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Innovative Internet Marketing Solutions: What is on your list of things you'd love to do? How do you get to that level of wealth to do all you want to do?

From: By: Marcello Ducille


Everybody has a bucket list. Everybody had one

before it became known as the “bucket list” but

pretty much everybody has one. If nobody had a

bucket list, everybody would be sitting around on

their couches doing nothing, not even watching TV

because bringing TV into the world was on

somebody’s bucket list once. So, everybody has a

bucket list. Some people have longer ones than

others. Some people have lists that aren’t as long

as they probably should be, but we all have one. Few people wake up in the morning

and plan how they are going to do nothing that day. And the ones that do, aren’t the

types of people that are reading themselves into greater wealth and freedom in their

lives. So what’s on your bucket list, what brings you here today? Is it just a list or have

you actually started checking things off? Well, let’s get to work.

Your bucket list should be your list of every possible thing that you think of as the things

you “would do if you could”. Where the “could” actually means, “if I had the money.” So

your first step in making a good bucket list is to stop limiting yourself before you’ve even

pick up the pen. If you are already thinking of these items as things you would do if you

had the money, then you’ve already almost decided those things probably won’t

happen. Instead, think of the bucket list as your “Things I Will Do Someday”, it’s much

more motivating. So get to writing…right now.

I’m already doing the work that I love to do, are you? That’s a common one on bucket

lists. Put down your dream job. Your dream everything. What does your amazing life

in the future look like? What does it feel like? What does it sound like around you?

What adventures are you taking? This is an anything is possible list, remember, it’s

your life. What do YOUR adventures look like down the road? When you think about

the fact that you can have anything you want, and that you get to create it, and you

decide EXACTLY what that looks like…anything is possible. Then you really CAN start

checking things off of it. And adding more as you go!

The key to a successful bucket list is putting the right things on it. What’s a successful

bucket list? One that has items on it that will make you happy, that will improve your

quality of life, one that has items that you know will fulfill you in some deep and personal

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way. If you want your life to look a certain way, you need to first manifest that on your

bucket list. Say for example, you want to be married some day. Put that on your bucket

list, but BE SPECIFIC. What kind of person do you want to be married to? What kind

of relationship is your dream relationship? Or you could say, I want to be a CEO. For

what company? What city do you feel like you are in when you dream of your CEO job?

Are you a CEO working from home, or in a corner office? Is your CEO job taking you all

over the country in 10 day stints? When you are creating your bucket list, you need to

be as specific as possible. Why? We’re getting to that.

Here’s the why. Because you can see how much easier it will be to actually check

things off your list if you know exactly what they are. If you know exactly what kind of

relationship you want, that is the one you will wind up in. If you know exactly what kind

of job that you want, that is the job that you will wind up in. The people that are enjoying

their buckets lists today are the ones that knew exactly what to put on it. Wealth and

freedom does not come from simply wishing it into your life. You have to see it first, as

precisely as you can, and you are that much closer to the action plan that will set it all in


So, what’s on your bucket list?

To your success,

Marcello Ducille

Professional Online Entrepreneur/Senior Forex Trader

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