Download - Insurance Questions

Page 1: Insurance Questions

Define insurance. Give a brief description about the different types of insurance. Discuss the function of insurance. Describe the nature of insurance. Principles of insurance. State the scope of insurance. Discuss the role of insurance in the Economic Development of

Bangladesh/Role & importance of insurance. Discuss the problems & prospects of insurance industry in Bangladesh. Discuss about the brief history & present pattern of insurance in

Bangladesh. Define assurance. Explain - “Insurance is a contract of indemnity.” Difference:

(a)Insurance & Gambling.(b)Insurance & Assurance.

Do you think that insurance can reduce risk? Give reasons. What are your suggestions for bringing effectiveness in insurance

management in Bangladesh? Explain the distinctive features of insurance & gambling.

Describe the various principles of insurance contract. Distinction between insurance contract & gambling contract. “Proximate cause is not very essential in case of life insurance contract”

Explain. “A contract of insurance is not a wagering contract”. Do you agree? –

Explain. When concealment of facts does not affect a contract. What do you mean by insurable interest? What are the essentials of a

valid insurable interest? Distinguish between principle of indemnity & principle of subrogation. Describe the different determinates of proximate cause. Who posses the insurable interest? What are the essentials of doctrine of subrogation? What facts need not be disclosed by the insured in case of utmost good

faith? Describe the conditions for indemnity principle. Distinguish between subject-matter of insurance & subject-matter of

insurance contracts.

1Introduction of Insurance

Principles of Insurance

Page 2: Insurance Questions

Define reinsurance. Describe the reasons/purpose for reinsurance. Describe the different types of reinsurance. Distinguish between “Excess of loss & Excess of loss ratio”. Consider a hypothetical example’s of excess of loss treaty. What is a proportionate form of reinsurance? (a) A company has an 8-line surplus treaty. The retention of the company

is Tk 10,000. A risk of Tk 1,00,000 has been proposed. Assuming that the required facultative arrangement could be made, how the risk would be distributed?

(b) Under the above arrangement how a loss of Tk 10,000 would be shared?

What is risk? Critically examine the various factors affecting the risk. From where these information of risk obtained.

Examine the judgment method & numerical rating system of evaluating risk.

Types of risk. Discuss the objectives of risk management. What are the sources of risk information & approaches to risk

management? How risk is determined in life insurance? Describe with examples the risks that human being face for their life &

property. Discuss in brief role does insurance play in order to face these risks.

Describe those factors regarding which case should be taken in taking the risks for indemnification.

What is life insurance? Classification of life insurance. Describe the features of life insurance contract.



Life Insurance


Page 3: Insurance Questions

Describe the essential elements of life insurance contract. What are the conditions for the purpose of life insurance policy? Define premium. What are the factors governing the rate of premium in

life insurance? Describe the different methods for premium calculation of premium. “The policies are freely assignable in case of life insurance”. Discuss. “Life insurance is insurance against dying too soon & endowment

insurance is insurance against living tool long” - Explain. Both protection & investment factors are present in life insurance” -

Explain. Define annuity. Discuss the different types of annuities. Difference between annuity contracts & life insurance policies. Distinguish between life insurance & other types of insurance. What is mortality table? Discuss the features of mortality table. Draw an imaginary mortality table taking 5 years into consideration. The risk can be measured by the mortality rate in life insurance. What are the different types of mortality table? Define Net Single Premium (NSP). What are the assumptions underlying

premium calculation. Write down the steps for calculation of premium. What is reserve? How is reserve created & for what is it created? “Reserve is to determine solvency” – Discuss in the light of insurance

fund. How do you calculate the terminal reserve at the end of 2nd year? How would you determine different insurance interest in life insurance? Distinguish between level premium annuities & single premium annuities. Calculate the level premium taking imaginary number, considering 3

years of insurance.

What is marine insurance? Classification of marine insurance. Classification of marine insurance policy. What are the essential elements of the standard policy? Describe the various types of marine perils. What are the subject-matters of marine insurance? Explain briefly. What is meant by marine loss? Explain different types of marine losses


Describe the documents that are generally required for the payment of claims under marine insurance.

What risks are usually covered under marine insurance policy? Distinguish between general & particular average loss.


Marine Insurance

Page 4: Insurance Questions

Distinguish between total & partial loss. What are the essential features of marine insurance contract? Explain. Discuss the procedure of making a claim for total loss in marine

insurance. Discuss how the Insurable Interest, Utmost Good Faith & Indemnity are

applicable to Marine Insurance. What is premium of marine insurance returnable? What are the procedures of adjusting marine insurance losses? Discuss the procedures of settlement of claims. What do you mean by warranties? What are the important warranties in

marine insurance? How is the extent of liability determined by the insurer? What do you mean by valuation? State the process of valuation.

What is fire insurance? Discuss the different types of fire insurance policies.

Discuss the function of fire insurance. Which element is essential in case of fire insurance & why? Discuss the renewal, cancellation & assignment of fire insurance

policy. What do you mean by moral hazard & physical hazard in fire insurance

policy & discuss how they influence in assessing the risk? What are the causes of fire? Which cause is more important in fire

insurance & why? What is a fire waste? What are its causes? How is premium determined in fire insurance policy? Discuss the role of fire insurance in the economic development of a

country/State the important of fire insurance. Explain the method of claiming losses & settlement of claim in fire

insurance. Illustrate methods of claims payment under fire insurance with

example. Explain the drawbacks of fire insurance in respect of Bangladesh. Explain the claim payment in case of fire insurance. Discuss the features of fire insurance contract “Assignment is set possible in fire insurance” Comment. Explain – Estoppel, Adjuster, Waiver & Estoppel.

Created by, Russel (DIIT)


Fire Insurance

Page 5: Insurance Questions

&Composed by, Sojib (DIIT)


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