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Presenta(on  Intys  

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Intys  Model  



Pragmatic, Cost-Efficient, Specific

Solution ISOLV

Our Actions

Development IDEV

Our Values

PRACTICES Finance - Procurement/SC -

Project/ Process management - HR

Ø  Pragma(c:      Our  Consultants  are  quickly  deployable  and  have  a  proac2ve  approach.  

Ø  Cost  Efficient:      Every  Consultant  acquires  his/her  knowledge  from  experience,  in-­‐house  experts  and  a  broad  training  program.  A  full  handover  to  the  customer  is  also  guaranteed.    Our  consultants  are  integrated  in  the  team  of  the  client.  The  consultants  work  on  project  or  support  basis.  

Ø  Specific:      Our   problem-­‐based   approach   is   adapted  to  your  specific  needs  as  a  customer.  


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The  Prac(ces  -­‐  Intys  

Ø  Financial  ac(vi(es:    Ø  accoun2ng,  controlling,  budge2ng,  pricing,  

forecas2ng,  business  analysis,  set  up  of  KPI’s    and  repor2ng.  

 Ø  Procurement  ac(vi(es:    

Ø  set  up  of  RFI,  RFP,  RFQ,  direct,  indirect  procurement,  CAPEX  and  OPEX  nego2a2ons,  contract  management,  op2mizing  procurement  processes,  local  &  global  sourcing,  strategic  sourcing,  ra2onaliza2on  of  supplier  base  and  vendor  management,  set  up  of  outsourcing  business  cases,  TCO  implementa2on,  benchmarking  and  repor2ng.  




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The  Prac(ces  -­‐  Intys  

Ø  Supply  Chain  ac(vi(es:    Ø  planning,  op2miza2on  of  supply  chain  processes  and  

produc2on  lines,  outsourcing  analysis,  repor2ng  and  guidance  of  the  move  or  grouping  of  warehouses  to  a  distribu2on  center.  

 Ø  Process/Project  management:    

Ø map  and  op2mize  processes,  business  analysis,  data  analysis,  set  up  of  KPI’s,  repor2ng,    set  up/redesign  of  business  intelligence  solu2ons,  PMO,  business  ERP  support  and  drive  small/big  size  projects.  



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The  Prac(ces  –  Intys  HR  

 Ø  Human  Resources  (Intys  HR)  

Ø  integra2on  of  departments/companies,  recruitment  and  selec2on,  learning  &  development,  talent  management,  performance  and  competence  management,  HR  business  partnering,  compensa2on  &  benefits,  payroll  and  interna2onal  mobility.  



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Performance  and  Crea(vity  IDEV




 At  INTYS  we  develop  ‘Thinking  People’…    

 Ø   I  DEV  represents  the  driving  values  and  nurturing  culture  of  Intys  consultants  when  providing  services  to  internal  and  external  customers.  

Ø Our  values  are  Con(nuous  learning  and  ATen(on  for  People:  


CONTINUOUS LEARNING Ø Challenge acceptance Ø  Fact based decision Ø Continuous improvement

PEOPLE Ø Respect Ø  Teamwork

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Performance  and  Crea(vity  IDEV



                 At  INTYS  we  develop  ‘Thinking  People’…    

Ø We  provide  a  full  framework  of  personal  development  to  the  consultants:  

Ø   Fast  Start  procedure  

Ø   I  SOLV  training  

Ø   Best  prac(ces  sharing  Ø   Cer(fica(ons  (Prince  2,  Lean,  Six  Sigma,  ..)  

Ø   Training  on  soY  skills  

Ø   Ad  hoc  training    Ø   BlueKiwi  (our  sharepoint)  

Ø   Follow-­‐up  on  a  project  Ø   Personal  evalua(on  and    development  plan  


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Performance  and  Crea(vity  IDEV




ISOLV …  who  excel  in  delivering  the  perfect  service.    Ø  I  SOLV  is  an  Intys  business  prac(ce  applied  by  our  consultants  aiming  at  delivering  high  quality  and  tailor  made  services  to  our  customers.  

 Ø   ISOLV  is  composed  of  several  phases  of  problem  solving.  


Practical Problem Solving







   At  INTYS  we  develop  ‘Thinking  People’…    

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References  Finance  -­‐  Process/Project  management  


Context: Ø  Support  of  the  cost  and  repor(ng  team.  Ø  Analysis  &  enhancement  of  the  internal  

control  processes.    

Statement of work: Ø  Create  a  link  between  BI  and  business.  Ø  Analysis  and  improvement  of  IT  

applica(ons.  Ø  Execu(ng  Variance/Performance    

 analysis  and  ABC  exercises. Result:

Ø  Improvement  &  automa(on  of  the  exis(ng  cost  analysis  &  underlying  processes.  




Context: Ø  Set  up  of  permanent  controls  for  

project  management  within  the  Facili(es  department.  

Statement of work: Ø  Process  ra(onaliza(on    and  

implementa(on  of  new  control  gates  and  risk  indicators.  

Result: Ø  BeTer  project  repor(ng  and                

follow  up.    

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References  Supply  Chain  /  Procurement  


Context: Ø  Restructuring  of  GSK’s  Supply  Chain  to  

achieve  one  centralized  distribu(on  system  in  Belgium.    

Statement of work: Ø  Support  in  volume  and  cost  analysis.  Ø  Set  up  sales  es(ma(ons.  Ø  Tes(ng  of  the  new  distribu(on  system  

before  Go  Live.      Ø  Successful  implementa(on  of    

 distribu(on  system.  Ø  KPI  and  error  repor(ng.  



Context: Ø  Set  up  of  new  procurement  processes.  Ø  Improve  rela(onship  between  

Procurement  and  Internal  Customer  (IT).  

Statement of work: Ø  Set  up  of  RFQ  Processes:  requirements  

gathering  for  an  IT  contract  nego(a(on.  Ø  Implementa(on  of  a  sourcing  approach.  

Result: Ø  Close  collabora(on  with  IT.  Ø  IT  TCO  reduc(on.

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References  HR  


Context: Ø  Acquisi(on  of  American  Express  

 by  Alpha  Card.  

Statement of work: Ø  Complete  integra(on  of  staff  within    

 the  new  organiza(on  in  terms  of    payroll,  teams  and  org  charts.  

Result: Ø  Deliverables  provided  in  quality  and  

within  the  short  no(ce  of  the    acquisi(on.  


Context: Ø  Need  for  leadership  and  workload  

reduc(on  for  the  interna(onal  mobility  team.    

Statement of work: Ø  Support,  coach,  drive  and  advise  the  

interna(onal  mobility  team.

Result: Ø  Work  pressure  reduced  to  acceptable  

level.  Ø  Improvements  in  main  processes.  Ø  Drive  team  to  leadership.    

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Tes(monials  Procurement  


Consultant: Claudine Keirse Project duration: 01/11/2011 to present

Ø  The objective of this mission is the set up of a long term sourcing strategy, supported by a set a new processes.

Ø  “My tasks include the solving of transport issues, contract negotiations, give trainings regarding new guidelines, strategies and processes

Ø  My added value is the following: Ø  Improvement of negotiation strategies with long term partners. Ø  Competitive advantage and best in class T&C’s for the Customer. Ø  Improved cash flow control. Ø  Better benchmarking with the competition.”

A global Retailer

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Tes(monials  Supply  Chain  

   Consultant: Louis Van Vyve Project duration: 04/04/2011 to 15/02/2012

Ø  Objective was the grouping of the maintenance sites for trains, coaches and locomotives.

Ø  Intys was required to support the Supply Chain process changes which impacted 600 employees.

Ø  Intys took the lead of this project for the set up and implementation of the new process.

Ø  “My added value was the following: Ø  Restructuring of the distribution channels. Ø  Change management and training of the new processes to concerned

employees. Ø  Implementation of several SAP modules and LEAN methodologies (ie 5S,

Kaizen and Kanban).”

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Tes(monials  Finance  


Consultant: Tony Vynckier Project duration: 15/01/2011 to 30/09/2012 Ø  The objective is the increase of the production capacity of the site in Aalter from 200

mio liters to 384 mio liters per annum. Ø  Budget: €36 Mio as well as 90 extra positions. Ø  “My role is to support the project as a project controller, in close collaboration with

the project manager, team leaders, engineers and CFO. This role is finance related, ie planning and valuation. Additionally, I’m also ensuring the project follow-up and reporting.

Ø  The Belgian production portfolio was extended with the installation of 11 new production and packaging lines to transport the products to the Belgian site.

Ø  At this moment the project is on schedule and within budget. Most of the deliverables have already been put in place. Currently, preparations are made to map the remaining deliverables as well as to launch the process for the final deliverables.”

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Tes(monials  HR  


Consultant: Isabelle Beyaert Project duration: 29/12/2011 to 30/06/2012

Ø  Objective: hiring of collaborators in a post-merger era. Ø  Reduction and balance of the employee turnover, for instance in the call center. Ø  Set-up of recruitment, on-boarding and exit processes. Ø  Status quo April 2012:

“By quickly integrating the hiring manager after a positive intake interview of a candidate, we managed to reduce the lead time from several weeks to a couple of days. At the same time we achieved to strongly reduce the turnover rate of the new collaborators. With help from our Lean Expert from Intys we’ve set up the whole recruitment process, underpinned with a clear Roles and Responsibilities scheme. Currently I’m setting up the boarding and exit processes.”

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Our  Customer  Poraolio  

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Our  Offices  

Paris Office 7, Place de la Défense F-92400 Courbevoie Tel : +33 (0)1 80 88 43 10

Brussels Head Office Woluwe Gate Boulevard de la Woluwe 2 B-1150 Brussels Tel : +32 (0)2 761 92 70

Luxemburg Office 117, Avenue Gaston Diderich L-1420 Luxemburg Tel : +35 (0)2 691 127 062

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