
How has innovation affected urbanization and the population growth of megacities. Describe both positives and negatives?

Mega City Tokyo

Tokyo has a population of 37,843,000 people in 2016

Cutting edge innovation with transportation and renewable energy

Tokyo is the biggest city in the world by population and size


Trains/Metro Buses

How has it improved urbanization?

-More people and goods can travel around the cities and the whole world

-Since everyone can get to where they need to go faster that make the rhythm of society move faster improving the economy and efficiency of the whole world

-This allows workers to work in place not very as accessible but because of these train lines they can

-Allowed more people to reach the cities from father areas increasing the cities population

Tokyo MetroHas 13 different lines connecting to all of Tokyo

There are 3 main companies in Tokyo

130 on JR line, 160 on Tokyo metro lines, 190 on Toei lines

Increases speed of transport because trains have been proven to be faster than cars because of poor road design all revolving around the center of the city

Decreases pollution since the introduction of the first few lines in 1935 the air pollution has kept going down

37,049,181 daily 13,522,951,065 annually

Tokyo MetroDecreases pollution since the introduction of the first few lines in 1935 the air pollution has kept going down

Tokyo Bus system

Not as effective as the metro because of less volume of people who use them

200 yen ride

Used mainly for airport transport, long distance travel, and places without metro in walking distance

NegativesPublic transportation cannot take you everywhere

Even though it produce low carbon foot print their is still some

Improvement of human transport is good, but the goods can’t ride your great metro system

Buses increase traffic on the roads

Renewable energy

How has it improved urbanization?

-It has decreased the amount of pollution being produced because of the decrease in used of non-eco friendly energy sources like fossil fuels

-Allowed an increase in available energy at or disposal

Renewable EnergyTokyo is planning on having 20% of it’s energy be renewable

energy by 2020

Starting a project to introduce solar panel and solar water heating to many houses all crossed Tokyo


Currently renewable energy costs a lot of money

Work cited Bureau of Environment. "Formulation of Tokyo Renewable Energy Strategy." kankyo, 6 Aug. 2006. Web. 1 June 2016. <


- - -. "Pollutions Control." Tokyo Metropoliten Govenment, 2014. Web. 1 June 2016. <>.

"Populations Of 150 Largest Cities In The World." World Atlas, 23 Mar. 2016. Web. 1 June 2016. <>.

"Tokyo Metro, Kanto Region, Japan.", 2016. Web. 1 June 2016. <


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