

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

�e Columbia Valley’s Newspaper Since 1956 From Canal Flats to Spillimacheen Vol. 56 Issue 40


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Adventurous geophysical exploration Pg. 3

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Artist drawn to valley's wild places Pg. 9

Vol. 57 Issue 46


Cadet Instructor Cadre and Canal Flats resident John Restemeyer salutes the cenotaph after laying a wreath with his daughter Heidi Restemeyer, 11, during the Remembrance Day service in the village on Monday, November 11th.“My dad served in World War II, so of course I'm remembering him,” said Mr. Restemeyer. "Remembrance Day is is an opportunity for people to understand the sacrifi ce that Canadian servicemen and women made, and soldiers around the world, for our freedoms. It's nice to see the people of the village out, and some of the kids."Embossed on a plaque at the Canal Flats cenotaph is the following phrase: "And at the going down of the sun, we shall remember them.”Invermere and Edgewater also held services on Remembrance Day — see more photos on page A11.

A village remembers

� e District of Invermere has new funding for Imagine Invermere 2030, and is o� ering to split $15,000 among community groups with similar interests.

During the Imagine Invermere info session at Pynelogs Cultural Centre on the evening of � ursday, November 7th, Mayor Gerry Taft announced the new funding formula, claiming that the district is now taking a

"bottom-up approach, rather than a top-down."And while the District of Invermere continues to put

forth its best e� ort to execute Imagine Invermere 2030 — formerly called the Integrated Community Sustain-ability Plan — Mr. Taft said that limited district sta� and resources made it di� cult to achieve.

"Most ideas that were brainstormed were falling back to the district to complete," he said. "We started working on some but realized going forward that it wasn't going to be sustainable."

� e well-attended info session was hosted by coun-

cillors and Imagine Invermere board members Paul Denchuk and Spring Hawes. Special presentations were made by groups already bene� ting from the plan — one from the community greenhouse and another from a recycler of wood by-products.

In addition to the $15,000 support for the plan, the district has budgeted money for networking, advertising, and some � exibility for the Imagine Invermere team, Mr. Taft said.

Community planning project takes new routeDAN [email protected]


VALLEY VALLEY V Wednesday, November 13, 2013Wednesday, November 13, 2013Wednesday, November 13, 2013

ALLEY ECHO Vol. 57 Issue 46

A2 Wednesday, November 13, 2013 The Valley Echo

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T he

�e NEWSpaper for sports in the Columbia Valley

KEEP JUMBO WILDRemember - The world is run by

those who show up.

Special Guest Speaker

EminentArchaeological Geophysicist

Paul Bauman

whose work is featured in National Geographic, NOVA ,

Time, and TEDx talks...

Admission by donation.

Monday, November 18th

7:30 p.m. at the David Thompson Secondary School Theatre

(Doors open at 7 p.m.)

Annual General Meeting

Waxing poeticLeft: On Tuesday, November 5th, these cedar waxwings travelled through Invermere on their way south, stopping at the corner of 5th Street and 12th Avenue to feed on mountain ash berries. They were part of a very large flock that cleaned up the berries in about half an hour. Anxious to be on their way, most did not even stop to rest, pick-ing and eating the berries while still flying! (photo by Barrie Hawes) Bottom: Toby Creek Nordic Club president Lyle Wilson gave a ski waxing workshop at the club's annual Open House at the Crazy Soles store in Invermere, also on Tuesday, November 5th. The Open House was an opportunity for new and returning members to purchase a 2013/14 membership, which includes unlimited use of the Lake Windermere Whiteway trail system, discounted trail passes at Nipika Mountain Resort, club cross-country ski nights, and more. To find out more and to register, visit . (photo by Nicole Trigg)

Weekly Content

Opinion...................................................A6Word on the Street..................................A7Community Calendar............................A8Remember When?.................................A8Arts & Entertainment.............................A9Sports.............................................A12-A13Brain Games..........................................A15Build Your Wealth.................................A16Classi� eds.....................................A17-A18Serving the Valley.................................A24


David Wilks / MP Report........................A6

Lara McCormack/Food From Scratch....A7


Shop Local...............................................A10Remembrance Day.................................A11Hockey Pool............................................A14Driveway..................................................A19Valley Life.................................................A20

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@� eValley Echo

Got news?

Call Greg, Nicole, Steve or Dan at 250-341-6299 or email [email protected] .

� is week's online poll question:

Do you think Canada is doing enough to help the victims of super typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines?

Cast your vote at


Last week's online poll results:

Did the results of the Invermere referendum surprise you?

Total Votes: 2Yes: 0% (0 votes)

No: 100% (2 votes)

Valley Echo subscription rates

Annual subscription rates (incl. tax)Local (Spillimacheen to Canal Flats) $45.30Offi ce Pick-Up $34.50Canada $62.60/ Outside Canada $182.00Seniors (local) $34.50/Seniors (Canada) $56.00

Six months subscription rates (incl. tax)Local (Spillimacheen to Canal Flats) $29.40Seniors (local) $22.80

Wednesday, November 13, 2013 The Valley Echo A3

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or 250-341-6299 Page � reeEcho Index

Funding will be directed through the board of directors, which currently has several openings. � e members prior-itize, in no particular order, four main communal bene� ts: protecting the environment, ensuring economic viability, enriching community life, and partnering for success.

"We already have a great start with who we have now, but to � ll the vacancies, and the vacancies we may have in the future,

it would be good to see a cross-section of the community, so that it's not just people coming from one sector,” said Mr. Taft.

Imagine Invermere 2030 is a planning document which aims to increase community sustainability through setting measurable goals and a realistic formula towards sustain-ability. Mr. Taft said that the plan is based on ideas rather than speci� c operations.

"O� cial community plans can be quite detailed, whereas the purpose of this plan is a lot more conceptual,” he said.


Regional and municipal governments in the East Koote-nay can now buy their carbon o� sets locally and achieve their carbon neutral commitments by putting some fund-ing into the East Kootenay Energy Diet program.

“It is a local reduction project,” said Regional District of East Kootenay community energy manager Megan Lohm-ann, adding this means money local governments put into the Energy Diet program counts as carbon o� set credits.

So far the regional district is the only local government put-ting money into the Energy Diet program, which is also fund-ed by the Columbia Basin Trust, B.C. Hydro and Fortis BC.

� e Energy Diet is at present just a pilot project, but basi-cally provides incentives and helps coach East Kootenay residents through the process of making their homes more energy e� cient.

“Local governments can still achieve their commitments but also have a bene� t for residents,” said Mrs. Lohmann.

� e program is attracting interest in the Upper Colum-bia Valley – as attested by the almost full house of nearly 30 residents attending a meeting on the project at Radi-um's Prestige Inn on � ursday, November 7th. � is may be partly because Upper Columbia Valley homes tend to

have much more expensive heating systems (usually pro-pane heating, heating oil or electric heating) than houses in the Cranbrook and Kimberley area (which, thanks to a natural gas pipeline in the area, have the more a� ordable option of natural gas heating).

� e Energy Diet involves having your home assessed and then retro� tted, then re-assessed. Subsidies mean the nor-mally $300 assessment currently costs $40 and LiveSmart B.C. is o� ering a $1500 incentive to anybody who under-takes three of what it calls energy e� ciency actions (usu-ally improving insulation plus two other actions to retro� t your home to make it more energy e� cient).

� e subsidies and incentives will not be o� ered long — those interested must sign up for the initial assessment before December 10th. � ose who then want to continue with the program and get the LiveSmart incentive must complete the three renovations and have their home re-assessed by the end of March.

“It's a tight timeline, but if people were already thinking of doing some renovation this winter, it's a great opportu-nity,” said Mrs. Lohmann.

� e crowd at the Prestige Inn meeting also heard about other energy e� ciency opportunities in the valley from biomass business owner David Dubois and solar-power business owner Bill Swan. For more on the East Kootenay Energy Diet, check out

Energy Diet o� ers carbon o� setsSTEVE [email protected]

� e 2013 annual general meeting of the Jumbo Creek Conservation Society will feature an exciting illustrated lecture by modern-day explorer and part-time Invermere resident Paul Bauman.

Archaeology is inherently a destructive science; once excavated, an archeological site is essentially destroyed. Geophysicist Paul Bauman, the technical director of the geophysics group at WorleyParsons, in Calgary, uses sophisticated geophysical investigation techniques that allow a site to be explored without being disturbed, working as a radiologist does in a surgical team.

Admission to the event on Monday, November 18 at 7:30 p.m. at the David � ompson Secondary School � eatre is by donation. Paul will take us to some of the sites that proved pivotal in de� ning Western Canada, Western civilization, and even humanity.

In his presentation, Paul will rediscover the architecture of a Hudson Bay Company trading post that was burned to the ground in 1861. In Israel, he will locate a previously unknown cave at Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found.

And along the Dead Sea coast, he will explore a remote cave near the Dead Sea, the Cave of Letters, lived in by reb-els of the Roman Empire. It was in this cave that the largest collection of Roman glassware, Roman period clothing, and papyrus scrolls found anywhere in the Roman Em-pire, was recovered. In Nazareth, he will identify a build-

ing beneath the marble � oor of a renowned art shop, and then smash through the � oor with a sledge hammer to � nd whatever lies beneath.

In Europe, geophysics will be used to reconstruct the archi-tecture of the Nazi extermination camp of Sobibor, destroyed and buried by the Nazi SS after a desperate revolt in 1943. And in the vast Donana wetlands of southern Spain, Paul will assist archaeologists in locating what they believe to be the lost city of Atlantis, and to help determine where the people of Atlantis went after their city was destroyed.

Paul Bauman is an avid hiker, climber and skier. Aspects of his archaeo-geophysical work have been the subject of a NOVA documentary (Ancient Refuge in the Holy Land), a Na-tional Geographic movie entitled “Finding Atlantis,” and nu-merous newspaper and magazine articles including in Time, National Geographic, and the Reader’s Digest. He was recent-ly invited to present at the � rst ever TEDx talks in Canmore.

Conservation Society gets geophysicalPAT MORROWJumbo Creek Conservation Society


A4 Wednesday, November 13, 2013 The Valley Echo

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BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGYou’re invited to meet CBT’s Board and ask questions about CBT’s work in the Basin.

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We thank all applicants for their interest in Canfor; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. For details, visit our website. To apply by December 6, 2013, please submit a résumé, in confidence, to:

John Buda, Human Resources ManagerCanfor – Canal FlatsFax: 250.349.5250Email: [email protected]

Canadian Forest Products Ltd.

Canal Flats

Job #: CFP-CFL-003 Version: 1 Posted: FINAL - 8 Nov 2013

Size: 3 col (4.3125) Lines: 96

Publications: Cranbrook Daily Townsman; Invermere Valley Echo

Operator: KS Sign-off: John / Angela Proofread: Kyla


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Wilmer and Dry Gulch will no longer be the only two communities in the Upper Co-lumbia Valley that aren't part of an official community plan (OCP), after the Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) voted to bring them into the plan for Area G.

After lengthy consultations with area resi-dents and other stakeholders, the regional district board of directors gave first and sec-ond reading to a bylaw amendment to bring those two communities into the Steam-boat-Jubilee Mountain OCP, which guides planning decisions for the rest of Area G, including Radium Resort.

"These are the two missing links," said Area G director Gerry Wilkie.

A plan to amend the OCP has been in the works since last summer, and a public hearing is set for 7 p.m. on Monday, November 25th at the Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce building at the Invermere crossroads.

Members of the public are invited to state their opinions on the amended OCP for the last time before it moves to third and fourth reading.

While the overarching philosophy of the Steamboat-Jubilee Mountain OCP won't be changing, it will state the values, concerns and aspirations of these particular communities, said Mr. Wilkie.

"The people of Wilmer virtually said, 'We love our community the way it is; we don't want things to change that much', so we re-flected that in the plan," he said. "In the case of Dry Gulch, we are responding to a request for higher density in order to support the com-munity's longstanding need for an adequate water system. The development community can then work together to bring in a water sys-tem along with other agencies."

Also written into the plan for both Dry Gulch and Wilmer is wetland protection.

"(The OCP) will give that section of the val-ley a guidance for the people who live there and for people who are looking at developing for the foreseeable future," said Mr. Wilkie.

Community planning ahead for Wilmer and Dry Gulch


NICOLE [email protected]

GREG AMOS/VALLEY ECHO PHOTOA frosty peak in the Fairmont Range juts into a clear blue sky above the Rockies on Monday, November 11th, in this shot taken about halfway between Fairmont Hot Springs and Canal Flats. Clouds hemmed in many of the Columbia Valley peaks early on Remembrance Day, but dissipated to reveal the mountains later on.

Snow-capped sneak peek

Wednesday, November 13, 2013 The Valley Echo A5

Regional District of East Kootenay

19 - 24th Avenue South, Cranbrook BC V1C 3H8Phone: 250-489-2791 Toll Free: 1-888-478-7335

Email: [email protected] Website:

The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Board of Directors is considering an amendment to the Steamboat - Jubilee Mountain Official Community Plan, located within Electoral Area G, that will extend the boundaries of this plan to cover both the Wilmer and Dry Gulch areas. The Official Community Plan is a long-term strategic planning document; the proposed amendment will establish policies for land use in the Wilmer and Dry Gulch areas. The bylaw amendment and map schedules are available at

Bylaw No. 2499 is cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay - Steamboat - Jubilee Mountain Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1926, 2006 - Amendment Bylaw No. 8, 2013 (Wilmer-Dry Gulch / RDEK).”

A public hearing will be held at: Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce 651 Highway 93/95, Invermere, BC Monday, November 25, 2013 at 7:00 pm

The Board has delegated the holding of this hearing to the Directors for Electoral Area F, Electoral Area G, the District of Invermere and the Village of Radium Hot Springs.

If you believe that your interest in property is affected by the proposed Bylaw, you may prior to the hearing:

• inspect the Bylaw and supporting information at the RDEK office in Cranbrook from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays;

• mail, fax or email written submissions to the addresses/numbers shown below; or

• present written and/or verbal submissions at the hearing.


All written submissions are public information pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

This notice is not an interpretation of the Bylaw. For more information, contact Matt Gunn, Planner, at 250-489-6903, toll free at 1-888-478-7335, or email [email protected].

BYLAW 2499Bylaw Amendment - Wilmer - Dry Gulch

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Got something to say?

VICTORIA – The B.C. government has spent 10 years and $66 million on meetings and consultants to discuss aboriginal "governance" of children in protective care, while actual services such as domestic violence safe houses remain inadequate to meet the need.

That conclusion emerges from a new report from B.C.'s Representative for Children and Youth, Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond, who calls it a "confused, unstable and bizarre area of public policy" where millions continue to be spent without accountability.

"For example," Mrs. Turpel-Lafond wrote, "nearly $35 million was spent discussing region-al aboriginal authorities, including large expen-ditures on paying people to meet, hiring consul-tants to facilitate those meetings, and producing materials of questionable practical value following such meetings that almost never addressed the ac-tual difficulties children and youth were experienc-ing in their lives – issues such as parental addiction, domestic violence, poverty, neglect and the need

for mental health services or special needs sup-port."

Stephanie Cadieux, B.C.'s Minister of Children and Family Development, said Wednesday she accepts the findings of the report, and agrees that the ministry "strayed from its mandate to provide direct services."

A new deputy minister ap-pointed two years ago has worked to re-direct minis-try spending to services for those in need, Mrs. Cadieux said. She a c k n o w l e d g e d that another $8 million is being spent this fiscal year on impract-cal "nation to nation" talks before consult-ing contracts ex-

pire.NDP children and families critic Carole James

said she supports the concept of delegating child welfare to aboriginal communities where it's practical to do so.

But she said it's "appalling" that millions are spent on high-level meetings while there is an eight-month waiting list for youth mental health services.

The B.C. Liberal government has a track record of this, going back to former premier Gordon Camp-bell, who recruited a South African expert as dep-uty minister to impose a new aboriginal child care system, she said.

"They put out a big idea or a slogan, say they're going to move it, and then have no plan to imple-ment it properly, with resources, with clear out-comes," Mrs. James said.

"The tragedy with this one is it's aboriginal children who are suffering," she added.

Mrs. Cadieux said it isn't fair to conclude all the money was wasted. The ministry has better rela-tionships with aboriginal communities, and still provides direct services across the province, she said.


$66 million spent to 'talk' about aboriginal kidsTOM FLETCHERBlack Press

Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond

A6 Wednesday, November 13, 2013 The Valley Echo

Opinion Something to say?email [email protected]


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#8, 1008 8 Avenue • P.O. Box 70Invermere, B.C., Canada V0A 1K0

Phone: 250-341-6299

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�e NEWSpaper in the Columbia Valley


In Absentia


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We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.


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A shared disaster

� e Valley Echo welcomes all letters to the editor and submissions from community and sports groups, as well as special community columns. Please keep your signed, legible submissions under 500 words. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, taste, legal rea-sons and brevity. Each submission must contain a day-time phone number and place of residence. Send email submissions to [email protected].

Something on your mind?

Natural disasters? Aside from the odd forest � re, those don't a� ect the Columbia Valley.

Being well out of reach of tsunamis and safely inland of the earthquake subduction zone that a� ects coastal B.C., valley residents likely have little connection to "super typhoon" Haiyan that slammed into the Philippines last Friday.

But this is not just another disaster in some far-� ung region; it's arguably the most violent weather event on the planet in the past 30 years. Much like 9/11 unfolded like a bad Michael Bay movie, the surreal imagery from the super typhoon seemed as though it was lifted from a special-e� ects-laden disaster movie.

With the death toll estimated at 10,000 and likely to rise, Canada's response so far has been poor: just a $5 million commitment to help the Philippines — a country that's been the largest source of immigrants to Canada since 2010, noted Georgia Straight editor Charlie Smith in a recent column.

While grabbing a co� ee at Tim Hortons on Monday, I spoke with one of the more than 10 Filipino temporary foreign workers employed at the restaurant. None of them were from the eastern Visayas, the region hardest hit by the typhoon that packed sustained winds of more than 300 kilometres per hour. Undoubt-edly, those workers are thinking of friends and relatives back home. � at's likely the same story for all the Filipino workers in the valley.

It took two days of prodding before the federal government o� ered the same dollar-for-dollar matching of Canadian citizen donations for disaster relief in the Philippines as it did in the wake of the earthquake the struck Haiti in 2010.

� e elephant in the room about this typhoon is the recent frequency with which these powerful storms have been occurring. No one can make a cause-and-e� ect connection yet, but it's not hard to imagine that a warmer atmosphere — caused by an undeniable rise of global greenhouse gas concentrations — is fueling typhoons, cyclones, and hurricanes into more wicked versions of the storms coastal cities around the world have always known.

To donate, go to or call 1-800-418-1111.

GREG [email protected]

Deeper trade with the Euro-pean Union will bring good jobs, economic growth and greater long-term prosperity to workers and businesses in key sectors of British Columbia.

� is historic agreement with the European Union is a big win for workers, businesses and families right here in British Columbia. � roughout the province, hard-working people of B.C. will ben-e� t, especially in key sectors of our local economy.

In addition to tari� elimina-tion, the Canada-European Union Trade Agreement (CETA) pro-vides improved access to Euro-pean markets for Canadian goods and services, greater certainty, transparency and protection for

investments, and new opportuni-ties in EU procurement markets.

CETA is an historic, 21st century, gold-standard agreement that is the foundation of the most ambi-tious trade expansion plan in our nation’s history. It is an agreement that will bring bene� ts to a wide range of sectors in every region of the country and is clear proof of our government’s commitment to opening new, large and dynamic markets to our exporters, workers and businesses.

An earlier joint study concluded that CETA could bring a 20-per-cent boost in bilateral trade and a $12-billion annual increase to Can-ada’s economy. � at is the equiva-lent of adding $1,000 to the average Canadian household’s income or

80,000 new jobs to the Canadian economy.

� e EU is Canada’s second-larg-est trading partner and the world’s largest integrated economy, with more than 500 million consumers and a GDP of $17 trillion. CETA is by far, Canada’s most ambitious trade initiative, broader and deep-er in scope than the historic North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

Bene� ts of the Canada-EU trade agreement for British Co-lumbia can be found online at

David Wilks is the Member of Parliament for the Kootenay Co-lumbia riding. He can be reached at 613-995-7246 or by email at [email protected] .

Canada-EU Trade Agreement bene� ts us

MP Report — David Wilks

It was incorrectly stated in last week's edition of � e Valley Echo that those participating in the local Operation Christmas Child shoebox campaign were required to donate $5 with their parcel for shipping. In fact, the fee is $7. We apologize for the error. A7The Valley Echo Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Word on the StreetWhat's your reaction to the recent super typhoon in the Philippines?








Every year towards the end of October, I get envious of my younger years when I lived in Europe and traveled every fall into Italy for food celebrations.

I based my holiday time on where to travel to try new foods, to discover new wine regions or visit friends who I made while working in London. My, how life has changed moving into this valley, having three kids and running my own business!

That being said, I am grateful for that time I had spent in an amazing country that focuses on food as a daily ritual from waking up in the morning until late at night.

One of my first visits to Italy took me to a friend's “nonna” (grandmother), who kindly invited me to stay with her. She spoke no English and myself, broken Italian, but once we got into

her kitchen, you would have never known we could not communicate through words. Action in the kitchen is a common language!

This woman taught me about dishes I only read about, and to be making them using all local products was an amazing experience. I jotted notes as we went along, and even drew pictures in my book where I had no words to comprehend what I was doing.

I was introduced to the family who took me to have pizza in Naples where, where it was appar-ently invented. (Every Italian has a different story as to where pizza was invented!)

We visited the island of Capri, where you chose your fish off the boat and had it cooked in the pier, and we walked the Amafi coast picking lemons larger than our average grocery store grapefruit.

On another trip, I devoured gelato for the first time sitting on a bridge in Florence, sipped Chi-anti in Greve, picked limes in Sienna, watched Italian men go on wild boar hunts, attempted truffle hunting with no luck and baked bread with a baker in Rome.

Yes, my past was full of experiences I look back on and hope to return to one day soon. If you chose to visit Italy, go in the fall when the tourists are gone and the food is at its peak.

The following recipe brings fond memories of Italy, and is one that I have immensely enjoyed making over the years.

There is so much more to write about this food, but limited space, so here is what I think is the best of the best!

An Italian late autumnFood From Scratch — Lara McCormack

� e Wilder family told their side of the story at the inquest into the May 2011 death of Patrick Wilder, held from Octo-ber 21st to 24th in Invermere court.� e newspaper reporter was not pres-ent for our testimonies in the court-room; we are now telling our side of the events leading up to Patrick Wilder’s death and how they relate to the recom-mendations made by the jurors.After Fairmont Hot Springs Resort was sold in 2006, Janet and Patrick Wilder bought an acreage near Burns Lake, B.C. and lived there for four years be-fore returning to Fairmont in 2010 to renovate their business, after a long-term renter had gone into receivership.When Patrick returned, he found that his business neighbour, Tony’s Greek Grill was using his property for park-ing, storage of refuse bins and signage. In fact, Tony renovated his property to provide access to parking on Patrick’s property. Unhappy with the situation, Patrick decided to mark his property to show where the property line was lo-cated.� e Wilder family believes that, con-trary to Mr. Stergiou's testimony at the

inquiry, he did threaten Patrick on the day Patrick was marking his property. Prompting Patrick to report the inci-dent to the police. At the inquest, Mr. Cameron Ward (the lawyer for our family) stated to police that Tony’s Greek Grill had become a hangout for the RCMP. Sta� Sgt. She-hovac stated that they often ate there and that Tony refused payment for the meals he served to the RCMP, and would only accept tips.On the evening of Patrick’s passing, he saw four police cars parked on his property south of Mr. Stergiou's restau-rant, and phoned in a complaint to the RCMP dispatch. Police records show the dispatcher remarked Patrick was “a real loony” when she forwarded Pat-rick's complaint to police.After the call, four police cars left Pat-rick's property, and he locked up the business and went home. A few min-utes later a police car pulled into the parking lot with its siren blasting and lights � ashing. An o� cer told me Pat-rick had said he was “going to end it all.” In disbelief, I told the o� cer I was going to search the house and outbuildings, but I couldn't � nd Patrick. I pleaded with the o� cers to leave Patrick alone.When the police found out that Patrick had a registered gun, I asked agin for them to give Patrick some space. (In total, I asked them at least seven times

to leave Patrick alone.) At the inquest, I told the court that at that point, police had changed their attitude from helping Patrick to treating him like a criminal.� e police left, and asked me to call them if Patrick came back. When he re-turned, I complied, believing the police wouldn't come back. But they did, and I met them at the outbuilding where patrick was, as the police banged on the door. I felt defeated; I felt there was nothing more I could do to help Patrick, so I gave police the key to the door, hop-ing he would be all right.I told the inquest that the police did not give Patrick any options; they never of-fered to get him some help, or take him to see a doctor. We pleaded with Patrick not to take his life, but it was to no avail.It's important to share the fact that in August 2003, Patrick had been taken into police custody after an altercation when o� cers arrived in response to a noise complaint from a party Patrick's kids were having. � ey took him into police custody, where Patrick tried to commit suicide twice. � is was the only time Patrick had ever tried to take his life. Since all documents were purged, there is no record of this incident and subsequent attempts of suicide.At the inquest, jurors came up with the following recommendation: that the commanding o� cer of the RCMP in B.C. and the chiefs of all municipal de-

tachments in the province review cur-rent practices and policies related to the current � le management systems, and to ensure appropriate retention periods for information relating to the con� rmed suicide attempts and other mental health incidents in which police and medical intervention is required.At the inquest, I said that if police o� -cers have time to call for tracking dogs, they have time to call a mental health practitioner. � e second recommen-dation made by the jurors is that the provincial health minister consider the feasibility of establishing a network of mental health professionals available to assist front line police o� cers during their investigations of and interactions with suicidal people.It is our family's hope that these recommendations will serve and protect others from the same demise as that of Patrick Wilder.� e transcript from the coroner’s inquest into the death of Patrick Wilder will not be available to our family un-til December 2013. We will make the verbatim transcript available to anyone who is interested in reading it.We lost a loving husband, father, brother, loyal friend and a great � shing partner.

Janet Wilder Fairmont Hot Springs

A family's view on a tragedy


A8 Wednesday, November 13, 2013 The Valley Echo

Send your events [email protected]


THURS NOVEMBER 14•Hang out night at the Summit Youth Centre, 3:30 - 9 p.m.

FRI NOVEMBER 15•Summit Youth Centre dance at the Commu-nity Hall, 7 - 11 p.m. Open to youth ages 12-18. Tickets $7, on sale at the Summit or at DTSS. For more information, email Magali at [email protected].

SAT NOVEMBER 16•Craft and home busi-ness sale at the Canal Flats Civic Centre, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Crafts, baking, jewelry, Avon, and more. Lunch avail-able. For more informa-tion, call 250-349-5447.•Hang out night at the Summit Youth Centre, 5:30 - 11 p.m.•Brisco Riding Club Awards Night Ceremo-ny, 6 p.m. Tickets $15 (single), $25 (family). Contact Virginia at 250-341-1419.

SUN NOVEMBER 17•Christmas Craft Ba-zaar at the Edgewater Legion, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Lunch from 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m., $6 for soup and a bun or beef dip. Both choices include dessert and coffee.

MON NOVEMBER 18• WV Saddle Club AGM and dinner. 6 p.m. at the Rocky River Grill. Call Lisa for more info: 250-341-3983.• Jumbo Creek Conser-vation Society AGM. 7:30 p.m. at the DTSS Theatre, doors open at 7 p.m. Special guest speaker: Paul Bauman, Archeological Physicist. Admission by donation.

WED NOVEMBER 20•Cranium night at the Summit Youth Centre, 3:30 - 9 p.m.

THURS NOVEMBER 21•Learn to crochet at the Summit Youth Centre, 3:30 - 9 p.m.

FRI NOVEMBER 22•Spaghetti dinner and movie night at the Sum-mit Youth Centre, 5:30 - 11 p.m. Dinner starts at 7:00 p.m. Please con-firm your presence for dinner by Thursday, November 21st. •ICAN dinner and Raise the Woof Com-edy Show at Invermere Community Hall to raise money for a new rescue and adoption centre. 6 - 11 p.m. MC

Dave McGrath, din-ner by Anne Riches, live auctions by Tex Lortscher. Doors open 6:00 p.m., dinner 7:00 p.m., followed by a stand up comedy show. Ages 19+. Tickets $50 at The Book Bar, ICAN, Invermere Vet Hospi-tal, Fairmont Gift Shop, Furry Companions. For info call 250-341-7888.•Canterbury Carols Christmas Market at In-terior World in support of the Family Resource Centre. Runs November 22nd - December 22nd on the following days: Thursdays and Fridays, 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.; Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.; and Sundays, 12:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Events will include pic-tures with Santa.

SAT NOVEMBER 23•Hoodoo Quilters Christmas Craft Sale, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Fairmont Hot Springs Resort.• Winter Magic exhibi-tion opens at Effusion Art Gallery, 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Christine Simpson artist demonstration and artist Sigrid Sharp will be at the gallery to discuss painting, both from 4-8 p.m. Show runs until December 31st. Also for light up, come and enjoy hot apple cider, and hand-painted ornaments for sale to benefit the Sum-mit Youth Centre. For more info, visit•Elk Park Christmas Ba-zaar, 12 - 4 p.m. at Elk Park Ranch. Also runs November 24th. For more info, email [email protected]•Light Up festival, In-vermere. Main Street will be closed from 5 - 8 p.m., with fire pits and fun activities along the street. Entertainment on the main stage at Cenotaph Park, food and beverage vendors, late night shopping and the annual holiday window display com-petition. Please note, this year Santa's Den will be set up on Sun-day, November 24th.•Enjoy the Light Up Festival with the Sum-mit Youth Centre crew, 4:30 - 10 p.m.•Santa Claus Parade, as part of Light Up, 6 p.m., downtown Invermere.

SUN NOVEMBER 24•Super Sunday, down-town Invermere, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Holiday shopping events at

downtown merchants. Santa will be in his Den to see all the kids and to find out what they want for Christmas.

WED NOVEMBER 27•Hang out Night at the Summit Youth Centre, 3:30 - 9 p.m.

THURS NOVEMBER 28•Swimming at Radium Hot Springs with the Summit Youth Cen-tre. Leaving at 6:30pm. Please confirm your presence by Wednes-day, November 27.

FRI NOVEMBER 29•$6 Soup, bun and des-sert at the Edgewater Legion, 12 p.m.•Bingo night at the Summit Youth Centre, 5:30 - 11 p.m.

SAT NOVEMBER 30•Sport Day from Coast to Coast to Coast in Can-ada with the Summit Youth Centre, 1 - 5 p.m.

EVERY THURSDAY•Weekly Texas Hold 'Em Poker tournament at the Invermere Legion, 7 p.m. $35 buy-in; no re-buys. Cash payouts.•Open Mic night at the Hoodoo Grill, 9:30 p.m.

EVERY FRIDAY•Baby Goose program for parents and babies up to 18 months. 9:30-11:30 a.m. at Eileen Madson Primary. [email protected].•Preschool Story Time at the Invermere Public Library, 10:30 a.m. For info visit•Public Indoor Rock Climbing, Laird School, 5-8 p.m., $5.

EVERY SATURDAY•Public Indoor Rock Climbing, Laird School, 5-8 p.m., $5.

EVERY SUNDAY•Drop-in roller skating, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., $5, Gla-cier Peaks Gymnastics building, 250-342-5321•Public Indoor Rock Climbing, Laird School, 5-8 p.m., $5.•Invermere Badminton Club meets, 7:30 - 10 p.m. at the DTSS gym.

EVERY 2nd SUNDAY•LW Alliance Church Sing and Celebrate, 7 p.m. For more infor-mation call Clarence Stauffer, 250-342-9580.

1st & 3rd MONDAY•Bingo at the Canal Flats Civic Centre, 7 p.m.

Remember When?

10 years ago (2003): An early morning inferno in Lakeview Meadows on November 16th destroyed an under-construction multi-million dollar home that was less than a month away from being completed. The Win-dermere Fire Department spent over eight hours trying to contain the blaze. No other homes were damaged.

15 years ago (1998): A weekend backcountry outing in Yoho National Park for six students from the University of Calgary turned tragic when the party was caught in an avalanche. The six hikers were near Abbott's Pass when the snow suddenly gave way. The ensuing slide caused the hikers to tumble more than 200 feet, burying Susanna Donald, 18. She did not survive.

20 years ago (1993): Inver-mere's new 13th Street side-walk, which was expected to

cost $40,000, had a cost over-run of $10,000. The added cost was due to last-minute design changes that called for added grading and excavation. The additional funds necessitated a budget amendment bylaw that was given three readings by Invermere council.

25 years ago (1988): A Columbia Valley man who asked a prostitute to kill his parents pleaded guilty in Alberta provincial court on October 27th to counsel-ling a person to commit an indictable offence. Twenty-one-year-old Jody Raiche of Radium Hot Springs was sen-tenced on November 25th. On September 18th, Mr. Raiche went to a prostitute and of-fered her $30,000 to kill his parents. According to Crown Prosecutor Gary Belecki, Mr. Raiche would have benefited from a $300,000 life insurance policy on his parents.

30 years ago (1983): The Valley Flower Shop held its grand opening in its new lo-cation, on Invermere's 7th Avenue on November 18th, 1983. Free roses and carna-tions were given to all who at-tended. The business took up the first floor of the building while above it were the offices of architect Mark Hendrick-son and barrister and solici-

tor Bill MacDonald.35 years ago (1978): There

was a 60 per cent turnout rate for a municipal election held on November 18th, 1978. George Eacrett and Gary Dal-ke were elected as Invermere aldermen, while George Deck was chosen as a Regional Di-rector of East Kootenay direc-tor. Jean Knowles was elected school trustee.

40 years ago (1973): The Athalmer Improvement Dis-trict and Invermere Village Council reached an agree-ment on fire protection costs for the community of Athalmer. Council had want-ed Athalmer to contribute $2,000 annually; Athalmer of-fered $1,500. They reached a compromise of $1,700.

50 years ago (1963): "Wa-ter, water everywhere and not a drop to waste," was the thinking of weary Inver-mere village council mem-bers, after wading through an agenda that dealt largely with that fluid commod-ity. A delegation from the Westside Improvement Dis-trict spoke with council about costs around the Paddy Ryan Lakes water supply. Later on, a homeowner sought partial reimbursement for the cost of constructing a water line to his residence.

A look back through The Valley Echo's archives over the last 50 years

Echo filE photoNovember 2003 — Glitz and glamour was all the rage at the Invermere Community Hall on November 8th during the community fashion show. Sandra Beingessner (left) appears as a Beauty, along with her companion, the Beast.

ANGELA KREBSadvertising@

Wednesday, November 13, 2013 The Valley Echo A9


Visit for our current events calendar, or call 250-342-4423.

What does ARTmean to you?

Like us on Facebook/pynelogsOr visit our website for up to date cultural

Mauve Friday is Coming.Black Friday will never be the same.

Mauve Friday is Coming.Black Friday will never be the same.

4992 Fairmont Frontage Rd.250-345-6133

Hi Everyone, I’m NIKKI. I NEED a home REALLY

soon, either by adoption or in a foster home. I am

a quiet, senior girl, about 10 years old, and I do love human company.

As I don’t really like other cats, life at the

shelter is lonely for me. PLEASE, won’t

YOU take me into your life? I’ll reward

you with lots of “ki� y kisses”!

ICAN – Invermere Companion Animal Network

Available for AdoptionHi Everyone, I’m

I NEEDsoonor in a foster home. I am

a quiet, senior girl, about 10 years old, and I do love human company.

other cats, life at the

you with lots of “ki� y

Adoption Fee: $100 (to help o� set spay/neuter

and vet bills)

Sponsored by:

250-341-7888Photo courtesy of Tanya De Leeuw Photography

Canal Flats Civic Centre

Craft & Home Business SaleSaturday, November 16th10 a.m. - 3 p.m.Crafts, baking, jewelry, Avon ...and much more!Lunch available.

For more information, call


� e Columbia Valley constantly attracts new homeowners with its many enticing features, and for Invermere painter Cathy Parkes, it was the wildlife, hiking, and mountains which brought her and her husband to the valley � ve years ago.

Before packing up from Oakville, Ontario, Cathy was a producer with Nelvana – the creators of the cartoon Franklin and Friends. She met her husband, Steve Fitch, who was a cartoonist, at Sheridan Col-lege in Oakville through the anima-tion program. � e two made careers out of their study, and when com-puter-generated imagery became ubiquitous, Cathy and Steve decided to call it quits.

"Without the drawing it just wasn't the same," Cathy said. "Sometimes it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks."

Shortly after visiting the valley as their children were working in construction, the couple fell in love with the land and moved west � ve years ago. Cathy became a full-time painter the following year.

Wildlife is her most common subject, followed by landscapes. Ideas for her art come from the wild-life and scenery a� orded by the many local hiking trails – where Cathy some-

times sketches what she sees, but prefers to photograph it, before paint-ing her inspirations onto a canvas.

"I try to wander through the park, and I have a camera with a very long lens so I don't have to get close to wildlife," she said.

She said that her paintings o� er a whimsical feel to the wildlife, adding that B.C.'s natural surroundings were a major reason for their move.

"� is is one of the last areas in Cana-da where you can view so much wild-life," she said.

Cathy's been an avid birder since she was a young child, and shared her appreciation for the annual Wings Over the Rockies celebration in the valley.

"To go out with experts who know about all the local species – the amount of birds around here is really surprising," she said.

Since becoming a full-time artist, Cathy has gotten over a stage fright of painting in front of people, and she'll be demonstrating her work at the Big Christmas Craft Fair at Invermere Community Hall on Friday, Decem-ber 6th, and Saturday, December 7th.

Signed "C. Parkes", her work can also be seen around town at Strands Old House Restaurant, Village Arts, and La Galeria II in Fairmont. � e canvases range from tiny to large, and Cathy has also been known to stroke her brushes onto feathers.

Valley artist came west to paint

DAN WALTON/VALLEY ECHO PHOTO Invermere painter Cathy Parkes found abundant inspiration after moving to the Columbia Valley to pursue an artistic career fi ve years ago.

DAN [email protected]

GNOCHIGood for 6-8 portions

3 pounds russet potatoes2 cups all-purpose � our1 egg, extra large1 pinch salt1/2 cup olive oil

Boil the whole potatoes until they are soft (about 45 minutes). While still warm, peel and pass through a vegeta-ble mill onto clean pasta board.

Set 6 quarts of water to boil in a large spaghetti pot. Set up an ice bath with 6 cups of ice and 6 cups of near boiling water in a large bowl.

Make a well in centre of the potatoes and sprinkle all over with � our, using all the � our. Place egg and salt in the cen-tre of the well and using a fork, stir into � our and potatoes, just like making nor-mal pasta. Once egg is mixed in, bring dough together, kneading gently until a ball is formed. Knead gently another 4 minutes until the ball is dry to touch.

Roll a baseball-sized ball of dough into 3/4-inch diameter ropes and cut ropes into 1-inch long pieces. Flick pieces o� of a fork or concave side of cheese grater until the rope is � nished. Drop these pieces into boiling water and cook until they � oat (about 1 min-ute). Meanwhile, continue with remain-ing dough, forming ropes, cutting into 1-inch pieces and � icking o� of your

fork. As gnocchi � oat to top of boiling water, remove them to the ice bath. Continue until all have been cooled o� . Let sit several minutes in bath and drain from ice and water. Toss with 1/2 cup of olive oil and store covered in refrigerator up to 48 hours until ready to serve.

Gnocchi is excellent with walnut basil pesto, a touch more Parmesan cheese and a couple twists of fresh pepper. Oh – and a glass of Chianti!

Lara McCormack is one of the own-ers of From Scratch – A Mountain Kitchen in Fairmont Hot Springs where one can savor great seasonal food, sip from a selection of beverages including BC wines and enjoy the views of our gorgeous valley landscape.


A10 Wednesday, November 13, 2013 The Valley Echo

We’re ready... are you?


�e NEWSpaper in the Columbia Valley

Dean Midyette, Advertising Representative

Email: [email protected]: 250-341-6299

Deadline to book: November 29th

Publishing date: December 24th & 27th

The Valley Echo will publish 5000 copies of a community events calendar for 2014, featuring the best photos from our 2013 photo archives! This year, we will be inserting the calendar into both The Valley Echo and The Columbia Valley Echo newspapers.

You can participate by purchasing an ad that will appear on each month’s page. A banner ad will appear on one month, and a smaller ‘button’ ad will appear on the other 11 months’ pages. Book your space as soon as possible as choice of months for banner ads will be on a ‘� rst-come, � rst-serve’ basis.

We will compile the events planned for 2014 and print them on the calendar. But wait… we will also update the calendar each month and publish the updated version, complete with all ads, the last week of the preceding month in The Valley Echo.

Your investment? Just $650 with payment options!We will bill you $300 in December and $300 in January 2014; the other $50 will be charged when your banner appears on the calendar in The Echo.

Just think – one calendar where ALL the events in the region will be clearly dated.In summary: You get one banner ad on the calendar, 11 button ads on the calendar AND one banner ad in The Valley Echo… all for just $650!

The Valley Echo will publish 5000 copies of a community events The Valley Echo will publish 5000 copies of a community events calendar for 2014, featuring the best photos from our 2013 photo calendar for 2014, featuring the best photos from our 2013 photo calendar for 2014, featuring the best photos from our 2013 photo The Valley Echo will publish 5000 copies of a community events calendar for 2014, featuring the best photos from our 2013 photo

archives! This year, we will be inserting the calendar into both The Valley Echo and The Columbia Valley Pioneer newspapers.

Advertisers get one banner ad on the calendar, 11 button ads on the calendar AND one banner ad in The Valley Echo…

all for just $650!


�e NEWSpaper in the Columbia Valley

To book, contact Angela or Dean, Advertising RepresentativesEmail: [email protected]: 250-341-6299

1) Help Stimulate the Local Business EconomyWhen you make a purchase from a local business, that business

owner will often make purchases locally.2) Local Jobs and Better JobsWhen you shop locally, the employees are typically both paid more

and they have more control over the way in which the business runs.3) More Local InvestmentLocal business people are much more likely to be involved in local

organizations and events, politics and are often property owners.4) Create More Local CharacterShopping local gives us the opportunity to own items that are

unique to our area, with our values and interests.5) � e Environmental ImpactLocally produced products do not have to be shipped as far as oth-

ers. And local producers are more likely to be concerned about their impact on pollution and energy use.

6) Continually Building CommunityWhen you personally know the merchant from whom you make a

purchase, you have a connection to that person.7) Better Customer Service and SatisfactionLocal business owners have a lot at stake and they know that alien-

ating a customer will have a huge impact on business.8) Add to Cultural Diversity A big corporation can only have a limited number of product for

sale so they must choose the most generic products hoping to ap-peal to the largest number of customers.

9) More Customer ChoiceFor customers looking for specialty products, the choices are near-

ly non existent without local businesses.10) Support for the CommunitySmall businesses often contribute much more to local charities

and organizations.

Shop Local for a chance to win a Christmas Shopping Spree

A fantastic local shopping opportunity awaits one lucky individual this holi-day season in the Columbia Val-ley. � e valley's heritage newspa-per, � e Valley Echo, is o� ering a $1,500 Christmas Shopping Spree to the winner of a Shop Local con-test that starts on Saturday, No-vember 23rd during Invermere's annual Light Up festival.

During Light Up, look for ballot boxes at participating businesses bearing both � e Valley Echo and the Columbia Valley Pioneer logos. Ballots will be handed out at the discretion of store sta� (typically in exchange for purchases and/or serious inquiries) to shoppers 18 years or older. Shoppers are then invited to complete their bal-lot, which will be their entry into the Christmas Shopping Spree contest. � e more you shop local during Light Up, the more ballots you will receive; the more ballots you receive, the better your odds of winning the $1,500 Christmas Shopping Spree grand prize!

And it doesn't stop there. A complete list of all the contest's participating businesses will appear in the centre spread of � e Valley Echo

for four consecutive weeks starting on Wednesday, November 27th through to Wednesday, December 18th, giv-ing serious local shoppers with their eye on the $1,500 prize a competitive

advantage. For these four weeks, it will be a local shopping free-for-all with no limit on the number of ballots any one

individual can enter.� en, on the afternoon of

� ursday, December 19th, a draw will determine the Christmas Shopping Spree contest winner, who will have two days to scout out what they want to buy at partici-

pating business before they are personally escorted on a

one-hour Christmas Shopping Spree (a stopwatch will mea-sure store time, not travel time)

by a Valley Echo/Pioneer sta� member on Saturday, December 21st. � e contest winner will be able

to spend a maximum of $250 at a min-imum of six participating businesses during their whirlwind Christmas Shopping Spree,

which will be followed by a taste of celebrity status after their photo appears in the paper...

So get your Christmas lists ready to shop lo-cal this holiday season for a chance to support your local business community and win big!

NICOLE [email protected]

Shop-Local CanadaSpecial to The Valley Echo

10 reasons to shop local

A fantastic local shopping opportunity awaits one lucky individual this holi-day season in the Columbia Val-ley. � e valley's heritage newspa-

, is o� ering a $1,500 Christmas Shopping Spree to the winner of a Shop Local con-test that starts on Saturday, No-vember 23rd during Invermere's

During Light Up, look for ballot boxes at participating businesses

and the logos. Ballots

will be handed out at the discretion of store sta� (typically in exchange for purchases and/or serious inquiries) to shoppers 18 years or older. Shoppers are then invited to complete their bal-lot, which will be their entry into the Christmas Shopping Spree contest. � e more you shop local during Light Up, the more ballots you will receive; the more ballots you receive, the better your odds of winning the $1,500 Christmas Shopping Spree grand prize!

for four consecutive weeks starting on Wednesday, November 27th through to Wednesday, December 18th, giv-ing serious local shoppers with their eye on the $1,500 prize a competitive

advantage. For these four weeks, it will be a local shopping free-for-all with no limit on the number of ballots any one

individual can enter.� en, on the afternoon of

� ursday, December 19th, a draw will determine the Christmas Shopping Spree contest winner, who will have two days to scout out what they want to buy at partici-

pating business before they are personally escorted on a

one-hour Christmas Shopping Spree (a stopwatch will mea-sure store time, not travel time)

by a Valley Echo/Pioneermember on Saturday, December 21st. � e contest winner will be able

to spend a maximum of $250 at a min-imum of six participating businesses during their whirlwind Christmas Shopping Spree,

which will be followed by a taste of celebrity status after their photo appears in the paper...

Shop Local for a chance to win 10 reasons to shop local

Shop Local Christmas Shopping Spree

Wednesday, November 13, 2013 The Valley Echo A11

Located in Interior World

From November 22nd thru December 22nd (Open Friday thru Sunday)

Interested Cottage Industry Vendors please call 250-342-5566.

A participating business in the Invermere Christmas

Shopping Spree.

Canterbury Carols Christmas Market

Remember Join Give� ank you to the entire community for the outstanding support of the Poppy


Royal Canadian Legion Branch #199 Edgewater

Christmas Craft BazaarNovember 17th, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Lunch11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

$6 for soup and a bun or beef dip, both include dessert

and co� ee.

To book a table call Vi at 250-347-0044.


T he

asks you to....


Proceeds go to support the Windermere Elementary School Grade 7 students’ community/leadership initiatives. To purchase your

poinsettias, contact 250-342-6640 or email [email protected] by November 22nd. Delivery on December 4th.

15” plant$13

(Comes in red, pink or white)

22” plant$35

(Comes in red only)

Holiday Planter$35

(4 plants, mixed colours)

$13 $35 $35


Proceeds go to support the Windermere Elementary School Grade

15” plant

(Comes in red, pink or white)(Comes in red, pink or white)

The Invermere Public Library Board is seeking a Library Director to lead

and inspire its team.

See for details. Application deadline is Friday,

November 29th, 2013 at 5 p.m.


Clockwise from top left: A Remembrance Day procession to the Canal Flats Cenotaph was led by Ella Byklum, 9, (left) and Teagan DuBois, 9, with Columbia Valley RCMP Staff Sgt. Marko Shehovac close behind wearing the Red Serge; the Canal Flats Cenotaph was decorated with wreaths with the Canadian fl ag in the background (photos by Greg Amos); Pat Cope (left) stands by while Comrade Howie Williams recites "In Flanders Field" at the Invermere Remembrance Day ceremony; the Columbia Garden Village representa-tive solemnly waits his turn to lay his wreath at the Invermere ceremony; a young cadet stands guard at the decorated Cenotaph in Invermere; Pieter Jensen plays his bagpipes for the Lament in Invermere; the Columbia Valley RCMP detachment in Red Serge during the parade leaves Invermere Cenotaph Park; veteran representives also in the Invermere parade (photos by Nicole Trigg).

Remembrance DayNovember 11th, 2013

A12 Wednesday, November 13, 2013 The Valley Echo

Goals were few and far between when the Columbia Valley Rockies hosted the Sicamous Eagles on Friday, November 8th, but with help from the new goal-tender and e� ective special teams, the Rockies were able to snap their six-game losing streak.

Sicamous, in the Okanagan/Shuswap conference, is com-parable in the stand-ings to Columbia Valley – both held

w i n - p e r c e n t a g e s around 0.450 heading into Friday's match.

What the game lacked in goals, it made up for in gritty play. And with no shortage of penalties for both teams, the Rockies were � rst to capitalize.

Halfway through the opening period, Mitch Rosko scored a power play goal with help from Adam Pul-liam and Doan Smith.

� e aggression con-tinued through the

second period, but no team was able to change the 1 – 0 until the third.

With under half of the � nal period re-maining, Doan Smith scored on the power play to give Columbia Valley a two-goal lead.

Mr. Smith's goal

came after receiving some valuable ad-vice from head coach Wade Dubielewicz, who advised the for-ward to charge the goalie, as Mr. Du-bielewicz noticed the Eagles goalie has a habit of faking play-ers out while han-

dling the puck."� e goalie shot the

puck right into Doan, and then fell on his stick and Doan shot it right into the empty net," explained gen-eral manager Ross Bidinger.

And while the sec-ond goal put the Rockies in a com-fortable position, the Eagles were able to bring themselves within one, as Matt Matche earned Si-camous a power play goal.

As the � nal minute of play approached, Columbia Valley was short a man, and Si-camous pulled their goalie for a 6-on-4 advantage.


KIJHL Standings

Team GP W L T PTS.

Creston Valley Thundercats 20 12 8 0 24

Kimberley Dynamiters 20 10 9 1 21

Fernie Ghostriders 19 9 9 0 19

Columbia Valley Rockies 21 7 9 3 19

Golden Rockets 21 6 13 0 14

Team GP W L T PTS.

Nelson Leafs 20 15 1 1 34

Beaver Valley Nitehawks 20 13 5 1 28

Castlegar Rebels 23 11 9 0 25

Grand Forks Border Bruins 18 8 7 2 19

Spokane Braves 21 6 12 0 15

Kootenay Conference - Eddie Mountain Division

Kootenay Conference - Neil Murdoch Division

Team GP W L T PTS.

Radium Petro-Canada 9 6 2 1 13

Inside Edge 9 6 3 0 12

Warwick Interiors 9 5 3 1 11

Hi-Heat 9 4 5 0 8

Huckleberry’s 9 4 5 0 8

Arrowhead Brewsky’s 9 4 5 0 8

Kicking Horse Coffee 9 3 6 0 6

Aquair 9 2 5 2 6

Oldtimer Hockey StandingsRegular Season

Have a sports [email protected]

or 250-341-6299

Geoff HillMaxWell Realty Invermere

[email protected]


Coats For FamiliesThe Women’s Resource Centre will be collecting gently used coats

for families in the CV. Please bring in clean laundered coats in good condition only.

Drop off begins November 1st – 15thPick up begins November 18th – 22nd from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

at The Invermere Legion (alternative arrangements can be made if necessary)

Drop off locations: Women’s Resource Centre, 926-7th Ave LL Frater Landing – Monday to

Friday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Fairmont Mountainside Market, Radium Mountainside Market and

AG Valley Foods, Invermere. Pick up 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Invermere Legion,

For more information please call The Women’s Resource Centre at 250-341-3963.

905 7 Ave, Invermere

• ph: 250-342-0012 • fax: 250-342-0085

[email protected][email protected]

picture framing

lighting &

home decor

Home Games



Saturday, November 16th

7:30 p.m.


Sunday, November 17th

1:00 p.m.

Losing streak snapped as Rockies beat EaglesDAN [email protected]

DAN WALTON/VALLEY ECHO PHOTOColumbia Valley Rockies captain Adam Pulliam dekes out a Sicamous Eagles forward with a crafty pivot during last Friday's game. The Rockies beat the Eagles by a score of 3 – 1.


Wednesday, November 13, 2013 The Valley Echo A13



Information & dealers: 1-800-A NEW-POT or Not all locations open Sunday. Quantities limited, please be early. Sale items may not be exactly as shown.


72% OFF! Our 11pc Canadiana Cookware set is made from 18/10 stainless steel and features an impact bonded base that’s safe for all stovetops of modern kitchens, including induction. Durable riveted handles, no-drip lips, oven and dishwasher safe, the Canadiana is built to last and we stand behind it with our exceptional 25 year warranty. Set includes: 1.5L, 2L, 3L saucepans, 6L stock pot, 2.5L steamer, 24cm/9.5” frying pan, 20cm/8” ceramic non-stick frying pan, and 4 covers. List: $899.00.


64% OFF!45cm extra large high dome 18/10 stainless steel roasting pan. Includes rack for easy lifting and riveted handles. List: $249.99.


50% OFF!4pc deluxe mixing bowl set with lids. 18/10 stainless steel with interior measurements and silicone non-slip base available in blue and red.List: $69.99.


available in blue and red.

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61% OFF! 20pc Belmont fl atware set.List: $89.99.


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and oven safe silicone grip. PFOA layer of non-stick coating. Features an ergonomic bakeware. Made from durable steel with a unique triple

UP TO 71% OFF!Stainless steel Nature Trust pan with enviro-friendly ceramic coating, PFOA and PTFE Free. Safe for induction stovetops.20cm/8” Nature Trust fry pan. List: $139.99. Now $39.99!24cm/9.5” Nature Trust fry pan. List: $159.99. Now $44.99!28cm/11” Nature Trust fry pan. List: $179.99. Now $59.99!

Stainless steel Nature Trust pan with enviro-friendly ceramic coating, PFOA and PTFE Free. Safe for induction stovetops.

Now $39.99!

CRANBROOKHome Hardware Building Centre1901 McPhee Rd.

FERNIEFernie Home Hardware Building Centre 300 Manitou Rd.

GOLDENGolden Home Hardware Building Centre912 – 15th St. South

INVERMEREInvermere Home Hardware Building Centre9980 Arrow Rd.

Behind the WheelUpdate your DrivingSkills and Knowledge

Alcohol and the Learner Driver SupervisorYou may have seen last week’s minor media tempest regarding a grandfather who had consumed a few drinks and then hopped into the passenger seat to supervise his grandson, the learner driver. They encountered a police road check and grandpa found himself on the receiving end of an Immediate Roadside Prohibition (IRP) for blowing a fail. Who would have thought that the supervisor of a new driver needed to be sober?

Hello? What does a supervisor do? The verb supervise may be de� ned as “to direct or oversee the performance or operation of.” This means that this grandpa had a responsibility to both his grandson and other road users. His job was to insure that the grandson operated the vehicle correctly and to intervene if necessary. There is no doubt in my mind that having a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 100 mg% (.10) or more is an abdication of his responsibility.

The legal concept involved here is that of being in care and control of a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol or a drug. It applies for both Criminal Code and Motor Vehicle Act offences. Grandpa could have been tried and convicted criminally for his actions instead of being dealt with as an IRP. I know, I investigated and prosecuted both an impaired beginner and supervisor out of the same vehicle in the early 1980’s.

So, in addition to zero blood alcohol for the new driver, the supervisor needs to have a BAC under 50 mg% (.05). Ideally, the supervisor should have a zero blood alcohol requirement too. I don’t imagine that it would be too dif� cult to amend the Motor Vehicle Act to include this and make the situation explicit.

The author is a retired constable with many years of traf� c law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more please visit

Tuesday to Friday: 9:00 – 12:30 and 1:00 – 5:00 • Saturday: 9:00 – 2:30

101A 1028 7 Avenue PO Box 130Invermere BC • Phone: 250-342-2175 • Fax: 250-342-2669


News delivered to you!Subscribe to

the Valley Echo today!

Invermere's Tryg Strand is making waves in the British Columbia Hockey League (BCHL), as the Port Alberni Bulldogs captain scored eight points in three games during the week of November 3rd, earning him the title of BCHL Player of the Week.

The BCHL website reported "the Invermere, B.C. native opened with two assists and a second star in a win over Coquitlam, had a helper in a loss to Surrey and finished with a big five-point outing that included two goals and a 1st Star honour in a win over Chilliwack."

The three games were attended by his parents, Tim and Donna Strand, who chose a good time of the season to make the flight to

the coast.But Tim doesn't think that his son's

performance was made any easier with him and Donna watching from the stands.

"We see quite a few of his games – but we were lucky to be able to go out for that one because he had such a good weekend," he said.

Before making his way to Port Alberni, Tryg had his first taste of junior hockey on the Columbia Valley Rockies, where he played six games until moving on from the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League to the BCHL.

Tryg is with the Bulldogs for his third season, and the team finished on top of their division last year, Tim said. Tryg leads his team in points, with 10 goals and 13 assists in 23 games.

Valley hockey player named BCHL Player of the WeekDAN [email protected]

Shortly after the Rockies penalty expired, a pass from Nigel Swab gave Damon Raven the empty-net insurance for the team's first win in eight games.

Conrad McMillan, who was called up after goaltender Brody Nelson's injury, blocked 31 of 32 shots against the Rockies for his first win with Columbia Valley.

He remains a contender for the starting po-sition with Mr. Nelson now back after being kept out of the lineup due to a concussion.

"Whether it's Conrad or Brody, that doesn't so much affect us," said Mr. Smith. "We still know what we have to do, and no matter who

we have in net we have confidence that both goalies will stop enough pucks to give us a chance to win every night."

"Whoever's hot will play,” added Mr. Bidinger.

Team captain Adam Pulliam will be shav-ing his thick, handlebar mustache off at the end of the month in support of the Movember campaign.

The Rockies will be in Revelstoke on Friday, November 15th, for a matchup with the Griz-zlies at 7 p.m. Their next home game is the following night, Saturday, November 16th against the Creston Valley Thunder Cats.

'ROCKIES' fROm PagE a12


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T he

A14 Wednesday, November 13, 2013 The Valley Echo

The Valley Echo's 2013/2014

NHL Hockey Pool Standings

Sponsored by:

Rank Team Total LW GM P/G Rank Team Total LW GM P/G

1 Kosty 27 314 55 10 0.872 Puff Pastry 2 311 50 17 0.903 Ken Reid 304 58 26 0.88T4 Ivy 302 48 34 0.90T4 Mags57 2 302 60 12 0.86 T6 Liam 10 3 300 56 19 0.85T6 Dave’s Laff ers 300 55 20 0.868 Cotton Swab 4 2 299 58 30 0.87T9 Lis 296 51 8 0.82T9 Craiger 296 49 21 0.85T9 Pullz 28 3 296 39 24 0.84T12 Kogging 295 48 37 0.88T12 Lawson 23 295 41 37 0.8914 Kappdaddy26 294 58 17 0.8415 “The Zach Attacks” 293 52 20 0.83T16 Toucan 01 291 53 21 0.84T16 Double-Duece 2 291 44 14 0.8318 Flames Suck 289 51 18 0.81 19 Plum 24 288 46 14 0.8220 Crew Slut 286 47 17 0.81T21 Van Fan 285 44 22 0.79T21 Kimmer 285 45 19 0.80T21 B.the.B.B.B. 2 285 54 22 0.82T21 Magic Mitch 25 285 40 32 0.86T25 G Rohrick 15 2 284 52 38 0.83T25 Love the B’s 284 46 24 0.84T27 King Chris 2 283 41 14 0.80T27 Harley 2 283 49 17 0.81T29 Dace 58 282 48 29 0.84T29 MN1 282 39 17 0.79T31 Go Habs Go 281 53 17 0.82T31 Jagar 20 281 48 22 0.79T31 Dirty Doan 12 and t 281 41 35 0.84T31 Aces N Eights 3 281 51 22 0.82T35 Stick63 2 279 46 30 0.83T35 Rockies 3 279 49 20 0.77T35 Professor 05 279 43 35 0.8238 JHaley11 3 278 44 41 0.8639 Dicks Pix 277 35 40 0.83T40 Jake 2 275 45 30 0.80T40 Paige 13 2 275 44 31 0.81T40 Rockies super fan 275 51 26 0.81T43 MM88 274 53 33 0.79T43 Harley 10 274 52 39 0.81T43 Troll 6 274 40 24 0.78T46 Hair Haven 273 44 38 0.83T46 Zman 3 273 49 45 0.86T46 Injured reserve 16 273 53 21 0.80T49 PMD 2 272 38 46 0.81T49 Snakitov13 2 272 44 37 0.82T49 Pouncy’s Pals 3 272 45 39 0.83

T49 The Boyz 272 43 20 0.8053 DR19 271 42 33 0.81T54 Yolo Swagins 270 52 40 0.81T54 Westside Dan 2 270 32 31 0.77T54 Brennan 270 54 44 0.82T54 Bergeeo 7 270 55 48 0.84T58 Brodes 269 41 45 0.85T58 R’s Rockets 3 269 45 32 0.80T58 Jye 3 269 42 32 0.8061 Skeeter 31 267 52 42 0.8162 Dusty 21 266 51 25 0.78T63 Schlittsy06 2 265 58 54 0.83T63 Major Snipes 265 47 41 0.79T65 Snake53 3 264 41 35 0.78T65 Chick Magnet 264 49 25 0.76T67 Dylan 4 2 263 49 50 0.81T67 ACF 2 263 41 31 0.77T67 The Goalie Guy 2 263 51 43 0.80T67 Nelly 263 45 47 0.80T67 Nelson 30 2 263 42 32 0.80T72 Heidi 262 36 49 0.80T72 LBO 2 262 50 29 0.77T74 Ryann 7 2 261 40 42 0.82T74 Cian 3 261 39 53 0.8176 Long Rock 3 259 39 40 0.79T77 Rock 50 258 47 33 0.76T77 Dumpandpump 15 258 43 37 0.79T77 Badtothe Boone 22 3 258 42 34 0.77T77 David 258 48 54 0.79T81 Rockies 18 257 39 29 0.74T81 Matt Cable 257 60 33 0.75T81 Naho Rubicon 2 257 38 55 0.80T84 Nicole 3 254 27 35 0.75T84 Old Rock 254 53 57 0.8286 Brennan’s Competit 253 43 32 0.7887 Ashley Furniture 252 46 43 0.7888 lil’b 2 251 37 45 0.7689 N4Cer 250 52 49 0.79T90 RC31 2 249 32 50 0.79T90 Hossa 81 2 249 37 46 0.78T90 Hendy 17 249 44 60 0.8093 Dooley 2 248 42 37 0.7694 Nick Bolin 3 247 38 51 0.7795 Hunter 11 3 246 48 51 0.7796 Joaks 16 2 244 43 43 0.7497 Ninja Chicken 241 36 45 0.7698 Love the B’s 2 2 240 30 50 0.7499 Connor K 2 229 40 66 0.75100 Riley 14 4 228 36 55 0.73101 Braden 5 227 38 52 0.71102 J. Pike 217 36 65 0.73

This week's winner is:

Matt Cable

All prizes must be claimed before the following week's results are released.

Grand Prize2 night stay at Copper Point

Resort and $100 dining certificate for Elements Grill

2 rounds of golffor the Ridge

at Copper Point Golf Club



Head to Echo/Pioneer of� ce to redeem your lunch prize!

If you would like to sponsor The Valley Echo’s hockey pool, contact us [email protected] • 250-341-6299

Wednesday, November 13, 2013 The Valley Echo A15

CLUES ACROSS 1. Reverbera-

tion 5. Sonny’s ex

wife 9. Drives ele-

phant 11. High-spirit-

ed tomboy 13. Plans 15. Gather

materials together

16. Brew 17. Discovery

child star 19. Stalk of a

moss capsule 21. Capital of

Yemen 22. Local area

network 23. Belgrade

River 25. Straight or

bobby 26. Tennis play-

er rank 28. Helped

(archaic) 30. Lounges 32. Dove


34. Int’l relief organization

35. Planted crops

37. Gobblers 39. Animal

companions 40. Firth of

Clyde city & river

42. Korean writer Moge-um

44. 007’s creator Flemming

45. Ursine ani-mal

47. Voyage 49. Pageant title 54. A woman’s


55. A treeless grassy plain

56. Anarchic 58. Gun dog 59. Coat of

wool 60. These (old

English) 61. Somalian


CLUES DOWN 1. Birds of prey 2. Fastest land

animal 3. Judge’s mon-

iker (abbr.) 4. Part of Uttar

Pradesh 5. Italian

crooner Perry

6. Syringe 7. Articles fit to

eat 8. Replace

spent bullets 9. International

metal polish 10. New Mexico

artist town 11. Elf (Brit.) 12. Glowing gas

element 14. Break sud-

denly 15. Blue col-

ored 18. Br. chil-

dren’s author Blyton

20. Limicoline bird

24. Burn plants

26. Gulf of, Aegean Sea inlet

27. Clysters 29. Leguminous

fruit 31. Large tub 33. Member of

U.S. Navy 35. Having

physical sen-sation

36. Colors clothes

38. Plural of 33 down

39. Grouped by

twos 41. Fence bar 43. Cherry

brandy 44. Pixies 46. Canadian

flyers 48. Emit coher-

ent radiation 50. Lot 51. Area units 52. Russian

space station 53. Tools for

holes 57. 5th sign of

the zodiac

Answer to November 6:

CrosswordNovember 13, 2013

HoroscopeARIESAries, seek the advice of a mentor or con� dante when a puzzling situation presents itself this week. Another person’s perspective might be all you need to solve this problem.

TAURUSTaurus, getting the job done just isn’t enough. You always need to get it done to the best of your ability and that’s why others � nd you so reliable.

GEMINI Gemini, focus your energy on work this week, as a possible promotion is looming over the horizon. Give work your best efforts, and you will soon be glad you did.

CANCERCancer, sometimes the key to success is to know when to step back and recharge. This week, spend some time resting and relaxing, and you will have the energy needed to go forward.

LEOLeo, you may be looking for something new to occupy your time. Try learning a new sport or language. It will keep your brain sharp and pass the time in a productive way.

VIRGOVirgo, this week is a great time to stop procrastinating and to get back on track. Figure out a time when you have the most energy, and dive right into the task at hand.

LIBRALibra, get behind a cause that will bene� t your community. You have been interested in giving back to others, and this week presents a great opportunity to do just that.

SCORPIOScorpio, you love to socialize with friends and family, but lately time has been hard to come by. Plan a get-together with friends and family.

SAGITTARIUSSagittarius, you can handle dif� cult situations with ease and your loved ones know it. When such a situation presents itself this week, don’t be afraid to take charge.

CAPRICORNCapricorn, others trust what you have to say and want to follow along with your guidance. Cherish this trust and think carefully before making decisions that affect your loved ones.

AQUARIUSAquarius, sort out an ongoing issue that has been compromising your focus at work. Once you clear your mind, you can once again focus on your career.

PISCESPisces, you may find yourself spending more time with your social circle than your family in the next few days.

Second Week of November

Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must � ll each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can � gure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

Last Sudoku answer -->:

Brain Games

Columbia ValleyWeekend Weather

FridayNovember 15

SaturdayNovember 16

SundayNovember 17


Temp: 4oCFeels like 4oCLow: -3oC

Variable cloudiness

Temp: 5oCFeels like 5oCLow: 0oC


Temp: 1oCFeels like 1oCLow: -9oC


T he


A16 Wednesday, November 13, 2013 The Valley Echo

Market Update


Oil US$/B



















Level Weekly change Year-to-Date

Building your Wealth

Communication and responsibility - keys to the futureIt seems surprising that as we become a popu-

lous society facing enormous and unpredictable change, we also have to deal with greater personal responsibility and the need to communicate.

How we spend our resources — the way we spend money, time and talent — are the � rst steps of our future. In other words, one element of responsibil-ity is how we use things like money, time and tal-ent to create the future for ourselves, our kids and our community.

At the same time, it is necessary to improve our communication with everyone. � at’s a lot of people — family, spouse, relatives, kids, neighbors, co-work-ers, and everyone else. We’re not used to that. It’s especially a challenge when everything is constantly changing in unpredictable ways we can neither an-ticipate nor understand. Changes happen all around among the people with whom we communicate. How do we cope with what we can’t see or anticipate?

� ere is nothing that even looks like a rule book for what we have to do, no matter what fantasies many people have. � at’s the � rst thing we need to understand. We want the equivalent of a handbook, but that’s not going to happen.

Out of the chaos, possibilities emerge, not to provide solutions, but to move toward them. Some of those possibilities can guide us, though we must not take them as rules. Once we have accepted our own degree of responsibility and there is no one to whom we can pass the buck, we are left with the obligation to � nd new steps forward. � at means making our own decisions.

Our decisions depend on what we see as our own deepest values. Because others may not agree, each of us must build our own, yet stay open to the views of others. � at’s not easy to do. It takes a lot of con-scious thought to choose the things most valuable to ourselves and those closest to us.

In order to � nd solutions, we need new ideas. � e way to get new ideas that lead to solutions is by experience. We also need to plan. � at means we need to be aware of what is going on around us. It’s the biggest thing we can do to get to the future. We need new ideas, based on experience and con-scious awareness.

� e current generation of parents, called Milleni-als, are one or two generations away from our old-est citizens. In other words, the grandparents of our current children lived in another century, with great di� culty as normal. � ey remember cold weather in uninsulated houses, long distances walked through heavy snow to get to school until they passed seventh grade. It was a di� cult time, with technology derived from the past. Very few grandparents are able to comprehend the world of today, and very few who do understand can see their way into the future.

It’s important to learn what ideas are important to our emerging adults. Responsibility and commu-nication are on the mind of many young people to whom I listen. I expect there will be more terms in that list before the century is much older. Responsi-bility is the word I hear when they talk about what we’ve done to the world we’re leaving them. (Remember, they don’t really know we are mak-ing it up as we go along. � ey don’t know our basic expectations or what we believed. � ey think we know what we’re doing.)

� e current genera-tion is also the � rst to be constantly in com-

munication with the world, from their friends and family to events and ideas from distant lands. (� ey don’t know that, either. � ey think everyone has always had a cell phone, a computer and ev-erything that goes with instant communication. It’s also natural to them to expect to communi-cate.) We are, to them, the last bridges between the past and the future. Many of them think we should have done better and are upset about what we are leaving behind.

Planning, responsibility and communication are only some of the terms and tools of today that will be used to create the future. Others will show up. � ings will change. We at CMK don’t know what the future will be, but we are gaining a lot of knowledge about its creation. We can’t claim to be perfect, but we can claim to be conscious, and we are helping others � gure out what is important to them. We can help you create a plan for how you use your money, time and talents to create your next steps.

our emerging adults. Responsibility and commu-nication are on the mind of many young people to whom I listen. I expect there will be more terms in that list before the century is much older. Responsi-bility is the word I hear when

use your money, time and talents to create your next steps.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013 The Valley Echo A17The Valley Echo Wednesday, November 13, 2013 A17 ◾

Like working close to home!l

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This is a temporary, full-time position to cover a one-year term. The position can be located in any of CBT’s four offices.

View details at or request them from Debra Stewart at 1.800.505.8998.

Resumés accepted via email to [email protected] by noon PT,

The Invermere Valley Echo is seeking an Advertising Sales representative for our weekly newspapers and magazine publications in the Columbia Valley. We have an opening for a full-time, one year maternity leave fi ll position commencing December, 2013.

We are looking for someone with prior experience in a sales position, with a strong knowledge of sales and marketing and with a successful track record; someone who has strong written and verbal communications, organizational and exceptional customer relations skills; knowledge and profi ciency in MS Offi ce/MAC OS is a requirement. The ideal candidate must be motivated and take initiative to sell multiple products, work with existing customers and fi nd ways to grow sales and income.

A valid driver’s licence and a reliable vehicle are a must.

If this describes you, please submit your resume and cover letter to the attention of:

Rose-Marie RegitnigPublisher

PO Box 70, #8, 108-8th AvenueInvermere, BC, V0A1K0

[email protected]

Sales Representative( 1 year maternity leave)


T he


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Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities


Coming Events

Valley Fitness Society AGM

At Columbia Garden VillageThursday November 21st

6:30 p.m.



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Found: Cell phone. Call 250-345-4586 to claim and identify. Found in the Fairmont area.

Found: Jacket on bridge over rail road track. Phone 342-0027 to identify.

LOST: Ipad on Thanksgiving weekend. Dark grey cover with “Coach” on it. Please call 250-342-3259.


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Career Opportunities


Trades, Technical

Civil EngineeringTechnologist II

(Re-Advertisement)District of Kitimat, full time permanent - wage range $37.01 - $44.78 over two years. Civil Technologist di-ploma required. Reporting to the Technical Services Man-ager, duties include a variety of infrastructure investiga-tions, surveying, design, contract preparation, inspec-tion and material testing on projects related to the mu-nicipality’s water, sewer, drainage and transportation systems. Candidates should be profi cient in using elec-tronic survey equipment, computer assisted design using AutoCad 3D, and MS Offi ce. Valid BC driver’s li-cense required. Submit re-sumes by November 29, 2013, 4:30 pm, to Personnel, District of Kitimat, 270 City Centre, Kitimat, BC, V8C 2H7, Fax (250) 632-4995, or email [email protected]

CLEARWATER OILFIELD Services, Rocky Mountain House, Alberta requires Class 1, 3 Vacuum Truck Drivers, Swampers. Local work. No day rating. Full benefi ts after six months. Fax 403-844-9324.

FRASER SHINGLING & EXTERIORS LTD. Wanted Aluminum and Vinyl siding installers. Full Crews with own equipment only. Contact Giselle at 780 962 1320, or at [email protected]

Help Wanted

Career Opportunities


Trades, TechnicalFRONTLINE is seeking certi-fi ed electricians and mill-wrights with industrial experi-ence for work in BC/Alberta. FEC offers competitive wages and benefi ts package. For-ward resumes to:[email protected] Canada Ltd. requires an experienced Journeyman Electrician for our EWP Operation in Golden B.C. Email resume to: [email protected] or fax to 250-344-8859.

Help Wanted

Career Opportunities


Trades, TechnicalJOURNEYMAN AUTOMO-TIVE Service Technician(s) in Hanna Alberta. Hanna Chrys-ler Ltd. offers competitive wages from $32/hour, nego-tiable depending on experi-ence. Bright, modern shop. Full-time permanent with benefi ts. Friendly town just 2 hours from major urban cen-tres. More info online at: Fax 403-854-2845 or email to: [email protected]

Help Wanted

Career Opportunities

Help Wanted Help Wanted

Career Opportunities


email [email protected]

our community. our classi e s. VALLEY ECHOT he

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A18 Wednesday, November 13, 2013 The Valley Echo


250-342-6644100-7th Avenue, Invermere Reverend Laura Hermakin

Sunday, November 17th9:00 a.m.

Worship at All Saint’s, Edgewater.

9:30 a.m. Bacon, Friends & Faith(All Ages Welcome)

10:30 a.m. Worship at Christ Church

Trinity, Invermere.


Roman Catholic ParishPastor: Father Gabriel

250-342-6167 Invermere250-344-6328 Golden

Confession: 1/2 hour before MassCanadian Martyrs’ Church

712 - 12 Ave, InvermereSaturday at 5 p.m.Sunday at 9 a.m.

St. Joseph’s ChurchHighway 93-95, Radium Hot Springs

Sunday at 11 a.m.Sacred Heart Parish

808 - 11 Street, GoldenSaturday at 7 p.m.Sunday at 10 a.m.

St. Anthony’s MissionCorner of Luck and Dunn, Canal Flats

Saturday at 4:30 p.m. (served from Kimberly)


For more information call 250-342-6633 or 250-347-6334

Loving God, Loving People

#4 - 7553 Main Street W, Radium

Sundays at 10 a.m.

Bible Studies#4 - 7553 Main Street W,

Radium Wednesday 7:00 p.m.

Kids’ Church Edgewater Hall

Thursday 6:30 p.m.


326 - 10th Ave. 250-342-9535REV. TREVOR HAGAN


Sunday, November 17th10:30 a.m.

Worship And Life Instruction, “GOD Is ….. Holy” … Pastor Trevor


“K.I.D.S.” Church, for children Age 3 to Grade 1; and Grades 2-5, during the

Morning Service.


Hwy. 93/95 1 km northof Windermere

Pastor:Murray Wittke

Sunday Service10 a.m. Worship & Word

Kid’s Church Provided

Call the office at 250-342-9511for more information.

Sharing TruthShowing Love

Following the Spirit



Worship Servicesevery Sundayat 1:30 p.m.

at Christ Church Trinity110 - 7th Avenue,


Pastor Rev. Fraser ColtmanPastor Rev. David Morton




Trades, TechnicalLOCALLY-OWNED, well-es-tablished vacuum truck com-pany looking for Class 1, 3, Vacuum and Gravel Truck Op-erators. Oilfi eld tickets an as-set but not necessary. Incen-tive package available. Blue Cross after three months. Must be willing to relocate or work three weeks on and one week off. Fax resume and driver’s abstract to 403-845-3903.

Located 150km Northwest of Prince George, BC Mount Milligan is one of British Columbia’s fi rst major metals mine of this century.

We are currently recruiting for the following positions:

Mill OperationsSuperintendent

Chief Metallurgist

Manager: Environment, Health & Safety

Mill Electrical / Instrumentation Supervisor

Please apply online at



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IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.

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Legal Services

Medical HealthVIAGRA 100mg or CIALIS 20mg. Generic. 40 tabs + 10 Free all for $99 including Free Shipping. Discreet, Fast Shipping. 1-888-836-0780 or

Pets & Livestock

PoultryFERTILE QUAIL eggs for sale. Coturnix Japanese & Texas A&M $6.50/dz, min. 2 dz. Email [email protected]

Merchandise for Sale

AuctionsGROCERY STORE AUCTION - November 16 @11am, Burnaby - Hobart meat equipment & dish-washers, True coolers & freezers. View

Merchandise for Sale

Heavy Duty Machinery


Used 20’40’45’53’and insulated containers all

sizes in stock. SPECIAL

Trades are welcome.40’ Containers under $2500!

Call Toll Free AlsoJD 544 & 644 wheel loaders

JD 892D LC ExcavatorPh 1-866-528-7108Delivery BC and AB

Misc. for SaleHOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837

STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for bal-ance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206 or visit us online at:

WOLFERMANS’ TREAT Your Friends and Family! Wolferman’s English Muffi ns! Perfect Holiday Assortment, Variety of Sweet & Savory Muffi ns $29.95 – Use Code “Favorite” Free Shipping! 1-800-999-1910 Or

Misc. WantedLocal Coin Collector Buying Collections, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins etc 778-281-0030

Real Estate

Apt/Condos for SaleRiverstone Villas Condo in downtown Radium. 3 bdrm, 5 appliances, fi replace, large soaker tub, walk in shower, garage. Priced 10% below assessment, will take quad or camper as down pay-ment. $177,000.



Apt/Condo for RentRADIUM - Cozy 1 bdrm, 1 bath condo over 800 sq ft for rent at the Peaks available Dec 1. 7 applianc-es, underground parking, pool, in-door and outdoor hot tub. NS, De-posit required. Asking $800/ month. 403-285-4759, 403-291-4804, 403-880-9719

Homes for Rent

Home available Nov 1st. Indian Beach Estates.

Comfortable 2 bdrm, 1 bath home with den. (can be used as third bedroom), fi replace,

gorgeous views of the Fairmonts, 4 minutes from

private beach in Indian Beach Estates. Please call

435-901-1600 or email [email protected]

with inquiries.

TownhousesFully furnished town house in Radium, 2 bdrm, 2 1/2 bath, large bright kitchen, A/C, fi re-place, deck and BBQ, N/S, N/P. Available immediately. $875/mth. 403-240-9357 or email [email protected]

Radium - 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, 1,400 sq. ft. townhome with single garage, in Borrego

Ridge . Two years old, $1,000/mth. Please call:



Auto Financing

Trucks & Vans

1990 Ford Club Wagon XL Van. Great condition. No rear seats. $1,500 O.B.O. 250-342-2104


Legal Notices


Re: The Estate of Bill Hollingsworth, deceased, formerly of Radium Hot

Springs, BC, died on October 19, 2013. Notice is hereby given to Creditors and others having claims

against the estate of Bill Hollingsworth under

section 38 of the Trustee Act that particulars of their

claims should be sent to the Executor, Paul Pupo, Box 191, Golden, BC, V0A 1H0, on or before

December 31, 2013, after which date the estate’s

assets will be distributed among the parties entitled to it, having regard only to the

claims of which the Executor then has notice.


Re: The Estate of Brent Frederickson, a.k.a. Brent Fredrickson, deceased, formerly of Radium Hot

Springs, BC, died on January 18, 2011. Notice is hereby given to Creditors and others having claims

against the estate of Brent Frederickson under section 38 of the Trustee Act that particulars of their claims

should be sent to the Executrix, c/o MacDonald

Thomas, Box 2400, Invermere, BC, V0A 1K0 on

or before November 29, 2013, after which date the

estate’s assets will be distributed among the

parties entitled to it, having regard only to the claims of

which the Executrix then has notice.

Classifi edsGet Results!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013 The Valley Echo A19

Spoiled for car and truck choiceWith more than 250 choices avail-able to Canadians, the selection of cars and trucks can be somewhat overwhelming.Today, the Driveway team hopes to steer you in the direction you may want to go in this 2014 New Model Preview edition. It’s not a comprehensive list but a look at some key market seg-ments, from which our featured writers have each made five picks. Of course, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider any other vehi-cles. The team members have picked examples that have caught their eye this year to help you start the car conversation at home. Head test driver Zack Spencer scanned the en-

tire market to come up with his tips, paying particular attention to the booming SUV/Crossover segment. Yours truly picks some premium brand offerings while Alexandra spots the sporty cars under $30,000. Bob McHugh focuses on hybrid vehicles and we welcome Ian Harwood, who lives and breathes trucks be they utility vehicles, off roaders or pickups.Okay, before you turn the page here are some purchase

preparation tips. Fix a top-price budget and if financing will be required figure out what you can truly afford in monthly payments. Insurance and maintenance are major costs in

owning a car. Once you have a vehicle in mind, get an insurance quote. Regular maintenance costs are easily figured but some cars can be very expensive if parts have to be brought in from around the world.Once you have a handle on the above, you can narrow your choice. It is important you like the looks of the second most expensive purchase of your life. However, make sure it serves its intended purpose by answering some ques-tions. Typically, how many people do you need to transport and how far? Is there enough stowage space in the cabin and the trunk or luggage compartment? Do you need V8 power or will an economical four-cylinder suffice? Now go and kick some tires at a variety of dealerships and consider multiple brands because they all have much to offer.

Visit the 2014 new model photo gallery at

Keith Morgan Driveway Editor

[email protected] | Welcome to the driver’s seat

2014drivewayBBCC.ccaa || WeWellcome toto tthehe ddririveve ’r’s sea





Safety TipHeavy rain can seriously reduce visibility and make road surfaces more diffi cult to stop on.

Please make sure your wipers are in good condition and increase your following distance to at least four seconds.

Question of the weekHow likely are you to buy a hybrid or electric car in the next year?Go to to submit your answer.

Find more online at

ON NOW AT YOUR BC CHEVROLET DEALERS. 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada†Offer valid only to eligible retail lessees in Canada who have obtained credit approval by GM Financial, have entered into a lease agreement with GM Financial, and who accept delivery from October 11, 2013 through January 2, 2014 of a new eligible 2014 model. General Motors of Canada will pay the first month’s lease payment (inclusive of taxes and any applicable pro-rata amount normally due at lease delivery as defined on the lease agreement). $0 first month lease payment means no bi-weekly payments will be due in the first month of your lease agreement. After the first month, lessee will be required to make all remaining scheduled payments over the remaining term of the lease agreement. PPSA/RDPRM is not due. Insurance, license, dealer fees, and applicable taxes not included. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Limited reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. While we try to ensure accuracy, we reserve the right to correct any errors in pricing or descriptions, and to cancel or refuse to accept a purchase based on an incorrect price or description listed online. Please see your dealer for the most accurate and up-to-date product and pricing details. ^ Offer only valid from November 1, 2013 to December 2, 2013 (the “Program Period”) to retail customers resident in Canada who own or are currently leasing a Chevrolet Aveo, Cobalt, Caprice, Cavalier, Cruze, Epica, Impala, Lumina, Malibu, Metro, Monte Carlo, Optra Sonic, Spark, Volt, Saturn Ion, Aura, Astra, L-Series, S-Series, Sky, that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six months, will receive a $2,000 credit towards the lease or a $1000 credit towards the purchase or finance of an eligible new 2014 Chevrolet Sonic, Cruze, Malibu or Impala delivered during the Program Period. Eligible retail customers resident in Canada who own or are currently leasing a Chevrolet HHR, Equinox, Tracker, Uplander, Venture, Astro, Lumina APV, Blazer, Traverse, Trailblazer; Saturn Vue, Relay, Outlook; Pontiac Montana/SV6, Transport, Torrent, Aztek, Sunrunner; Buick Rendezvous, Terraza, Enclave, Rainier; Oldsmobile Silhouette, Bravada; GMC Safari, Jimmy, Terrain, Acadia or Envoy, that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six months, will receive a $2,000 credit towards the lease; or a $1000 credit towards the purchase or finance of an eligible new 2014 Chevrolet Trax, Equinox or Traverse delivered during the program period. Only one (1) credit may be applied per eligible vehicle sale. Offer is transferable to a family member living in the same household (proof of address required). This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. The $2,000/$1,000 credit includes HST/GST/QST/PST as applicable by province. As part of the transaction, dealer will request current vehicle registration and/or insurance to prove ownership for the previous consecutive six months. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See your GM dealer for details.





PLUS $ 2,000

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A20 Wednesday, November 13, 2013 The Valley Echo

Serving the Valley

Sholinder & MacKaySand & Gravel

Complete line of aggregate productsfor construction and landscaping

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J. Douglas Kipp, B. Sc. (Pharm.)Laura Kipp, Pharm D.

Irena Sedlakova, B. Sc. (Pharm.)Your compounding pharmacy

Come in and browse our giftware!Open Monday - Saturday • 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

1301 - 7th Avenue, Invermere • 250-342-6612

Lambert-Kipp Pharmacy Ltd.

Bruce Dehart 250-347-9803 or 250-342-5357

• Complete sewer/drain repairs • Reasonable rates - Seniors’ discount • Speedy service - 7 days a week

• A well-maintained septic system should be pumped every 2-3 years• Avoid costly repairs

Septic Tank PumpingPortable

Toilet Rentals





For competitive prices and prompt service call:

250-342-3268 (plant) 250-342-6767 (office)

Proudly serving the Valley for over 50 years.

To advertise, call: 250-341-6299

Advertise your businessin Serving the Valley.

Call 250-341-6299to inquire about this space.

Sales ~ Service ~ Installation


Arnold Scheffer250-342-6700

[email protected]

Industrial ~ Commercial ~ Residential

Valley LifeSounds of the valley

Dan Walton/Valley echo photosGunfire and a choir: these were among the more prominent sounds in the valley last weekend. Left: Les Markus Jr. takes aim at the Lake Windermere Rod and Gun Club's shooting range west of Radium Hot Springs on Saturday, Novem-ber 9th , during the club's annual charity clay shooting competition. Proceeds from the event raised money for the Columbia Valley Food Bank. Les, his father (Les Markus Sr.) and brother Alex Markus, all came down from Golden to take part in the event. Right: There was little distinction between the audience and the performers, as choirs from around the valley were invited to the Christ Church Trinity on the evening Friday, November 8th. The Bisset Singers were in town, performing with local ensembles as part of their set.

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