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    Ultra-Effective Friend to Friend Help andSupport
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2. Occasionally, we wish that we could help and support our friends more
Stressed Out
Resolve Conflicts
Calm, relaxed and in control
Dont know what to do
Make Decisions
Create Plans
Get motivated
Take action
Sometimes, A few kind words of encouragement and advice...
just isn't goodenough.
3. What is Helping Crowd?
Helping Crowd is a online community (or crowd) of like minded people who are happy to help and support their friends and others.
And just as important, they are also happy to receive support themselves, when they need it.
4. The founders of Helping Crowd aim to maintain an environment where friends can help each other by putting to work some ultra-effective life coachingtechniques & processes.
Supporting your friend whilst using professional techniques and tools has the following advantages.

  • You and your friend are compatible

5. Your friend already knows you well 6. More likely to suggest issues worth addressing

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