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The Inconvenient Truth

Integrative Medicine

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Part of winning any championship is dealing

with injuries or avoiding them in the first


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This study revealed that the German Medical

Staff from the national and top league teams

used Homeopathy to treat aches and pains in

professional athletes.

A 2012 study

showed that the

German national

team places a lot

of trust in natural

healing remedies.

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This was presumably an objective study which

was carried out by an academic institute in


It found that 92 percent of medical doctors who

work for the Bundesliga's first and second-

division sides prescribed homeopathic remedies.

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So would these “billion

dollar” organisations

permit the use of

Homeopathy in their

elite athletes if it had

no value.

These organisation

with world’s best

sponsors play for high


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Scientific investigations have never found

any healing benefits other than a placebo

effect from homeopathic treatments.

Australia's National Health and Medical Research Council released a draft information paper in April 2014 which says "there is no reliable evidence that homeopathy is effective for treating health conditions.


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The ANHMR review summarised, “No good-quality,

well-designed studies with enough participants for

a meaningful result reported either that

homeopathy caused greater health improvements

than a substance with no effect on the health

condition (placebo), or that homeopathy caused

health improvements equal to those of another


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When one examines

the findings the


wonders if they have

rushed to make a

conclusion based

solely on the available

data interpretation

rather than clinical


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Was this research a waste of the

Australian Tax payer’s money?

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Perhaps the money spent on this study could have

been better utilised on other research programs.

e.g. initialising research studies on the addiction

rates of pharmaceutical pain medications or on how

to combat the ever-increasing obesity rates.

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There is no pharma conspiracy as some may think,

but careful use of funding should be considered

especially in a tough economic climate; the findings

of the ANHMRC will have no impact on the

consumer and only serve to create the usual

temporary media-frenzy!

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So are the millions of people who

buy homeopathic remedies


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Of course not!

These are not ‘one-off

purchases’, so why

has there always been

a public demand for

alternative medicine

such as Homeopathy if

they only have a

placebo effect.

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Homeopathic treatment works on “quantum

healing” and currently science is limited in the

measuring subtle energies.

However, there are studies that indicate that

histamine dilution modulate basophil activation and

also check out the many research papers for


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Are the scientific reviews that

have been carried out justified in

their conclusion that homeopathy

has no effect?

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In an extreme case the scientific argument can be

correlated to saying that there is no scientific

evidence that God exist so no one should believe in

God and it is a waste of time.

Conversely, in 2011, the Swiss government

released a report that claimed that "homeopathic

treatment is both effective and cost-effective.

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There was strong demand from both consumers and physicians for complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) treatments:

“Approximately half of the Swiss population have used CAM treatments and value them.”

“About half of Swiss physicians consider CAM treatments to be effective.”

“85 percent of the Swiss population wants CAM therapies to be a part of their country’s health insurance program.”


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This was a more comprehensive report that the ANHMRC, it included:

Randomized double-blind and placebo controlled clinical

“Real world effectiveness”

Safety and cost-effectiveness.

Systematic reviews and meta-analyse

Outcome studies

Epidemiological research.

Quality of design and execution (called “internal validity”) and how appropriate each was for the way that homeopathy is commonly practiced (called “external validity”).

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The report cited 29 studies in "Upper Respiratory Tract Infections/Allergic Reactions," of which 24 studies found a positive result in favour of homeopathy.

6 out of 7 controlled studies that compared homeopathic treatment with conventional medical treatment showed that homeopathy to be more effective than conventional medical interventions (the one other trial found homeopathic treatment to be equivalent to conventional medical treatment).”


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So do we believe the

ANHMRC meta-

analysis research

data or the more

comprehensive Swiss


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Other factors to consider:

There are at least 38% of German MD’s who use homeopathic remedies to treat their patients.

In the departments of obstetrics in hospitals in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia 96 percent of the obstetrical departments offered homeopathic medicines for obstetrical care.

Homopathic treatment is very popular in the UK and other European countries such as Switzerland, Italy and the Netherlands. In the Netherlands 45 percent of physicians consider homeopathic medicines effective

In India there are 500,000 registered homeopaths, 185 homeopathic colleges in the country, and 11,000 homeopathic hospital beds

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So where does this leave Medical


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As a scientist it is implausible that Homeopathy works.

But then consider:

Can science measure everything ?

How many times has Science changed theories?

Why do millions of people use homeopathics e.g. 10 million in the UK alone including allopathic doctors and scientist?

Why is it popular amongst MD’s in Europe?

Why are there over 500,000 registered homeopaths in India?

Despite the scientist conclusions that it only has a placebo effect, why is it still in demand?

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Consider the following:

Highly dilute homeopathic remedies are devoid of side effects

Placebo who benefits patients one day but not the next

Giving a placebo to a patient with a serious condition may seriously endanger the health of that patient

It could be that the homeopathic consultation not the remedy is the element that improves clinical outcomes of patients after seeing a homeopath

Homotoxicology is the bridge between conventional medicine and homeopathy so this may be the answer

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I have found Homeopathy to be effective in treating common non-serious ailments in babies and children and with no side effects!

In adults there have been great results using Homeopathy and even more remarkable results in using Homotoxicology.

Homeopathy is also very successful in treating emotional issues. This fact that is often overlooked by mainstream science, perhaps it is because Science is limited in measuring this domain.

A homeopath uses a holistic and patient-centred approach for prescribing remedies which makes it effective. In my opinion the effectiveness of therapy depends on the knowledge and experience of the homeopath in treating complex illness!

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If you are an MD why not run a simple ‘ risk

management’ process at the time of your case

assessment e.g. the risks for using homeopathics

are higher in certain instances e.g. infectious

diseases or substituting for vaccines. In these

instances you would probably not advocate the use

of homeopathics.

Perhaps consider an integrated approach e.g.

Pharmaceuticals + Homeopathy

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The German, Swiss and Dutch MD’s may

be ahead of the game.

This is reflected in the success of their

inclusion of alternative therapies alongside

conventional healthcare in the treatment of

their sporting stars and also in their

application of the Integrative health in the

care in family medicine.

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Having worked alongside German MD’s in an Integrative Medicine centres was one of the best experiences of my professional life where MD’s, Complementary practitioners, pharmacists and scientists had open discussion with the aim of trying to resolve complex medical ailment by formulating an effective integrative approach to healthcare e.g. Yoga, Ayurveda, Homeopathy plus conventional health without losing sight of the safety of the patient which is of paramount importance.

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This app has been designed primarily a resource

tool to inform medical doctors of the level of

scientific evidence for complementary medicines

and therapies, including potential interactions with

pharmaceutical medicines with the ultimate aim of

formulating comprehensive patient-centred

management plans.

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Ray S Noronha BSc Hons

I worked for over 14 years with eminent scientists as a front line medical researcher for a top-flight pharmaceutical company in the areas of Oncology, Asthma, Neurodegeneration, Arthritis, Atheroma and Immunosuppression.

In the last 12 years I have been working with medical doctors as a practitioner of Ayurveda, Remedial Massage, Indian Neurotherapy, Homotoxicology, Yoga and Spiritual Counseling in Integrated Medicine Centres in Germany, Canada, UK and Australia.

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