Page 1: Introduction Blogging with Carden @ The Unquiet Library

August 2010The Unquiet Library

Ms. Hamilton and Ms. Carden

Page 2: Introduction Blogging with Carden @ The Unquiet Library

Writing is a great way to “think aloud” on paper.

Blogs allow us to see what our peers are thinking and writing---blogs are great for giving us insights or helping see a topic in a new light.

Blogs encourage critical thinking.

Blogs encourage everyone to have a voice in class discussions.

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You should type and save all blog entries in Microsoft Word.

Create a folder in “My Documents”. Name your folder “DreherBlogs”.

Be sure to give each Word file name that identifies the blog topic and date.

Use the spell/grammar check feature in Word (F7).

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Use only your first name in your posts—we want to be Internet safe and not give any identifying information about ourselves.

Use standard American English---someone besides your teacher is your audience!

Use appropriate language; avoid slang or web jargon, such as “BFF” or “TTYL.”

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Think reflectively and critically.

Focus on answer the writing prompt as carefully as you can---think DEEP.

Use language appropriate for academic writing.

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Use slang.

Use abbreviations or web jargon.

Reveal any identifying personal information.

Get sloppy with grammar, spelling, and punctuation!

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Go to the blog at

Click on the blog discussion post.

Read the writing prompt carefully at least twice. Be sure to answer the questions posed in the prompt.

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Respond thoughtfully; type your response in Word. Save and save often!

Proofread carefully---spell check is great, but it does not catch every error.

Toggle back to your web browser so you can see the blog.

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Enter your first name only.

Enter your email. If you do not have one, please see Ms. Hamilton.

Do not fill in the third box “website.”

Copy and paste your text from your Word document.

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Paste your text. Wait at least one minute---sometimes if you

click on “submit” too quickly after text is entered, Wordpress thinks you are just typing “garbage.”

Once you have pasted your text and waited 1 minute, click submit.

Your post will not appear to the world right away; Ms. Hamilton and Ms. Carden moderate this blog and must approve your comment.

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