
We are Not AloneMs. Potter’s Principle of Health Science


They are in the air we breathe . . . In our food .

. .On our skin . . .

-on everything we touch.

They are . . .


What are microorganisms?

(also called microbes)

Microbes are small living plants or animals most of which are not visible to the naked eye.

Some microbes cause disease or infection.

Many microbes are “good” organisms that help keep balance in the environment and the body.

What microbes lack in size, they make up in


On the average human, there are about 100 trillion microbes.

Good vs. Bad Microorganisms: 

Microorganisms that cause disease (germs) are referred to as pathogens.


Yeah, I’m bad.

Microorganisms that are harmless or beneficial are

called nonpathogens.

Most microbes are considered

beneficial or harmless.


beneficial organisms


opportunistsPathogens 3%

The role of good microorganisms

Marine & freshwater microbes form the basis of the food chain

in oceans, lakes, and rivers.

Soil microbes help break down


Humans and other animals depend on

bacteria in their intestines for digestion and

synthesis of vitamins including:

vitamin B (for metabolism)

vitamin K (for blood clotting)

Microorganisms have many commercial applications

They are used in synthesis of chemical products such as:



organic acids

many drugs

They are used in the food industry for producing:



green olives

alcoholic beverages




Aerobic organisms:Anaerobic organisms:Most microorganisms prefer warm, dark environments

Main Classes of Pathogenic Organisms:

1)Bacteria • simple one-celled organisms• At home within “climate” of human

body• compose largest group of pathogens

2)Fungi: yeasts & molds • Plant-like organisms that live on

dead organic matter• Grow best in dark, damp places

3) Viruses - smallest microbes

• acellular particles (not a complete cell)

4) Protozoa

• one-celled animals often found in decayed materials & contaminated water5) Helminths

• parasitic worms

• caused by larval & egg infestations

Bacterial Infections


highly contagious bacterial infection

Extensive case of impetigo on underarm of baby.

Fetal Tetanus

(note severe muscle contractions)

Due to toxin production as a result of bacterial infection.


Note swelling in neck

Diphtheria membrane

Cellulitis An acute bacterial inflammation of

connective tissue.

Lyme's Disease

hallmark “bulls-eye” lesion

Tiny deer tick vector that transmits lymes disease.

Fungal Infections

Candidiasis: Oral Thrush

Oral Thrush:


Candidiasis of SkinTypical red, slightly most lesions.

Nail Fungus

Black Hairy Tongue

Cutaneous Fungal Infection: Tinea Versicolor

Note: hypopigmented fungal lesions

Cutaneous Fungal Infection: Ringworm

Cutaneous Blastomycosis: Hand & Wrist

Subcutaneous Blastomycosis


Manifested by subcutaneous abscesses in upper chest


Deep fungal infection with granulomatous



Viral Infection: Verruca Vulgaris (Wart)

Herpes Type I: Oral Herpes

More Oral Herpes

healing stage

Neonatal Herpes

Premature infant born with classic “cigarette burn” pattern of HSV


Poliomyelitis(also called infantile


Note: deformed right leg

Iron Lung: used by polio victims

Varicella (Chickenpox with oral involvement)



Rash usually begins on face and spreads to

trunk and extremities.

Mumps: Note edema to cheeks and neck

Viral Hepatitis

Severely distended abdomen (ascites).

Secondary complication from hepatitis.

Parasitic & Protozoan Infections


(protozoan systemic disease)

Severe nodular, disfiguring lesions

transmitted by sand fly

Dracunculiasis (Fiery Dragon Worm)Found just under skin of human host.

Causes blisters at site of infestation.

Ulceration from worm.

A fiery dragon worm emerges from leg.



Elphantiasisaffecting left leg and genitals

Intestinal helminthes cause infestations in intestinal tract and

abdominal organs such as the liver and spleen.

Always in pairs.

Helminthes which have infested the


hepatomegaly and ascites

Intestinal Roundworms

Mass of 800 worms removed from child’s ileum during autopsy

Loa Loa eye worm infestation in conjunctiva

Loa loa being extracted from under conjunctivia.

Hydatid cyst formed by tiny tapeworm that migrated to brain.

That’s all folks.

Three Major viruses that are of concern to healthcare workers are:

1. Hepatitis B2. Hepatitis C3. AIDS

Hepatitis C

virus that is spread through blood, serum and other body secretions. It affects the liver.

Hepatitis B

virus that is spread through blood. It affects the liver and can lead to destruction of the liver and eventually death. There is a 3 series vaccination that can help protect for getting the virus.


a virus that suppresses the immune system. People with AIDS cannot fight off infection that would not affect a healthy person. It is transmitted through blood and body secretions.

Protect Your Self!!!!!!

It is very important as a health care worker to take every precaution against contracted these viruses. Good hand washing, always wear gloves and other protective equipment, and use caution when drawing blood or giving injections, are just a few safety precautions

Summary•Microbes are microscopic organisms

•About 100 trillion microbes live on the average human

• “Bad” microbes are pathogens

•About 3% of microorganisms are pathogenic

•Main classes of pathogenic microbes include: bacteria, fungi, viruses, protoza, & helminths

In order for disease to occur and spread from one person to another, certain conditions must be met, first there must be

Causative agent: pathogen such as a bacteria or virus

Reservoir: place for the causative agent (virus) to live. Such as the human body

Fomites: objects that are contaminated with infectious material that contains pathogens (Examples: door knobs, bed pans, linens and specimen containers)

Portal of Endogenous

means the infection or the disease originates within the body (Examples: tumors, metabolic disorders, and congenital abnormalities


means the infection or disease originated from outside the body (Examples: radiation, chemical agents, trauma, and temperature extremes


Infection that is acquired by an individual in a health care facility such as a hospital or nursing facility. These infections are usually passed to the patient by the health care worker (Examples: staph infection, and pseudomonas)


Type of infection that occurs when the body’s defenses are weak. These diseases usually do not occur in healthy people (Examples: kaposi’s sarcoma, rare type of cancer or different types of pneumonia in people who have AIDS

Different levels of aseptic control:

Antisepsis: Prevent or inhibit growth of pathogenic organisms but are not effective against spores and viruses.

Examples: Alcohol and betadine

Disinfection: process that destroys or kills pathogenic organisms. Not always effective against spores and viruses.

Example: Chemical disinfectants

Sterilization: process that destroys all microorganisms, both pathogenic and nonpathogenic, including spores and viruses.

Autoclave: is the most common piece of equipment used for sterilization

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