  • 7/31/2019 International Year of Sanitation. PERCIK. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. December 2007


  • 7/31/2019 International Year of Sanitation. PERCIK. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. December 2007


    From Editor 1

    Your Voice 2

    Main ReportNational Sanitation Conference 2007 3

    Welcoming International Year of Sanitation 2008 7

    International Year Sanitation 2008 Momentum for Sanitation

    Development in Indonesia 10

    Insight:Solid Waste and Flood: Correlation of Environmentally Supported

    Urban Management Development 12

    Sanitation, Health and Handling 15

    Plan When Young, Harvest When Mature 17

    WSES From Islamic Perspective 20

    RegulationsMinisterial Decree of Public Works no. 18/PRT/M2007 on

    The Implementation of Water Supply System Development 24


    Nugie: Speaking about Sanitation 26

    Our Guest

    Creating Clean and Green Surabaya 28


    Blitar City Zero Waste Management 30

    InspirationCreating a Comfortable Public Toilets 32


    Nursalam's Recycle Workshop: Keep on Going in the Middle of Jakarta 33

    Around PLAN 34

    Around ISSDP 36

    Around WASPOLA 39

    Around WSES 42


    Metropolitan Sanitation Management and Health Project (MSMHP) 46


    Solid waste Process in Piyungan Final Disposal Site (FDS) Through

    Recycling and Composting 47

    IATPI Clinic 48CD Info 49

    Book Info 50

    Website Info 51

    WSES Library 52

    Information Media for Water Supply and

    Environmental Sanitation

    Published by:Water Supply and Sanitation

    Working Group


    Director General for Human Settlement,

    Department of Public Works

    Board of Trustee:

    Director of Settlement and Housing, National

    Development Planning Agency

    Director of Water and Sanitation,

    Ministry of Health

    Director of Water Supply Development,

    Department of Public Works

    rector of Natural Resources and Appropriate

    Technology, Director General on Village and

    Community Empowerment,

    Department of Home Affairs

    Director for Facilitation of Special Planning

    Environment Management,

    Department of Home Affairs

    Chief Editor:

    Oswar Mungkasa

    Board of Editor:

    Zaenal Nampira,

    Indar Parawansa,

    Bambang Purwanto


    Maraita Listyasari, Rheidda Pramudhy,

    Raymond Marpaung, Fanny Wedahuditama


    Rudi Kosasih




    Agus Syuhada


    Jl. Cianjur No. 4, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat

    Phone/Fax.: 62-21-31904113

    e-mail: [email protected]

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

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  • 7/31/2019 International Year of Sanitation. PERCIK. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. December 2007



    December 2007

    In this December edition, Percik

    brings to you a number of topics

    centred around sanitation issues

    due to the International Year of

    Sanitation 2008, which is aiming at accel-

    erating sanitation development by givingit high priority. Sanitation is an unpopu-

    lar topic to be discussed since it is related

    to faeces and waste water, which, general-

    ly in Indonesia, continuously makes sani-

    tation an important issue as human basic


    As mentioned before by state minister

    of PPN/Head of Bappenas, Paskah

    Suzetta, on the opening of National

    Sanitation Conference 2007 in Jakarta,

    last November 19-21 November 2007, alarge number of families do not have

    access to sanitation facilities due to inter-

    nal constraints such as knowledge,

    behaviour, and economy, and external

    constraints, such as policy framework,

    perceptions, gender, and technology.

    All these constraints need to be given

    high priority and follow-up actions not

    only by the community, but also from the

    policy makers both from the central and

    regional level. This is also to mention the

    need of private sector, Non-governmental

    organizations, state institutions and


    According to Paskah Suzetta, National

    Sanitation Conference 2007 was not

    merely held to welcome the international

    year of sanitation, which had been decid-

    ed by the general assembly of United

    Nations Organization on the 4th of

    December 2006. Rather, it was because

    sanitation has become mutual need of all

    stakeholders in improving the quantity

    and quality of sanitations services for the

    community. Nonetheless, National

    Sanitation Conference 2007 can be the

    initial momentum for the implementa-

    tion of International Year of Sanitation

    (IYS) action plan.

    This action plan is aimed to initiate

    dialogue at all levels in order to obtain

    bigger resources allocation commitment

    from the government and political lead-

    ers regarding sanitation for the poor.

    This edition also discusses the role of

    the government in sanitation develop-

    ment in Indonesia, particularly sanitation

    in the big cities. In turn, the successes in

    these cities will act as pilot project, which

    will be replicated in other regions.

    The discussion on sanitation develop-

    ment can be read in the Program column

    in project investment in environmental

    sanitation sector article (Metropolitan

    Sanitation Management and Health

    Project - MSMHP) funded by ADB and

    other resources.

    The Interview column presents envi-

    ronment ambassador of the Indonesian

    state ministry of environment, Nugie,

    who is also known as a consistent singer

    with environmental themes. However, in

    this interview, Nugie, whose full name is

    Agustinus Gusti Nugroho, will not speak

    about environment in the broader sense.

    Rather, he will speak about sanitation.

    This younger brother of Katon Bagaskara,

    also a singer, will speak about sanitation

    condition in Indonesia and his experi-

    ences so far, being a singer, in perceiving

    sanitation among the community.

    As always, for Our Guest column, we

    introduce the readers to our profile, the

    head of DKP of Surabaya, Ms. Tri

    Rismaharini, who succeed in making the

    capital of East Java not only clean but

    also greener. The leadership and strategy

    of Ms. Risma has set an example for many

    regional leaders in Indonesia.

    Issues around sanitation, whether

    nationally and internationally, have

    become important for Percik to put as its

    main feature in this edition. It is impor-

    tant because many stakeholders consider

    sanitation development is not strategic,

    nor popular, that more strategic plans

    needed in order to have concrete follow-

    up actions in the future.

    On this occasion, all Percik's editorial

    staff would like to wish the readers

    "Happy New Year 2008". May this year

    becomes the year of awareness, and of

    healthier and better living. Let us to-

    gether develop sanitation with full con-

    sciousness and improved behaviour start-

    ing with ourselves.


    Minister of National Development Planning/ Head of National Development Planning Agency, Paskah

    Suzetta, Minister of Public Works, Djoko Kirmanto, Minister of Trade Fahmi Idris, Director General for

    Human Settlement Agus Widjanarko and Deputy for Infrastructure National Development Planning

    Agency Dedy Supriadi Priatna observing the 2007 National Sanitation Expo. Source: Bowo Leksono

  • 7/31/2019 International Year of Sanitation. PERCIK. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. December 2007


    How to subscribe


    I am a student at FKM UNEJ, I am

    interested with the content of WSES ma-

    gazine which I found at the FKM's read-ing room. I want to know further how to

    subscribe, and whether it is possible for a

    student like me to subscribe?

    Dhany Brian


    Greetings from Percik. It is possible

    for you to obtainPercikMagazine, even

    other information media which might be

    needed regarding your study. Just send

    your full address. Thank you.

    Customer's note

    Dear editor,

    I would like to subscribePercik ma-

    gazine by this address: B. Widyarti,

    Rumah Organik, Pesona Kayangan blok

    DL No. 5 Jl. Margonda Raya Depok, West

    Java. Thank you for your attention.Regards,

    Rumah Organik

    How to obtain books

    reviewed in

    Book Info Column

    Thank you for sending Percik maga-

    zine to Environmental Study Centre of

    Surabaya University. I am interested with

    the books reviewed in the Book Info col-

    umn in Percik August 2007 (Go Green

    School and Green's Journey). Where can

    I get them? Thank you.

    Tuani Lidiawati

    You are welcome Ms. Tuani.

    Unfortunately, not all books informed

    through Book Info in the Percik maga-

    zine are available at our library.

    However, we can help you to copy the if

    you are willing.

    Request for books

    and magazines

    Dear Pokja AMPL &Percik magazine


    Regarding the letter from Bappenas

    ref. no. 6855/Dt. 6. 3/11/2007 and

    5770/Dt. 6. 3/10/2007 with subject on

    WSES related books and information

    media for water supply and environmen-

    tal sanitation (Percik magazine), here-

    with, we would like to thank you for the

    books and magazines.

    However, since these books are seen

    important, which then made us distribute

    them to ESP's branches in other regions,

    as well as the related ESP's divisions

    (such as communication division), we

    would like to request five copies of the fol-

    lowing books:

    1. Turn it into friend when difficult to


    2. Compilation of WSES related regu-


    3. WSES regulation pocket book

    As for the Percik's editor, doesn't

    Percik publish the English version dan

    Percik Junior? It was unfortunate that we

    did not receive those two editions. If there

    are still some left, is it possible for us to

    have them?

    Please kindly consider our request

    and we thank you for your kind attention.


    Siti Wahyuni

    Administratif Associate - Service

    Delivery Team

    USAID-ESP, Jakarta Indonesia

    62 21 7209594 ext 706

    Ms. Siti Wahyuni,

    We will try our best to meet all of

    your queries, and you are very much


    Request for Magazine

    Dear Percik,

    I am an international NGO staff, and I

    am interested to subscribe Percik maga-

    zine after reading one of your customer's

    letter on how to subscribe in October edi-

    tion. Supposedly my request is granted;

    please send it to the following address:


    d/a Jl. Palma No. 07, Wumialo,

    Kota Tengah Sub-district,

    Gorontalo City 96128

    I am looking forward to hear from

    you. Thank you

    Warm regards,

    Dedy M. Hurudji

    We will try to fulfil your request.

    Thank you.


    Created by RudiKosasih

    2PercikDecember 2007

  • 7/31/2019 International Year of Sanitation. PERCIK. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. December 2007


    The bell of new round in developing better sanitation

    condition has just been rung. It marked the official

    opening of National Sanitation Conference (NSC) 2007

    by state minister of National Development Planning/Head of

    National Development Planning Agency, H. Paskah Suzetta, at

    Balai Kartini Jakarta, Monday, 19th of November 2007.

    NSC was held for three days with "Resources Mobilization to

    Accelerate the Sanitation Development" as the theme. The con-

    ference involved ministerial level officers, policy makers, donors

    and universities.

    Other than the head of Bappenas, the opening was attended

    by Minister of Public Works, Djoko Kirmanto, Minister of

    Industry, Fahmi Idris, Director General of infrastructure,

    Bappenas, Dedy Supriadi Priatna.

    In his opening remarks, Paskah Suzetta explained that NSC

    2007 was not held merely to welcome year 2008 which had been

    decided as International Year of Sanitation by the general

    assembly of United Nations Organization (UNO), on the 4th ofDecember 2006. Rather, as the mutual need to improve the

    quality and quantity of safe access to sanitation for all level of


    According to Paskah, on one hand, internal constraint, such

    as knowledge, behaviour, and economic have become the reason

    of large number of households who do not have safe access to

    sanitation facilities. "Meanwhile, external constraints consist of

    policy framework, perceptions, gender and technology" said he.

    Paskah emphasized that we have to be able to overcome the

    issue of inappropriate sanitation. "Reviews need to be conduct-

    ed against the sanitation policy and strategy, which has been

    implemented so far, and action plan and improvement efforts of

    sanitation services for the community need to be formulated"

    said he.

    Meanwhile, minister of public works, Djoko Kirmanto, in his

    keynote speech, explained that the implementation of sanitation

    infrastructure in Indonesia is closely related to the concern, re-

    gulation, institution, budgeting priority and community aware-


    "Government institutions at district level who are responsi-

    ble for sanitation are still overlapping with each other. Even

    worse, sometimes there is no institution responsible for sanita-tion sector" said he.

    Budget limitation, add Djoko Kirmanto, whether it comes

    from APBN or APBD will result in limited budget allocation for

    the development of sanitation infrastructure at almost every dis-

    trict/city since sanitation has a very low priority.

    Djoko continues, the existing regulations and laws in sanita-

    tion sector are very often not properly explained or manifested

    intoPerda and not publicly socialized to all community. "On the

    other hand, regulations and laws still need to be developed in

    order to catch up with other sectors, such as water supply, trans-

    portation and others" said he.

    The NSC 2007 acted as a forum to develop commitment

    among stakeholders in order to jointly agree on an integrated

    policy, strategy and efforts in sanitation development program.

    On the occasion, a sanitation decree was signed by the mi-

    nisters, governors, bupati and mayors. The opening of NSC was

    then followed by visit a to the sanitation exhibition which was

    held at Balai Kartini's lobby. Bowo Leksono


    National Sanitation Conference 2007

    Brings Forth National Policyand Strategy


    December 2007

    Minister of National Development Planning/ Head of National Development

    Planning Agency, Paskah Suzetta, Minister of Public Works, Djoko Kirmanto,

    Minister of Trade Fahmi Idris, Director General for Human Settlement Agus

    Widjanarko and Deputy for Infrastructure National Development Planning

    Agency Dedy Supriadi Priatna during the opening of the 2007 National

    Sanitation Conference. ource: Bowo Leksono

  • 7/31/2019 International Year of Sanitation. PERCIK. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. December 2007


    We acknowledge sanitation as human basic need,

    which has important value for dignity and quality

    of life. Failure to fulfil it, will results in the increas-

    ing of child mortality rate, decreasing welfare, particularly for

    women and children, additional financial burden for medical

    services, decreasing productivity and increasing poverty, which

    ultimately will lead to national economic loss, and last but not

    least, degrading the quality of environment as well as polluting

    intake resources. Nevertheless, the rate of basic sanitation ser-

    vices for more than ten years, 1990-2004, has not been increas-

    ing significantly, 45% in 1990 to 67,1% in 2004.

    Various efforts have been conducted to fulfil the need of sa-

    nitation services according to these principals:

    1. Comprehensive and inclusive approach, which consider the

    community's practical needs through the formulation of

    Mid term investment plan and program sanitation facilities

    with proportional joint funding, and to involve the role of

    community and private sector effectively.

    2. Step-by-step development approach with initial priority on

    the intervention of regions with high risk on community's


    3. Optimalization of resources allocation, which is sufficient

    in supporting healthy and hygienic behaviour at all level of


    4. Increase the provision of integrated sanitation facilities forthe city and environmental scale community-based cen-

    tralized services (communal and individual).

    5. Sustainable financial and institutional arrangement for the

    operational and maintenance of sanitation facilities accor-

    ding to cost recovery principles.

    By using these principles, many programs have been imple-

    mented to increase the basic sanitation services to 69,34% in

    2006. However, the challenges to achieve MDGs are still enor-

    mous and in needs of support and cooperation, and lastly, com-

    mintment from all stakeholders.

    Herewith, we who signed jointly agree to:

    1. Effectively improve the sustainability of sanitation services

    and facilities such as domestic waste management, solid

    waste and drainage and to develop clean and healthy

    behaviour, particularly hygienic behaviour.

    2. Together with all stakeholders through partnership, which

    involve central and district level institutions, community,

    private sector, NGOs, media, universities, financial institu-

    tions, and donors, implement the following actions:

    a. Determine sanitation as priority sector within the

    national and regional development;

    b. Develop and support clean and healty behaviour, par-

    ticularly hygienic behaviour;

    c. Develop sanitation service provision by private sector

    and NGOs;

    d. Increase regional government capacity in imple-

    menting minimum service standard;

    e. Support and strengthen existing partnership network

    to improve coordination and synergy among stake-


    We encourage governmental institutions at all levels, com-

    munity, private sector, NGOs, media, universities, and donors to

    work together in increasing the performance of sanitation sec-tor development for the sake of Indonesian society.

    Those who signed were:

    State Minister of National Development Planning/ Head of

    National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), Minister of

    Internal Affair, Minister of Public Works, Minister of Health, Minister

    of Industry, State Minister of Environment.




    Jakarta, November, 19th, 2008

    4PercikDecember 2007

  • 7/31/2019 International Year of Sanitation. PERCIK. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. December 2007


    Since launched in 2006, the government has been inten-

    sively and continuously campaigning on the national

    movement of hand washing with soap (HWS). The cam-

    paign is aimed to have more effective implementation with

    broader coverage by obtaining support from all stakeholders

    including the private sector.

    The campaign is conducted in improving societal health de-

    gree through clean and he-

    althy living behaviour to-

    wards Healthy Indonesia

    2010, as one of the Indonesi-

    an Human Development


    The World Health Orga-

    nization (WHO) notes that

    diarrhoea and upper respi-

    ratory infection are the cau-

    ses of most infant and un-

    der-five mortality in the

    world. Meanwhile, hand

    washing with soap is impor-

    tant to prevent the spread-

    ing of epidemic, such as di-

    arrhoea, avian flu, and


    Furthermore, hand wa-

    shing with soap can also help to wash off bacteria, which cause

    infection, cheaply and easily, that makes it considered to be the

    most effective way to prevent different kind of diseases. In

    Indonesia, hand washing with soap helps to reduce infant and

    under-five mortality rate, which is currently registered at35/1000 successful birth of 0-12 months and 46/1000 success-

    ful birth of under-fives.

    On the occasion of National Sanitation Conference 2007, the

    government, via Health Department, once again appealed and

    encouraged the campaigning on national movement of hand

    washing with soap. The encouragement was brought forth in the

    form of the improvement of societal healthy behaviour through

    public-private partnership for hand washing with soap.

    The chief spokesman of KPS-CTPS who is also the director

    general of PP & PL, Health Department, dr. I Nyoman Kandun,

    MPH described that the improvement societal healthy beha-

    viour such as hand washing with soap needs continuous assis-

    tance particularly on the community empowerment strategy

    towards healthy living. "National movement of hand washing

    with soap is the responsibility of all stakeholders particularly

    among the component of community" said he.

    Health department considers the need to initiate KPS-CTPS

    as an effective model of inte-

    grated efforts in encouraging

    and widen the capability of

    the program. Moreover, this

    initiative also helps to main-

    tain sustainable concerns

    towards health issue at the

    community and national

    level, and to activate private

    sector participation, as well as

    to combine expertise and

    resources from different


    Based on Curtis and

    Cairneross's findings in 2003,

    hand washing with soap

    behaviour may prevent dia-

    rrhoea up to 42-47%. The

    research concludes that hand

    washing with soap is more effective in preventing diarrhoea

    compared to only providing infrastructure, such as toilet.

    I Nyoman Kandun further explained, in order to improve

    hand washing with soap behaviour as an effective way to

    decrease the diarrhoea occurrence among children under-fiveyear in Indonesia, a well coordinated communication within the

    public-private partnership needs to be done. "It is one thing that

    we want to achieve" he confirmed.

    Kandun also explained on the ongoing gap and weaknesses

    within the implementation, such as the adoption of project

    approach instead of sustainable program, the focus of infra-

    structure investment over changing behaviour, and insufficiency

    of resources allocation of the program. "In addition, the partici-

    pation of private sector has not meet both sides expectation"

    said he. BW


    National Sanitation Conference 2007




    After helpinga child todefecate


    Beforefeedinga child


    a meal


    December 2007

  • 7/31/2019 International Year of Sanitation. PERCIK. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. December 2007


    On the second and third day, National Sanitation

    Conference (NSC) 2007 held various discussion.

    Three themes were brought forth simultaneously in

    celebrating the first sanitation feast in Indonesia. The audiences

    were free to participate in one of those discussions.

    The audiences were expected to have the opportunity to dis-

    cuss openly, so that the conference will not stop only at the dis-

    cussion of issues but to be interpreted into regional strategic

    plans in order to have concrete actions.

    One of the themes was "Social Campaign for Sanitation

    Development", which presented four key persons whom one of

    them was Mayor of Blitar city, Djarot Syaiful Hidayat.

    According to Djarot, the development of sanitation in

    Indonesia is only perceived as the backyard of our national

    development policy. Sanitation is considered to be less impor-

    tant because it has no value-added for the local government he


    Djarot continues that many stakeholders consider sanitation

    development is not strategic and popular. It is different com-

    pare to establishing soccer clubs and building skyscrapers and

    smooth roads he said.

    The event, then, continued with visit to two locations. Firstly,

    a visit to Kelurahan Petojo, Central Jakarta, for the communitys

    success efforts in building MCK ++, managing solid waste, and

    hand washing with soap. Secondly, visit to Lippo Karawaci real

    estate for wastewater and drainage system management.

    The discussion on Financing Strategy in Sanitation

    Development brought vice major of Banjarmasin city, Alwi

    Sahlan, as the speaker. According to him, the strategy to achieve

    political commitment on sanitation development is by increas-ing the political lobbies towards the legislative and encouraging

    public campaign on clean and healthy living behaviour, as well

    as community participation in sanitation development.

    The political commitment of Banjarmasin city in sanitation

    development is shown through the local regulation on solid

    waste, rivers and disturbance. In 2007, our city has allocated

    Rp. 52 billion for sanitation sector, while in 2008 up to Rp. 60

    billion Alwi said.

    Meanwhile, other speaker from faculty of economic,

    Indonesia University, Bambang S. Brodjonegoro, explained the

    importance of sanitation. According to him, sanitation in devel-

    oped countries have become public service standard.Local go-

    vernment is responsible to provide sanitation services to its po-

    pulation by allocating significant sanitation budget said he.

    NSC 2007 Excpetations

    After a serial of activities for three days, NSC 2007 had come

    to an end. Various possibilities regarding sanitation develop-

    ment could be done by the participants in their own place.

    We Hope that after the NSC 2007, mobilization of resources

    towards sanitation development can really take place saidDeputy of Infrastructure, Bappenas, Dedi Supriadi Priatna, dur-

    ing the official closing of NSC 2007 in Mawar Ballroom, Balai

    Kartini, Jakarta.

    Actually, in the end of the event, a panel discussion with

    Prof. Emil Salim and Erna Witoelar as the speakers was meant

    to be held. However, both speakers were not available due to

    their tight schedule. Seemingly, the success of sanitation deve-

    lopment is not only the hope of society, but also the decision

    makers. May all these become a realization that the development

    target, in general, can be achieved. Bowo Leksono


    National Sanitation Conference 2007


    Minister of national Development Planning/Head of Development Planning

    Agency, Paskah Suzetta hit the gong as a sign of the opening of 2007

    National Sanitation Conference. Source: Bowo Leksono

    6PercikDecember 2007

  • 7/31/2019 International Year of Sanitation. PERCIK. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. December 2007


    Global condition of sanitation

    More than 1.2 billion people in the world have enjoyed safe

    access to sanitation in the last 14 years,which means that the

    global sanitation service coverage had increased from 49% to

    59% during 1990-2004. However, the world is still far from

    MDGs sanitation target, to reduce by halve the population with-

    out safe access to basic sanitation by 2015. If the trend is not

    changing, by 2015 the population without access to basic sanita-

    tion will reach 2.6 billion peo-

    ple, or equals to 10 times of

    current Indonesian populati-

    on, where 980 of them are


    According to World Health

    Organization (WHO), around

    1,8 million people die each

    year, or around 42.000 people

    die of diarrhoea, which caused

    mainly by poor sanitation and

    low quality of health. From

    that numbers, the majority of

    mortality occurs in Asia, and

    90% of the victim are children

    under-five, or around 1.5 mil-

    lion of under-five. In average,

    an under-five dies every 20 seconds.

    Meanwhile, the number of school absent also rises. It is esti-

    mated that proper sanitation facilities will reduce the mortalityrate of under-five more than one-third. If hygiene promotion is

    conducted, such as hand washing with soap, the mortality rate

    could be reduced further up to two-third. Proper sanitation also

    can accelerate the economic growth and the social development

    of the country with high rate of absent working days and school

    days caused by diarrhoea. Many schoolgirls prefer to stay home

    when having their periods because of the unavailability of clean

    and comfortable toilets.

    Motivated by this poor sanitation condition, all stakeholders

    felt the need to put together efforts to address the problems.

    More commitments are needed from all stakeholders, namely

    the donors, governments, and NGOs. The United Nations

    Organization (UNO) then took the initiative to facilitate the

    commitment and to increase large scale awareness.

    The History of International Year of Sanitation

    The General Assembly of UNO launched the International

    Year of Sanitation (IYS) on the 20th of December 2006 based on

    the recommendation of UN

    Secretary General Advisory

    Board of Water and Sa-

    nitation (UNSGAB) to

    accelerate the improve-

    ment of sanitation by gi-

    ving special attention.

    Sanitation has become a

    less interesting subject to

    be discussed because it

    relates to faeces and waste

    water. UNSGAB recom-

    mendation was based on

    the Hashimoto Action Plan

    (HAP), which launched by

    UNSGAB in the World

    Water Forum IV in March

    2006. UNSGAB it self is an independent body, which provide

    advices to the Secretary General of UNO on policy, program and

    global management action related to water and sanitation. Theaction plan was meant to motivate dialogues at all levels, so that

    it could produce commitment towards more resources allocation

    for sanitation for the poor from the government and political


    As the follow up of the recommendation of HAP, IYS plan-

    ning meeting was held for the first time on the 7th of May 2007

    at the UNICEF office, New York. NGOs, donors & academicians,

    development banks & 29 government representatives attended

    the meeting to discuss the agenda. One of the output of the

    meeting was the targets of IYS.



    YEAR OF SANITATION 2008T he first time hearing about international year of sanitation 2008,

    many of the reaction is what about sanitation? Is it that important that 2008 need

    to be labelled as international year of sanitation? The story behind it will be

    explained in this article.


    December 2007

  • 7/31/2019 International Year of Sanitation. PERCIK. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. December 2007


    IYS Targets

    The central objective of the Inter-

    national Year of Sanitation is to put the

    global community on track to achieve the

    sanitation MDG. Sanitation is the foun-

    dation of health, dignity, and develop-ment. Increased sanitation access espe-

    cially for poor people, is fundamental for

    reaching all the Millennium Development

    Goals. The International Year of Sanitati-

    on aims to:

    1. Increase awareness and com-

    mitment from actors at all levels,

    both inside and outside the sector,

    on the importance of reaching the

    sanitation MDG, including health,

    gender equity, education, sustain-

    able development, economic and

    environmental issues, via compel-

    ling and frank communication, ro-

    bust monitoring data, and sound


    2. Mobilize Governments (from na-

    tional to local) existing alliances, fi-

    nancial institutions, sanitation and

    service providers, major groups, the

    private sector and UN Agencies via

    rapid collaborative agreements on

    how and who will undertake needed

    steps now.

    3. Secure real commitments to

    review, develop and implement

    effective action to scale up sanitation

    programmes and strengthen sanita-

    tion policies via the assignment of

    clear responsibilities for getting this

    done at the national and internatio-

    nal levels.

    4. Encourage demand driven,

    sustainable & traditional solu-

    tions, and informed choices by

    recognizing the importance of work-

    ing from the bottom up with practi-tioners and communities.

    5. Secure increased financing to

    jump start and sustain progress via

    commitments from national budgets

    and development partner alloca-


    6. Develop and strengthen insti-

    tutional and human capacityvia

    recognition at all levels that progress

    in sanitation toward the MDGs


    HAP, which launched by UNSGAB, originally named Compendium of

    Actions, but then replaced after the UNSGAB chairman Hashimoto passed

    away in 2006. His name is used instead for a tribute to his commitment.

    HAP becomes an important result World Water Forum IV and mentioned in

    Ministry Decree and Reports.

    HAP mentions "your action, your plan" to quickens water and sanitation

    means. "Your action" is done by the main actors, while "our action" shows

    UNSGAB's commitment to help main actors to overcome challenges and

    obstacles in achieving agreed results. UNSGAB has chosen six main themeswhich is funding, water operator partnership, sanitation, monitoring, har-

    monized water source management, and water and disaster


    In HAP, as a part of the six main themes, sanitation is given special

    explanation. Without radical changes, we will not achieve MDG target in

    sanitation. Bigger attention and political will is needed. In global level,

    the key is advocacy. Regional and sub regional level organizations must

    handle fund raising support campaign, marketing, and technology. Water

    for Life Decade (2005-2015) is better used to build political commitment

    in achieving sanitation targets. To achieve these targets, the following actsneeded to be done:

    a. Determining 2008 as the International Year of Sanitation

    b. The UN should give yearly sanitations rewards for they who are

    involved and significantly contributes in local sanitation services.

    c. UN Global Sanitation Conference should be held in the end of Water

    for Life Decade to know global achievements.

    UNSGAB will encourage donors, related institutions, and governments

    to make sanitation a main priority.


    8PercikDecember 2007

  • 7/31/2019 International Year of Sanitation. PERCIK. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. December 2007


    involves interlinked programs in hygiene, household and

    school facilities (such as toilets and washing facilities), and

    the collection, treatment and safe reuse or disposal of

    wastewater and human excreta. Community mobilization,

    the recognition of women's key role and stake, along with

    an appropriate mix of "software" and "hardware" interven-tions are essential.

    7. Enhance the sustainabilityand therefore the effective-

    ness of available sanitation solutions, to enhance health

    impacts, social and cultural acceptance, technological and

    institutional appropriateness, and the protection of the

    environment and natural resources.

    8. Promote and capture learning to enhance the evidence

    base and knowledge on sanitation which will greatly con-

    tribute to the advocacy and increase investments in the sec-


    Focal Point of IYS Implementation

    UNO declaration on IYS clearly states that the focal point of

    IYS implementation is the Department of Economic and Social

    Affairs of UNO secretariat General office (UNDESA). Its task,

    beside acting as focal point, also covers proposal development at

    all levels, including possible financial resources. In delivering its

    tasks, UNDESA works closely with other stakeholders including

    UNICEF, WHO, UN-Habitat, The Water Supply & Sanitation

    Collaborative Council (WSSCC), the UN Development Program,

    UNSGAB, NGOs, private sector, and universities.

    IYS launching was held by UNDESA in collaboration with

    UN Water Task Force on Sanitation. Complete information re-

    garding IYS can be obtained from

    or http: //

    The Need of Sanitation Investment

    Globally, around 10 billion USD or around 9.5 trillion

    Rupiah per year is needed to achieve MDGs sanitation target by

    2015. The same amount of investment is needed to provide sa-nitation for all of the world population in 1 or 2 decades after


    The need of sanitation investment is equal to only 1% of glo-

    bal military expenses in 2005, or equal to one-third of the total

    expenses for bottled water of the world population, or equal to

    the total expense of European population for ice cream each

    year. Actually, the amount of investment needed for sanitation is

    not a big number, but it has big impact for the welfare of the

    world population. OM


    Source: Bowo Leksono

    1. Increase awareness and commitment2. Mobilization of local government

    3. Ensure Commitment

    4. Encourage demand driven, sustainability,

    and traditional solutions

    5. Ensure increased budget allocation

    6. Develop and strengthen the institution and

    human capacity

    7. Strengthen sustainability

    8. Promote and document lesson learned




    December 2007

  • 7/31/2019 International Year of Sanitation. PERCIK. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. December 2007


    Challenges for Sanitation Develop-


    In Indonesia, as well as other coun-

    tries, sanitation is included within

    the infrastructure domain. Unfortu-

    nately, it makes sanitation the step son.

    As the step son, sanitation suffers from

    insufficient attention. Meanwhile, poor

    sanitation management could cause eco-

    nomic loss up to 40% and financial loss

    up to 2% from the Gross Domestic Pro-

    duct (Head of Bappenas, National Sanita-

    tion Conference speech), where the total

    amount could reach 45 trillion per year.

    Ironically, the pendulum of of develop-

    ment has not shifted to sanitation.

    Looking at the last 30 years, govern-

    ments investment for sanitation per year

    only reaches up to Rp. 200,- per person

    per year. Its just not working. Meanwhile

    around 30% of Indonesian population

    still do not have access to basic sanitati-

    on, which means worse condition com-

    pare to other neighbouring countries.

    Sanitation Development Impact

    As has been noted by WHO, 1 dollar

    investment for the improvement of sani-

    tation will create economic profit up to 7

    dollar (Guy Hutton, WSP-EAP 2007).

    Other WSP study noted that investment

    as musch as Rp. 47.000,- per person per

    year could increase productivity up to

    79% and saving on sanitation cost up to19% (Statictic of Sanitation in Indonesia,

    WSP 2006).

    So, if the awareness of sanitation is

    build up, it is possible to have the Indone-

    sia Human Development Index (HDI)

    improved. No longer in the 41st of 102 de-

    veloping countries in 2004, or the 110th

    of 117 developing countries (2005), or

    108th (2006 & 2007).

    IYS Momentum for Indonesia

    As the most important initial step in

    welcoming United Nations Organizati-

    ons (UNO) program, on 19-21 November

    2007, a National Sanitation Conference

    was held by Bappenas in collaboration

    with other stakeholders (government,

    NGOs, universities, donors, and pro-

    jects). On the occasion, a joint agreementregarding commintment to cooperate to

    improve the quality of sanitation was

    signed by Head of Bappenas, Minister of

    Public Works, Minister of Health, Minis-

    ter of Industry, State Minister of Popula-

    tion and Environment, and Minister of

    Home Affairs.

    The main focus of the joint agreement

    is to manage waste water, water supply

    and to encourage hygiene & health beha-


    10PercikDecember 2007




    Source: Bowo Leksono

    As has been noted by

    WHO, 1 dollar investment

    for the improvement of

    sanitation will createeconomic profit up

    to 7 dollar

    (Guy Hutton,

    WSP-EAP 2007).

  • 7/31/2019 International Year of Sanitation. PERCIK. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. December 2007


    viour to all the society. Furthermore, asi-

    de from the 6 ministers, 9 governors, 11

    mayors, and 5 bupati also signed the joint

    agreement. The next step is how to imple-

    ment the joint agreement in a clear meas-

    ured action plan.The IYS momentum needs to be opti-

    mized. Water supply and Environmental

    Sanitation (WSES) stakeholders have to

    take roles to influence as well as incre-

    asing the support for the decision makers

    at all levels for sanitation development.

    The role of private sector also needs to be

    considered. Through Corporate Social

    Responsibility (CSR), private sector has

    become one of the key players.

    Equally important is the budget opti-

    mization. The increase of grants to sup-

    port the sanitation development shouldbe utilized towards the improvement of

    community-based services, particularly

    for the poor, not the other way around, to

    seek profit.

    The sound of global partnership must

    be heard until the sub district, where the

    sanitation services improvement of

    MDGs target could be achieved. Now it all

    depends on how all stakeholders joint

    hands to make it happen, so that maxi-

    mum benefit from the sanitation

    improvement can be obtained and the

    loss caused by poor sanitation can bereduced. If needed, the celebration of

    World Water Day (WWD) in this coming

    March 2008 could be enriched with sani-

    tation themes and even to be the launch-

    ing momentum of sanitation day by the

    President of Republic Indonesia.




    December 2007

    World MDG 2006 reports show thatsanitation building is making aprogress (on track), especially in devel-

    oping countries. But with the current

    condition, that still half of developing

    countries citizens still haven't have

    access to proper sanitation, it is feared

    that the target will not be achieved in

    time. (The MDGs Report 2006. Page 18-


    Fortunately the MDGs Report 2007recorded more promising facts, that

    the global results are very positive. In

    his speech, Secretary General Ban Ki-

    Moon stated that "MDGs target are still

    achievable as long as we can still coop-

    erates, through good governance,

    increase in public investment,

    strengthened production capacity, and

    job demand creation." Slightly auto-

    cratic Ki-Moon, which originally from

    South Korea, sees the important corre-

    lation between achieving MDGs and job

    demand creation, an aspect that until

    now lays on rhetorical lines. "The

    world wants no new promises" says Ki-

    Moon. A report released by UN

    ( stated

    that 7th goal achievement will need

    extraordinary efforts.

    MDGs Asia Pacific 2006 report,

    released by ADB, UNDP, and UNESCAP

    ( places

    Indonesia in the red position (means

    falling behind, see page 7), as well as

    Bangladesh, Laos, Mongolia, PNG,

    Myanmar, and Pakistan. Especially for

    7th goal, Indonesia is marked with yel-

    low boxes for sanitation (urban and vil-

    lage) and village water supply, while

    urban water supply is marked with anupside down red triangle which mean

    off track slow. We were estimated to

    achieve our target in 2015, while a

    normal triangle means off track-

    regressing. In 2007, Indonesia has

    improved its position above the

    achievement rate for Asia Pacific. But

    we are still in the same condition for

    the 7th goal.

    Slightly different, the MDGs 2007

    reports, published in November 2007

    by UNDP and Bappenass, sees the

    Indonesian MDG achievement positive-

    ly (MDGs Indonesia 2007 Report, page

    89-93). Shown there that sanitation for

    household in urban and villages arealready achieved, but with improper

    quality. The target is 65%, with the

    base data 1990, but now, we are

    exceeding the target with 68% achieve-

    ment. (see graphic).


    Graphic Legends:------- Proportions of household to proper sanitation facility access (village and urban) (%)------- Proportions of household to proper sanitation facility access (village) (%)------- Proportions of household to proper sanitation facility access (urban) (%)

  • 7/31/2019 International Year of Sanitation. PERCIK. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. December 2007


    The recent flood in Jakarta has

    given the picture of the environ-

    mental quality change. The

    sharp increase rate of rain fall (up to 215-

    340 mm), accompanied with unpre-

    paredness of proper infrastructure anddecreasing environmental support capa-

    city have made the nature phenomenon

    seem to be uncontrollable. Even on that

    time, 75% of the capital of Indonesia,

    Jakarta, was flooded, in several locations

    even flooded by 30 cm to 300 cm height.

    One of the consistent topic in Jakarta

    flood issue is the mounting of solid waste,

    which clogs the rivers in Jakarta. As if the

    rivers are meant to be the "long garbage".

    Accordingly, the planning of solid waste

    management system, which is supposedly

    a part of city planning, needs to be re-


    The fact that the volume of solid waste

    can be controlled, and it is not an abso-

    lute value that Jakarta population pro-

    duce 2-3 litre of solid waste per person

    per day has become an interesting lesson

    for urban planner, that the aspect of en-

    vironmental support capacity is being

    used as the foundation in preparing the

    urban infrastructure.

    Improving Environmental Support


    Environmental support capacity is the

    capacity of nature or environment to han-

    dle and to normalize the impact of given

    environmental burden, whether because

    of nature activities or human activities.

    The environmental support capacity sho-

    uld be the benchmark of the city capacity

    in absorbing the positive and negative im-

    pacts due to ongoing activities.

    When the environmental support ca-

    pacity can no longer withhold the burden,

    the potential damage caused by natural

    disaster will increase. This must be over-

    come by improving the environmental

    support capacity itself, producing fewer

    burdens for the environment, or doing

    both at the same time. This concept has to

    be the foundation of urban development,

    which can minimize the loss caused by

    nature activities or human. By using this

    approach, it is expected that the urban

    development can be more structured, dy-

    namic, and even controllable when certa-

    in changes, both positive and negative,

    regarding environmental support capaci-

    ty occurs.

    Environmental support capacity with-

    in the urban development must be trans-

    lated to how far the city should be deve-

    loped based on the environmental sup-

    port capacity it owns. If it is limited, no


    12PercikDecember 2007

    SOLID WASTE & FLOOD:Correlation of Environmentally Supported Urban

    Management Development

    Northern Jakarta (from above view) is potentially deluged. Source: Bowo leksono.

    By: Sandhi Eko Bramono, S.T., MEnvEngSc

  • 7/31/2019 International Year of Sanitation. PERCIK. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. December 2007


    more burdens allowed to be added to the environment. Regar-

    ding solid waste management, the maximum limit of solid was-

    te to be handled in each city based on the current condition

    (technology, human resources, and existing organization) is A

    m3 per day.

    If the volume of solid waste exceeds the maximum limit, it

    would be difficult to handle it properly. All of this is because the

    environmental support capacity and the current condition can

    no longer withhold the burden of solid waste. This, in turn, has

    resulted in the form of the piling up of solid waste at the settle-

    ment, purposively left-over garbage, and the environmental po-

    llution caused by overload capacity of solid waste processing

    installation. The piling up of solid waste in river is also caused by

    exceeded capacity of environmental support and unavailability

    of supportive condition, which can solve the problem. This is the

    real picture, the main casue of flood in Jakarta is the bulk of

    solid waste that clogs the river flow.

    This problem can be overcome by improving the environ-

    mental support capacity. In addition, supportive conditions,

    such as technology, human resources, management and organi-

    zations are needed. Those combinations can be improved to sus-

    tain the environmental burden produced by the society.

    To achieve it, enormous hard work is needed, where not only

    technology could improve environmental support capacity, such

    as the utilization of safe and environmentally friendly techno-logy of solid waste processing. Rather, financial resources, ma-

    nagement and organization also need to be adjusted to the

    recent development. By applying all these efforts, the city's envi-

    ronmental support capacity can be improved, which will have

    impact on the improvement of city's tolerance rate against the

    population growth. The impact, then, is that the local govern-

    ment can tolerate the population growth mainly caused by


    Environmental Burden Reduction

    Beside, improving the environmental support capacity, other

    means can be done by decreasing the environmental burden. It

    can be decreased by slowing down the population of the city

    (which makes the producer of environmental burden become

    less) or by decreasing environmental burden of each person

    (which makes the rate of environmental degradation slowing

    down as the population activities is decreasing). Based on the

    approach, the government can determine the volume of solid

    waste produce by the population.

    The society has to be governed properly to be able to mini-

    mize the volume of produced solid waste, or the government has

    to support with all infrastructure needed to prevent the over

    produced solid waste (such as the recycle program policy). Even

    with this approach, it is possible for the government to compare

    the rate of produced solid waste. Regarding this issue, the term

    "pull and generate", which describe one activity caused by otheractivity is the best example to describe the above statement.

    Even though the number of population has been increasing,

    the volume of produced solid waste can be decreased. This ap-

    proach can cause new formulation towards the limitation of po-

    tential solid waste generation infrastructure development. For

    example, formulation to generate solid waste generation per m3

    in commercial area. By having this number, the government can

    limit the allowed mall within the city because it can generate so-

    lid waste up to B litre/person/day.

    Another example is the limitation of industrial area development

    based on the coefficient that shows that each m2 of industrial area

    can generate solid waste up to C litre/person/day. These numbers

    will confirm the decision of the local government, for example, in

    determining the amount of green space to be developed within the

    city, the number of parking infrastructure to be provided, the maxi-

    mum number of gas station to be built within the city, etc.

    The approach will help the local government to identify how

    far the city still can be developed and when it has to be slowed



    December 2007

    Source: Bowo Leksono.

  • 7/31/2019 International Year of Sanitation. PERCIK. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. December 2007


    down or even stopped temporarily. All of

    these will help to maintain the generation

    of waste on the street & rivers, which are

    the main cause of flood up to the rejection

    of local community on the existence of

    solid waste processing installation.

    Furthermore, the local government

    can also identify the need of investment.

    How many investment has to be delivered

    each year for the infrastructure of water

    supply, waste water, solid waste, road,

    commercial, industrial, and etc. The

    investment of local government will be

    more focus, efficient and the city manage-

    ment can be directed and controlled as

    expected by the local government.

    The Combination of Environmental

    Support Capacity & Environmental


    The increase of environmental sup-

    port capacity and the decrease of environ-

    mental burden are likely to generate a

    controlled and sustained urban manage-

    ment. The implementation of this willalso increase the comfortability and secu-

    rity of the society living within the city.

    Furthermore, the city can provide more

    space for more population.

    Of course this is too idealistic to be

    happened. City can be more tolerant in

    receiving new urbanization without fear

    of problems with feasible water supply,

    unprocessed wastewater or pollution,

    which affect the health of respiratory sys-

    tem. City can be grown to become a

    decent city.

    When this limit is exceeded, the gov-

    ernment has to slow down the ongoing

    development to decrease the environ-

    mental burden or to provide new techno-

    logical input, which support the citys

    environmental support or to do both.

    After the city reaches a new equilibrium,

    the activity can continue to carry on. One

    of many efforts to slow down the rate of

    urbanization is by encouraging the role of

    central government to provide economic

    pull factor in other cities that they cangenerate urbanization to other cities,

    which, in turn, provide distribution of

    population in other cities.

    Within this approach, it can be seen

    that the growth of city can be controlled

    better. The local government will know

    for sure when the development has to be

    implemented with high acceleration,

    slowed down or stopped temporarily. The

    general picture of investment cost, which

    needed by the government, can be pre-

    dicted accurately with the efficiency and

    efficacy of budget allocation as the conse-

    quence. The issue of flood, limited access

    of water supply, communitys rejection on

    final waste disposal facility. Will no

    longer happen, because all infrastructure

    have been planned according to the

    capacity & operated according to its


    The flood that threatens Jakarta is

    expected to be handled properly in years

    to come. Many times the nature factor is

    difficult to be handled, such as rain inten-sity. However, supportive infrastructure

    factors, such as feasible drainage system,

    proper solid waste facility, that makes

    Jakartas rivers free from the solid waste

    are important to minimize the potential

    flood in the coming years.

    Beside that, the aspect of social, econ-

    omy, security, politic, and cultural of the

    city can be designed accurately, so that

    the government can control their own

    city. Probably Jakarta will be the first city

    in the world to implement this approach.

    God Speed!

    The writer is staff of sub directorate of

    policy & strategy, directorate of program,

    Department of Public Works. Currently regis-

    tered as doctorate candidate in the

    Environmental Science & Engineering,

    National University of Singapore (NUS),

    Singapore. [email protected]


    14PercikDecember 2007

    Source: Bowo Leksono.

  • 7/31/2019 International Year of Sanitation. PERCIK. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. December 2007


    The emergence of various diseases such as muntaber,

    diarrhoea, malaria, TBC and even lepra cannot be sepa-

    rated from the condition of environment it self. Espe-

    cially in Indonesia that has two seasons, dry and wet season, the

    risk is getting higher unless sanitation issue are handled serious-

    ly. In wet season, the unavailability of proper drainage has cau-

    sed many small ponds where mosquitoes breed. Mosquitoes

    existence have made malaria disease to emerge resulting in

    deaths. More over, the problem of water supply which never

    ends. The flood, which has haunted Jakarta every year has deep

    impact to the city's population. The flood has not only brought

    mosquitoes embryos which are ready to hatch, but also create

    worse problem, starting from refuge and facility which do not

    ensure the health.

    The same happens in rainy season. For a city as big as Jakar-

    ta, without preparation it will suffer from difficulty of water, and

    the increase of solid waste clogging the river.

    Small ponds in the river and drainage are potential place for

    the mosquitoes to breed. Sometimes in a very large number. The

    problem is mosquito will live anywhere and its brings bacteria

    and virus, which cause contamination.

    The environmental degradation caused by poor sanitation is

    worsened by the shortage of healthy septic tank.

    Based on data of year 2000, there were 31% household with-

    out septic tank facility, 26% without access to sanitation facility,

    19% using public facility. Meanwhile only 23% own private sep-

    tic tank, and 1% with qualify average system. This is not to mention

    the shortage of basic sanitation needs in from water supply, waste

    water handling drainage and solid waste processing in Indonesia, as

    stated by Director of settlement and housing, Basah Hernowo, (Kom-

    pas, Aug, 2007 ), there is no waste water facility, septic tank are being

    pumped out to be dumped else where. In addition, most of the septic

    tank are not qualified. The environmental condition of Jakarta as well

    as other cities in Indonesia faces similar problem. Poor urban mana-

    gement, particularly sanitation, is influenced by the unavailability of

    clear and sustainable concept from the government and the low awa-

    reness of clean and healthy living behaviour among the community.

    Real Impact

    In Indonesia, environmental basis diseases are still the main

    cause of deaths. This is reflected through a research in 1995 as

    done by Slamet Riyadi M.S. who revealed the rank and contribu-

    tion of the diseases on the cause of deaths. Acute respiratory

    infection disease is on the second place and contribute 15,7% of

    total deaths. Diarrhoea, on the 3rd place, contribute 9,6% of

    total deaths. TBC, on 4th places, contribute 7,4% of total deaths.

    In total, environmental basis disease contribute 33% or one

    third of total deaths of all ages category.

    In under-five category, the cause of deaths pattern is even

    higher. The first rank is occupied by ISPA, which contribute to33% of deaths. The second rank occupied by diarrhoea, which

    contribute to 15,3% of deaths. Meanwhile, parasite infection

    occupies the third rank, by contribute 6,3% death. In total, envi-

    ronmental based diseases contribute up to 52,4% or more than

    half of under five mortality.

    The environmental based diseases still become the main pa-

    ttern of illness of Indonesia population. The result of research in

    1995 shows that the ISPA, skin, diarrhoea and TBC contribute

    cumulatively up to 44% on the infant and under five category,

    environmental based diseases contribute to more than 80%



    December 2007

    Sanitation, Health and

    HandlingBy Imam Muhtarom

    Dirty rivers are often found in big cities.

    Source: Bowo Leksono.

  • 7/31/2019 International Year of Sanitation. PERCIK. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. December 2007


    from diseases suffer by infant and under

    five in Indonesia.


    Healthy environmental maintenance

    can be initiated with conventional con-cept, starting from prevention, including

    primary preventative efforts, which

    emphasizes on early prevention of dis-

    ease, aimed mainly to delay the multiply-

    ing and contamination and human con-

    tact with agent vector or risk factories

    related to disease (such as pathogens bac-

    teria, vector and pollutant). For example,

    the provision of sanitary toilets is very

    effective to break the contamination cycle

    and the multiplicity of diarrhoea bacteria

    against the water or food source. Hand

    washing using clean water and soap also

    quite effective to break the bacterial

    infection cycle. The same thing applies

    for the water chlorination; it reduces the

    regeneration of pathogen bacteria. These

    three efforts can be the simple method to

    reduce the risk of the emergence of "peo-

    ple" disease.

    Several studies by Esrey and friends

    (1985-1991), reports that water supply

    intervention can reduce the incident of

    diarrhoea disease around 17-27%.

    Meanwhile, several studies by Esrey and

    Daniel (1990) on the impact of toilet pro-

    vision towards the reduction of diarrhoea

    prevalence produces consistent result 22-

    24%. The same result is also shown from

    the study by Esrey and friends (1985-

    1991) on the intervention of hand wash-

    ing habit. It can reduce the the diarrhoea

    prevalence up to 33%. If these three

    efforts are being implemented simultane-

    ously, it is possible to prevent the diar-

    rhoea disease cause by microbe.

    The government as the policy makershould take basic, responsive, progressive

    and comprehensive intervention steps,

    which consist of promotive, preventive,

    curative, and rehabilitative efforts

    regarding the environmental health.

    However, the concept should not exclude

    community as its basis. For that, commu-

    nity participation needs to be encouraged

    based on these principles:

    1. Develop sense of belonging as the

    foundation of community participa-


    2. Delegation of management and

    responsibility of program to the


    3. Based on community needs

    Environmental health, which is one of

    the primary prevention efforts should be

    prioritized on cheap environmental

    health activities, which give large scale

    impact; and become the internationalcommitment for the achievement of uni-

    versal access. Based on the above studies

    and discussions, several environmental

    health activities can be incorporated

    within the environmental health program

    activities, such as:

    1. Breaking the contamination cycle of

    environmental-based diseases:

    a. The availability of cheap and easy to

    understand information on environ-

    mental health for households/fa-

    mily/patient in every sanitation clin-


    b. Outreach proactive activities

    House visits in term of sanitation

    inspection to the victim family.

    Sample obtainment of polluted

    water for laboratorial test. Provision

    of chorine for the polluted water.

    2. Community empowerment, so that

    they can be involved in the environ-mental health activities

    a. Mini workshop at puskesmas or sub

    district office on environmental

    health/sanitation weekend;

    b. Workshop at the village level on the

    formulation of the community

    action plan.

    *Geology expert, lives in Jakarta


    16PercikDecember 2007

    Diarrheal victim which mastly are children under five during diarrheal epidemic

    in Tangerang district. Source: Bowo Leksono.

  • 7/31/2019 International Year of Sanitation. PERCIK. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. December 2007


    In facing the challenges of the 21st

    century, education must be able to

    change its paradigm from the frag-

    mented approach to ecological approach,

    which puts education within an interre-

    lated ecological context. The occurrenceof recent natural disasters, which caused

    by irresponsible hands, thoughts and

    minds, have made us realize that educa-

    tion should be able to facilitate the bal-

    ance between human lives in the world.

    It is an obligation to motivate aware-

    ness of students on the 21st century's way

    of life, which consist of heterogenic com-

    munity lifestyles and enormous problems

    related to polluted environmental, con-

    flict, wars and poverty. In approaching

    holistically the various aspect of social,

    environmental and economy the concept,

    of education for sustainable development

    is introduced. This concept transforms

    the potential of students to be able to solve

    the problems of life related to environmen-

    tal, partnership, respect and global un-derstanding issues, which rests on three pil-

    lars, society, environment, and economy.

    In line with it, the issue of millennium

    development goals emerges. It aims to

    tackle the problems faced by the develop-

    ing countries, which are related to inade-

    quate education, and poverty, illiteracy,

    and environmental degradation. Edu-

    cation turns out to be the "hope", which

    gives a major contribution towards the

    ecological awareness, as the solution of

    the current humanity problems.

    Kecil Menanam Dewasa memanen

    (KMDM) and the Role Education

    According to hyland (1994), the cur-

    riculum needed for the 21st century is the

    curriculum, which incorporates existingvalue and adopted by its society, such as

    transparency, futurist, democratic, and

    provides life opportunity in every aspects.

    Of course these conditions are already

    incorporated into the official document of

    curriculum, which was socialized in

    2006. Education unit level curriculum, as

    it called, have given the authority to the

    school head master to manage the pro-

    cess of learning according to their local

    context, which aims at educating the stu-dent to become a complete human.

    The national education goals is to cre-

    ate spiritually, academically, physically,

    emotionally, socially and creative stu-

    dents. "National education aims to devel-

    op and shape the character and dignified

    civilization towards intelligence nation;

    responsible of the development of the

    student's potential towards a faithfull,

    kind, healthy, knowledgeable, smart, cre-

    ative, independent person and becoming

    responsible and democratic citizen" (Bill

    of Education System No. 20/2003, chap-

    ter II article 3).

    PYHM is an education program

    regarding virtues, which must be applied

    through our education system. The role of

    education, ideally, should be able to

    address the various problems, which



    December 2007




    Raberas National Elementary School, Sumbawa Besar located in a coarse area. Through the school

    citizens green fingers, this school has turned intogreen school. Source: Bowo Leksono.

  • 7/31/2019 International Year of Sanitation. PERCIK. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. December 2007


    exists among the society. Environmental

    & conservation problems have become an

    extraordinary problem in relation to the

    need to apply the educational virtues.

    We must seek solution from the com-

    bination between system approach andindividual approach, which focuses on

    how KMDM as a system focusing on envi-

    ronmental and conservation education

    can be integrated into all learning aspects

    in school. Let's not treat KMDM as an

    attachment program, which is often dis-

    appear along the social phenomenon


    Role of Teachers

    Learning from Japan, where its edu-

    cation system succeeds in motivating allstudents from kindergarten and elemen-

    tary level to behave friendly to the envi-

    ronment; its success is closely related to

    the local genius (wisdom), which they

    adopt in their everyday life tradition since

    the kindergarten level. Students have sunk

    their feet into the paddy field near their

    school. Their hands race to plant seeds

    from their mother's kitchen. There are pad-

    dy, various peanuts seeds, cassava, which

    of they plant since early age. Their small

    feets also run on the riverside to sow fishes.

    "Mori wa umi no koibito" (the forest

    is the sea's lover). That is the title of a

    non-fiction novel, which is compulsory

    for the elementary student. They are

    being encouraged to think "meta cogni-

    tively" to be able to capture the essence of

    their own efforts they have done since

    they were in kindergarten.

    It means that how far a curriculum

    able to contribute positive impact within

    each student and beyond curriculum is

    the goal of the education itself.

    Bronfenbrenner says that the growth

    of children is influenced by micro system

    context (family, school, & friends),

    mesosystem context (the relation of

    school and family, school and friends,

    friends and individual), ecosystem con-

    text (parents' social background and gov-

    ernment policy), and macro system(influence of cultural, norm, religion and

    social environment, where the child is

    grown). It means that the KMDM activi-

    ties should be done holistically.

    KMDM Must be integrated into the

    Learning Process

    The integration term is used to

    emphasize three important aspects in

    learning process, which are to think, to

    feel and to act; these is known as the threepillars pf taxonomy bloom (cognitive,

    affective, and psychomotor). To think

    means what we are learning; to feel

    means what we learn; and to act means

    experience of acting and not only through

    discussion about what has been learned.

    To integrate the values of PYHM with-

    in learning activity is a process where the

    students with the nature, where the stu-

    dents are forced to do real practices with

    their environment. The concept of envi-ronmentally based education had been

    applied long before the independency of

    Indonesia. The local context, which was

    adopted by multi ethnic in Indonesia, had

    given significant contribution in the edu-

    cation development in the past.

    The philosophy of "nature are meant

    to be the teacher", which was adopted by

    the community of Minangkabau, or the

    irrigation system, Subak, in bali, or Bduy

    tribe, who have survived their unique tra-dition in conserving the nature, have

    made us realize, that the local genius is

    something worthy to be our lessons


    KMDM is not a subject, rather, it is a

    part of every subject. KMDM is a part that

    fill the academic life and social life of

    every student/child. KMDM can be

    brought forward in concrete action, such


    18PercikDecember 2007

    Sumbawa Garden a la Raberas National Elementary School. Evergrew bt trees, dills and fish pond.

    Source: Dewi Utama Faizah.

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    as green school, which involves responsibil-

    ity, respect, and cooperation. (iii) KMDM is

    an education to act. KMDM can take place

    in discussion forums and simulations.

    However, we must remember our nation-

    al education objective: "to develop thepotential of our students in becoming

    faithful, thoughtful, healthy, knowledge-

    able, creative, independent being and to

    be democratic & responsible citizen".

    Positive school environment will

    develop KMDM program. Again, the

    needed teachers are teachers who are

    aware of their roles as the good example

    and leader to their students. It means that

    the needed teachers are teachers who

    concern about the environment; Willingto encourage their students to do garden-

    ing while studying math, language and

    science; Ask their students to go to the

    school garden to maintain and observe it

    as a part of source of learning inspiration.

    This is the model of teacher who can cre-

    ate positive atmosphere and condition in


    KMDM must be supported by school

    policies and concrete practices. School

    administration posses significant influ-

    ence in determining the school environ-ment. If teachers as expected model can

    encourage and create character of their

    students, then the school policies will

    strengthen the school community as

    social miniature of socializing, if the

    school succeed in developing school com-

    munity with strong character, then it

    would be the benchmarks, which can be

    the indicator to evaluate the regional


    Empowering teachers to Promote


    Teachers as the decision maker can

    establish partnership with parents and

    community in the neighbourhood. This is

    a part of the autonomous and wise

    teacher's function. Therefore, knowledge

    and understanding of KMDM program

    will be developed within the student

    internally since early stage.

    Meanwhile, the role of community is

    an important partner in developingKMDMin the future. Indonesia as a multi

    ethnic nation needs a comprehensive

    approach to be able to contribute to the

    success of the KMDMprogram. To plant

    the environmental values as the norm of

    Indonesian culture is the basis of our


    Developing collective moral in educa-

    tion world so that the children care about

    the world they are living in is a struggle to

    maintain the existence of nation civiliza-tion. The success of school in creating

    students is the social capital of nation in

    developing its civilization.

    The integrated KMDMis not a tricky

    education, which can be tested on a piece

    of paper. It needs a continuous process. It

    needs a space to be implemented, a socie-

    ty. For that, the role of community must

    be involved in assisting the school to

    develop its students' character. This is

    what will develop the human resources

    quality as the product of school and soci-


    "Hi wa manako, koku wa kokero,

    kaze wa iki, umi yama kakete, wajani

    narikeri". The sun is our vision, the blue

    sky is our heart, the wind is our breath of

    life, the sea and the mountain are our

    body. It is a magnificent inspiration about

    the universe with highly spiritually values

    in the essence of their education as


    * staff of directirate of kindergarten and ele-

    mentary school, department of national education,

    Member of Pokja AMPL



    December 2007

    Green school inspires all the school citizens. Source: Dewi Utama Faizah.

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    One of the comprehensive book to

    explain the Islamic perspective

    on the management of water

    supply and environmental sanitation is

    Water Management is Islam, edited by

    Naser Faruqui, Asit Diswas and Murad

    Bino published by the International

    Development Research (IDRC) and the

    United Nations University Press.The book explains the Islamic per-

    spective towards several water manage-

    ment policies, such as tariff, water con-

    servation, wastewater utilization, com-

    munity-based water management and so

    forth. Even though later on it was realized

    that one of the weakness is the fact that

    the workshop only attended by intellec-

    tual and stakeholders without involving

    the Ulama- based on the discussion's

    results and interpretation of participants

    of water supply management in Islamic

    countries, which held in Amman, Yor-

    dania, in December 1998.

    This article tries to summarize impor-

    tant conclusion from the book with sever-

    al additional information from othersources. There are still controversies on

    several issue within the book; However,

    based on the spirit of "diversity is a bless-

    ing", we presents this article. May the

    moment of Islamic new years 1429

    Hijriah and the International Year of

    Sanitation make this article become


    Water as a Basic Need

    It is realized that in Islam, the relation

    of human and water is very close. Human

    responsible of the welfare of other crea-

    tures and it is believed that water is the

    most precious resource that is needed by

    all living creatures. This is clearly states

    in Al-Qur'an and Hadits.

    Ma' as the translation of water inArabic language is mentioned for 63

    times and revealed for hundreds of time

    in the Hadits (a document that summa-

    rizes the spoken word and behaviour of

    prophet Muhammad SAW). The relation

    between life and water is clearly

    explained in several verses, such as "We

    made from water every living thing"

    (Qur'an 21:30), and "And Allah has sent

    down the water from the sky and there-

    with gave life to the earth after its death"

    (Qur'an 16:65).

    Water is the main public good and the

    basic right according to Islam, and

    prophet Muhammad SAW also en-

    courages conservation of water. Islam has

    determined the priority of water alloca-

    tion for (i) the basic need of human; (ii)

    the "ternak"; and (iii) irrigation. Islam

    emphasizes the importance of full filling

    the human basic need of water. Islamic

    law clearly applies the consequences of

    those who destroy the water condition.

    Social Justice

    Every Muslim believes that to guaran-

    tee social justice or equality within the

    society is the main pillar in Islam. One of

    the famous Hadits is "None of you will

    have faith till he wishes for his (Muslim)

    brother what he likes for himself" (Al-

    Bukhari). Trully, this is related to, among


    20PercikDecember 2007




    Source: Bowo Leksono.

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    other, the availability of water as a basic

    need. A Muslim should not save up the

    excess of water; rather, a Muslim should

    let the community to use it as the fulfil-

    ment of basic need. Muhammad SAW

    emphasizes, that there are the kind of

    people who will be avoided by Allah on

    the resurrection day, that is "a man [who]

    possessed superfluous water on a way

    and he withheld it from the travellers"


    Water as a basic need has made every

    person has the right to obtain it according

    to each portion is emphasized in the

    Hadits, which makes the water as the

    resources that belongs to everyone,

    whether rich or poor, "Muslims have

    common share in three things: grass(pasture), water and fire (fuel)" (Abu

    Dawood). One of the example commonly

    discussed is when prophet Muhammad

    SAW advices to Usman (later on known

    as the third Khafilah) to buy a well and

    permits everyone to freely take the water

    from it.

    The Principle of Clean and Healthy


    The principle of clean and healthy li-

    ving behaviour also receives attention

    from prophet Muhammad SAW. He

    reminds us not to let food and water

    served without cover. Aisha, prophet's

    wife, said "I always prepare for the

    prophet at night three covered container

    filled with water. One for Wudhu, one for

    brushing teeth, and one for drinking".

    Further, hand washing before and after a

    meal is always done by the prophet.

    Management of Water NeedsThe management of water needs is

    discussed in two approaches, non-eco-

    nomic aand economic approach. Non-

    economic approach covers issues of water

    conservation and reuse of wastewater. As

    for the economic approach, it covers the

    issues of rights and water ownership, and

    also cost recovery.

    Water and Environmental Conser-


    In daily life, I is compulsory for the

    Muslims to be in clean state, spiritually

    and physically. Body cleansing is donethrough bathing and wudhu using water.

    This makes the purity and cleanliness of

    water as the main concern in Islam.

    Muslims are advised to not pollute the

    water. Prophet Muhammad SAW states

    that "Let no one of you urinate in stag-

    nant water" (Ibn Majah).

    The responsibility to safeguarding the

    purity and the availability of water makes

    conservation a clear and determined con-

    cept in Islamic education. Not being over

    reacting is a concrete wisdom. This must

    be applied towards all aspects of life. The

    balance between the individual's needs

    and the community's should become col-

    lective concerns. It is clearly stated in Al-

    Qur'an that (i) the availability of water is

    not changing, thus, it should be managed

    well, "And we send down water from the

    sky in fixed measure" (Qur'an 23:18); and

    (ii) not to be wasted, "O Children of

    Adam! . . . Eat and drink: But waste not

    by excess, for God loveth not the wasters"

    (Qur'an 7:31), "the squanders were even

    brothers of the devils, and the devil was

    even ungrateful to his God" (Qur'an17:27).

    Prhophet Muhammad SAW himself

    always emphasized not to waste water for

    nothing. Muslims are warned to use

    water respectively, even when it is avail-

    able in large quantity. This already set as

    an example by prophet Muhammad by

    using only 2/3 litre of water for wudhu,

    and 2 to 3.5 litre of water for bathing.

    In general, it can be concluded that it

    is forbidden to urinate or defect straight

    into the waters sources, pond/lake, or

    water used for bathing. This restriction,

    beside considering the purity of water, is

    also aimed to the prevention of diseases.

    The concept of restriction to urinate,

    defect into water sources, pond/lake and

    water for bathing purposes can be

    extended into to all dirty water that pol-

    lute the environment and provide nega-



    December 2007

    Source: Bowo Leksono.

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    tive impact on human health, including

    animal and plants. God has spoken in the

    Qur'an "Do not corrupt the earth after it

    has been set in order" (Qur'an 7:56).

    Regarding the environmental conser-

    vation, there are several famous Hadits,

    "When the judgement day has come, and

    you hand is still holding Korma seed, plan

    it" (HR Ahmad). It shows that the aware-

    ness of environment is still going to be

    our concern, even though the end of the

    world is near.

    Reutilization of Wastewater

    Islam does not prohibit the use of

    wastewater, as long as it has been

    processed, so that it is safe to be used. Theimplication is the management of water

    needs, which indicate that, the govern-

    ment should focus on the management of

    water needs, rather than increasing sup-

    ply that is already difficult and expensive.

    Islam support this , as prophet

    Muhammad SAW had stated the impor-

    tance of using water wisely.

    Rights and Ownership of Water

    In Islam, water is considered as a gift

    from God. Consequently, no individual

    literary owns water. Human is the

    guardian of water and other resources,

    which in overall owned by the communi-

    ty. However, almost all Muslims intellec-

    tuals argue that individual or group

    reserve the rights to sell and to take back

    the cost of management.

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