Maramures (Romania) sent over 70 e-mails with questionnaire to be filled in by teachers from

schools located in Maramures County. Also, we had direct contact with teachers. As a result of these

actions we received 43 questionnaires. The respondents were teachers from Upper Secondary School

and one school inspector. Other personal characteristics of the respondents:

Ÿ 72% - female and 28% - male

Ÿ 42% are under 41 years old and 44% are between 41 and 50 years old

Ÿ 63% declared science as academic background (35% from them studied math / informatics); 28% -

language; 14% - art.

Teachers' views

Ÿ Needs of teachers (trainers) related to the acquisition of the digital skills to support and improve

their teaching methods – approaches? The most known and used application (as regular or

confident user) by teachers is the „e-mail” (over 93% - 40 respondents) and on the second place in

„using the internet” (over 88%). The next applications are also known by teachers: Text processing –

86% (37 respondents); File management – 79%; Computer hardware and environment – 72%;

Spreadsheets – 65%; Presentation – 65%; Graphics – 53%. The applications used occasional or not

used by teachers are: Sound editing – 72% (29 respondents); Animation – 67%; Webpage design –


Ÿ Needs of teachers (trainers) related to the use of technology tools to support and improve their

teaching methods – approaches?

As a general conclusion of the survey regarding digital skills of the teachers shows that the „old”

equipment like: TV, video projector, computer, printer or scanner is generally known and used by

most of the respondents. When we are speaking about smart watch, interactive white board, tablet

or smart phone, these tools are not used or they are used only occasionally. More than half of the

respondents said that they know and use „social media” as regular or confident user and almost half

of them use “instructional videos” and “communication platforms”. But, unfortunately, other

applications for learning platforms, organization and management of the classroom or online

websites and forums designed only for teachers are not used or only occasionally.

Page 13: IO1 - V-UPGRATeS · IO1 ERASMUS+ KA2 Project Validating and Upgrading VET Trainers' and Teachers' Digital Skills ... The teachers' continuous training is the subject of the Romanian

12 13The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

Survey based analysis: Teachers' needs – labour market needs (Empirical research)

Survey based analysis: Teachers' needs – labour market needs (Empirical research)3

CDIMM Maramures (Romania) sent over 70 e-mails with questionnaire to be filled in by teachers from

schools located in Maramures County. Also, we had direct contact with teachers. As a result of these

actions we received 43 questionnaires. The respondents were teachers from Upper Secondary School

and one school inspector. Other personal characteristics of the respondents:

Ÿ 72% - female and 28% - male

Ÿ 42% are under 41 years old and 44% are between 41 and 50 years old

Ÿ 63% declared science as academic background (35% from them studied math / informatics); 28% -

language; 14% - art.

Teachers' views

Ÿ Needs of teachers (trainers) related to the acquisition of the digital skills to support and improve

their teaching methods – approaches? The most known and used application (as regular or

confident user) by teachers is the „e-mail” (over 93% - 40 respondents) and on the second place in

„using the internet” (over 88%). The next applications are also known by teachers: Text processing –

86% (37 respondents); File management – 79%; Computer hardware and environment – 72%;

Spreadsheets – 65%; Presentation – 65%; Graphics – 53%. The applications used occasional or not

used by teachers are: Sound editing – 72% (29 respondents); Animation – 67%; Webpage design –


Ÿ Needs of teachers (trainers) related to the use of technology tools to support and improve their

teaching methods – approaches?

As a general conclusion of the survey regarding digital skills of the teachers shows that the „old”

equipment like: TV, video projector, computer, printer or scanner is generally known and used by

most of the respondents. When we are speaking about smart watch, interactive white board, tablet

or smart phone, these tools are not used or they are used only occasionally. More than half of the

respondents said that they know and use „social media” as regular or confident user and almost half

of them use “instructional videos” and “communication platforms”. But, unfortunately, other

applications for learning platforms, organization and management of the classroom or online

websites and forums designed only for teachers are not used or only occasionally.

Page 14: IO1 - V-UPGRATeS · IO1 ERASMUS+ KA2 Project Validating and Upgrading VET Trainers' and Teachers' Digital Skills ... The teachers' continuous training is the subject of the Romanian

14 15The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

Ÿ What digital skills do they consider important for students to acquire to meet the needs of the labour

market? Teachers prefer to have on-line or school based training as individual study or at their own


Ÿ What moves/measures/policies/initiatives have been taken in their school/ educational system to

promote the integration of the digital strategy, use of OER etc.? The majority of the respondents

(95%) said that public educational institutions organized periodical trainings/ seminars for teachers

related with continuous professional development. Most of them are optional, but, on the other hand,

there is a law where is stated that is compulsory for teachers to have a min of credits. The topics of

the trainings are different: school management, classroom organization, ITC, specific subjects, etc.

Over 30% said that CPD is offered on school-basis according to the specific needs of the teachers/

school and 58% is in-service training for a large number of teachers. Over 86% said that they

participated in trainings/ seminars organized by public educational institutions.

Findings in local direct survey with regard to:

Ÿ Digital skills required by Financial administration: CDIMM Maramures made an interview with an

inspector from the Financial Administration of Bistrița Nasaud County (neighbour with Maramures

County) aimed to identify the requested skills of entrepreneurs for Financial National Platform

accessing. The platform is part of the Digital Romania Strategy. The summary data are presented


Ÿ Digital skills required by employers: CDIMM Maramures made an interview with the General Manager

of the Maramures County Labour Office aimed to identify the requested skills of employees needed

by employers. The summary data are presented below. Note: We identified the specific skills

requested by employers existing in the current job offers sent to the Maramures County Labour Office,

not all digital skills included on all jobs in Romania.

Regarding the topics of training, the teachers consider they need to study about all areas mentioned

in the questionnaire.

Survey based analysis: Teachers' needs – labour market needs (Empirical research)









Searching on Internet

Searching on a specific platform

Download digital documents

Preparing digital documents

Using digital signature

Upload digital documents

Messages on e-domain

Data security

Using the internet

Using the internet

Using the internet

File management, Text Processing, Spreadsheets

File management

Using the internet


Internet Security

No. Action Skill

Survey based analysis: Teachers' needs – labour market needs (Empirical research)

Page 15: IO1 - V-UPGRATeS · IO1 ERASMUS+ KA2 Project Validating and Upgrading VET Trainers' and Teachers' Digital Skills ... The teachers' continuous training is the subject of the Romanian

14 15The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

Ÿ What digital skills do they consider important for students to acquire to meet the needs of the labour

market? Teachers prefer to have on-line or school based training as individual study or at their own


Ÿ What moves/measures/policies/initiatives have been taken in their school/ educational system to

promote the integration of the digital strategy, use of OER etc.? The majority of the respondents

(95%) said that public educational institutions organized periodical trainings/ seminars for teachers

related with continuous professional development. Most of them are optional, but, on the other hand,

there is a law where is stated that is compulsory for teachers to have a min of credits. The topics of

the trainings are different: school management, classroom organization, ITC, specific subjects, etc.

Over 30% said that CPD is offered on school-basis according to the specific needs of the teachers/

school and 58% is in-service training for a large number of teachers. Over 86% said that they

participated in trainings/ seminars organized by public educational institutions.

Findings in local direct survey with regard to:

Ÿ Digital skills required by Financial administration: CDIMM Maramures made an interview with an

inspector from the Financial Administration of Bistrița Nasaud County (neighbour with Maramures

County) aimed to identify the requested skills of entrepreneurs for Financial National Platform

accessing. The platform is part of the Digital Romania Strategy. The summary data are presented


Ÿ Digital skills required by employers: CDIMM Maramures made an interview with the General Manager

of the Maramures County Labour Office aimed to identify the requested skills of employees needed

by employers. The summary data are presented below. Note: We identified the specific skills

requested by employers existing in the current job offers sent to the Maramures County Labour Office,

not all digital skills included on all jobs in Romania.

Regarding the topics of training, the teachers consider they need to study about all areas mentioned

in the questionnaire.

Survey based analysis: Teachers' needs – labour market needs (Empirical research)









Searching on Internet

Searching on a specific platform

Download digital documents

Preparing digital documents

Using digital signature

Upload digital documents

Messages on e-domain

Data security

Using the internet

Using the internet

Using the internet

File management, Text Processing, Spreadsheets

File management

Using the internet


Internet Security

No. Action Skill

Survey based analysis: Teachers' needs – labour market needs (Empirical research)

Page 16: IO1 - V-UPGRATeS · IO1 ERASMUS+ KA2 Project Validating and Upgrading VET Trainers' and Teachers' Digital Skills ... The teachers' continuous training is the subject of the Romanian

16 17The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

Survey based analysis: Teachers' needs – labour market needs (Empirical research)




















Data processing

Computers and networks

NCC machine-tools

Detection systems

Production programming

Searching on Internet

Searching on a specific platform

Download digital documents

Preparing digital documents

Using digital signature

Upload digital documents

Messages on e-domain

Data security

Web design

Robots operating

CAD design

Sound operating

Image/TV operating

File management, Text Processing, Spreadsheets

Computer hardware and environment

NCC programming / using / program checking

Set-up and using detection systems

Using software for programming production

Using the internet

Using the internet

Using the internet

File management, Text Processing, Spreadsheets

File management

Using the internet


Internet Security

Webpage Design, Graphics

Programming, verifying, using robots

Using design software, Graphics

Sound editing

Image editing, Animations, Presentation

No. Action Skill All teachers/trainers that are working in theoretical or vocational schools/high schools have the right to

participate to continuous education. This activity consists in:

Ÿ Continuous Professional Development

Ÿ Professional conversion

The number of the hour designed for continuous adult education is depending from the level of the


The digital skills are subject of the course/training named Information Science and Information

Technology (Information and ICT). The training validation is based on examens, by certification or by


The current technological opportunities provide access to resources such as OER - Open Educational

Resources. Web 2.0 platforms are currently used for professional development as well as for enhancing

training within the classroom.

The general field of e-tools using, based on the Romanian Digital Strategy are: Electronic student record,

E-learning, Cloud storage for teachers, Tools for interaction between parents, teachers and students.

CDIMM Maramures (Romania) sent over 70 e-mails with questionnaire to be filled in by teachers from

schools located in Maramures County. Also, we had direct contact with teachers. As a result of these

actions we received 43 questionnaires. The respondents were teachers from Upper Secondary School

and one school inspector.

The most known and used application (as regular or confident user) by teachers is the „e-mail” (over 93%

- 40 respondents) and on the second place in „using the internet” (over 88%).

As a general conclusion of the survey regarding digital skills of the teachers shows that the „old”

equipment like: TV, video projector, computer, printer or scanner is generally known and used by most of

the respondents.

More than half of the respondents said that they know and use „social media” as regular or confident


Teachers prefer to have on-line or school based training as individual study or at their own school.

Regarding the topics of training, the teachers consider they need to study about all areas mentioned in

the questionnaire.

The majority of the respondents (95%) said that public educational institutions organized periodical

trainings/ seminars for teachers related with continuous professional development. Most of them are

optional, but, on the other hand, there is a law where is stated that is compulsory for teachers to have a

min of credits.

Page 17: IO1 - V-UPGRATeS · IO1 ERASMUS+ KA2 Project Validating and Upgrading VET Trainers' and Teachers' Digital Skills ... The teachers' continuous training is the subject of the Romanian

16 17The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

Survey based analysis: Teachers' needs – labour market needs (Empirical research)




















Data processing

Computers and networks

NCC machine-tools

Detection systems

Production programming

Searching on Internet

Searching on a specific platform

Download digital documents

Preparing digital documents

Using digital signature

Upload digital documents

Messages on e-domain

Data security

Web design

Robots operating

CAD design

Sound operating

Image/TV operating

File management, Text Processing, Spreadsheets

Computer hardware and environment

NCC programming / using / program checking

Set-up and using detection systems

Using software for programming production

Using the internet

Using the internet

Using the internet

File management, Text Processing, Spreadsheets

File management

Using the internet


Internet Security

Webpage Design, Graphics

Programming, verifying, using robots

Using design software, Graphics

Sound editing

Image editing, Animations, Presentation

No. Action Skill All teachers/trainers that are working in theoretical or vocational schools/high schools have the right to

participate to continuous education. This activity consists in:

Ÿ Continuous Professional Development

Ÿ Professional conversion

The number of the hour designed for continuous adult education is depending from the level of the


The digital skills are subject of the course/training named Information Science and Information

Technology (Information and ICT). The training validation is based on examens, by certification or by


The current technological opportunities provide access to resources such as OER - Open Educational

Resources. Web 2.0 platforms are currently used for professional development as well as for enhancing

training within the classroom.

The general field of e-tools using, based on the Romanian Digital Strategy are: Electronic student record,

E-learning, Cloud storage for teachers, Tools for interaction between parents, teachers and students.

CDIMM Maramures (Romania) sent over 70 e-mails with questionnaire to be filled in by teachers from

schools located in Maramures County. Also, we had direct contact with teachers. As a result of these

actions we received 43 questionnaires. The respondents were teachers from Upper Secondary School

and one school inspector.

The most known and used application (as regular or confident user) by teachers is the „e-mail” (over 93%

- 40 respondents) and on the second place in „using the internet” (over 88%).

As a general conclusion of the survey regarding digital skills of the teachers shows that the „old”

equipment like: TV, video projector, computer, printer or scanner is generally known and used by most of

the respondents.

More than half of the respondents said that they know and use „social media” as regular or confident


Teachers prefer to have on-line or school based training as individual study or at their own school.

Regarding the topics of training, the teachers consider they need to study about all areas mentioned in

the questionnaire.

The majority of the respondents (95%) said that public educational institutions organized periodical

trainings/ seminars for teachers related with continuous professional development. Most of them are

optional, but, on the other hand, there is a law where is stated that is compulsory for teachers to have a

min of credits.

Page 18: IO1 - V-UPGRATeS · IO1 ERASMUS+ KA2 Project Validating and Upgrading VET Trainers' and Teachers' Digital Skills ... The teachers' continuous training is the subject of the Romanian

18The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the

views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002412

Ÿ Ministry of Communication and Information Society RO. Digital Agenda Strategy for Romania.

Bucharest. Sept. 2014

Access: 07.03.2016

Ÿ Maramures School Inspectorate RO. Evaluare TIC Anexa 7. Baia Mare. Oct. 2015. Access: 08.03.2016

Ÿ Maramures School Inspectorate RO. Informatica si tehnologia informatiei programa titularizare

P. Baia Mare. Oct. 2015. Access: 08.03.2016

Ÿ Ministry of Education and Research RO. Legea invatamantului. Bucharest. 2011. Access: 07.03.2016

Ÿ Maramures School Inspectorate RO. Baia Mare. METODOLOGIE FORMARE CONTINUA

PERSONAL. Baia Mare. Oct. 2015. Access: 08.03.2016

Ÿ Maramures School Inspectorate RO. Statut personal didactic. Baia Mare. Oct. 2015. Access: 08.03.2016

Ÿ Romania country profile. Digital Economy and Society Index 2016


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