Page 1: Internet ArchiveTHELOUISVILLEDAILYJOURNAL. JtJ-•roMto®tittp^tyIW4T*w^l^r. Ioftiw*iMti*oBftcoofoxTIri**od». iit«r H


• roMto®t ittp^ty ^ IW4T* w^l^r. ^ I of tiw* iMti*oBftcoof oxT Iri**od».iit«r H<ntic ud ij extendj^ £m^ J l*AVL JONEA

protyrrt ai the MrrouDdiJic cumnVjr, with ibe dty fxd ibe

iBdiMftkiU* in the dhiBBee. Fotbiboiw |«rtkuUr 4c.

HOUSE FOR SALE.ill my HilL'aKoBCbMtuaiMrMt ii rural*. la

U-.- IK


fii For Rent,i raOMT ROOM.NVoBd loor, orwU JOHN M koDINSUN * CO

•wubir foru oflto. Mi d<



Tfc* (BI.W MlUs B«f ‘T.

In Corincton, Ky, main stri et,

AT PUBLIC AT7CTIOH'. /-vpmu>t*lh«paWifonrofUifl»r|[Mt*pdb«a«-U.I-- , .. . ... _ . o4 Utortinrau of flood)- OTpr broiubt to Ihr eitr, ron-

BViiT.iiL?id‘irttrM^^ i«d-*d.»tw-

KdoItr.ofJ » Kyuy ojj^d Pry - « ^lUi tb« br« of WORKMEN***' »“*»»»»*»•* wiU ooll roHMTolr >|| y b) mako on ULTFIT ol ^

to llir hldkia Uddor, oa MW aort ootioe in the bool monnor.MONDAY, MAY «i>, IM», AT KrCI/OCK P. M.. . MW »io J. a WALKER.

on tlw a*a*—«• tbo Proport, frondnc obont 4f* foot on, . , . ^ -

tbo Ohio floor. In tbo oilr of Cootnclon. Ky.. onlob Pojf- CONFEOTIONAIl\•or* Mlnir eonooyod to J. 8 Komprr in tniat for ci^.tori, nod boon no tbo ••Olotio MUI>:” oabioclu tbo "t

^ mrFootorr, Knrinoo, Moofalnory. Hnildlii*-.aroand>.Wliorf. 1 1”’ F SAI Ot)N*0. Tbo l-rotorty win bo wld In on# body, or In oonoo- I Fo VyliFo/YiTI I j'


' o 1 N ,

nlont lolo, oa plwli nppoor nuiot occopubto to Inddon. If

SSl2j^f*r“r»52Sao.“i«r:^-^ between FLOYD and PRE.STON 8TRF.*;T3.

Ar tomw of tbo a)« will bK Nino, tootoo, ond oichloon Third door oboro Floyd.aoMha- rrMtt. Ino^ inotniwnU lo^nr di yor oont. -ootm. ORIE8MAN bofo leorr to Inform hta old poUonn•oronnnalBtoraM Inni tbo tey ^ tok Powboam to »o8 tbo pobb. In »i-Dorol thot he ho. 8ttod np o M »eozorM, ocoardlnc to U». alo w th vproood «ao- hnndoomo ICE CKEaM 8aLO< iN, oboro bo oill

““ P»F«“' *-• “• WALL Acr., bnppy to aroo tboa obj mty fooor him wiUi * coU withopgdU MnMor t oaaloa»nrr. Shrteu* CREAM nnd CAKEa of oU ooriot-oo

__ I^Foallloo ond Portlo. an bo fumiidiod with Cram,For BMM. .tolUa, ond Coka ol ob.irl notteo. mP did

F'ROM twonty a twonty-8« oora of Lond »d)«lninc Coorior ond Domucat eopr.

tbo roddooa of tbo Mhoeribor. on tbo Broab dholby- aroaTron,tUIo Tuinpiko and, tbioo n.lla from tbo ohy. A aoa WOTICB.dootrnWo luatlon for » raddaoo (aww oootini ^ _ HAVE tblo dor aid a ay brotbor, Mr. W. A. Jonw,bioamt ffoa tbo boot ^ dnot of ci;yj anad bo j mUie ol Ucon, T.'boeoo, *e.. who oUlln


'»>«** »” A*"”* fotSo oonduct tbo “Mrtripotlan" t l«»r oud Toboocoof ehMad Toilotia of poarb oad oi-^, u>«otbor wUb oUry* Loaba Ilf ooorproon ond ^Muoa ti^ A Bne

I Kipertfiitly alicil for bim o rontianonre



J Market. Thio oldeoublubo,! boiue will bo fumu-bed nt oil tbno. with rooroTorletp *i| CfMnot Furoiare ond Chobonf-ioav lOyaoiwI

KBESCH TROOPS ENTERING TURIN[Correepondoneo of lb* London DnUy Newi.1

Timis, April 30.


prononad Ue apart of J. M. Uooro, Aldarmoa Btirtl prnwalal • ranitiiin lUnctiac— iMpootor, fa Ua mooUi of April, 18W, trkicli tin Mayor a caorroet » ith oooa tnitabU porao a

1 , ,f«4o P«Y» ttitY whaf. e«*a..etairMfcM

I. VItb* ron^niioo of Jobm T. wea of Flyot ttroo* oad nk iaidinn MB An* oat nod

2!*..^J5f!**7I****5* Polieo lYiotrict, fioa ibnbnalof tbo wboifa l»w oainr Mrfc, which

T’SjVT," f*®**’**roforral to Uu Cnaaiunn wno aKnrtJ » tb« Cowiraita* no Wharf. ,



(WOULD to* luoa a inform ae omokinr eonimunlly


ol Louuri k oud vicinity ttaot 1 boa imieho-^ thej

above oBtabh^ment kud inteud to *“r“*'*H*o. o 2 j i

hkud ftchoiov etdrck of etiictiy fine BA> ANA ^LAKS|Md Um* bwel4ualit> of VI KGlNlob CllFVVIN**I

W. A. J«*Np.S,

hboat MV€r, «till tiao o*ck)

Fr«i:cb tniops. dn'‘^n«„n«,“" I ThulTn^d^FoiS “^b MCTUA

tntion arot nt n ihu dr rinroii timn ot o run I*'• Af™*t«>OK prnaoua » ratoinUoa nuuig • Aldoraon Boinl, fran Stmt Unnnaitaaa W tb>

•pday'on the *bouu« dram^r'i: Uumpetinc 'and ^

^“*5* the Cjoiinon Cooncil Woouro DiMrict, a whom •*» rWarrod nmnindM

at tbo brink lookioR aldkn ni they cnaed an.i.r^ Co. an to ibn uUlUy «d ca^rat for poriaK Jm of Joaa Aadar-

Ih* bolconiev in the otraeti. It wni k pt.pnlalo3 ^

7"* “ '*‘“*1^ hydronU nt tha atnot eon-o-o, wbah roa. Jr *, papaRP aa Sixth anal, ropoRad Ibartrnrk dlih jn; but lea «U-, and wftd, nnd

i i .o- c n v “Tt ***“^n

•tamy tlwo thot tf any other llllion town would ' niif,kr'7“ ^ Couiai^ toolerB A d.rmin froa CoMittn. pman

have t^Q uLder similar eircoactMcci. Tha Hiad ;

raporiod a ra»oiatK« from tba Bjard of ted a ra^ia*ioa dif#ctia< tba Coiaaaittaat

MetrupoliUB I tear kud Tol»tt*o More.

ITbira it. belmseu J«4Ierw®D aud O.-een.

LAW NOTICE.The uudenienrd ho»e owoclnl. d in Uie Proc^ of Low,

they wUI ottend oU toe liuuru in Loutorill.-. ond the

R of Appvolo and Podora Court* in f ronklori; oud

A OMALL PLACE, dumad wliba four orire miloo a the city or oa tbo LoukTitk ondMnakfoet Maaood wMba twenty niiks a tb* 1 f ,gp, attend oU toe liuurU in Loukriu.'. onn merliy. Addroje Box at PootoMcn, t oUnalocoMn, I ..ayttof App.oloand Podora Court* in Erankfon; oudi4 temi* al4 4tl

| wuiapt aUeDbon (o kU builmkdconfidtd to th<m.• •“ “W*


0«r* on out dde Fifth otreet, betwo ,»“d_»";ket—the aaOM; b^^reVifore orcuiMed be i- Wider, where

OD« of them can alwaye be found dunu< biuttne* doutd.

m2 dim -

N«. 115! FOI RTII STKELT! No. 115!


Next Door to Moxort H.l'

A.1ADAME D. RUUL Ukeo pkooiite in onnouorln* to

XtI ber nnmerono irknd. and cii.t)incii, and eo|>«ioUy

to the tadiri, Uuu ebe cuutiuuee tl»e btie<nawi ol |.aaMW

IireM Tilm^ofi la ail tea braadi** at the tdd atobd, ae

4A Boxes prime We.dern Keowre Cboooo )nR iwoMrodtU aad tor ml* bfmM MAK8IIALL HALBEKT * CO.




l.tlPOUTANT PUK .MAN.rpURF O'L ciireo old Sore*.

* Turf Oil cun. Ireob W.din.lo.

Turf UU curvi 8. aid Hood.

Turf oil eon.. TVIUX.

Tnrf lyil euro. Sprain..

Tnrf fin core. Urubioa.

T.irf OU euru* Ilunu ond toorti an ten.*.

FOR BEASTdTurf OU rurca Saddle Ooll.

Turf Oil tnmo old Straino.

Turf Oil cure. 8»ilkd I.e«ii

Tnrf uU cureo .stilT J ulnto.

Tnrf Oil cure I Sweeney

Tnrf on cuTiw PoUcTil.

Turf oil coreo lro-.led Heel

Tart on ram Wlud Ooll

Formkby WILSON * ST.tRUIRD.t .\Ry * TALBO r,W. SPRINUER * ttuO ,

I'llO. tCOkl'li,OF I. W. Hart,

and oil DrntiulJ and Country MercboiAi in the Stoi*.


moDlete are .luiot, dot, oluiutt emve*', ewon in itor ^Y«rtner tin* until Oct. 1, ISoil. of the two Baanit la prtpxra blank form af cow

cnrtirol fnlici. No' ’.lootuia^n »Ur th.I

“7*^“™!.*“. ccnapbte toe wwerat troci* for atraac work, -1^ , whieb weo oiaptad.Tarinem out of iboir propriotieo. *


**'?•*• ’•*>*eb WitnaoptuO. Aideraiaa itaird, fram iba Stmt Comiaittaa ciTbe French tbeiutelveii were no norelty to me : i

ordlnnnce to eetabluh tb« polke the We'tem Oiotric-I, la whom was iwforred aa or-

tbouKb 1 du not remember ever weioR them tiefuin ' 4* h*®prornle for the oppoiLtmont of dieo’ea to rogrado, rapare, xod rrcurbtka Mdswalko.M..UK J • I.U iiuv tciueiiiuor over KBinR ipem uelura U)...K«. r .v — . .

—- -rr-———• ~ a.™-.,thus v4uipptJ for actual vompuiRD. Tbe Cbn«eun ' t* ina vuy of Louixville wax ukeo np oa both aJes of Morkat Rpaat, batwaan Third aod•re yuuuR, tuijll, bunurv^uukiaR luea, laden with ' * ,11“ * bi“»A. »bon Mr. AroutroLR pro- Fotirth, ropoilad tba laina with ea noadmaat (afkaoptuckf, copou, toup bowl., tent poleo, baUtrtt tie

' * »abotUuta therefor, an ordinnnoe uf like;

regrade ttricktn oat), wbicb paaaad *a namaded, provixione, nrd other nomeleaii ond nuni.


t»foit«d to the Committee tbe followlog wott:

tween »iri« and Sccoad RroeSa, roportad tba mue. MUTUAL LIFE INSURA.MCK COMFY, "f New Torb,bMh waa ndopcad. ^ Cam CepiaiL j8iWMmAldoratoa Baird, fram Stnot Unmmitaaa tf iba Aamrad pnrttrtiitim the Proim

folSar li*la’toT 2 CONTtlirTTAL 1N8URAX1 B CC^ No. W WMj^mOhtlif roriMr tl.M to r. 4 SI Pfaiaif to rotpUtt S«w Tork. CMh k«4eir rotf rict for parfog ia fonat tf Jamea Aadar- TUa Aamrad iirWra iimm. PrwflmI, Jr propoRv m Bixth ttnot, -Tjiiriiid tho wuOe wbwli WM mlootod.

' HOTTH XMmcxH ritt IN^CEA^i E CO^ S'*.

,Y dirnm Bdrd. fro. S.rmt Co^tUtm. prama-I a ra~ola*ioo diractiag tbe R.rMoa Cotaanittmt

cian Mi i.iaa T*m iw.

tbe twa Bearda la prapxrn blank fora, tf eaa> UyURANCE cr>. or THE TALLrr ®P TA .

o*« for .treat work, iSu , wbicb wea adaptad. abrnMe. tmacoabai mmjmAi^r^B^d, from iha StrmI ComxMttaa tf CITY FIEE IN.i RdNcECOWrY. »*» lUram Coam,I \\ e'tem Oiatricl, la who. eras iwforred aa or- CboRomd cnpit.l aMMSan .ea to rogrado, rapara, nod rrcurb rltt a^walko Pnid la aad Surpba.. . .. saifoM.

KNICKERfoM.KIUtLlPE INSURANCE CliMPA.Nf•No. H MfUllaa mwo*. .Mow York. Cm* Carlltf aod

btrltas tbiugi, quite a ilisproportioaeu burdon toaliI

.vrewmem mawnwiiora, aao aemi.

appesrauce to aovh ili.inuiive sbeu der*. Their I niBriic*c***^f *™“*™**^"K • cam- 0-borna, Urerall. .\lexaodar, Kxlfiu, Trabaa, Sar-

Mr. Frmidaat Waatboiford, aad Mem*.


nnd nutbicg elm—Ibe man box been routed out of ' tbo *xn«nmtbem u 'be woman out tf tbe Amazon of old, to a, „ in!**tm*th^**^

** ^***i

* *7?^’ ***** *****

foo. tbe Strret Coamltt** tf ruLTON PIKE nfSCKANrE Co., No. . W*» i

raportad a rsaoialion dimctiBg New TerW. Cam CatfUl mWMrpbm,

leave nuthiBC but tb* tight-DR moebine. There arebe to inloim the Coruuer, wa, adopted.A coaiiuaDWxtioa from tbe Mover tratUMniitioR

where nbc k*Y#tit eonfotoiilljr oii hkod kod makec to

fMrtMlMfi Pl^r Mlflfothn. Afod lioasc order 'sUk and Wanted Frmre. and Ta.a«K ^ilon>.* •t.lBS, r •••• ,

*"**0«ld and --bver Frtn«*« and Taawli^ Star., La^ Ac.. Or,

Firaisbiig toods,499 Maib sL, betweaa Thiid abd Fouitfa.

VVK ra.tetfnUy iavltr aticniioc to ear .lock ofrr CAKPETS,mhraelar erary roftRy fro. lb* Eoyal •-* Volral downto the Comaion la( and Uooip.

CUKTAINS.bmb white aad oolorad. to mil tbe taaU of all

FLOUR OlLCUiTHS.(To. * to I* foet wide aomo cniicaly mw paltcraa.

INDIA MATTINU.4 A *-*. aad *-4 While Coatraet Mnttinf;

4-A *-*, and 4-4 Cberk do do;boot imponod tbi. mpaa.

With * maml naannatent of oU kiada of UNF.N8 andHuUaE-fUKNISMiNU UOUDs.AU nt tbr Tory lowoel pricoa. tlira ua a eall.


Merabanle ana otbeir who nmy receive order, in hi-r

line from their ruiintry frieadi are reduetted to lemve their

orden with bar.wlilrb win b. executed m a .jperur manner and at tba iiiorum notice.


apt* dim No. 11* Fourth ttreet



MxwrrArYuXEU or

rfitod-J^'orkiHg ^ItarhineH

tbe Alpine chain on one aide nail nl tba Tuna bill,

ua tbe other. Tba great m. uatxics were claar atan early boar, and tbeir aaowy creel* tbona in all


ibair brigbtoen. Tbe CoTiaa, with the To.pla of'

Saperga on it* culiaiaaliog point, waa batb^ in I

I'llIU'UC UUfIMf'UITTQ ibair brigbtoen. Tbe CoTiaa, with tbe To.pla ofLUCUno, DltUill ni 1 Saperg* on it* cnliaiaaliog point, waa batb^ inHOAR8ENF.SS. COLDft, INFLUEN- tbio aummer bnxo. Tba nir wa, warm, still, and

I'Jh totnewhat bexry. It wax not quitax cbearful mom-X1AOTI.T xiniryti. bv Rru.n-. iTr.n- '?K. tbongb erery heart wxs merry round me.ehixl Troeh-o, or Couyfa Luxenee.. Tn ( Ibtra bora Iieea April aboneni later In tbe dar.T

the I^rkx to rxrtify iitotf Steoday'e mlaiy fro. . ^the day that be loob charge uf tba oOce a* 91,blM SJjJSIttlper ymr. -hie', wax mtepid. ’ SSTSi^rKSiir:AkloiMa Ahxander, foo. tba C-MBSMtlm •• Prapartr, M.raaxn

w h«f, to Wbu. waa rthrrad tba patitiaa tf Gar apoatbabra.ef ala

AIIolburiMia rogardto tba ILl at tba m.tb tf S?Stt.K7^“'^Roargravt cnaek, reported a ro^otioa extaodiag'

tbe time for tha comnletma o< void work to Ibe 9re. A Tday of Oct^r, ISM, aad directing tha. to prwemd

' '

with tbo All wubin Afty foot of the apoar aad tf-A ~-L -L

tb* aawer sod down tbs rirar ia a atnig. lias with I—*f~Y

Aa Iba duly aalbattaad Agattio tf Iba it in ne.«d itt.

auronco Cawpaiiiaa, wa am |W.»r*d . *m. ba-•cni'liaa of laamaaco ap«a -he m. fae. rebla IM. .aITepwt, . Mmamadwa and Ufo. inaXatfaw lamnmooiipoa IM bwo. af alaeo* oawMOd >n oar mad tf omptsp-wowa. Ad joemopro.a l j and llbarally od amt tf LmWviUt. Ky. worn dl

Board adjourasd.

J. M. VAUGHAN. Cmrk.


tba time for the comnlstma o< osid work to lb* dre* C*0 AT* UJO Aday of^t^r, ISM, aad di,acting th*. to pmrmd ^ ^T^rrec*-DTT-» rilwith tbo All wubin Afty Am tf tb* apoar aad tfX A X 23.E3U XwV_7l

tb* aawer and down tbs rirar ia a atraiR. Ima wi&bFourth atreot. which wa. mtopani.^*


Aid -r.>B K.lfaa, fro. tbo Oommitta* PaMic ^ ^ XJWo.ka, to whom WS4 roforrad tb* patiliaw tf nUn LL/A.L.! 1 . < > .A 1.1Kollabcr in regard to a aoodao buiidiag, taponW 1 D*'^Jj*w,^yij.4 MUAUTT AMD At rttw LuDUwi:

ir:rvn7nn^rbrRru*:nriTr:S: >?K. though eiery he^ wai merry round me.I ***7?r,7“ rV*”** „ ...

ehial Troelua, or Couyb Luaeofe.. To (Lbora bora Iieea April nboweni later In tbe day.) Hfiann AP at ncnui-v I

.**®*^**“ •*•***•*ae4i rablieIN-tiif ^rraxxxa and 8i Noraa. they i luuked runnd that immense maul of ataribg gai

DUAKU Ul- ALUtliMLN. Works, to who. wwi raforred a raetfstioa diroctiM

Toiir“** “ ”* ‘ ‘“8. nrit'tiinF. l*««l'nK face*, •»<» wooderiSg wa. TiiORnuAr Evamsa, May 19, 1859. I

tbe Eogineer to report a p an of to drtfa tb.

'•// nap «/ erw'rradrre, partimlmtit mfaiafera or Ihere oie Hiious mind in tbe midat of lo maar that i I*resent—E. D. Weatherford, Presidaat, and all I

****5 7°" s*"**

public ai-onkara, orr tujferino Jnm brvnekial irrita. took in and weighed well the full meaning and im- 1the members.


•'iwe^ PouRb strset, roported aa amnait.inttioa. thim ntHt>U retuedp wllf bring aliHutt magietU

in favor of grancing the, which rapon waiadop-ad aod p-Tuon granted.Alderman Kalfas, fra. Iha Cn.adtlat an Pablie

M'orks, to who. waa raforred a remliitina diroctiagtbe Edgiaeer to rapt-rt a p'an of aawer to drain tbe

H / " I'uoiie o W TcnUAM "* ***• It* k*ll«ld ?

’^‘^diareiiMblrto puNi<-.;.ea*era”—Zi. m'b HxaoLD. '<!“ ••*t“ tila-lel was the work of Emmaonel“AarycellcHtarficD.”—


ational Eko.Wahbiuwtoi.. rbilitwit, tbe iroo- bead, aad the conqneror nf StreiiMble to pnMi<-a;>eaker* Zk-h'b HxaALD.

Oa motion,' tb* reading of the jonmal of tb* pra-*“ •^P*^ •• •>*•»«».

Yon stern cita-lel was the work of Emmaonel,

rioas session was dispensed.bilibert, tbe iroo-beid, aad the conqneror nf St. >

A mesaag* waa read from tha Mayor trap amittiog I

MACHINDYTM’ TOOLS, ‘•'“‘t ““'"T' «“d tb. tf the lloom tf ,act as coosnlUng engineer ia preparing a ihorongta J. M.'Bochanan, «96, for foa* at Coroom-,

Pint pu««t, bHw<«n MkiD kod Market «treet*. ^SurtreJHrdy /xi throat ajffrfioiu TBAKkrmiPT. oaroy at Tuno, u;d gave its pol»cy a decided lul- |Haa of dr*io«^ for Ibo city of Loai-vUU and al- Strtet kxadii in Losiltni Diatriei, |I|05 75 «x.%m’'Eki«.o*hknddl«i«otFl*e*of Woodworth-.PUn-


un leLdkicy. U ytud.r ciudtl th« Fmoeb bod weinte soim vwws upoo said tnbjact, which was poBMo rkom tM:h AprU t« lltb Mat, 1A54;\S iMMkc^iMr. tbs IsTfs 4es MoiildlMkDd Tencn ttirokfbout ths Lnltd-d Btkisi. oocs—in the isveDleisoih century—n home; tbsy rectired and oidtred to bo priatod. 2krtoC bands in Wsssm Districts Mjio 18, ox-MschibM: UkAd ijktbs-: b*w MandrUU, 4c., pf our owo wers ibert basis|cta by tbs Spnmirds, mssUrs of tbs ! A mttsx^ wst rend froa tbs Miyor, nceomps. psaiM from 78 b of April to of Mnr 1854*

“m MSIT;«.nlfonn with those of other manufsetur- MRS WINSLOW town, who in their torn wer* tosiegeJ by a Franch ' niad by two^munkations from I A Gillias and Hospital Report tar April, INM, ab^«a(i;;g to

ersof toemaie Mochlaas.ITI It NJ s rw I I w v./ k_ Ntf Y Y

I army in posaoasion of th* coantrr. Round yonder I C. <j. Armatrong, in regard to tb* eligibility of Jai. bM;H AT;

. We Busicit a call fru. those in waat of anytlilnx In our An eiprrieured Norn and Female Miymlan, preaeuu to citadel, aod rouad lb* whole town, at tbe begionicR ^ Swmocy and Tbomof Anile aa watchman, which Alia.'h>iu* 919* M. exDtamt for AnriL lUfoSODA WATER & MEAD! *!!!:

“*** *^**-a . . a"* . . w . * * . ‘fa* *‘<hlm."th century, th. French *.r. ranted


-•*.<» motion. Uid on th. Ubl.. ’Worhb.,7-,;W U. expJ^IU ta A^^^

CLAlltS ALLOWROaSspxrato rttolutMo wars *d.>pC4d xlWv.

kksp oa hand dlAtreat Atro of Woodworth *1*1*0.

Vw iu MkcblDse; tbo larco Meo MouldUf mod TencollachibM: Ukad iAtbo*; t»*w M*AdrUU, 4c., of our owoBikoofkrture.

. .r ai. r -to.-

oOo Ok

1 Pablie maitjAbtf rasweaa Maia stt4 Madtot



TOBACCO.Botveoa Third kftd Foonk, kouth i




ormy 4sacxi|4ioo ia Morr *ad for •*!«• byJ. D. HOoNUURANT,

aiU bUtb St., a**r Mam.




PU>W8,^la itsfw aad for mIs byasis J. D. flONDURANT. Math

oaivsd per tsaiabokt Jacob atr»4«r aad for talr byJoSO. P. UOWARD,

Oils Mala, bstwaeo l%ird *od Fourth •trsds.

11 UTTRK < tabs FraMi Batter raosivad par rtaamboat

No. 489! No. 489!


MRS. C.'^Ll.lGER,JWo. .&II9SD .«•>

Rottb Side, id doer from the Corarr tf Third.

~ HAS lust rreeired s fsH sad Isrfe Rock of


^^^mwbl be sold low at wholmole and retail.

Alao, jtwt rarvivad a eomplat* a#«>rtmaDt of

aaw fotflc DONNKTS, c^kd Umm*14 dA^ui FiCCOIxO.MINl Ladka arc racpactfolr invHad to call aad czamiM

lor ihemaelvaa.

No 489' SOOTHING SYRUP.^Otf.IO U U I II I Iy U Wl IIUIj i-roin yotdar citad.l, at tha end tf tbe same can- . wnght bvd paid into tb* traasary th* turn of 975, maUng tbeWiMin^U^saam. which ware ndont-

P0R Cllilflmi TY-TthillM, lury, the Freach R*publ-caas insulied tba I‘ied- the am not duaf om said EtwrightoonhorM twap8ja*““a “** Aam, *dop

... ». .1 1 c n ,moniese, and woerkd almost to death ikt ill-faled ,

with toe keeper of tbe workbonse, wbkh waa lilea. a<L.k..i j aeU_it, s->... . -;mmana4l IV. boldng him a. .prisoner! A proposttion wa.rmd ftem wiit. 4 Selvage ,n

and rparuiodk kctlon, mud ki m bis paUloa auriag two 1uq|( yaars of a treaebarooa ipi^e • squara of tba city ia a diflaraot maaoar from j,^. i^ez ^rara canmr ^ MaIb mmA Vinth

8URK10 UEGULATE TUE BOWEIeS * alliance. For fall tbrea buodred years thia tbaoUniodaof paying at 8^ Mriqijara of lOOfrar,* ’

Depend upon U, mutheis. It wiU (ive reel to youraelrem»hnttl«:.C4 of Piedmont, t^d to aim fro whi^ wa. ref.rrvd to th* Cu.mittoe oa Public Aldenami WetfhetfurJ, foo. Commilto* «a Ptoa

A mtt.age was read foom tbe Miror transmitting

Alin.'h>iu*, 9i9i 34, axpsoMS for April, lUfo,Workbon-e, flMJ 11, expenses for April, 18o9.

Alderman Ssrgsnt, fra. Coaiaittos on Tararnand Cuifoabuuass, nporied septrata reealatmaaraotiog tb* foliowiag hcsjie*, which tsero adopt-d:

Mkbaal J. Scbmitl, tavern. Ilarhat, hekvana

For Cliilflmi TerthiiiKs

tm MAi.'d tTRse^TPM %9wawd kM '''M

LUNARLIGHT' KCAFRtfTalMbrr.AND 4D'i 4RiL.-.lANf LI jUTiNTiu World LX that or TJI ala.

I^UId LAVF bma wtw a pmrm whila brtnhai IMawpial >a^ aad ia amah *ha ipar maa »ml Taa £»•

aar taSht ia<A the* irw at Vm Im Hmk i JsFia LaaMlIab Oa* «toha/*4 vwrth af Lmv UM #awa

^ tba iovaders gf Italy, was iodocad or forced ioto ' Works.D*p*rtma*t, praaaaisd %n or lin—cs < 14 haora, aaa«a« aaawl M aa«K »nma % wswu la 4

ar 4 star sa*4bM L***r uM w aat S*b a*4N».graaahia smSM, a*4 Is *as Mshia la «m 'te L**k<d* wMi^ilafar *U MTVMasL CaU sad <ar fnw raoraaiaM^ Na. 4RAdOaNlOTRMFLB, Pawth «waa«•Ml MRss. BBArFT.•W'SutaaRdraossr* ^ 'f>»

Riovlv oped. Ntiver did we know *o lz»etAOC4i ofdifWktWkA’Uon by any one • wboueedlt. On tbe con-am^ora. mil mr*. S*4litfhlMl ^ with tta nrs.t.lifxna .Milfar ihemsgive*. trary, all are dkllrhted ^ with Its o^ikiionSv and occQpnUoo of tbeir coutatry *s duioUresltd acd Tba folios

IkSN RAlLIItG 4ND H0F8E S.IIITHIXG £l effects and medleofTlr. tues. We apeak in ifiie I

brotherly ua Napoleon h*a declared It to I)*.i

_I . BiaUer “ wbat »* DO“ unow,” after ten years’I

tf; S exi«-rience, auD ri.xDux . oc* asrciaiiox r<i* Tiix Advice Ahoit Tebth —


r. H*)*«, sn emioaat , - ^

bsT* it in tbeir power to render this last French|

nporud tbesame, wbkh was approrsd.occnpalioo tf tbeir cou:.try us diaioterestvd and Tb* following petitkos for taverns and eoAetruly brotherly us Nupokon has declared it to l>*.

ihouses wen presented and rsforrad to th* Cummitta*

I on Taverns and Culfo* Honsas:

Advice AnoiT Teeth —


r. Have*. »n eminent „ ^*®f**“.**’a™, Market street, between

Main St., between Third end Fonrtb

MANCrATTCUb ‘WMtoOgO—a. nenm heap's M*. Titoy :

am «e O. MIL’S Ma. 4s bast braads Yu. o*i

lamtosaaTtoresfoar l»tn JACK 4 MOTHOl

HF pipes Otord. uy, 4 Ca. Brandy;



4. ttfhUi pipes Cofaac do;ill bt>l. New Yoik do;

In stofv ul4 Cur sale by1* MAhSUALL HALBEKT 4 Ca

I IQUOKS.-1W bfats pnra old Ree WMAy;Lx toll do Coppar-dlstillod do, for snle bybM nock, WICIus, m cu.

I TNDTJtWFAR.-Tt dox Gontx’ Merino SUitx;Li hi dox Imdie.’ Mxrtho I’ndervvar;

to . mala’ Silk rhittx;

to Ladixi aUk Underwenr. Just recsired aadfsrialaby JAS. LOWAOO.,ml* 4IBMainR.

LvI IM pixees Bubbiuet Mox-inlie NcClinf.Jnxt rooRved xud for sole bymW JAS. U>WACO, 4ls Main XL

to MANUFACTUBERS of Bnrrlxir;^^^^ 'TltVProof Safex, Inn KxUlnitB. Jxilx, TH(

Verxndxhs, Stab raMx. Bxleonies,

Atf BxakVxulw.k'ue ProofBank Doors, ’IrYfcJ the si.

“aU^," sSjfiiljty of IKON WORK for Public or Pri-i

rata BuUdincs. nDioivj.ORNA.MFNTAI, KNULOMFREN UKiriNt

for f’suHttrr Lott of now Panorae—very xuliitaotlal andxhMn. andorxroomei

Aisa, aUworklntbeHOUSE-SMlTHINO llnedonoai «iied, end in

the sbortait notic* and at prieex as low ax the kiwxit. xrnisT nuir

and B.nJx, to who. wax referred th* todawiac Sr State xndConnsr- k* 7.bonds, nportad tb* xam, which warn snvernlly - - -

approrod: I ACCS h-NO EMHRiklDKaiad— i rntm .mi. the xx™ B Errck, Clerk tf Police; ^ Vr7,?,*? bT N^vTe*Tu!rr**mJas. tiioeew, Inepectorof Roof, Park, end Lxrdi fC^^MTap^l^e^m^ llo.,' 4. -weanhlld aJo*. W. Puu-aai, buperintondeat if Al.shoiian; -.eta* xwsSMnt tf VaMndtaowas Lama. F inx LeonW C Gtlpis, PhyxKlia Ettfera D.stricl; »Yaad..r.n.^.« rvo*_rai^ tf t.***

J. J. Spsed, PayxKtaa Wantarn Distrle; y477-V-r!

John Anxtin, SeEloa Wastarn Cenmiary ; mahaaa, a^^FawT^ fact. eseryUdM^ D rnTTaUxuegs Miinix Ssxloa Oskfond Camstory. — aanbatodax^

cwnnnioA deriaan Ursrall praeanled an ordinxato in- MtotAbUalE AND EMBROID

ei|N-rirne«, a«i» a or* *»rcTATio!< roxTiii Advice Aeout Teeth —


r. H*)**, »n ymio*at . ..^ icrMC, o*cw«** j Spt^, PoyMci** Wi*t*r« Dikirk ;

Ilitf ev«y“it^ Thti. ? IhJ fiSKt U-itorto/fram tUmiA to Undon, ^ve. the Ifd.*"'*NeI?btd?

‘tavern Portland- f,**'

pain and exhau--tlon, relief * will be foon<l In fiftran or lowieg usafnl hints abonC tbe care of th* Imth. J;’ IV, _ . Uxoeg* Mitnlx Ssxloa O.kfood Camstory.

toenty mlnntos after the •• Syrup ix^uiiubtored. They are simple, timelr, and de.rv* attenUon; i

Aaufm tn * Uroes, tavern, corner of Foarth and A deriaan Orarall praeanled an ordin*ara in-

an^ of oT?*Sli^EScpCKI- § KNCED anJ'sh^l’.U-Xi. 1“ the first place, the teeth sbonid be fxirly need., Gwrpe N*rnl>ergsr, coffee hoaxa. Main straet, bn- U -7-^^ .^j. i**^*,^Nl'KSEKia Ns* uixlauA ^ and baa been oowt with By this I mean, not made to perform the duties of tH-xn Sixth xrd S^anih-

publie ira,irartiaxaix to tkx O -nxrol Cooncil, whwb•

'THm-SAN^ § OF CASKS Vl-r—-Ud .m to nsrartoin ‘Td.m Vxytong. X’lKmm. Bnlllt, xtrrat; TCkT^“ **“ ^

THOl sands O OF CASKS. tteir itrergtb or br Udies to riynl wiiswir* in cut- Ororge S:on.5>u-., coffee bouse. Water xtreet, Alderman Biird orasent.d . rxxnlutton duwcHowIt not only re.kvea thx ehiid from pain, bat Inv't- tiog thread; for rsxt assured- in every cim, more I p-mi.Ja. ^ AlaenBxn UUM presente-l x rxxolutton directing

xra-es tbe •i..m>cb end boweU. coirects xddily. aariknUrlv the lx-.t_lhe nsrtv htvlev rxeoorsa to' v . tb* .M ivov to pmcTu-m n snitnbl* rxrstf foe bls of

wu rand nnd rafxrr.d to thn CommiUn* bis PnblkW-irksAlderman Biird prnsented x raanlutUo diracUsgAlderman UUrd prnsented x raanluttoo diracUsg ItfPKlNylPaL oFSIUK-w.

tb* .M ivov to pmcTu-m a tniiab)* rarsto for bis ofkn, which wax raforred to the ComialUan aa Pnblk **ji«^knd KnraeiixadF

Robbing Comt MMyftnPRiXViFkL oFftlCR->W«M 44* M Matk frw 4u*f« Ma*b kf VatEM.RR.IMCII Ofrioc^ 4*«i4 44i 14*r%Wa iaiwWMj*c*«»* kEd tUiMiME **d F*rt— mtwmm ftord **4

kndoy«r«oiiMcooirul4oiip, ^ »Uch, if oot iiMMdUy ri***- **^ 8® *" ^“*^** ***^*j^ “*?i

wUboui a IIc«qm, wbkb w»* nforrwtl to tbt PiDeiic* .rotMTlT *t•dWd, end la dekOi. w« ^ b*iirY# U Um hut aod tbe deoUat’t frwnii. ClemDLacM n »t>^.o!at«ly Committtd.xrnx^T 2 cu'lttM"*‘iSthe?u‘Zi; T**rJ “If

**" “d Aldermxi Trnbn. prewited x raeolntion directing

BELL * lYlFKDOCK,At theta aid stand. *M Main street, Loutarille, Ky.

MUPLDOCK, BELL, & CO.,43 Brand Isireel. New Y’wrk,

UBWissiM k Forwarding .Merchants.UUUTHFRN orders proaiptly attended to aad rasli ad-19 vanrm laade oa condgnmenta to either house.

Jau7 fAvff



7‘“Ne* v«k! taM « to?’ ouSdd. wWi^ef ‘W ““y "*I Which wx. retal; waxn. on mxioo, th* rnlt

pri.e M cen*e. ' ffB to cum^D.. i -c .

’ psnded and thn xcmx pasmd.8-M by Drngcl.t . • threiutbont the w^. To or^r that the tetfh xbonld look natural—that Alderman, from Hnuncs Comt

”'•*?. “V."”!®**?;"? '*??*?'*** »l»» rafcmd aa ordioaact regnl.iipirricU *f *c^ nbuiild be n*^ »t tbe

jof eitv aad «p^i*l tcbeol twxei foi

YOUNG MEN, WHY WILL YOU DIE? rsils;"S : “-aL?-”)

AOUr fkruuiue UUI*^ hi** StoV vwsa; *r* avsbsnPEKKTNS, Ne* York, leM on toe uutaide wrapPrice IftfwaG.4v4d by Dregelttn • tbrouirboet the wo^.Prinriied o(!^ No. 13 C‘*^*f 4., New York.*l»rt7J4wly

p. . . 1 1 J- ttweoih itreeU, *ad Mceruid tbe WwmC esMEdt tbet

Alderman Trabne prewited a rmintion dirmtlng g ja-t be purebamd for. wokh was Auditor in rntareotk to certify any eUim tf tb* AidermVn Kslfiix. from CommittakSo PuWk(^oner for inqnmt held ax correct nolest th* par- vVork,, to whom no* ttfbrtad a nealitUua declxrmgID. npoQ wbra tb* said loqneet wxa bald wan g i,,xp,dtont to ramatsnra tb* maaoary tf Bmnd

edopted. brklije msfl r«^*liO|C e reeolatioM urderieR MMiAldermen Trabu,, from tb* Fioaoc* Iximmitlee, to be nmax.ared, raportod tba xatoa, wbkh

presenled “an uroinaccs Itrviag a xpeeial g-xtax *0, xJ.,pi,dtor t^ year anding •iib tba »ih of March, 1*W,” ^ rawdaitoi fto. tb* Comm Cgmmci allawiag“

”f"*•“ 9»i«l W» to H. EL Ui.don fee repair* to Broadway,

-lerman Bttrd pressoUd x raeohitlan diractTag PI'^T-^RI MIJ aad YUl’OHlOttaKN T LttAl.Mayor to eorr!»H><md with tha ewnar of thx "Varty at th* iaursec’lon tf Waljat aad Panr- etowvl onm a nametf-to, aoKsMad.ih xtraeU, sod ascartuin tha luwns* aatoant that *• JOSRPR BOMt

PETSR*. CAAOO, * Ca.FI A No-Foa r E M AN fFACTe- tf Bff. «jmmi^^ Baoiae laxtuaead aar SacSitttas. a* ma^^^^^^Baaw saisiail to tars aalta*. Uato taxiso

i-lanox par vveE. W* wsoM rospamWtoX tf f a lalx*. oaf waaixxata aad rxtnil perana-

art that a* bag* for tha fainrato baahlawxamiP tonaxnaaaU deaxand for ear rawnMats.Axte^rdxtoe .mta ef eat Pis e ix ae aaald rexmeMffo

r rxfer to to* fact, lor thsla,*. 8e* yoara. « s warn

one r. oattrazt.1.. aon'T n’Exa iox. o. con


d4wtf ^ aot*^ fliiilfMoiin wb*a nstitufird th*l O'— 1 Rief'*, CurktfVf? (?) ionirumeeta, Nofotramn,

iAi 0 CARTerieira Proprielor# of M<>ek llo^pitAin eA» NKVKR

UifniRO 4C04R -440 MDCnuM, PiewdwiMd, omAIVoMtmisfioH JRerchattts,

rC deiidtfd far a*A* by.17 WAOOFJtER 4 LONG. NEW ORLEATUf, LA.

UFA or Invol. iudkial not only to their color, bnt also to Ibcir'da- ^hwh MoSed"'**” *™’


tobimy; and I know m mtahudiosim^ of con-, AW.rmmi BxkdTfrioi Rev taion ComnrfM*., to gato7 "id^h of^ttdT-'^lL*!!)?!!^whomwM rsf*iT«ltb.r.p.rttf tb.R.vtslooCHn- ,^|*ed from th* Cmliu ani mlariid to

lyCStrUMEBY—t^LmaOtoxa 4lto, aadte^

LbetnatfE Tirtexpittsaaer*mibttfaa,wlH..ha*wa,aad btach;Taatl. ISase aad t.kxiaxil FiiatoV;448 taraan total axe Uin ;

Mata Dr*, bay Rm. tar.; far ixtoatmm A. uTMAMapicLirK

J foraxteky 1.11} WM T RARTLKY4CO.

lA,rHI8KT-IMMtaaU toYtaky«*rakWyY m WM Y iiArrix\ 4 00.

FltfC Sitock tff







ffUSPKNDUth. 4*.

im taxMvxd at J. M. ARM dTRO.Yti'M.

p^ATOEK-8i bto. raeetvtf,pg

New onions.—


btals nea 8oatJsara OntoBslas’. rt-

xtfrad peviSaaMr Ectuor sad for sata by.14 FLTEK 4 BI'CUaNaN. 4M Metofl.

ROEBEKKINO. — 8(taf taki. Roe Herrtn«. Aprtl'i

rxixtora.iaxt iaee4v*d aad for xxta ky.14 UIBWTT 4 80N.

IiSKTRA FLOURA lie bkta ladiano Whbe Wh.a> Floor.

W kkli Cawthon aad Maekia'e XX FloanFar mle to HIRblTT * PON..14 Market ttraet.

IterclinMiR' Mnmornndnm Book,FNONTAIKINO aU the enrtatiee tf poods oxoaUy kept

V. bv ttsrrksata. vtata eolatope (or aales. ,n*a-Iktas. nnaaboatki of, tka prim rtferAc.

nnrg MAYR jufr ^MIVSD A HEW AMD VKSYYY lytar artieta af

Ctopjring Press.MirVELL k CO.,

l«*Fkloxxex*«pmaim tokurr. maar ritti

MAMoGAhVANW hOShWUUD UFAKh—vMioiuelytasand STtaea rtfsaieby

c. haqan a oo.

N sILS —M kaes aesartad Maes fir sale by-!r HIRBI1T4 RON


^wMcr AXaTa Z».A^X3ZUriwp Hnatel, aa4*vnlU4iiBgGlkiM8!

IftIrtwT 4ten PlkU and FrtachGlkfts!

fhmktm Skadns, Cmrmm, aad CartmiR taadsl

EkgrkTtkgs Md Picluv Pmaes!Ha <7 TRIRD 8TRKET.

1AM aaw netaeira aiy stock tf th* above Ooedx, dtaaet

taa. Now York aad PMtodol|Aia. aad iavita Use^dstaeoil aad esomne ihem, iiloipito myself to ecU ae

laa raiae am* needs *aa to naadht la this *bp. .14

Bmpmhor ChRmpapin Winant » oms WMaw Clk|.t4 U d* Rdnin OsBaw.m * 4n Rato ««$M hntoota .imitaN Vorarnay;

I ARD —tad hhta and ttareas prim Kettta randorod;aw do 4* No. lifer sole to





sxoo ooOR frofortioni


Bapbiior Old Liquors lo Wood,«9^PINET. CataMoa. A C*. Cogaa-.-;

Bffiy U. OodardBAtfl-Mard A Co a*;dKdiir, Sontltfd' MadUrs Wine;

1j^4jo FvCkuler 8*:*au^f*«ikn*t Fort 8e«

r«r«ktf J. P. THOMP40N,BI|V No. H PouryLUnwt.

SUMMER CLOTHING!tfd ii/ bbln cboi^;

GOING OFF VERY FASTI U~lf^rram.toamer Joh^Ro^

1AM determined U cire a» the Clothiac pert of my bu- — 77"4aeif. end wUii eioer oat the rem*iad«r of but v. d. o*>t*vo. miLir ArdSA. m. *• vAgAEo.

Hyring nnd 8nnuwr 8t*ck d. oaetano * co,

AT A UKEAT BAt-RIFICEI WhOlFRIXlF FaMfy GFOPPrY,Far betow eh* Eoxurn mil MANUFACTU b EBH UF UANDIEN.«tf-caii In aad bay and DeolMs in Foreigu Fruits,

m-TE ceothunTO -2“ut a froat harfalo at HI, corner tf Main and Third sta. ROCOivedII A. D. MAN8F1ALII rpHE ROMANCE OF A POUR YOUNG MAN. truu-

1 Uied froa the t reach of oeuve FruilleU Pike 24r.

Aleo, W. Alrfe LWyd'e Suanbokt *od lteiir<>*d lialde

Propikjior# of M«i«k ilonriuin eon N ICVKH Kr*kwW «rtio* a aeenu aaa troamen^ mco om reforrwd tbe repert of ibe Rieteiett Cj«i- r-cel*ed from tbe Co«m<M Cchealth and VIOORwrttrio a of i»m and ub<*quent exUnc^o, the mrtUe of tbe Comm mi Cj«acil. opm the dceikioa ih. Kewkieo Committsebr my Ktpeneufi*And Kforower Health) WITHOUT DPs- waiihiog in Mtber uLe or ibe other. Tbe pereoo who


_tf o# a uncba tha wd. eitv fur # t an w * •

LAV id »W# • luJiKatfeiltfkt W%r. Aodrea with uia. him or heneif to *BV extemta to bot niL I _ w '^^^Appeeu, upoeM keijMTa «iy M mo4tbiT reifort of J. U. Moon^ 4ofM MMpec -

ItoptSSrrafHii per/oct roajid^mot) yom tuead^ for. ~ ^7*^. ftpofted tbe tame, wbicb waa <wdere4 l» be *ad (Ued.mrra»aw-4u-aiy ratoer.biux

LA BUF- Ito d.nitot )u« n^mwl. Urosho. for iheTith|*7^'

. , ^ ^ . „y v. “"TiSmart dA* ly Dayton. Ohio. xbonld ba of meJinm •ubtUnt* of briitia, and tha** ,

^ C" nmittee of Revision of tb* Board of tba tb* Mayor to coatraet awb sotaa 9*rsoa to rayata

mud. ua ahatia celled tha nenetralije oriaciula ar* t-omnwo Council, to abom tb* eommankoiloa tf ih* .war nnd-r Firnt straat wa* to Ik*

PRIVATE MEDICAL TREATISE ON THEI would also observe that childran at on enr- tha City Enginaer, addrnxxed to tba Gsonrol Conn- Cummitta* on Fnbtic Works.


-M-ntf toe nave ra.eaad*nir.Wt>MINOaaR.-eiHnnriANo WAkR-RiMjMS to Iha xeraeTtf

tftf Mala and -sixth tiraeta. OuvnaUW* nun

'Cnwaaeaon Main isvrat.atoa xn -ttxto. toraa(~’


•W" feetory rereer of FeeneeMb *e4 4*iae«Meie.t»dSb :*e M W4 PMTMR-'d. CXAaO A C<K

MURRELIe & CO.,Sntcesaan to Murrell. THH. 4 Co.,


f§Vtoie»a/e GroeerrAMP

eonnissioi hercsaits,No. 463 Mail, between Filth ud SUtb aU.,

4A«ij K\*

Only in Cents per Yard!

Unual Pilce 25 Csntsl

l« *xV'

JB 0-^S:E2SJnst Received ky Express!



IK FOURTH* d4v Ilet*M-u Market and JefferMn.

PHYSIOWXHCAL VlfcW OF MAKRIAOE.P*ee« *od ISO Fine Pl*in *nd Ooiored Litbocrepbe ap8 I

yw^Pfice Only rieenfir-Ffoe CohU-^mM

^fteet^ree ef podUce to aU perU of tbe UaieiLmifli


ly Age ebould Ue ioetmeted in tbe uee of the toatb> 1Joet., oa fbe sublet of arAdlag

biiub, and txDgbt tb* value and i.potUnc* of th# : *»<• paving of ’trsaui, wxs rxferrad, beg leave to

teeth, in order lo incukat* habiu of cleanline. acd tnereon aa fullows: *^nta doa appreciatioa tf tba craxuieou of tbe montb.

. .. ,, .. .

A brush properly select, d (cot too hard) mxy be decixioo* of th* courts in suits brought again

by cnilaren fiv* yasrs of »gx, every utoruiug; ®'ly Yor tb* grading aod pari-.g tf stmts.

,y being pirt and parcel of tba general ablu- iInterpraUlion by the cjurU tf tb* unlike*

TION of Mu i-sfos and IW platas utod..ujtf M reule e copy. A popaiAt luid by beiac pert Aoe percel mm...-. .a wa«.v... _ -Attd comprebeMiYe iTeetiee 00 the ^ Mud ihui directimr h*bitu*l Attention to Ibe i

luch wwik U next rtciled, end ie, ihet *11 width of CjiumercUl e^reetia PortUad, from Second

iSSS.5 Wo!5S^p'^“.^ ^{?ur:^ to.tb, . u,.lu* .nd el.2ly hub.t will be xngend.J^!

cuoUmiU for the execution of such work .hall. U to Thtad i^, *» d* fM a« c^ wax ra-

UsocuTmode nr securlu* tham--io- which will probable inxur* lor Ibxm proper c*i* tbeir pbraseolo^, be xinctly in eccoidoE^ with llm feiind to thn bunet Caastoiltae tf tb* Weetara Dtto

fxlkiiuus and infertU* ones—tbait thraoxbont lifo words tf tb* Courier and the words tf tb* ordi- trie*.

1 ua the 7ih inxt., on ibe snbjact of tb* sroding A retolulioo fram the (’jmmoo Coasefl grantingid paving of ttrxabi, wxs rxferrad, beg leave to time till I t Augnst, 1839, to H. Hoetotter to com

p^ tnereoa aa fullows: *^to pUto his coatyactoa Mixib strew* fon. York to L*x-Th* cua.unicxliou begins by refernng to tb* ingtonnnd fixing tb* width tf the lirtet n* *i) beticiaioas of th* courts in suits brought against th* beewe*n tb* curb,, wa, raftrrad to tb* Iknet Cora-

ty fur tb* grading aod pari-.g tf stmts. Ibe miito* tf tba Wesiarn D-.vekt.

terprataliuD by tbs cjurU tf tbs ordinaiita rega- A resotutiun fram tb* Cnmiisoa Coaneil fixing the

VOOT dk Klolirx, 4me MANUFACTVRINO ) KWRCandenAy^ A

Whaheato nnatora in itaaifjui. lieeRtt9 aod *.ie Jawstay. xt Kassara Plrtaa*. N*l

mtmX'i ThtaOstraas. axa* MarXat. - laliifita.^ to• -wtnsNy.

I utf*fliaateae*lxnxn lniiii.s i1to.saas’nar*dee.toI f-n-"tf i.)«*'r7, aad f*voa with *i,pat-h

N. IL—Wateh^aad 'swairy -epairad-navxVTXwaetitoanaar. •17eil4si4htf

rwximiNwl ^8^ MUSir. iwtt 1- atn.xd hg Dl FlS1J!iaUUF*B a* A COL. ta» Mo. eiwM. totwean ThtaSC^aittS3>*d Foiwfo tamiu

I no X : --D .Vowtavr-, to o. Idtanm. M.I 1 rwliet an* t a.-hea prJka, by Cnrairh4ai Ml

Soeiaania* Roa Come, Xaaasxtai «... to DsXsraL MLNhihuato'* finka. to R. Do Rooda MlFi.itiin Ysar* Aj*. **to thorn*, to Wm. Ftat*.


S.ton* of Malto MUnMM March -edh vtaa. tf foe <nnn

d Malta In fiwta xsWnfoAi praraadsa.'. InLovtoe Laaam. a mettfol *.nr. by Woltooa. M.Ursa, tf ttonsr, a eharaktag mag, by L Ociradl CMfo

Uaen. >8.

I Caram Bird Vheotarh rhaandfW efonstj- MLU Than nswMMar M*. a toae dal mag, to Karl Mato.

A rsxulnUon fou. th* Curnmon Conacil, diyactiog

tb* Ox* Company to place x M.p on tbn annth shk

lay on Siiarmatarrbaia, with pracd-*al ohaarvatioas on a safer aad a

_ eendui niaa>- of IraataMOt—proeaoUonarr hints oaUm OTils resulUii* fro. ampirkal erictieos; to which i* add-

exitaries oa tha diseases of femalesfrom infancy to

This icierpretalioa is corract ia th* ooiniun tf tf Madttfn street, iiatween Eighth nnd Ninth, and

be cvmmiUxe. on* on tba corner tf Ninth sad Mxdtsua, waa re-

Tb* CLimmanication procsedx by reciuog tba tec ferrad to Iba CuBmuia* «• Go* and W’utar

nd MCtiuo of th* 7th article of tbe new Charter, A rasulutiaa fro. ih* Clmi-cU, d ncuag

fxliciiuux sod inferul* ones—tbait thraoeboat lifo worilx uf the uourter xua um wurux or in* orui- trict.

Obvixtiun sod removal—neraouxde- I namm uodar which tbe work is authorised to be A rsxuluUon from th* Co..on Conacil, directiog

«.2'lir,riSllto"m)a’xnltfI OPPTCIAT. <!«>•• *•“ *)•* Oo“P“y *® P**«* * "• **<*•

fxetiixl, that faiinre u' Impostable— This icierpretalioa is corract ia ths ooioion tf of Madttfn street, imtween Eighth and Ninth, andrule* ftf daily msBs«*msnt—xa e*. nnton nr r-riti vi -v rini-vnii the cummiUx*. on* oo the corner tf Xinlh sod Mxdisua, wse re-

my o^permatorrhasa, with pr*^ BUAK^ Uh LUMM -N CULNCIL.commnnicaUon proesadx by reciOng tbe sec ferred to the CuBmuiee on Go* aad Waiar

TarRscay Evewno, May 19, 18S9.;ond .ctiun of the 7ih xrtieU of the naw Charter, A raxoluUin fro. th# C#«i*u0 Cuu,,^ d tecung

ib*«TlbreMiltiD4from«nipLricAlpr*ctk6A:towbichif*^. Pmseat J. A, GiUi.4t, PretMAot, and *11 tbe intm*I wb«r«io U if ^footed in th«?« wurds **rbAt tbf ib« Gm ('-ompAay to plAc« • l*mp on tha fcxtbAAM

Me#m»«4i*ri^to»Ui*44e^of f*oi*te«f/omiDfABc^ ben except Memn. AnderiC4, BAfbm, BaUer, and ' Geoeral Cjoncil «b*U have tbe power w p*ie ordi- corner of 8 leibv *ad W*lnut fUMte, w*e Adopted

MlfjSurtSSl Parker.inances to procure tb* improeement, eitb, r by grad A restJu’ km from th* Common Couatil, ^ting

mtotaMsunddiiappolDted hopes eo unfortoaxtel} preesloat Tb* rexdiog tf tha journal of tb* previous .siion i ing old puviog, or by grading, paving, and mucad- Uirlaod 4 Mxicaif a tavern licvMta wxs raforrad to

in ths young. It la x truthful xdvixsr to the married and wn, dispensed with. ' XBixiog. or bv grading aod pTaokiog a-iy of tha Comauttea on Tsvirne and Cstraaksnsaa.

(hoes cjntmniJatliigmxmto* itaperx^ U A ctmmunlcaUon wax rend from tbe Cbinf tf Pb- I sr th* whoU tf any strest of alUy, now t* abUabed,” A rastfuiien fra. Me CemM ConneU, dmeting

Ikm reporting a Polic* IMitricto, which wa* refor-


4c . 4c„ 4c. Tm Charter xmhrscx. in this quoted th* City Auorney to tiUc ih* aeceossra stops to

Cded the heatob, hiiniipem. eod iirivttecw to which erery red to tbe Coininittee oo PolKe. i atcuoa fU that u tfid OB tbU imptiHait rabjecL open Mmrket ttreet U> tbe effievn city iimite, wethonMo.lmtoii taentittad, to. Prise to cento p. copy *r fira x praposiUon from th* Martinetli Brother* to I It will bs perceived, bowsve-, that nothing i* mid adoptedhaman helniitaenti

'be rexdiog tf tha journal of tb* previous xtsiioa i ing aid paving, or by grading, paving, and mucad-I dispensed with. ' kmixiog, or by grading and pTaiiking a-iy tf

L ctmmunicaUun wax read from tbe Cbiaf tf Pb- i sr tb* whole if any strest uridUy, now r* sbliabed,"

A rastJu'ion from th* Gammon Countil, granting

U irlaod 4 Mxicaif a tavern licvnn*. waa raforred to

th* Comautu* on Txvera* and Caffe*beaux

A rawluiion fro. the Cemmoa CaaaeU, dirsetinf

to,.XX raforrad to 2^32r^:rto'!C:l^ ‘x.y>ra^ th.’**"****- I’aitod atom f»*s of poetaitaL *• nsexfo* tf ik* ataaswCaaaeU, dtrsetag uriesa. aR max puhilxliad in th* Cauod Stotas uaa toMcrosarv sMm to Md to onr wmiern nme. Uswsl -ttacoont t- ina wwd* sad

to. Prta* to ceata par copy or fira It will b* perceivod, bowsve-, that nothing is said odjpixd

celebrete tbe Fourth of JaXy by on exbibttioa of i ia tbu iwction, or elw where, indeed, io tbe Cb»rter A re*aarioo from tbe ComM dimUoff

AibAoy, N«w Vof^, t»«cloJi^ttr«tiu.*

tire werk^i wef reed aimI referred to tbe Tbjmbce ! on tbe iub|ect of curbiait of “eny Kreet or elley the Street loepecror to dr»ja <6e powd* l^taf >eacb ,

N. B. Thoee who yreier may cooeult Dr, LOCKROW Conmlitee. ^ th.t tk« P^inneil. he anv ordioAOce. AAV or^i-ar ta of Jew’'rMB sireet eed weel of c«i^teesib (Rreet. At ^

pereooAiiyor by mAU. liedicta« Beot to any part of tbe - # “i u m. yi a* t-«

U^n.AoeordiDf todlreettoai,tAfelypAcbAd and cerefblly favor of Kimball ft McAuefor repaiiirw laterei

•eeured from all obeervAtioD. of SevaikteeiHb otHl Ui|(b Mreete, wbicb wmHi B- LOUKRtys, Ha.IlMaldonItan#,af p, the Slreot Commiltea, Wxotsni Diotrict

'proSkS’StoS’ di^fr'JSJ; '^A. M to » F. M.,on4 on, ^ ^Raodarfrom 3 antHS P. M. ball ft McAtee of #18i 46 lor repeiriog lolet to

R^Odlce remoead from Ne.M Baavar etrealte No. kl eoteaatb atreet aawar. which wea referred 1

Maideo Laoa Albany. N. Y. aoettdftwtf Mimai nx)inmi:tra of tha Waatam District.

' that the ConneU. by any ordioanca, may or^l-ir ta of JeM^nom »ireM aed weei of EighMiMb ftreet

bi Dived. * ^ eaeeedimt #100, wbka wae adep»e4.

M^2sTItfESIS LACBw lUKtEUE. AM MULMITTS,I be tePiriBeef lubiDitten a cUin of f27l 90 in

.bi pived. ,

• «« w*w,.

i AJkCL A. -I* -L a,favor of iUmbalift SJcAteefor repairirg iatererciion * Tnis omUaioa of tbe word “curb** or tbe word A re*)lutiao from tte CmmU, ditecUBft I yqjiq ^ SHORT* OF RTERY y ai.tWT ft PR9C&of Seventaeotb and Ui^b Mreeta. which wm refer-


•'curbing” in Ue authority giv«n for tba improre- tbe FoOgi^aer to iut>«it • P|** fof*J**g^^'^****J I ry-xx ^ r^j->b.r^c3

of*,treeU atd alley*. aapm« lo have arreetad of tb* aU*y betweaa Walnet aad CbeeUat, awl ^ r/-xT T'v ^r^r-Eff-bLWxcj

fIMF —8M hhls Fmi4 IJm einn^,' s*r Whltewaxh- Also, W. Alvio Lloyd's Diaxml

a tig torWle ny • .or May, lUto-Ulurfrxtad. FrioeJ. D. BONDI RANT, gi F MAUDI

.IT Sixth straet, near Main. nUDLA8TER.—U« bbl< Newoik Calcined riettor in store

n end for lolr in auuntltiM to snli pureb*‘ets byJ. D. hUhDURANT,

bit Mzth St., brtwren Main and Market.

C'DamPAGNE—to bookrti IlridisU'k A To:to do Cnor Uvidouick,to rase* Cabinet;

In store and for aale bymill V. D. OAErANO A CO.

Silver Table Sioioiis atFLETCHER 4 BENNETTS.

Silver DeoKrt 8pi one xtFLETCHER A BENNETTS.

gilver Tra Spoons xtFLETCHER * BENNETTS.

Silver Fork, and SOver Knives xtFLETCHER 4 I1ENNETT8.

giver Butter Coolers xtFLETCHER 4 BENNETTS.

Silver Aswrxfus Tonys Ice Tones. Sugar Tongs. FtcUe

red to tba Siraat Commiitaa, Waaum Diatrict I menl of atreete atd alley*. aapm« to have arreetad of tb* all*y bMwean Walnet aad Cbvttnat, a^ ^XOt^K^I^G' CW)ODSTba E igiUMf anbmiUrd a data io fovor of Kia- tba atUntion of tna oourta, and to bav* lei tbem to raooiBR froui F ret to Socamd wm adopt^ BYERY DEacRlPno!«.

bull 4 McAtee tf 911U 46 Ibr repniring inlet to Sev- a dtcisioo, in di criminating what ia and what is not A naoliRiott fro. tbe Uiwnen C^titil. watting ga gar ’ n_n >YWtf£aenteeatb straet sewer, which wo* referred toth* . pxvemxot, that mxy, po«ibly. if* tr'-" the City Attotney to Ulm^p* to opna M^annHireet Commitle* tf tb* Western DUtrict. opSiiiioa cannot be bad, foU heavily m the wxy tf to eet, htfwxea Tenth nnd W net xtraeti, which waa uF A NEW DUCiarTIu.<.

The City Engimer xubmittad a report on tb* , xxpenxe* on tb* city, in lb* future improvemenu tf *’xy*‘*-i ••

width of sidewnlks, which wx, rend, reforrad to tb* I all sirnxU and alleys, . . , ki u

^^“®* Connal directirg-4iir nx.wi a onuAJtDlK. and lawma

Stmt Committxea, and tent lo tbe boned of Alder- Tb* courU have iocontioosly deculeil, w* think, tbe E .gmeer to report what r« ora b^m*^ « BARhOB. OBUamUK. A-ND LAWNfi

ueo.Iwith nil do* deforacea, that macidtmixiag a street i-i Ltgut i and Ninth siratfa. btowaan Mniks* and

A rexolotioa from th* Boxrdof Aldermen ailoning sr a'iey is not paving a street or oHey, xn-l rin- J-ffvrg. xtmi^ wax utatfed.jCjIT •DL'EIYKD A nBW effFFlY

M Ferry $25 for bnrying pauper* wax rafarred to1

tm-wt.. n . .u ^ mm»

tbe Kmaccx Committex Paving mAV not mean tnacxdtinui g. Bat, on th* aa anction Iicmv* to J. F. Tbompran. wtaanhashAlI M>».»« ML-taBwMr. GUU. praranteda peUuon from J. F. Tbomf- ‘ ott«hWl rta|.'H7 u-e. l4 ~«‘ti*««- have ex- ented bo^, with Tbeufora Harr, ox hi, A COMFLETK aasortmK-NT A-ND cMKAF.

on for an onciion licenn, which waa referred to it* i ing doe* mean paving tf a tort or xwms. U means suraty, wa, adopted.„ ^ TW xWvx.,^xn* a.Hto syta sew* s< smoy fim^Rtoi

Committee on Heepital, with leave to report; I th^ or U U withont a maoning; aad, w* think, no A rexoieti^ from th* ^nw. Ci^ea gmMftiK *f Dw Orads. ran be. FKwroTlL

When Mr. Armstrong, from laid Committee, re-


court will affirm tb* latter. M. C<^ and other* pertnitMow to bmld .mr* fro.*4 r.«nh st- h**.x*n Mxraot **i J.foraxn,

ported X reaulution granling ths same upon his exs- W* think ih* court or court* have igitore-l tb* tbeir honxss t* cunnect with tba «w#r in Hnargrnx* ^rt wM be affM a* prim fosC *• iMa,r«x-xkt

cutiog tb* bond with approved Mcnrirv. which wa* matoing tf tb* word pavement in tbeir Llecuion. creek, wo* sin-pd-d and adopted. ^4 4mmm_Tung), Beet Tengs, Salad Tu^.^c^ tf

BENNETTS. ported a reaulution granting th* oama npoo his *xe- I W* think th* court or conrt* Hav* lglMie<l

Silver Pilcher*, S.lver lio.'leta. Sliver Tiiulih-n, Sheer cutiog tb* bond with approved Mcnrify, which wx* maioing tf tbs word pavtment m tbeir lMCUM

city sail re found tf ELLTCllEK 4 Be.NNE:’rrs.ml7 i4b4w 4i3 Main xt , between Fourth and Filth.

adopted. I Tu* l*»m pavxnieat is s genxiic terra, campro-

Mr. Shanks, ftiin the Street Committee, Exs'ero 1 kxndicg atverJ sort* or species, each tf whKb lx

District, reported a re.-g-lulion direciing tbeCity At-\

iliatiogui bed from tbe other by lb* material u.-i*d

^^tiLAMra^fingarhaa. and Fioataltoa;

ftjS hf hhta do do; foraoir byIT WAOQEXFJt 4 LoNO.

COIxLJS ORMSBY,IBS Main xt, eupudta the Ntftonn I Uoitf, WLulu isle and

n(Dn Winan ReMlI Deakw in Uordvarv and Onttery.

ki:UNDRlES.—Scythas, Snaths. Cradke, lUkM. Boai,n Spsdev Shovsta, Scythe gtoUH. suklex, LecAi.Latcfa-

*x. Holla, Srrvwx. 8*wx. Axes. Sguxrex, Levxis. MIU andCramral Saws. M- rto* aod T.kon Modunxe Urtad-xtonmand ItxUevx, Noita, Strops and Uikgax, t lies oudRoxex, Carry Comb* OLxd Horst Brushes, Cxndixxtirti .

J w THOMPSON Ftoae*. kale*. Saw Seta, Fisa* Iroas, I4w oad SiMxp

t the liiL 53irAa>ii.. vi.*..s:r)taiuw.. .is


iUuatra(^_l2ino., extra loa Uu. FrkaUc.r^iTtMl at tlu lie(*oaitbrjr, )u3 Fouith iiraet>ft» WR H. BCLILLtri'.

Splendid Xllnstrated Edition of


A reeolotioa fro. th* Common Conncil ittrneting

tb* Kiglneer to tea that all corb, in tba new workan lidawalks era io x straight tin*, and that Mmcurb* of different sqnara* confisr., was adopted.A reeolwtiow from tb* Common Crancil, apprewing

torney to take th* ntceasary step, to open M-tthet : in tb* Cjiutrocuon. eurheof aiffereot sqnara* conrorm, was oduptao.

atreat to tbe eextsro city limits, which wax adopted. ' Th* court or courU might have com* to a more A reeolwtiow from tb* Common Craacil, approwing

4ION Shanks, frem Street romrolttae, Ftostarn DU- I intelligibU decision if they htfl canxultad, before the Engineer'* xpporti 'ument of tha raiewalks on

Worth 'ritf 1reported an ordinuncs to grade tb* siiiewolks i making it, some tf tba aUndani dKliaoxnas; tba sunth xiJ* tf PtorUsnd xv.aa*, fro. tha rwl-

mualin. on both sides tf First *tr**^ from Brtckinndge to I Webxier’x it ibu, regordgd ia ibU cruutry, baeing1dene* of Thoms, Nool* to Fulton ttreoi U Fortlnnd,

Kentucky xtroot, which wax read once, rule sue- 1 bean formailv or informxUy adopted ax such by ib* Georg* Morris, ciotrac-er, wx* adopted.

’ pended, and pasted bv ths following vote: ' grass ot tbe Utitad States, and, wo believo, Ly Cow- An ordinance from tb* Common Council to g-rada

' Yeot—Prxoident Gillixs and Mastrs. Armstrong, every otber dxUberotiv* body of tb* country, by tha sidewalks on both eidee of Flret straet, flw.

Lin-. Billings, Gnokle, Jetterxen, Ktcdall, ImwU, Reoxor, tb* Univeiside* nnd CoRegoa, **<1 by ihn loarnod Breckinridge to Keatocky streot, w*n read and rw-

Shanks, Welmxn, and Wood—11. profoxxiuos. f- rmd to lb* .Street Committa* of th* Eottorn Dio-

r Xxy—Hr. Pettit— I. Than, cooxuklag tbU acknowledged itaadard for trict.

I Mr. Pettit presented a remooxtrahce ogaiaxt said tbe uioxoiog of tbe word '’pavement,** it U thue An ordinacco from tbo Common Connctl to ro-

work which was lead. eivsts. 'Ia* Latin word parAaxwfaan U given; from pav* and lecurb n portioa of lb* sidewalks an tko

uimb. tor takt byti'TCUrrE ft BCOBEB


musALi 9ioctim,loML’lHYUXJL MV*

a ^^tt Ct^raMW- m .era oafi for sale hY" hUTCUFFAA HUOREK

IB UOFFOt-DleTli/LCD WHUBYto bata 4 fwor *U WMi&-.


JRare .^Vtr GoosIb*l> Y iMr w Df« te rr«aip( ot omnxbor l»to4 iftoa*

,D Ufiifft mnM ilMck 9mmms*e attkau ali oo$oo9\

TixisBat iMvvx Ooofia la lafita Glac* oafi Plata Mo-

Frtoemx Rayal OfYoafita Roh«, txoOMtkiag rattatly

aewhBtah Fiialxd aafi Plata Oteaafiiaxs:

ailkoag Horse* Bsbax;Oimaxt sad JxreaH go;Frlatot Fuaiaig fia;

Ftaia Mlkx. aU eetaei.Aisa, xxethiv xaraty *1 thase hsaiiii.e Bfock Lae* Bur-

Mft, MMttat. MM biMvIi.AR ot wkkk «• vi«l o$U ox moMorm lorn MARK ft IM»WSR.

COMB8 Ev«t e€ Combe «uo BmabMOfMl iCrMi ox AKMOLD ft MiLL^ ITl9*

SODA.—140 ca«fc« New CMlle Soda;) W buXM |K>uod do;

% bbU C*rt om Torutr. fur mlr brCASTLEM.iS ft TORBITT.

ISRI'KDlaa Hyle of iiOffurp^MiHl *Mc»ihcr, boMutif^nr „ r^ . . .UlttFtTAtad with firs huuorad deft^tby liarWy no- Mr. SbYSk?, from tbt StfMi CommittA# of il

cut<‘dou»t«el«pdwood, iuaco^y aod •u,«rv>rauu9iMr. Emuta Dutnet. roporte^l mpMot# rMoiutioDV ALy the mewl e^nent t»t«vm to the eouutry. foltowingpoLU,, which were meerol

Cooper, ehow name is eith his country's wevxb, “

First in bor fitas, her pioneer of mind.—


ali.xox. hfloptea, viz.^ ^ o .

I Chaitnnt aadtba Stnot Clmb

r.Aft BALES prime Tmothy ttylV^lSrior^^l^^lt “wd raiila!tfllll by luiSul FENTON A CLORE. country Irom dexix-o-

!?i ?iTTT^:- ndopted, vU; : laid oath* earth in inch a mona-r ns to make * Aa ordinance from th* Commm Conadl t* ro-

X A I... t .iini Jacob Street, from First to Sec-mdi hxid sod eorvenient passagt; ox a psveiaaol tf^efi- ptv* sad r>enrb the -idswslsx on bath stdaetf PreA-

coolwE^^v^veU, illu.*t xul on*ri-v-? and wood,*to a Pleasant Place xtroet, from Grayson to a iO footjM*x, tf brick, or of xwirhtx.'* ton atreet, from Jeffer-oa to Walaat, wxs road and

>-le *u|i«rior In iieaiity and caxulnexx to anything ever is- niley;j

Thus, tco, Wo.esxter, n dixtinguUlied lokicogra reforrad to tbo Streot Cnmnsitsoe, Exxtorn Di-triet.


Prix^ M 01

X, MADDEN'S BOOUTORE,axl« *7 Third street.

Agent for Oleaaon’i Weekly and Nt* York Weakly.BaS numbers kept eonetsntly ea head.

H USIERYI-A lorat stock tf lAdlas’, Men's, and ChR-dran's Uosiar)' tor xota cheap tf


e A BOXES No. I Wsetern Reeervs rbeesejuxt receired

*” ****FIJITON 4 GLOBE, M Fourth st.

RAIhlNn.—*U bo*. London lAyer;

M do M. R.;


sued m thix country Irom dexix-o- by tb* iinappruxchshbUoriey.lour voiumox now ready.A volume pu> lixhxd every month. I'M 12 foot all^ Letwesn kiret and S-'caod and- If ih,x* definitioni tf the word pavomont or tha lowiac orieaU and allayA vU: g—*t

W. A. TOWNSEND 4 t>»., Broaiway and Jacob streets, along Nswcoosb's word pavlog bo ooiroct, what bocomea of tbo do- Of Jacob stroot, from First to Socond;

- '''“‘I’Y’ rul-up*' cision uf iho court, Ihot macodaiuisiug ts ast^clixy Of PUasanl Ploco stieot, firoo* Giayoo* to a 90 teatai sMe eo haed the isor* ^'•QWS-oikomY

rn'll'S^^ Sol* Agent. M^ouriU street. Ptttit prasented a resolution directing tb* In maesdamiaijg a hard material is U id on Uts foot aiJae. FINE )sFECTACl-»ESi.

engineer tons* svary effort to straighten tb* curb earth and coaatitate* a pavement according to Of s 20 foot alley, Letween F~itM and 9acond and u lipiiimisi I ~i 1 i—* " in' “T~ —* I

A GREAT variety tf Meo’x and Boys’ Straw Hals on 00 each iquate, aid to make the lines of cnrb-og on Webster sod Worcester, no matter wbat the hard Broadway sad Joc^ itraetA *. dewms'—dta mxenaeotfisstaiia tf tns_lfosral pat-baod aad for sol* very

. miiTiiadjoining squarea conform rircrato; the seme to sp- niataiul is, whether stooe, brick, wood, or inubl*. Of a li Ibot alley ranaing from a 90 foat alley waogx iha- I haee

g,]7IAb 4U .Mam s^t. F'Y 19 oil tirdinances for grodlkg, rapaviog, and re> Tba deciaioo further states tba-, wbriw on olUy is south to J oooL street. joTuThBLE ^ ctaum ot >k* Wta*-M*AtanO*>; ;

— --—- curbing, which at* now under cowtroei but cot graded, pived, acd eorbed, tb* prop*, t- pay* All of which war* rafonwd to th* Boeet Commit- — wVb

BLaC'K and FEARL tiOSSAMER HATS Ol sxocuted, aod to contracts to be hereafter mail*, lor tbe rradinx aod oaviBx, and the eitv pave Io.- tew tf tbe Eoatern District. — —'

—»M Kd ch“.ruf " 7KATHirR4“s";-mi? i. tbi .p.aLTtf tr. A^at^^a. mfoptsd toadj^ to tb.9M tf WAYtil.y HoYnlw-Prio. 25 Cntatfo

iul7jftb 4M Main ftnvt. Mr. prMenitJ a ntolutioii dirtetmg tba comimiuv, «a ooc rw«arb*bU far iia Mav, 1859, al 8 a'cloekp wbt« vb« B ard adnuraad. ^ IVaNHuC* Raft Bm, Gap VaaMttftKncloear tc hava (be contract ot C. Murpby for wall M hare b«ao deaxlad tftat a pniup ia a J. W. IOMPKIN8* Garb. ,/*//#J^TlM Aaftwrr, War>a%r.Bi af^orift,


NfW CairpetSt Flftftr OilclOthSi RUfSy ^ compleu* pomp, wanUDr ift« as.-'anUal hMdIa.. - » L '

' JKSSRmJTL %c.n««SH* Irfffi ftiff*

uiarcml atraat from Secaad lo Third in Hortlafld ao '11m cumisittaa coerluaa vbnt U to comman Moaa , fixMgvM * j nar^tiMT ' pg^ m monm^obhom*.^ ma aMtolft

allav; Tbu«, tco, o*c«>atar» a auuD^UMnaa ianico||ra

Tba 20 foot alley bat wean Flrat acd Second and]pber, dedaettbe word pavement: "A 8 mt or cau«a

BiQ«dway aod sJaM>b streetr; . way fMmed of e ooa, IkmA, er Oibar bard mnteriel.**

Twr. o. :rt ATinnuaTTsiTk^FftiY-K SYc*eeV.

IU4VITm aOrMian la my waeft ot aaw and MMfttoO^ilM.


WATCITBSL. Aaiat. sad Amstirar ta u-d >v SUvxv t

Separata rsao aliooi ware leceieed from >ha |,2SIta)am3lSrl*dY'|i«e*^^^<« Con' cd npprovlag tbe grade pr.'tiM* tf Iha foL Leaausxoil

_ CLOCKS._ __

MAUKEREL.—It hi bbls No. t, U^:m klu do do;

Jota^rectfrad and lor stfo^by ^ ^ ^Pure Catawba Brandy!

SparklingCatawba Wine!i Lace Burnouz!CARY 4 TALBOT, «^totara—^

A GREAT variety of Mro'x and Boys’ Btraw Hals on oo eneb iquate, aid to make tb* line* of enrb-ng oa i Webster and Worcaotcr, no matter wbat I

band aad for tolx very. uuitii adjoining squarea conform tberato; th* seme to sp- mataiisl is, whether stooe, brick, wood, or

4U .Mam s^t. ply to *11 urdinsnee* for gradh.*. repaving, and re. ! Tba decisiao further states tba-, where on— - --— curbing, which at* now under cowtraei but cot graded, pivtd, acd ewrbed, tb* prup*. 1m our«u L'^uufmtore^ U *V* h**™ !5liid—>«•,


lor the |rr,ding nod paviaj, nnd^ eitvi

had Cheap of FKATHKR 4 d'llTH. which wM tdoplea. fLaa cttfOwg. Tbto decision, in tbe epiSUMiul7iftb 4j6 Rain Wnvt. Mr. Petut prssenitn s ntolution directing the cornttniue, to oot re«nrh*bto for its wi-.

. tt. K8TRRLL ^ i MiM et ihn WStatalOAflgfo

WAYtilay HoywIb—PtIob 25 CnatB.

i50SSMrs7PBMVOB 4 eipBE.

Mo. m Writ sinet

m* whata tfwhich Oaelad ing noariy lAmuptaeax

Ztoadtata aattogj ta affLeeS tor aata tf eott far x^, sad

havUma vary lorgs farce tf xxgestx-iuwd Pjafr k*#firtVi

Xmra aawKtaw rafi »y ,*—« •“F*' *“ Semott partxxii

"5SIg ii***** HEOAN4 ESt’OTT.

b LT rMt-l* firhfos moTtim Btftxw oa r j a dgs meat****** ^*’


JAB. LOW 4 tXi.. 4IS Mala at.

ttEFl^'EDBUUAR8. — 8J0 bbw BalttaLor* Croxbad,GraniiliMi, nod PovSe ed miav*


iwt raaetred a4*d 1>PF Bard*ferwuehf MOOIU:. MC^Y. ft UADftN,


bD) Main alreei, aftoee tne OaH Hoeee. o>19jftb JNO. A. Mll..lxr.M.

RA />!§ Chooor. He. I Women ftavree. |nft vneslsw

5w id atffor eata W INCNToM


mSrnllivrSSlsvSStr «oo3b ateemthr

Kwv A- Dicxmoa,


I,, a (4^ US l ourth xtreet


•95 Ctants per %'ard.


WINES AND LIQUORS. L.A.W’lSrSlQ MR CASBe Hy. 8ubaa Ikaadr; S.OOO v4s il ffOOd COlOFS RUU QURlUICSO 4 hf tftwx Chomiwgne taraady; > ' xt i9W s’ENTd

f IVUwoUa du; * ,«in * MILLERM ow4x Old Fort; ml« )4b JNO. A. MILLER.

M hoxm ahoira otairrt; FIRST RECEIVEDr.r the Sumnier Sfrboh at

$b do Widow URcfi^uot foi 8T. fUARLES RE8TAIRABIT,

StJlJSS??;"*' FIFTH 8TKEET. BBTWBEN MAIN AND ^ET.Bittars. L-atftale^Aaimita. Ahxyath. Marneahiao. «»< Z'

Ouraews: f Ifiata, Tohacre. aad Lards.- | mJ ^^m%


FeraotaW J U. fiLHKOEDEB 4 SON.Wtftttratf. 5m*BB«

!,<>•• ROMmffiB CoHccntnUFtf Ijtf;u. uuvAo.,

i,aw> a. *•“•#< tiEy.73SKwS*~“.

Mat9y MatUnKs Ac., Ac.,



C. DUVALI. & CO.: Invite th* partirulsr attention of imrcbaaeri ti

[>r tha largest and baxt aasortmenta of

CAKPETS of nil uraflFS

emecutad a* to give a wilih of 69 feet between the '

that curbing i* paving, ap.-dyiig Ibe deni.itioa of*- *-IJION

eurbt, which waa sdupteo.I pavement na already given, vu: Tbe laying tf

Mr. Fettit prasented a ratolntion directing lb* I any bard matorial on th* earth—cnibing tbu be-Eagibserto have tbe controet with H. HustetUr for comiog a very eaesntial neceaaary, end ladiapaose-

-B. J. DAUMUNTf9fkk-oy omm.

tf-mdw<ta. \V9toiKe» foe ftk

grading, paving, laocadamiiteg, and enrbing Sixth bla pan of paving.

traet from York lo Lcxiugtio to executed oa to Tm communication finally a- kawbetbar, ia view

give a width of 40 feet betveen the curLa, which of these decisioat, tb* city will l« liaLl* for tb* eo t

to‘’*b.“«“I. b“"?e \“CTcS?.A(i.'ir.?I

latkm srit es .r fme jeh elr¥. a ^ .

to, wtethor onv spxcifie agreement caa be mod. SATT.Y^Tm WA'R'K moo m

with tb* property holders, property biads I r? L J-x V Fix r-W >Y wBotaaota

oo .he strelit «> irderod to ta improved. 4r ita gXIRA FINE SILVER PL.ATSD W.ARR. BOOXSjotf tf the curbtog before tbe wmk m cowtrmiied

tt.rk . H.4YB mfor. „ . ,u k m7‘4h J A9. I LftIfiON 4 ro ' Aftl tiaod. amd*Tta (^mmittra are rf the opmw that ao sort PEARL BRIDAL JEWKLXY ' rm.Y «—« -»*

* *#9Wff tf JAS. I. LEMON & CO.,

Bsrrwy.ire tEt .-NP AID TlUhD 9TBEKTS.


^‘•P rnXm fty



are Uew t«iilii)cni7SmitJi A7%rd. uur flock bfdof. m,..x#ora*_ _i_ o i #

we are dxtarmiued to offn- borgam*. H. H. lligdon tbOl 8.1 for repairing Broadway, ta'ml« DUVALL 4 CO. twesD Fifth aod Nixlb atreeti;

INEN4. LINEN GOODA IN ALL WIDTHS; HAKNB- D. Selvage *0.'.. 1. fur repoiraig strsets.cnl-

LEYTABi.EI)A)4AwKANDLlNfcNi;HEEIlNGt>; verM, 4c; .. ...




and will be sold lov by

W. F. B>w*n 9161 20 for job printiag;

J. U. Buchanan 99t> fur buldii^r iaqaesta.

of thscnibi m any lutara im .irovemvin ex suvwt*

urd red lo ta made bv tb* (foseral Coaneil, and if

•o, whether onv spfcide agtvenient cob ta moda]

with the property holder*, wb. «* property biad*

on ihe etrest so ordered to ta improven, for ita

‘ilM Cummitte* ar* of tb* opibion that ao sock

49h»E.H * WtkUDv

Mr Lewi, from ItaTom^ oT^oroo and -fP -»«»“«» I- ^* .*• •*~

G^Jifo W.D. rsported, grouting uvern licanse « ‘® "“JPf* ®*^ 0(111 nDCAIfC DADOICHILDREN’S CABS!

_ it.\va m xmaw e »*,

Geeda mads ta uar erdse

fWy kaeat -sytax mM m >k7 ..ry taw pxsem for xaxSL

N. B We ktraaai

Hr. Lewis, from same, raported against lb* psti-

tion of Henry KUcr for a cuff.;*buUBa lieawa* corner

of Ninth and Wslnwt street*, which report was cua-

j" practicalila to fram* an ordinance to meet all tta

irted against lb* psti- difficulliss soggesud by tb* decision* of tta eoarta

ehuuae lieaaaa coraer ' ‘He premises, sniting tta Isngaag* of such erfiTT

which raport was cub- “#i>«4 Hii'KiiMt# tf tta charter, wtara tb*™ power is dariTsd to tta Gsasrol Conotil, to grsda

; s:HO£a,I matass. Fs* mta a*atLaaaltaw foods m aSY tsMfo


O. IDXJV^XuIa tSC oo., carradfo.^X“S:^rJ:^n^.to,Mta»6S7 MAIN STBfeIKT wiUH# ^ ^ i /..iKy .mKtahRifofl h» 9k« rnt9imi»tM


ilSSXi of mfiTSi’ik- AU of wblPh I omyre- -rfi|i£ KNOWLfiDAii: OF GOD. Sub eetfvtly Coafto*

Of rrtr brmisbc to Uu*

OULWETBlftwmmA^^ Mu«Mtoto*dA(i “'ZT7lftb C. C. KC tor tiv* Yf«r»-'‘VK.

TIM HtotorrwwA ^ of I N. B. I

SSrS-tiS • asifuiJf£ThifM VnrJumr attanuon-fm .at.

''iMwntaa't Loadaoapa Oordeam aad Rural raichitaeture, hr the doaen. ^ o, dranght.

““•^STKTTHta do, do da

U wHta a.S.laafis:MMHfi for wM tf

MO. W. HOBBlfo

fV tatm^aUaata ia;m ptams rum Catarad Boregea. Jex4 lesitra* aadhraotahr JA8LOW4tX>.mM 4IS Mata at.

.A. ,od Touug nquirreit, w»n t>n. DarA.jti.siui/uo. o ,ut.tua.

tf toatoae"#- All of *•>*•'? 1 »“ F"- -VTillE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. 8ub;eeilTtIy Coasld-all tax 4-"*«x’^_ jusiaorant or xeud to private 1 ered, Mag the ha,-ond port of Tbitdocy, consideredI*”- -- if^.^*. uuaunaJxd ityta.

. as e Sctance of ForiUve Trulu, both Inductive and Deduc

“^?lAh** ^ t;- U'. kUEFER, Proprietor. uve, by Robert J. Biecklariute, D. D.. L. L. D. Price

rac^ tta awiwtfk oo the eetf aid. tf Third atrrat. '“I*?‘^SSESSf.V f’hairtwm,

tatwaan Cheatnul and Brondway, which was rsad <5EO. W. ANDERSON, Chairman,

once rul* auapanded, and psaaed by tba foliowiag Aid. Baird, from Revision Commiuee, to whomygl,.’

was referred on ordinaoe* to require nuo-retidenta

y,jg_p.'etidaat Gilliss, and Messrs. Armstrong, tf tta State tf Keotucky, belor* selling certain

Billioga Gunkls, Jefferrao, Kendall, Lewis, PsUM, kinds tf goods, wares, oad msrehandisa, to procure

Ktasur S:iaak«, Wsltnao, and W(h>^12. a linen** therai'or, reported tb* ramt, which puaad.

Mr biliias presented an etfiinanca uirtcliBg Iha Aid Baird, from RovUioa Committeo, to whomt Mialraction of cistern* #t or near near soad^ la- was rsfarrad an ordinancs to probiUt rorartalliag,

tersactiiiBa which wa* read aad rsferrad to tbe regrating, aod aogroaaing tf cotOe, hugs, or tbeap.

Committee's oo Keviiioo aud Fir* Deportmant. raportod *||ainal tbe same, which wa* rejected.

Mr Kaodalt wteecnted on otdiqaaca to repaV* and Aid. Baud praxented an trdioane* to rapavs aad

N. B. I has* • ^i^'to iS^pablir.*"AlIJ^ionIl"6M * Jext received by ExpreatfUmI to Boeo owsrmt* w r

,gxra_ffra- m-im

hr H*M^itftfo|. --argeat. tf ULAKKro. garAllsopp t EnfiUsh Pol* Akj. RUEFER.

**..*L,_.»a s^emcreeas. hr Warder, tf I

CLAKKK8. xvn black I LANTEH FELT HATS8ap*ctor Lted Peartta, asaal to Fobar’s ##d Mm mat. ' ^to of'*^l!lptf‘«^9^'^

“flSItf tfomptof SB Meta aafi Lsitar Fapi tf,

«S mdfMj^ cheap ta pkaTHEB 4 SMITH.CLAKKira. ^

Ladtae’ Meta aad laSkw Papers at —,uevMS-K HATS A taiae oasortmant ra-

e u CLAKKE-B. f Bl»0“ ?®i^*iK,^ 6prew*nrfoTsaJebyLadiiY Hvetap* far lioida, Netm, Letters, 4a., tf Li celvad this morning per

4 8MlTn.GLARKrfi. mlTJ4b

Ladtas’ Fopar aad Eavstap* Rtamped ta trder tf xui F DKE88 HATS.—A targe asmU L't-ARKrS.

; ^ jL *lE>olxvkta Sprtag ttyl* Motaakia—1

^O C.U .mr mtaa tfaa awrniod.

CIOAKK—dOJtf HearyOtoy Raf t fie; Yoik dyta.tsjitu Wm. rraiiua ttafislta: I

^ Also, to* Me* » pkaTHEK 4 SMITH,lastareaadfisrmtabf taA jj. jiaia *L, tatwesu Fourth aad I'lAb

mis V. D. 04ITAN0 4 CO. I «17 »*•

Hat l^y *“ “"““WAlao. to* Mew Yoik g smith.

m M*‘° ri-, tadwesu Fourth sad Fifth

New Books at A- Davidaon'a. Mr. Kandall pteeaotad an ordinaac* to repaV* and Aid. ^d prarantad an^dioanea to rapava aad| .. 1 u. M pxefem wulu el m rocuTb Um sidewolk OB both *1(1#* tf Prestoo straet recurb tb* sidewalk* oa tta west tf T«n:h street

T‘!fomVitoSrpuJK. Briitfr AieiJ. ai. from JeftreOB to Walnut, which wm raad a tacondXrSiTc^rifo’ttr.‘‘ tf ril'L''*'’*

KflMt 4Ad t'arw4, or lu^lory Ol ft Ytftr. Brthftftothor bv tbft foliftwiptf vfttft: I rnfftiwd lo tba SUeel CummitUft of ihe Waal-of **iLfDti«th ftod Huirbx" Yurt—


raiidfn* Ulilifta, ftod Mftftirs. Amatroog, i •m DUtrict.

rT^ IB. BUMngs, Guakl*, Jaff.raon. Keo^^ Uwia, Petttt, 1 Aldeiin-n ^td •’T®'®''*®® «“*“« •

Lid ItfSrAitoSS^SK KemaJ/Sbank*, Walman, and Wood-12. i eomm.ttra of ihrra. oo* fr«>«^ Board tf AldermenJust irceired aud for sal# by Nava—Non*. ' #ot* uvo fro** to# ComstoB Conacil to oeolsr with

A. DAVIDSON. ... . Vk — mwa ramrisrtmihdvm 9a rtfisgswMlm I khom aaMVtmM O# nffOMMlV ftft HLTMfiWff’M Mlhtow/ mmA

fftiit RpfeberfoUon, ftu4 Ittfanl WftpWfUi - M c<mu.J uft ftod for fftift bf

A. DAVIDSON,mftVH jftb Tkir4 atnyrt, iMtftr Mftitftt

3^Mr J^raon prJtenUd #n ordinance ta provide tta owner* tf tb* property aa Hiradsr’s wharf, aad

r aunoliet bv dootract of food, fuel, atadicioea, aatortaia apoo what tormt ttay will rail Us aama

c ftf th* iHiivBI# Marine Ho-ipltol, City Alme to tta elty, wbkb wa* adopted.LADIKS* fine KM Tan sad Mack Last- 4c.. for tb* laaiavill# Maiine Hospital, City AlmeingLimsraax itaitara. Jatt t sseta i -t «ad Hona# and City Work and Peal Uoaoex, wbicb wot

‘“iJi'i*“i4b SrTEM'awboD «#d oLd rafarrad to tta Committa* <m Uoepstal.Ita chM appatoiad Atoenoxa Alevaader apna





Page 2: Internet ArchiveTHELOUISVILLEDAILYJOURNAL. JtJ-•roMto®tittp^tyIW4T*w^l^r. Ioftiw*iMti*oBftcoofoxTIri**od». iit«r H

LOUISVILLE JOURNAL, tflt will b* wao froai nyurt ia aaotW col-!

aaaa tt th* Oppoaitiua Ooeiaatiua faaU at Wanaw I

aa tba IMi iait. that our political friaad* in tbe

Atala Haaatanal DiWnot naai piiai l of tba ooanUat|

[Conwoud*^ of IW Sew York TioKo l

tub wab movbmest.Pania, May 2, 1869.

Aftar a tbreo days' inax]Acabla dalay, tb« Aas-

of Bsoai . CairsU, and Gallatin biva proaenud trian army has croaaad tba lino into Pt^moot, aad ! * iii

j-o i~u - AitriTifi“ "

ThaaoMiBatisaiaaaMttazoallaBt ooa. Jodcsl. axpitad on Tboraday alfamoon laat, and it waaia a maa af acata and aouad jod^wnt ofox'aoaiva raasoaabla to tupposa that, ainoa it aaa all important Fjatalliaaaca, aad a wary kaan and fcrcibia debatar.


to arri« bolara tba Frtnch, on Tnaa^r n^tat «

Oialikt with ciadit and aiiecaaa|

Friday aftrmoon. and ticca tbay thnt loot tbraa IrMdtolf

LOUISVILLE DENTAL DEPOT.Faaily Drug and PrescripUaa Store,

OIBlIosart Hatl. eomar Feorth and Jailtrtoa.^Bip

Jm DAWB8. Prapriatar. Rl)aa ddisAwlaatf

Fot Sale, Oflie of Ohio and Miss. Trlcgraph Co.,bT. LOL'ld, Mar II. 1(»>.

Konnal H^rtlon fop l)lr»ctoro of th»« rompanf1 wtll bo iuJd at thb ( )1!1g« on tbe Mh day of June neat,«»ea lU« Loufa of 4 and 6 P. M.mayl4 dlawtd^ U. K. MefJUNNEOLE. See*y.



IfVdoff W*brkitig mfiarhiHerif

SOUTHERN pacific“r.>. comp'y.

FOR SAlaS,ITALITYOP PITT8BUKU COAL at tbe lev.arbet prtre, aleo BEECH BOTTOM COAL ater ratea by

J. N. KELLOOO. Acaat,

I\. oenta per ahare upon their atoek, aud eend tbeir certi-

licateeto IK C. >\ llder,8ecretar) , at .Marebail, Tezaa. for

a reUdiie. The loan made and paid into my bands bae


Tha CowTaation at Wumw, wa notioa, raoem- i most pneions ^ayt—which gars azactly time

tba Moaday ia Jana aa tbe nuet rfou«»i far th# French to break np tbair campa of

.. Ai • .J. rmtmrmmminm '

«d>»rrTatioo oD Utoir owu «oU ond to throw them-Ume ibe tha aaMBbliac oftto Coocrewioa-

. botwean the AnstrUna, end Turin end Ale-nl OoBTeBtioa at Cowingtoa. The Coograationel nndria—perala era enriont to know whet mighty in-

Cuareatkwi in owr judgment ought not to be put off flaance coold barn arreated tba onward march of



JOeaUA F. BELL, at BoyU Co.


ALPVEO ALLBE, of fcaoidartSga

attoksn -on»*«AL.

jambs at FYnnklin

alimtoaTBOMASS PAOB. of FraakUn


dauobektt white, of cany.


JOHH B. BBBimON. of Maaoa.


r SVAHS, of Bnrrasi.



_,^,HBBT MABBHALL of Haary-

ijMdtoly Near coraar Tbird no<f Mam eta.


PrS^kS!/ »^boat or Hotel Cook and Otoiiii[Room Serrant. lbs Boy U w>und and tit's auarantst^.

rnlki w ..^ C. D. WlUPi.

- ^ Marebsl of the t;hanoery ConH.

ICEl ICE!!P*;*®OII8 wlshlna to conTset for 1 J«« too, ol PL'RE e rolwiie. Thelosa madt end peld lata mr needs tus .....

.....Tk. Jr *«•»*< InchM in thkku««, protMrted thow who hsTo peU it Those irfao here pot PRIVATB MF2DICAI. DTfIPTTMMA T>'Wia tte heck of the Leks In e No. 1 Ice House to ts de- p«ld up the instellments or mede the loee ere eew celled mxwjklXJ UtBP'kUfBAR z.lit ered there, will pliass uddrM, upon to du ss or thcr will certeinir be cut u9 from ell in- Jefailished /or rAe relic/' a/ (Ae au'ivuidsd oad fat nra I

„ . A. M. UODD, tenst in the enterprieel drnf seterp of /ales wisamrs. waa. AisAaa thatd»u* BozlCll St. Louis P. U. I hire no elternetlTt left, es the Presideot of tbe hat imbibtd tht $tfJt of a crrta’n loaiharmt 3TZa.t“ Compsnr. but to enforce this poller. Those who here <s./roiR an ill-rimed sntee of thaeii ifrtrrrid r, imi«id up nere done so with this sxpreee end uncnodltlonel applying to a phytieiaa whom kaanltdao and.inderstendinc. thet ell should he made to pap—therahj nmer saw ahmt hkfrimt him la di’slrsas

lltered there, will plcese eddree,

»,so so, . A. M. UODD,Box »,«1 9t. Louis P. O.


this naptet.

Mach depends oa judiciuus action in

Wa tiatiawc that tha Tenth Uimrict can ba re- Tnaceay. Another explanation it that Field Mar-

aaoMd. And, if it caa ba, it certainly thvuld ba. Barcn Hats, oppo^ to tbe Kmpem FrancistSkL?. KEAPISffi, M0WIN8, Ik THRESHISfl MACHHiSS.

Mo hoaotabls cCurt eaght to ba waating to achiero I

k* tadewiption. And niii|uaaf ionelily tha firat riap! oettxa and refueed Iw aornnea, prefeiriiig diigrece lo

ia thia direction ic tbe timely 1C lacti « of an enet- i a cooipromiaetd' Aualria balore Knropa. AiAremp-n.,kni.. A .1 n... i Uirv order fn-m the vouLi; and imtated F.mperur

Baron Hus. oupoied to tbe Emperor Francis WHEAT PANS, HORSE HAY RARE8, GRAIN CRA-pb's policy of rashlv invading Sardinian terri- DLE8. sNaTHS, SCYTHKS, ac., Ac.

,colirctaa bis tnioiM between Peria and Pla- PUT'KB A' Bl If'HAN A IV

i and refueed loaJraace.prefarriiigdiigracalo * „^ ’

muromim id' Austria balore Karoga. A peremp- merlS dAwtaSie LOl I8MLI.E, KY.j , , . k. i t,»v leiWr fn.m tlw vouLc and imtated Emperor luumrmrra c aiaiogutt truh prices sent fry mail

getsc, a.-daM, popular, aad akkiuent ludar. Iha ullil .^^ i/raris oa appricarion.

reah* af the UppaeitMo of tha Uiatrict coataia many ""piu^UiJS^Ti*i£iven almoit too absurd for repati- ,, ,

each. Let the ftandard of the party ba placed eu , tiu^, that tbe Vicdi.mtau ioteaded to open tbe \Vaoeably ia tha hande of otM of tham Wa bava hood galee of tba 1-eka Maggioie in older lo inun- or Truuesiee, an- weowd by two rouiis Udies of eccoei- — n,

. ... . dale Ibe country in tbe direction of Novara, aad idisbed cdureilon, whose racoaiiucudapoiui are tbe very Tnr pnea or edou"'Niag la loac bat arers thiag to gain botn n pro- ,k_. -,r,k. ntr„.i nf the Auitriaai Besidee the wore rommon branefaee they will loach nated lo the Widow^ tha-aeoh cor.17 '"I a “ . . ,, .Music and Dimwlu. Kreoch and Uermsn. Country nr«- al to the si. toninciaa aaa taoraagb canvau. F,w Ibe French army, after it had amved in Sar- ferred. Auplr byTeUcr to JOHN J. PIaTT, at tha omce OEi


tttftBt in the enteryiiiet denf Botery o/ AaUb jftmm1 btre no zlteraHtiTt U-te n$ th« PrMid*'ot of tb« htntimbib€dtke$etd4 0fae

CoiDptny, but to Fnforee ihi« policy. Thoee wbo Imtc iiu/roiN an iU-ttmai aena$l«td up dare done bo with thU #xprcvt mod uncnoditional appi^if^ to * phgmciam w.

ii^crVaodiDf. that all chould ba made to tMys_th#T«by neneg altm^ H/rirnd ki*>DabliDC the pretidcot and Diractor* to fret tha Companyof liHfatlon and r/fwy iHinedlniont ta tbe wcoamful proa> ^ >.

^ ^

eeutiouof tba euterpriaa^by a compromisa. A new poll* eoDhalb

cy baa bhan inaufur^ted. stolariiwBod axpensM ba%voaan ^radocad from ns>.t*00 pa aoonm to tlS.uiU. Tha whole


ytock liabiUtjr hue been raduead ooe-half in amoont with- tl

out injury to au>* etockbolder wbo »hali pay up—lediicad fw . ^to the actual value of th« property of tba company, with- ^ ^out eeUiiiatuid tne rifbttf and ftauehiae* at aayihitid, ^BMupr praiuei

We miut pay promptly our deb*a. and we miMt provide vH^j"A*n tmMidtaJ

the meamt to cooetruct tin* rumd, in order to re«p t^ pro- niade U

fiu of tha euterpHir aud aacura tha sranu made by Ttsae 1



to Otar company. nl tham. warnuU him in HayuTha company prunoae to raiea tha atooay by tha mle of ajmiptom whicii may aamma

•dock at par lo puriTuuu? the labor to couatriict tbe road, t'^f"****®' Vflf.:.:*t«>ckbolda'a have the axiTu-iVe privlWff of piirchaainythe kOL.SO

eomnlted at nu oar«L.Uie ona for-uertyoccnpM by Doctor King^v^fr^vouid call tha attaohema wn aftirted with dyaaaaa of

J# - 3 = pnvate or aonftdemUnl nntnrata^ abethisd of trtatunl aaHJBr P'®‘^®«*i®’heKn^i*i»amirra»rnbiMidtain HariMforarvernlraar*

NSflAlIJnOji*^ niade ihWelnagor 1— mi t ui.-iwnb tha ktbuwlaJ«a bw tev

•I tham. warrmuU him In •ayum that thara k no form or•jmipcom whicii may aamuMtoat ia without a <|i^ck andpanuanant auie.

YOU.SO MEN. aho. by Induicioc in aohteni habtta,have contracted that niindwhairuwind and body daatro^

WALLACE, LITJIGOW, & CO.,I»x*oi>xrl©toi»fii qt tjae

ii:a.gltc F*oxj?srDii;HY,loeisviele, rv.

iiTOVj£S,GiaTi;S,COOW.VU lU.Xtiili. N.iRBUlJ-I 0IMPORTEBi .1X0 DLUslRS IX TLX PLA i t.




9rty nemplfaa and fnceamM atnctM«ry mn«« eaavavnndtn

Tr • L J” Ms Aa V e • « .. aj _ .M uiic aDQ iRmwiaf , V feucn aod Uerinan. Country pro-h»»r Iba Fraoeb anny, nitar it hnd nmjrea in 54nr- fenwd. Apply by leucr to JOHN J. H ATT» at tba

ininn tnrritorr. to siva itanlf up W tha inoUteu of tha Luulirdie Journal. m>il dSAwd

SATURDAY NKXT. May 21.‘ P*^ **} ^miaalon to the tiardan, which will be d«t>^d to me Widt>v aud Otphau Kund, wlU be left optioii-

|LnC A fall cnavnM mndtr «n nctiya nnd inspiring dminn territory, to give itMlf up to tha inol^ed ^ tha U>ulirUle Joumml.

arbitration and lender mercire of en F.ngiiih Cebi-

net leaning toward AuMtia, wet not onijr eeking tooshew that (.wl SuvaBeon u xA at ell invincibla on „„ch of Tence, but H weefhc ammp m el tbe bellot-box. Etee with our emouut almoet lo an insult

limited oc<|«aialaBce in tba Uiatrict we Ihiuk wa prop"****'® of IjigUnd Sa(K,i

cweld «xion eeverO me. of the Oppoeition wbo: in'Si^.:!^^'^;

SrrAT-ETAfFnNTTJ. J. CAONO.N. gec'y.

Charlen D. Peimebakereel leaning towera AUKtia, wee dm onij assiug i«o - —— — s~w » a . ^ . cssuw.^s.s>s

muchof Fiance, bnt H wee lo undipiometk aa to Of the Condition of the MASSASOIT K,'^>weti^ to become e candidate In the fci«h

amouut almoat loan insult. Vet even this lari INSURANCE COMPANT. of Boring- m.n u

Mock lor HU dsye, Dau April «, !•«>. All persous are cau- bare coulracwd uMJutrruwiuk and kodr dastrowri'IIR FKKNl-lf MPISI vr„ cv-r o WMCTV Ik lioued asaiB>l bu. ins or IraBiclu* iu the slock af the oiu- *•« dt»»se. seudoal w.wkii~e, which limds to the moatI s5L ire PiMo I, •

8iX.IETt herobr In- iXcti shnif ».t have been reUmed from tbe Marelinli alarminsnnd total eonrejaeneos, should apply toinsadtoto-

nualfeltls^ ..m.e,aud beaiiuk date since the » h of AprU, l-«. The Ir, euher in pera n or br lettor. a^ base a etm< eflretad

o' Ti'o, .Ti*L*’'.***'*'***‘*‘”'**^***^'^ ‘''***^*“' prem niieta ly, frteudl, to Ibi. ijreal 8outhMn euteri.rM>, b> his uew aud A-ienildc mode of treniins this dtseaan.

. will pb ase Ciioy Uiis auUce, tbai eaeb aud erery sluckliuld- which never fails of adrouns a ouwk aud radical eura.


er shall be tally wnrneJ— a, they reside in ever/ htate, and M IDliLK- AGKIiaiid Oi It M hN, wbo. by exareare in-

me ui aluei-l every liKxUlty In tile L'uiou. dnlsenee In their pawious, hare prudaeed a debility to ad-. Meeirs. W. A H. Hurklmrdl, s«euto lu UmtovUIr, Ky„ mure of their years, eas cmsult Dr Ualee with the fullest

alll receive bmn or surreuder stock. We dedre uo uls- astoratiee of beius a/aia iretored to that ttoto of healthOs uuderriandius. and h:>pe to bear WI cuiuplainu hereafter, which they woald hare enjoyed had thoy aorewcamto it-

Thisls lAc ta»/coll upon our »U>ckbuldei>; It IS the pecuni- ledanyeieeaa ...ary inteivsl of Ibosa oho have paid that others shaU not du PerauDs eontompiatins mairtofe and havia( any doaht

ogy ** rece—^ aiwilMwPT rwBgw soewaWendto^^^*0 Wrongs Iran isveoa. Bi ouag Pwrwnto, BnS

Watoc AlWriisient. *e.The foltowms panex bass oar hasMso la miiimfal onreasiaac

iOBJ* *»<»-. S: A. ROHIN80N. fca,

W^'i Hard AritiNtoHIf- *••• ifoa. JAMBS OlTMUk,®* PIRTLB. KILAA j. > va>-. »re .Hrt. th. J. URAVPa, Mrs. M- PBittSLAiN.

A. L. nUoT'WKLL. Ire..wwwwwHto whoa wo wooM rimmSaHy lefer

HAlL.«1,llTH(iinV,&i:«oiN'o. oao,


propotitiim of EogUnd Nnpoleoo took into consider-

atkio, not, it in to be prunmeil, becanw be lapfiored

n tingle mnn in hie ttobinet would enpport it, but towould prnva more than n autch for him ia either , .bow bit respect to F^'iglnad and his dssire to adopt

arena. Cal. 8. ia andoaUedlp a mori axcellect ^

measures fur tbe preverTsliim of peai e. If Kosaia,

INSURANCE COMPANT. Of Spring- Jon iiTTlsrer to,finld, Mann., on the first day of AprU, ’ '

1859, in conformity eritta the la'wa ofthe State of Kentucky.

gantli mna, nad a vary aUe naanj bat, ia our opinioa.Frmaais, aad England combined oald nod arrest the

progreee of tbe Austrian troopa, bow was tbe isolaudpalitics to D<d bis proper apbere, and, if it wen. the S^,ati«u of tbe FJgilish Cabinet to do it f Andatomp if not his true field. Thara are tleinants in bow could Napoleon, with due respKt to Knssia and

tha pending canvaaa, palpabk to all. which, wa are Prnsaia, acceU this isolats d mediMioo, or ratlwr

,. . mu., i.„ V .c ,, srbilralioo? Tii# most chsritabla view we can takeami^ parang, >»•>« Wod to tbe UppoaUion ^ prop.Miti«o of Lord Derby is, that U was aa

aandidata ia the Tenth Diririct, if be be an eflsc- alectiotMertng tebame, It was cartaialy naitber dip-

tire and kindling papnlar speaker, at be onght lo lomatic noffraape^ul.

ba, agawar which nothing U Col. NUTenaon or bu Tbe revulutk® in Tascany waa wtll calculated to

make Aoriria baailale a inomeni, for tba sudden

£Tcr-“c^-****?•abawid Ihri pwtectwn baeam

•• matrety_. nwitatM af

ba avsiiad ,knwwjhg fm


canae ar in both tngathar can fncceatfully raaist and ijaiet mauncr in wbkh it wasaccoinpUafaad, andbafore tha paapit. Ifaa uDexpactad way ia which Ucu. lllloa appeared•afore tha paapit. Ifaa uaexpactad way ia whicii Ucu. lllloa appeared

UaMiemaa of tha UppoeUian in tba Tenth Con- “P®“ the affair bad HI. rutopi-.! I..I- _ — been arraaged bafurahaud. Moieover, it is a totally

grtaainnal Diatnri. bring ant yoar riruagari, Uneat, ^ew party ihsi has risen up, or rather it is net tbeaaa« aUctrifyiag man at the earlieat auitable party that was euppoted to ne slrun^vt, and all this

omant . A glorious victory is not beyond your may have retfuired cootultation with Viannt, and n

cbimgn of tha Austrian plan of campaign. At tbe

news of tbe tint battle Austria mav find Modena

The erem. of the tori Ms er .Mht nrealb. hare yrored “<* P»™“ * »»««?»• / Tuscany, andhal male are arrerel reCeriee of itoiltictox wOu ue ea- then a very decided ebaaga would be rt<iuirtd in

•••<* ia rihiits to briaf iwriteator aira yroniiaently for-ward ae aaudUato, far tbe PraaMeucr, aad tiowa to ibemeat abaadnnl reel n to Oalbra toat they an actaeled inmiir lieel eeheaM. by OMUrav niuaUy oumpl-

Phtladtlphia Kotning Journal.

But, wbatover may bava bean the caata of tbe

Anstrian dalay, it allowed Marabal Canroboit andlien N el te arrive at Tnrin, aad ia company with

smy Wit anlyefavetymMwha heard Mr Magnf

mMyat aififliwn bm af evaiy awa wha hn.

hand him MUf anywhme elm in the annvam, it i.


,dhea M makat Mr. MagadU aawpy Mr

Bal'a patSmnw a gamtia S iwtoiian to which Mr.

1 . TW OBine xod IochII ' f of th^ com -

pHOt: MamoMoit tiMurmocM Compony,ttpiiaffiCid, Mmh.

t. Tbe ftiuouDt of its CxpiUl Stock .

S. Tbe omuuot of itt C'BpitHl Stock[Aid up . .

4. Tbe Meet* of tbe Co.« iocludmc1. Tbemoouat of cosh on hood 2.fiP7 19Auuuat of cihMi OD hsod from

Bfentd xod otben is coume oftniiamimlob Rd

1. Tbe reiU eemio UDlDCumtMsrvd . . . . Nom.5. Tbe bond* of tbe Uomp&ay aud

bOH they ore secunid, vrith tberote of Intareit tbereoiu

I. City of Dubuque, lowu. UoDd, Idper ooBi Idd 44luWrcMt uccru«*tl und uupuid . .. S,uvu Ud

4. DebU to tbe tjoupuuy eecnrod byDhortocT M,420 0U

Luhim OD colUterul meuniy lu,uiu vuIsMuae OD petBooal eecurity 14,iuu uu

7. All other fitrOuriUee;

Ituuk Block M per eebediile HS.74u wlUilroed Block M p«r Bcbeduie.... Id,jk0 vuWlU reeeWuble 14^ ;iOfbcr luroiUire, bbrury, Ac MM 44

SurpluB oyer C'epital

4. Tbe muuuot of lUblliUeB due orDot due to betiki or other cred.ilorB by the ('ompuoy... . . 4. Lobmb edjiMted bdo due

ThtJ it A MWdtmpin^ Httd coiD|>rtbeiiDive Victor Rmeoutl—the firet foroiahisK tbe 7. Lome* edjuated end doi due

chatga, ud anr tUid cotomporary of tba Uoaker second tbe engiteering, and tbe third » unndjusu^« “• viuaarrifa, ,oldiaring—U> nconnoitr* tha ground, rxnmine * »•“'“« lor

Cky wrlU, af cosuM, daaire to ba axemptod from ks ifarir defencaa, and orgenize thttr plea of campaign, lu. A li oUirr clatou araiiut liie co. !


spntstiani. Within tha period to which it refers Csnrobert is the uiariar-at-arms in oidiary ol Na- II. Tiw sreeievt amount invumd in

U artids appaared ia tba F>eniag Journal, giving •"*??’"; *I“**IL*****“ * miiiUry ^bire.

The sr?nto»t^*otiut*ellowod byto ka -sa- to the Uua Jamaa Uathrie aa a caa-

FI»“» he may adoptw rocumiua^ to tbe m. rules to be IimiivnI lu any

lawa of ^TAU^.IONi J"OR SAloI,TO HAY 1118 KfcKPINO.

fM . 1 WILL, on the iSIh Inst , betvreu the boonof luA. M. and IS M.. at my srAllbl, uuSeeoDd lAieet, b*-t«et*u M«io BDd Metket, «x-

Ai&siiiMiAo ^mLafitePoee to public luhk e Dno STALLION, M(;t*dAiM.iW uo MOuui I > eura, eod Bixteen tmudj bi^i. for cub ia kubd.

iu.uusm -HI?


lUto CoUiiw'B),


prvnii e end future edv eoUi(e U* be derived fn»m tbu uml ell ehideci*# to preveut e Iom eed be^y Ul«.

terpfW There wre permest whis iodulye ia the food pel trrelioaal

We expect dully to henr of the dUmimel of HUU» mit; ell Butiire W cepebto of nmimtad oithoal eBm lea eowho laieud taj pey or furreutler iwa-tbirdu tsf iheh’Mo^ p»>we^ To I cua oaly my that the dmawithout peyiueot mu«f proceed at oiieo lo do ao, or they whMh Ib wulad la thU detey la pri'ctear ead irretrtvYehio,

FOR SALE OR RENT.Fov Rent oi Bnln,

BRICR CIITTATWand reaUeUy loreWd. Hoare

Sm ^ .»SOo4 order. I^ Pure tare now la laal Uuaw. aawa<ply le K. It. D4.AN. A#ea4, or la maet tha Meiruis«m mbVW 8to,, Tbud -T; S;, tbe Pretoto?

••“ ^ ~*W . A - Jfl.NKA

REAL ESTATE SATe.meyil bh)tf jL k;oWI.KK», Pretoideat.



TIIK I NDI0tt<10NtD HAVE ItKK.N APP«>INTLD a^v pert of the eountry»4»1K AiiK.NTd tor the Uuited SUte* eod i euede Pereoac et e dhuaee


aad raa oaly tend to perpHueto the hafailB of bopatoaB Im- ..x ^ ~~beriUty ead retider iinpotoucy pommaeDt. D k A I

TO THE LADICaS -Dr. L*. ia mceot for M. La f'rwox'B^^ I

Freurb PreveoUve Powdert. by which thum who, from witieoy caiMO. deem it aaceeary to er«dd r« OMpthm. eaa d* I tlLrl'iiTre?•o wilbisut lu unittdC deaict rto hs'eltb wrcoaeUluUs.u: prtoa

L^MirriiiM i

iM. AUo.edeDt for .MedeD*e f 'epraueT* Fvomle RooUllye Safe mud eSrrtual reiuetty (or IrreffiilerHiea, otr

fftroctNiu*. Ac.: prise 4* iaprt«»al I'boM HUv ahouldD«>t be taJlMo durUtd prcwnaiiey, an they ere luirv to pro.duce iiiMcarnafii. 'I'hr PilU end pu^ee* mut by amil to

\Y'1IFRE the ImmI HlUburf C'oel h «old et the loweet tor the mle ol the




T^HK retfuler ^prioh’ Show* of tbe Keolucky llorlicul-Urel aociiHy will cemoieucc no aA 1'UkUAY MOH.N

1 NG, Mey 21, iu the Houtb Hell o( tlie Me^ofte *|Vmple. '

FloriaU, Fruit Grwwem.eDd Gardeuete wtU Aud uGIi-f '

i»rcuoeUluU.'.u: prtoa }aJf^^^ Uuwtoeivd AVe-awe ead KalUr-i Feomle MoDtMy r**TL?*^ •« ' •’•dock P M., to bwild

IrreeiilerlUre, Ob- !? ***^ »"’•» tos feel to dtvto.orhrbme tnUv ahould ^ a”r*.^ t arrha*er. laaaing throwfb fmm «4reet to

hey ere luifw to pro.beiweki.atdAlert Tba improvemeap* coaePt af

w*ee» mut by amil to* ^«*'n[t»*^torteb e frame dweihuc bMom ead e c.maBodi-» w miB^k b.H^ wawveUhto of tming -^averted loa. e Dae

el ItoMia by litmm weile of et ceHewt driaktoa water eadtoDcth ol tioM the ^Sl

er- blybly fdrvetad ead 1

OllVuPAGNE WINKSfl klllJU Ltlcrv a-klu« adviev ninrf contain *1, nr no no,k. vrtll

of Me-sr,. JAcyi l-'-S GOKKG it Co., at Clia'anv-vur- b«- taken m Uwm. for bis b miwh ucruiM to

Msrnr, Kraniir. Wr prrwut thrir wims lo Ibv |.iiMlc auvwre burr. o4 men cwireity

undvr t«u bnud., uamrb :l^>.dvrv m^ ronUiii n i«v,iri-UunMiltotlon may bn bold ii


•treet, IsOUtavUki, hy.The “PKRI.I-r* WINK IS OF FXQITSITK FI.AVDR 4r“SsM racy iavl«UI4« f D..D*t

eu«l fiuity tmde eod u yuaraul*^ to cuai|>ara lavurebly ber. All leUeie eb«>uUI be addnwilli euy Wiue iu ib« Aiuericeu inerkei.

luce letter, Fla me ceae. -ympu.m-. toncth ol time thedbe^ Imp* roMtiaMesl. and have roe^ae forwarded free ihwkir BeUtod.tmni daiuaee ur earMto-itv. to aMv aart uA tAa AMfiaLrv. asia i i - .IT* BriaiMt tburuwehtorea hrwetoa

LsiUMviUs* The ve«C ead rapid taapPowamatB aa lltoMrua^ ead ifamedKW yi-tohyateksttA—pfipeyty eerv eat-aabto. ead I mw-t torreow al oo daieat permd to fall dao.Me ite p eariul V alas*.


\ sUmmatoM-1'- ore .ba aaa torinowre a rea4 Knsaanv awS

toe TmSs altoeewl eiiwavli a —** — rrm.ASSrato Wax, ttofci Mua — - -

i mm UA. 0-I5LAJDTJ-A.TE

Of Ike Xcw ImA muic Xeraal 9ckwlD K -.IBKHaaeamsaaMWltoWreb S .m ar Weto-Waw

asy rvacad Trerb iw ea. lev i.-h lorv eMm-ya ASAraa. “rtACllKlt.- Max sat. ISarv. Mm to.-N'-'v •ora ^ I.,. toner/.

WANTEl ) snuJ.OOf),1,'oRsSrrtoas two re tor— ,—rs tor .tor*»—I to-s lanre wm W vreS ead re f vv*e stvenm amS-ntor Sy inM»wr. Addrere DvawvvHS i.. r ». <—storire*£: toarli dJwwto


a ksMfihstoan to the Hun. Jamas Uathrie as s caa- oifaere will surely be ap|voved by the Emparur.Jidate for the Preaidancy, aad ae tba prufeaead aca- F>ery tbing will than be ready for tun Kmperor'e nr-

IraUty af the Jawrwa* gava tba saaUer promiaancs snil bis Majesty's prassous will ba prineij^y

tba tb. -direr wav. •.red, J ustfal in givUg enthusiasm to tba tuldiars. Bara-Ik. asativas of tha adiur ware much canviamd.

g„,, d-HTilien and HacMabon wiU enUr tba camWhfia wa ahaotvs him from tba eatogory into which p*i»n from Ganoa, operating in front of Alassandrin,

Mb Itoi ptoeod oibara, ve UMiak oat coteru hoe aodfur the prctocUon of the line of railway from

_4.- ..-v ir ns mack right to pvs promiaancs to its tovorits aa **?Sf;* *? AU^ndria and yam.a mteM^Mlntisnr Ds tha amn irhn pnblinh k Tba Auslriaos cruaacd tbs Ticmo at three poinU

—TureM^w^swMblM k iMrikto far am iarisMt•**’*Vsv. Thtre baing glam bonma in Philadelphia , mnall body at Strassa, un the Loka Maggiors,

"• **. faam which Mwapapars smsnsU, tha Jonmal eo- and in a large body at Gravailuna—ibis Utter di-

" TT* I- - ,1*. basiitosa wban it ctmmeacas todividing agau Uto two, tbe one marching

iadasnt to casfik Hf Da fanv aetaally Caaey that, , ,

' ret.,.- forward into Ifortara, aad tbe other to Novara.

^ Wire.'

i kr re ^^^v MhaU W**w MKh big atonas ragnrdisss of tbs bred, npon From tbnse points thny appear to ba concantrating

which ihsy tsU. toward Varcelli, on Im Main; and since tbe SardT

iTIj II iTiiiiHil

oDc dty, towu, or viUeccyAd«. A« much loBnired ea i# d(*vm.vd prudeot.

13. The createwt emooDt allowed tobe ioffured lo euy one Mock*

Aoa. dee eoffwer to qu«Mtioa 13.Amoutt et riik uodfrexiebDCpol.

lele* dS2 Nii2

a ^mapMsatotiaar Ds tha amn srhn pwblinb it


Hton nybafif srtth a tHtobisM nf hsnfas aaa U——to cnOt U Da Way aetaaUy Caaey that

J. A PAkiSH. necretor/.l

l^amiId«*i?m,*,rtV*’! a. S. LADIK-', MI88E8'. *Uampdra 1 ountf, J ^ CHILDKK.S'8 GAITKK8aj n oaid.i. .iw.» »

Mat U, lets. j g of all colors, witn and vlth-

> L Uin'^lll^~ PCrionnUv kau.n by faAere,^^ out hcnls

oare uJTi ire ‘5^.* Cumpony. Also. .Men's tor Heernd end Pe«sed Golf^ stoninnt by blm robaciilMNl Confrovs UnlU-n nod Uxford 1 Ine nt-ne, before me. A. L. SoULK, JAME8

Jiiatire of the Peare. mlS dsis tU '

tlB.WSI S prnpnrvd tor tbeir ne*. which they are rnuuMtnd b, orcu. 'Tim “KL'1118" is a due l>buwt C'taamioikun, of a Iweu-py. The I.iibllc Iiruerallyan-lu\iu.d lu atteud. Tbr Hall Uful Ituhv color wbUh 1, natural lo the Win*. Thu Winn

VMswa n will be reedy for exhibitors bv a o'clock eod opcu to the m uuduubtodly oue o( th** Dueet I'ebiucit'hempeeiNM propuhUeetPH o'clock. AU erlk4*« exhibited wUl be mid by duced In Preuce, ead h M \DK FKO.XI UR-XFt^t OF TH


euetKiDBt llo’duilt W. D. GALLAGUKK, CHoD EST SKLKcTIU.NS.mlH dtdi Secretmy. From the lung ex|»erieiicef exten-dve powMiwIoaB end

- - Urye ireeot of the well keowu bwo^e of JAi'Qi^bd

IllAVPs A FEW PAIKd MlSHEb' GAITERS, e littk- GOEKU A CO, end their Oeteroiiiietlsm to farnteliout of Btyle, et U'MB then coat lor ceab. WIN FS which abetl nmet with tbe uppriivel of couBumefa,

JAMES SMALI, w« iVel is*rMUed«d tliet e trie! will ftilD earebllah ell Wevmia d4U b47 Merkel atriwt. delm for the exeelleore of tbeeis Winea.

BURNET 110USE:~CINCINNATI, OHIO. I The ebitve WINES COD elweya be bod et

MHAVING uk*‘D e Itaeae upon the BUHNET J. IL THOMPSON S,

for a Ions t-rm ut >nan. and r,or(aaizcd ti in IMPUKILK ut' W1.NL8,many dniwImcLU, the undnrsiKoed uu rafely re-ton v-.___tow. - - — -sav thnt tWrnrr.u.nmceu Inudtn* t> the com * »«»www.«Hw nn«w.«>>«.«.s-tisfncliun of Visitink the citv will be niKji nin>8 drodJm I-Ol'I.'SVIl.I.K. HV.

ns lo /ratify the demauas of any suioiirner at the House.

^S^^,lrd'?!i5‘^"JOIl^s»N.MAl^DEHs.*to. WASIlIXtTO.X IXSIRAME (O.MPtXY,OF LUL18V1LLE, kV.

Chartered Capital 0500,000.Paid in and aecured $120,000.

eu^w**r Is'Ucra ol mere curiopity. A*a«, oidcca Wr I*Ula orpiFwderi uiuat ettnteiii e pnetife ftemp.GoDfMiltatloa mey be bdd from « e. m. OPp. m fwa

Hundey Irom tf to 12 e. m.l, Bt bb ollie#. tHMtheeal ennwrof Third end .Ma* kol atmn*. iTtvoBu eotraiNO o« Thiid•treet, 1/OUtaviihi, hy.

RH^Ss'i rery laviUelih ! |kiD*t forest the nema end Dum»ber. All loUcra ab«>uld be eddroaael l>

11. GATKM, M. D.,nadidbwoowtf Loumvlhe, hy.

hClS;reat,riLn-'^““~“'^-'~'»^ Wanthd,I^ldl^ w ths-ta siwrh oa oppertnohy of Ms-tUnr awch de«n 'PWO OR TffRTE GOOO RTIUW VYLf Pf*hMnibw tiding !•««; or ea e «iMcnldaivo iavewtment M 1 Ain .IvAhrawn Areei^ hetweva rhwd e«d Fvw^


•tfrf* i^ventefcw refvly egneted.

.naiiiwiaily hbrre l uoe i ifhih awh, oae.

•ifhih Id 4x o»oQtha,aiMt tha helaoca ia aquol paymeol* of•oe. two, eodt three yeem, with 4 par c at iptarr it. ead ehea OD Mm* Draperty to aarara Dltlrnela poyoMmla.DmylidM THOMAS H. NOBLE.

ii«Traik Pablic Sal« af Lais at

MOUNT CITY, ILL.^I^HK meiDd der of Jooa oaxl hdoA kha eaanel DMvttDd1 uf tha StockholdSen uf the EmpsrWw RaoJ E tela eMMonu^tunoc i:omp«uy, Oi M.>Dml city, lUiosjk, theywill olfcr wD the! 4m ei^ tha del folluwia^ M pulm mla.

Txxaa iir SjhLB —Oaa-foonh coah, iho bolooca ia ihroa

•|MlEharisnd chrefe.t H<>usriretJ Bamedy tomawarto. "*Sj‘,;S12!lf U^'&l^d!*' B. CLOAK,

osaiMls wagi^ listwasa Bsil aad Magnai m this

waty fshri. Wat M^afan. aftsr all, hrifin tha taif-

oaat gaakton thsa Bail 4saa7 Do thay wdaad rato

D—i—fie mmm ami jaddUgshm nt thk iissahly

MW ignm? DnIhayfiaamthamnnaaasfthairFafty

— nian army will maks its |>riccipnl stud on tbe

TIm Do^aa Dsmoernts and the Bochnnan Ltorn-Bsitea rivar, half-way bstwaen \ ncelU and

ernta of Penasvlvaaia an making tha hair fly.1 “fin, the nrmire ate not more than 25 miles apart,

TtonJ. 8. Perish, ebove-uuned, penoonlly known brnut to be Ifae hocrctary of the nbovc-anmed Cumpnny,

JUST RKCKIVUt),adr® LADIK^'v MISSES',*^ .^ ^ cuiLUKEN's GaitersLm of eilcolt*ra,witaieodwlth«B|^^^^^^

out hcela

R] SKS UkfD OD Shipni*DG by9TEAMH4»ATS. by VKSSEl.Het Se«, and by tbe ueiiel Hsodea

Dsmirrsti of PanMylvaaia aro making tha hair fly.

TVs Baniabaig Santiawl, tba eaatral urgaa of tbe

Darias Dewreracy nf the Slats, wys of Hr. Ba-

ne not miire than 25 miles apart, Fr.iikf^,5“g?“ Marre^esn (

DlaaoluUoii of Copartnership.

F the first great battle will bn The within anS f..rn.nit.. i.^ fl'HE firm of Acid A Donrtns Is hernby dissolved by

^ linttle ifit is fuutrfat lu dav on fito lntbis*omro^'^°*'^ -^^*"** * miitiul consnni. John H. Weld wdl oontiuun tbn bu™ b*'D*, *f *t *• •‘'“fffil fa “Sy, on bt* in tilts omce. TH08. 8. PAGE. Auditor. sinass. ni.d ail sum, dun tbn firm ore to br |.ul to him.and

and here prubably tbe first neat batU* will be

luugbL In tbit first battle, if it it fuught to day,or Utt first part of this week, tbe French must rely

on 'bsir small arms and bayonets, sines it u impos-sible that macb of their urtillery could arrive in

t. l*ji—Renewal. AcpiTon'a Omes, i

FEAMKroBT, kv., Aiirll M, linu.i

This Is tocertity that J. L. atcnl of the

ou Hull, and apynrtnoancnvof Steamininta,

DIRECTOK.'’.II. P Srallv, J. F. H.j

W II. P>.|n-, O. W I

Frank I lartnr. W . HurkJ. II. Undebberdcr, W. M I

WWBVWC nwswsireiwiswvV WII y H- (§ S violator of aladgOS, aa uawiae, UBaafs, u , Wlueir uitiucry wwu nmvw m tUsIs tocertity that j. L. Dnnforth, ns ntcnl of the

wfigwmf DaUm,4...fa...m...fthtorp..ty mS'utoto w!iTtoCw ^^TtU Mar~a^l'a Bale Vf 1-A TMCinWAnAAl

‘^i.tKsardi.imis ..d»t.i- Austrians who J. Smith A co.i Titc insurance!m ty why 4» thwy attwr m4 alMa^C lo givw esr M

^ .^^^***VK* 5- •

^ AuMriaai, woo approved Morvb 8, 1944, mod it harloc bo«o Bbowu odoluBi > lo Uboscfry. RCHOLUTE FIRE IVSDRAhCE CO at Rrw York***^* bWw up tba brtd^ of butfdkirD, tha roiliraF LnU^a to tb« nauMactioD of th« uoderBi4D«d that --lid c«miiaDy Thro MubliDci RaMILl IK f iHh i.iNLHAaiih lUi, 01 new forKs

Mr. BschAM't PbUddolphiaorRMi rwtorU totbU troiMJ iba THiino at Uo milea from Novata, ^ ^ odc buodiwd 11 V Wrtuaof ad^cn*eof th« LouUvUIb Cbonccrr Court. CapitAl Fold lo aod SorpluB 46.

rcalUiV th. odltov of the Sentinol, Col. Fumey, “J wlJjVff.r^ th. gnai^ fm^Ultie. far the to-sf as'!‘^Sti“w;d*«^^^^^ “of H^Ifrii.^tou. WRU-LABD HHK IXSITU.\CE CO., of .Sew York,

C.;TialaB of the SjArdiniAH urnuwy. It was tuppoud and por^twdto t^eriHkj and traoBoct buaiAOMof lotur- Ihcbourof^ lu o'clock A M., bHI, at public auctiuu. t> the CopitAl Paid io aud 5urpluB dJbi^l dU.

May 14, ml7 dC* B. F.

MarAhal'A Sale.

J. F. Howard,G. W WickBW. Hurkbordt,W. M Ward.

WM. JARVIS, Fr««;4l*Dt.WM. ROSS, drerDtory.

* Simpki ood pIraBBDt Id Its o»»ha oartaia ood of.

Asctuol la ItB rvBDltB. A baaotirill oomooe, BXtwfddI Ca-rotlvM, apptlcabh* for th« iw41ai m Pola at oay thoo. Id odp

' ploct*, in ooy part of Ihe hamao sytlsm, ood aodry oUclr*

euiDBUne«a If you put thh Flo«ler oDywlutD, If Palmtbure, th« Haet«T wOl Btlek thore mntR tho Fatal bos

tahed. Ttw PloBUr moymdbM the FdIb away, aodpAiM cfaMMOT KXtirv w MBA« TMi» ruaoTDa IS aprtvtDO.

Khiiuma riBM, LimtaB—, flURBwa, WaokODM, DbMM4|, IS b» IS N E ' dST^ ST ^*2^’MorTuiMtm., N«-urol«ia, DniPepMa, t;Mftas ood Coldo, a*bo, otkir Lots oa Jacob. CoUi«a, o«ld BnMLUrtdl^FoIub aud AcboB of ctimt klod, dowo ctod la Cotdb, ora wreo'*, ood t*a FreeSua or .\nhur. oiZd Uaook Mroc *.

IMMEDIATELY relieved, a.dwUhstoOemfinre., t'Stlo*lli i t ritoasr M^rifad Trtrd:‘ii'i5ir.FKRMAMKNTLY Cl RED. by tho rnafkal iodurucD o4 ^

Ibo MAGNETIC PLAa^TER. 11 ta ths Bimptawt, tuMt,bUoiA, ptaoBauloit. aadt-boaptwi wiiMHiy IdcxIbUdobl Kb ABASmUd011141001100 ta uolv»iDal iqiiBlIjr to the bUdo4 obaa. Urn

drlicale woDiaD, and tb#fNit>lr Uktout To sorb aad aH fel ^oIowUlproTvo Holui oudo Hleodoc. Ila imt ta MAnwaWr, »od X Vl OCUwb»ltbo«itaAiDu>aac«ortroahhi. llBprtaa ta within r«ach o4 rMvut.> f.>i awtai- a- i n a * .wmil mievka ss* sbekrem. mil vtow. k.mre u mresfl mu tokmreio kreto.. to

15LAND b wtaolod U llBadDrBWD cwooty. Kj.all rich oC poor , all may bava M, sad oN Bhoold baoa It A is mlWB bolow iha oiS* of liaoc ariwD ood 34 milM bawho ora alck, and buMbHiia to ooy way. law Evaoiwi ta, lad , ood owioc !• th* cJrethMoaBaowrvo «PLA.NTEKS sfioald ba always ewpiHed wtM tbie lavalw- **•“

Wfire Ato«Rsi.-u 10 revui km ak avLto ire. -s-i- U poQUBoa upwoTao Ilf |JM ooroa o*d Mi BorrMiiMAwi b)obta PLAATEK. It will ba tbt* Good Phyddao od ooy woWr ol oL «rmwaa of tba yoar. %•% ofaDiaw bwAoWa

Hirwai, Smiwm rbwd owd pMwrth.^ MRm. WM. ummui.Nwwm bw> baada wood apply

FKENf’H WHfTKZI.\'(’P.\I.NT.'ilMl =••'*•**' '»*UT* AVD )Ssa 1 Dry esl.>U*» tlroaad ia Ul I, IM FkA.Vt E, wariaaSed PI Pk.IW Btahca ood W oniBB. Aw gota by

JO^BPII W. MTHO.MU,m Reads 8WwaS. Mew Tavk.

alSdamti AdsaS. Viam-a M«»avaaas Ut., Pa/to

Thos. Keeffe,^

VmmmistiaM aHerrkmmi^NEW ORT.EAlWm T.A.


Itow Ob uprby



C. II. avikomX^'CommiMsiou w?ferch«N#,




K CEP 8 A SIPP1.Y. PvtR SALS AT LOWIVTM.takkT Pkli.s:8. <iF


ItoICOI4ICE-I Saadfoed'a aad omvr bswads ad tod restoy tPAMlAHMAdA



ood Sabor srodao.


Asd't, why 4a Ihvy attar aai sdismpt to giro esr i,^,

Htoyto atotoMsaat which thaymato kaowthatifc. Bachaaan’s PbHadeiphtoos had 4sMs aad tttopIsMas eaa haltove? Th* esUtog tho oditor of the Sen

fsMliy sf Ihooe gitostsm psavsricatow ioshngaths r 4^ .

fa*W>fi<*Uo. Bod mnath sboHtioaisti, carraiMs. Mngoik's paaiitoo aa tha Raaataaa af atavarv btart, capabla af parpetrat^

la *t Tanttartoa, wo frdsrwSt dalihataSaiy, to that blackasS ctitoat, who have iivril aU Uim liras on

-e . u. . . ... plaadar, stosliag from the Treaury of the Govera-af amoadaspinn mm.inaaraanaa. Ha Saak this lidwtoS the ttoor was shat sgainri tbair

B^MNtifMi BaiMtMff L#ls fur Salr*j~*f»b4dtaiy anmcw aui iunan * cu.

•> I A FEET ffWDl ow thr ooH Udi* of Fourth MiiM bp ^ -w r *\R *“ T T s y" $ % r~o4 1 U 1 1M Um Dortb BidM af lirrcktwndfw Bliwri Tw xAi >V XX^CJAI-A^ *

Ooa or md»rv pimodm dcfaBaruu* of purebitaDS Ibo obowt bta,tatlTD, wUI ba oiMTrd foaotably. ' ^CotumtMStou nfterrkmmiyi5 sj IS 3. 1 s:* es: -t’-


AMs, athot Lots ea Jacob. CoUiaw. sad lire to 1111140* LOUISTIU.B, KT-suec'v, ead .>B Pveatua aw .\rtour. and llenk diwr e.

Ayylyto TIK>MA8 P. JACuR, REP8 A SI PP1.Y, PvtR SALR AT LOWWTmUvulU 8 E, euraer Merkct end Third, Alirer. ' •» tt.vakkT PRU.R8. mF

Diamond Island i ^toadfoed'a ead otovr bswads sf tost resttsy tPANlAH

Pnr 9q1o XOB-A-CCO.X UI OdICt Ckaise nwd Mndhua VIRUI.MIA RRJGHT POCMOtt

ODd Debar rrodao.

I^HIS ISLAND tafitaotad ia Ilaa4ar*aw ewuoty. Kj.. j^TC^ A T^.glUmltaaboAow iba ad* of lianaarBoa ood mml^bi^

law EvoDMOita, lod , ood owinc la tb« cJrcMBouBOowrvo of‘ ^^ OBK^AN aad DOMEM-

the rivsr. bnaiy ebutd U tadre frum vnek ptnea bv lasd. n^ tedvie ntoS ta Mew keck as Uw>to ketomK i^oDtoMa upworaa of l,3ba ooroa ood ta BummodBd by ' tWtoOsb my A^’Ory for oa cotlwmaw CIi«ARwoWr at ols «*aB»DB of twa yoar. !4«4 ofaDiof BaAoWat i

HottaOmfaroa W work ihiM pBwporiy np ID Mb rowBoity, ood withMOt



bWw up tbt bridM of butfdkirD, tha roilwaj LhU^w|to Um* MaUafoctioD of ih« uoder^oad that sold c«muaav I

Thao Mublios,)I h.: k ..rev-rere. 1 . k- 'r:..:.eve m* Omre aweelmm Bw.enwe VveevAmm 1 ta DoOaMMMl of an ariunl CMDittol Af tot losstot maem I tt k' ..4.a..m mi m J

IB AA mW ^taAAmw %AA AAAAmwm# oifht pUM(«*ra, ood ooy rbild cod apnrad thorn. Prioa 34

BESOLI TE FIRE I.YSliRA.YCE CO., of Hew York. *««*. b-s. with rmi .nd i4mn direcUnae.

ptaaLolion, ready otoU ttmoB, ooJ at liunaat woIIcm. farwa W work thw powpaity np la A rawaoity, Mhd witbiiwt

H»t up ta rir.tlsbt lia lml«. Jm.b b-x will make ds to JSJTtT'.^.ij^iJLtly''?” riST^TSld

at firot that tbn Aasutons would invite tbe first enoenthu office In LauDriUe, fur the term of one year bi^eet bidder, et the hbose lonnnrly occupied by AefendLoiils ol Novara, whwfc Radstsk? Rained hia urabt fr®?“ J, f J**r^”* ^ ^^^oltrd II oot, Mubllns, oo tbr north aM** or Moiu ttrart, tyatwaao

totowts rik/ pk.'Ar i^kmtoirnm Alt^rt in 1H49- biiL os th**ha mo^ to appear to the uoderaisDOd that siocr Mfth and Mxth stroHa, a lot of Gooda of variuua kinda.

wAAaI ^iAU AwAwMd Mr. MngiAn tant I Kow, Ant's i>tnrwsting—te't it?

Bd4-motok nlto^»sU.carewp«^^ atthei,rilU nt Novnre. where Und.uky gnined hu great

*«‘"ry over Charles Albsrt in 1849; hut, as tbe lU'‘a*|l^'o’fhjackmS ctiam, who have lived all Umw hvas on

f„/c. in front of 'Turin it gaining strength blecnpltni nplaatUr, isaaliag from the Treau^ of the Govern- .

., ,, probable that the movement of hundred ama^ wbM the ttoor was that ngainri thato Amiriant towatJ Y'.iceUi to an indication that

whoUe^ rirelmg they lure rou^ aad abuse tfas ^ ( SBAL Vmen aad party whs gave tham lifaj

1 uria.

Kow, that's totoratttog—isa't it? 'fh* movement of troops at I'aris cootinneSj, but ssll die

eU to tbe mute extent as during last week. Pied-

toe sutemeuts xbuve referred to t^ avxiln- I such nsarc ki'Pt in a variety vtora.

I ar”


V reducad baluw on* I 'Ixiuts or Ssls-


or aU vumv of $35 and under, cash,ling strength I bic cnpltnl uf uid cumpaiu' has baeu reduced balumovement of I

itundrto and fifty tooumad duUn/s.

tomVto hue irmly nihwwi md stBl famly sihnrei.

Ba ahUaa by atoipk stt-iRtorvktttttn. Ha riands

vHttBsaly wpaa the fact. Mr. MsgsMi stpa-

4mta$ sgwattarmwerelgttty in thswy, kdead, bwt

fieeiatwa $m k to pswottoe, wilhswt gaaBfiealtow cr

rattoaiat. Olhsra tot, ae ww have nlswndy toltosstart ,

tha rwnvwre batvraaa him amd Hr. Ball aw this petot

to ptsfatoly ttSttMttsicat. Mr. Bell aasans diatineUy

Wa paBcy af iwtsrvintiia far prntsetiew whan nac-

asain^; it Mr. MsiiMa iaMat amarl the palicy af

aatodttatrvwnHen, tham to af oawras aa 4Whr-

aam hatw iisa the twa, aa4 they an daily ba-

labori^aaeh athar far aalki^, sr far Iha frm ef the

BWg- As thto to a practical abaardky whkh the

caamsa aaaae af the paapla ikjaeto at aaoa k fiJ-

tosm iaavitaUy ttok Mr. Msgndis daaa asaast the

paitcy af aandaharvaatiaa. Baaaaa aaadrma whatj

S$-The Beaton Courier mys: “U Shakspaxre't mom asked for 20U,UUU men, aad it is tmite probable SILVER]Of ef Measure far Measiue, tba reader will re- that that aumber has already arrivej in Uis Pied- PICRLE J^^ ef Measure far Measiue, the reader will re- tbat that aumber has already arrived in the Pied-

mambar that Abhorsou, tha executiouer, uUs Mae- -oMes* territory, while thoee w^ sre on tbair

. _ J 1 1. • way now will remain in esmpa of obmrvaUon astor Baruardias that be mast gat ap aad U Imaged; ^p, ^ frontier. Ttom campe w Ul ben pleaaaat reqaeri which tha clowu varies by say- 8rtoc>|iaUy at Toaloa and Color, (bs lirst oa tba

ito to him timt ha mast be so goad aa to rim and Maditorraiwisa, within eighteen boars steaming of

- - x— B— U..UII,anaagh dadmes them courtoens propaaittoas. Mr. »ud the Susa rsilnny. hoi c.aiaiou»«d men wereJeshaa B. Giddtogi tells tbs Ubeilto reacoars that employed lak w*.k in bleating lb* Siu;fn( Csnis of

they to have gut ap aud hanged ‘the slave W"". “ <md arUlWn' wa. n,

~. .. , . C004 imatt pooa. it waa over tUia ro«U that Mar>

catchers,' sad that had they dsae to there woald o^robeVTand Gen. Niel enlered PiedmoaLhave haaa as amre troable with this clam of mia- Tfa. Imi of the artUiaiy of tbe Imitcrial Guard

and lur all sums over $35 s credit of 4 and H months.Th* piirchn/er will U> rcuntied to /ivc bond wtdi sp-

proved sacurtty, bearlcs InU rcat from date until paid.W. U. D. WHIPS, M. L. U. U.


THOS. A. MOKG JN, J mlfl dtd


HREiiF^r .AND (truER 1.A9TERS; Iof f°^ *“•

^’N. ki:sKs ukfn io tbcBi* rvlUbAeCvfuiNXHk'B OD Biilldincd and coo-tantB. promptly paidoccurdiug to adiuritUifuiB or orbi-


U. 1% MOKKIIKAD, IM. O.,Invoator aod Proprtawr. 19 WaU«*r bA, Nvw York. oom


ALL URUGGIdTS a avory i^'dy, Tuao, ood VtU^ oi aulILs Uiiit<*U dtot oJU tldiwlyta Ikii

Fever anU afioueyfrom nkh mnnkiod •iillbr ovar a larva part af tba flnba.

m. Pricak meand ptoaUaeis .dlwad that tha World 18 UHaLUENttHtTO^lAL» n At taaal tjso acre, of ikta IMand ia af to* straapaat nRw-.ia. I/., ,„i hardly rwnnlrj aad not mn wt—1. bp tha bari. II anU.Mvw Vork. arodnea fram 7» to lu* biukato uf eure aad rrum LJuuia18 Sold BY i.toa pounds of twtocen to toe nere. yanr after rear, wuk-uMl ViUnia oS aus ahaaca or reto, buatdm tha bsavawS crepa af awwry.aJU dAwlyts Ikias aka prodwerd la tok ckwMt*. nuimief •troac .wiL

I bnua a •mall youac uvaannl nf peack aad npvW tiwwsa port uf which will bu brnriaa writ yanr, aad it k balWvreIbnt, ua acnouul uf toa rureuwadiaw wnlar thk crop will

In tcaOmony wlicreuf, I hnva m1 my handSK . I \toc day and year above written.

TIIU. 3. PAGE,— 0 Audttur.ibH <>to J. I.. UANFOHTH. Ageal.


Wu\ Russ. Amt.1

!• cooBPHOCoaa of a dtaooBfd artit»« ta tba dyBloai, la-|

oud, over ihe ^orv ol du^d by tba putaoDoM mia«iu of vofflabia ikcay. Thta I Moeta of i^ufe

Ukox, OD ocooutti tsf UMI -urrooDOiM aolor uua crop « 01•evortDU. 1 kav« rtaoivd oDd aostar taroDf taoeoabiMBt3M» aim, ODd kaoa doodoaod. Dow Doorly dry oaoDck ta

Thr Brd Bufs unit Flies will catch it

montam lertilory, while Uiuee wbo arc oa tbair *"• E*


way now will remain to t'smui of obmrvation at

reaarve corpe oo Ibe frontier. ’Tbeee campe will be

firiociDaUv nt Toaloa and Coloz, tba lirri oa tba

Meditorranopa, within eighteen boars steaming of ‘A*. X^gTAVD?**'






, tea SITS. * bays s tor/e sleek of beautiful Silver Plated W aic.

,, J.V8. 1 LEMON a UO.,mkl tdtb Bafuit., btsweeu Second and Tbiid.

ereaals. Bat they stem deaf to tba vaioa «»f iba d.d not get away lYcm the risUon at Pans till two A X,'» T T T T-X - / : days ago. It will pam by Toulon and Oanoa, and -*

charmar, and faar af tham. to the atost igaomuuoaabefore w/dueMtoy of thie week at SPANISH LINEN DL8TERS:

meaner, have plaadad gwilty to tbair indtetmtuU, Turin. SPANISH LINEN SAURS

Season of 1859.

J an* rituatad Id IMawan? oouaty, 1$ luili*# ourib frumCaluiubuB itbr rapiial uf Obio), ou th** Sciulo riv«*r. luDid** fruQi Itatlawon*, 4 mitai from ttav* Whiu* tMiIphur rtta«

tioD.oDtha dpriuydt*ld. Mt. Veioon. and pittoimrg UaU-road.DDdlu ln•taBfn>Ql PlfOBaut Voitay ««r rtpiiox* »ta-Ut>u, <»u tb^ CohimiMhB, pl<iaa, aod li-dUua Kollroad-Tbtw 5ptiu44 aUl oprti for the r**.M*puou of iL-Ujib

O.N THE ElUST UA V OF JUNE.Tl*** luipruvaiueuiB of 1i4jU bar** b*vo lars*?, roobliDf Iba

proprtoiur Ui arcoouuo*iau* frum five b* *ix iiuudrtKl 4u«iil».

Acuodc ihaoa uu|iri)vaaM*atB may be iiii*utiuiMHl a larre aud

txbalaUuD ta avolv«»d by tba oeUoD of Bolor bool aa we•*41, aod rUoB with iba watery vopui from tU Wbila ttia

oaD ta baluw th« buriBuD thta vapur llnyrr* oeor tbr tnatb'tairfoce, aod tbr viruB ta tokra wub U iJiruu«b tbr loagBluto thr bIcKid. There It ortB 0- ao irrltatiuM potaoo oo

a'^ElG^siNJ’WrIl^ fa" tnur:^ „d 'Ito

1 Vb !wUi »s!ist tfarivv; w Tbe brer brcnata « torpid and fail* ta irarrta DotoDlytbta

^ hnl alMj the Uta frum thr Wood. Both tba vlroB

*h^ ... sH* ****** oeeuiuuiala io Iba cirvwlattaa, aadprudoeafliM rx^^^LiTh# ^UM fioleut couttUlotloual dtaurd**r. Thedptaao, tbe kUtiey*,

k and tbe BtuOdach BVaipaUitae will, tbr liror, ood becoaM>

^orr!^lv*likd dwi>rd**rrd ota«». Finally, tbr loBltain ul oar uryaataui. ob***^ be ra-

|f j, otlrmpt to rxprl tbe ooxioaB bifiiaino, roorrotratae

wir OdkV A a*rAD •bolebbjud of tbr body la tba iotaruol ritMurioB to

sTL^lir^*^*** maOMlor-

lo orutrol arfaop wlib aoucerilve vtutawao.lurrrB pil^.

ta thr Cuitl.. imi iu Ibta rflart tl folU. Tbro tbrL. Id. UL ICllfutl • SO.’V, povoa tolluwa, ia whkb tbr blood Iravrs tbr rrotrol or-^ V ^ gMUri faii4 roBbta to tbr Borfare, oa If la dwoUmw rflurt lo

**r.sltfri“i“to'tf i:ta tarn. aRar wbirh bava gattaD tbair Mihta .oiivtitotluual dtaurdrr. Tbr dptaaDf tbr kldtiayd, im ugm wu*hd$. Moak on br tba Bonwaoili^w wotawo. faxa* i

X'" .;y.i«fa|^ »‘fa. fa* «** vaiSto fiSlk.*!^.to i2^atai». hinaiiy. tbr ioBltori ul oaruryaDtaui. OB ibr Bami upillDi auDatry ora lor tba *Dma iw^md praggatnd

froM iuiDg ta ii. WItb 001 Botrn ia rmitlvartaD oU tbe ^4ucb

L. L. DUTGHKR A SON, lo work aad cairy oa Iba form. bava bytlaod wiM>taDtm.yf d3.wl3WA8Awd- 8t. A'Utna. VL £.”*LdltX. to »


orii lilt tWU1 T T T ~Y T* I

buta-l, t*ew cuCtoao ruwe, adtluLtDHl buiidUiB-< Iwf

iioBoa, Obd I

* -k—i.A—i _A. a -4—^ -1- • I auiuoraieatB ati*l r**craaUuu, 1 xtaUBiyr botb hoiueo, a Blaam


S. DESHON & C:0.I»L"r Up ibr iMtrid aud moBt approved Lightuloc Rodi oa

lauudry, Ae„ Ac.

paid thair laea, sad gaas buma." It to not known nt what time tbe Kmperor Napo-

toua will start for tba teat of war, fiv, from Ifals

gB'Tlw Richmsad Fdxiuirer, to n late Iseae, af- time uu, m uiacb nwrecy will be ubsarv^ to all the

into that “tha gaariitias that bava growa oat uf mov.meaU of the ubtofs std of the as putm-

th. sUvesy agklm preeeat the naly Rvtog imae.‘‘fa s««.tru; Uicgrnpb -til modify umUn^ly

the unxie of warfare, sit u. but a day is nxjuired to


WHITE IRlbll LINEN UOAT8: medkiani, wlii



t n.; S.-V sxs. a war ,UttUk Of llir BTl

LltiLN KRAWLKy; Iba Irvrl af UhbUMMfJi Tllub, GIJiVP-B. Ar. pbur waU-r wb

Toffetbar with a full and elt*CADt ataortiurot of UKESH

PUT up ibr iMtrid aud moBt approved Lightuloc Rodi oaneieiitibc urinHplea.

era ore five gpriac#. all wilbiu tbe wbo wtabta bay.

the \S blu sUplMir, tbr cbal> b« ato, iHwfdiutf- protreud Kom Uxiituiug cau rely oa oa^rutah-iie lioiiua i:bal>b««U-^« tlecidoiUy a 4*>*>d Rud and orrauc**! lu a woitamaulAebull ta rrcuorkabta iW tbe purity of u»»i»a«T.

^ __ 1 .1, w. 1 c s t

•trenifth to r«‘p«^t tbr b*ipal**ffB effort aa**lher day. Tb* more Uia iUur pafijxyuiB uf FkVXB AH0 AuDk. d<»eh ooo-•iitutlfsoal diaordrr will of eourw* Mad*yrMiiar tba brolib.If It ta out reoMvrd.

. We bava labored to ftud, aad have foua«l, aa ooUdota

atiger'^H aftgue CureyI

whicb DeulrobxrB thta iiifaUrwiu-* patawa la tba bU*id, oM

Sf. Z3..l*l*BBfe8 MaB* M CdWltaBWdBlM IB




taa34 ^ dtaM

MIRACLUlL'8 VtJtMlN DhHTkuYKeThe OMly KeacOy ta tta Whata DwM

ai kt: TO txncitMi.sATicRATS. MM'E, (;«m'RR«i.u'HK8. nl us, MTB, Moa-

Vtl ITokS, FLEA8. Mt'THW. MULxa, WRAtkWorms, AND uardilm i.Msi!t?n.aaL

54>,MJU B0\ES i-'OLD IN 0.\E MONTH.TWiw t;rtabratad Re»rdwa bar# hoaa rxta«Mnlr mA

for tw«at> -iwto year* la oB yartaaf Karvjpr. ood AifriacaA*Hw p*>wrfa bavr hawa wna$gpd by Om L sattiad how«^I raor^ ka^laad, Awdna, Prmda. Bavofta, dUMp. BiM.ttuaa, Tfullaad, Napteo. Ar . aad tboir i baauaal owyrittaa•xoduiocd oitd opprovod by tba OMwt AtatMaMM Midtacal PwewMIia aM owor iba wrrtdThru drBirwrtivrMia oB mdaof vorwtai mm$ mmtta

bo* biwa firtlAid ta Ma MiaCry br tbr iMoBrtaaa od iba

Ilaviui? berti lo thr hupiueoi (or tdrrlve yrarw wa caawarrant Ui rive aaitatoatlua.

t )rdera kft wlib W lUiaoiB A Go. . Goa Fittara ood

Ta Aa bbfa bb bonfCi M. CM eobna Aa 4a«a. Am at tA» daj." Bat Um Wabhlngton Cuoutitatioa carry iwwi oil rabbd Kiirupa frooi unc pam|> ioU>

avoffMM Al tAb tilaia or 004 ofA vAa Am AaojA Aioi mrs **tAi obtlracl qaaoliaa of Miftoctm to lUva oooiber, oiul tba boot lakl |sUa may La fiuacroted

aiMalt Ihi rialney kaM tt. Mean kaaw kfasStM. head, aad the power af ths pwipln af a Tarriiory U, v/gmuxtog Uia Guv-roBMut duftog the Ftotp^’s tt.

k to *s palpshfa IswU. Ts daay fe to a gram adapt aafrtoadiy togtoUtiuo oa the other, are net afikuton

aad facatty af tttn hnmna livtog toaaan.'' Wbicb ia iba urtbwAox l>waMM:raik:

ia lAc poAlkMbtty. It ia a fbitb/ Ctabof tAa poof4a of KoaUxrky ooa that

BbcAoboa'a bow Nurtbera odAor of bit organ U pro-

oljMiMia. At ibia Couocil wera uroaobt um Mimo-twro, ibe prwBidcoU uf tbe LtgiaiaUva tha

KmpraM, tbr Friai.*a JaruBe, oisd tbe Frinco Nope*looa. Tba Eafiraaa Uioi oa ootive iotaroot io tba

vor, oed eTob want to for oa to Bokc a oortof official

J. If. AKMSTRONO'8,oi31 UppOfaite tbr NoUoaat.

FELT Hath -A giwat vartaty of Btylee. boa»eof tidiMi i$«w aud v**ry haudBoiue.

^9 PRATHKK A btflTH,446 Molu Btrert,

mtl JAb betwoeD FuarUi and Fiflb.

ItB water.THK WHITE 8ULPHKR ^ w— .

taa brauUfttl Arteolaa tuauiola, BHuated uror tlie rxeky| piumS^^ NJ.*^ "lUrkrV'Hil^r

bffiuk of Uie itaWto nvor^^ At U»e depth of lb) frrt InOow I rblrd oi^ FourUi, will umjmI with prompt aiteuuoaIba level *»f U>e ttano'o. RombUib reaiorkablr Btreoiu ol rul> I tumyZ djiplmr water wbtrli PUppbn Ibta Spriux. 'I’bta Btreaui war I

dtacuvered riuuu* JU >d>wr« agw by a yeutleiuan wbu Wae|K*rinM f«ir Bidt. *1 be wal« r, *» btin rrorbed, at uure oroweto Ibe Burfore aud boa ever BiDCe ouuUuiie*J tu ttuw duriby* * •**?•“**» »»Uus*gt chauye or abaUrtueut, either Id «|UAi«ty

«tiDittlataalhaHviwtoaxpelitrroaiibeta>dy. ArilBtauttld, _Lpoa ibta talao4 aofrw proborty ta oomimtivajL-r t—.1.. ftaw, ..». •> It '>"« ««" 'hi* ri«K:Un» dkurdcr with uwfeet cwrtnln- faerr <» •» »* (nine ur sumtos wMium *evm.Mte tewive )cniw Aud It du. mure, yr retbnr doew wWt Is ut murs reyroen wre tiwwd fp,m Ik. bud W|dn to uShsr i

Drvto Me. 03 Broadwn/, tar. II •ne asm. iL T.


•ervioa to Ibtwe Bubject to tbta lufretloo. • f tokoa la «$•- tbe bouu it exyrtahtfioai UaaayBlam OBlt ta^bm^rWJ.aud tboB Br bom woe of iboMioovaM poobala pamiaf IM» yro^

{ *->ii bTair — bw i!m A‘I’T Vr tt'UL'*" Sr SSi

.. w. « fre« »mx xiC.. « nS.-system iu licmIUi sltbuorb cxi-jm4 to Ik. eiw . Lun>e> •?- »V ?“/ ^ . . .. nrt. »s Mm dr—L itonWueuUy It nui uuly cun., but idoterU Irom. Ihw stwal ?“* "? ^ek of tto mria facte dated akwvn, I wowUvmrtetr of .duetioae, which nr. •nducud by Ik. wnliSBxal •tod' to Ito Hun. Arektom toxya ^ D. R. ItochMk.

;•»*.*« S'mmi ^

luSu me*, .ucb ns Ruuditeut Fevur, Ubtll Fever, whom buto well ewtnniniud .Rk tbte *wns«rty sad ar . M wJg m^Wva W^WEBeaWagnm V.WWMuked Asae. Puriudical HemUeb., or Batuu. Hendarbe. oi—Wnced la oblu river bulSum lnrnun«. _ _ . - rv ^ t’ . /"wn/'xu


Utbuwe Feven, kaurel/in. Kbeuumikm,GuuL Blindam, In mysrif al^ldnek|

U r X LJlk XTooUiOd'lie, KdETMCbew Catorrb, A»cbuha, rfa^tfabuu, Poia*

Ibe bod odvioa of wM a i

or yooiv tbewi alpriaoj have bera btahly «wif ni dlciuol pfOperttar. iMriuf the jwrt •$UtotMU lo Uita riwpeei bo« be*m eingularly <

pariM to saU thn Sooth to advaaoe af the Ohariaa- spseth to the Cwat Gardes oo tba snbject of thair

tonasnvsnSma? And aaa they ato ms that HagoffiB

and mast it ths Danmcntic press art aiding lo tba ‘'Tfa*'*clfslry of tba Kreaeh army ia Italy will

p-Hcwi iwiadls. fona eight divisioaa, divldad Into stxtaen brigades

ar tbirtv-two ragimanta. They will be comniaadad

gVA rerreepoadent of the LontovUU Democrat, by Generals D'AlloGvilla, Morris, Partunaaax, and

deprecadag ths ririfa beCwsmithe wiaattar sovwreiga ^ l>rf*»Dy *iU form twelve divirioos ^

SUMMER HATS AND CAPd.-Tbr boBt maortdtMOt of ia^OuBiaMf llatB ood Gopa lo the dtf ta at


a- ** r* irot, Of twebty-four brHfodaa, or for*.T-oi^ht rtgi-and Ihs aab-sqaattor aovtreiga bemoeracy of tbs ^ there will be twelve battalions of Chas-Stotc, says; s*Brw--liglR cavalry. Tbe nambarof divisions wtll

Tbea, gsBttsmsn. why not firat elect him (Ha- be ^rried ulUmatoly to aightren.

gafaa) by a laiga ssajorfty, aad <*«• cat each otfaar's.The fiito 00™ conima^ the ^rshal

Iju^ata Baragiisy U^liiUier*, with General kortz at Chief

-s-i— i-., .a;-* ‘he Rud, wil| twbras-e three divisions, beaded by*• ‘ • right to advma, bat we think Koray, Iteuiat, Blanch^ (s consia of

they had bettor reverer tha ortorr of tbe two opera- Marshal Pelbsicr), I'Admirsu't, lU Mertimprey,

ofEten distinguished tbemselv(Uto. Tkamas B . Uult bne been nomineted for Coasr—• to Africa,

br fa«ISimneraey of^ Seventh diririct. Rcnmcky. In 'Tbe Second corpt. cnnimandi

• Mertimprey,Iridreytt de la C'baniere, ned itoysine. All oftham I

efCten diriinguisbed tbemaelvA at Sebaatopol and{

h/*?.l*^y"rnry oftto Se««ato [“ The second corps, cnnimsmUd by (toneral Mac-

totoLtetoto t Lehnw m Cbtof of tta Staff,

$crit dectema, hot SeelnreS that hew to f iinwrew, t

y.—Otorinnafiritber Is eriabtofa.

we. naeiarifa. pnifaffaiL

tfac Inter, will ta compoasd nf two diviaioos, baadad by Uen-or protect nrals de la Motta liouge, Leftvre, Bonnet Maurevl-

ban. Polkas, sod Eiptaasae (lata Mtoistar of tta In-

mtl JAb ri» Mato drecL


Mjf Nev York, end PntU Nylm of Mutevkin and Uasd.jaducre Deem Hots are to be bad of

FKATUEK A SMITHm31 JAb cA Main rireet.

_ BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S HATS of Frit nodHf Straw arc to be had ebaap of

FKATUEK A SMITH,455 Main street,

mil JAb Between Fuurtb nod F'lfUi.

ORa^NDIESI= roa:> =R

Lace Mantles!

MK|)K:inAL PROPERTit'^a. Hfa ^ *

-a « is x ful Affi^OoBB ..f the S|Awo. IlygUirtaB* lAe* Paral>A*.

Fur them Spetoxt bare been bl/bly roteemed DFIIRM aU*l .YIF*! Il'IIIFtt,mto^fTom Ibte t'Vu'^

perfumery, T»Uet Articles, Ac., tc.Tbey^erc administered by n phiri^u, Judiduusly nc lu South •ide of Market, between Fonitb aud Fiflb ate. cure, the ev——


uuenBly, UaK uf driukiuv, euulinunaee. Ac., and. under mays dlyte Tbbil naaouuUahes bv -»t—t-«t— tfan exantorten I*thb •ytlenintic plaa, the curwa were uunierour aod srnufy- —— exito tbeviim frautLoriom ; nudtbm urwnas br da-fa*- CniltlfUDV dtin liAPUIlUC cuno sre*. beeuuabnbitedto doUii. tfcriro«aeuriw own

THE WHITE SULPHUR WATER rUUIXULnl ANU IflAUllINC OnUr nceoed. H.neu arW wbtu wa tarai aecAumtoliun. Tim*U peculiarly •ervteenbtf In those dlrocder, of the Uver and B,\,sa. SStomach wWh.0 often affikt rintleoieu whu hare been VOIT l94tl€ Ut •MUCltOMo fa ***®*

. Fain- Irilhar by ataM or A. A. Gucdni

rai> A* I of Ouaitaera taauk shf ICtMlacay ai LwuwQlfa.


Stomach which M efWD oiUk't fiDtlrmeu who have beauUm> eiooifllj coafluvd lu btiaiuvtii, aad pvnuuB uf MdeuiaryhobltB

THE CHALYBEATE SPRINGSore p«*rmaDaot luoko. Thair etfeeta iipoa btokeo down

vor sale at •Mucltouo eodHiab. or M MUfUkod ia tha attt*«Mk whita thta AeisaCvox" docB it oi uaev- aud wtah Baf«?Cy. Wa bava grvoi

(WILL M*!! to the hiifheat bidder, on the 14th of Juoo, iwobuu W briicva UiU m a Burvr ob witll ms «aft*r r*ftat*dy ft r

lA&u, a>uiaivoclu< at luu'cloek. to** Ground and Br*ek th«* wb$>ta dooB of «lta$aaaa whkh eouBod h7 lh*t otaoB.

GMix «- PRiarr.HnwuMaama- Ry., Agnl. IMO* mpi JAhwAw^ttn *



^rr; INTEMDrNOteremovwtollm Stem to Tvxa*I

^TsesT la t||« fall, I aow uArr for mta Foroi, 13 buIob|

Mllil teri"oii*l^'mto tallSTtol' Dbte riv^ ‘Twlto*“®^'

“!JSl*S!~’ •'! TT KuiStote an new. eowririlus of a bew.4 lo« bom., ila.may amw*^ .'2?’ 'JS. *•*•- »•*!, A*., aad abwat to net** la cteniwd toad..ooas.h.oria «uri$cto in the rilempt. whto t^ •• A.iiin SM$ Tbe tenet, cumpefatne Itonerea bm» IN nena la lb* I _Luna '.doe. It at oner, and wkb .nf^. Wa bare yr^ „f umbar. Tba timt m .wimbte for 1

TiUrenaun to britev. Utte fa n .trer aa writ a. mUtr lumedy ft r coed wul doaUy pay Ike pnea I ato fuc Ik* I

th«* wb$>ta tfooB of «|ta$aaaa whkh caiiBod h7 Ihe otaoB.^

Bdolk lofocthsu, thau oiix other which boa bera dtacavGtiWti; I Jill mfato sfams tku »— -A 1^ tsmm Aa I

"kII! fa*faISt“* s^mslase to Ik* pnbllc, g„j, Tarnpika. It k aaawtpamcd ky any tend In tka ^wblekia. that Siaekaapaa writ aa .0*4. tut fartlHty and wlU ho aoU la snymenia to uaa-| 2L!

PKBFAtBD BY fonrih cask- balaacw la can. twa. aad ikfwa ycaca wiik ia-I

I It la CeUAieX oceA 1 Ca BrillHUS buUdiac*, couaiatum ul FooDdary, Machine bUod, Block- aialk lofKtiuu, thau oiiy other whkh hoabwa dtac«v*tnMi; I i Vni add that «hH 'ood Moiore p«*rmaDeot luoka. Thair etfeeta upua btoken down unith Shop, Btobb Fuuodery aod ^ttera Sbci>, aitaotad oo and it ba« biUI auuUb«r Itupurtaot advoatoats W tha pabllc, I m^i$ Turaidko. It ta aiaod dvbilttaiad eaofftitutlooB have hwu oot troostaut but ibe B«>oth Bide of Moor*.** Btrwt, betweon VU«VFDth ood whtahta* that Uta choap ob orwll aBaoaA I nyg|«s fur fvrtintv ood willlaaUuf .

my ns to tbe btooJ n new vitolily, and lo Ute per- i-oukvtlte. Ky. The founder/ baa S-Fai PKBFAtBD BY | foortb eaak- balnacw la can.BOD D«*W life oud vifOP. luonUHme^lluor; blochumith Bbup hoB Mx fargoa and a

a. my m% ^ ^ 1

TH$* llXflA! It'ai A V Ut’ ATL'If Auu lot uf fouta* WlgltaslDa xbop luu obuut 12,UUU BUUOTe ft*Ft Ih SW • J • ^ M K* IT WL 4R • fTHE MAG.NbSlAN WATER of room, with boiler aad two vooioeB to dnv« loachlnvrr. fivxgfB.«if oBAkik*ta a feaUe aparieat. oDalor/au LOWLLL, IIANSwiDvoUdB mar roly uuoo avory facilUjr beiof fontahed I lar«p Hoiizoafol Bonun MlU, fur cyHodera. Wmtaum <»$« iXtoiimto Rtottito

them which can cootributo to health aud comfort. 3 Upridhl Boriufc .MUta, turn «}< *$$4 i f^gn.rrltfa$ Mae Uallar gar tiattla.

ABadpUdhUal roourt duriux ihe »uuiD«r moDthe. Ibr 1 Doabta.Headed Lailma ai laat b***l: rimi..gtt xm tttfl.fto m n wa n aObio WhiM Sulphur Hprio«r« h»v« uo rival ia tlie We*t, 1

** “ II 5;t*• A VTAT*/ Cl HaATAI^oI

aad bat l«rw Id um t'ulud Stato*. Tbe locatiun ta prcitti- 7 fUioll I,.atb«»'; turn from 3 to 14 lueE AA V WA O wllwX X V XWV vUX CLkorlv h**altby; the Scioto Imr** ta a rapid, rocky Btream; the 1 Planer 18 fc*i* by 3 tc«*t Mquoia. ^ w**CiiR IJmeBtoae," a f«>raialiou buudjvda of foot iu i^k- 1 t>>mpo*?Dd Plaurr, with circular attacbm**Di. boa woD for luMf Bueb i rvuuwa (or tha cure of *(vai7Dtafa>, thioui^ wbieb the riv«*r cute it way, la averywhciv 3 Wood Tuni'Dk LathoB. vartaty of Throat oud Luii( Uomplelut. that U ta oalirvly

t Nffi. M CrMffiy ffiew

JOHiN J. CROOKE k ro.' Are maaatocmrtaa naAm Ihmv Fafoai


PIMH t'lTP AMD CAVKMlMMii TfafaACCfafa,X CHKIDaB. wPIt Mh. An.

£ Tma BaATWii You., aH a$saa, at^svito k tHfaM*Ik* I aad tfrmjal la tta imfurlad nrlMa.


wWA Tu! it Mate t'utFHy

tuemag.nesian waterta a featie aparieat.

InvolidB Biay roly uuoo evory facility beiof funtah***!them which can coatriuuta to b«^th aud immfort.ABadvUdhUal roourt durinx ihe »uuiD«r moDtha. Ibr

Obio WhiM Sulphur Sprio«r« have uo rival la tlm Wc*t,aad bat l«rw Id the t'ulud Stataw. Tbe locatiun ta pecitti-

for Boalio* BefflBB. Java, Aa*« AampaA vtth oay asiAMga roHMired Alow

Mttttte Platdtt, So*d«(, Typfa tfad Brim

orlv h**altby; the Scioto kwfre ta a rapid, rocky atream; the**CliR IJmeBtoae," a f«>raialiou buudreda of foot iu i^k-Dtaw, thioui^ wbieb the riv«*r cute it way, la everywhere 3 '

either at or Dear tbe surface* tbe rroundB of the eotato ore 3 I

bcautifitllr uodulate*L aaa inuraperoMl wRh ODmerwup fioeraviaea which carry off all tbe supetliuous water, tbua rwa- T«deriod Um* aoll dry and lEe atmoaphere five from that bu will

Prltfc$ Oue Uwllar par Batila.

Ayer^s Cherry Pectoral

I refar to UoL S. A. Atahtma, altoraay ol lav. Laata ,

villa, Shf.o for furUur uortkalora, ha bolac oiy afoat laj

avM toerimvecsr


Uoraor of FUlh aad Jn'fcriuu BtrarM, (Ufficd Mam rirM, L—MrWi)

i t>>mpo*?Dd Plaurr, with circular attacbmeoi. hoa voD for iladf Buch i rvuuwa (or Uto cure of *(vrry3 Wood Tuni'Dk LAthoB. vartaty of Throat oud Ltto( Uomplalut. lhal U ta oalirely M3 Unll PtroBOB, 1 (taar Gattar, 1 Holt t'alter, Vtaeo, aud a anuecewiary toru« toreoouuithe a^UlcDce of ila vlridma,

fine OBoortmeDt of rioiall toota, to exiri-'dite woik. wherever It hoa been rmployt*d. Aa it boa load boea ia ITVnuffuf •otawill be, fortbebuUduutaaudcrouDdiwhicb aou»Uot ato ikrui$fhoul thta aecttua wa ueod aol do aiora Ji

will be Bold without any of the moehiuery). AT.Uti), In oue, tbau OBeiirv tbe p*<vnta u« quality ta kcp- up to tba beat it

(WO, thtee, four, aud five yt»ar«, aud the axc*sBB upon «x ^ r*»Hea od to do for thair of 1

aud * lrhCi*eD m >uibB, with lien aud apt*roved eecunty upuo relief all It hoa ever bee« found to da. Ia i


midlt> an ^Judicial to beritb; tkrea ciretuuatnncca, t-k*u 1 two, Ik; «e. four, .ml five year., end tlie .xceaa upou atx I*vt

in c >nnm; mu with tb. riutude to tke ptnoc. nbont 1 Jttio I nud i tzhtcen m >uttia, wKn lien nud .pitcoved accunty upuo reunud 1 IxMccD m >utOa, w»b lien nud .p|tcovcd accunty u^othe four find |•tyllleIllx Tbe mackiucry aud umla will be.old In d.lrit; nit auuia of $Jo nnd under, cnab; from $M to

I odbr for arin my Pum, Inmmd tm Iks^ rand le«^M frem Gteasuw to LoriavHfo, -o^faIMnvar Unnk, tkrm mllna aurtk to Gtea—iw^fo

^jMmid nx mtfoa aeutkeret to Hvwett'a KookDepot, on tk. LouiaviUa nod Nnakvtl*. Rritruod, roaatella,

to four kuadnd nnd Uk aerreto tead. nke-hrif to .kick ir

In n kt<b ainu to ariuvalion; oaa kaadrrd now mt ik

Ukt'KlVRA.ND PORWABD DAILY BV BAILDDAOFiinvar Trrian. •> charm to lyewri im .vaw. TO


ttsga, Mr. Bspan is right whsa ta mys “tt is as dsarvs » mtohsmstirvi gsstdsm that Ihs Sswth hsvs a Hox. F. M. Bkuiuw.—


s have airead/ aa

sight ts ha pvakaasad w*fa (Mr alsvs rrepifty is thv k* >ta nmlsyfUm of thii gvotleuna av UmTvifit ifiss, vd thkt Ossgtissi, vt thsir isstiSBsva. OrpiiMis twkdifivSv far Casgwm is tta Third Uiv

Thiv iv kaowB to ta atrictly trsv bjr all who urior)haard OvL Hok'a vpaach at L^ranga. Ceiiriai! Tta third coriM, commudad kjr Msrslul Cxnro-

whto hkvs yas ta say? Cm a |«litieiks, holditg !S!'J'*** J? lil^^

a a r . ^ ^ ^ . I. X* will bd oAMpuMd of three dirwont, beaded by Gea-

sad Os sssUamata to CsL..H., tavo arsis liuiirbaki, Trecho, Docrot, Boost, Bstsllls,sash s tWag ss “a ftiMieal Jiitartf" CuUicetu, Rensolt, Pksrd, Jsimia, sod fur tta

csvslrv, Iluatsabsn.

<BOar friaad to ths Mndisoa Coaiier coawsaU G«mrsl BuorUki U deicritad by tta Coorricr de

_K^ w. ,^1. Fnris SI ths typs to GslUc dssh soil daring. Hespaa whto ta ctols aar wit. Wa may uommsat Zousvi totta ssssuU at Zsstcta.^n tawgm Mi if we %vm f«t a rkASce to Me R. vat too oeverelj wunodad to um a fword, io light

k'd glovet, with a caoe In ooa hand aad hk cigar in

l!f1'|i|i4VU|in!JiIf 111

front nirisrioiia iuflurnfwa u a luuusirin reaion. .old in d.InU; nU ruuia of $lti nnd under, cnab; from S5ii lo X — -.-.I— re . n 1 a * Y\*$$Tb. Sprint property eonaia'am nerra of laud, ona bun- $5uv. aix nionUta. $ aw to al.WW, rlx Mid Mclve nmnike; nWRl’S lari Lllel rtllC

drto of vbich nra eovorto byonnofthe moat benuciful .nd over $l.tXM. rti. tnelve, nnd rirbteen muuUin, with dmj \Jh 4J wtkWUtLA WAU fa hlgOncrovnn ia Ohio. Thta vnudfaiiid la hnndaumely Intd off lu- approved Mteortty, pnynU. iu bntik; ril deferred pnymeula prtR AI.T. ’Fim DTTRPOSYlfil OF A Prioto wnikr nnd drivaa. vne of tta latter beius two mtfoa tu to bear iateraat frum date.


atkanat to ptvwett'a Rimk Fratfatt to ril klafa, Parhemn Money. Md Vnknd NnahvU'. Krilroad. roaatetot BXPfaBrfM UtAVBriicroauf laaS. aa«'half of which ir xt a a M owA iha EmI*^ r=L'‘r^euta==^ritttk “

The SpriaR prouirrty coDiia'a 38u oenw of laud, otia hue- I fitaiU, Ax mooiha. A aiu to al.UM, rix oml twelve mouth#;I

dr^ of wbi^ ore eovturod by odw of the moot beautiful I aod over hl,UUU. six, twelve, aod eirbtoeo moutha, with '

—ry a—OsssmMShMlddamMfittafBUarimi•saw to a«r rights. Mx. Biyre dms Mt dlsgmss I

gfasmy ippis r is u i to ths falMs, Md ssys; I

Hox. F. M. BkuiuWc—


s have airekdy M- hi. oi;iiith. Uenernl Janniu is ths lisrculas to his

ssMtwd ths 1— : - of this gsatleuM as tta^luss, bxviog tauksn hU sword

a-e fa--i n„ fa XT . . Mto . . ... in rapnUing a mgbt attack of toe KaMiaBi, be toreOpgsaWM eaadidaSs fsrCMgrem m tta Thud Uis , hugs tvnt-pust from its jJsos, sad, Uying sbowttoick. Tha BowUag GrsM Gszattv mys to Mr. B : him with this Cyclupvsa weapon, strew tta gronndTta Oppnaition convantiM which saasmbUd si wi^Memiss.

this fl-e- lari Mvoday imskimoasly Hun. Tta 4(h cui^ to tta army to Italy, oomamndedF. M/Brisluw, to Todd coaaty, ao ttair auodatd- Genaral Niri, Aid-d.-Campto tta Kmperor, with

baanr is tta canvass (or flnncraa. in thi. district, ‘renarsl F.npivMit ds la Villa Boisnst av Chief of

Tham wan cither gaoUaman m Domiaatioo in the ‘itsA'i ta cnmpoaad to taro divisions, taadad by


WHITE GOODS.J uit opeoed thlB oiuruioc aod for role at very low^ |«foar couuiry

^ . n , -s I A n -$ I k. k n I . ff I. N. R—Tba abovc buijdiugB ore otlmirably duUdKl for ao®****^P? **^ *^?^^ U broufbt loto fair Ayn;uJturallmpU.OieutMauuffaCtory,HaDiuxMUl,FarD-

oompetiUon with tbat at oaturUly Worm ood Hut Bpria^ kurc or Toboco Factory. Brewtay. am! Pur luLoy otherThewaUrU hraat^ lo tha both tub by bI^iu ^m|Xiwfiflbeat Dot beiok ralB**d blab aooufh to prvcipiUtet* lU boIG * ^It Ib by thi« B^wCam applied to ibe Burfooe of tUa bather ^ r> r> t m i a r<w ^ a. i

A ToWgraph Office, oommuuleatloR wrlth mil portB of tb*-TwO hDtt R ^ PEKS-

coiuitryltw been ctebliriied at the Snriita.. To be Utue TO.Y 8TRECT RO.tD.

OATIVE MEEICmE,fosUo.Ttvr.iM>.; Foavna Ucaa or f>vsviretin; FoaJnimnici; FoaTWsUffBt av ixMoSsyioir. foa Ha«o-Acfin : Eu, Tiip Ubaa ur Dy,uyxxT: Fus sFovk^Rjtea; Foe T»p Gf*S uf EfyaircLAs : Fm tm

Bristow, to Todd coaaty, as ttair aUodatd- bv Genaral Nisi, Aid-d.-Campto tta Kmperor, with

r in tta canvas* (dr fnnrraai in t^ district. Ireasral F.tpivMit ds la Vills Boisnst a* Chief to.— - -1 - - 2_ .1 SdriW wtll Inm rnssTFifiWil r^ f wai dkmkmWYnfa Kfam/Imjl IkWIMP* wan otfoar ffwitlenen U mhfftki«faffLred^ Ib man, win oe comfioaeu or two oivibioim. oeaoea oj

eomwmUok whon dtaracter* qoalify tbea for aay Generalt Vina^, Kiol, de Le^ritz, de Paillj, 0*Par*

Raeitin ta whkh thaj »i^t aapirt; but the c#r> reli, aod Saurio.

nwCka Iff iu wiadom aalacud Mr. briffiow, who it Priffce Napoleon, according to tbe Piednoo*acEaowWdfed hr all to be a of Marling iateg- joonult, will coatiiaDd a divitioo of their ar-

aUlkj, aad patrk>ci«ffi- He but be coUad a noder the direct ordart of tbe King. U appeanaoU toffff, ef ffffbknujbed chancter, a ocbolar ao ^ ^ ^ fUted iff inf laoC letter, that u waremdita lawyer, aad as nmrrf, rcma-inifinet puiiii- loonificatioa abown by Gmn. !:iaiot Jana d'Aa-

lu do Imitatiou iavaColfoe;44 do doatoa do;4u bhdB New oricaDB Suipor;4U bUB A. aod B. HolUmora Cruabod Sufor;3U do do do f'ow’dvrod *lo:

4u do D. H. do do do;lu do do Uroauloted dueor;lu do B. do Soft Ciuahed doj40 coeva 1^ aod 1-4 SordiocB;lUO paakaf«B Grevo aod Block Too, oaorted;4U kcffB to Corbouate Soda;4U box«a Frook'B Summer PtcOmmI Caodka;iu do star do;40 do superior Rooio Soap;74 baikctd ulive OB;liu dooen oBooited BuckeU;4U DoffU 3 ODd 4 Tubs;

io cooDOtUoD with dioiaot p*dots, wrili ba a yroat coovoo- miieoca to fvutlemco, who coo bear from aod direct Ibou g fiiwd'op by tka suLoeribet obV


buvtDewaAurBdaUy. ff'a-wTfa»'-»«'‘w-i'»'kAll the aoceoaorioB oeeDomiT to beoUb. phmsuiv, aod feUAI^IElt RtifeOltP!

amuBcmeot visitorB nmy expect lo fiod at the Obio WWle drims from ika eitv av.*r & . i romAdulpfaur bpriDrfB, Oi the *- Tbt iLriotu^ouadB Lv? uid outIt, Id evory porlkuUr, a fina-claoB watortoe place. Oratt- ‘ ArOora. Archffwr 'TmrTmufiod with the liberal patroooRe eRleudod lost yoar, oo effort K^^VAnir. “a? T^HlSoIa bw^o ioUi3y

'StSri.n S=k nnd rerriesev te ri-WriKl=^^


^ “ rerriexe., te ri „,h,u, , luxke time pmt- msreonbly.

^!=‘f^rl{:'*,*'^^32Jma«^ room., Ac. ‘4 ?iM“er“yANoKKW WIL^N. Jlu, lion will be beriowed on vteitorv.

„,6 d5.* '^"“'ffiSeU^U. O. SUHHEDFfo



C kSH idvdnev** modv od ooDrirpmeoH of WcHero Frw-

‘duco *Ub^ privlla^a of BelUtiy eitber io |.oDi>vtai*,

Foa Uuiuaxaar ths vrim : roaens i^osapEfyeaCourLoniTa ; For Ga«*«wv ; r**a tmr Ccu ur Trrrxa,Ti;w«>aa aan Salt Rami: Foa WuRMa; Fob tmbCVRX ur Goue; Fuba liiMuaa Fyur ; Fob tmb Cons4»r NacRALdfiiA : Fob Pcairt mo thk Dloui*.

•srlhaiAan to Gavaawnr and mast to thn party oan-dsdsnmfarCMgrem m* tha L sgi ilm are ays wnih-mg la aid tta “diMlnatiin to m imparfoM Katth'ata amsrtittg *• IMtoyaa tmi diansuu tta Souh.Hx. Bsfatfaamtaal Narth mFriaMliraff wfllSSM inta pn—stan to Ita Oovsswmsttt,” whito ttaDamaem^ to Kansseky are aidlag tha aMvaamatato tfattglns to ittgrefa ita wasrt Mti fanvsxy havimii"#M tta cased to ttair party. Stmthara riOHi iini

BMttara MMasamn, tawwvwr mimh Itay tav*difaMd apaa alhar 1mm, tava klwayt bssa Mitsdm mattmais ttpM tta righu to ttair naoliaa m Havaprepany. X*w mt am tta Iwmdiwn aCirt msAa te

hrtttg Ita adtewt dnrtrmM which tevola* a hamansTWttdrr tottam lights iate Ita Soaihara 8utes,

aad si rim Oat dtay are arthsdax Dsasaevaey. IYm

gWTta adttar to tta Dsmirvat aasams as wtth

sttridaasdds parth alsrity aad sat a Httle fcaUrg

A man satlsCsctary acmishsM mada. Hs is wall haoiDialiict. aad wbtiwaver ta la

rtareetar ws tava givae him

gelv, and tbe connmls to friends, which iadoevd In tture nnd for mle very low by

cminalioa oonld not hsve Imperor to ebangs bis raiad in regard to pot-

haowa to tta paopl. to tta Brisca at tta taad to tta Imparial Guard,

ta it koowB ta bean tta Tta Italian .xpedKian which waa i^led tta Ar-

bim. 11. has tome Con- **7 Mtil it eotervd ItaliM territory, ia

vias mrved the sn.xnired calltd tacbnicaUy th. Army to Italy.


Carriagpal HENRY A. DUMESNIL fa CO,.M-WU - I have on band a ,n W ^ NEW ilRI.FANS.

»uip, faubcte A wuer forioifChMp. My HuKRM»*M«Bu4>fi'<‘>i a au odvRncv« uiodv od ooDriirputeo^ of WcBterD Frw-vitn the pateol top-UfWm. Tlc top emo be put down or ly' jure miti. ute privUa^a of Belrnir either lo l.owunrtUi*,

op io a second. AU perpoas iu waot would do well to coU tirleaB#. or N#*# Ywrk. FaiticuUr aUaotioo paid lofaiid MhH hffsfun* Durcboitlija. Just fioUbed two verv fiue Kiii...v u-vUt)wrn order**»"»**€ Vs;-.. UIJMKS.SIL * UL


Choice hirst Cb^s I^'Uiraiiee

Cre«aionnl txperieacc, baviag ttrvml tta anespired calltd tacbnically tta Army to Itely

term to the Uia Hoa. P. F.wIm, Md if alacted now Tta Minuter to War baa again cbaogtJ tta ordo-1 TV . „ nanc* in regard to calling ont mamsd toldiert on

L tndaliibly imprem hi. colleagUM in Con-grem with hia sxcalUot charaiicr. He it a mao for s ferlptigh. Only those m.rrietltaforettajrdrewtke limm. and a man for tke pnepte who want star- in the ronacription will ta called into aervice; all

likg good nualitiai to baad aad baart. Wa havt totara, having married by tpMial permiHsioB to ttayet to bear a iiiigU ntleranoe to anything but pe-- minister, will be allowed to atay with ttair* aatiriketioo with tta raaalt. I. it nut suptrero- price for subrtitatea remain., a. fixed by ttaffattna to call oa tta paoale to rally aronad Ita .Ian- Isovarnmeot two vear. ago, at 2.000 francs,sard to tkch a msn aa Frank Uririon? All or nearly afl the cotm ffelffe having bean er-

deved to Ita itat to war, tta Pari, barracks are only

30 bf burris Roe llerrlns;lu bnrrri. Roe Hernux;6 b-rrele No. I 8bxd;3 tforce. No. 1 8-imou;

For Mile by

leniad s$mI$m wnaiaiffttl i te 185C jMt •* W* •*—*1 $uu. bm tk* ntkt of yroi

Mhs.dvCMSMil.Mr. W.chMrftoly L'Tj=d*^LICr==£rWe^

All or nearly all the cotm dtUtr having bean or-dered to Ita Itat to war, tta Pari, barrack, are only

To thr Fikr ri af titt f rvfirlffi Journal- F*Hly fillsd, and tbem by rather inferior troopa to

W ABIAW, Kt., May IC, 18o9. look Kmiewbal lost at P.ri*. They arc a .mnll,^Qdtlxmrx; a ipiril^ Opposition meeting waa eunburnt, but tin.wy, hardy set to fellows, whoIM in Warsaw, Gallatin cowair, oo Ihe 16(h lost

,live on. tta imprewiuo tbat, if they are net very

sv thapurpoa* to nominating a candidate for th* urighi, they can at huivt atend a good maay hardSawnSanal dirtrict campiMed to tta coanlie. to knocks. FZach arm of tb. Imperial llnard, howev.Baawa, CarreJl, aad GalUUo. ar, ba. left a imall onmbtf of men l•.hiod at Paris

Cal. Mrrrith, to Buoka, wm c.iled lo ita chair. to aerve ns depots to fill up tta rank* to thus, whoOn maston, tha maolatiaoa to 22d Frt>raary, 18.’>9, may fall oo tta fisld and tu train tta raeruRs.

at Lsttiavilla, ware unaoiisonsly adupud, with anadditimml rmalabo.. te-wit; ^ g, ^Tbo4 Iha Tvritarioi hetoR the ooDjuaa f^wporty of tba M*»u I'xx avomami w Kawh i.Bfku Piif.r>ri o-aa..

nnniiifrania of thr Uwlrfi Staton, smeb ai$fi rvery cmxaij ix *JLifrom Firr r P»Rh.

ofthr oovonl ffuioB has tha r«ht of ptwfoertoa offlavM yeourdav HK»rmiig hod a umTenatuMi %kUb Mr.M waff oa offy pawpofty r«eucaix«4 by the ocm*4iUiUoDaf SUocma, of koukffk, l«iwa, who vat juot in from


kcRB Family 1-ord fur mUc byHIBBITT A Son.

» borrclB Dried Appfoi aad Foaches


aua BOe b^on* purchaiduf. Just fioUbed two very fiur

KoekawayB. V. HRADLF.V,maylli *l8iaiBA<r4oi 178 M«in street.

XOO T?lxlxrcX 8tx*eeBMDONALV k STU.IKEIt,






ii3U iAbvodirUiAwoowarn





tt,’N KNABE A CO. l<aBi»u»'e< UA.hnrebernawnrd- SHELLS, A U>L*vv td suld uiedri- in four «urwaiivr year*, at til- Mary- ^vpi RRwA'VFn Avi N

lan-l Instiiuie, Balihuure, for ronuniird >u eHoiliy; atateu Ute hiabcM a.rida al PhiWelirbia. Rkhmund. V».. f^r«K'o?7 airiuiy^ mwa-liiurtim. D.

If' finmlqiiaUty and warrantedut aiv>*n by Tbrilters. Sli^iAti-cb, f). S—iter. end Pr.ii.ratiuu> mad. in lb. CnI


S .\UTM|VIVR.HALUTA-Uevarasra for nwra-ik-n ihrva-• maauiaMnrml to CaMs to tb.

.tn (HUttgAnK auLAin rmbt m* '




j; o:sn«.-;:^ K=lS.=d. m7i=‘i?^iter7^ S=m"r=l bSTSL^uTita la’ ge uumbai of the tusirt miiBHUiu aua amoioursialhe

for chiidrra, luvoUd*. aud UoivoDB lu booUh. OB Mb- I iM votM fonoB. Id Set, It la oi'fow a cbmt or^

Tffia wAiwt foa of hauuuMiy m m well knhardly fool dhpwBud ta oaew|iy Uom or evoor i

huo. Few bavw oacaiN’d aaffrriaw from oar

“wiT'k.ulteA C«. rrapectfully Invite th. riteutfo. to Vj**-***^Ute public, aud raitecUlly to «i.h a. are in want uf rerily by tk. nmet

fiiM ebua Piano. tu UuSr well aarurti-d iturk ul m-triiiuente, . i . - . . ..

'UMBS AND BRUSH ES-Jual received ri/ mil >Ab W. W. TA



'l.N'E SOAPS—Al TALBOTS,mil JAb tw Third M.

Itute* for 'fm -nd t^>A>e In Nerveui end DiepMUe sueuaeaf riUMtrmvy Mher dm me: aud, mken ia Ibm>MW Uwy are invaluable aud reauuiutebded by th* maet w.brifove waa rvedy—BlEitH.AVgN HOLLANDninent Phy«icUna. BITTERS— will riwaya mitleate, if art itoMt n prrmnnrniFur arir by their Afeau, U. C. Murray. New Ye-k; enra, W. miekl an Mruaew Inagaas. but. a* w. araad-I'na. 11. GrauL Pbiladeinhia; T. V. Bcundle.. BriU- drmmng a rmiiiim$ m eel* **aMM>nahfo t

ita cmv^iM. fW mna ^ *#-8 tee talaUna to ataw-r and rfov. . and tnat It te teeWM IM.^ 4Mr toCo^vm t* pruieel thte ii*kl


kdvneiMd aqaatter-Mvatnignty te Kafarthar hariaam bateg bafore tta coavMtiaa,dteM* Md gMitten $Htes aa*8 wRkia tha lart yaar, tha Pintedaa* annaaarwfl that numinatiaaa ware io

hat wa haiteve he fo Bghk. Be hMm dMht advfo **' Tacknr, to Buoae, tta

vatedllfraMttadayetottaKtttateMleiaM. We TTT-’"-,**’**

b$g am ttaighher'e gaafiM. We chaB nsvar ^ate Jadge Yea^

aMMtoJmlgero.eI, to BeuM ceaoty, wm pat in

miminitiiin. Ke amn ohm hung pat te aeMinx'ioo,Jadge Yeael wm ohMen M the e»-Sut,i« for ttafiaaMeritl dirtricl by nwtenmiion.Tha Jadge batag re Bail (hr, rarpanilail te tta note-

teotten te a bMadfal aad tinted mMCto. Tta

iFrom the St. Jumpk Wnt, May Ifi ]

Sh“uif?7S7<^iiII Nkw* from Pixa’a Peak. -rnsES AND W aLLKTS-AIto grottmUmolAarm » • yretMda; morning hAd a txmvertalioo with Mr.

"^'riSlfT's « Third M

ly the ocm*4iUiUoD af staDCiat, of Kaukok, l«iva, who vat juot in from v a- . a Ct 7"..—r \n:,





'tS?*R‘ter • fa*ll* t»ny S Third.


. utei II 1. IU gf J .migrant., lom. eighteen or twenty ^

_ .w, °t wbrim, ta nay., nrueuected io lb* mioM for alsiul W **LT*^ Benver Sufi HuU, the finm evre tta caavMUan, -i-hlMO dnv. Hn mu not u tta min*, hinmlf otf.t»d lu tbe iStjr. nt A. CRAIG'SKnninatiaoe ware io ^ nt tta mioM nimaell, Thun Pocket Hri. for naveltt* mn b» Und cnly uf

toHren. ttahaving ntopped 100 milte tbn rid* to await tta re- A. CRAIGtnr, to iKroae, to*

to tta examioatioiu made by bii friendi. Tta Morphy Strew Hate, brown eudUlwr-any, nt*” whuti nartv ratnroed, having tntirCed ttammlvea _ , « • n .t . i CllAIG'S

pat m aeminx'ioo, ik- . 'ri— P.rente ren find kU tb* myle. of Summer GoorModidai* tor thi

“»k. uoUing in tta mine.. The for Mi— and Boy. u A. CRAIG'S' V- "" •— taat digging, they tad found would averag* uoly a Mea'iaud Boy»' Sauiu.-- Cnp., latent rtyln, nt*• fuirtfa of noaat lo tta pM. Tta party tried tta pi , h i u k m .

A. t:KAIG'Sfour diggiag. known na Cbcrrjr Cre*k, Areppahee,

> a I _ 'T 'a. •—* Mexican, and TabI* Muonhun digging., all of

• M Tharaday I ^****T*^ which are about alike. It wae thought at firat that

ac ewharwMMiri I

**** naerg*^- cuvMt. Hi. would be fuuud bigtar up intJio mountains,^************


*** **"#*fa* With tacb a gallant Irfod were dimppwinted; Ita bigtar up

_ Tha ooffwifftkiff Aodafod that tbora vovtd ba bold

Mr OmWb, hia oppattaM, i* daffy M Ihs ‘'atoou " ** Caviagtea a cnavMtbia to aominaU for Cuagram, jb^bug'^li^n^ by te.der.‘ird";i^:a^J!:r‘“


"“»/« >*>" "

a^ to Mat, M tahtof to Mr. 'Tt-hir hv Mr Ukriku iiil**'**^Monday m Jum wm tbt most i„ the party met about one buadred IIEGDoKIZia) COAL OIL.- A ruprrior nrUefo forT;" ^ •attabl* ItnM. W. A. CRAIG, Sto. ,nugranU a day returaiog on foot, UMrIy all to ^ burnlnx. Wholerefonnd reiriL

tega^ Iha ItoaMCvarit: MMteM he Liate. Owvarwar.H—_

^ whom ware in dariilata circumrtMMs. They all**’** WM. SKEENE ft co., BulUu Mreet.

but all wbo Irted were dimppuinted; Ita bigtar upthey waat Ita leu appearaao* to guM ttajr (aaaiL fa

Tta whole party ooile In coodemoiog tta thing *1 a

ODd Drowu Boaver 3ofl UaW, tha fio#ot over" olf$red iu tb« dt/e at A. CKAlG'8.Thooa Pocket Hot# for travellof eao b* tsad only of

A. t HAIQ.Morphy Straw llata, brovD aud aUvarnray, at

A CIUIG'S.PareatB can find oU the Io^mC olylai of Sumiucr Good*

for IfiBBOB aad Boy* at A. C'KAlG'S.MttD'Baud Hoy»' Samn»a-' <’apa, loteat BtyhM. al

A. i;kaig*s.Plaoter Hata, lu block, Wowd, oud ^orl felt, at

A. CRAIG'S.M**d'b PloDler lioti, ia Straw, at A. CRAIG'S.Glvacory ( a|>B for luffDtB at A. GRAlG'S.Almoat doily Bume i«w atylv of Hat ia lutrodtioed by

A. CRAIG.Tb« laryeot ood oxivt dcoirable ttdM-k Straw Guoda of all

foabiubolde #1) Ira ol tbe comer ol Fourth aud Main fftreauA. CRAIG.

luayll )Ab

n. J3iaas;Plumber, Gan, and Steam Fitter, and

Brass Founder,F*t/fk sfrcvl, bv/woon Main and Markttt

A varikty of BKA.^SWOUK, ALKPCMPS, M>DASlaoda rockBeODd l uut»lin(;9, (.'haodtHier*. Hrockau,

Pemdanti, Force oud Lilt I*uhi|m, S|>rUer Sokit r. GuoMunotiD^#. Ac . olvoyaoD bond. Rpcildinyand Golvoaix-Iny done »l the iburteot QoUce. kidba's Foicut Ratal,l^oOfl Coatiffsa, aud |tabbtt M«*tol modr to or#^. «ip4ly

Wa hnva great hapM (hat Mr. Oaggto wlU aM$H>ttaaaalm, PtMatrety, (f hariare m* hM tt.

lH~llaia li a llCtia ffavor vbooa parfaeia ia tba ^awa iba aasna accoant ia reffard to tba miaes, ¥ UBKlCAllNG COAL OIL.—A aaiMirior OU for heavy MhIu, between Kirvt and Second atrtw>ti

•ffM of nriUffan tboogb tbe trodara nlooff tba rund aiill cuoUadod ^ omcb iaery, for^e.

I Flve-ana Ruckaway, ponneKd;nmcliinery, for aole by


that unioon vara making from eight to tea dollon WM. SKEENE fo CO., bnUitt Btreet.


a doj. Oae of tbia campony, ae Mr. SUbdiu eUtoB, pL'RE LARD 01L.~4be barrHa pure iard OU; oloo, me-bought ap oil tbe gold be cuuld ilad ia Aoraria aod ^ dtum and M o. 8 l.Ard OU on band and for iiaia byDearer ctiiee, amoontiog to $5 43. Tea miles be-

ySM. 8KEKNK a co., BnliiM atreet.

ttrT'Tr»A'i\¥ / ^ A CJ Va \1^Ar¥^TpL> tvery IiMUruiofUt *»*** "Ve yearn, and a urtr*OA l.toA31, twXd.‘\^, Oka \VA X -Lixa. Ui'K** oi exi bBoge slven at any tUye v4b{n *ax nioutk#,

on the moat rcoionaUe teriua. mmf\4 diuila -hould oo lui^.iineul ^prove Acall Ib ivfi{iecttnlly BolkHed. >\ If. K .NAUk A i'O.

•VXT“ A i 1 i*r^ 'VX7"tJrnC'"Cr»T tmeoflhe above I uritruioeDta wUI be on ezhibitioa atW .^'V. ^ rii W J -X. Fs r


Lt he nude Hnre of llewra I). F. FauUla fo Co. |o couroa o|

/’RI-:AT IMPROVEMENT R./nold.'. Cunwntrel . few daji-, tu which th. .'foutiuo uf the Ktoe^n andli Piemure W.ter Wbrel rerilxm .viwy inch nf bred; nuinteuri te rreim^ulG invited. eytjtrim

uitea water with sreat«*oooomy; notronbU* with bock watoi: T 'b ¥ "b ¥ '1 •idven rr«*at l^weroDdar very low fo oda. I—c f-rCTr^^

41F*fieii*l lor pampbiifieoDtaiohia uarticttiari Ac., which -A-a.** * .

wiubeaeDtfivetoamjj^di^by, Plumber, Gaa, and Steam Fitter, amTALU oT k I'NDKKIIILL, ’ rtww.wwwa-km

mays duimJtvis* onrefo, N. Y. Braaa Founder,— — Fifth Mrttt, behtom Main and Marktt,B HALDIN HELM H. W. BRUCE. . V.\RIE:TY OF BRA.uS WORK, ALKPUMP8, »OD

J-J'P’T Af A* ^ Stand* Ceclu. *nd t uuiSines, Ch.mirlier* Hreck.1

_ xICjX_.x»X tx XX ik V. xj,Pemlxnte, Furr, ud Uil l-uini-, .Si-Oier SuWr, G«

-•W. tt ttumw^wwu^^'M sm tt tt *— teM' a Uunniini.. Sc , riw.vaun bend. Rwldinrand tlrivuuLOUISVILLE, KU , lur dune et Che .hurtert notice. FUiei'. Puieut Matew 1 LL live ririct MfonGun te ril buln*. entru-to to

fa** '^*-fa‘*. ‘-fa »fa‘'fa* ><*'**•

VT them. Frompt attrotionrivi’ute collecidODB. tiffice

near the comer of Sixtb and Jeaervou bib ^iay4 dliuk


CJ OIS'Fm' ^ HAVI NO dlocoDtin- ^ !/ g ^

f'c—^ HBIMiaOf**! toy MaDufa«.*tory.QioHFiKMm’^g^^'fe'flEOl i will Ball the folfow-figgfc^ffC *

ynryVV ntfa d’mfairemfaatoi At C< .-t


offtoriuK rveat itiulw^meoG to ail |M*r oua »ittutu« u* ; urchone. They may be Bnen at COOLI.NG A BRUNUL>'‘i,Maiu, betw«M)D Kirvt and 8«»c*>nd Btr**eti:

Ittoorporatttd 1B19— Chart* r Y$$pfft«a

C.4SI c.irrr.tL $i,tte,Ma(.IteadatoMriaatoifafavS;.

With fa Baraititt tef tBaT.aoa oaAMte* MMteiato $iyM»v M»im MderemtoBte

Ths Cspttal sltM taiag d$iM$ Oal to $« fhtt

Irentihrs ftMpsttt ia 0$ VhM lllaMfo

e. smith.


r. V. Bcundfo*. Britt- I dr—u«ar*mj|mt M wag neai—>rehfo euawuuadv, 'AM m* janmart $i $1 VMVW mrt

Ctnciuuxti: xiidbr Ore- Iderir* to avuld Ae i>r*]bdie. whlchWuuM ntlatoi to what ’ Ttto Cspttal kltas talBg dittU

ERHSKERttCO., Iw<— mem M«toemtiu* ..r—


ZZliurrbMter, .Mmm. |

Inol«mt un, Hrartburp, Hredntbe- Si k »nd Nrrvuun— IttMfMK# VSHpaaf W MtIn fttet. *1 1 that b.v. tfo tr orirtn la Imurirvd dtomuua- ta I

UlStiRlitRS nad LIVKR i fa.<W«RT« J-h-'R-l.t oM PI..\I NTS. Mantel I iteurdera, IrrHaMny, IndImiiS . Carii .a haaff fa d—WfoS » HriiClina hi Tb^. Imnatiencr DurmNun to Suufi*- NvrvuM Cm>mW.mU nmdim—M/ »«*I reiv and Tr. teblluf. (mrira for Nnl.ti^ and . naBiher I . S TiNmniv MottMfilM—«> ‘s'

af utfow .ffifaiMum .if ibm efoei, rradiWMW n BMa aa$t for I to* Smav Baaito

Ntt.Tl Tbirto 8*^ Ptoat witor,VBETWEEN AMD MARKET bTREi-TS

l.maUvIlte, Kv.tpUaat'nrd. nvsUy Fwirevi-d nnd f riuted. jntdtely

ibtenuun. with ih. wurtd ui thr urteu to kte UaiOy-.41 nil, tn mom inwuen b. found te hnv. ira raiSidfrom that dWwBvd «late of me digi’toltvto ,*raanB wbieb


noaiictttr b BO «>nunenliy caiculaird te rollevf.!

Mt>nr« dna tow CWm. *

FenalM SnOcriBe wiik !tanet aad^ Dfikiliij.C7AIiL> ^'IIITI^U. &0. I

A Tori. St imnlnat. mutnhfo te team $nnriinr anvted. Iw\Y^F.Dl»INla, vlBiUu<, oihT Ibovptenoirff Written I

^bi««>f ovary FviUtt, ainoa oart«cnlaily avor>- nmttmr,vv .kbik. Randkerrhieta, Napkiai, and liuena Marked IboB iuna bran a dcwtdrroinm In tke medaonl watM;B»mm

mi4JB »«Mto»

itoj Mt.m •

l^av Cadki|)^, aud |UhUt 3f«*tol modr to ardor, fpl «ip4ly

AT COST! AT COST!Sx>x>lzxa;cft?Svuxxn3.o3* lap*

IMITTsXjIJJEH.Yy MuAt luli Fuurtb Mteel, betwaan Muket ud jeffenun.




Goo4|« uow iu Stor«pAt New Ytirk prict^ to cloite ont tbe whole rteek.

Store tor rent aud the i IxtureB for «ole.

ln.iuir**of MADAMK A. JONKlSv

vT Abf». Randkerrhieta, NaykiiM, and Liuena Markedooeordtim to oitStrf


EnvriM. of ril tovfo. fov ml. ri DRVS-pAlA.S.ddatxad. Mu. II. ruurlh torart, terwuea anx> divlf D. L. MILLER.

hu luaa bru a (fomdereiam In th. amdairi wmM; ramm I t Mdthiw te te rterianl a. a an-vurr (umvuarnt to .vrrv ' a. «•weiElaraiteMt Fuuljr Mmltelu CWm. te wbrnh, ri te— 1 IMM—. reowwtear tebml. viteteemaSAMuto had- I Xte

•avw. ud MMMuriu to Mririte. i

WUrihmrr fteak steM.pnnrtdaam Muk teuek.HriVfovd Rrite Skrtk -

!tew Vurh teak aiach

DICKSON 4e OILMORB,pBrters «r Lubh skB Finhiu Tsckl«w tte.

and t>TAlL,Me. M Tbi^ Btrwoia near Mala, LMbvtllc. Ky.,

ud Siwrumau, rim .'tehiux Tukl. tl orritweriisiuu, ril of which will •HI uifor meh or lu yunrtu.1 ctuteuiure Ul a. .

yoad Hull Ctuk tta party ancuverto tta budy to amu whu bad evideatly bnen murdered, taing nhat §with two ball, through tta head. It wn. tuppoaed Hto be tta body to a mu frum N.braakn City bv th. ^aam. to Carjirator, wbo waa noma lime ago reported |lo tava baen murdered oo tta Plsiu with lattoii oo «hi* partoo giviag uafaverabla accoaau from ttaBUDM.Nur by waj foaod tta body to hit muU, whicb

had alto bus abot. Mr. Htoanna owt imuttateDumbtn geiog out—ia ooc day ta tliioka aa aiuyaaSOOwagooa, with thrse perama teaacb.Tta above are ia lubrtuce tta etotemeote to Mr.

Stoonai, who mcou to beu inlelligutud reliablearea, ud tach it tta character givu of him by ttageatieiBM wbo introdacad him to at. We lay ttattatemeata btoore wr raadsrv, ud let them drawttair otra coaclurioos.

W* uBderrtaad that tta mt* aa tta Mathvill* aadHewaereoo Kailraad an aow raaaiag to SDriotofisld

289T teifao frimi NaabvUla. ff^timTtiiUiVMka daUy Itee to four-borM roarhai wUI oommeaMraaaiag from R


e*tl villa te Sariagfisld, -nlar —at tta latter poiat with tta ttaui tu aad baa Nsite- 1VIvilla. Wtaa this cMsacljoa ia ra.dy j-trinriiicu Uart aaaaallviUa after braakfart ud raach mlNaahvilic brtwsaa 1 aad 2 o'etack ia tta aflaraooa mri

JiamallmOt HrraU. IN

SO sJ K * 2 MS3 _ fi 2 ^

pi asiO»*^9S ”

• SgiB 5SI ^



4» be<4 Selakoatr^^bvmsu CASTlttBMAM 4 TORBITT.

3 Four-oeat do, do;S Four-aeat Open Rockawaya;1 Hhiiiina-toii BuitKy;1 Dtxrtor'B Fha*tou, panneled;1 0|ien Kheht';1 Spriny Woeou with top;I food fitFContf-bond Woyon wKhont ley;t do do RoebAWayB;1 Liehd Barouclie.

Tbe new i;arhacaa are all of my own maDuf«cturo.mayo dlmU* S. SKVERSONa

£. W. MAGBONALS,^ vnoLAnALS dkalu im amd MAMerACTtnoa or

[T-[ cC Galranizrd Iron Reirigerntors, Ice-

^ ^ ('bests, nnd U nter-( oolers,



^ ICE CHESTS for PlmnifUioD*, Steamboats, Re.



|-| WiTER4;00LER8 for 0#ce Uw, Rc, Rc.

Vto aiAVDONALI>>ttImprowed Oalvanisad Iron Rafrlgerator,Oa •‘nctieri ead Seteutlfie Prtaci|il*.-tobc b«t nud moMunuveniut nruele In om fur cuoUngnad praerrrlac Manta,Milk Buiter, Frulu, WteM, *e.lfa*Cirrului and Crida, flvinff full derarlptiun nf th.

naov4i.nnai.d nrtlcl., will b. mat te ur Mdrem uu ap^-


cniteii. ian/5 dteUuAvMW*


eoU, oU of yon who ora In wa


All UwBa oovtlttoM wf brUeva ta b« |j«rfcctly fiUai:od laI^RllAVR'd lluLU\ND RirrEbiT FiHAm tka nainfw«*r tka JiBeoBa non ollndrd to, wa bava no% ikonakl Hwyorto piRrada tke namoa of iku<a indiOB w bo bava ankraMnwne«If afforded ua tka wvid>nae of tka tmlk of tka Mforttoww« b*ire mabe. Hnl all and ovwry word con kr •nk'taartnO.odtolbe Atbfkotlon of tka moBl Ineredwlona. Waadffrone (g tka «ao«t «nrv and cvrkain rnmndii'R for Iffk ciMi ofaffjxUoiiA oml all ikk/aoe akatbar iwcHttor to tka *wn ornot, wbkh rranll from w«iabno»« of any i nrrifalar i nan,or vmaml drbinty oi Umv ajndwm. Ita offieu ora a^muolnionical. yet tke mrv radloaL It eomkiadkaleana yikFlnat•kuck to Ike Byttom. baL fonily tooRanaUne Nevlf tkranffkUiM wkoto fag^>. ragyn tka yitoi Bnargy m nonnal Wtone

CRITTENDEN & CO.,FroriMtoHdrCoHiutissioH

ARE VUU NAUSlUTKD IN EARLY MORNINO-INDlsPuSJHi TU RISE?— Wr« rerauitlr nuarit jrwi te

,try Ihe hull to . f .,..)nfaU It mirtov wifi art harm.

R. U. UKITTENUKN V** * puAUvHy nuraate. nur am. m ol •aarar. ud n

N o a- I ehmrfri, huMfri teuhinxforward te tea ffntte. tote. Any.& CO.. 1AKjr\l>C SUBJECT TU NAU'SRA UKFURE UB

uu.... J • I AJTRR K.kTINUr-1ry tea mm. unriiky befuremM


>ar ni«4iatn? nCnld ffW TUTAIi LiABILITIlffioffbiVy at tkadwanon. OaeMlid aok Ann. . .

.* ffttA^to b« Mwicctly fiUai:od la -TE» FiHAm tka naaww — • w tMMVinm» hnva no% Ikonakl tiaipar Fll# Mkd iMlttttd HffVi®ff«Offi KlffBff


OB w ko kav» ankrw i^ing. oaoMled oMtomi vffk naA** i*tmlk of tka offwarttoto


[^raSSStofoTteWr^rto nlaulhJ^Ll PAip.IT jwvHlter U th. ms ri

Jf*?**fa* “T—a. Upward of ail.Oda0eeofl IriMMB

'wmteJIte— TfoteM have BKEM paid by YiU faTMA IMAUBABCBamnnntiM terir tereach CUMPAMV IM TM* PttffT • TKAIfanarty la konnal Wtoanmvjia Ike enaao, a ik$v- Oranalaad ea n aavtaanx keMn waff ep—^ ^ **

* EARLY MORNINO- ’ g!«*»L*^ ‘«* _>». *»

S-” i sb-stas^TJ istsTSSSeiSiMirtK&Si I snsMsrrjuraiJSSsEaS

‘in' piicAM. J, 8L’E8.No. 70 Fourtk oua^

apU iiodUAb Bote Ag*t for Chriatinn * fion't B«»kipaa.

Y*rt wa LHMi(lv*Bly yufaroatoa now nooi of enaroy. and a I l.

ekoarfiX koMdol loobinaforward to tka dnttoa oflkw Anr. ^ SAk>r\ or Sl lUECT To NAl eRA bU'URE OB S*A*TkK KukTlNGT-Try tka ootoo iManuiy bofomaaok ^nimL A« wa satd aofa ta. It will not Itorm; yot wa omnra !

yon of roller froon tknt 4ieV«Mttng luaiki^ ol tka tkonekt I^Offiaa tooi food, and alto f>oto tka dii|Midllnn to votok oftoe mv- Wall aad ffnffiW. yromm. yrifaej dlffmttea to whri hn. da tTy”

fa** .fa*. **‘*.>fa**»0»«<Jy terete* faM>. WM. K. Mil

w. a vExwoa Bg***-

-4—r V_y V.-4 vA _1__4_^K.7#inkiaa. ' W. yromi» yri*mj ilttmti.n to'whri W Ca

rWE.\TY-TH0 UIKFERE.MT STVLESlLOUl8vSlB''ictt' “1?;..^ um. te. te-to—teadhMhM.te.fa«..

r|M10«EufChrUtten A Sun', rnnke I rurentee te te „*rtIC'U 1 AR n^n^^n^te^' » c 'tl^D^^“FfLLY1 better made (th. vheeb In imrtieuUr) than may utluw. J* fo, Ark ti Sfa®*":' to Kritev;\ Htohuto fomuuluturml In the Uuited Stele., Suld to ‘“Wfafo Jri“3!id «tedlSrI?i.?^LCBTih^ere' iwicra, — * demand for tew Buly erinrin^S^JrtfST^ iSCIdnplf limiUfab Bote A$'tfurC'hTiiitiM*8o*'iBu«iea '*•

'm-»ONATHA-N PKAKU '’^t-*?.'^***** tehte tenaM fawA —iari

RU-LXXDCR & REARCE. bewarb op impusitiuni—$m imi *m a— - _ V U Ite Inhel ui HMUW huiite uu. U—u

W. a BBAUH. AsMfo l iteWMWM. tt. LKWIA. M— Afonav-


Meltinotypes, D»guerre«(;pcs, Ac,



P-faUiTUVa.JNU. U. HOWE hn. lamovaA te

hi. old .tend No. SU Uimb itreBt,

General Insurance Agents,OOce 4S6 H$in8L, ever W. H. Stoke** Stora,

P'<IKE, Ufo,Crii|u.nadStenmbu*t UnUrkriataku ate*IX

^^^^>^^r^bki Gowipantog. auvatnUy ontburlaod kylieanto (yom iba Auditor uf Um Stoto lo troutool buMi^Mttuder tb(t now loonranaa Law of Koalurby:


NKW^Wim^ I^l^fitNCKt^oMpfN

fa* *-•— fa—A •—A Mri—BEWARE UP IMINISITIUNt—$u Itet *m teM tea Intel ul ttory huttl* yaa hap.


$WN<?Em»S. (^iiSL*h5SiS«ai5^' >:4V* TALj3w*(rtr^toiSr^Fenrtki and Druggiata gaaerntt¥«mnnkm ikhnidkwtBiwiv


ni.'KB, HfaKAMT.g wHSEi.nffiInMltotwvrs naO tookn.

Honm, Six*, and F.mMuMlna, Ac , la Um veiUid at prioM te auit the IMixu Pninli to ril c«

•tutty M hnuf nud for i

ttttatax doM 1$ wAri, Loatt*lU*,Ort,lJte

mliiHUid nt unr odte*.BLLLUCK * PEARCE

. om dttU

Page 3: Internet ArchiveTHELOUISVILLEDAILYJOURNAL. JtJ-•roMto®tittp^tyIW4T*w^l^r. Ioftiw*iMti*oBftcoofoxTIri**od». iit«r H

Coavicrcn.—('miiirn itw mariUnr of young StxTU CosoBisiaoaAi.Cm\'Uiiioa.—TboOppo- AUCTION SALES.i

liMUr at LittW Bock tooM two mootba a(o, wa* iilioB coavontioa of the Sixth CoB|*r(;MioDal Uia- — . _ — ,

ooBTictad oa Satarday lait, and Boatonoad to ba inct mat at BCaacbotter oo tba 13th iuit. Ail tba By C. C. Spencer,

hung oo tho lOtfa of Jace proxioM. Thobodyof counliw in tho diitrict wer* repreiientod. Coloo.l Tiar.L-sjOKV ugutMr. LMtor w«» wu hand in the ri»er tom. fl»o Mmy, of CUy, prodded, auijted t>y M. J. . Wf:^HKsi>AY AiTKRNooN, Mar jath atwroVi ago. The citiaena of LiUk Uoefc were ao Cook, of KockcaaUa, aa vico profkleiit, and Tbomaa

intenaaly axcitod that a rope waa takan in tha conrt 1^. Slone, of Madiaoo, and J. 1). Cooly, «f Hoyd,^^ »Mdlr llui« i» ••^Mcoinnl* block'*" *Tt»room during the trial, and thraata made to tang *•*»^ lecrelarira. li^U; ii*thri»-'*-iari»a hi«b, ha<rjreiTur?rillId


mnm li*?k jKrw«*»Hi»iLLK,orrofin LotifviLLE. »x>*

By C. C. Spencer.

aiaua. I.uiuatiiiinm — aaa.. Bi'uiuni


laAaaMiada a‘

Tana Haa’* a

a> a A II aa4 W r M.a a' II A M. ahi la P. IT



BY TELEGRAPH.From tile Evening Bulletin. B-ttnuonn, May U.

akwval of the cm- of Baltimore, on. dly^r'^,‘fT^l^^' aSln^^T^l^USt. Joax-s May SO. V"**>*** ^ and Saidiaiana, it

Baltimore baa bean iotar- .P*” •*. Traaaka ltn , at

^P* Race hr tbs n«w« vsebt of tbstb> Anttmet wsierepeW.

^ucUtod PTMA Md A "all ed w sa Attempt lo erem tbs Po. TW«

RIVER NEWS.Ummm mtt/tj. WardM Na« ""

,«nr a ordBak p. IL tefare

Caw and Ldaaaair aa II A M. aad K P. M. |

rSLd nSaiTSTu A M. a^ »•/IMd FUaamiBnaan at ll A U. aad la p M.| {—.t

S\mi5SS^ ll A M. and la P »«*

wiiSeaad naWInirtalt A.M..1I AAI ,aad MP MptanbrnnA rMaAataha a< a A.M.. 11 AJl.. A l« P.M.fv!aSawi OanaUal* A.M..II A U.,andl0 P.M.iMaKM and Xra Vm« at a A.M.. II AjM.,an< W P.Mbagaiaaad Maaian at a A.M . II AM . and la P.M.apnt AM

DEP.i^KTURK OF TRAINS.«arfiBK«oirviu.E ila.ii.road.

LEAVE JCFFEItSOXVILLE:I -taalanaat Eantaa at a A. MM iMi^danenMeA. aad < liiaioa anarMal II a MUUdMaMAt l aata.i a d ladtanaiMMi Eriiraaial la p. MM«v Albany and Salam RailioaA

LEAVE MEW ALBaNY:. Maaaiaa toprna at am A. MnTnaftar Mxpnmni.... It ad P. Ma LaadiMMat Kannaani aJd P M

tu cnlprit immedintely npoQ the randition ofa H. C. LiUy. Em,., reportAl tha followin,,- reaolu- OAce 0V« While A loungN Bankiug b. a miMakA tSh In th.The ritrer, during the twaaty-fcor boor* ending verdict, proridnd that reidict waa n IhTombla ooe. tlooa, which wera adopUJ: tluoaalwut the riuira Loudlad-au in tateSaift* otd^

"Hie of Mam, hetWi'fB FooHh aud Bullitt streeta, rtcaivad by tha Canada.^ "** c—at' r occurred, and tha peaitiaa nMgeid to A—

laat evaaing, had Wan nt a aund with 4 faat 11 ^Rraolml, That wa approve of the lenUmen! a am- rhl, U rery deairabte propwtr haiM w T’-ar /Juma*

We «n.l no aneb plnce en the mnp. b«a at aWha

inckaa watar in tha canal bv tho mark Thera iaWAdama Exprtaa and tW JaflaraonviUa railroad bodiad in tho nddraat adopltd by tW OppoaKion ca»d aad withiua few mlnutMV.,V ofihf I..OUI^^\ ILLti, KY.

ao iantwvoaMM at tW » * tha canal Tha “• obligation tor Cincinnati and St. convantioo hold in tbo dty of Lonisvillo on tba 28daSnoalr«u!"**

Idaiaal a. w te only \k/ E ara arapared to Uana Policiaa in tha faUawioc aal Tha advicoo by tha CUa ad nj.n!!”*’**'

s at.^mpetnn to edket an antraacc into tha canal. la charged with aetting oa fira tha baildiagi

TW Ward Inat night ea«ld nat get over Portland atraat which were bnmt oa Sunday night.

bar aad Inndad at Naw Albany. »• 7m i _. ,",

;— ,

TW St. LonU Bapublicmi of yonerday my,.

a qnartor before nine. dial and nndivlded aupport.' Rmjtvtd, That tW raaointiona adtptad by the

^^A litUa colored boy waa arraatad yaaterday who Louiaville convention, raconimaodiog the eoldiers

ia charged with aetting oa fire the baildiagt on Green of tW war of 181S to tba favorable oooaideratioo of

•tit»t which were bnmt oa Sunday night.*•'«

' ^ of Jaitice to orsve and ^lUot men, sod tbe Juit

C. C. fcPIiLNCERaAnctk>utH-r.

LOUISVILXJia KY.W E ara arapared to haw PoliciflalQ the fallewloc Ml Tbo advices bv tha Cita

*y *>.

vant tompauir.. warallr aatborixnl la Wnntaa inM furniA n/ ...lih'A** ®***l*<'ra, to tha llth

bualne« in Kentucky by tba Auditor of auta: ™ ' “« poluical nawa of apadal iaaor-/KTNA INML'KANGK CU.MPANV »F HAUT. “SJ: ___ .

V , Ed*TW Young Mtn’a CbrittUn Aaaociatioa con-

. .

***" .7 templates giving a floral toatival at tW MuaooicThu aUcM IS catting much too big tor ita bukE w i -i- . . .u . .

ad matters on the Icvae bagU to look at though Tampie oo Tuesday tveomg next, tha pruceada to

h a no!bar flood. Muy cai- he devoted to tha fnreham of a library.

ano long neglected tribute to their tuila and atrug-

glet should no tongar be poatponed.

Hob. Green Adama waa then unanimously nomi-

nated at tbe Oppoaitioo candiJata tor Coogreat.

Jndge Adame in response to a call made a abort but

IjOtatovilW and Lmxington Railtoad.PeinaparTmm Me. I at. Era A M.p II ^11 Trala Ka. t at .... t U P. Hirmw 1 I II Team a, Adi P. H

laOtotowiBc Md HaEbwfUe RailroadHaAvflIt Eanaaii at SUAMLAaa t n Pvar— at Ali a. MNashaMr AatommaOaaaa at rA* P M. lie P.M

ARRIVAL OF TRAINS./aCaraonwIlla Railroadat JCPrEiCdOfc'VILLE:

laAU^waln. to. laatoand ctsMaain Ea. at AH A. MladtomtosIM A Itaetoann As—mwndaliaa at A«a tr. M•I. Leah aW i

l. .... guaaae .t Alt P. It.

Albany and Balatn mew ALKAMI:

Htobt Eareass at 4to A M

lj.alavH.Oar Ea»rmf at t « P M.

XsoaRvllle and iMixingtnn Railroad.AaaammadaUaa Tram at .. »As A. MPMai^w TVata Ka t at .. la.M A M

T^am Ka I at 1M P M.

TiiiatoTlIli and Haabwilla Railroad.MatovHt Aaeaaimada iUa at .. .. aX A HMaAvHa Kataaai at AAa P M

dRWsa End yaga tor pwimrdingr of tW CoaHaao


dV*Wt flnt tor prowndingr of tW Board at

ami mmt^ o. tba levje bagta to ^ a, thoagh ‘"“P*' «^«mg oaat. to. pnM.w„ toOppoaitioo candidaU torCoogreat.

wa ware thraalaiird auh i nolhar flood. Man; cal- Ihe davotad to tha rnreham of a libmrv. i .j > . n i.nt

lanaa Fr«t stram am already tiltod aiih w'e^, ^ Judge Adama In respond, to a call made a abort hut

aiM tW marchaata Wve taken tW pracenttoa to ra- I (d~ General Coaontort and luite, numbering 28 forcible apeech accepting the nomination, express-

move tbair goods above tW CrM floors. IW mUrond persons, wem paaeeogers on the K. J. Ward to thia tag hia perfect confidence in the auccessful termina-

sSLSrTW lr.lw«7 Mrmmt .W*. u. hll, u. m. Imw. M-luan, Umco jn.u u Ouraw» ud .*m-

““ “ "V"' “**

ly mading vaat volumet of water into tW Mis da- .... ,.7 aad urcad tW party throughout tbe district to ante- 1— :

” Heae Wra waa Mill aiaia.. laat log eutertaiumeot to-day, withdistnbuUonaof gifta, P*' * ” .....itppi. in* nvar bare aaa aliU namg laatavcaiag., . ^ _ . I . with b m in the effort to redeem the distm t.

TW Cnmfaartoad river waa ruing on Wedaotday‘h* h*r appearance. Tbe |ince of

I UOW....M Ua^sab- &Aiwvasp« llatzURraoJ.

evening wkh « fiat water on tW AoaU. ntimion ia only twenty-five caoU.


TeaaftM Sat HamL —Wa ara glad to be able PoucE Puo. CKiaxtia. — Fndag, Mag lOrA —


TllOS. ANDEltSON k CO.,»» TieSUAV, JUV fl

AT 10 o'ulih;k a. m.


PURD.LONN Cash Cental tl,B<l7,eM


Wa fla.1 no toch piaca an IW maa, bat at eightrailee from tW Po tWrn ia a town eallad TrMtiiiiitiion uaa map and Fmaebatto on anolhar. If wa aracorrect in auppoeiag tW latter ia the paM tadicslailia tW diapsteb, tW Aaatriaaa niait have rrnmail incoaaidanhle force, aad haaa drivaa bach with a sa-

n.«M market c'.^ on tW 10th with a da- l«*- It U in’ ISael ao Mated, nsd ihirMhia it bP"**«»^y hean P'^h^k ‘h-


oar aarntim aa to kcalHy k correct.M.IMU * slight improvameBt on tbs quoutions by th. Caaa- If en, sra eaa torai tsM Man ofW dkMtrona

fl.V.wVir.i. f.A*i®u tLsuOaUW Xhe UUst mt«Uig»ic« from Loodoo, roc*iw«d by kixtma milm U

BslU-ore.aUtetlmt no battle SHTW^rd^^tramekw. the moveme.U iff tW Slrthm'"tL"‘te^

suite, numbering 28 forcible apeech accepUng the nomination, express- goOtS, ShOPS, iarptts, ParBSOlfi. DrV *'y”rk”^“INSfltAMtE L Y, »P, The London Pram vkws the movemenU of tW P^»»^ We diJS 111^^1'*

e B. J. Ward to this tag his perfect confidence in the successful termina-««0d^, fcf.. NEW KNtSLAMU .MA KIMli' AMU KIME IN.

Anttriau troops aa iiuxplicat.le, except on the an^tion of tha canvaas uooo which W pledged himself Ton .tun .•..vo..rjL rtlKA.NCK COMPANY oF liAKTKoiiD, tXi.N.VEC- posilien that they ara wafliog tor more favorable 7"? «> bo eencantealad awaW auoo « ine canvMS, upon wm y B TO CLObE CONsio.NMfNTS. TtCUT t.ash lay.Ul paid 1. *a»u.«uO waalbar baton commanctag Iba actual plana of tW «f thm^SsH^ST*wmn to Mtter and promote wtlh^ On Thuinday, May 26, 1859. Ll^Ko-pUymlhuUd at taUAm«ra»d,md,,n.. campuign-


A_-aa- A A. A Wb --A.A MM svamm*

idODUuB mu Ti«w» loe nwTRiiMau or loo . vw* uucX .^.ax. . X”' ——EnVsLANU .MAKINK Anttriau tTOps aa iiuxplkat.k, except on^^.NCK COMPANY OF HaktfoiiD, tXi.N.VEC. posilien that ibay ara wafliog tor more favorabla "» “* eencantealad aa.i».s .T fHmh iWuitmt Midi Ih *«msi ittsH WRthflvr bfltCurR L'tkinmRfit'inv thM raHiiaI nlRnR tit 4M ^XIKWIrbir q/ — —— ^^~**^**X4

with him in tha effort to redeem the distn< t. AT to O’CLOCK A. M.,

Memrs. Embry, Breck, Sswyera, lUilewood, 4 Large and Deairable Stock of. Cooly, UUy, Ac., being esUed on, expressed them- BtHpIC AUd t'aUCy UT) liuHdS, BhUWlS.

Pout s Pno. SKi>lxiia. — FnJag, Mag lOrA — mlvea ably and eloquently upon the political iaiuea StVCk (4NM|<I, 4c.

Loum Koaptlf ad>u«Ud Rl U)tooliy.

9lRt«m«Dta of ttM MXdItlon «vill b« fnrnWb^ oo

budUd ol iblf Afonc/ and poid i«oc. c^»P»d*cn. CumumnicMio* bowoMlJ-^The Emperor Napoleon and tW Prince had qniu ^“*4 m saBciantly ap,araat.


madlUen of tba foraaotaa eomaanlaa tad Pari, oa their route to Genoa. . ^ ,“**. having already beam laat baTc. .. I.' . . ... Aatfnsa IImsfiiU lb... rir^..TT* ."T Mm

I’ 5a» p'


*“ Tsontendici Lba teUgraphic dispatch from Naw Al- Pal. MvGraw waa mat to the warkhouae fiw drunk- of the day. TT-rnis cash. TUOd. AMOEkliON A CO. ite p. M b«y that the Mcamer Tampaat bad barn luak, anaeiM aad Ul. Boggs was baiM out. *rTba New York Poat corrects an error into

-2*'-'“^- aucUou^a_

s. ATGon. li^an was nonti^“to.^ Congrem by which the proa, g.^rally ha, faliea in reference to By O. Henry * Ca

ringoverildm «nreenrk,h«rgnardwaadmmIiSId,<« ^ ‘*‘'“l'lttaV?anrUveV,ri5.Tp

• 4-to A. MI i,,. rivsr nUah — ,

Mr. Harlan rccaivad ffoni BonrixKi 3^^ votes, ia the arm of (be lUiccr of tbe mine oame who At Au..tioo.aad aboat twenty barrels of nhieky rolled from her

toraesatU into tW river, wbieh ware inbicqaantly

rccevarad. Capt. ilaailltoa, IW agent sf tha nadarariters, aaa at Portlaad whoa iha acciilaat hoppoaad, aad immadiataly boarded tha TempaM andgave all CW amiatanm in hia power to Copt. Parr.

TW T. kft New Albaay laM evaning, all righU

Steamer Martka Pataam Hataed —Wa karn from

Capt. Hainiltoa that Capt. Jawrll soccaarled IaM

Plain Piano Covers, Oil Paintings, andBlurs Fixtures fur sale,

At AuT-tiutt.

from Harrison 8 votes, from Nicholas 7, from Woed- fc,rvad under the first Napoleon, and hat L>eco dead t kN MONDAY MoUNlNU, Mar li. at lu aVLv^ktotil 2, from Jaamintoa 7, from Frmukiin 9, to all . ..

'*'*** •vtl, at th* store rooiuof N. c. A |>. Morse, uu.

Mr. Haaroo rocaived from Fayette It votes, from

nearly fifty years.

The Rrtiuere—WrUt uf Uubeat t'jepat Crualed—

atatemsDts of tna maaioen or tar roreaotaa mmaanlmviH b« fnrnWbAd oo jr9 dl> i«


3J0-ElX\r YOH.KLLife Insurance Company.

At a ol Um£ Local LAncton of tbo

New York 1 life Insurance Co.Rt the ufbeo ot 'Wiu. A. Veruon, iu tbo dty uf

LttuUvUic, Ky.. Keb. ImC, IbCrff, tfen* fRlluwiu« wuuutier Rttoniiooualy ktloyrt^

7 CM&rooA tbr icBiput M>a „ .

—Tkr Rttruert^}} riU 4*/ iiuUai Lj^om Li'ti/tlfd^

In hia power to Copt. Parr, Scott^,' in ail 85)4.' **

' Application baa beeo maiie to Judge Scott, U<



Supreme Court, tor write of habeas corpus in behalf Tb.’ Plano, ar.. uf U. flnmt i..aitui.cnire ao.l.v“yTf; c.-m':juXof Uushoell and Langston, who nitre laat neck sen- »<uU>rtlieatu-utiou ot iluMe vishuir ta buy. The sale IWNitv York Life In.

teiicad at Cleveland, to Una and inipriboninant fur "fi* c'M>n»«*‘ce»y'alf after lOo'cloek urecisel) . Utruc* louriern ytam; lu

psrricipation inth.’,^.cuerf a fugiUv. slave at p.Jv‘rotetro,?.'?:r.Me^r^^^^^^^ M-lSar

Tha ataamtr Europe arrived oat oa the 9th inat. Gwrak, tWra ramaias bat liMla ImLUatrpoU, Mag 10.—Saiaa of cotton tor tW poet ‘•“'f •3»c‘i»C anything by awprim. TW 7a!L”

thm days 27,000 bales, at aa ndvanc. of i- IfioyLd; • ‘*Aan aach odvanta^a M lhair saplaavaia, t^priem shew a declining teuilency at tba clom. Flour yo*ulta can only ba obtaiuaa now by an advaoca atwas very dull and pneea wera tending downwaid. kftja maaim of troope, in Mpante oolnaana, withCorn was vary dall and materially lower. ***** ** «toi«uaicatMO m wall atcurad

than ahull ba no danger of their iaterrnatMm. ThiaW tsuutiTnx, May 20. tea tadious plan at optratien, aud wdl bo roadarodThe receipts into tba IT. S. Traosury tor tba w«ak more d Ificiuc by dangara which will thraatan tW

ending on Uunrlay amoantad to 8l.2ljl,UUU; tho Aoatrians ia tbo roar ftca tW iaonnoctionaryamount on hand aubjact to tlraft te #3a.>,uuu. 1 be movauMBto ia tW Paniaaola, and tW channan at tWPrasidant baa racogtiaud Fraucte Aagosiui llitach ravolatiuoary coatagma spraadtog to Lombardy,as Conanl of tha Grand Duchy ot Mecklenburg 'i bam are tba first rvsalia of tW errors committadSrdiweria at Boatoo. by IW Aualriana, in nut acting promptly wbm thov

New Youk May 20 ^ ““'* “•‘** *P '"<**w war. If, inaUarl

O’ -’S-g.' ^7 imin«tltRt«lT a ro4*iog ib« SinliBiM fhiotUr mmd

liosTox, 20. xAtxccia^ tu Tnria, tb«y woaIU bAT« faisad a fra^Tba CaMcl* fW*ai liv'erptm) « ia. Ufttifax arrival tba lUciiku of wbtcb would b^ra Lm

of tba (jen.of Um Now


iSl.i“roD'! *»•» •“‘icipate.l

-m-ama. •ra.^vHHa.tova »nma ^ .r . . p 4f» Kl pUllOO iotba lai^Ue — - ^ -w r»W* UiOII

•kbi ia raiaiae tbe Martba Patuaa Her ball ia i


wrilUa foe lba WelliOKroB- wriU aiki-d were K^ruoU J, and I mat atd

tt^J tWp,ilners,a..toW>rought

- ^4d oaly a eaaaU fka^bt.«R-R< have fa.thar mteUigaarw from Earopo la lUchord. r Atabiaa bortso

tW IIH by tWoteamar City of Bokimore, which TW Word k advertterdwas baaadad off Caps Roco. TW nows k umampto- oveaiog. Her great raputatka and that of Wrhaamhln. Thoagh fonr day. Iotar them boo haea no

Capt. Sika F. MilUr, always menraaatakh, aad AnMila meam ia a parfect iteU at klh- ^ ^ oomplimrnt of poas*n,2sra.atgy.teiteganWaodr..tegeorFhichaap.riarityof Th, Jacob Strader, oa hor trip op oa Wadaoodoy,aambaru aad cMcr of poiMka flrM gave bar. la agrmmd oo Rteiiig Banthe moontimr famoddaff. aad pruviMoa. have do- ^ xhoraday whoa IW Soeiiaafl k Mw Lhrarpoot markau and c naouk aad ^ I,

eattea taka qaite a rim. Timm iadiratkaa mam to fWoo—Capt. Stur|paiat M asarn praaamad mode at paHfleatiaa, bat ki. thm tha Diem.

attll fall of fioight. Capt. J. te a demrviaggoatle. dieecy of wacUng a new theidre TW late contro- Court of Ohio oo Wednesday, Ihe 25ih let. Amaa, and W has boea noliring k hia axsrtioaa to **t*y ta lba papers, Iwtween tbe manager and tha bearing will then bo had, tbe cues premiiled being

ntiaa bU Uiui.Not w«Rkenad tba argumaota ibau oovr LnciMlf aimllur to that upou wticbtbaWiiu

nvod last night. W a are ladabiod to hor MteaUvt made bv thm eatebliWnwm eaura Jo tba WmIU cenllv fulmioaled a coocter dic e* ThU questioncUrbt, llaaari. Sattb mm4 Gray, fv uanal fa- fj® !***”V*’


camM off to jg hkely to trova an exciting, il Dots rery troutila-

vora Tha Waid was crowded with pasaoBcers but*““"“8 '“‘o soma one, before it te finally disposed of, and will,voce, sue weio wes crowwmwua pessaagen, out mente of tho cam batwmn tbo maoager and «f lonrm attract verv oensrel attrnti.

had only a amsll freight. SW brought Mr. Kasai oompany or ieqairing whalber tha ecaaoo waa a' ^ CiA* Gazette

Richotds'a Atabiaa borasa. prcfitabk oat, or investigating tha rigbta of tbe s.b^_—TW WmdkWvrnteedtokavaforNtuOrloaaa flTFor aU kinds of lumber, dressed and and rea<

thw evening. Hor groat raputatMO and that of Wr protect throng. nd, msh, daon, blinds, moaldings, bazas, Ac., csdl

coasHandar. Cant. Sika F. Miller, alwavs aaenraa By tbe first of November in all nrobabilitv tho at Alexander. Elite. A Co.’s nlaaiug mill. amh.

vrov a juiui uoie, able lu llauk; uuder aiuu. ca hiu8 t etd H. G IIF.NRY A Fo., Ancti.,u«^rs.


bTVLK IU.MAI.S A FUlMTKD 8IIAWL8LAOlhA'.ub.N Is’, A.NDHIaAk.^' HOo-IkllV, OKST V, I.AUle.iiK MI.s.dKX',ANUltuYd’ 811018 A U00T8,


AT Al'GTION.fkN TUESDAY MOR.M.NU NEXT, Msr Stth, at lb' ' o «l4M'k, Rt Aui-tiuo iioumri, we wul wll a cbuiM endwell efIecWtl stock of

•upiKirt ol Uiecumiuujat* .

n.w. ^ -ww, wv«,w ^mbwu •l^New York Life la. dr*aac Cuaronr baabeen Ixes. Tbe Caxada fVoai liv'erpuul «ia. Ualifax arrival bara, tba otcuicu of wbicb wouUI bara baao

tetff-uce luurtefii lu cakttal has attaiued the miu of iki* moanioN atblA o'ckek llermkila will Lw dia. ^ tba* ihroB|rbo«t tba caspaLra. Ca aavPA'ch.rb^*tb. oi,nJ^„\,.io. .^^i »«•;*“« «« ^ tS

We Uuuk Ua ia<*fa faff »ud pr >diabl« oiuda lahe^Una I'biiaUalpbia bafora qoob U^niurrow. I lauiiiMOtaaa capml would bava provid tA tbaaa.niouey. Tl«e i>rotiu enufe to ib# beaedt of tar iwMurrd,aud tuhhe MYUi4/«‘d uut latii Uueu Je per ouat (*er aouiuu oaU»e prt*mlaiti |*ald.

ItexitleM liieae lurt ilmawtR iu dorki, Ac.. th« taw of NewYork rvouir.’aae additiowaJ eeruhty that Aluu.etu »kall bad«*|KiaittMi wiiti tbe btata OaniptroUcr, to totsoi any lawfoldeuakUdB « lurb tbe Ctoii*paay ntey fail to pay.W« iiivtv* atiODtion to tbe u»|iire, objects, tad adwaa*

tasH0 of life ioikirabce as wt forth by tbb lartitaMon.It will be Mcu by the wbas*' stateiucat that this t^>mpany

Is to a hourtshiua eoadioan. Those dewtrotM iofwriaatlou in reinrd to the nuR^tof lilc iuiiuraaLw would dowell to call on th** IocmI aasut ot the abuvs Coamanr. who

CiXCLNNATI, May 20, M.

I'MBuiiiMOtaaa capnai wooia aava provad tmTkav might, besidoa, have annihiTolail tW wholeSarUioiAO army, Ksd ihsir uioaeurm boaa ihiifnliv

River fell fi inchoa ia tbe Ust 21 hours. Weather toksa; tor .htt’eoaM tW 70,lAWof which U teckar and warm,

PmxiiiBo, Msy 20, M.River 3 fmt 6 iughes by metal mark and foiling.

Weatlior ckar and warm.

St. Lolu, May 20, M.

pos^, acuag aa thov maot Wvs dona ia saporatebodtea, have elKrcted agaioat tW immansa nmaamthat would have boaa brought againat tWm.Thars k but one way of acoooatiog far the haai-

taiioo which atixad the Ausrnaaa at n — — int atwbkli their Mporatwaa smmsd ta Wvo boon madetor ta immediate adraneo. TW ravoil of tW twoAT Al'f^TItlN. ..UlocmiTonthrlof.lmeutol lb*aboyai;omtiaarl.ho TW *!>»•>“»*• to n« slowly at this poiot. tor ta immediate adraneo. TW ravoil of tW two

DAY MURAI.NU NEXT. Mar stth at ic «UI tb.-iu auy lefonaafion that mar be dMirrd. oTior TW river ia reported falling at Luveoworth, and Dnchtea and tba proapact of ite soroodiac to tWat Aii..^n fiuom., we wui aell a cbolra and afiTluaurrf te^ihi""fce^

*'"*** Board, all tW Uppar Miaaimippl ttill tuUiooapr. The lower root of Italy appear tohave had tW aihetaf f—


ConMiiUur o. a ri-iieral i.rivtr ol defiiabie Kuudi forBy the first of Novtmber in all probability tho at Alexander, Elite, A Co.’a planiug mill, aash, I-adi.a’ aim u uta’ wear; larye haratee of Irlih Unnu

N^rillo tmna wiU ^ throngb direct, makiag cm- door, and blind factory and Inmbor yard, on Fultonnactiooa with all tha Southern traiai, and dirarting . . _ . ic • -

AT 11 o i L«rt.’K I’RtA lsELY


- . a . .a . a RtTHHt H>Mk»H PiWHlfWi frMilinfv thm nvHr • ftv H* a l s . .. .

John MILTON PnalilaaL*0*^ lba illiDois u swelliog. Wsathar cliMidy lixiaic th«ir auTeoMoU. If ib» ia corraet, bow

aoTom. ^ warm. blied moat bare bean the Empwrer and hit advimraand i:uinaii.Mon Merchant. w • to lba real coodhiOB ef tho FWiaowk aad tho 1 ai-

I we aaoeo otraoer, oo owe tnp op o. w tunoouay. ,, in,„,en„ amomt of traval from tba other routes'.

**^ j"* **«»• J*™****. hwituiR the river;or at

got agrawod oo Risiiig San bar. SW wot atill tWrc Our city coatequonily will ba tbrouged wLh strao- their lumbar yard, coruer of Walnut and Preston

Oh Thnriflay whoa IW Suptrtor onme down, whkh *^ tome iodneemaot ahonid ba offered that atreets, or kava your orders at their warerooma on

boot hno takmi Wr pUoe ia tW moil iko. slSn"*^*C^urm‘ k a'‘?x^fL?"rw ArtJuSrkfhooa.—Copt. Sturgeon hot UkgrapbeJ from wall U with justice rogardtd ns one of the curioai- »fl**. 4y. j»“l

Momphi . that the Diana will arrieo to-morrow at ties of tW land. lu boaafici.1 proporttes will soon BDBINB88 MOTICDS

MoRL, has hecuma nlaramA. TW Paoa aarrmpoa- „ Ed.«d. u th. *te*h o. -owcwor ewruumy lue um

Wta «f the 2fl. nearly a wook praoeAsag ov preatu ronnamm rivar to day. Mrnagers of onr city.

•^’’*5' T%e iMe Vtraoa —This spkndid packet wUi kova ^"*>TW Frooch army in five d*v* from the lima Aaa - i -.g. a._ i, u „.i_ throng of MraoMrs nightly wc

um naat her uhimatam to Sirdinia, numbering*** ** *" “T- *t •• “•y momoary to aiau wariuu planea of amustmont,

amty Mt.Mb man, waa throsra into Italy at a >*tat aW k in eawimand af Capt. J. M. Martin, a wou d tend mure to de(upulale

ojatBMoe of AM mUee tram Paris—a foal far which naiverani favorite. thing elm abort of an ap^mic.AmtrU wmM -.»»«* «a>7 • TW Dav. U tW KonUeky rivar pmWt thii ava- u 'lieyaara ega woald hove hma utpoorible. r n- i . r, . 1.

^‘*’ *“ *™** P**’' ™ P***^'

AaotSer ottamM. k k mid. is nsWme bv Enc- **( ^ ^*** ***** ***** CnrroUtoo. Many Sonibernera leva the qniei

A larfe and eutireJy new slurli of new rtyle



With a (rest variety of ulher gooda

On WaduMday Morning, May 25th,At 10 o’ck*k,

A dedrable invoice of


Salected expreody for LouwvUle prival* mle..Buyer. wiU hud In thk lot-Ladw.' Fiue Silk aid Con-

omMhoe at AM mUea tram Paris—a foal far whichAaatria wm hot prapnrad, nod which awly a fewyaara mo woald hove ha*a kspoorible.

Anotfcr attempt, k k mad, is m a k ing by Eng-kad, RaaMa. and Pmasis, la arvaal the pi agram ot TW Tokgrmph Mo. I k tW Cinciaaati mailboat.hootOkmo. The noalaadiiM pattk* nra now aakad,aai to dkof ,

Int to atop wWrw they art aatU tW ^ ^

*^7w01 ba aasy fbr tW two armtea to slop wharo pki*

they aaa. bat the Italioai thamaalvas, doterm ioed guni

Macdonald’s Improved Galv.vmziiu Iron Re- At lu o’ck*k,

... -,

. . FBiuEnATon, on praclicAl and scientific principlesnebas into onr traJeamen'a pockets. How can this .1 , . j _ • . 1 • , GLNTs’, LADlEs’, MISSES’, AND Bo Y3’ BOOTSba oflocted? Certainly tbe fint step toward k mu«t “"** ‘rt**** f" AND SHOES,be to provide s place of auiUaaMDt, which will af cooling and premrving meats, milk, butter, fruit, selected exprewdv for LouwvUla private the reUxatiua naceamry for the anjoyment by wtaaa, ate. They ara so arranged that tbe ics-water „”**\^'[*,**‘* **“ ta.thh tot-Ladi«’ Fme tfiik si d Con.atrntxers of onr citv . , * ® ... * .

**'*• Gaiter., Ladle, and Muwoi' BooD; obo very HueV—a 'll J -a .1 runs slowly through each abelf, and, being confined »earforGeiiUuiaeii;alMvluiM>addrdaulnTuievot—Go to New York at any Ume, and tbs coantkas * .a . . . , ,a . Fine and Extra Fim, and L. ». Sbiriv:

throng of alraogars nightly wends its war to the ft®* effects of tbe hot air, keeps them at tba Grou* C'muiod »ud Luatiorovariuw planet of amustmont, whi^, If elomd, coldest point, cansiog tba refrigerating influence to

Yvlvei aud Tapestry aud Waierpro^Carpct-llafi;

wou d tend mur^o defupulale the city than any- ha tbe same throughout the whole apparatus. This 100 pi«cc» Fxtra aud Medfiun^^k'iidkiattuXK abort of xo apiocmc. It it tba aaiog la a j i _ oi. .j _2 # ai. i-* t. * R^f c*it> audouoaif>' InuoimrUi tiud uMuy Tory dooira*every city of importance, and the atrangera consti-

** effected by the drippings from the tee, which is nie roods in tue auu e mvoicra. w« have never bad the

tnle, io gM port, the patrons of tW manager. *«•» *» all other refrigerators. They are rpan on AhweaMiMany Soniberners leva the quiet aad nomtentalioua the front and top—make a neat piece of furniture— S G. HENRY A Co.,

o...„ „ „ „


& O. AiKtk>Q**«4' and i-'uinminMaB Mfrcliaat.Wm. proUiKi, Ae<**y Lomavilia iomtnMem Ga.NatbM Wt*if«y AttwriMf at Lav.A G. Moon. Mauufartaivr.liciij o. iMvia, GuiumiMiuii Mfrehaat.Juho Miltou CJMhier of Noitb«rtt UooX«

MKDIU41. tXAMtVKaa.1*evl8 Hot^rtg M. U., K. C. H««ai, M. D.. and U. R.

i*alni*>r, M. I>.

WM. 8 VERNON A SONS, Loeol Axeau.WrortJee. No. 4J*4 MRmfl(cp«t.

^oet7 dutly K. W. TKoTTKR, Ora«ral AfoaL


Reported fbr th^utawfliA journ.,.

PRESBYTERIAN GENERAL ASSEMBLY.Sreumd Day's Proctedmge. lakes a campaign of to sortw. a chanctar wiihont

[Special Dfipateii to the LoafiviUe Joaraal 1taking into accuoat c uocm ao full af daogar

ISDIA.'VAP. .u*. M.V 20. P M. ,

" * **** '“‘Tf*

TU. I a .1 u I i.' I - *’* boatiliiios waa occaasoood «ololy by apurotan-Tha General Ataembly has cbuaan Roeboatrr, Sew .iua for tbo safety of Lomuoidy, tWa Um wmid

SMOCLAR TCkRVAT PASAMitiRR PACRRTFor Mound City, Cauo. mad at. LoiMb.

^ tAm MV «oA MflOSOibaaM jimmmm smrnmmjr£- IW HlGliyLYXIL < t. T UrOMV,

tt^ET^^STviU Irvre for ab**v-> aa4 i»n fm* «Jbitv p acta am. MIX iMft.. at da'ctoeb. r M.. po**

York, for the place of tbo next moetieg. wil' my that Francis Joseph and hia couarallors

After appointing cummitleaa, the cunveatioa ad- "*'* * P**^ crack-bratoad fook for antaring on. . . tW war at all.

ttvriy, frum Port! ad.

oftty ooofd aria

juaroH until tv-morrow.

AND tillOLdsj

coufirmeU dTMikfpfia, alMikl«>at‘d o« boy<*l<M by thr forui-

... ly.yb-ldtoaabortejuTtoof iheae PUIa Sold at m Ma!-Iiu>er8 viu bud la thk lot«wLad»vi* Piim ibJk aid Cod. a.„ . ^ vfruM Goitcr«e LodiiM' aad MImum* Dootr; obo Ter>* buo x. i


mSM dd

Ilollownyfo |•|H.-V|ark ibU facl, niie.ied iX'KrUER BY THE CITY OF B.ALTIMOREby the lirtt oiediual prriudical. of Euiope, that ease, of u- I u onSb. Joh.vs, May 2U.

Tbs Auatr'iana are exhibiting much iadacision iatheir movements, occupying and abandooi..g postlions apparvniiy without mitive. Thm ha. iwen

TUE GREAT SUUUTlNa MAltJl FOR AAMt.SmuKirioLD, 111., MAy 18.

Kua. CuM : WiU yuu plaosa aorify in your aol.umas that the grant nialen foi tW ebampmaohip, al

50 dewbto birds aarh, and $2.WM, will take pMan

Velvet aud 'fapeatry aud Waterproof Carpet- Itafsj

.AI-o—iual noeivi'd.

flJUEEN A!«D FEKFEE IIAIK “r'** T* h "*l^kv™urTh“^rM^^^ w A , oicca ib« iiuiioicof tbe CstoauA. Heavy raioa coo-

—*7A .to ta A . t a. a Mcca tb« MUiioic of tbeCsMuda. Heavy raioa coo-Are often the r^lts of applj i.( the ordinary dj ra The ,in„,d ^ the Ulast accounts,only safe artticla. which Inrxrlablyp.-oducra any shade of a Vlenn. Bullelin Mates that tha AnMrI.a frnor.a

I member I shut against D. on tho race euuna, Cin-


ciocsti, in October, lHo5. I loot hy one Mtefl (the

Empraan LIba for N-w Oikaaoi

iTl-r .JUDGE ^KRENat. aa^a tu'

-7 Waan.itaeo M swva awO tor alt lUanwaAtoto

^^^^^^laadiaasaB ttoa da*, the alas l a asot. at lA

N. 9. .UNO h ASaNo. Jh vFatl Stems.

100 pieces Fxtra aud Medtoni iidkia . J • . .u'snaoir p.Tioutiwany sBsue Ol A V Icnnt Ifulleiia states that the AaBtrian troops

• —— — V—

IW^aTty aud'Sa“.^“l2^^toT vary derira-~‘»r desired, from a flae umber bro.n to thi- iuleme.1 .w.idug better weather l-fur. resuming operS^ ‘ X ^ *** *T;“1

bie«uK>d«ln toeaoo • luToicee. We tkck.lj® ^ ^ at tba LdOia l^too ShooUDK Toor ooMOt, A;»nl

u au exaiiiitootiou ikf the Aock bvlure Ui*

Stork AU mik iEIsT.tDURO’ii E.U'ELSlOlt IH F.' ‘ I

I'JtJk I boat him in . msich for fll.uUO, mtd Imu to

war, wRI meloowlnfiaa in Tnid urban nil otW

|o to nmeipkaic IW ovwntny and ia Parma wUi ba tWU to bring nboot tW esUi ***

man. Anauia onoreuaa a pomortorala ovor Ibam they will ran n tri wasritly I

Park tea, akw has troops garriaoned tWra ,aad aba —

**“•*“ **^ Companythemtelvm tor tbr^umn^ta Lmda- **T perfectly cold water can at ali Umes be

at s calkd maetiag of their stockboldori at Main- vilU. Tho Mammoth Cava will shortly be within bad without additional ice. Tieee refrigerators arephU on Tuesday dacidod an bkldtag fonr new mail atrik^ ^t^ of every pidnt, ud miUtilndm «, expeniwea/. Thevhavebeenintuaeaafulopera-^mer. to form, tri-wrakly line. Thk In addi-

thov aSu Ikn for upward of ten year., to th. gralifiiatlVn ofcion to tbea other boats will make doriug Ihs cot- erening b*re. i'aatesd of going dira^yuo, if a nice, I R>ose who have tkem in use, as their ctrtilkates willton aonson harsofter a daily liao. This wmmer genteel eatabikbment and first rate company invite show, and ara now tbe most approved before the

lA au FxauiitoOtiou uf ibe Mock before Uu* mte.

, ^ ^ A. a. UKMiV A CG.vIpSI dtd Aurtioueer*.

By S. O. Henry & Co.ASSIG.NKE'S S.tLE OF

Third and f heslnut Strert Valaahl«Buildiuf IsOts


li (tervotJeH erery ttber fram tbe root to the tip with tbe

UocF ret^uired, aiul oetiully feedi tbe hair vith tbe olLmeatvhkb u reiiuieito t) promolo iUfruvtU, iu Uaire,

Hi peiuiaoeoce, and »U beauty.


A Vleona Ballet io ttatei that the AastHan trooct a . ie^waiJug better weather l-f..r. resuming opera-

|t ilte Pigi« Lr^STi^

The Fritcem Eugenio was proclaimed Regeat Pf-**‘ *fj»« "teuy a. mn

duri.g Ibe aliaence ot the Emperor. <=*'“.’ “i‘2fr V"?* " “* f.•'*•

The .'Sardiniau General, Marmora, has made tho™‘***ng, to do it agaic. •—* ’

Djra tba atraugaiical line. The Austnana ara lor-

tifying poaiuoos oa tbo rivar Seam. Tbo Franch . . cj„— -r. j ^

Yunrs raanaetfttllv,

william t kino.

and every uthir r.>irosive iurredieut, it uiirbt be applied I Marshal, Canrobert, ciracts the operatkina uf tba7kr Sksee Trask Oise .—H W. Allan, Em|., who

was ebaraad bafora tho Unitsd Scales Coait witn


bO 'ling.kfri^.Uvm.totag.ppnaJdrfl^^^

regular PASAR.'ieMR PACRRTFor OvoAnaooTO’, Ew-ann'VlUat BnodaraoA

k not stag to allow thoM Stotoo toje over to Vic-

tor Emoaaal wilhont o otrngi^ fact io, all

luly k ta a Mane; tho p—aeuci of MA.AAO Fraoch-aan to bock up Bmir prstcaataas to IRiotty, ia

ansngh to excite say pao^ limt had nut th* loot

Uwir attendance. With tbe aiagte ezraption of ,„,i,|-„, ti„,Tom Placida'a company, which in six weeks clsersd .


g-yrha OnposiUoa ta the Sixth Congre asioanlover fh.UUU, there never has bmn a rcipectitole R>* <“<>•* perfict vantilatiou ia insured, a

. . - . ij *1 —. ^ oompany ia point of numbers or Ulaot in this city, gteat mvtag of ice has been obtained, iiioie frigid

ara BOW tbe most approved before tbe TAN MONDAY AITEbNuON. May 23d, at J o’clock, e« names la .1

be Improvemenu rrcmttly added, by te/srhVn&r.

sled the Hon. Grass Adnmi as

tkoir nndidata ud tha oolocttoA Is oox *br t will ^ _

larpiio the votora at the old GibialUr district to tkek rmidance here for the ^aummer, tba two ****" ^ ** advance of anything ever offered for

thair former arror in allowtac tba citadel^ *** National Race Courm in tbe pub’ic patrocage. Galvanised iron haa been sub-

isneisad I.e I * A—J... II. R.. X kH. and the xnLual fair, will at- itilulod for lie shelving in lieu of zinc, thereby m-iiprtsad by L-cofocusm. Ha baa hsntnfoic tract a largo atlendanca. and it is our boundeu . « .w .11 , . ,in O-grom with groat cradit, mid -ora ra- duly, when^aaking IbeiV pcreori. to !mn^ ridii^ u. to offer thim an arllcl. entirely frae from

TT' *fi *J‘‘«*«>«» P*^* otjso might tfans bo in- ^ prodneed, and dnrobiUty effecter

,cer riuly place

thatwiU do<^ to remain ovar for a_day or two, or make . .'.Ki... L.. . a’Tr..

Tf ,T*211**“ '•*"»* “•*‘* foTwmr arror ta allowing tba citedM

Italians no net new alnhc a blow for thetr fracdom, ^ . .... . . ,

they ana nnoarlhy the aymimthy of which lhay “ “ Miprisod by L-cofocusm. Ha baa bsntofoic

haao long boon the inliiam. served ta Ceagrom with grant credit, and isora ro-

•rWhatinjmd^gMar fo^ta thawayof <»*‘‘y «»**|i**< • j-»*ci*» l»ktioo ta a mminef to

nalsl rmtagtha Foswth of July I Wo oottoialy onghl***** **a*-**F **> th* pomtion.

to havo 0 man vigormm domonatralten then has g^j|t. Brooks wRl have a lino anaelT of atraw-

ckemicG teoUiUDQy io iu faror «nbra«M oome of tba i i«b*

e«t Dame4 la Amerima wicuca. Sold etran'Vbera mod ap*

piled by oil Uolr Drewen.

34 feel front by Ul deep to au alley. :

CBISTADORO,luimedUteiy ofior, a birfe aud vaiuabla Lot, nortbeoal >

® Ilouoe* N«v Y'ork.

oarnef uf (.'hesUiut aud Jackoou »«reet«, Kdvabd Wildr, 449 Main rtr—t, and Mr*. G. Nun&tf f«Mrt front by 17U deep to an alley.


oLoat 9b Foortb olreet, Ayeuta. mlb ddivlmTitna or HaLO-b, U, 19, and I4 budUm, vltb Iniercol

auti lteu-ihe purcbiuer to give opprov.d joint note fot Uie ^TliE ALAKMING iucreoae of tb« dioeaitan ofnri>t I’avnent.


inr Sale poaiUve by oraer of tbe Assirnei-. *•" swuiach wiUiiu Hie pa-i few years has awakened no or-


b. G. IlKNkY 4i CO ,I

dinar/ aitrntiou In Um lUFdkal vorliLbut vltb llulatf-AucUuwrri.

Ifpet lu »U> lug iU rafOd;r»; the moot skillful acknovledga

tbrlr luabtUty to reoiuva the clbHirtlFro, and vert* it uot UuU

^ j\| I^J^ |^i\lI

!*>’ altL-nUou iu thf Mitli nug, but Uttla hupa or r«*

t=^~- . m. . -L- _ Uff wuuld they tiud. Auloug lb«*<e bi*nefaclurB ia DH.


UUSTKTTF.K, the proprietor of llortettFr'd Ihttr-n, for

Ibs'Snrdtainos era preparing a magnificent racap.Wert Boon fcug., his rseddaLC^

Hon for tbe Emperor N-7pofr!^ m hi. amvnl llpreayted him -If to *** I •>•««»,

^rtmni~ t— • AttoTMT oed demaa«led on imm ditto tnol. Tbn

It te'roporteU that Austria will wxm bava 730,000 !?*=•“ *^ *f"me. un£rar«A Aitettu hmi declared Ancin.*. '

th. nai.l iv rt .in th-'ArtvIalic in a st.ta .o ..... i

*“** " U«"»gro a* BwrsUaa.—.V. u. Pleagisaa.

nalst rmtagtha Foswth af July I We eattoialy Mqghl***** **^*-*0 **> th* pomtian.

to haw* a man vigaiwM damanatrolten then has ^j|,_ Brooks wRl have a fiaa anpply of straw-actti^ at kte yean. Wa da net liha to aaa this harries to-day, aad annagh, he Ihinka, to aaomamuafatky growmg awor tha nnlaan in raktkA to Ra date his cnitosnera all tha day. They ara baginnitig

• ""R** tka Dackntton at iadspandaaca ^ ripen very rapidly, and new vmteUaa on blnsh-1^

waaaiKMfl.thnaUpaAitot John Adama wrote, in a tag to the wm^m kinro. af llm mra. Tha tocatloo of

asrvadta Ceagrom with grant cradit, and more n- duly, when" asking the;* person, lu cum., thatcn.ire.y rrae .rum

cantly acenpfod a jadicinl ptnHsm in s mannrr Io auiusements abould ba provided to taduca o*>**i»»i*on and conuamn, ai.d ctmraq'ieotly void

add di*LRw te the Miteiii—their attendance ano’.ber year. The Mock of tueb of that di-agr*aabte tdor which haa biretufure been

!* **"^*!?*"l^ **. * PtJ'porod wHl moat certmoly pay moat objactionable in uthtr refrigeralura. In addi-

grMr. Brooka wRl have a fiaa .apply of atraw- ShTient'u^ttoSa «If1“ ilm^A *?o%y“a gJmi i7-

‘‘*” ‘*’ ‘uix:riw Io others,

harrier to-slay, aad aanngh, ha Ihinki, to aacommu tereat upon tha investment. owing to their convauient arrangeoieots anti ane-Uawi. Bssas, Sol. LewH:e. Uimaoa Mane. AcUor I

The ,.rri«rattoa ha. no W|i*l no busi^ of importane. bro

Mauarer; Joan T. Loavon, sure ManuKer. : for rivln* tone to the stomach aud vigor Io Iha ar*tom. It Lfocijiooi /freudMKjTs.lfiirUr.—The circnlara quota

It te raported that Austris will wxm hava 730,000 *7, ‘Zl ZT.^ ^ a- cme. untCTaTmA Aitettu hml declared Ancint. *^‘ .***.**


the papal Port on tba'Adviatic, ta a state of sieae*“** ‘'*"*1?” *• •». v. Plrojwoa.

Otes. « roorvnj^^mx TlraF^ha. proteated and Aualris hm promired Dhrotete. to the Uneln^^rGassTte.]

trTHE ALARMING iucrease of the diseasaa of li—aai 'Catkm Marhst, .Wag 10 —Tha aalas afAaLTuroax Mar to.

the Mnniacbwitfiiu the poei few years has awakaned noor- thTpIttS dav i amount to 27,^ balas, inclnding Jbe s^lal Washiaatoa 4M»atrh to the .New York Uer-

dinar/ aiteotiou bi the niedkal world, but with Uule ef- 3yyg ,p,eulaU»rs and '2000 10 txporters. Friews * Utei^Dchas wore iwswivad to-day al th* mate Danartmoalfrctlu sU> iur lie ratasre; the must skUlful acknowludre have improved 3 The mat kelcloead quiet from Mr. Mclxne. II- state, that the FagAto aj> reachtbrir luobtlHy to reniuva the clbwirtlFr*, aull vert* U uot UmU \^m •trudy wUb a atcliniog leiitUocy. Clara A I

' **^*^*1-uUiiTfl pay mUcdUuu tu ihf Mitb nug, bul Uttlk hup« ur r«* Eton's circular (|uot«a Orfanaa Bi4aiia|{ a|r< jm- i fr*^*^TiTii ?i*n*irii?irMr ib* ^huimgST**lk>f vuuld they tiud. Auioug lb«*<e bi*aefaclurB ie DH. ioods tba lib»rvl« bae* tobra ilMa»V>. It M ua4rrM«i*4

UosTKTTF.Rsthe pniprietur of lioetetwr** iutu-rv, for M^ucUeatar odvicei ara mura farumbkp allbou|rb ^ •****5****2L!^

DO busieea. ^ i»la.rUnea hml broo tranmcled.Uetrpoal BreMSkietsigs .Vartet .—Tba circnlara quota a treaty W ouirur. Jusrvs had damAed hh wWlaroets to

a cunaiaaiabla iUcli.e on alluusliiias uf braadsiuffi. 4u ms but oar MiaKnw had ao aatkontr h> a L Me has.

aph* af prapbaay, that tha day wonM be cakbraUd Mr. Braekt k k 8ixtk atraat, nedar tke Etchangr TbeIron, nag tag af balk, and ewary Batel,wh*rakaiatead.tokaafthafiae.lftwltd-afpaMtraqintdag;hataaihaaka»lawaflfcat pot ewer apeoM) ta ear cRy during the eatin sum

groat oToat ieogtkoaa to tke dim pota. eraa aa Ike He will haw. «ime af hi. pUnte k the borti


aaaimonaey of Ra aighty-thRd aacorraaea, R i»- coRoral azhibRiua this monuiig, to which wa ia-

toia ry to romiad Iha im erinaa poapk at ,im tha otteatua at nU whe dmin to ky flat

aty aad toimnlate them ta evoa Rs dacaat mrawbany Irtdt

behmaat k raated at tha rata of fldOud par anniim,and M is uot an vxapgwrntiaii to my that competentand reapoaaihle managsra would sagacly anek for i

lb* new oite at fl-'iOOU. Ibe total coat would not I Gukst ArruACTiux.— Many persons sra nutoz^d flSo.OOO .... . aware of the variety and extent of our stuck, and CoAny person who cbooaes to take two or mure shares I . .

KEGUL.Ut rAl'KATFor EwannwiUa and BowUng Oraom.__ I'iw etogaat ttohl-dra<i(ht i«e»a«ar staomariry- m AAACKLKTrCspt. W. A Ya-enwiam

laava far tto ahvwa aad aal latenaamato^/armwa eal iirday .the list siimni . at Sa’ctocR

RKULLAK PACjIArFor Wootport, BetMaRann, Madtaoit. aad


.X,.erieaeed aura, sad friimle ph/suriaa. hm a Bomila, *;*7:*i.^“***’„ unuuportenl

hholr daty aad atRantote them ta evoa Ra dacaat

•kowMAea. IdOl M oMMlkixC I# Moka tba

ytihtog foal aa iataroat k tha day aad kad tham to Cf Tha Heflicakaral Sacioty will give aa exU-stody Iha hfolaiy of that glorkms oaavacalka of bkion at the aemh boll af the Maaooic Tempk thk

pototoM who practotaaad Lihmty to the poapk. Let maraiog. This te n delightful maaan of the year for

woul^ hsva the privilege of iiiiroductag any resi**^ forth prapurly would take more rpaca iu a

dent for the aeoaor, or coald nightly introduce any nawi-paper than we foil inclined to pay for.

triaad from abroad npon tbe extra share. Already We hava a completo stock of all the impukr med-•‘''•".I ‘“.''* *»K****** *“W"K“*“G icius. in whb.ll .. 1...S ,«.fol.rro.uH

Ddcoo iteody. L »nl tirui at UUiJntyuul /Vuiiuce Jfonbrf — K r-id dull; cumnioa

was. vrawsdanAA r i. w i r.. . . . t iN’ cwruioi A |ranuriUkUCa I prUOMi Ol lOTfUUUg P/ HmeOlDg UM gVOW, riNlUCaia OU IO.I ara-iit V toliirhllw tlpElixiRtl* lUklan taL 4« I Ahlfahro asAll

A.NTLU.r AsmmsUou-wlU MUy Ml pMn and U «re to n-MiUle to*fi

' wm buvtak. Dupeud upou it, UM>tlM»TM,it viUglva naat Ui yuur* • » t# ...t .. ea/i

a l . . . .. •; . .— i ..

liA.NCK— Tu CubcJud« with ib« UugbaUe Cuiuic ^ ^ tti» . .kt ui » at r ita .I’sn'omluio, nevtT lirforu srbid lu ifib city euUiled St rap fur obUdrea Uvlhlnr, w hlcb aresUy fscUltsUw the

the WiZAKU Fl.UTK— TIm* FTr*uing*d p^ormwucM pruouMof toeibiog by •otteniog tbe gnaw, rMlucing vU In*

Kic« atiU. ^bifiis tur|MiaiiDc dria *r444.

Il!t”UirciS5 e«J.' aId‘^o'7Skt.Ji{)"5K^I

‘*=*“* “ •* “*» '•*='»“-


most positivklv the l.p»t xiciTi'! I

wives snd relirf snd besUb to yoiir lufsnle. FvrfecU/|,ji quulitiea ara Ibl lowsr. huger m dtal sod &l

as hart a malitety porafo at am vafoatoor omamaraiog. Thte ia n daliirhtful aanaan nf th* Cr for

** ~*«‘ « “oa weak. It te add that Mr. FUcida nmud toaurcuatuiwrs, a great variety of perfumery,

^ Tj*I


' ia vary anxiont that such a theater ahaald be oataU. and almost every kind of loikt^ diapky. «^ „ to* prodro* af the kitcl.. Jk^d in eriler^ to might giva. ear oitinm. the atov. and grate varnish ifroperior te Bri.iM.

MASONIC TEMPLE.ish is snpenor te Urltiih ^^13 EVENIWa (Saturday), MAT baanty to the OKKATK8T night YE-n

lovrar. Tb* KLaaslum Mimrg Market .—Tbara coatinaas tn ba an v-s—


activa demand for money und>r tbe increamd rate

from ovary opim ting oat toaw many paal. Whu make them iaiaraatiag.

rrlH Mbs flht taRinfiva ta aoroa aaefc mwvaroeot?

Wa oiMMtal Iter aro rrorthy Mayor caU a pohlk (VKo ktten shaold ha mailed to the fotloning

maaliag aext week, aad kt aa tea of what staff aru C. S. Naval vasaels, as they ara all temaward

. , J - , J. • f — .Rata, aalce, bed-bugi, ground molaa, Ac., 4c., are S1E!E THE lEiRIOEl

pmaiTr" J“*7? k’toul^bo'jid rft7r as^

•ffe««toHy destroyed by our gnat variety of Exler- ADMISSION ONLY tt CENTS.terpriaiag ci'.ixans will take thia in bead, and pot Blminatora. RAYMOND 4 TYLER, - GOLD W.tTuH, a SILK DRESS, and to other Mar-through without longer delay. B, mwiu -ndA-nw 7s v..„wk .•—* u.;„ J\ -i.i .... .i

uf di'Coiuit, aad a furthar advaac* ia aniiciiaUcd.

Conaoli have improved, bping qiatiad at 9lX for

money and 91)ii<^ for account.Iks Jeskst—Lomtask, U'eiLseeilig, woon—Uaaaels

are quoted at 91%^1X.

iKqDnsT Nu. 112—Held at tba foot of Sixth atreal,

myl9 eodAaow 74 Fourth atraat, near Main.

Cenn FOR Nki'Bauiia Fuc.vd

Boston. Styt. 4,

cRfoaaa OM amfla. Wa waat to hove ladapaadaao* Baoad: Stoam frigatoa Powhatton, Mkmaaato, aad «> Hw IBth inataat, upon the body of an uoknown 1834.— I have uaed one bottle of tba PERUVIANDap atetaamad. aad, if rra cam tev. a pUMic Mi-taaippi, af to. (ten. Mtandras; earvaUa. C— ‘‘'^ictLcI.^to * •'"* * •“*“ “ •^°'‘ldan, hack

AorooMliBtkA. wt knew two at tkroa who will at terlood aad Dak, at the African squadron; and all his'death from drowoiug ia the rivar. ot tbe seek, and in tbe right arm, with lose uf appe-

arrobfo Ingathar ta the nam* at Iteir eaaalry, aad ite Paraguay fleet axoapt Parry, Bainbridge, Uol'

wa foal itet tte baaigannt power which has always flkin, and Preble.

btroaad thm oMmlry wlU ba in tte ntidtl of aa.

J. M. BUCHANAN, Coroner.

uf the seek, and in tbe right arm, with lose uf appe-

tito, and languor of body and spiriL la two weak.Ixqtisar No. 113—Held at tha City Hoapital on I these alBictioae were entirely rnmovsd. I consider I


A GOLD W.VTlH, a SILK DRESS, and M other Maf.idftceut Prewnts vfif be ifiven away at


magic; and mysteky.I^AfLrrnoon Pvrfuruiauca tov4ay at S a’C'Ocb.«r*KFmeaibrr, UDd«r all ctr«iiui«Caucc?r, tu-uifbt U tba

iMt. Duun oprfo at Yj^'-Pvrforiuanoej cnmUMUCo at 9

LiceryuU, Wnittestiajf, P. .V.^Tbe cuCtOQ inorka Kdlnborib NovYorbb qaim. I'te prites tavor buytrs. Ite sake to- Vsu4nb^""'..'8oaitemuMa.N«w Yo*a

Oi^Baarty oil tte prorotaaat cRks of am roaatry

teae rrRhU a year or two pam aroctad .!*§*ttwetona for draroatir and )ytic aotortaiamenU,

aro rrqaaatod to state thm the Bafab-t i

cRks of am roaatry fleteal axktidttoa at tte East Baptkt Chnrcfa will

mm aroctad .!*§* ^ rrofianad to Bight. The aiogiag and ntearmli

the body of Mike ChyU. about .laan of oga, th. PERUVIAN SYRUP an effectual cure for Neu-]

told to bxve a family la Kvoiuvum, lodtaBa, haviotf : i -ah t

npon hia parson two hundred anti aia*ty-two dol-***8 “' *“ Lonltville by

1m and five oonts. Verdim—Osam tu hia death CAR'about 8)^ o’clock on the eveaiag of tba 19ih inatant mil dl2 BAI

Fire Insurance

ovle in all coaeo. 8oe odvertioFmetit In vootbFr column.aprS7 dAwly


CELEBRATED FBMALB FILLSI!Pr«|*arad from a PiftciipHuii of t*lr J. Clarke, M. D.,

i*Uy ician Latrooritluary to tba (^oeen.

Thl4 vell-knovn medicine to oo Impodtioii, but a mu% _and tafe remedi for Fwiml* DUHc.fite and UWirucltotH I heat haa an ^vaniliDg tendency. French wheat I

Vu-tknn N***?faulu any caiMM vhatert-r; and, alibougb a iruwerful remow I bdia eli^fbUy odTaoeed. Toe other luarkaU xra 1dy, they contain nutblof hurtful lo the eonoiltutioo.

| orally vilhuut change*

WiuMiXGTox, Dxu, May 20.

Gemrvi A $^mb*y of /Ac Pretitj/tenoM Vktuck^ StwSckuci^Stcomd yxijr.^'l hit luoruin^^, tha Kev. E.

Lsseay, delotfata from CxliforQU, waj proeeot.

Tba report oi the Committoe ua Foreign Miaaiooawaa read by tba Kav. John McLood, of Fhiladel-

phia. It showed that this body u second io the

ISeef dell; sales uouupurtani. oadiao oaerrMoeaiw which vae dtopasahed •• a hoot thatd tirui ai UU van capned, vat hiei, bwl Itoa treat/ dU oaft bwve dll the

s Marktt —K frij dull* comokoa e>xt matL aad d»d a>»t Mi<rr from iha allsai d dtosrtrr. Ii

i; . a A a ’sT^r^ baa ivvbiky to^ratthedbrfcpfeihmbr that fueerwvaos.:llntd; sala» al 4i. Cotfea dail. York Tliuea' W aaklaflua eorrmeewdowt wrtosKturpeatioc dria aT444. Acoorliag ta the lahal odvieae from Jivmea, tha mahiWheat has a decliuiUK UmUoev


kod/ i^hmal or^ woo. aa Ma/ I, at GaaaajvaW,1 id.iMfoP Smasd’saP M .lull mtodt ibl

eoder <* x, Xaa*wa. vhu vas iMw^anaM lo odvaaoe •• ilwt lower, otiifar m dwil ana wl

to**»ba. Mash kaibvsisaa aaimaifltti tha tmiws.

far tha ohava pai% and aU toisra^^^"""^eiasa toadiags ew dahrrdoy. tha itm iwah, ahla*elach r.M.. »a hleitf .

FerMahtar /asM«seM4yew baarderia.N. k Lu.Nu * tolUK, ktmmg

mat Na.m WaM ursoS.

AM^UitAm TVM9i>Ar A Jkl rCJUMr PACKWrFor Owwbhboro, £^an«TlU«. H#adTtoon>

day are eotiiuated al 6 ,UUU bales.

y. Aral uf each aaUua haea lafl rtaei4hiiMi. which to ihraeotilm fr««m Y'era Grva, aad beaea oil fcaCN ef hartdithrefomtbelr /art are for Ihe yr>**Fat >mletad. ll to nmgemd thatMr. I xvay vuald ba teiprc«aded by another Ihlttoh Mima*|pr. and tha co iistHotioaal gawnuueat r«ei*tiase4 by Eog*lead.


Edinbtirih Gle^er New Yarb May 7

Vao4**<b>lt doathemthan. New Verb May 11114/ of Hatttow..Liyt.*nM» 4. New Yerk. Ma/ II

Nor. Auieckan .Ltyeryool Uaebec -Ma/ 11Affia LHcryobl N**w bork Ma/ U


dy, they contain nuiblof hurtful lo the cauelltutiao.

To .Married l.adleeIt to peculiarly suited. It will, iu a abort UBte« bring oothe luoothly pariud with regularity.

MT^ThciC Hlto Uar« ttevi r bai-n known to fail where tbs

directione on the sd page of pamphlet are vfU obsuryi d.

For full partlcalara, get a iwraphlat, free, of the agent

N. B. $1 and 4 puetage elampii uodoeed to any aaibar-

New York ..HiwinFa.... . ..Nrw Y(llamoKtikia doiiikfomptoo. New Y(Htto/artOB Idverpaai. ....uaebecAmerica Lieenaaol— HeSen

Yoik May 17

York May laac May H>a via Hattoaa May tl

For Baat;

km nigta ara apokon af ta tha higteat tanai, and I ikom vialmiut taflictoil upoa tte head oa the moi

aafl MM waste maos an omkfo appaarad ta Ite I anmhari kad to kava tte team for want sf aaaU. "MI *R* *G>va day by auma partuo or paraens an

JaMMol liarnaahig tte proprinty aad axpadkacy at

ar> attag a aaw aad oaomaadkaa tteotn k Laaia-

vilk, wktek teaald earoa op to tte w qairrroaati af

paMk eaotaart, aad tte vam imprwvcmroto that

teva roaaarty teaa davkad ta tte aadRariama at

oM t nadtaga for tte aocataoMdatMa of papolar aa-

aarohlMfl*- York, Phtladalpkk, Bamaa, Bol-

tioMro, Ctactaaoti, Kaw Otkaai, aad aoaaro at mromcRfoi tev* (tealrta which ara aa Inxnrkot ta tteir

foiaiiBro as tmy privnta drawing room, ta which a

play at opria con te aajsyad wRteat aa avMtag's

ffCTte Ctarinna ti l.'naimmrta l myt tha largaat

ran evar roada on a billiard tabk, or at kam of

knnan to tte jnry.

J. M. BUCHANAN, Curonar.

rro .var mane on a Dtuiarn latila, or at loam of [From the N. Y. Coarirr 4 Enquirer ] I montlas, parasols, 4c., to which they mvlto attan-

whkh thata k any ncatd, waa moik oa Thnndsy p,SSii” *‘®“ **•'* *•»“»““ tk»t Gtth goods and prices

by far. f*toii. Tioaoa, oF that cky. Ha vns plav- ^ India, ore bogtanTag to oner the roiatloo between the I will ba fooad miisfoctory. nolOdtf’em^ m ^ A teK - a - A a'a Mocks of thc two OMiUto lo Fttch o dofiwc OS to «olie geo.h pnrhta ghsa with h dra hnwdred erU attcotlun. We bare befeew aotierd a trona rnloa by


Gi'Tubib 4 Brutukiui.—


te hbyer far tbu huuaa,

113 Fourth atreet, has retnrnrd from the East with P**(EN*-Y t’O-HPANY’ Mu iK V sU arrot, Nrw i ura,

a naw purchaaa of rich summer draos goods, laca Ua|4tal and Sarvlus S2w,Ml

mantlas, parasols, Ac., to which ttey invito attan-

iaed a«ent >UI iasarv a boUl*. rontolniun ar.r ^port.onaW namter of its foreign misaioiu.'ias andreturn uiail. J. MUSES, amount of its CiMitrihotiuns, hut uaa of tte larg.eturniuail. J. MUSES. tha amount of its co

Genrral A«ont, Ruchrater, N«w York. deDuminatiuos of tbSold hr Itoruiuud 4 T>kr aad W. Spriuc— 4 Bro. CoogragatiuaaHsts.


DAILY REVIEW OF Tki£ MARKET.Loauviaao, Mar tl.

Tb. market .as *xtreao-ly dall juMsrday la tte las.

dac. mark.1 rvm tklaa *u nioaltMd aad tte talas mis>-

•rlter at B rmaR eteractor. Suall atea at floor at flt M

wiU Irov. Mr ahav. rod laasrmadmi.^"^Salafdar. Iha sisl tottsai. m Su’sfoahIrom atar wharf.Pm fritahtm tatesm srotr oa broid m la

deDuminatioos of tte country axcaediiig it, via: th. Winm M a naan eanrac-er. suaii a—ta at roar at a* aa

Sold by Ito/uiuud a T> i*r aad w. Spriucm * Bro. I CoogragationaHsts. Tte Uhl School Praafiytcriaaa k’- Wteataomlaal. Uararcsirs.

LoukTHI*. Ky.) Ur. T. K. Aiutia, New Albaur. Indiana; I atana next on tba l<m. Ite dueameot, which ia inftte arorasy a«a'k«t, a mla m la khd. raaar at 7la*,J*

and hy ail DruaxisM ihroucboul the Uuiled stataa. lencthv, war beard with deep intorost. bam cofoe at tts, a 4v khM malaaM al 3aa, rod a tarnand by ail Druaxisis tbroueboul th* L'uil*d Stataa.

<xtl j4b d£<K>wly4w*owlylengthy, was beard with deep intorost. kam rufoe at tts, a

'rbe Ksr. John W. Dulks, uf Philadelphia, road I ttmro rise at tt(«.

will te fooad aatkfactury. mlOdtf * ***^”*

4ff*Tbe beat of maUriala and of tbe laiaat atvks Gap*tol »®d Suridui,

. , , , , : . rtKCUKlTV KIIof goods for gentknieii a wear can ha proenrad at Ku. 31

M. B. Swain’s, No. 4 Masonic Temple, who ia p«- (-*****1 and Sniplus

teas. LnotavOk k tte oaly dty af Rt aiat wtoch

tea am utee steps towarda sack imptaveamnta.

uaman z». ua Thy, ar. no ttatetic. hr whkh ladlrtd.tt_ optaloni may pared to iupply tte wanU of ganlkmeo at ttewant to work Md romad tte ateww na rma ran ^ fonBed, at th* anther’s Ihrory rerifled; and. as tbe . . * ...

. ,*** •"**•* oaa ran, sofona M at rest fiaponaaee. affretlm. as R dom, tte two shorteat notica. m}9dtf—rmg 118 GaroBt, all of which ware oouatoof Ite atendirdr by whkh all preparty i. relate, aad on. of — -

rod aad whito *- 11. Ifod a. r.— .Uwlaw ro th. *.'?>**I-*?**Ji“**: ***** *•*" To the Beurugueu and Puuu.sxd CiTizxxa or«wn mma wBw Bosia. 1X00 no ooea puytBf am tte from tte dUferrot aathorW— . indamnx Jrooh on tte Kkhtiickv Yon era uv.rrua with a deinira of th.twarofo te waold teva icmwd flflfl

Piwctoa* Mmali. Hamteldi’s Bisitamut af tte IVodiMaloofo**TvUKT. loa ara ovMTun wiin a teiuga m ine" w*w» "Rva aeataa mm. ^ Mrxiao. T ok*’* Hi—" r nf -nTik" fil*** camponndi ta tte form of “Alcobolu; Dnnlu

u_.„ X-.. 7 n O ... oflldal ti*ieni*iiD of the prodaetiooof mW Itae* inm. Ih* that aver amonaud from that pete of aociaty, tba*'*•“**•—•^“•'7 “• F»y, Eaq., at Boa- exma siocte^ r^reefomma te the tw^i^ ai drf- Uquon MrXKK. Ttey an told lo vou aa a luxury,

afWvw vilam oompoandt in tte form of “Alcobolic'Drtalu” *•

ofliciai iiaienieiiD te the prodaSlM te *i4d tiae* IXd*. Ih* that aver oamnaud from that pete of tociatr. tba *>S’*'*i* ***°*i Luulartll.'

exMi tiocki aad rataiiv* ebaaora te the two metals ai dif-•—

Oapiialsnd Surpiu. fllM,uai k^mti^:e33D'S'*s

medical discovery!rtKCUKlTY’ KlUIC LNrtUMAM K C'UAIPANY,

INFALLIBLE .REMEDYble Guaipaafiw, vUl do a lenetal Fire low- inroue* bueiur— at tte lowiwt esublobeil ralm. -w-~» -w- -y ~w- .Loauw, as umsl, prempUy sdja.t«d sad paid. tew f ] IjH'll li

He roliciU a returuof th. patruuo4;«tehMlaiia.r trirods * A .A..K.ia thia boaiiie—, aad te Ite pabHr feuentUy. sen

W-om«mjelfrr«nInsurantetMuJiir“2.^L'i^ AU DlSCaSCS »ri&D|^ frOW tB IW/Mre

No. 31 Fin.strMt, New York.GapttsI and Snrplus flSM.OM

Tb* audorsianvd, Amot te tte abor* rHia--WHBfo- ble Guaipaafiw, will do a leuctal Fire Inau-

^aOHESk ranee huaiueas at the fiiwiwt eatablobefi relax

ite report of the Publicatioa Committee, whkbihows aa unpracedantod prograss ia lalae aad oun-tribuiiuna, as wall as ia new lasuas.

Rev. T. A. Hilkr, D. D., uf New York, read the

report on aduc-lion, showing groat piugraro.

.No final ociioa war taken on tbaie raportA

Tbe Assembly partook of an anurtsinmant givenby John R. Latimer, Ksq., of thia city.

LxAVKMwonm, Hay 20.

Tte fint ovarknd axtoms (Km Denver City ar-

rived this morning, 10 daya out, with flTW in tko<

aad scala gold ’fbere wars fonr paaseogara.I out, with 4 <TX) in skat

^ Mwp. ww«wa sxaavT rAiLtma.—rmary o. ray, £aq., of Boa- axsoi atocki rod raiaiiv* ebatera te the two metals ai dif- Liouon MrXKR. Tte? an sold to vou as a luxurva-ifl k k oaw tiro, that paUk atto^ ahaald te too. ha. foikd far 4800.000. Hi. tmlara tavUva. or ttey an duq-nakl to you a. a ^edictaa, and

d to Ite uvaat oaetaaRy for rapa irtag Ite tte axtaaoiva gtaemy Arm af Pextor Fky 4 Soa.—nrd tte mnay ssantat for oarrytag mtt tte k k tte krgMt failitn that hro oocumd of lata taat a roar tteoua. Wa tkarafara giva ptocc Biaflaa.

u— - —— gp f,— , above-namsd suthaiiam. thottsh al tteaTtaniiva gtocory Arm at Dextor Fav 4 Sea — aa BM— toter.. -X. » - - - . . — -X., : . . WkB* the two mola’s arv the Bioaty te the world, they

aitter caaa tte effect U tte aama... .— _— 7— —r—- — — • —r i Than U hut uaa way to escape, and that it to use

mmt brar a oretola nfotien te vten*; ate Raca tbli rda-


.a a luxury or n mcdlcaroent a tafa and raliabkdon te value is dependent npon tte rviailon to Ite stock. I ^ meiowu.ui • laia auw rwuiuis


Ifa<^RfaPt. told under oUiap and goal. whv:h randerB I CO^XECTIC tT FIRE IXSItRslKC'E COi

Slate of tbe Blood,Ic ftitt iol4 ky Um Acrntc tn LooMrUic, WlioloMle ao4RotoiL RAYMOND * TYLER,dU dtf 74 Foiulk •trod.


la provWoaa, Si bbis arai pmk at flit to, whtefc ia oaly

a rotuitml qootat—a, muptoiricaava ard ham* IflMc toro.,

ate lb casks ctosr >1 las al IHfe.

Sate im kbrotokoMO-l at «1 St ate flS M. « al flMh

«3 M, la at <4ta4 m. hi St htmt a ti m flota* aa, uattr.agt M.rodamflaate4<taAsslaof luwemi. hlrkardma's mackiat rep. u7Me

rod H p its— kateloom broslaa m Ute-Whisky vmy dall; raw rH*.Sate dried frail at flS tt ate flS for appte rod parotea

Ciae.aasTi, May Si, P. M.

Ftour aatr doll ate oromaM ate trim oonstoal. laall

tote ul l aptrflaam flt taifla H ate utrs ol flS 7K Bop-

an kav* genoaBy wiihteavn sad tte markm elos. I arrot-

ly noMlUrd; MM bhto4*n rsasivte As tost M tear-.

For 8t Lotus.

wiU Wr ikaTB oAd totor—ktlnM

oa4 >rt9 OriMM Lttjiumsm itim

Fqr H«w OfloaBO.

thnforMr doe, ood axpoam tte hafla thm aoracliv* j i i« ii-rwa an

boataam mofl and -.|-.lits* nill tsAa aach actiaaattoatton. aa to

at WiU pravid. a curotoadkoa baOdiag, tadom

riwakyoad •aatatakka tetwroa tteura heoara,

--S .k_ tte As._.*ir mroAwrd whoA is.— I as Boroa, at

wrorex. .

.. I -.X I ttockste th* iw*asteaii,ihare moat teearrespondina flac- I it certain that it has not 1—an tampered with. Buch iT.....v*** F**Rfl Itetoa ndvertlatag in annthar|tustious ta th* iwtonv* value or *m* of tte meul. must b* I —i artick ia I

( apltal and Mas plea 0A3U«—n for attamtan. aa tomchm. are ktera.Ik w to kg LjgUy ockoai^iakad Md oapobU. dtocki ol ike t«aTa Item who wiA mflnad aod cUtivatod toactera ‘^hlT.SSS’te:

wholly or prottolly roaudu^ os oMinry. W* prupore u> -t-i T niwnrMW r'#NmriTAT nnashow .hat bare teen tte oMmU from pait chanciw in tte I



stocks of the tao metals, and oommeat oa the pruiiaWc cf. |which it dialilRd under inapaction of tte British

facts to itefiitare. I Govorament, is delicately fltvored (unlike any otterffin) with auUM of tte moot voluabk raatoralives of

ocA tkaa akvato tha diammk mandard, which Ra

tem fritads mam nat froi hat sadly dmiitarolad kear rosfot. Tfct aoggaatkaa af ear carraapaaioat

ara •methfo, aad w* kora that oearly 020,WM hava

taaaataORsaaaUy pkdgad U tte achama.


teteola tatarina af pneariag tte tarvicat ef toch


w* woald aaroaatly racamuaaad ttem.

ara flHcfofo. aad w* kora that oearly 020.WM hava Tmks*« —Tte Barttamti Fteoily ckro theirtsag natodR iro.lly pkdgal to tte achama. aggHamant thk avanlng wRh a vary attractiv* hi».

By W* kav* the Maro|hk K*«atag Aigaa of •••Wkrog tarot af lhair bam pfooat aod room won-

1 uiOBWt ** Mfffi *0tak otaroias the poitica- ksu ^ daxtarky, daring, nod atrength.

4«-A kttor from Bichmrod xiTj;— 7^^,.a retdamatha Maropbia nod ChnMamtn Botlrate. givro a chaaring mmaoro *f ptaittcri pramtocto aid

Iteflro arigtaatad kite Bkck. ami ^i^TZme. ik,

I irocaart xte stocks of poM and direr to Rqrept ta I4U, at vUek— rotoct **'* chaar • foOawiBfl from tte prod loBon of Ite ill


vM-mtoatof Amasfcqiwur hafokd.Vera asWlowcI ef tnchg amck. Bmio.

OoM ron,Ci>,iMt fluperoantlUirex ]4l,«M,uuO 7U p«r cent.

Gtk^ with ouiiM of iMn hkmI voIuoIm reotoraUveA of

tba YogatobW Kingdum, owl in by far tbe m4Mibonliby baTnrk,;a exMl.Tbe moot aBiMDi pbyakioM of Fsuropn and Amnr-

WILL iuMrvMgaiofttluaiM byfirv on DdddlBfn and all Un4kwl property oi ike nio«t inaora*

L«NMe8«Ulbaprui>4*t*and paid.


Froa 14R to 19fa tk«* verr mav ehangn In tbe yooriypvt >4001*00 <4 fold and idlrrr. Latil tto rear JAM but iUtie I alaat in rauiurodgfddoroilTcr omred from ABMtka. in 1*66 tbr grmt | xiaro -a.'*

•livrr BiuF of vo* krM woik^d, and In 1K7 tW*•Mitadiwar oiiaa at Huaaot*ralica la Fare vo« dMcuwertd,by vkkb tko yMd of mhoj frvai the Baiue ora war Inerana-

_ jTbe moot aBioaDi pbyakioM of Fsuropn and Amnr-

TU^eent.|ten ool ooly racummand iU lu^ by Uw hale and I beo/ty, U«t probcribe K on k mediciDO where a etitp-

. of FMooi woM firM woikrtl, and in IK7 Uw kpUasoilt Tad Sin“^U«tkbiIm of HuaaoFTolica la Farn va« dMcurert'd, Goroial. but a certain relief IR iuttaringa of a pen- porta and Inland traarportatloQ.

ouwviUR Marine Inaurance Company^^1^^ Tbli t.;ompaQr will take rirtson n

Corgooa ol HtFamboata aod Vm* faifaalMr^. wb by aa,lakr, aad riwra to

aad fKBj AUantie and Foraign .^^SfaU

ttaatha Maroghta roc i .framamro ttottraaa. glvro a ehaaring acooonl af ptaittcal nrammeto«y* tkean Adaoaa, tte Oppaaitsan aominaa ta tte 0<M.

rokaflod tofoakeg* wnrokaoroaf J.L.Oaaa foxth Caagramlonnl Dhtrict, k caiuk to te Um;todOaRmroufJ. C««^ amdroai^. Bro Biot, tte Indrprodam D*mocrmk emSL*;

adfrwBlIoUf, This improvrmrot tram tte former slowaroew of smrtUac may b* said to mark a new dlvm arm.In laU tte stocks of fold and Mirer wot*:

Stack. Hetlf)

<}oU fll.TMsM.M U per cant.

Silver t,kfidNM>4 U

V— OH* i-cfiMn rctivi *a suwaruig* o*

udical coarocur.AnalyHeal Ctetaiata of all ranks prtmnnce it per-

frutly pup*, and its raaUrative ments inuuaiparafiU.Sold oo(v ia quart and pint IsMtlea hy all drug-

giMa, grucare, 4c. hold to Dauiaville whulemale byWdAus 4 MTAXitutu, Male stra*t. Edmund C.

of Zaot 4 Tnhac; tha oaad and praritiro Moat at

Frosk Oodth 4 Ca ,Iha agricaRaral implamani

and T. T. aami< tte ngaUr Urotacralfl. aomi-aro, had n dkteaky m BaoarviJk aa Maadny Uot,

It should hr xolsd that tte absulul* praductioa of mrer CnsKLSA, Uanaral Agent, 40 Broadway, New York.ftPl'to Irtfl, more hrpriy BtaS dlyrttlg*iTF iifnaartbin — - . - — —

A, B, C—Asthma, BiiONiHiTH,>


DHtaoToao:. Bnc.hanan, A. L. SbntvAli,Gboo. U. tfewU, Roland WbiiD«YiA. V, Dnpunt,

M*Lr"i woldant To whom oil urdara luufft be addroaiad. TUe/ will luraiota

^/t dlotf Wm MlN'l'iiN* HoaratarV ibow cordff, circiiloro, and pilia at pruprWtuFfl priera.TVTriZ: jjoid aloo by Cory A Tolb«>i, 4U Morkrt Mrvttt; Thoa*oa

AmArir^n iMtararwNro rVhmnanv Schorcb, 69 KtfUi *1. W. 8*atoa,rom*;r aearnthaod


wompany, Or»«u MtrvrtM H. Piwlwilf r, ftoutb «dc MorkFt otroaL be-

_ . ^ .up Lotl8 \ ILLL, RY. tweea Fouvtb and FifUj; J N. dabiae, eurodtr Seroad aadCbeotout; Vandnvapt k Ibnaiddit*. cornor of Lafa>Ftta

Paid ig aad Baturod glUMMW f*re»ioo; J. Jobcion. jFlf»*raoiirilW; Scribner A Ma-

Advicaa from Danver City of the 9ih nport a,4 „_,TOa.m a* taviS » ate rotra at flS Tfo’ Bap

large (urea emploj ad in bwldiog ditches alrog Char- witote^ rodta. markm ttolte frrory creek. On. tow. with a hnulad supply af wa-(nr. Tialdad aa uunco ibe ftral day. nnoaitlrd, MM bbio^ara ram/ad hi* loM »4 boor

from th. muunuina'ara cunflictiag— <*»• «« *<•*-. «*-*-S -*••«

Tbara ia still loo mneh ice and toaw to uperata to **•• •• **R®- Trevtoons aomtoal; aothiafl dona whelm

advantogt. Tha gentrnl sapact of Ite newt it fo ir. qaotaiioos cmanot ba atvaa. GramrtoadaU aadfoav

vornbla. Gold dust will cooitaiie to arrive by auc- to*j the dsmsad Is Mmttsd. F.frhaaflr Sriaar bat ast qa

(•IdfB Periodicul Pills hr FCBMIMs caedkg aUgsx The mioan value tte dust at #2u tably lunhar. Monap aiarkm Srm m ie^2c par eaa

INFALI.IBLI: par ounce. The route, 625 milea ia length , ie pro- Tte frebac oa ‘Gbaaro te-flar eader tte fesaiaa nsws as

la eorrortinr Irrrrntoritim and rrmovtne ubstnwtlons of nuunced hy tha paswegen tu pojm;e eapsriur fscil- tte dfiw*>che* from N-w York was rxrni dlafllp -Icpn w

tuxcjaS^!!l^s\!!l‘t^..if^'!°*'*****'* *•“*“' always Rtos, as avideaeeit by tte quckatas at the flrst trip, aad ttera mtaiad lo te a taaaral earodoa at ba-isas

Sll'pUU^ra^ttoro new, but bare bran laed by tte m u._ ia Sarere of bceaJsiafo aad provfii-as wUb-iraw altoaatb

Doctor iu bia proctWr for man/ yoori both in Franca w AauiNOTOp, mmA ^ tk« eloaa it voold bare booM dlMcolt la «y wb

re, oTMam sad Bnum ttradx VOT tte com. I Kl.'^SSd^P S? of ^ -btalrod for roy mtel. Ilsm. .....a. M well oToU^ Citlca, « bo bar# u«*d tbcoi, lowaketba tba Prcoidaot ex|M«a«aa bk CjanOant baltol tbat oil terdly an oitcMpi waa aad« ta cMet a Mia.

jalU pubtte for tb« olWiatiou of tbooe •uAphiM from auj NicomRliaQ difacallUa will ba oatiifactcaniy adjust- Ntw You, MarM. F. M.irregularitlcM whatcCFr, •* wfldi oi>a urF^tivc to iWoia ^ bofore lba oaxt meatioF oi CoftiffaM, tba Muo- «mj-*f foovtoa uUnportaol. bubler»da»anilu odTow

qulto Protector... .bandog, and to. lUy Island, rnamatmaa. mogeol BelUug tbssui. and liiey will toll you Ur piib on* per* i(DeatioQ recoiled fruin. Mmca tne cnmiacucaiut at of _ . Atolt* mWo atM 7>; < tWa F7 aiA7 49; SoatiireUy barmTffrU to bcaltb, yetar the Mkuto tins* will <to all tbe war. lba BritWb tone Ij purtienUriy eoociltoior>

, ,,* , . .. . .s- , ,.*x . . - — -s-*- -

tbsp’^yronuwe There is «"». • tody Uvto, ,bul -hat a, Was wall tailinml rodf^ -a aomlmd at aa^-l^. Whroi datti-roS^••some iwriod of her file" ure-ls th--iu. ,>|wcmUy tor tbat rooo^o xmo mm j hayOTo at dseltoo. Cora la aomfiml aad ,®le Iowacommonyrtdrfiilluiunxreait-laintkiiowu ssLeurerrh fielor*.

, „ -j . , , as - wro oork BIT S, vrtaM flI3 aor Whit*; J nceal i-cr boi.^ Col. Holt has tact tte Pretideot an elaborate ra ^ ““''f •* 7.w*;Irtevxx

view of Weetcott'e c-aer, concluding with Ite opio

Fox St. Lonla aad Ifftaorwirl nw«r.Tte Sro aad aomaiSovas roam-t aa


3Scfor oiaat;mk*at flt TSite 7i-tiiMo Sf skRT tf. Srotk

-ra aouilaal at a amilar dscltoo. Wheat SaaSa-aei dads as

haywa at k^re dscMes. Cora la aomtoa l aad .aic lew.UaU heavy at totflf lg- *• >*•• S*^ ^ftscoB -suisL shvafitors Th- lard IIMiflDR- Whisky

ionth..ttepublic inurro. aeman'd hit ramoLl. 'TV “* T*;Ll:*^bA auccesKor will ba immodistrly appomlod. idl sorowte Ilidraflraas'; Wash-ra tis. Tobams bswvy

Thera is no truth ta tte report tbat tte Cass-Her- at Uklfllalix Tafiow SrmsraeilMmHJd*. Wooldn il

run tieaty was loot in tba Hagdeliua rivar.

I.NDis.vsroLia, Msy 20.

emeliliehmeat. of David M iiCeorii;

tte wtekrok I „rtoe teat, rod

Jito vaa tedly woBBdpd, tevtag hmm

groctrr af H. Dow, aod tte l i qner hmma of H. Ha aaaa by tte nnma of 8micb waa OoM

ef tb* y,„j, ,re cared by tte great Indian Remedy, Hr"-too matals

Bmtu, Gardner’s Indian Balaam of Liverwort and Hoar-

am hoand, sold by all the druggitta ia America. Gco-

enrroiflintrot dom net giva any paras-.— lfo.roa Caro 4 Oa ted a km ameoat af x— -x:_x -x si._ x ... . I It wUI b* n-.twd that ta tte period from lam to less Ite^ *'*'*> taRtfrUks Ite diAcaky wlU te oartata to I tocraas* to tte slocks of cold was ersater than tte lacrvasF

Mark. Batic.

OoM t2,mo,MQ,UM 41perc«BLta Iwgr AUOU OUU ttU fifl**a »* >-1

b* n-t«d thm to' Ite psriod from IMS I. IMS the “T*"’ .

gruviAl Martnse autl Firs* Inau- by maU. . ..

CHLDb* rautv bu4do**«a oa liberal tonnff. --KSfaT^ N. b. Aak for f>r. Duponco*j Gulden PilU. See that iba

tSTUdics N->. .3 IK Dortb sida Main street, oppoalu »ha dcoature Is upon the bos Y'onwdl tbro nt s pUI yro

rod Frcsioo; J Jobesj-o. jriH-^vuie; scriDuer « jia- Gtetral AestaMg of lie Prasbgterian Ckssrek—Sec cwl -ssfiwai th-dSc

S"?fc^io^*^.!SSS(i;^baV:l£v5^ rod^-Thsn.'^ bmiteT^tte^

roiM bm Sisady. Foretca wmI boavy. iacardall. NewUrieam T«»Me. Motossrs Srm. Tarpsmtee baavy at NiflKq*. and at fo’ to arrivs. Rosin dnU. Rioa bas advaa-



Xoa whole number now pres

N. U. Ask for Dr. Duponco’s Uulden PUU. 8m thm th* I ent amount to abemt 330.

tey la tte atom, aod Fraok 8mkk 4 Co. ted alts

Itesa Rooflate fiaaotk of floor ta tea tear ^ tte

wte^troro, flO at takicb were aoiRUy aaroromad.

J. L^UomA 0a.'akaaaa aSack inroiaorr

43,Mlt Caaa 4'TMtMs'a foot teaat tK.MOfl, oo ta-

seteBSfo Tte tesa 11 U. Meue k stem •B.IM,

roefltefl for

afoas I-Mh -X- 1. - 1 to that td silver. This dure But prow tte creatcr e>mpar-traroamaue aapiraaU. aDv* itKreare ta th* preductioa of roid- rot owy to: as-

Bioca tte aUiv* we tev* raceivad tte i crifard two to eaasas— Srat,tb* praciir* of huaidinc to lo-J which ha. ,h- r JI . .J X d».aad*i«»Bdly,to tte )act Ihm tterourolhcs of dl-acosoagar, waiea Boa tte foUoWlog account of the pw from w-ar, omnafarturax fre i* JtosiT timsa os pram

Market street, betwpdo Third and Fourth,mil dl24w2


It tatrot Itet Garrard ta a rpoach rriketad tcvera- “F*' * V>JWia. w*.F; o» ja i*v arm.

wc, aod Rice in ka raply ratorved hiMiIv. nivuro

vwfrirow<ar. oummarturexf^. W-tosTrUrHsaosprsm ivr 1 1) i I I 3 fl ’ It I

Wui. A. Datchelor sllairllye!rp.!!r^!fiit,a^^^ THE URIOINAL AND BiJiT IN TUE WURLlH

IW tronoao xr roteed tte ««• of tiefar 4 Neriy ,uung ttet tte?’. lim.*, • .era ro fok* rot^d.^'tendef CeUr 4 Rawliag, bflt did Rm;, eallad tern a d-w liar wtereupoa GarrardItk darqage. draw a piMot aad flnd at Kina witteui touchiag

to a<£^^. A T Mroata tte ena- ^***' ^ Dibaao, aun-in-kw of Mr. Garrani,

jmc aaa mice la BH raply ratorted tutUfly, giviiroMr. (samrd M geo4 aa hi* teat. Garraid ra^i^ All otters ara mare iiuitationa, aa<l should te

oteorwks bro Uttk darqsge.

% tea railraod acftSsTO,A. T. M iffsw ,



Staw BwnroL on Wam Bimxwr.—Ws I

47porr«>Dt.4 196 UI|U,U>ia M ** **


r take tte d.«-reat pertodx aod extend tte rat*«Y«dMl if you wish to s« ridicale.

ioabav. .ll>:SriER. BELL, FroMdonAUkfoaT Dsmt aacretor/s.

ainaoToat:Joaoe K. Bell, Wm. H. Stokfa,E. L. Huffman, John Karb^o,Morffbai* Uaiborta tiaa'l U*r^,KuUHBull. WfO. E. OuMau 19 (iGiuAvtlyl

CommMOlai likAvraaou CompanyAatUots/«4 Oatotal imtiMbshiorribed Capitol pa»d In aud Mocur*>d lfio,iM)

_ THIS i doupauj M nuir ocureljr ^eugOgnd IU a fritoTol luauramM r^mkbiMuwtto and will oonUnua to luaka

.S^^B^iUffU once ou HuUdiu|fR. Mrrcbau-fflfaMlwA

ooi Um Ukot ib^y to bnir or B^in,

FIFTEEN MEDAW and DIPLOMAS haveif'Hu’'.;t,

bean avarlRii ta Wm- A. Uatchalor tinea 1839, rod Warrru Miicbeil,

^•<rog Man's ewisliaa Aasactotka of a haoro nf

***>. iniinSil prissipelly for rfoer roeo, on^*tt mmm. twa dsan ahows Bdlitt. Tte rooro

*mr, mseaig flttod up wkh atett, Ac.

etear toHgtoo. atrvieat an hoM****T W**roh avrotag at o’tiock, aa4 * Mflh-

neWal •frfltx tte can pf a aapartatendrot aada troroterflffoRkita «•».Q W. Smdfoy prestte. Iters u> roamww avsohro-

Rfli luaota Kunsix—»• an mqaattod to ro - Om Rav. «. W. s«ii,y .j,, ^^rota Ceogragatkaal Mrohadiat Okrosfc (8«teaCtepta) eod Itet tte Rev. Jm MRcteB wRl preachta flte it Bead Oa^e^lMaal Ifoitedim Cteack(Wflffrosa Ctepta, Heoaesk ttorot), to-otorrow

( M lifr» roue'fltrok AM. eod ,t| . Pm. Tte Pfrbits or* tavRsd. Mseto tan.

. ron-in-kw of Mr. Garrmrl, . ntrb b r Ir * oo. W» can mfriy Ukrlte ly to q bpahlKul nud natural brown or bkck, with- forers. lakr-. and overUod rostra, rod on SlHamboai .c

"bis:;om 0- Umt iniury U hmr - .kin, DIREGTURS

am Bim.frT.-W. tev. “1*. • »“ hf «W fc* o-SiTSi FIFTEEN MEDAW AND DIPLOM^ tev. Sffe Fd^TaV^SS:'

iltSirSThl.^ ov.rm(<hkap,Jlvmiro.tev.^ IM.,Avwro,,sJ^^

,fire insuranc^e.

I- Ifi giroV*«^iu Cofrnoadfrted Firfl Innuraace Comproi

uawiied, « mIte.::;:;;;:;: :;::::::::*- - « “

and very danaaruia. Tte aStir ia nnfortq nato,nod where R wul and wa croam -ty.


ue tffa taormnx af th* tlte task, te tte Ire. W. L oretai. viU b* eouaL and Uiat to l-es they wUl b* la 4fry, nbl ii iidm . R'- •-sa. S Exas, of N*w York t*t»', W rvarrre urstv frem Ite. Lrt us look ai the effort or ificre

\ Kiss Luriaa it., danabltw sf W. H. 4si, sf Uib city. toanpre to the past aad consider Use probate lart^ a'

In fratemtor. N. Y..m Taasdni. Ray 17, by ilev. Joba foc>. Tb* Sra and areabm *4x1, ap wr uruteurd betor

FarkOT.Mr Juoa L. WnxxT. ef thirefry.aad Mb. Mroi most te siiter by abaodopiM SB* tW-te* fo.F <

K rxxLoa*. daoflhtcr m Rev. hathro FcUuws, at ku- by allKio* tte tsIsUo- f“>>*'.

fioUi of these tevo In

ahotoar mrariirv a^us|lr t«teo ptow. .SUf** Sa«. ta » •*

tarsre.toca laarilcaOy siren up la tb*

told b*v*r' has bad citrivafy la to* tastorn. The Uriel

‘ frlmfrot wiper real, a color not to be diatingniabed front nature, and kwaULaxrxD not to tajura ia tte Isaat, huwavar kngR may be cunttaned, aod thf iU aoevta of bad Dyes

^ _ ramadisd; tte halt isvlgwatad for Ufa by thin apUn-

,W* ear frum tob exhiliH thm to HSI Ite Mocks of tbe ‘**<* *>«• 95e••dd. mr appltod (I. 9 prlv.ta rooms) m tte

.«4Mnrktoa«r W. M. Fvi,of UmcR/.|obangrw In Uh* |mj( and coiudder Um of. Wij VncUiry, id3 Brundwny, New York. dll dtf

. K. y .- Ttesdm.. ,RV 17. b».tev Job.Ifor. Sold in aU citis. «.d town, uf tte Unitod SUU,rnitoti^UiF ihria^u BoU^Utojf nnvu in n by Dru|n;iiU and Fancy Uoudn Ueakrt. t y

ItaTen. lJhkt>«,aud OTf^od rontoj, nnd oo ;HMainbo«i kudVvtMil UulU.

DIRECTORSlYiomaj (^frl^*/* E. K. Gordorr,TbuniEfl ll Hunt, F4win Morrto,VVarrru ^tclMill, W. li. Hamilton.

TB^AS J. MARTIN, 1‘rF.utoBt.F.B. A/wooh, SarroAor/j^ >an6 dif

~FIRE insurance.Coiinolidated Fire Innuraace Company

UF FHIL.tDELFHlA.Capital paid ia rod Surplus 8167,232.

lluildinxs aud Merchandba tn-IfcteJto- surrd axaiBSt lure or daiuartr by^BffXteT, Fire, l-rrere Ub«rally adjusted

aud pafil by the uudcndxurd luLuukvilfi*. WM. FKATIIER. .ty.-ui,

,Main strret, bstwren Third aud Eourih,

dll dtf over tor store sf ll. 8 Neurdict A Sun


J. Id. D^NI^ORTtfo

OM/ dauaud uikfo. Kriuviubs'r, too, (oa oUH*r pUU ora in

tk« marnetj that /on gvt a pill of quoUt/ ratbs*riUan ui

dt/. What uoed ol lokiug four pitl» when <tm will

•vorf oM dly

Freuiklln losmance Company,OF lOFiSVILLE.

Otter, corner of Moiu and Bullitt jUeeia- jecoDd iloryNawcuuih'j lUiiidiui;. KuUaocv ua Main jtrwei.

TH1.4 Aboiiau/ eoutloosa to ^nioka loiujancc agoiiul Um perili

uf navFgatduu uo »hi|M, aUmm-tonta, and tbs*ir carguoa: alRoi^MMI/

RAttiiipt Im''’* by lira on vtomU and »««anikonu bitiMwi*: andin port, and on honjoj and cuatoato.

James TRABUE. FraMdmt.Absabam Hits, 8e*rctaF>’.

DiBifTTomn.W'iUlom Garris, •!- Llih/nv,W'Uliam Gay. Wiliuuu iluAUrfl,

Juba W. AadFiBoOp Geo C. CoffwaMUi,Sauiusd L. Nuek, ilugh }tlva^Worrea Nrwcuiub, i:baj. I. JobaoDa,JoA li. WliOwr Ww. Tcrr/aap6 ff ^

nlR _ V. D . GAETANO A CO._

Iiace Burnouz!RECEIVED nils MORNING.

JNU. A. .tllfol-KK.nilp JAb VB Puerto Mrast.


•Jii CfiitN |M*r YurJ.mtOiAb JNU. A. MIILER.

Stock) irrrflolar-GhicaflD and Rock Islaad O, lIHnali

Onirol KUtroad M, Mkhlrma Snntbora |wnrant>nd JS, N.ent amount to abtet SM. ....... Y. Central Ttfo. Hcadiaa ta, MUwaukOT and Mbsi-^pi •*Tte Board of Foreign Miaaioiu mada tosir —J

frroenri taflas ro.S, Qalcaa and Ckfcaro ta. Ml- biflaa Cro

“RlI^lteS^rN. Y., wa. -Rctad ro tte n.xl pUc. “ JTIfo U. 4 flrox to7A tt<

of mrotiDK.A mamurial of tte chwebet of PhiUdalphia oa

tha subject of church exuasiuu was raceivsd aodreforisd.

W.toHixiiTux, Msy 20.

Lowto, May ta, P. M.Fluor dcoitoodfll aa tha wreh: relram flt talar swpat

flna. Wheat bat a dccttalafl taadsaey; wbiU fll Ti. Ctei

dseltaiar yallow tac, wbiwaso. uautaifl k-- Provbioa

lOist. Whbky t-yjUalax Hemp dseliaad frltfrai sates

It is dasignad to diaceatiaae tte great averload fliiatgflllS. Tobacco dull, flf H9flt M tats

California mail, but tte point lobmRtad by tte

Pustraaaier General for tte AUortMy General’s opio-

ion involve, tte quastion ro to the power tu reduce

tha number of tnpa.

Captain, Stnogham, Mercer, and Pnrviasct, aod

C-.>mmander, Bell and Dsytun have baan appraated

aaa board to aiincro tte roousl axamiumiea uf

midshipmen at tte Naval Academy ae tte Itt af

Jsouarv.The Bustun aad Rhode Island Knight Tsmplor,

, . „ , , . . . xrelurorel this afternoon and wiU virit Ihs President rod o-rnlamiy hurar. Lmdbrovy^ romimsllf

i: u re-mure^morntau. W baby da# m »e. At to* T*. rel. U-day remfy sM a»aa. May ro M. "

Fleur uiMsUtod aad very doP; Howard-sX fl7 Ifiataal

2*. Wham JuO m fll «-^l M for wbila and fll afl tot

raUow. Pvovbww qoiex Msre pork flla ffl. fraasa

ddra latafissx WThisky deB m ai.Hc for Wsatarn.

Naw Yuan. May ta. M.

Floor dachord tac: sate oatepurtooX Mfham daoHaad

S^tM sad tads aa baysrx Corn kaaa dtefrntofl ton

sad b uatofosbh- Bssf b keavi ; aa tafox Pork

at 9 o’clock to-murrow morning.

Naw York, Msy 80.

Tha Unkod States atromahip, Atlaabc and Blem-uhit arrived thia afurnuea frum Muotevidse, hav-

ing bran in company with tte U. S. rtaantor Chapin

totte eapoa uf tte Dotowata. Tte Isttar ia buaad

toe raisloflua *• >oid at sUflbdy sstoar ptksx fla

flmnt sera taU bm tte prteas fur btocks wsra fowsr


SSocksfowsr. t:bbafls aad Kook Islaad Skte lUh

CcabalKsM; Hteubcralrul BoadaTv; Mirbiron SaaOhi

»V: New Ysrk Csatial aM; Cumbartoad Cuol Uk fra

ruAfr -sTkAiflPU PAttfl'ir ireflta

WILL bare Lul l S> .UJI for vyv x_taMlKMt > URLKA' sat is frbwx da- AmSmmmAH^H^friiaa to* ressssu

Tbomdar — apsB -X Tassday. Joas H.FrUap —Aptu ro Th irefrq . jaasMifluott-ay -*y to F-Iflsy .Jvfy m.

Fofl CttacliiPAtlTbs orw aad maaatfraaro pamraflm totirow

•gfl* . TKLEl.RAFH Ne A Hixnaavto MSar.^Mfl JacuI,, llvrrwsA. Msttw.I -as sf Ih* sasv. sttmcTs sU bovrfor taa

sksss Mat daily m .3 a’ctosa, M.

1859 ! 18591Steamer Diana,.Or . WILL hrevs L siistas to* 3mw urboro ta

,^ni|Mfr tofrssra dmtea ro>!«taa>teNt

Wsdaaaday, A|*fr ta. ’fbafadafl. J an* taL

Friday. May fl. aararoar, Jafy St

Msaday, Map ML tkamMa. Jatg ta. _TWssday. Jaa* 1. Dl 9. frfU^ICT * (Off.apt* dif ts. ItosHAM. Aroaro

DIED,fl. Evif*. frlfp nf A V. •cott.

msre tecBjirecfic^ tHran ro to tb* Wrelsrn World, aud Ntyncx.—Tte ganutaa bu tte name aod addreaa IN8*UK^*EVEKY UESCRlF'l'lUN UK 1‘KUFERTV

»P«« • •ta-l pl«u angraving OB four ridro of tba box X!:“‘^ ^ ““ luA.'W'isrsi

3,000 yds iu fOOll celors und quulities lu» innocmica. Both diad bard.

to Th^hkiT Tte a^rom.r. toft MuSiavaknMarch 23tb, atappiug at Pernambuco aad Barbadooa

|'^.*^ *’ *'*’*•.***! Gatoua and C*-‘— jr Mtohtoro *

fur cual,

PiTTSBOBO, May 20.

Jacoby and Evan,, convktrd uf tte mardsr at

their wives, war* hung at two o’clock P. M. Theexrcuiiuoa srer* airielly privets. Thera was nomiluary prrmnt and vary fow wsra adautted. Ihecrowd outside was nut lar^. Jacoby dsclmed mak-ii^ a ipeach. Fivroa spue* half an hour, detdariog

AiNMiarA, Ua., Hay 8l>.

Tforaorrow’a Coastitiitioiinliat will contam tba

Sts. Clrectoad snd Tulado ta^ Ctovstaod, Coraraksw

sad cindarofl wM.

Naw Ton Usm.a Msaon, May tP.

Thacareawl prtoaafor taa weak at allto* msrkstotro t


rosy osm-xFtnt quality, par flil fta l 'I '

Oe-tooa »3l«latorlsr flaagti

Wi laflka ef Lsakvilk aad vtaiaRy in tte i

mK'fuUr tovitsd ta


Lrimsav Aeeaev.—Tte

X ite.vttre of tl VOT b ttei^y ssqavristtoa, wh^^ iff WILLIAM A. BATCHFXUR, 833 Broadway, hFUIN«iPIKI.» IMMOBANCE fO.MPAN Y OF AT UM CENTS.

^ tSsSSiI*™^* rer or > y Now York, rod sold l*y Wilson 4 BUr^binJ Ldbu- J** mt9 JAb JNO. A. MILLEB._ Te-raorrow a coaainaiioiiaiiat wiu coeiam tte H wrotaE Yilk. %bi6 dfim "8l>57ArFiELD,‘MA« cM^ T A AArTVTtit T A AVTCi-ift correspondancaef Barney ritizero with the Hon. SdfiiS/^'.'.v.v."” 2i:7.‘Vll2lro^toSLi7.Sii^^ TrrrTr.-; CIIAK-PEB OAK l.«ril'U^N<:El-o.{fP^?N«'ro L-A. \V JN rS! \V JN oil a. ll. supbana. taodartag him a complimentary OaSiSi. »!252

flUw KdlUoM «f doUora oiamally We bava, tbntwfui«. ICJS^***WI(j8!H.VRTFUkD, GUNN. Gauital aud duri*iM di4U,MM. * aro • ak ^ ^ .

, diMABr. tO tabdpw;n UM Ibe 3d of Jttlv* Infortor. Ml dOfafa

“ SS.^Mtons doUan- ss to* oot-id* limit of the aerasATu BATt^UELOK’S W1G8 AND TDUPEE8 lur- ’*^1 P**-***- Only I A 1--T Cetalfr per Yard. „'

vxsL orovro

nMniJ iW fani ^i. from rtuirTlefi<Mn Mxty l« dBl/ five atUliuiw of doilnn. TbeiMi (d«i«rdny> oAmmoob, tioilaK.,

l,y nBeio tbrorte rannot be Iom ii*ao twrut/*- «ivc milUooff of doUara auuuoUv. We bava, tbntwfk^,


imtXf luilUoM doUarr or tbe oot-lde lluiit of tW oceewdou

wwto. w ^ g ax-ro—f-^ ^^re t# U*® Ttot* of iltvar Ulow. UWhq»evw, ^«2p9i’-— V*** ^ tbnl ibrongb u*e ebannel #MBt tro» Eub-n^wilani In oil wail rnruinlwd gm.ro4 i^t jrmr iixt/ nkUltoua ul duibLa fa lil/isr, U liidia mbU.€ tbat |HMM« nrv tmiMU/ kBowu, Uku faot lorftr FsiForta of ialvefare ^



pattaa all. Ttey ara alagant, light, aaay, and du-

fitttag te a charm—no turning up bobind—no

shriiihiag off tte head; indeed, thia ia tbs only £e-

tnbliahmant wbara thaas things an properly nnikr-

stood and made.

fohl6 dCro 233 Broadway, New York.

Iitarokn wa be heU IMR ewnO^ at • e’ekO. AfuB roiaaflnnro of tte mamt in k dariand. ro Ihs

pfltffaaad ammSmmta te the t intaRroiin will ha

was tflfr^* - lb I flu

, Ity.

ten ro toeritohfo retrolienreforlh puld moK I

oM r-telton of aald aa

ar«ta» tai ara net expaciad ta Ite I narinRRadrorood ritahpflmtan Ghanah ea ffahknlh, ewRgin On ^smm^ O* O flmdro.

*^ ^'^ ** PHamtaaflathro.arite

MCtahflfraafrfrtaro whe taafled ro thro (dnee foofli

OahfligAffffMtahro Iff paroataad,the hediaii haw-

tagkdiaa infrliy. Tha ramjiaifrg U wa pnU-bW« «» BflW Tidtita Oe Aflriaro.

'ACXLfllOBlE X C K L s I o w*. ’

K X C K t f o R t'E X C E L I o R IEXCEL a I M K|

ruducifiiu of (Old b DOW faUy NuTiCK.—Ladies whu hava not yat supplied them- 2^^^roinsaf'" “** “** •“““•• *>»

lOD of told for sUvsr ia tears- g^d at Iba store of U. B. Tabb, ueraar of Mrokot eUty days’ (mm*.

^ Bfi^ fotoemouayofoommaree. Th* and Fenrth atraett, a larg* and varied aaaortineut ofiR*-**!*- **ke

l??to?S^ every deecriptieo of drae. good.. H. r«»ived thi, jplu adopted. At thk ttow HoUsad ta tb* grorning by axpraas a choice aaaortmant of Silk and

81-KINUFlELD, MASS. Cspitsl sud Surplus fllwi.uuu.CIIAKTEB UAK l.'Mril'UANf'E l'O.MPANV afH.tRTFURD. CUNN. Capital and Surpias flaai.uw.Kbks token at lusrei ustoblisbed rales sud loreea prsmet-

ly sdjushsl sud |-sld. J. L. DANFUKTU, AesaL< H*>u. In Nsvcoiub’s Buildinx, oraor of Main aad Bui.

I -jr-snoo-'a BuUiuroasL ansi

BaaatalUhed In the Year IMJfl.

THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDOMFlifr and Lifa InnorraDOfr CompaBy


•ftfrfr.OfrO Uopealted la NewTark.Insursuea aflsiast tost ky Sr* sx

^^Bffte oa boiMints aod eoDtaals. Lite .ifr^insorsDo* alfeetod on to* nuMt fa-IQB^

^BOSIta vsrsUstonux Lotaem /mid bpAHtaOiUu uwirreieiuil sa esuA, Me Comiranv net rrvwMin*

Unnal Price 25 Centn!

r*!VE! 0-^S£JSJust Keccived by Express!



PrrrancTO, May 20, P. M. i nnt *oalfry. * *.

River 3X fra*, by metal mark and falling slowly.|

Tte waaUisr it clear and mild.‘

St. Luna, May 20, P. M.

Tho fiver It Mationnry at thia point, aad tte Mk- I‘?ta^*!*****’» * ***^

tonri hfrd npitr Miataaaippi ara foUi^. Wantter|

cloudy aad clero.

1117 F01:RTI! STREET.Brtvsan Barkct aod jederton.

WM. SINTuN, AxoatNa. 48D Main ttnat, Laobvllto lit

Dr. T . B. Bau.. Msdiral Kiamlasr.

oaly eommerctorewsrory srktob nffoset to abaadon tte as._,l.. Milk Kolrea Small f'hack WIka Ha. LoulflVlUa InsuraSCa Companymoney of to* EAtt; all of the otterv hare pracUcaUy, from Itaca Mantka, Silk Kotea, Small Lback Silks, Ba-

QgSf, no, (A aids a/ Rain etrset batseen Thirdareraitay. adopbd gjld asto* oat atoadard, oTO abuidfo to Oifraadko. and Gfenadina Bahaa, Travsling PvwKA, oosr tha ttare af D. S. Bmediet.torare Jualiot to all, auto* tte chanfl* totad. Tte ration rage v«a«B

i i.._— rt—


it. Chartered Capitol.. aEXCRLaliiRlEXCELflIURtRXCRLBIURIKXCBXfllURI



rVo**? ^ « 51 'p“b*.-


Ad alactian will ba held by tha qnaliflad votan of

BL'LWErs Dramas aad Poem, ra bto* and raid at I tte Fdgbth ward, on Satanlay, May 21st, 1839,

-X. isx. a t .r „# .X- O , a . I for ooa person, ro Trustra <ff tha UnKsnity aadTb* History and Ufa of the R*v. Dr. Juhn Taulsr. of I p., il. Juhre.U af LuuiaviU* to fill tha uaaararsd

stniaboiir*, with » of hia SOTmuns i remp. with a IPublic Somre** •* xouisv^, to ui tna uroxytrsa

pyafan- by Chrs. Kina-ley. at CLAHKIfS., _ x. -

Dovouix’t Landmape CardsDor aad Rural ArehUastnre, I will ha at the Bascua Kogire Hooaa, anx tte Ea-hy Henry Wlutor^ rarxsat. at CLAKKL’8. wine Hunse in Portland. Tte fetlewing naraao*

WBmBmmja gjIW a»l— ^romim. ro^awarwaro-^ SW. r^m I n~mnfll«ni rir' WWOM lOa MMV\m9a ArWVWlUiK f»ww*ro, romro# ayw mrew-w- w OP. Ofr.

Irs^Jftro“priL^^ DramG^. p«-ok. Law-,, org«.dia

M.rita..FonUfd8nk.SUkP,k.,B.yttl.reBarage^tocreps* to ssism iirai'

. popalaOun, etc. , of tte world. The Kabnidariaa, Mnslina, F'aito, Ureoadina Sbawk, Halta, oa Staambrota, on Caipoi>**^fa*bBl4/ of ibM b la a aroaidanraa fcoMoaod by havinc reiro*mwre » j *Wre. fa nl •*•* and tivartanAordi, and il maf te qaffSwMd U it4ana»oiaak« Soblfa* Tuf bOUM bM nlWlFt •BjOJdw tbe ^ uouol bom of loin id UaiH|*ortattaa,

^prorokn efkropingth. ttfil morodroirabk ‘I'SISKilcSf*.

,1, ,,, 4,^(^^,,ndltora. ,—odatoba foond in thk ar any other Sonthern Wfr.rnasaro, lacraiary.

,^.7772. a-i-traatm hmom. to. R. A. toto -

L*'^hf^stion l*C* OrganiliW, »"d Gfenadina Bahaa, Travsling '‘^’Pamd^aaer tha aSart M D. S. BrnediS’.'" Ued*ea and Evertrrenx by Warder, atSsv* teen telecltd aa ollioan te cornet t^to*^ tame,

mutobi* as pot° Dtsm Goods, Paraaola, Lawn*, Jaconats, Organdie Sl4l7rodrot«rei::::::’:::::*‘”"r.V."V.V.V.V *W^ Siiiwrior Irod INineto. eqiTO ti FabsPs and ^ ‘*'7'*'^ urn inIlnaliB*, FouUid Snk, SUk Ptka, Bayadere Barage^ fl^toro!wSPm^^ ro Lroml sumplaa on Note and Uttar Pap«^ Wm‘. A.* Martin, Ckrk; William CtayTor, SterUE

h. world. Th. llnalin. Fanx Grsnadina Shawl. wJigp^ratan^bro^ »“ ttorpqs,Ladls.’ Nofo and Letter Payer, st ha Rewtn. Engine Uoroa.

-leUn Mitcteli rod Louie Bath, Jud^ B. Bok-and F. Dackwsll, steriff, Portland.

Eav* teen telecltd n ollioan te coadact I

DianofOM.Boa. J. AdamR. A. Rob

Ladita’ Not. and Utb’r Payer, atci-*KKE’A

Ladiro Euveloys for Cardx Nolst, Lotten. Ac., alCLAKKirS.

Ladieff Paper aod Envtdoys Staaiixd to orter at_

»i,ix CLARhE’S,

at the Reectu Engine Uobm.tleha Mitchell and Louk Bath, Judgna; B. Buk-

ten, t!krk; and F. Dackwsll, steriff, Portlaad.

ndla wiU te opaoad at 7 e’atock, A. H., rod

chnad at 6 P. M. of said dty.

T. U. CBAWfOBD, Mayor.

MAxuK’a Oi'Picx, May I8*- blfrjtd




watatfrtattlta Vtatacy atroc ffita,

»ANr»A€Tl'hRBri »V CANBUtt,and DfrfrltaM ita PocBlffta fN frfllro


Page 4: Internet ArchiveTHELOUISVILLEDAILYJOURNAL. JtJ-•roMto®tittp^tyIW4T*w^l^r. Ioftiw*iMti*oBftcoofoxTIri**od». iit«r H

i ianrM.



€)oMtuti»9ion JflerchmMtB.3MTE3A?\r YOrUKL.

114 Front 8t Cor. Wall St.

IIBERAL adv»DW« m*4« o» eotMicnpMsU at H«at

^ Tobft«eo, M»d WMtPra prodtm t»—rally. IMrv t

r. H- Haat A Co . Lool*rWW. maS4 4ly«


MILLINERY ANO FANCY STORE.MRH. M. J. BRYANTWUL'LO ns.pMtfuUr lafun. hK JMh Jlfrrrteod. and tht pubtle In fOiCT-

that rii. bM Duw oiiaiMa uid 1.

^QL daily mrlT^ tlM UrMt itylwt<*o3*' in bw Kn*. Tnaokfal for put fU->o^, iti. .ollclti . of th. luir.f^Cirim Irft at th. ftnrr or her rutdmer la Portland111 be promptly attrad«d t..V~Packa(M drltruad aitbrr la th« Hty or Poitlaad.aplt dtf M J. BRYAXT.

OlMolatloii.ate. I»umll*C.. f 41^1^ by mutual^'jl^motlon to tab. aflbet fram Jaanary

h ebarud wttb tbr aattl»nt rf tta bodum,aatbocCd to ua. lb. aaaac of the Crm la tbe

’ CLAVUK d m VALL.W. TUEKK*.C. T.c. r. Ti RXKm


LINE, eomi'oaiid

^^^BBEIrit Clu< Btaamrri. arrMKS^BSBBaow ruDukia rufularly betwua tha above poria.

Eiriclit ^pi>«d via B and O. K. K. from Parkarahurtor l^liwflnc for Bavaouah at tbe latwinr of the !*tate« of

Ourfla, Trnnnaarr. aad Alabama, from Savaaoab vta

Railroad, vUl be taken at low ratre aad prompt diapatrh

“Srrir« Clue Cabin-^j‘»i*^¥zEL,- Ai;al“-

mayll d»m Baltimore. Md.

CONCENTRATED LYETha Kaady tamily Boap Maker, wvra



M«aafArtur«d only by tb«


PITTMBl'Ktl. data

fi, 0RLEA\8, MEMPHIS, the 80FTH.

T-R^n T aA YAl-J JE3




20 liOXJTtSfrom

St. Louis to IKIeinpliis.

SaiT:, ‘*"'5 ** A M.. arrive at Mem-CmJhJ «5 o!io;^.'^»''’^ «“'>“• *“• •“->

1 Ime from at, Loola to Memphlaand Loaievllle to Mem-pl^ from OM t» tbr«e <Wya dbortor oa thU rout« tbaa byui«* liTer atcttoipn.

Checked Threufth.Orlnaiu ban a rbolre of two rout^.


' ufctwroad to Mom|ihii «nd Mi>aai4‘r to N«tw Orii'anp.

“?aUroalmNew^Orl*^:‘ *- '«k.bur, and


f,S5 Central Railroad, Chiaa«o:***^,a^**’**^**P*',®L' Cddb and I'lnrlnnatl, and New

Alb.ny, Balem, .ud J eOermavllk ralinwde, Loulevtlle.

_ . . HENKY COFFIN,Superintendent Memphie .nd Ohio Railroad.

">y- <*” Mempble, Tcnn.

THE COLEM.tK F.UtM MILL.The Wonder and Admiration of the A^e.Evprjr Farmer hiaown Tinier!3 ID'CrV'AJ-I- «5c CO.,

M e« kup t-eena"/


^l»e Faaey Staple aad Dametrtle


Mr M MMwayCtoorviatvwa; aa^•r NWbaWvtAa,



Has now on hand, and is constantly rf,-oaiTliir, one of tbe larfcat and baodaomaM aloeba of

iHBi, £LA88 , aKD QrEEN8WARE••r o4wvd la thii markpt.


Leekiag Glasses, rasters, aad atber

Plated Goods, Laateras, kc,' Atf



Have ju*t publiabed tha ftraC of a aariao of Tuiumai,

aath eoDtaioiog * oollecUou of tha Spaacbea and

Writinfo oi ouch of tha piihlk men of tba couoUy ao paa*

aaaa Mfficient emloaora to juailfy ouch a publkatioa of

thair iK>litlcal prodartiooa.

Tba firot Toluaiae « hich to uow raady . will cuootituta a full

culiaciiob of tbe


A Senator in Conirraii from MUaMppi. and formerty

CfuTarftor of that SUta. Irafacad by a m.»#raphiral

Sketch, and Portrait enfraTrd on a*ael. of tba diatlanuioh-

ad auhiecL Edited by U. W. Cluakey, author of

“Tha political Text Book “

Tba above U e Ainplate In one larfc octavo voioBa of 6tt>

pag««e bound la tlieap, beat libtar>' otyla. priea SJ.

Bookaa-Uera ahould taod aaily ordara to iaaora fopiaa

from Uia inil adition. Copied of tba above tent tree bymail on receipt of price.

ClubdofSix 4U.

FANCY C3K)ODS.At 110 Fourth atraai, betwaan Matkat and Jatfarvon,

Can ba found a larfa and beautiful awortmant of fane/artirtea, conaMind of Fana, Comba. Bruabaa,

fujnary, Pomadaa, Portmonaiaf and Pur>oa, Satcheto, Vla-

Mnc Card*. Card Caaaa. Ci«ar Ca^, Writinf I>a«ka. Scia-

•on, K.ntv(w, i>ba, Ps^ranibulatora, Banket*, and all kind*

of W’Ulow WaPa, Ffwlhrr i>natrra. Toya, dtc., Ac. W’aInvite tha attention <»f tha Ididio* to our atock, faeUntaiwurad ai rf'fard* uricaa aud tha quality of our aooda theycannot tail to 1^ * '

TIIO.WAS P. STOVALL a CO^Geseral ('•bsi«a Mercliaais,

AUGUSTA OCO.,AMVE THE STRICTEST ATTENTION Ti» ALL^ UouidUMou of Buun, Lud. Buon«. Rupi., luui•li Wevtem ProdM*.Sw^u Pmebmu med. m Mvnnhi. mm. « uh tbe

OMt.1 Adv.nw on mi t;*wi(Bmeu<.•«*NABC»iiS. SHIRT

INGS. .nd SHF.F.^.NGs k^t eoem.uUy u.bMd fromth. MONTdl R I'OTTON MILLit.

REFRRE.NCKA.Mean, flmm IbiflMd A Co. t , ,- ReUAMudufc. Lonl..iIta.

N. LuMwutb.t .. -S. W. Pike, t


CLAl'Dlrs blTALL.

sriruFFE a RrueEit,

WHOLSSiU OBUiGISIS,ttu Main airaat, between Third and Fourth,

ldOUIHVIIdL.E« in'.

nuTL' AttF TK RRi''EIPr tlF OUR BPRINO 81 P*

pliB ^ filh EriS.ri«**clo«, Fancy Oooda.Ac

.Id wKStlSJed!. -flit now pr^ «o uA u pnnrtul

naan tha aUeiition oi tha trade to our atock.

FAHNESTOCK'S PURE WHITE LEAD.K h»ve for tbe put thru or fonr yenri kept a w^y

fi of th« oaperior LudW« b^.v. we wer.^ irml.intrudw>e it In thG nmrkrt.nud idmU nlw.yi have ou!ludVioS«ook of R. Wo will be pleuod to fnniM.Bv of our neiBhun who mar fet oat uf tba ariteie.

Mte drt Bl'tcLIFFK A HUGHES-

R. T J. ORGTJAN (lam at PhOadMphla) beeune.anitauiaanr bnue from tbiedate

la iTim THOB. ANDERSON A CO. 1H59. 1859.Lake Ontario aad Elver 81. Lawrence.

AMERICAN STEAMBOAT CO.M. WILL oa tbe W of May oautnerun

favorite Meamm between Laai-taaW|gWAX|i2( Mvor) and MouU^, touebinc

all the difkrent polnm on tb. Laka and

Thioufh tieket. m ba pnfehued at tba 0«» at lb.I«ul«llle .nd i iiminii.0 L. A M.U Una aud at iba dU-Grant Kniii Aiod OAcaa in Loui^iUa

m.wa AAn« r, 0. ..k a.

* “ McKAV,

Oc^MTtiMnhlpBAVR Ihm day amniiatel with me my ma, John R.Blaaihaid. aad will camdau We tAothia, aad Farnwh

‘ rf-~“ * mtleaf Qat. Maarb .rd

I mlio iht. iipirtaalW of rataralaf thaaki to the nab-aaaarany forUmir Rhatal utroaapa Mr the tarn thitly

Iiti. biiilai 1 aiaaBaiiiii ii tbe mmr for the new Arm1 am vary tauaotfully paara,






M, djn. New Albany. Indiana. BURTOIV a HAI.T.,


afferrhantn^Na. MM Mala M., bmwaaa Seventh aad El<bth. nurOt dda,

LOriSVILLE, KV.,foeotvln* a Uru aad weR ta-

OBGOtalbS. wbiak they odbrvary

itad with me hi the IMu and>. J. Lotih Sebroedu, tbe dmier dk 8od

J. H. aCllBOEIiER.

nnsa A. WAUTS’OOYS’ eks OIH-XaS'

Clothings Establishment.


OKEAT national UUFTC.riVEKMINATES AT WASIIINGTON AND UALTl£ uioreontho leant and Whariiny, HauwcMpii, and Park-traborg ou the >>eat, at which pUcM it uuiU-nwith Kail,roads, 8tPaman,drc.a for and from all pointn in the

WE?4T. WOUTUWEMT, ANI> NOKTIlWEHT.Fora to Now York aud Donton tl.NE DOLLdVK l#vi than

via any other route.

Two train! leave l^'kaeliog daily, at S;Qf p. M , andll:au A. U.IHrect rnonactioni are made by theae traini

FOR ALL THE EASTERN CITIBaTbii lithe only route to Waahii^on City.Pamrngen by thb route ean visit Baltiiuora. Philadel-

phia, New York, and Boeton at the coat of a lickat to Boa-tuu alone by other routes.

Through Tickets to tbe Fastem dries can be procuredvia Waahmgiou (.'ity at an additional charge of $t eo

tjulck tune and sure eonnectiona.K^Uquire for Ticket* vU BALTIMORE AND OHIO

RAiI.RtiAD at any of tbe principal Railroad Ofh^ in tbeWest £ F Pt'I L£K, Muaral Waatem Acenl.

L M. COL£, General Ticket Agent.W P SMITH Master of Traniportation. mdly

Also, just ready, a rerbed and much improved edition of |



Invaluable for political !peake*e or writers, eontaining

tha history of every politick quvstioa that is tbe suhlect of

discusdon. Tlia most important political Uocumeata andGongreasional Nohw are coutaiited in U. Over nyu page!

at invaluable political matter is I'ubraced in it.

Prka, same as Governor BrownSame terms to Clubs.

Tha undersigned al«o puhlivh over 2M ditfer<'ui w.%rks In•very dapartmeut of lUaratura, caialogne! of which will

I ha tent to any address ou application

JOHN R. CONWAT A BON,M - Bm«mm * wM «-»

BALTiniORE, no.,Impartert ani Wheleaalr Dtmltra fa Braitdie*, IFfua,

Vta.. Civarm A t „«»d A uviHa/ ou /cya, Baarbua, and tTkaat WkialOa

Vl^E odav for .aW u th. Trad., f^Warvboum, a lara. airwtm.ot of BKANI)1F,S, vIc

Coputnerahip Notioc.

ITfll’i B ALEXANDER, fc..., H adnifHed u a part


H. P- WEWCOMB * Bto. Third street, east side, between Walnut and Guthrie sts.,

one door north ot Sehon Chapel,


SHE has eenstautly on hand a supply of the beat Mate-rials for luaklog ChlUien’s Ctothlng. Abo.aflaeas-

sortmant of liimmiogs AJi dtfoi TNOTICE.

HE nnderdgned, having purchased the latered of It

^ of Cbwnaoathmimoddy. widhJ?d“r. WHotPlaakLE MijUtiK HLaJ.Ntid as

'Tie or cHLMtrwrrk * co. atMain Uirei, b^wer* davenih and

aignih nn • * . wa. w.—a.

HeDDess> ;4.nard, Itopuy, « Do.; .lulea Robin. PInet Cas-

tdiLkw n t'o.; palWvoLdn, aad dk-ignetto ef various gmdes

aiM viata*..- BINIiS'— idirfT> , M-dal^ I*ort. Cl»r^ChamFa«iM%*.. WHISKY.-We would call partKalar

aoratira to oar mock of <Md Wbuky of varfow pwdr.and uoaim... which I. vvry ait*naiva sowm vary eld andnawAur, and all (uarmuliad to (iva ntUr. aatiMaeUon.

CirGAIi^ Embwluf a laraa amurtaiant of the dtdcrvnt

and moat puyular M> i. aod twand.. Imported by and mannfarlurad exprvady for onr mk.-all at whirb we uOn' ouliberal term., and any ordar. oatruAnd to n. wtd radva

ipwatMS Siapte. kessM r«rtsis.




MRS. S. A. ALI.EN’SWorld’s Usir Restorer k ZylokalsoBUB

rob (.LX AT

MRS. A. NAXTTSBOTS* AMIi GIBLS’ CLOTHINfl ESTABLISHME.ST,,Ait Mde of Third atraet, betwKn Walnat and Quthiie

atn-wla, one door north of Sahon chapel,

A24 d6m l,Oi:iHVII,I.E, KY.

HE aadar.HiMd^'* enierMl talo parin^lp (^^fmm lliiiibar for the tmuaction id a W hoimale G»

r CoumMon BaMmu andrr the name and Myiv

* MaiiSr^ WM. t . TYLKE,lA. dtf E J MAKTIN


PRIEST & BOWEN,Coulssios k Forvtrdisg Merchasis,



Copartnerahiptey aaaortaWd with u oar A «A Aoeper.P Wlard.aad will ronttau tbe Sardbaitaem aador the mae naam and Myl.


TO AGENTSA#enti wlu Sad tbe above work, very jrobtaUe and

bhtaMe Term* on tbe above and any of our other pub-llcatlop., aod all information connected vitta the bunnet*.

made knoan on application by letter

.TAMES B. SMITH A CO-,PublGberi, WhclcaJe BookwHere, and

Blank Nook Manufactaiere,

mayfi dim* No. 610 ChoMont .treet, Philadelpfau.


t^trl.AfoiKiW. LlVk.kPtMiL, bELFAMT,KBSoHlDt bLlX. A LOMM»Ufe.HRY>4or h3U

FROM NEW YORK.GLASGOW, Thomson. SntMrdny. May 14, at 11, naan.EDINBURGH, Cnmuiiog, Wedott^y June l,alU, noois. :

GLA^iOOW. T^mson, ** Jn^yg. atlSnoon. i

EDiNBUKG, ( nmming, “ July ST. at 11 aeon.


EDINBURG. Camming, Saturday. Msy 7

GlafkStfOW, Thnm*>n. ** Jaue 11

EDINBURG, I'uinming, “ .luly f.

Katas of Paasege from New York. PhOadalphta, or Bae-tou to Glasgow, Liverp(»ol, Beifart, Dublin, or Londondar-ry, ftrst clwM, h«&. Shvrmgr, f»iiad witu an ahiindaner efproperly rooked provuii.n^, hSu.Passage frnm either of the above placM to New York,

Anueatio, $75; steerage, hxu. I'hUdtnm under 11 years «fage, ha'f fhre. An experkneed stii'^geon attached to each


steamer. No charge for mediciiies.For freight or paw»age applv to

ROBERT CRAIG,daclodly ir Hrwndwmy, M. T.

LOUISVII.I^ Mild..TBIS mill Mnow in lull operation, aud we are pre.

pared to fill all ordar. for PUWEK-LOUM BAGUING and MACHINE RGPE. „jU TH08. H. HUNT A CO.

Have reminiad tha Flour aad Orooery badaem a.

lunBCiiy eoadneled by them at tbeir idd Mand, cor-

ner of Fifth and Market mraal., where they wlU be pleamd

to attend to tbe oalU of cnatomera. . „ _

It M their doeicn to keep the ctaoteed brand, of FamByHoar which Uwr will deliver tiee of drayace at modar-

“prom tbeir lone experience In hie budnem, they fedwarranted In myinc that they can sfln- freat InducemmiM,-—I tner wtnfidrnily' tmat to tbeir uuc .landlne for a Uheeal dmra of ntronoce. air^

imSfft HTIIa

Od the EuropeaD Plan,


SHIm SI hit: m III


•••». Sl^er, WhlaAl.nrd, Ar., oa Coadaomant, and Mertbandnpromptly to all po»nt« froe. Mempble. lanJedd

EAN8 AND LINSEY —A lac«e duck in dare and for

ala by OU) TIIO* U. HUNT A CO.

OOL WANTED.—We are payin« tbe blfbed marketpore tor Wool.



(Late Robiaan * Brcitbeij.


toraas. Britbh, ssS .iBcrkaaFafoVn* oKr kiooDs,

For Summer^Fe bnve for fair snd nr* now inrsevipt of g fiesb mip-V V pl> of thld Coni, from UohI rivitr, Vx., celf^brsta^ torPurler and Cooking uurpoMwAlso, Pituburg sod p.mirroy ('«>tl xt thr avaxl mxrkrt

prkxs. Dl..MdTEAl> A irUDNNUILxp/i dim ( nut DxxieisOfRcv, »ottthwvst romvr ul Biookxod Msrkst sts.

YetJ, sQulhwrst corner of Clxy xud Fulton sts.

PEARSON A KINO, UNDERTAKERS,at THE old stand of cacdry a fiulkmon.

C'fJnsw of Third xnd Jrffers»n 8traeU.

laOriMYllAldK, KY.

Agents fur l- isk*s M<*ulltr xnd Crxne*s Uxiksi Borixli>sxs A Ixrgv xM>rtavn( xlwxya on hxod. Alsu xll

kinds ot Wo^ UoiSlns of wxry sfyW xnd hmish, xnd hxving two now Glnss lloxnrt xnd x Urgv nxmborof fioo

t Jxrrixgvs, wo xrv prouoivd to xUond to exUs in too city or-- flD dim

rVAHF. oopoft—rshtp hvrMoferr rshrtaig undvr the Mylrt1 «f Brannon. Pnoerson, 4 Go. xnd Pnttvrsnn. Brannon.4 Hottndny wsev dlxinlwd on Uw 17th inrtxnt, b.r maUmlmSmSk 8. H PATTRitfoN.

.1A8 W BKANNO.NLnnteMto. Bipi. »,W L. P HOLLADAk

Pise Porrifn Extracts aad ( henicals.ALLFN ds t'O *8, of London-

l-lxtrnrt Hyoscixnm«:Do Bellxdouna;Do Conluml>o 4U>mp*d roloeynihI>o Indiisu Hemp:Do Txrxxicum.

8GUIERK*8, of London—Extract of Indinn Uenip.

HERRING'S, of Lod;?od—Extract of lodlxn Heinj>.

HOW ARD 4 80N*H. of leondonOnininx;Quinidine;Oxiomel;Blue Pill.

MANDKK'8 Uxlomol;Bine PUl;

MRR1T8, of OarmatjulL-Morphine;

I Extract of IndUn Hemp;I

OU of El got.Tbe Ixrgvr portion of our own direct importxtion.apt WILSON A BTAkBIRD.

WM. RAMSAk. I . F J>;0ER.

WM. ra:msay & ao.,337 Maiu st., betwero Sfiveoth and Eif(li(h,


AREpre,*ered to furnish and put up in x workuxniikemxnurr xil kinds of Pi|nw for itx«, i4te*.xm. xnJ W'xter.

Have on hand x Urge x-sortment of Gxs Fixtures xndRurnerv uf every di^ription.

lalft xnd Force Pump* of eiery kind for i 'wterns, WcUa.4c., 4cAll kinds of :4oda Wxter Ai'pxratus, Ale Pumi>s, Beer

Fxiieocs, xnd t;ocks of every dtwrripuon for Gas, btexai,and Water.

ClT’All kinds of Jobbing dune in the xb<»ve Hue withdi»|Mitch. 4;handi*liera and («as Ftxinrxi rupxirad andcleaned to equal new. ai4 dtf

ned will eantinae tbe bnMnnai of HoR,nndev the Arm of WATKINS, HUN1,

MEN. J ADAM8 laontovUle.

WM WATKIKft,(lAtv M Watkins 4 owMer.)

W1L80N 8 HUNT. FayKiacee, Ky.JNO. H. COOPF.R,

THE rE.N.N8TLTANI% CE-NTtlLonuUT i»n»nipti>

S. GORDON,OiMmissioM aJEerchaHl^


RESPECTFI LI.Y w>brft. coad«nmen*. of bloar.Wheat, i'nrn, Clovefieed, Baeon. Fork. Hama I«rd,

‘Tallow, and Butter, aad all other tblnf. appertainlne to aOemeral Unmmladoa Biudnew,. febie aim


lkfkfl FIKCKS printed Handkerchief! xt ft cente;y IIIlU 6t« pieese Dotted do 1ft do;

1 ,'Hd do nhtrt Ho*oma xl Itf do;l,euu do French Embrfddered Mushx banJa

at SO canD;4.HOO yarda fttvierea at ft rents;IjMM do Jxeonet Inaertions at Ik cento;1,«M) do Mualin do 1ft do:

JiiM received by UHARLKs F. RAUCHFUSSaxpSl dtf ^ fourth atraet

ROBERT CARMICHAEL,CsMissisB anS FsrvarSiar .Herchaat,



LEROY’S MIXTURE FoR THE^^KVfrompt akdcutain cure of all

HURETHRAL DISEaSI>. AND THOSE AFFBCTIOSSSOLELY—TO THE PUBLH.'.—•evantaen yoarv'lHat of tbl. Mlztnrv In an ei-eemmvepfwarie. in New Oetean. ba. fully leetodM. power, and rewoved Uuot proodioe. a Lieb

nd ta. pabiir cenaraUy bavea^net an advar-

n.. r4 aadtetae by It. tavamtaie Mreao.lnall Umhral Dh-Mm leMieit unmiliiii ITirnnlr finiTiiTbini Olnrt fi i-

madlr RMetare., Naaralfia af tbe Bladder aad Urethra.

^Baetten eftW Kidney., Inrontlnance of the Urin.,

^n'woaM'ba wail ta ebatinata eaaaa af goaai rbaeaadMeal bo Mt la naa~-^ i wtih ^ Mixture ear CAM-

UERSONAL atteatioa ftvea ta tbe purcbMa aad ohlaafIT Prmtwee. M -rehaadlae. aad Maaufaotared Arbrii..tar’iibaral advaarea mada oa aaoManmenu.Rxrcaxurxo: Cbaa la Fool*, CaHi er, W’artkiaafoa A

<X>., Iluah MrHiruoy A Co., Nettlrloa, Lawr., A MDay A Matlacc. Hare A Wot, W>aaa, Haiaaa, A Ca..Cuananali; Arebar. WhHnA4a A Ca„ Wm. WltbtaaaSt. LouK Samuel orT. Evaaavsfo; Rakart Dalaall A t a.,Alexander LanehLn, Pttubarr Mccuirheoa A t'olba..Phliadrlpbia; McAndraw A Wara^ .New York; .laha -k.Caldwell, Krakiik Alfred GalctmU. ouli,,. , ill ; Bailor ABoyla, Rock I-ImJ. AM Abn*

CHILDREN’S CARRIAGES & GIGS, 3NrOTIOX3.IN munectino with Jom-ph T. lixwkms, of the Parath of8t. Mary's, Loubixnx, <xs paitOk*rio rummeudum), we

have o|H*nM X bouae in New uriexos for the purpuae oftransacting x Ovnerxl < ommlaMiiD ^isinesa.

DUMfteC^NIL 4 IjoniaviJle.DUMKiNIL A MclLVAlNK. N. York.

April I, W. H. A. DUMK8NIL 4 N. Orfexw.

new, abort, xnd cheap route betore aeh^og ot^r*. as U hasC HILDRKS'dUxrrixgdWxnd Gun and Double Uxrrixgeawith aexta front aod back, top fall front and back, and

Cnba; Meel si»riug Glga. we heve the new atyle Rotary andPerambulator*; also the colored Willow with enamel topcover to It. We have the laigeat aasurtment in the city,

and wlU guarantee them to be better made than auy others

D the city. We invite all buren to come and examinebeat gooM before nurehasing eiaewbere, as we are selling

nt very low prices, lowt-r than we ever have sold.


COLD AND HOT BLA8T PIH IRON,!(like No. 41 Wall eL. betwiwn Mein and River,

1.0CIHTILJ.E. KV.\\’ I LL .apply Foonduia. and KolUnd MUU from llte

e V folluwlBc FnraacvKCotupr Pomace, Star Furnace.Buena Vima Famare, Bel font Fomace,taroUne Famace. Laurel Fomace,Steam Furaace, Mt. Savon Famace,Penn Furnace, Hariieoo f urnace,Ofaenap Famace. llacRlay Famace.LtBCtaae Famace,

IS^W'e alw kaep conetoatly on faaad all mow of Nalk

. and Fire Bricka.tetal d«m GEO. 8. MOORE A CO.

uugueAionablc kdvantaire. over all otber.,*and b the o#i)vroute by wh'ch THROUGH TICKETS tn HI. Joaepa byrailroaJ can be i>urchaa>d. Tiekeu for Mie at all tberailroad ofticea. For further inlurmarlon and all contract,applyto J. 11. BOWEN,

General Apent, SL Lonir.P. B. GROAT, Oeneral Tieket Axant, )

JUSIAU ULNT, Superintendent, »»“«““*•




Jiea SADDLERY.^Depot 6S Fourth strrat.8OTTlXot DR. LC ROV^ MlXTUREMAcvatoeRact•nanentcnieaU from tkrae to«ight4aym,aeais(ed,ll

eeeemry, by n vftal ef the Belledoona Injeeffton. the coat

f****y_Cy^y * dkagreenbla and often 4nn-

^rSi Miztm Is netanemp*ricnlreraedy^n“cnre ail,**

1R7ADDING, Western manufactured. Belting, Ken*vv tueky Jeans, Candles, Wrapping Paper, and TwineeonolanUy in store and for sale by

J. 8. ORTH,Agent for Menofacturtfe,

mS dtf No. 44 Wall ft, between Main and River.

18 NOW opening at his store, second k Jdoor from the Borlhweet corner of Fourth

J and Maiu streets, a new etock of Walc-he*,Plated-ware, 4c., 4c , which he^ ^

• •tfb-jR tor axle uQu-<ually low. WatciMw aod all kinds ofJewelry promptly and carefully repaired. mr^ dtf


O. X*XLO-^Xa’S,pA) No. «l Third ttrecL

JOHN F. HAllVEY.Xd. 498

, Rorth bade Market, bdt. SsfrI arI TIM,EOUISVIU.E, KT„

p E8PECTFCLLY informs Ms filends and tkepnhttcAA that hemav he leund el the above plaee, over MiianWAT80N 4 8T0UPFer8 FURNITURB WARR-RoUMn, where he ie MTpnred to wake to order and wflikcea on hnnd Vealuaa Blinds at every nna, eeftar, andqiMty nennl to me trade aleo, to repatf, rvpeinL and ra*

FOR ST. LOUIS, DETROIT, CHICAGO,And all Palnia Went and Naribwant.

Tbt Groat WeaUm and Northwa*t Short Lina Routt



fattmgtTt /or Kork taland. Bartiaotan, foam Cita,aad all poiate Sortkurm aill tan* One

fJoilar bp takino tkia Routr.



bU. Ry. WlilAy, t rear, old;

VINEGAR -DM bbl. Penn. Ctdar Vloe«ar;On coarifomeat and for .ale low by

J. B. ORTH,CommWou Merchant.

ai8 dtf No. 44 Wall ri., betwwn Main and River.J. H. COLSTON B. STOUT.

COUSTON & STOUT,feeeission k FwrwarSiag .Merchaals,

nx.Lxaa la

PURE BOURBON WHISKT,F*rei|(ii ituil Donie»tir Ll4N4»r«,

Flour, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Cbee.«. Dried Fruits,Ike.,

AND MANOfArrtjnxna ur

Oldor 'XT’lxxesAX*.4D Fourth street, between Main and Rlv*w,

JeOl'lSVIlalaE, K %'

4y“Consignments and Orderi aedkited. inaya

trim old Blinds at shert nottoe From a practoM kneiedge ef the h iieinesi, aad by strict atteat on to n, to heito slve rattonctien to aU who may Aral eich hue and m<it a lUirrei pnironage

iRIED GERMAN PLUM8.-^ bU« ef thU exeellentand ebrap Fruit, In quantiUes to suit, lost iv««dve4

1 for isle tow by A BoRl K,Confectioner, Fruiterer, 4c ,

id No ftU Third itreeL

1859 . WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1859 .CHANOE OF TIME.Two Tkuly Trahu to St. JxmH oiuf Cmciwocat., aad

A. BOKiFe,No. 60 Third street JOHN R. AIslaCN,


CotMtMiggioH mfferehaMt^Has rroMeed la tha Uppor BuBdlM la New Hach

aerth 4de of Mala ttreer, bet uvea p-n4 aaa Sac—adthroe door, abovu Ibo Galt Hu g... ohm bo wHI mmmibla former bii.laam. adb


iwckate la Moru and lor lalr byM TYLER A MARTIN.

(Me Datlji TVom fo (^leago.

On and afirr January 3d, I


39 ,

Passenger Trains wUi leave New Albany, opitoaUe Loo-Isriile, a* tollowc

Chieagu Mail at siart A M8t. Luuis aud Ciiicinnat l>«y Kxprem a I2:u6 p. M** ** Nibrhk ** # tmAK la bd


w c.ruo«a..«c


HKh street. n«^ Walnut, L»ui*vlUe, Kr.

M ANUFAi'TUKFKof all kinds of Ornameots for extenor decaratioe of Buildings, such as i annals for

Columns, Window f.'apa, Brarkets for Cornice*, Doore, 4e.;Chimney Tom and (verdea Va«ea in every variety of da.sign. hlUOt 'O WORK— C’enterpiecee, Running Orna-meat*. 4c.. of the lateet aod most modern stfle—alwayson exhlbiliou at the Works. ft^tTirculara with referenceand price list to be bad on applicatKin. febl4 dtf

IE OLD BOURBON—41 bbb pure S year old copperstiUed Whisky in etore nnd for sale low to close c.»o.

ent by UOLdTiA' 4 STuUT,40 Wall itreet.

T BLANCAONlFeL, Third at Night ** at.!.!!! ieaft p. m!Close Moneetton* are made at Mitchell with all the Pas-

xopcur eoNTTiDEm.,Votuuitggion 4* t^rodnee

IWaZEOFLOXXAJJT,.Mo. 14 Wall mrrat, bclwwo Main and Water.


Particular altanUon (twa to ta. mlt of Flaor.Grain, and Produce.

An extra article of Family Flour aJway. oa hanA ft

AMS—Mackiin brand— In .tore and for mle bym7 U, FEKGUSUN A SON

wnfer Train, ou the Ohio and Mbaimippt RaUruad to andfrom St. Louli and Cincinnati.Keaebiux St. l»ui. at -JO A. M. and ASU P. M.Reochluf Cincinuatt at 10:90 P. M. and .;un A. M.

Rxtfbmimo- Laave St. Louk 6-90 A. M. and S:40 p. M.


Late af Forateriy ofArmetroac. Ailea. A Va. Raai.avlllt, Ky.

WAGGENER & EONG.Pittsburg cotton yakna—t-j bo*. Hopemd

Eofla Cotton kam. rveeivad per ttaamer .Jacob Poeaadformteby J.NO. P. HoWAUU,m6 Main ttreet. bet. Third and Fourth tt..

Airivi^ at I.a>ukviUr at A40 A. M. and tcuo P. M.S'itA Only one Ckanveof Care to St. Loaia, Cmciaaafi,

-7t boxoi prime Wcetem Beeerve Cbeeeered and tor tala by

JSO. F. HOWARD,Mato, bstween Third and Foorlh ttreeu. WHOLESALE GROCERS


Commission MerchantSj

or Cktroi/o.

BaFiiage Checked! Through.being THIRTY MILES SHORTER than any other

Boutv to St. Louk, and lU I'nlu connectinx cloeely withaU Ibuaenm Train, on tbe Ohio .MlMiad)>pi A Kailroadjindwaltiux indefloitely for O. A M. train, when th.y aredr-layed, lorurv In PaMvnxrn Kriiablv ( Mitch-ail, to or from St. Lorn, or cinciaoati^PaMeaurnaud lla»*«v taRca to and froni any part

of the citr and tha Car. Free of Cbatpr.Tamicuu IMAine coauect at Grevncattl* vitb tbe Terre

Haute aud kichnuad Hadroad, Weet for Terra Haute andfor Indianapotla. AI J-afayvtte »itb

the Toledo aud Wabarh Kodway Wool for aprlcffleld andall point, wrot, and Ijut for Toledo. And nitb the Mkbi-


C3-. "W. BAXXOIaATT,OFFICE, AOtf north side or Main street, at the Hard-


For the MercantUe Fixe Jnenrauoe COiNo. nft WALL STREET, NEW YORK.

f\ii DO/eF.N Moir 4 Boo's Edinburg Ale;V* ” ftU dusen Ceupoell's do do;

ftv do E*P/ t PhUadtdpbla Ale;J uat received and for rato by

W. 4 n. BUKKHARDT,m7 417 Market atroel.


Hardware and Cutlery.'kRlFJ) CHERRlEA-6 cases Dried Cherries;J DRIED PLUMd—« cakks do PlnmaDRIED PRUaNKa—I caasa Dried Prunes in glaas;

S do do 4e In paper;uat received aad for axle bym7 W. 4 H. BCRKHARDT. 417 Market at.

Capital aod siurpliis. m WE are aow In rervipc of ear amheavy S^ng Stock ef Hardware Watttl Cnllery—a better aaeortmenlciunot be found in the Waot-to

wbico w« call the attootiott ef Merchanla and Huitotueonstottoc in part as toUowc

8,MM sn>-« Uimbtot Screws;SiM doaeo Locks;ftUD do Hiages;

gross Table Cetlery:3bU doaen Packet Kblvea;ftto do Buichera' Files and Rasp9U0 do Axes, varioua brands;JD casks Traet; and Log Chains;10 do AoMfricaa Hoes;ft do Aimitage 4 Wright Anvils;

ftp dot! B Bras* and Tappto CandWatickt;Sue doaen Ptatform and Counter Scales;luu RaUruad Wheeltorroaa

COLU8 ORMSBY,f S Oppoadu* the National HoIm.

Park Fire Insorance Company,No. ftO WALL STREET, NEW YORK.

Capital and Snrplii* eftB&.fOO.

Commonwealth Fire Insurance Company,No. • WALL STREET, NEW YORK.

Caplikleod Surplus AliS,uj0.


.TSCSk-T el favorable Rates and will pie^d to doa QENER.4L FlKE INhUIUNCE HUS1^E.^S fur bisfriends and acquaintance! In LcaiavUle, and LosamprompUj adjufOed aad !ettled by

maSD dtf Q£0. W, BAHCliAT, Agent.



My aCock of the above Goods B complete.

W. P. BENFJ)ICT,mft C7 Third A, between Mein and Me^ec


Shirts, YaScrasar, shawls, FaacytissSs, as4 Tsilet .Irticl^

481 Main Miaac, Ikird door bclaw Fottith.

Lsaisville Bleachiaf EstahlishBcat.

MRS. WM. OSBORN,Na. 44M JeSrnaa at.. b«l. Third aad Faartli.

KESPIX'TFULLY Infurawtha ladle, that jaMKhas relumed from the East withe well*

attested atock of Straw Booiicta, Rlblkiiis,

mZt Ftowera, Wreatha, and Head DnrMMs. 4|pAlso a good aseortiuentofchtidreti'! HaUaodFlatt, I.»ceand Borkram Frames, aud Crowns of the latest atylas.

Bleaching and Praasing carried on as usual atoft MRS. WM. OSBORN'g.

Second and Third, LOUISVILLii, Kentucky wbvroTHKoUGH 1'ICKETS and furtiier infurmation can beT. BLANCAO U. L, Third §L,betoeea Mam aad Ipvcfv obtained. Also at Ticket l>fhce, LouisvuJe Uotet.

Trains are run by Louisville Time.R-IE RlrKKR, Suu'iR

A. B. BAKER, Ticket Ag*t,UuUvllIeNew Albany, Jaa. 1st, Hftp. jig dtf

lit ACKEREL-AO half barrels Noai*l for talc by [b7] H NEW ANO USEFUL



H*bSiS' BOCKINO'S LITTLB GIANTKING OF TOOTHACHE.This prepmUoo 1* warranted to be an infallible reme-

dy for TooTUAruR, aod one that will not injure theTeeth. li has bi»ru iMed by regnlar prmctictiig Phvfician*and Dentisls for a number of > ear*, who prouoiioee it qneof the most valuable as well as periect Cbeuiical combinalions evMT produced. For sale by

.1. WALKER oKATON, DrogglM.Comer of Seventh aod Grveu st*

mar li dim LoukvUle. Kv.

HAMS—4 casks just reoeivad and for tale byUiBBlTr 4 BON.

N.I8HHLLC AND rHATTANODCiA TIL\INSIt?iii‘a rioiNV. D. OAirTANO 4 CO. UNDRIEBv^ott reecived p«sr Jacob Poe and for tale' luu kits Nee 1, d, and ft Maekerel;

fte packages No. ft in bhis, his, and qr»:

9ft Mils Philadidphia Sugar,lU hf bbl* do do;fto hags Rio Coflae;Iw ba^ Grain Pauper;lu klu Mess Mackerel, without head or tali.

R. A SHRADER S CO„,(X>MM1SS1GN MKKC11ANT8 AND WHOLE-•nte and Itelail Dcnten in WbiAy, Brand v,Wlnoa Ac., «U7 Market ttreet. abuv. Brook,aorta ttde LautevfBe, Ky Mdly

Mala af Kaalaeky, Jafanam aamatf.A STATEMENT

Maapeetine tke ABaira a/ lAa Aauriemn Bapreaa Coatpany, atada purauant to an A el V tka Leyiatatari aOu StaU of AenttukK, entitled “An Aet -ni fmi'g,ffaprtaaCoatpaniee Approaad.

n^UEbuibuMof laid UomteUiyU minofad and Itepres.1 any and vflucte are owatd by lonm T—tTiii. vbo.

foil name, and prorer place, of rettdvnoe are a. follow,vix: Henry WelU, uf Aorore; John BuUarfieU, of UlieaWilliam G. Farro, of Budblo: Jobaatoa Llvkuttoa aNew York City; Alexander Holland, of New York City-and IViUiam A. Llvlnstton, of Livia**oa; all in ttte Slateof New York; and HaoiUMa dpaneor, of BioamiactonJfntbe SUM of lUinoia The per*,a. Intereeted a. eaalui outtract are the .toekbolderx of reiS Company, who ebaaivrom day to day, and of whom it Ie ImpnaSble to make anaccurate ttatament owlaf ta tha freauancy of racb rhaacaa.The amuunt of capital Mock of caid Company I. 07M Mb,

of which there ic employed In the buttaem ot mid Compa-ny , in the State ot Kenineky , ta nearly ae tbewm can beaKertainod, thra# thoumad dcllan.And wa, the wbaeriban, tba Tnittem abavw named

do hereby ayrea that lacal proetm wrved npoa aay aaent,inaoafur, or oScer ot mid Compaay,tn mid State, ttudl bedeemed cud taken a. nu>d mrviee upon mid Company.

*•*»*<>' aa havo hereto enb.

f SEALJ uu. 14th da, of Ne.



Saberribed and iwora to before ate thte I4ib day of NaMONTGOMERY GIBBS.

dlJ dtf CommlettoBer for Kentneky, No. I Wall at.

a ttipariar ortiele, foTKIN BNulUERS. M^far ibia wparior Pataa t iaai 5wt . for whirb Umr

^nhavv reeatved letter. , alea t . They tarile the attea-' 1 *tkm aad iMMrttna of dcaWt, ta lUc mgenor Chair,wkicb fur dorahUNr aod akanymam ia aaa<inailed. J%arare to bo found at tbe well known atarteol;

J M. Monahan,J. M dtokee A Sea,WhartoB Baantt,John swm.

We oleo haveaa boad the FLAT 3PUT CHAIR aadTIN aad WIRE SAFES. ,iW*" dly J.NO. R. CANNON AfO.*

OORDO|NE TON OF PURR PF.RUVTaN GUANO for eatela ,Biatl*m to eoN forctAier.


A. SHRADER A bbl. Bonrbua Whleky,lA bbl. oid da;9A bhhckairr Brxody;98 bbis Apple do:tft bbts BUckbsrry llrxbdY;76 bhtscoamoB Whisky;

196 btla old roppor disttliM Whtaky; f^ sxlv byR. A. SHRADER 4 CO.,

)dly No. H07 Mxi ket si., xbovc Brook.

1 5CEOAR >1ft bbls Cider Vinxgxr ia oton xnd for sxleby U. FaRGUi^ON 4 BON,

n7 Cornxr of Fifth xnd Murkto.k iiMi Mil' •ruEsc OI rmuji iwyvr, it

toir tto cirdtoxry dryvra to mxssclurxd xnd tor rale toWM SKfr^Fe 4 W , Rillitt at.

PENNSYLVANIA CE-NTRAL R.ULfiOAD. Ad Webave recvirnl by EXPBESSaUrga attmf->df*^ amortuirnt of all wrta ofClX JKn'El.UY ANO W’ATf'IlKN, XmflhMSwtair maki— onr .'fork complete.W. Iiileiid to tell cheap, and therelore Invite our t'nend.

aod customer, to call and examine our Mock, which iacomplete.


*** Main ttreet,no dtf Between Second aod Third atrrela

D ri:£s goods.


SMI ptecM Crepe d' Eapafitr. fancy ooiorAItu ptecm fancy French Ocwndiee'Ji do b-t white Baraife lor Mantlca,

Jott received and fortaic orml ^MU LOW A CO.. 418 Malatt.

OUnVILU FIRE AMDiURF. LAUD on—MW bbte ttricUy pmw Lard OU—ateo, a aaud mpply ef atber icrad.a_oB band aod lor

efiy WM. SKENE A IN) ,

nlo Manufacturer.. Bulhu it.

'xg‘'tn r*\xna.liBGaXxx®et'KE-NCH BURRS-AUiiamaadkiadaBolting CU>TUS-AUBaBiben,bammab,.

IMPROVED Portable mills-with whd FrewahttiTt xnd mxde on hoot known pinn.

SMUT MAUHlNEB-tovxrnlditorantkiDda.Mill Irons, 80WWS, rriras, BslOng, Usttgr Pvta, xndMill xrtloliw gvnsiraJlv.

We have on baad a larfe ttaek af abova-named arMMm.For mie luw aad quality warraomd.

HERBERT A WRIGHT.mpT7 dtf No. U Third tt.. betwaeb Mala aad river.

Carriage Triutmingg^CO.iCH&tSADDLEliy HARDWlKE.

yr'fiON. .MAI-KKNZIK A foONH, Na. MMM Bbl,


Fatt Lina t P. M.; Exprem Mail i>;4u P. M.


RIBBONA—MUI piacee Bloek Silk Valvet Ribbon. aU wldtbi;

St cartoon, fancy Bonnet Blbbun, aawrted;Jutt reeaired and for mle bym7 JAMES LOW A CO.. 414 Main i ^ted. Makins DIKBCl' CONNECTIONS wi^ oU

Train, fromSt. Loni., Mo.; Dubuque, Keokuk, and Iowa City. IowaCairo, Buck lUand, and Cbicafo, lllinoi.: Lexinctouand LouiKTlIle, Ky.; Terre Haute. UdianaiKdlaand Lafayette, Indiana; Cincinnati, tfolnm-


bu., Dayton, Toledo. Cleveland, Zanee-vtlle, Creetline, Mamillon, and Wooi-

ter, Ohio; aleo Kanma, N.bra^kaMinnewta,


Pamearori from tbe Weet can rely upon thle a. vi-»Ukorteet and moot expedition, route to


Orand Trunk Railroad of CanaTt^

J’tOLORED SILKS.-K/ » Pteeei Marreiile. SUk, all rolore;

1ft do Ftoreucx do, do;Just received xnd for sxle by107 JAME8 IdOW 4 tUT, 4l8 Msio st.

ft A. M. DAY RSFR&•1ft F. M COLUMB1

DAMA8K. 4c.W. 4 H. BURKMARDT, 41? Mxrket gt.Uueo Txtle Cloths;do do Ixuixxk;do do Cloth;do do Dxmxsk;

• toelAMFdS LOW 4 CO.. 41ft Mein slv


DAVId 4 tft*EF.n, ftftxin st.


el4 dtf Comer at Mxtn xnd SUth sts.

f'OFFFT M hngs primp icie Unding Irom sitixiuprEnnieennd ferralehr

mm RAWBOM. COOP. 4 TGDP. Lf OLASSftwd.—tou bbls prime Hxotxtton Mnixsssg instort xnd tor axle by

MOORE, MURRAY, 4 llAPEN,my 7 Mxln trept.xbove Gxit Hoae*.

'^OFFF.E.-JiOObxgs prlnie Rio Coflse In store xnd forfo^ axle by mOORE, MURRAY', 4 UADKN,my? Mxln street, xbove Qxit Housp.

ADAMS EKPRDSS COMPANT,Srarr or XaaTVosvjJeSe mncouacy, (

A STATfiMENT rmpoettod the allalr. of tba Adaou Expram ^mpany. made puisuaatta aa act af tba laotela.ture of Keutucky, .ntitlod An Act ooncoraJaa ExpremCompania., aud numbered 7.1, deelariaa mid be common earrien, and providinf for tba mfofo afarticlmentruetad to thair cara.

Tbe buttnem of .aid Company la coadnetad bp alae moaacen, wboea full uamee aud proper plaem of rmidince af,aefollowe. via:

Wm. B. Dioamon, New York, N. Y.Uwardi 8. Sanfort. Pbiladeipbte. Pa.Samuel M. Shoemaker, Baittmora, Md.Qeorte W. i:am, PUtebarr, Pa.Jamee M. Thomjmn, ^rlnffioU, Mam.Clapp Spooner, Bridreport. Uuna.Johaetna Lirinrelon, New York, N Y.John Blnrtuuc, Philadelphia, Pa.Rurn. B. Kiaalay, Newport, E I.

The penon. nteneted aa caatai i/na traat are tba Noahbolder, of mid Company, who chanfe from day to day, aadof whom It ia impoanhi. to make aa acenreta .tatemant,owlnf to tba frequency of mefa ehaarao.Tbe amount of capital oaiployed in tba bottaem of

Company In tba State of Kaalucky ta, ae aearly ae tha enmcan be aKerialaed, ten thoiunod doUiuu.Ana we, the .ubacriben, the Manomra abave-namad, do

baraby arree thatlaeal procam mrved apoa any autboriaodrent of mid Company ia mid ooanty ehall bo doomed andlAen a. food mrvke upon mid Company and airmivaela witnem wbareof wa havo haroto wheeribad our band,

tbl. 11th day of April, A. D. IHa.Wm. B. Dtaemora, L. E Hufae B. Klaeley, L. EE. E Sanford, ” Jna M. Thompooa, ”E M. Sboomaker, ’* Clapp Spoonar, —Ooo. W. Cam, >* Joka Blnobom, *•

Jahnttoa Livia<iton, '*

TATB or PmmvLTaau;Ba it remambrred. that oa thie alaraath day of AprILIME

before me came Georre W. Cam, Pnaldentaf tha AdaaMBxprvmCompany , aad made oath that tha foratoiar etate-meat liinied by him U Uua accordia< to the keel of hkkaonladpe and beUof. G. W. CASEJ^n^t.

CITT or PrmaiiBu, County ofAlleobeayJ _Slate of Penneylvanla. J

~>v .* •• roBtembered that oa ibo atoeantb

f mwe . W A***'’ d- D. IMO, before BO, Ch. Me-V BRSKB. Rt:iure Hay., a Commlmioner la tba Stole ol

Penniylvanla for tb. Stole ef Jfcotoeky,

R. C.WINTERSMITU(Lxto oi KenknekyL

(iENEft.lL Ce.1f.H1881SN .HEftim-lT,d«k ifeMW, Mt, Madiaoa aM Xdwoa Me,

MDMFHia TENNESSnn.CanaMamaatormpactfully mMdted. jolpfi dly

RAWSON. ( OOP. A TODD. AMERICAN HOUSE,nio,. aHAinu w. t. uoade


Nofthvxst cornxr of TMrd xnd Jefisrann,

OU PttxinBIre BiUUltt«.

Hate DOW Opvnxdxnd on hxod X sdeet xnd cboicxiotof frxsh gi^Myrtes of every dearrlptioo, which ve xre

prepxrvd to sell on the inost xccxmmodxtlug txras. Ooraxotte. corae xU. xnd give ns x exU before luxkiiig yov |Hir*rhs»»fv elsewbxre, xs «e xre determined to idrasx. Wxwould iufun&xur country ruatotoxrs of ihx stxble xecom-toodxttops in oxf imtotadinU neAghhorhood. s jg

for rain hr MOOltE. mLEaAY'. 4 UADEN,tift Mxix ttraxi, xhovt the Gnit Hxnse.

EFINED BUGABS.-rft hUs CrraM. Pow4*rewad Granulntod hngxrs in ssorv xnd for sxle hy

»*• MOUKftl. MUBjtAV.a HADEN.

AMILY FLOUR.—A cholra xrtiele xlwxjs on hxndxnd for sxle by H. FEKGU80N 4 80N,7 Corjinr of Fifth xnd Msrket.

18 tbe UNew ft^mrlxi

ill >--tt*‘«aa*« cyamtrar, m cvotnuiy locmioa XlM *X*y

!!!of aec*mtrom xU the route* of trxvel. It oun.

.^^fd^txios xil the miMleru improvement* xnd wverycoaveuieDce for tbe comfort end xccoiomodxtlon of ttotravfiling pxtoir Thedleei.log rooam xre Ixrge xnd weUrentlixtod; of i^ms xra well xrrauged xud rom-Itotoly furniebed for fxinUles xnd Urge trxvwUng pxrtiee.xnd tlie bouse will cuotinue to to topi xs x hr»C llutei inerery nwiu-ct. LEWIS RICE. ProprietorBootu-v, Jau. 7. IHff. foilq j,.

C HEESE ANO BUTTER-<W boxM fine W R. Cheew;S drkiiis frvah sweet Butter, direct from dxiry, xnd for

rale low to Hose ronaignment hyUOLbTON 4 8TOUT,

my7 M Wxll s’jwet

MoZM.S*S2^i£T”‘^ F—yabd btoatourp ria the Michi«aa Central, Great Weetern, Oeden-diure'ud Vermont (tentral and Grand Trunk Roilr^ of Cu-'

Pamrnrer. by thte route have an apnortunity of rlriUaxtome of the grandrtt aud mutt wonderful Menerr Inworld, Inclodins Torouto. Niorera Fall., HamJuai^Hndpr. the Tbuumnd Iriaod>rKapid« of the Lawrence, (^uabec, Mont^. White Muuntoiiu, tbe TubularUndee (nearly two mile, in lco(tb>. Lake i;huiiilaiu PalUof Montmorvncl, Iliidaon River. Ac. *

On. nd efter May 1, 1M«, banape will be ebeekodthroucb from Cblcapo.

TO EMIGRANTS.Parnate, may be ercured et the oUlee of the ompuy In

Chicaxo by miUnc ibipe from London, Uverpo;ilauuUi, GteiCowrBrlatoV Hidl, Aberdeen, and Moui/mAn ateni of Uir Grend Trunk Railroad euperintendc the

UTARCU.O MadteM nunaHT dbpabtmkntfiRE.\T l.NftCiE.llE.NTS TftMirrCRA

York. pbiMdrkbie, BeMtium.abd Rmaena4>watt»^


Notiob to r«mllleb, Untaig. Ac,

^ve mtt reeitwad a veer tone Obd earvfuUr eidocc.


Cil7 aa* §h*« Starr,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.

SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED!tel WE are dady makint additbvae to our• already lai fa ttaek uf Boo Sbnm. aa4^^^H|

OaUerA to wkteb we invite ibe aUebttuu et tatiade. SAMUEL L. LEE A CO.,

ta Market ttreet.epW Second doer above Fonrtb tt.

IBBLS. extra family Flour tSmy'irr'e brand) Jutt

'rreeired and for mle byPENTON A QLORF.

Dr. J. A. MCCLELLAND’S BBLS. Utkx Limft xnd Comvnt in stor* xnd tortxU by FENTON 4 GU)KKe

No. 9S Wxll strv«t.

BOXES Fienrh OUm, xmort^d vises, for rale ex-trxmxly low byfcw J. 8. MORRIS 4 SONS.

Bxftra xhvxy!

reaooadpetooa W. * M. Bl RKHarDT,5f! 417 Market etewet.


;KOMD port at DAVENPORT DUNN-« mu afow„*ay,by CbarW Lrvev Price Me

MUOMTOCE, hy Sir Waiter firott. pttor MrF. MADDEN'S BOOESToRI'W *7 Third ttreet.

Coraer Fifth ud Wtlout Mipete, LoabTiUs«a dtf

CARBOYS fXl Vitriol, Power. A Wrlphtman’i, for

aale by J. 8. MORRIS 4k SUNS.dAw ^441 Main ttrret

1859! 1859JEt'FEKSO^VllXE

BBLS Whlllna la etore aud for mla bymTdAw J. 8. MORRIS A SONS.

KEGS Bl Cerb. Soda, New tfottia, for lale bym7 dAw J. 8. MuKKlS A SONS.THOS. H. HUNT & CO.,

connissioN i«ieuciiai«itbauD M.ifCPaoTunxaa or

Powbr-loom Bacginc and Machine Rope,47 WALL ST,. LOUISVILLE, KY.

Pxiilxolxr xktenttoo pxld to 4Uiog ord^ lor pUatxttonjylft

BBLS ( rram Txrtxr, port, for sxlv bym7 d4w J. H. MORRIS 4 BON8.

\|AUKERKL.-7tf hf hMx .No A Ixrfv, torral*m4 WaGGA-NKR 4 1irim«, for sxl* bi

J. 8. MORRIS 4 SONS.•UGAR.~9ftft bhte Urrahiit, PwwdxraA, x»4i»r sxlx hy

WAGGBMKR4 LONG.PACKAOl'^ Cognxc Brandy, Ri*quot, vlutxge of1*»44 xnd 1! fttj, wry uperior, for ml* low tyd4w J. S. MORRIS 4 SONS.ttfiRmO ^to

TCRPENTlBrFm-ftft hhls In 4a* ar4ar forfraU 44w) UNDKN'DEAUER 4 CO. UOAR—dftO hbds fair to choice *ugxr, tn store xnd for

' rnW by MOOKK, MUKRiO'. 4 HAD>{N,x7 Mxin street, xoav* Gxlt Hou**.


Ixftn Cnnvxxid for rate kgVAQGKaNKtt 4 LOe>a.

New Hemp Seed! New Hemp SeedflJAA BUSHELS priato aew Uetop Sard far mio ky

PhTbR a BUf'HA.NA.'l.m4 dtkwl 4i«4 Mttn .treat.

J AieiNS—In whote, half, ul quartor baxo.—reeolvedt. tbl. day aad fur mle bymt W. a. U. BTRKHARPT, 417 Market tt.

m , V * Wri-ared to attend prootvr.all order, for Tunmo and fUpSr-

•«*ur«d tto sarhemof Ur.• Srat-raie tuner xnd praeti-

f lub I onrthtt., between Market and JeflbrKn.

To ^e Voters of Kentucky.e eandulau for r.,.i—i., „ Andllor of Publie

ct ie the only luaruty

TMO . S.

cheaper:::; cheapk-st:;:

A-M B-R O-T Y P E-3 AJIBRO- „xt tto Nxtlonxl QxUcry, jam bxftowjfl'

OM 1NY—I bxrrxis freidi Hominy rvcHvod xnd for XKkby jm:} HIBBITT 4 SO.V. lO. 8ft D^born st., Uhicx^.

S UGAR.—9fl hhds Louisfxnx Rofinad;]Mft go FxirxndPHme;

In itorx xnd tor axl« fty

GA8K8 HoUxml Gift;U bbls Amxricxo Gin; In store xnd for mU byn! MARSHALL HALBERT 4 CO. PHYSICIANS, INVALIDS,

ThM« Regsirisf tke AM «f StiHiIasis

ARR Informad that wa havamtt ramte.t a tot af LY-ON'S PURE CATAWBA BRANDY,u ante*, more

reliable aa to parity Ibaa toott of that ajld ae FreaehBrandyAnnlysp* xnd CeriMcxtos af parity frara ranto of tto

raotl eminent Uhswito* of Ito ftwnntry.

Prtoeel »^^^ ^mt Market ttreet.

BRANNIN A SUMMERS.I em a candidate for re-election

Acrotinle. My yarn olBeial oondutthxt 1 cxn oll*r for the future


cheap: cukap::cheaper: chkaperi

cheapest: CHEAPEST!A-M-A-M B-R O-TYPBS In the cityFourtb, Ob Main itraet.

I) ICE.^ oaek. prime Klee lor eaie byIt m» GARDNER A CO. Fine Old Dlquora in Olase.

»0 race. Medoc Claret;Ift do St. Julien Claret;1* d« chateau M.rreaui;I*. Ittfitte;li do d(, Keyebville;e do Buixudy Wine; in ttore aad f„r mle by

VARR1SRE8—to bbte Coeal. Jopu, Daiuar, omf ConriiVaroleh me mle hy

toD saw UNDENBERGER A CO.PRC1T8 AND NUTS—B bee drame Smyrna FW;

k eaaka Frantb promw:D barm Uianem;U Ae Lemeue-to mwe Seft^Bal) ilmegBe;!M BnaU Nate;to 4e FBuarte;

TO. ^ ktefbeb Welnnte.*"• •*• lately omred aad are for amta law bymu to...


MAle.NklMatoet-.aexttoHaakof Lomaw dla.

Exte. o.:s;by <*•«?* otrodar aad fjrealeaUl

T. Third tt.


aan ntat-na ii>

All DeacrlptionB of Boat Storea,RW MAIN STREET.

SOUTHWESTERN8«e4 ai4 Africvltirsl WaretoSM,





UNDRIES.-IAdd bo(e Cotton Yarn;' l.toD dw do Twine xnd Wick;

IqftUO bxlm BxtUng;ftoO k*g« NxiU;

1,(iOU boxes Totaoeo;ftuu bUt Bourbon WbUky;10 exaks pure brxndy;1ft bU* Keunett xnd XX Ale;to bbls Vinegxr;ftu bbl* Cruetod xnd Fowdxred Rugsftu cssRs Rodx;6(M boxes 8txr i'xadlee;Ito di> Btxrch;160 de 8oxu;9u exms Mxtenes;UD dosen Buckets;fto neeu Tube;left grom bixcking;

fttoytoO Ugxrx:Mb box«ss Urvxdx Sixes;8U do chocoUte;

tor* xnd for sxle br09 WOfJK, WICK8, 4 CO., ftll Mxln it.


>lit bbls No. 1 Mxckerel;XU hi hbU No. 1 do;90 do No. 9 do;


GABONER 4 CO.g GD Mxln wtraet.

‘ODFJ8U—90 drums In store xnd for mix by ^' Pri TYLER 4 MARTIN.


ACKERElre—lu hf bbls No. 1;^ 9U qr bbl* No. 1;

to kitto No. I;

to do No. 1;

'ODA.—U honee Hxkiag todn, pennd xnd hxtf pmrad

TYLER 4 MARTIN,\1 ACKRRKL.-Nto 9 Ms ttorat, In htoi, hd xnd qr h4IXfiivl MS reselvhd omd foe sole hym4 W. 4 H. BURKHARDT, 417 Mxttotsl.MUUU OM'dUnS. StranEagines, fircalar Saw Mills,

Corner of IJrhth and Water rtreeta,


^ HAWLEY, billings,* Co.

YYROC'OHT IRON WASHERR-A larrev» our own make foea iar»e


ft>. 1 ROSIN.—Sfiu bbl. foriale—to arrive by ttremerJewe K. Bell—by


ARNOLD & .MILLER,ii» Fourth sTaEKT.


I'MBks, BrasbcN, Perhiaerj,T*ys, laa-kcu, and Faacy tiaada feaeraily.

JEA.NS.—« can MU>d^Jean. la ttore aad fur mte bymt BRANNIN A tUMMERA

^T. JAMES SUOARHOUSR MOLASSES.7 and luu bf bbte in ttore ud for .aJe byL'M DROPS.—tAOb pen, di amortad flavor. )ntt re-Goivad aad lor eate by

IP V. D. GAETANO dk CO.^ UGAR. -fifid hM. fair and ttrtolly m«ma for mle

to* WAgOKNKR a UMTYLEK 4k MARTIN. am«irtment of

haWLly, billings, a ca

^ Hawley, billings, a co.

the Ofltee of tha LooisvlUe and NashvlUeKAU.HOAD COMPANY

1 BuUdlnfi, on tha northwatt soraer of

iStt dtf^**^**'*^ KntrancaonBuUlititreak.

HEQAN & ESCOTT,4TS niaiB Street,

Bohu Fide aWanufaeturergOF



HFOAN a FSCOTT are petpared to exocnto order, forMirren of any dimeottoae, of tbeir evn muofae-

iire. ud frato from the hamte of kbeir ttbtora.Mviaf completed ata heavy oaclay their vsrloue nta-

piNE^PPLE i;UEE8K—M boxm Pineapple Cbeem

mP V. D. GAETANO A CO,, Main iL

tITE WINE—S« caek. White .Wine ranlved byBail aed tor mle by






TIB VE BOW on hand tba laripml elock of 8RABONXD-KB LLlMBERintbaetty.—Tl. olr PLAMIMG-MIU. Ie at He. Ml MoIb ttroal,

^TSnPWi'tof hBMpt irliii am be furnlttiad apoaoppR-AMultee.>cbtbemellorethmrlaa. aprditf

BCRTO'I ALE I rato. pure Fn,beb Ate for otte toelom conttgument by

_m» DAVIS A SPEED, Malm et.

J EANS ANO I.INSEY—OU bake Jeaaa aad Lhte*)u.katt bread.. In Man and for mte bym* BRANNIN A SUMMERS.

q^URK'S ISLAND SALT.-dM> mcke ta ttore aad foet eate by |m*l BRANNIN A SUMMERS.

J^AlSlNS.-« ^m Luodua Layerj

landing from ttenmer Taieoruh aad (ar mle byW, MORRIS.

SIRUP.—400 boxm euperior Lemon Sirnp Inad tor mle by


eifOr eele byV. D. GAETANO A CO.

;fi krfie New Coitli Soda in itore and for mle(mP) T. BLANCAQNIRL, Third it. lite United State., they do not heaitate toBy do not h


on conaignmante to PARMELk A BKO., New orlean., byVfifi BELL A MURDOCKT BLANCAQNI EL.

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